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Amid A, Lal A, Coates TD, et al., editors. Guidelines for the Management of α-Thalassaemia [Internet]. Nicosia (Cyprus): Thalassaemia International Federation; 2023.

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Guidelines for the Management of α-Thalassaemia [Internet].

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Clinical phenotypes are diverse among affected individuals with non-deletional haemoglobin H (HbH) disease (--/αTα). This mainly depends on the type of mutation in α-globin genes, whether the mutation is in the HBA1 or the HBA2 gene, as well as co-inheritance of β-thalassaemia. Nevertheless, patients with non-deletional HbH disease with identical genotypes can exhibit substantially different clinical severity. Homozygosity for non-deletional α-globin mutations and compound heterozygosity of two different non-deletional mutations (αTα/αTα) or non-deletional mutation and deletional α+-thalassaemia (-α/αTα) can also result in HbH disease.

In the past, HbH disease was generally thought to be a mild form of thalassaemia. A number of patients with more severe phenotypes, especially those with non-deletional HbH disease, were left undertreated. In this chapter, clinical presentations of common and less common non-deletional HbH disease, as well as special forms of non-deletional α-thalassaemia will be described. In addition, management of affected individuals with non-deletional HbH disease and monitoring of the disease-associated complications from early childhood to adulthood will be covered.

General clinical presentation of non-deletional HbH disease

A variable extent of anaemia, ranging from mild asymptomatic anaemia to the most severe foetal anaemia (hydrops foetalis), can be observed in individuals with non-deletional HbH disease. This is unlike patients with deletional HbH disease, in which the degree of anaemia is generally mild and uniform. Haemoglobin Constant Spring (CS) appears to be the most prevalent form of non-deletional α-globin variant worldwide [1, 2]. This results in HbH-CS (--/αCSα) being the most common form of non-deletional HbH disease, of which clinical phenotypes were extensively described. Clinical symptoms of non-deletional HbH are generally more severe than those of deletional forms. This is because some of the common non-deletional mutations affect expression of the HBA2 gene which produces the majority of the α-globin chains [2, 3]. Some mutations lead to production of highly unstable α-globin chains that precipitate in red blood cell precursors, leading to more pronounced ineffective erythropoiesis and haemolysis [4, 5]. Comparison of clinical and laboratory characteristics between individuals with deletional and non-deletional HbH disease is shown in Table 1. The data were derived from multiple key publications on paediatric [2, 6, 7] and adult patients with HbH disease [8, 9] and from a recent study of 246 patients with HbH disease from Thailand [10]. Neonates with non-deletional HbH disease can develop haemolytic jaundice and anaemia. In rare cases, hydrops foetalis is observed.

Table 1

Table 1

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of individuals with deletional and non-deletional HbH

Coinheritance of HbE with HbH-CS or HbH Pakse (HbH-PS) are often identified in Southeast Asia. Coinheritance of HbH with heterozygous HbE has been referred to as AEBart’s disease, whereas coinheritance of HbH with homozygous HbE has been called EFBart’s disease. Clinical presentation of individuals with non-deletional AEBart’s and EFBart’s disease is comparable to non-deletional HbH without coinherited E trait or EE [11, 12]. However, patients with non-deletional AEBart’s and EFBart’s diseases have lower mean corpuscular volume as compared to their non-deletional HbH counterparts (MCV of ~50-60 fL vs. 65-75 fL), although the Hb levels are comparable [11, 12]. Acute haemolytic episodes following infection or inflammation were reported to be less frequently observed in patients with non-deletional HbH disease who coinherited HbE [13]. Unlike coinheritance of E trait or EE, coinheritance of non-deletional HbH disease with HbE/β-thalassaemia results in severe anaemia [13]. The severity of anaemia in patients with non-deletional HbH disease who are also carriers for β-thalassaemia mutations is generally less than those with non-deletional HbH disease alone [9].

Uncommon non-deletional HbH diseases

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To date, up to 400 non-deletional α-globin mutations have been reported in the database of Hb variants (https://globin.bx.psu.edu/hbvar/menu.html). The vast majority of these mutations are extremely rare and were reported as family-specific mutations (more...)

