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Skerman VBD, McGowan V, Sneath PHA, editors. Approved Lists of Bacterial Names (Amended). Washington (DC): ASM Press; 1989.

Cover of Approved Lists of Bacterial Names (Amended)

Approved Lists of Bacterial Names (Amended).

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Rhizobium Frank 1889
Frank, B. 1889. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 7:332–346. Type species: R. leguminosarum (Frank 1879) Frank 1889
Description: Bergey 8.

R. japonicum (Kirchner 1896) Buchanan 1926
Kirchner, O. 1896. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen 7:213–224; Buchanan, R.E. 1926. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 33:81–90. Type strain: ATCC 10324
Description: Bergey 8.

R. leguminosarum (Frank 1879) Frank 1889
Frank, B. 1879. Bericht der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 37:394–399; Frank, B. 1889. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 7:332–346. Type strain: ATCC 10004
Description: Bergey 8.

R. lupini (Schroeter 1886) Eckhardt, Baldwin and Fred 1931
Schroeter, J. 1885–1889 in Cohn, F. Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3, Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern's Verlag, Breslau. pp. 1–814; Eckhardt, M.M., I.R. Baldwin and E.B. Fred. 1931. Journal of Bacteriology 21:273–285. Type strain: ATCC 10319
Description: Bergey 8.

R. meliloti Dangeard 1926
Dangeard, P.A. 1926. Botaniste (Paris) 16:1–275. Type strain: ATCC 9930
Description: Bergey 8.

R. phaseoli Dangeard 1926
Dangeard, P.A. 1926. Botaniste (Paris) 16:1–275. Type strain: ATCC 14482
Description: Bergey 8.

R. trifolii Dangeard 1926
Dangeard, P.A. 1926. Botaniste (Paris) 16:1–275. Type strain: ATCC 14480
Description: Bergey 8.

Rhodococcus Zopf 1891
Zopf, W. 1891. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 9:22–28. Type species: R. rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Tsukamura 1974
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122.

R. bronchialis (Tsukamura 1971) Tsukamura 1974
Tsukamura, M. 1971. Journal of General Microbiology 68:15–26; Tsukamura, M. 1974. Japanese Journal of Microbiology 18:37–44. Type strain: ATCC 25592
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122.

R. coprophilus Rowbotham and Cross 1979
Rowbotham, T.J. and T. Cross. 1979. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79–80; Effective publication Rowbotham, T.J. and T. Cross. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:123–138. Type strain: ATCC 29080
Description: Rowbotham, T.J. and T. Cross. 1977. Ibid.

R. corallinus (Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923) Goodfellow and Alderson 1977
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1–442; Effective publication Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122. Type strain: ATCC 25593
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Ibid.

R. equi (Magnusson 1923) Goodfellow and Alderson 1979
Magnusson, H. 1923. Archiv fur Wissenschaftliche und Praktische Tierheilkunde 50:22–38; Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1979. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79–80; Effective publication Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122. Type strain: ATCC 25729
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Ibid.

R. erythropolis (Gray and Thornton 1928) Goodfellow and Alderson 1979
Gray, P.H.H. and H.G. Thornton. 1928. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung II. 73:74–96; Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1979. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79–80; Effective publication Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122. Type strain: ATCC 4277
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Ibid.

R. rhodnii Goodfellow and Alderson 1979
Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1979. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79–80; Effective publication Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122. Type strain: KCC A-0203
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Ibid.

R. rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Tsukamura 1974
Zopf, W. 1891. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 9:22–28; Tsukamura, M. 1974. Japanese Journal of Microbiology 18:37–44. Type strain: ATCC 13808
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122.

R. ruber (Kruse 1896) Goodfellow and Alderson 1977
Kruse, W. 1896 in Flugge, C. Die Mikroorganismen. Vol. 2, pp. 48–66; Effective publication Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122. Type strain: KCC A-0205
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Ibid.

R. rubropertinctus (Hefferan 1904) Tsukamura 1974
Hefferan, M. 1904. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung II. 11:397–404; Tsukamura, M. 1974. Japanese Journal of Microbiology 18:37–44. Type strain: ATCC 14352
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Ibid.

R. terrae (Tsukamura 1971) Tsukamura 1974
Tsukamura, M. 1971. Journal of General Microbiology 68:15–26; Tsukamura, M. 1974. Japanese Journal of Microbiology 18:37–44. Type strain: ATCC 25594
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99–122.

Rhodocyclus Pfennig 1978
Pfennig N. 1978. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:283–288. Type species: R. purpureus Pfennig 1978
Description: Pfennig, N. 1978. Ibid.

R. purpureus Pfennig 1978
Pfennig, N. 1978. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:283–288. Type strain: DSM 168
Description: Pfennig, N. 1978. Ibid.

Rhodomicrobium Duchow and Douglas 1949
Duchow, E. and H.C. Douglas. 1949. Journal of Bacteriology 58:409–416. Type species: R. vannielii Duchow and Douglas 1949
Description: Bergey 8.

