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Chou R, McDonagh MS, Nakamoto E, et al. Analgesics for Osteoarthritis: An Update of the 2006 Comparative Effectiveness Review [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2011 Oct. (Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 38.)

Cover of Analgesics for Osteoarthritis

Analgesics for Osteoarthritis: An Update of the 2006 Comparative Effectiveness Review [Internet].

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Table 15Efficacy, glucosamine and chondroitin trials

Author, Year
Condition Number EnrolledComparison
Duration of Study
Main Results
Glucosamine Trials
Herrero-Beaumont, 2007204
OA of knee
Glucosamine sulfate 1500 mg powder for oral solution qd

Acetaminophen 1 gm po tid


6 months
Glucosamine sulfate vs. acetaminophen vs. placebo

Change from baseline:
Lequesne Index (0 to 24): −3.1 vs. −2.7 vs. −1.9; p=0.032 for difference vs. placebo

WOMAC total (0 to 100): −12.9 vs. −12.3 vs. −8.2; p=0.039 for difference vs. placebo

WOMAC pain (0 to 100): −2.7 vs. −2.4 vs. −1.8; NS

WOMAC function (0 to 100): −9.2 vs. −8.7 vs. −5.5; p=0.022 for difference vs. placebo

OARSI-A responders: 40% vs. 21.2% for placebo, p= 0.004
Rozendaal, 2008205
Rozendaal, 2009
OA of hip
Glucosamine sulfate 1500 mg po qd or bid


24 months
Glucosamine sulfate vs. placebo

Change from baseline:

WOMAC pain (0 to 100): −1.90 ± 1.6 vs. −0.30 ± 1.6, adjusted difference −1.54 (−5.43 to 2.36)
WOMAC function (0 to 100): −1.69 ± 1.3 vs. 0.38 ± 1.3, adjusted difference −2.01 (95% CI −5.38 to 1.36)

JSN, mm adjusted difference:
Minimal: −0.029 (95% CI −0.122 to 0.064)
Lateral: −0.017 (95% CI −0.121 to 0.088)
Superior: 0.016 (95% CI −0.079 to 0.111)
Axial: −0.005 (95% CI −0.118 to 0.108)
Wilkens, 2010206
Degenerative lumbar OA
Glucosamine sulfate 1500 mg po qd or tid


6 months
Glucosamine sulfate vs. placebo

Treatment Effect at 1 year (negative values favor glucosamine):

RMDQ (0 to 24): −0.8 (95% CI −2.0 to 0.4), p=0.50

NRS LBP (0 to 10): −0.3 (95% CI −0.8 to 0.3). p=.85

Global perceived effect, No. (%):* 34 (30.9%) vs. 32 (29.4%), p=.30
Chondroitin Trials
Kahan, 2009207
OA of knee
Chondroitin sulfates 4 & 6 800 mg every evening


2 years
Chondroitin sulfate vs. placebo

At 6 months:
WOMAC pain score decrease ≥40%: 41% vs. 34%, p=0.05
No difference in WOMAC total, stiffness, or function

At 24 months: minimum JSW loss (mean ± SEM): −0.07 ± 0.03 mm vs. −0.31 ± 0.04 mm
Hodges-Lehmann estimator of median effect of treatment: −0.14 (95% CI 0.06 – 0.21 mm, p<0.0001)
Mazieres, 2010208
OA of knee
Chondroitin sulfate 500 mg po bid


24 weeks
Chondroitin sulfate vs. placebo

Change from baseline to week 24, M (SD):

Lequesne Index, (0 to 24): −2.4 (3.4) vs. −1.7 (3.3), p=0.109

VAS pain, mm: −26.2 (24.9) mm vs. −19.9 (23.5) mm, p= 0.029

OMERACT-OARSI responders: 68% vs. 56% (p=0.03)
Michel, 2005209
OA of knee
Chondroitin sulfates 4 & 6 800 mg po qd


2 years
Chondroitin sulfate vs. placebo

Changes in WOMAC:
Total: −3.9% vs. 2.1%
Pain: −11.0% vs. −6.2%
Stiffness: −7.8% vs. −4.6%
Function: −0.8% vs. 5.9%

JSN Minimum difference: 0.12 (95% CI 0.00 to 0.24), p=0.05

JSM Mean difference: 0.14 (95% CI 0.01 to 0.27), p =0.04
Moller, 2010210
OA of knee (in patients with psoriasis)
Chondroitin sulfate 800 mg po qd


3 months
Chondroitin sulfate vs. placebo (mean differences at 3 months)

Pain intensity (0 to 100 mm VAS): −12 (95% CI −20 to −4)
Lequesne Index (0 to 24): −1.7 (95% CI −3.0 to −0.4)
SF-36 physical component (0 to 100): 1.7 (95% CI 1.4 to −1.2)
SF-36 mental component (0 to 100): −0.3 (95% CI −3.3 to 2.6)
Glucosamine/Chondroitin Trials
Messier, 2007211
OA of knee
Glucosamine hydrochloride 1500 mg and Chondroitin sulfate 1200 mg qd or tid


1 year; 6 months alone; 6 months treatment plus exercise
Glucosamine hydrochloride + chondroitin sulfate vs. placebo

At 12 months:
WOMAC pain (0 to 20): 6.0 (0.5) vs. 5.18 (0.5)

WOMAC function (0 to 68): 19.4 (1.2) vs. 20.6 (1.2)b
Sawitzke, 2008212
OA of knee
Glucosamine sulfate 500 mg tid

Chondroitin sulfate 400 mg tid

Combination of Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Celecoxib 200 mg qd


24 months
Glucosamine hydrochloride vs. chondroitin sulfate vs. both vs. placebo

Mean loss in JSW over 2 years: 0.013 vs. 0.107 vs. 0.194 vs. 0.111 vs. 1.166

Difference from placebo (negative value = less JSW loss): −0.153 (−0.379, 0.074) vs. −0.059 (−0.287, 0.169) vs. 0.028 (−0.214,0.271) vs. −0.055 (−0.279, 0.170)

Disease progression over 2 years, % of patients:18.6 vs. 21.4 vs. 24.4 vs. 20.2 vs. 22.4

bid = twice daily; JSM = joint space measurement; JSN = joint space narrowing; JSW = joint space width; NRS LBP = numerical rating scale for low back pain; OA = osteoarthritis; OMERACT-OARSI = Outcomes Measures in Arthritis Clinical Trials-Osteoarthritis Research Society International; po = orally; RMDQ = Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire; qd = once daily; qid = four time daily; tid = three times daily; VAS = visual analogue scale; WOMAC = Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index


Proportion of patients who had a global perceived effect to the intervention


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