All of these non-deletional mutations can result in various forms of α-thalassaemia, depending on whether they interact with deletional or other non-deletional α-globin mutations in trans or whether they are inherited in homozygous form. Non-deletional HbH (--/αTα) occurs in the regions where these non-deletional variants and centres-thalassaemia alleles (--/αα) are both prevalent. Table 2 summarizes clinical phenotypes of selected uncommon non-deletional HbH. Non-deletional mutations leading to other forms of α-thalassaemia are described at the end of this chapter.

Table 2

Table 2

Summary of selected non-deletional HbH (--/αTα) phenotypes

Individuals with certain uncommon genotypes of non-deletional HbH present with very severe clinical course that includes life-long transfusion dependency and hydrops foetalis (HbH hydrops foetalis syndrome). Foetuses affected with HbH hydrops foetalis syndrome almost always harbour α0-thalassaemia on one allele and a non-deletional mutation involving the HBA2 gene on the other allele producing an extremely unstable Hb variant in utero [17]. These foetuses suffer from severe intrauterine anaemia and hypoxia, which result in various degrees of oedema, ascites, pleural and pericardial effusions, as well as foetal growth restriction. Additionally, associated congenital anomalies, such as hypospadias, ambiguous genitalia and undescended testes, were observed in HbH hydrops foetalis syndrome [17] similar to that found in Hb Bart’s hydrops foetalis syndrome (BHFS), which is caused by deletion of all four α-globin genes (18). The affected foetuses are typically born premature and die shortly after birth, unless given prenatal and postnatal transfusions. Most survivors with HbH hydrops foetalis syndrome become transfusion-dependent from early infancy [17]. Rare non-deletional HbH genotypes reported to cause hydrops foetalis include --TotCD30(delGAG)α, --SEACD66(CTG->CCG)α, --FILCD35(TCC->CCC)α, --MEDTSaudiα and --SEAZurich-Albisriedenα [17, 19-22]. More frequently observed genotypes causing such hydrops include --SEAAdanaα [17], --FILAdanaα [23] and --SEAQSα [24, 25]. Affected foetuses with HbH-CS and HbH-PS were previously thought to not develop severe hydrops foetalis, despite having severe anaemia in utero [17, 26]. However, very rare cases of HbH hydrops foetalis associated with compound heterozygosity of SEA deletion and HbCS [27] or HbPS [28] have recently been described.

Management of non-deletional HbH disease during childhood

General management and follow-up monitoring

Supplementation with folic acid ranging from 1 to 5 mg per day is generally recommended for all patients with non-deletional HbH disease, as it is required for increased erythropoietic activity [6]. Non-iron-containing multivitamin is suggested [6, 7] especially in paediatric patients who may not attain proper dietary intakes. Iron accumulation occurs from early life in non-deletional HbH disease [7], mainly from increased gastrointestinal iron absorption, regardless of whether they have received blood transfusions. Iron supplements should therefore be avoided. Although specific dietary restrictions are not deemed necessary, it is recommended to exercise moderation when consuming iron-rich foods and excessive intake is not advisable.

As compared to patients with deletional HbH disease, those with non-deletional forms are more likely to experience acute worsening of anaemia during infection/inflammation, leading to an urgent need of blood transfusion [7]. This more commonly occurs during childhood; therefore, care should be provided to avoid such events. These preventive measures include prompt treatment of acute illness and alertness to symptoms of severe anaemia. Furthermore, it is advisable to follow scheduled immunizations in accordance with the national guidelines for each individual (see Chapter 10).

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As most patients with non-deletional HbH disease are non-transfusion dependent (NTD), the follow-up interval for the affected paediatric subgroup may be considered according to baseline Hb levels. Ideally, those with Hb>80 g/L should be seen in (more...)

Transfusion management

Patients should receive blood transfusions in cases of acute exacerbation of anaemia, typically occurring after episodes of acute illness. This intervention is recommended when the haemoglobin level drops below 70 g/L or when there is accompanying symptoms of anaemia, with an aim to restore Hb to 80-90 g/L [2].

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The decision to initiate regular transfusions in non-deletional HbH disease should be approached differently in children and adults. Failing to provide adequate transfusion support for children with more severe anaemia or ineffective erythropoiesis can (more...)