R. vannielii Duchow and Douglas 1949
Duchow, E. and H.C. Douglas. 1949. Journal of Bacteriology 58:409–416. Type strain: ATCC 17100
Description: Bergey 8.

Rhodopseudomonas Czurda and Maresch 1937
Czurda, V. and E. Maresch. 1937. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 8:99–124. Type species: R. palustris (Molisch 1907) van Niel 1944
Description: Bergey 8.

R. acidophila Pfennig 1969
Pfennig, N. 1969. Journal of Bacteriology 99:597–602. Type strain: ATCC 25092
Description: Bergey 8.

R. capsulata (Molisch 1907) van Niel 1944
Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer, Jena I-VII, pp. 1–95; van Niel, C.B. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:1–118. Type strain: ATCC 11166
Description: Weaver, P.F., J.D. Wall and H. Gest. 1975. Archives of Microbiology 105:207–216.

R. gelatinosa (Molisch 1907) van Niel 1944
Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer, Jena I-VII, pp. 1–95; van Niel, C.B. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:1–118. Type strain: ATCC 17011
Description: Bergey 8.

R. globiformis Pfennig 1974
Pfennig, N. 1974. Archives of Microbiology 100:197–206. Type strain: DSM 161
Description: Pfennig, N. 1974. Ibid.

R. palustris (Molisch 1907) van Niel 1944
Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer, Jena I-VII, pp. 1–95; van Niel, C.B. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:1–118. Type strain: ATCC 17001
Description: Bergey 8.

R. sphaeroides van Niel 1944
van Niel, C.B. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:1–118. Type strain: ATCC 17023
Description: Bergey 8.

R. sulfidophila Hansen and Veldkamp 1973
Hansen, T.A. and H. Veldkamp. 1973. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 92:45–58. Type strain: DSM 1374
Description: Hansen, T.A. and H. Veldkamp. 1973. Ibid.

R. sulfoviridis Keppen and Gorlenko 1975
Keppen, O.I. and V.M. Gorlenko. 1975. Mikrobiologiya 44:258–264. Type strain: DSM 729
Description: Keppen, O.I. and V.M. Gorlenko. 1975. Ibid.

R. viridis Drews and Giesbrecht 1966
Drews, G. and P. Giesbrecht. 1966. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 53:255–262. Type strain: ATCC 19567
Description: Bergey 8.

Rhodospirillum Molisch 1907
Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer, Jena I-VII, pp. 1–95. Type species: R. rubrum (Esmarch 1887) Molisch 1907
Description: Bergey 8.

R. fulvum van Niel 1944
van Niel, C.B. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:1–118. Type strain: ATCC 157980
Description: Bergey 8.

R. molischianum Giesberger 1947
Giesberger, G. 1947. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology and Serology 13:135–148. Type strain: ATCC 14031
Description: Bergey 8.

R. photometricum Molisch 1907
Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer, Jena I-VII, pp. 1–95. Type strain: DSM 122
Description: Bergey 8.

R. rubrum (Esmarch 1887) Molisch 1907
Esmarch, E. 1887. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 1:225–230: Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fisher, Jena I-VII, pp. 1–95. Type strain: ATCC 11170
Description: Bergey 8.

R. tenue Pfennig 1969
Pfennig, N. 1969. Journal of Bacteriology 99:619–920. Type strain: ATCC 25093
Description: Bergey 8.

Rickettsia da Rocha-Lima 1916
da Rocha-Lima, H. 1916. Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift 53:567–569. Type species: R. prowazekii da Rocha-Lima 1916
Description: Bergey 8.

R. akari Huebner, Jellison and Pomerantz 1946
Huebner, R.J., W.L. Jellison and C. Pomerantz. 1946. Public Health Report 61:1677–1682. Type strain: ATCC VR 148
Description: Bergey 8.

R. australis Philip 1950
Philip, C.B. 1950 in Pullen, R.L. Communicable Diseases. Lea and Febiger Co., Philadelphia. pp. 781–788. Type strain: NIAID Phillips 32
Description: Bergey 8.

R. canada McKiel, Bell and Lackmann 1967
McKiel, J.A., E.J. Bell and D.B. Lackmann. 1967. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 13:503–510. Type strain: ATCC VR 610
Description: Bergey 8.

R. conorii Brumpt 1932
Brumpt, E. 1932. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologic Filiales 110:1199–1202. Type strain: NIAID Malish 7
Description: Bergey 8.

R. parkeri Lackman, Bell, Stoenner and Pickens 1965
Lackman, D.B., E.J. Bell, H.G. Stoenner and E.G. Pickens. 1965. Health Laboratory Science 2:135–141. Type strain: NIAID maculatum 20
Description: Bergey 8.

R. prowazekii da Rocha-Lima 1916
da Rocha-Lima, H. 1916. Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift 53:567–569. Type strain: ATCC VR 142
Description: Bergey 8.

