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Berkman ND, Sheridan SL, Donahue KE, et al. Health Literacy Interventions and Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2011 Mar. (Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 199.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Health Literacy Interventions and Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review

Health Literacy Interventions and Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review.

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Appendix IArticles by Database Search

CINAHL = 93 (excluding duplicates)

Bridging the gulf between health care providers and back pain sufferers: understanding health literacy. Bone & Joint. 2004 Sep;10(8):94.
Understanding how health literacy impacts patient safety. Briefings on Patient Safety. 2004 Jul;5(7):1–8.
Health care literacy gap is addressed. Same Day Surg. 2007 Apr 02:4.
The library column. Health literacy: why should dental hygienists be concerned about literacy? Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene. 2007 Jul;41(4):202.
Making the message clear… Fyalka T. Uncovering the secret nearly 50% of your patients may be keeping. Ill Dent News. 2006 Sept;52(2):4–5. 80. Dent Abstr. 2007 03.
Patient confusion over health info. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery. 2007 Dec;15(11):53.
Strategies for improving health literacy. Joint Commission Perspectives on Patient Safety. 2008 Mar;8(3):8–9.
AHRQ introduces new Pharmacy Health Literacy Center. AHRQ Research Activities. 2009;(352):21.
Better educational materials are needed to boost the health literacy of individuals who are deaf. AHRQ Research Activities. 2009;(352):8.
Bulletin board AHRQ launches health literacy measurement tools. J AHIMA. 2009;80(3):12.
Concept Analysis of Health Literacy. Journal of Nursing. 2009;56(5):93–7. [PubMed: 19760583]
Family council can help make materials readable: revamping written handout distribution. Patient Education Management. 2009;16(4):42.
For best results, create systemwide plan for overcoming literacy barriers: organized committee tackles specific projects along the lines of members' expertise. Patient Education Management. 2009;16(11):121–3.
A health literacy example: revising a HIPAA privacy notice. ASHA Leader. 2009;14(2):29.
Health literacy is linked to personal happiness. AHRQ Research Activities. 2009;(350):12.
Health literacy: one pillar of patient education. Briefings on Patient Safety. 2009;10(6):6–8.
Iowa Health System addresses health literacy within state facilities by adopting patient-centered approaches. Briefings on Patient Safety. 2009;10(3):5–6.
It takes two to improve health communication: both consumers and health care providers have a role. Patient Education Management. 2009;16(12):137–8.
Lack of compliance may mean patients don't understand. Case Management Advisor. 2009;20(8):85–7.
Lack of compliance may mean patients misunderstand: low health literacy contributes to readmissions. Patient Education Management. 2009;16(9):103–5.
Local beat. Nursing Spectrum New York & New Jersey Edition. 2009;21(21):2–3.
Log on for health literacy materials. American Dental Association News. 2009;40(2):11.
To improve health literacy, follow Ql model: goal is to create a culture change. Patient Education Management. 2009;16(11):124–5.
Volunteers address low health literacy: provide someone to teach tasks. Patient Education Management. 2009;16(5):54–5.
AHRQ releases a new health literacy tool. AHRQ Research Activities. 2010;(354):18.
Awards aim to promote health literacy. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery. 2010;18(1) [39]
Health literacy competencies staff should have. Patient Education Management. 2010;17(3):29.
Knowledge of health literacy vital for role of patient education manager: it impacts almost every task required in job description. Patient Education Management. 2010;17(3):25–8.
TJC: time is now to examine communication with LEP patients: new Joint Commission standards link with requirements of U.S. law. Patient Education Management. 2010;17(2):13–5.
To improve health literacy, follow QI model: goal is to create a culture change. Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality Improvement. 2010;17(1):10. [PubMed: 20121010]
Banas J. A tailored approach to identifying and addressing college students' online health information literacy. American Journal of Health Education. 2008 Jul;39(4):228–36.
Beales DL. Health literacy: the medical librarian's role. Journal of Hospital Librarianship. 2005 Sep;5(3):17–27.
Campbell S, Duddle M. Health literacy in chronic kidney disease education. Renal Society of Australasia Journal. 2010;6(1):26–31.