Recent observational study shows the beneficial role of regular transfusion therapy on the growth parameter of severely affected paediatric patients with non-deletional HbH disease [10]. Nevertheless, careful assessment of individual patients before initiation of regular blood transfusion is essential to avoid overtreatment. In general, a regular transfusion regimen should be considered in patients with the following condition: declining Hb level in parallel with progressive enlargement of spleen, failure of growth or secondary sexual development, poor performance at school, decreased exercise tolerance, presence of bone changes, frequent haemolytic crisis, or poor quality of life [31]. Since paediatric patients with non-deletional HbH disease might be cared for by general paediatricians or less-experienced haematologists in many countries, a simple objective score to aid the decision to initiate regular transfusions is shown in Table 3. A transfusion regimen is recommended for those patients with a persistent score of ≥4 (severe phenotype) over a period of 3 to 6 months [10].

Table 3. Score for paediatrics non-deletional HbH severity classification (10).

Table 3

Score for paediatrics non-deletional HbH severity classification (10).

For each criterion, a score is given according to the value. Total sum of all scores is interpreted as follows: severity score <4, non-severe disease; severity score ≥4, severe disease likely requiring regular blood transfusion for better outcomes.

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Once initiated, blood transfusions should be scheduled, usually every 3 to 6 weeks, with pre-transfusion haemoglobin aimed at a slightly lower level (80-90 g/L) in comparison to that aimed for β-TM [32]. This is because there is generally less (more...)

It is important to keep in mind that transfusion requirements of individual patients can be dynamic. Children and adolescents who do not require transfusions initially may later become transfusion dependent. Therefore, regular assessment of clinical symptoms and haemoglobin (Hb) levels at each visit (every 3–6 months, as discussed earlier) is imperative during childhood and early adulthood. By contrast, affected patients who are born with hydrops foetalis or require frequent transfusions during the first 6 months of life usually remain transfusion-dependent, unless cured through haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

In certain transfusion-dependent patients with rare genotypes of non-deletional HbH, the proportion of non-functional Hb Bart’s and HbH can remain high (>20%), even when following a conventional transfusion regimen [34, 35]. Similar to that identified in survivors of BHFS [36], these patients exhibited subtle improvements in growth and the persistence of massive hepatosplenomegaly despite standard transfusion treatments. Such cases may necessitate a more aggressive transfusion regimen, akin to that employed in BHFS survivors, which aims to achieve a pre-transfusion functional Hb level of 90-100 g/L [37]. Functional Hb is calculated as total Hb x (1- [HbH % + Hb Bart’s %] / 100). In BHFS survivors, maintaining this level of pre-transfusion functional Hb was found to reduce haemolysis and enhance tissue oxygenation, resulting in improved clinical symptoms [36, 37]. However, it is of utmost importance to carefully evaluate whether the benefits of this aggressive transfusion regimen outweigh the increased risk of iron overload for individual patients with severe non-deletional HbH disease.


Splenectomy should generally be avoid in patients younger than 5 years [31].

Management of adult patients with non-deletional HbH disease

General management and follow-up monitoring

Folic acid supplementation and non-iron-containing vitamins are also recommended for all adult patients, and avoidance of iron supplementation should be emphasized unless iron deficiency is confirmed. Regular follow-up visits remain vital for adult patients, and their frequency should be determined based on the patient’s condition, severity, and treatment plan. For individuals with non-deletional HbH and mild anaemia (Hb > 80 g/L), follow-up visits every 6–12 months are appropriate.

For those with moderate anaemia (Hb ≤ 80 g/L), visits every 3–6 months are recommended. A complete blood count with reticulocyte count, haemolytic profile, and serum ferritin should be monitored with every visit and a quantitative iron assessment of liver iron concentration (LIC) should be obtained with MRI if ferritin is elevated. Infections often trigger acute haemolysis, so patients are advised to take precautions. Routine vaccinations against common infections, such as influenza, pneumococcus, and SARS-CoV-2 are strongly recommended to prevent infections.

