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Lapage SP, Sneath PHA, Lessel EF, et al., editors. International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria: Bacteriological Code, 1990 Revision. Washington (DC): ASM Press; 1992.

Cover of International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria

International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria: Bacteriological Code, 1990 Revision.

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Statutes of the Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Division of the International Union of Microbiological Societies


Modified from statutes approved 1 June 1987

Article 1

In accordance with the Constitution of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS), the name of the Division is "Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Division." Those articles of the IUMS constitution referring to the constitutions and activities of subordinate bodies shall apply to this Division.

Article 2


The objectives of the Division are:

  1. to maintain contact among bacteriologists and applied microbiologists and microbiological societies throughout the world within the organization of the IUMS through sponsorship of international meetings (congresses, symposia, conferences, and colloquia), distribution of current information in the field of bacteriology and applied microbiology, and support of other appropriate activities;
  2. to maintain contact with other Divisions of the IUMS through exchange of information on Division activities and to hold Interdivisional Meetings in accordance with rulings of the IUMS;
  3. to be responsible to the Executive Board (EB) of the IUMS in accordance with the constitution of the IUMS;
  4. to support Committees, Commissions, and Federations (COMCOFs) as may be appropriate for international cooperation and agreement;
  5. to represent bacteriologists and applied microbiologists as a Division in the IUMS;
  6. to encourage research in bacteriology and applied microbiology;
  7. to encourage the highest standard of training of bacteriologists and applied microbiologists of all nations so that bacteriology and applied microbiology may be used for the fullest benefit of mankind.

Article 3

Composition of the Division

Member Societies, Associate Societies, and Supporting Members of the IUMS having an active interest in Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology may become members of the Division. A country may have more than one Member Society in the Division. The Division has established COMCOFs, each concerned with a particular aspect of bacteriology and applied microbiology, which contribute to the activities of the Division.

Article 4

The Divisional Council

The Divisional Council is composed of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, the immediate Past-Chairman, one delegate from each National Committee, and one delegate from each COMCOF. The Divisional Council meets at the time of the Divisional Meetings. The Secretary-General of the IUMS is a member of the Council (ex officio).

Article 5


  1. Each National Committee may send a delegate or delegates to the meetings of the Divisional Council according to the number of microbiologists resident in the country: less than 500 members, one delegate; 500–3000 members, two delegates; more than 3000 members, three delegates.
  2. Each National Committee delegate [the number determined as in (a)] has one vote on scientific matters of the Division. The delegate for each COMCOF also has one vote on scientific matters.
  3. The whole National delegation has only one vote on behalf of its National Committee on administrative matters. Each COMCOF has a vote on administrative matters.
  4. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary-Treasurer each have one vote on scientific and administrative matters.
  5. Voting is decided by a simple majority of the voting delegates present. In cases of doubt the presiding officer decides whether a motion is scientific or administrative. If the votes are equally divided, the vote of the presiding officer decides; ordinarily the presiding officer does not vote.