Cecchino NJ, Morgan SE. Use of urban adolescent natural language to access sexual health information and education. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. 2009;13(1):31–41.
Chau PH, Mak B, Choy SY, Chan KC, Cheung SH, Woo J. Raising health literacy and promoting empowerment to meet the challenges of aging in Hong Kong. Educational Gerontology. 2010;36(1):12–25.
Chiarella D. Health literacy: using Web 2.0 to create an autism resource. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. 2009;13(3):281–6.
Coffman MJ. Development and testing of the Spanish Nutritional Literacy Scale 2009 Southern Nursing Research Society Conference. Southern Online Journal of Nursing Research. 2009;9:2.
Coffman MJ, Norton CK. Demands of immigration, health literacy, and depression in recent Latino immigrants. Home Health Care Management & Practice. 2010;22(2):116–22.
Connor E. Taking the pulse of health information seeking. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries. 2009;6(3):230–5.
Costa DM. Facilitating health literacy. OT Practice. 2008 Aug 25;Aug 25;13(15):13. 2008.
Crozier S. House directs continued action on health literacy in dentistry. American Dental Association News. 2009;40(22):24–5.
Dunn DJ. The nurse role in health literacy. Fla Nurse. 2010;58(1):14.
Esparza JM, Hahn GO. Symposium shines spotlight on health literacy. MLA News. 2006;09(389):1.
Fleming J. Health literacy. RDH. 2007 Mar;27(3):48.
Flewelling KW. Health literacy. Refugee health: information needs of health professionals. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. 2010;14(1):69–74. 2010. Jan-Mar.
Fraser E, Pakenham KI. Resilience in children of parents with mental illness: relations between mental health literacy, social connectedness and coping, and both adjustment and caregiving. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 2009;14(5):573–84. [PubMed: 19844836]
Glover C. Have you thought about your patients' health literacy today? AAACN Viewpoint. 2010;32(1):3–4. 2010. Jan-Feb.
Harrington S. Thinking about the daily realities of diversity and health literacy. AORN Connections. 2009;7(12):2p.
Hasman L, Chiarella DT. Health literacy An introduction to the new health literacy column. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. 2009;13(1):90–2.
Hasselkus A. Health literacy in clinical practice first in a three-part series. ASHA Leader. 2009;14(1):28–9.
Hasselkus A, Moxley A. Health literacy at the intersection of cultures Last in a three-part series. ASHA Leader. 2009;14(4):30–1.
Hester EJ. An investigation of the relationship between health literacy and social communication skills in older adults. Communication Disorders Quarterly. 2009;30(2):112–9.
Hossain D, Gorman D, Eley R, Coutts J. Farm Advisors' reflections on Mental Health First Aid training. Australian e Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health. 2009;8(1):1–7.
Jones CM. Internet resources: health literacy. MLA News. 2009;416:11.
Kaye M. Health literacy and informatics in the geriatric population: the challenges and opportunities. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics. 2009;13(3):1–19.
Khan TM, Sulaiman SA, Hassali MA, Tahir H. Attitude toward depression, its complications, prevention and barriers to seeking help among ethnic groups in Penang, Malaysia. Mental Health in Family Medicine. 2009;6(4):219–27. [PMC free article: PMC2873878] [PubMed: 22477913]
Kobylarz FA, Pomidor A, Pleasant A. Health literacy as a tool to improve the public understanding of Alzheimer's disease. Annals of Long Term Care. 2010;18(1):34–40.
Kohler D. Health literacy: improving comprehension and adherence of written patient instructions by simplifying educational materials at or below a sixth-grade reading level. Gastroenterol Nurs. 2009;32(2):143.
Kouame G. Reflections on rural communities. Journal of Hospital Librarianship. 2010;10(2):165–9.
Kurashige EM. Health literacy: what are the organizational barriers and concerns? AAACN Viewpoint. 2008 May;30(3):3–4.
LaValley S. Health literacy Delaware Health Source: consumer health libraries and health literacy outreach. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. 2009;13(2):180–6.
Leighton S. Adolescents' understanding of mental health problems: conceptual confusion. Journal of Public Mental Health. 2009;8(2):4–14.
Levoy B. Patient compliance and health literacy: these steps can improve your treatment results. Podiatry Management. 2010;29(4):71.