Transfusion management

The majority of adult patients with non-deletional HbH disease have mild to moderate anaemia and do not require blood transfusions. However, episodic (on-demand) transfusions may be necessary in cases of haemolytic crisis to achieve a target Hb level of 80-90 g/L. Leucocyte-depleted red blood cells should be administered at a volume of 10-15 ml/kg (1–2 units for adults) one or more times based on the severity of anaemia [2, 6]. To manage haemolysis effectively, it is crucial to identify and address the underlying causes of inflammation and infection, such as pregnancy, oxidative stress, hypersplenism, and pyrexia. Frequent transfusions may be considered in more severely affected adult patients for prevention of the disease-related complications, such as significant bone deformities and, in rare instances, extramedullary haematopoiesis (EMH), and for improvement of their quality of life. Regular blood transfusions should be considered for secondary prevention or treatment of thromboembolic diseases, pulmonary hypertension, and EMH pseudotumours [31].


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Splenectomy is a traditional treatment option for patients with β-thalassaemia, but its use has declined due to the risk of postoperative complications, such as hypercoagulability, thrombotic events, and infections [38]. However, in patients with (more...)

Complications in non-deletional HbH diseases


The incidence of gallstones is high among individuals with HbH disease, which is possibly caused by the unstable haemoglobin precipitation in erythrocytes leading to chronic haemolysis. Patients with non-deletional HbH disease carry a greater risk of gallstone formation than those with deletional HbH disease [2]. Moreover, more than two-thirds of patients with thalassaemia have asymptomatic gallstones [46]. Prior studies have found that aging and splenectomy are significant factors associated with gallstone formation in adult patients with thalassaemia [44, 47]. While most thalassaemia-related complications increase with age and are typically observed during the second and third decades of life [48], gallstones present a unique complication that may arise earlier due to ongoing haemolysis. Therefore, patients with abdominal symptoms compatible with gallstones should have a detailed evaluation that includes abdominal ultrasonography. Although the incidence of gallstones is high among individuals with thalassaemia, a significant proportion of affected patients remain asymptomatic. Thus, cholecystectomy is typically indicated only in the presence of recurrent symptoms, biliary obstruction or cholecystitis.

Extramedullary haematopoiesis (EMH)

Reports of EMH in patients with α-thalassaemia are limited, with most cases reported in patients with β-thalassaemia. EMH is a compensatory process that occurs secondary to ineffective erythropoiesis in patients with thalassaemia. It is a time-dependent complication, and aging is a significant risk factor for developing EMH in patients with thalassaemia [47]. Typically, EMH is found in the second and third decades of life, except for those patients with severe anaemia who may experience it earlier. Additionally, the degree of ineffective erythropoiesis is also a significant risk factor for EMH. This is consistent with studies on ineffective erythropoiesis biomarkers that have found that non-deletional HbH disease leads to more severe ineffective erythropoiesis than deletional HbH disease [4, 49]. EMH is commonly found in the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes, but it can also occur in other locations, including the pleural space, sinonasal tract, paravertebral, and mesentery. Several treatment modalities are available for EMH, including hypertransfusion, radiation therapy, surgery, and hydroxyurea [5052]. Hypertransfusion is the preferred treatment for EMH, and it may also help prevent this complication. Radiotherapy has also been shown to be effective in treating EMH because the EMH mass is radiosensitive. In cases where other treatments are ineffective, surgery may be considered. It is important to note that surgery carries the risk of significant bleeding, which must be carefully evaluated before deciding to proceed with the procedure.

Iron overload

Iron overload is a frequently encountered complication among older patients with non-deletional HbH, even in the absence of regular blood transfusions, due to an increase in intestinal iron absorption. Although serum ferritin represents a convenient tool for assessing iron burden in thalassaemia patients, studies have shown that it may underestimate the extent of iron overload in those with non-deletional HbH disease [53, 54]. Thus, quantitative evaluation of LIC should be conducted if serum ferritin is elevated in order to indicate the necessity for iron chelation therapy (see Chapter 11: Iron overload in α-thalassaemia).

Endocrine complications

Most studies on endocrine complications have been conducted in patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia, while data on patients with α-thalassaemia are limited. Unlike other complications associated with thalassaemia, endocrine issues can manifest early in young thalassaemia patients [55], but their prevalence appears to increase with age [44, 47]. These endocrine complications, which include hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, growth retardation, and diabetes mellitus, are more frequently reported in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassaemia compared to those with non-transfusion-dependent forms [47]. Iron overload resulting from chronic red blood cell transfusions is believed to be the primary risk factor for developing these complications, although several other factors contribute, such as chronic anaemia, nutritional deficiencies, and chronic liver disease [56, 57].