Article 6

The Officers of the Division

  1. The officers of the Division shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary-Treasurer. The Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the immediate Past-Chairman shall be the Executive Committee of the Division. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman hold office for 4 years and are not eligible for re-election to that office. The Secretary-Treasurer may hold office for two terms of 4 years but then is not eligible for re-election to that office.
  2. Nomination for the position of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary-Treasurer shall be called for 6 months prior to a Divisional Council Meeting to be held at the time of the Divisional Meeting. Curricula vitae of those nominated will be circulated before the Divisional Council Meeting, and election shall be by majority vote of voting delegates present at the Council Meeting.
  3. Should a vacancy on the Executive Committee of the Divisional Council occur between meetings by reason of health or resignation, nomination for replacement may be made by the remaining members of the Executive Committee. The Secretary-Treasurer shall conduct an election by mail ballot of the Divisional Council, and a simple majority vote of members shall constitute election. The postal votes shall be received within a time set by the Secretary-Treasurer in each case.
  4. The main duty of the Executive Committee is to organize at intervals of not less than 4 years an International Congress for Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology and, between congresses, such other meetings (symposia, conferences, colloquia) as may be appropriate.
    1. The time and place of the next Congress(es) shall be decided by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Council.
    2. For each Congress, there shall be a Programme Committee composed of a Convenor who is the Vice-Chairman of the Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Division. Local arrangements shall be in the hands of a local Host Committee. The programme arrangements will also be dealt with by a local committee, but the Vice-Chairman of the Division will have ultimate responsibility for the programme and will be Chairman of the Programme Committee, and the Council of the Division will be consulted during preparation of the programme.
  5. The duties of the Chairman will be:
    1. to represent the Division on the EB of IUMS and to attend meetings of the EB;
    2. to preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and Council of the Division;
    3. to prepare with the Secretary-Treasurer the agenda for meetings of the Executive Committee of the Division;
    4. to prepare with the Secretary-Treasurer and other members of the Executive Committee the agenda for meetings of the Divisional Council.
  6. The duties of the Vice-Chairman shall be:
    1. to preside at the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Division in the absence of the Chairman;
    2. to be Chairman of the Programme Committee for International Congresses of the Division;
    3. to prepare with other members of the Executive Committee agenda for meetings of the Divisional Council;
    4. to represent the Division on the EB of the IUMS and to attend meetings of the EB.
  7. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be:
    1. to prepare with the Chairman agenda for meetings of the Executive Committee of the Division;
    2. to prepare with other members of the Executive Committee agenda for meetings of the Divisional Council;
    3. to attend the meetings of the EB of the IUMS in the absence of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman;
    4. to present to the Plenary Meeting of the Divisional Council a report covering all pertinent activities of the Executive Committee;
    5. to correspond with the Member Societies and the COMCOFs and to perform duties as the Executive Committee of the Division may from time to time determine;
    6. to handle any funds that may be allocated to the Division by the IUMS or received from other sources approved by the IUMS and to present a statement of the expenditure of the Division to the Treasurer of the IUMS each year by 31st December;
    7. to conduct elections and other duties that are necessary to carry on the business of the Division;
    8. to prepare a report on the activities of the Division for the Chairman to present at meetings of the EB of the IUMS;
    9. to provide the Secretary-General of the IUMS and the Secretaries of the other COMCOFs with proposals and notices of congresses, symposia, conferences, colloquia, and other meetings as appropriate.
  8. The duties of the representatives (the Chairman and Vice-Chairman) of the Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Division on the EB of the IUMS shall be to attend EB meetings and to report on the activities of the EB to the Executive Committee of the Division.
    1. The duties of the Executive Committee of the Division shall be:
      1. to organize the Division effectively;
      2. to maintain communication with
        1. the EB of the IUMS,
        2. other Divisions of the IUMS,
        3. existing COMCOFs that are relevant to the Division;
      3. to form committees as are necessary for carrying out the duties and functions of the Division:
      4. to hold plenary meetings of the Divisional Council.

Article 7

The Duties of the Council

  1. To elect from the membership of the Council, the Executive Committee (i.e., a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary-Treasurer).
  2. To consider and vote upon the recommendations of the Executive Committee relevant to the activities of the Division.

Article 8

Committees, Commissions, and Federations (COMCOFs)

  1. Committees are composed of delegates, one appointed by each Member Society interested in the work of the Committee. Each Committee elects an Executive Committee from among these delegates. Additional members may be coopted by the Executive Committee, bearing in mind the total representation of the countries concerned, and ordinarily are approved by the Executive Board.
  2. A Commission is composed of persons with a common interest and purpose from at least three Member Countries. A Commission may be temporary or permanent. Membership is determined by competence in the field in which the Commission works.
  3. A Federation is composed of organizations, laboratories, institutions, or other operative units with a common interest and purpose.
  4. Each COMCOF elects three or more officers (including a Chairman, one or more Vice-Chairmen, and a Secretary) who constitute an Executive Committee.
  5. The Secretary of each COMCOF provides the Secretary-Treasurer of the Division with a copy of the minutes of executive and other meetings and proposals and notices of symposia, colloquia, or other meetings.
  6. The Division may provide financial assistance to COMCOFs for operating expenses and scientific purposes. Such funds are accounted for to the Treasurer at die end of each financial year.
  7. A COMCOF may obtain funds from other appropriate sources. The Secretary-Treasurer is informed of any applications for grants sought and of support received from international, governmental, or nongovernmental sources.

Article 9


  1. No one connected with a commercial firm may use his or her connection with the Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Division or a COMCOF of the Division, either as a member or an officer, to advertise or promote his or her company in any way.
  2. No publication of the Division or of a COMCOF of the Division shall bear any indication of sponsorship by a commercial company or institution connected in any way with a commercial company, except an acceptable acknowledgement of financial assistance. Furthermore, any publication containing material not authorized, prepared, or edited by the Division or COMCOF of the Division may not bear the name of the IUMS without specific permission of the EB of the IUMS.

Article 10

Disposition of any remaining funds

In the event of dissolution of the Division, any remaining funds shall be remitted to the Treasurer of the IUMS.

Article 11

The Constitution

The Constitution of the Division may be amended by a three-quarter majority vote of the voting delegates present at the Council Meeting or by a postal vote. Any Divisional Council member may propose amendments, which are to be sent to the Secretary of the Division and transmitted to the Divisional Council members at least six months prior to a meeting of the Divisional Council. The Amendments must afterwards be approved by the EB of the IUMS.

Article 12

The legal seat of the Division shall be that of the Secretary-Treasurer.

Copyright © 1992, International Union of Microbiological Societies.
Bookshelf ID: NBK8821


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