R. rickettsii (Wolbach 1919) Brumpt 1922
Wolbach, S. 1919. Journal of Medical Research 41:1–197; Brumpt, E. 1922. Precis de Parasitologie. 3rd ed. Masson et Cie, Paris. Type strain: ATCC VR 149
Description: Bergey 8.

R. sennetsu Misao and Kobayashi 1956
Misao, R. and Y. Kobayashi. 1956. Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 30:453–465. Type strain: ATCC VR 367
Description: Bergey 8.

R. sibirica Zdrodovskii 1948
Zdrodovskii, P.F. 1948. Academy of Medical Science Moscow. Type strain: ATCC VR 151
Description: Bergey 8.

R. tsutsugamushi (Hayashi 1920) Ogata 1931
Hayashi, N. 1920. Journal of Parasitology 7:53–68; Ogata, N. 1931. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 122:249–253. Type strain: ATCC VR 150
Description: Bergey 8.

R. typhi (Wolbach and Todd 1920) Philip 1943
Wolbach, S.B. and J.L. Todd. 1920. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur (Paris) 34:153–158; Philip, C.B. 1943. American Journal of Hygiene 37:301–309. Type strain: ATCC VR 144
Description: Bergey 8.

Rickettsiella Philip 1956
Philip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 2:261–270. Type species: R. popilliae (Dutky and Gooden 1952) Philip 1956
Description: Bergey 8.

R. popilliae (Dutky and Gooden 1952) Philip 1956
Dutky, S.R. and E.L. Gooden. 1952. Journal of Bacteriology 63:743–750; Philip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 2:261–270. Type strain: no culture isolated.
Description: Bergey 8.

R. stethorae Hall and Badgley 1957
Hall, I.M. and M.E. Badgley. 1957. Journal of Bacteriology 74:452–455. Type strain: no culture isolated.
Description: Bergey 8.

Rochalimaea (Macchiavello 1947) Krieg 1961
Macchiavello, A. 1947. Prima Reunione Interamericana del Tifo, Mexico. pp. 405–426; Krieg, A. 1961. Grundlagen der Insekten-pathologie. Dr. Dietrich Steinkofpp. Verlag, Darmstadt. Type species: R. quintana (Schmincke 1917) Krieg 1961
Description: Bergey 8.

R. quintana (Schmincke 1917) Krieg 1961
Schmincke, A. 1917. Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 64:961; Krieg, A. 1961. Grundlagen der Insektenpathologie. Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff. Verlag, Darmstadt. Type strain: ATCC VR 358
Description: Bergey 8.

Rothia Georg and Brown 1967
Georg, L.K. and J.M. Brown. 1967. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 17:79–88. Type species: R. dentocariosa (Onishi 1949) Georg and Brown 1967
Description: Bergey 8.

R. dentocariosa (Onishi 1949) Georg and Brown 1967
Onishi, M. 1949. Journal of Dental Research 6:273–282; Georg, L.K. and J.M. Brown. 1967. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 17:79–88. Type strain: ATCC 17931
Description: Bergey 8.

Ruminococcus Sijpesteijn 1948
Sijpesteijn, A.K. 1948. Cellulose-decomposing bacteria from the rumen of cattle. Thesis. University of Leiden, The Netherlands. p. 152. Type species: R. flavefaciens Sijpesteijn 1948
Description: Bergey 8.

R. albus Hungate 1957
Hungate, R.E. 1957. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 3:289–311. Type strain: ATCC 27210
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1–156.

R. bromii Moore, Cato and Holdeman 1972
Moore, W.E.C., E.P. Cato and L.V. Holdeman. 1972. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 22:78–80. Type strain: ATCC 27255
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1–156.

R. callidus Holdeman and Moore 1974
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1974. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 24:260–277. Type strain: VPI 57–31
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1974. Ibid.

R. flavefaciens Sijpesteijn 1948
Sijpesteijn, A.K. 1948. Cellulose-decomposing bacteria from the rumen of cattle. Thesis, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. Type strain: ATCC 19208
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1–156.

R. gnavus Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976
Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 26:238–252. Type strain: ATCC 29149
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.

R. lactaris Moore. Johnson and Holdeman 1976
Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 26:238–252. Type strain: ATCC 29176
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.

R. obeum Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976
Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 26:238–252. Type strain: ATCC 29174
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.

R. torques Holdeman and Moore 1974
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1974. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 24:260–277. Type strain: ATCC 27756
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1976. Ibid.

Runella Larkin and Williams 1978
Larkin, J.M. and P.M. Williams. 1978. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:32–36. Type species: R. slithyformis Larkin and Williams 1978
Description: Larkin, J.M and P.M. Williams. 1978. Ibid.

R. slithyformis Larkin and Williams 1978
Larkin, J.M. and P.M. Williams. 1978. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:32–36. Type strain: ATCC 29530
Description: Larkin, J.M. and P.M. Williams. 1978. Ibid.

Copyright © 1989, ASM Press.
Bookshelf ID: NBK835


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