Hypogonadism is a common endocrine complication in patients with transfusion dependent thalassaemia, affecting both males and females at rates between 40% and 80% [58, 59]. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, resulting from iron deposition in the pituitary gland, is more common than excess iron deposition in the ovaries or testes. Therefore, hormone replacement therapy can alleviate symptoms and prevent long-term complications of hormone deficiency [60].

Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and diabetes mellitus (DM) are more common in individuals with transfusion-dependent thalassaemia. The primary pathogenesis of glucose abnormalities is pancreatic iron overload, which leads to insulin deficiency and increased insulin resistance [61]. The prevalence of IGT and DM ranges from 7% to 14%, and this prevalence tends to increase with age [47, 62].

Growth failure is also common in transfusion-dependent thalassaemia. In young patients with α-thalassaemia, the prevalence of growth retardation varies from 8% to 68.5% [55, 63]. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentrations were significantly lower in individuals with β-thalassaemia major compared to healthy children and can be used as a primary screening test [64]. Contributing factors to the reduced synthesis of IGF-1 in patients with thalassaemia include chronic anaemia, iron overload, and nutritional deficiencies [65].

Hypothyroidism is another complication that can be detected in 4% to 14% of patients with α-thalassaemia [55, 63], but its rate is considerably higher in transfusion dependent patients [66]. Variations in prevalence could arise from differences in genotype and treatment protocols.

A case-control study conducted in young patients with α-thalassaemia revealed a significant increase in the prevalence of hypogonadism, growth retardation, and hypoparathyroidism compared to the control group. Interestingly, it was observed that non-deletion α-thalassaemia (HbH-CS) had notably higher rates of growth retardation and hypogonadism compared to deletion α-thalassaemia [63].

At present, there are no established evidence-based guidelines for managing these endocrinopathies in individuals with thalassaemia. An appropriate approach to addressing endocrine complications in thalassaemia patients involves early detection through a multidisciplinary team, which includes endocrinologists and nutritionists. Until further data becomes available, we recommend surveillance testing and monitoring, similar to those employed for β-thalassaemia.

Pregnancy complications

Patients with non-deletional HbH disease are at increased risk of maternal and foetal complications during pregnancy. This will be reviewed in Chapter 6: Fertility and pregnancy in α-thalassaemia.

Thromboembolic events

Thalassaemia is associated with a state of hypercoagulability, which can increase the risk of thromboembolic events. There are several factors that contribute to this predisposition, including chronic haemolysis, platelet activation, endothelial damage, decreased natural anticoagulants, and splenectomy [67]. In non-deletional HbH disease, the accumulation of excess β-globin chains in erythroid cells can result in ineffective erythropoiesis and abnormal red cell membrane, leading to the exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) on the outer surface of red blood cells. This can initiate blood coagulation and thrombin generation, triggering platelet activation and increasing β-thromboglobulin (β-TG) levels in the blood circulation [6872]. Moreover, the accumulation of excess iron in thalassaemia can generate reactive oxygen species, leading to endothelial damage and the expression of intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs). This can promote adhesion and transmigration of white blood cells from blood vessels to extravascular tissue [73]. All of these factors can contribute to thrombotic complications in thalassaemia. Previous research has shown that thromboembolic events are more frequent in thalassaemia intermedia (TI) than in thalassaemia major (TM), with more venous thrombosis in TI and more arterial thrombosis in TM. Thrombosis is more common among TI patients who underwent splenectomy and have anaemia (Hb < 90 g/L) [74]. Although research on thrombotic events in patients with α-thalassaemia is limited, previous studies suggest an association between thalassaemia and thrombotic events, particularly in elderly patients who have undergone splenectomy and received inadequate blood transfusions [44]. A small-scale study revealed an elevation of ICAM-1, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), β-TG, and PS levels in patients with HbH disease [75]. Given that splenectomy is a well-established risk factor for thrombosis in patients with thalassaemia, prophylactic use of low-dose aspirin is recommended for patients with non-deletional HbH following splenectomy.