Mancuso JM. Impact of health literacy and patient trust on glycemic control in an urban USA population. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2010;12(1):94–104. [PubMed: 20487332]
McCann TV, Clark E. Australian Bachelor of Midwifery students' mental health literacy: an exploratory study. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2010;12(1):14–20. [PubMed: 20487320]
McCord S. The Medical Library Association guide to health literacy. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2009;97(2):155–6.
Medlen JG. Health literacy for individuals with special needs. Exceptional Parent. 2009;39(2):24–7.
Meehan D. Building a stronger foundation: raising health literacy awareness. Med Surg Matters. 2009;18(4):16–8.
Ntiri DW, Stewart M. Recruitment challenges: lessons from senior centers and older African-American participants in a literacy study. Educational Gerontology. 2010;36(2):148–54.
O'Connell R, Hughes M, Kilonzo B. Tackling health illiteracy. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery. 2010;18(2):40–1.
Ogunsola LA. Health information literacy: a road map for poverty alleviation in the developing countries. Journal of Hospital Librarianship. 2009;9(1):59–72.
O'Kelly S. Spell it out. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery. 2008 Sep;16(8):56.
Osborne H. In other words… Building healthy literacy programs one step at a time. On Call. 2004 Aug;7(6):16–7.
Owens J. OJIN tackles health literacy. Am Nurse. 2009;41(5):6.
Pizur-Barnekow K, Doering J, Cashin S, Patrick T, Rhyner P. Functional health literacy and mental health in urban and rural mothers of children enrolled in early intervention programs Infants & Young Children. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Special Care Practices. 2010;23(1):42–51. 2010. Jan-Mar.
Powell M. Improving low health literacy: key resources. AAACN Viewpoint. 2008 Sep;30(5):12.
Powell M. Perspectives in ambulatory care Health literacy: implications for ambulatory care. Nursing Economic$ 2009;27(5):343–7. [PubMed: 19927453]
Retzlaff K. Overcoming barriers. AORN Connections. 2009;7(11):1.
Rowlands G. Health literacy and long-term conditions. Primary Health Care. 2009;19(7):16–20.
Scheckel M, Emery N, Nosek C. Addressing health literacy: the experiences of undergraduate nursing students. J Clin Nurs. 2010;19(5-6):794–802. [PubMed: 20500323]
Schutten M, McFarland A. Readability levels of health-based websites: from content to comprehension. International Electronic Journal of Health Education. 2009;12:99–107.
Sudore RL, Schillinger D. Interventions to improve care for patients with limited health literacy. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management. 2009;16(1):20–9. [PMC free article: PMC2799039] [PubMed: 20046798]
Sullivan CH. Partnering with community agencies to provide nursing students with cultural awareness experiences and refugee health promotion access. J Nurs Educ. 2009;48(9):519–22. [PubMed: 19645368]
Susic J. Health literacy. NIHSeniorHealth classes for senior citizens at a public library in Louisiana. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. 2009;13(4):417–9.
Thobaben M. Health literacy and elderly home health clients. Home Health Care Management & Practice. 2007 Oct;19(6):478–9.
Villaire M, Mayer G. Health literacy: the low-hanging fruit in health care reform. J Health Care Finance. 2009;36(2):55–9. [PubMed: 20499721]
Wardle J. Make sure your patients understand discharge plan: low health literacy contributes to readmissions. Patient Education Management. 2006 Apr;13(4):45–8.
Wessling MN. Success stories in health literacy. AMWA Journal: American Medical Writers Association Journal. 2010;25(1):17–8.
Wicklund K, Ramos K. Plain language: effective communication in the health care setting. Journal of Hospital Librarianship. 2009;9(2):177–85.
Witry MJ, Doucette WR, Daly JM, Levy BT, Chrischilles EA. Family physician perceptions of personal health records. Perspectives in Health Information Management. 2010 Winter;7:21p. 2010. [PMC free article: PMC2805556] [PubMed: 20697465]
Wolf MS, Davis TC, Parker RM. Editorial: the emerging field of health literacy research. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2007 Sep 02;31:S3–5. 2007. Sep-Oct. [PubMed: 17931134]
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