Special forms of non-deletional α-thalassaemia

Homozygous HbCS

In certain regions with a high prevalence of HbCS, such as Southeast Asia, homozygous HbCS (αCSα/αCSα) is often encountered. Adults affected by this condition typically exhibit mild HbH phenotypes, which may include normocytic or mild microcytic haemolytic anaemia, jaundice, and splenomegaly [76, 77].

Acute episodes of increased haemolysis following infection/inflammation can occur during childhood [78]. While some patients may be diagnosed incidentally in their adulthood, some present in utero with hydrops foetalis [76, 79-81]. Premature birth and associated congenital anomalies, including urogenital and mild cardiac defects similar to those identified in BHFS and HbH hydrops foetalis, can be observed. Neonatal jaundice is common and often requires treatment. Some infants may experience severe haemolytic anaemia necessitating blood transfusions in the first few months of life [80]. After the stormy pre- and post-natal periods, the infants spontaneously recover, usually after the age of 3–4 months, and by the time the patients reach 1–2 years of age, they often have haemoglobin levels exceeding 90 g/L, and no longer require blood transfusions [80]. This is unlike the survivors of BHFS and other HbH hydrops foetalis who almost always remain transfusion-dependent. The mechanisms underlying such clinical courses of affected infants with homozygous HbCS remain unclear. Compound heterozygosity for HbCS and HbPS has also been reported to exhibit a clinical course similar to that observed in individuals with homozygous HbCS [81].

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Therefore, homozygous HbCS should be one of the differential diagnoses in foetuses and neonates presenting non-immune hydrops foetalis or haemolytic jaundice/anaemia requiring treatments, especially in the areas where the variant is prevalent. Once diagnosed (more...)

Less common non-deletional variants in homozygosity or compound heterozygosity with α+-thalassaemia

Polyadenylation site (poly A) mutations in the HBA2 gene affect the polyadenylation signal site and impede the efficiency of globin protein synthesis. Poly A site mutations also interfere with the expression of the HBA1 gene in cis, contributing to the severity of the phenotype observed [82, 83]. There are two common poly A site mutations, namely α-Poly A1 (AATAAA > AATAAG) and α-Poly A2 (AATAAA > AATGAA) [82, 84]. Clinical disease is observed in individuals who are homozygous for poly A mutation (αTα/αTα) or compound heterozygous with α0 deletion (--/αTα).

The α-5nt mutation is a pentanucleotide deletion in the intron 1 region of the HBA2 gene. This mutation has a significant impact on mRNA processing, and affected patients have a phenotype similar to α+-thalassaemia. Since poly A and α-5nt mutations are regional common variants, their homozygosity and compound heterozygosity with other α+-thalassaemia are often identified in the areas. Table 4 summarizes clinical phenotypes of such combinations of selected non-deletional α-globin mutations.

Table 4

Table 4

Summary of clinical phenotypes of selected less common non-deletional variants in homozygosity (αTα/αTα) or compound heterozygosity with α+-thalassaemia (-α+Tα)

Summary and recommendations

  • Clinical presentations of patients with non-deletional HbH disease are highly variable and are generally more severe than those of deletional HbH (see Table 1). Majority of patients need occasional transfusions, and some become transfusion-dependent.
  • HbH hydrops foetalis and transfusion-dependency from early infancy are observed in certain non-deletional HbH genotypes, including HbH-QS, HbH-PolyA, HbH-Adana, HbH-PNP and HbH-SD (see Table 2).
  • Supplementation of folic acid 1-5 mg/day and a non-iron-containing multivitamin are recommended in affected patients of all age groups.
  • Prompt treatment of acute illness and alertness to symptoms of severe anaemia and haemolysis are essential for the prevention and management of acute haemolytic crisis. Patients with fever should be evaluated by a physician.
  • All immunization according to the national programmes and regular vaccinations against common infections, such as influenza, pneumococcus, SARS, and hepatitis B, are strongly recommended to prevent infections.
  • Recommended follow-up intervals for NTD patients:

    Baseline Hb>80 g/L: every 6 months


    Baseline Hb≤80 g/L: every 3 to 6 months

  • Assessment of growth, bone changes, spleen size and pubertal development are essential at every clinic visit during childhood and adolescence.
  • Complete blood count with reticulocyte count, haemolytic markers, serum ferritin, transferrin saturation, and liver enzymes should be checked with every visit.
  • Red blood cell transfusion at a volume of 10-15 ml/kg should be considered one or more times to manage acute haemolytic episodes in patients of all ages when Hb <70 g/L with an aim to restore Hb to 80-90 g/L.

    It is recommended that “effective” haemoglobin be measured at steady state. Effective - - haemoglobin can be calculated as total Hb x (1- [HbH % + Hb Bart’s %] / 100).

  • Regular blood transfusions are considered for prevention of significant growth failure, facial bone changes, failure of secondary sexual development, and massive splenomegaly in paediatric patients. They should also be considered for patients with following:

    Hb at steady-state <70 g/L


    Hb at steady-state 70-80 g/L with the presentation of symptoms before 2 years of age and/or spleen size ≥3 cm below costal margin

  • A pre-transfusion haemoglobin target of 80-90 g/L is acceptable in most patients. However, those with high proportion of circulating HbH and those with ineffective erythropoiesis may require higher pre-transfusion haemoglobin targets.
  • Periodic re-assessment of TD paediatric and young adult patients is critical for tapering off or withdrawing blood transfusion when a sustained clinical benefit is achieved.
  • Adult patients with non-deletional HbH typically do not require regular blood transfusion due to mild to moderate anaemia.
  • Frequent transfusions may be considered in more severely affected adult patients for primary prevention of disease-related complications and for improvement of their quality of life.
  • Regular blood transfusion should be considered for managing complications such as thrombotic diseases, cerebrovascular complications, and pulmonary hypertension.
  • Monitoring and management of transfusion-dependent (TD) patients should be performed similar to patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia.
  • Splenectomy can increase Hb levels and decrease or eliminate the need for transfusions in patients with HbH-CS. Splenectomy should be avoided in patients younger than 5 years. The procedure should be reserved for patients with severe anaemia and limited access to blood transfusions, hypersplenism with anaemia, leukopenia or thrombocytopenia resulting in infections or bleeding, or massive splenomegaly with left upper quadrant pain that increases the risk of splenic rupture.
  • Prophylactic use of low-dose aspirin is recommended for all patients who have undergone splenectomy to prevent post-splenectomy thromboembolic events.
  • Patients with non-deletional HbH disease are at a higher risk of developing gallstones due to chronic haemolysis. Cholecystectomy is typically indicated only in the presence of symptoms or cholecystitis.
  • Iron overload is a common complication in non-deletional HbH disease due to increased gastrointestinal absorption.
  • For non-transfusion dependent patients, monitor serum ferritin levels with every clinical visit and measure LIC with MRI if ferritin is >300 ng/mL. Iron chelation should be started if LIC >5 mg/g dry weight or ferritin >500 ng/mL.
  • Patients with α-thalassaemia experience a higher prevalence of endocrine complications compared to the general population. Iron overload is a primary risk factor for the development of endocrine complications in thalassaemia. Patients with non-deletional HbH disease should be monitored similar to those with β-thalassaemia.
  • If onset of puberty is delayed >2 years or if there is concern for slow growth, obtain family history and consider taking an x-ray for bone age. DXA scan should be done every 3 years (or more frequently if indicated) starting at 12 years.
  • ECHO should be offered to patients starting at 10-12 years to assess for pulmonary artery pressure. If normal, repeat every 3-5 years. More frequent assessments may be needed at older ages.
  • Splenectomy, aging, and inadequate blood transfusion are well-established risk factors for thrombosis in patients with thalassaemia.
  • Exacerabtion of anaemia requiring transfusion is common during pregnancy and risk of preterm birth, foetal growth restriction and low birthweight are increased in pregnant mothers with non-deletional HbH disease. Partners should be screened for α-thalassaemia to evaluate foetal risk for haemoglobin Bart’s hydrops foetalis.
  • Homozygous HbCS may present with hydrops foetalis and/or neonatal haemolytic jaundice/anaemia requiring treatments during the first few months of life. These symptoms spontaneously recover to become a mild HbH-like phenotypes with Hb > 90 g/L.
  • Other regional common non-deletional variants in homozygote forms or in compound heterozygotes with α+-thalassaemia most often result in mild to moderate HbH-like phenotypes.


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