NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

Toxicological Profile for Nitrophenols. Atlanta (GA): Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (US); 2023 Apr.



Nitrophenols (also referred to as mononitrophenols) exist in three isomeric forms: 2-nitrophenol (or ortho- or o-), 3-nitrophenol (or meta- or m-), and 4-nitrophenol (or para- or p-). All three of these nitrophenols are manmade. Table 4-1 lists common synonyms, trade names, and other pertinent identification information for 2-nitrophenol, Table 4-2 lists this information for 3-nitrophenol, and Table 4-3 lists this information for 4-nitrophenol.


2-Nitrophenol is a light yellow, aromatic solid; 3- and 4-nitrophenol are colorless to pale yellow solids. The nitrophenols are expected to be highly soluble in water. They also have low vapor pressures, and therefore, low potential for long range atmospheric transport (Harrison et al. 2005). Tables 4-4, 4-5, and 4-6. List important physical and chemical properties of 2-, 3-, and 4-nitrophenol, respectively.


Table 4-1Chemical Identity of 2-Nitrophenol

Chemical Name2-Nitrophenol
Synonym(s) and Registered trade name(s)O-Hydroxynitrobenzene; 2-Hydroxynitrobenzene; o-Nitrophenol; Phenol, o-nitro-; Phenol, 2-nitro
Chemical formulaC6H5NO3
Chemical structure Chemical structure for 2-Nitrophenol
CAS registry number88-75-5

CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service

Source: NLM 2022a

Table 4-2Chemical Identity of 3-Nitrophenol

Chemical Name3-Nitrophenol
Synonym(s) and Registered trade name(s)M-Hydroxynitrobenzene; 3-Hydroxynitrobenzene; m-Nitrophenol; Phenol, m-nitro-; Phenol, 3-nitro-;
Chemical formulaC6H5NO3
Chemical structure Chemical structure for 3-Nitrophenol
CAS registry number554-84-7

CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service

Source: NLM 2022b

Table 4-3Chemical Identity of 4-Nitrophenol

Chemical Name4-Nitrophenol
Synonym(s) and Registered trade name(s)P-Hydroxynitrobenzene; 4-Hydroxynitrobenzene; Niphen; P-Nitrophenol; Paranitrophenol; Phenol, p-nitro-; Phenol, 4-nitro-; PNP
Chemical formulaC6H5NO3
Chemical structure Chemical structure for 4-Nitrophenol
CAS registry number100-02-7

CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service

Source: NLM 2022c

Table 4-4Physical and Chemical Properties of 2-Nitrophenol

Molecular weight139.109 NLM 2022a
ColorLight yellow O’Neil 2006
Physical stateCrystalline solid NLM 2022a
Melting point44–45°C O’Neil 2006
Boiling point216°C Haynes et al. 2015
1.29 g/cm3 at 40°C Haynes et al. 2015
OdorAromatic O’Neil 2006
Odor threshold:
 Water10 mg/L Verschueren 1983
 Air8×10−11 moles/m3 Fazzalari 1978
Taste threshold0.001 mg/L Verschueren 1983
 Water2,100 mg/L at 20°C Verschueren 1983
2,500 mg/L at 25°C Yalkowsky et al. 2010
10,800 mg/L at 100°C Verschueren 1983
 Organic solvent(s)Very soluble in ethanol, ether, acetone, benzene, pyridine, chlorine; freely soluble in carbon sulfide, alkali hydroxidesBudavari 1996; Haynes et al. 2015
Partition coefficients:
 Log Kow1.79 Hansch et al. 1995
 Log Koc1.76–2.04Gawlik et al. 1998; Tülp et al. 2009
Vapor pressure
 At 20°C0.113 mm Hg at 25°C NLM 2022a
Henry’s law constant1.3×10−5 at 20°C Tremp et al. 1993
1.63×10−5 at 25°C Harrison et al. 2002
Disassociation constant (pKa)7.23 NLM 2022a
Autoignition temperature550°C NLM 2022a
Flashpoint108°C NLM 2022a
Flammability limitsNo data NLM 2022a
Conversion factors
 ppm (v/v) to mg/m3 in air at 20°C1 ppm=5.783 mg/m3 NLM 2022a
 mg/m3to ppm (v/v) in air at 20°C1 mg/m3=0.173 ppm
Explosive limitsNo data NLM 2022a

Table 4-5Physical and Chemical Properties of 3-Nitrophenol

Molecular weight139.11 g/mol NLM 2022b
ColorColorless to pale yellow NLM 2022b
Physical stateCrystalline solid NLM 2022b
Melting point96.8°C NLM 2022b
Boiling point194°C NLM 2022b
 At 20°C/4°C1.485 O’Neil 2006
OdorAromatic to sweetish Sittig 1981
Odor threshold:
 Water0.6 m/L Verschueren 1983
 Air3.0 mg/m3
Taste thresholdNo data
 Water Organic solvent(s)13,550 mg/L at 25°C Yalkowsky et al. 2010
133,000 mg/L at 90°C Verschueren 1983
 Organic solvent(s)Very soluble in acetone, ether, ethanol, benzene Haynes et al. 2015
Partition coefficients:
 Log Kow2.00 Hansch et al. 1995
 Log Koc1.68 Borisover and Graber 1997
Vapor pressure
5.85×10−5 mm Hg at 25°C Bannan et al. 2017
Henry’s law constant2.00×10−9 atm-m3/mole at 25°C NLM 2022b
Dissociation constant8.36 NLM 2022b
Autoignition temperature400°C NLM 2022b
Flashpoint>100°C NLM 2022b
Flammability limitsNo data NLM 2022b
Conversion factors
 ppm (v/v) to mg/m3 in air at 20°C1 mg/m3=0.18 ppm NLM 2022b
 mg/m3 to ppm (v/v) in air at 20°C1 ppm=5.69 mg/m3
Explosive limitsNo data NLM 2022b

Table 4-6Physical and Chemical Properties of 4-Nitrophenol

Molecular weight139.11 O’Neil 2006
ColorColorless to slightly yellow O’Neil 2006
Physical stateSolid NLM 2022c
Melting point113–114°C O’Neil 2006
Boiling point279°C Lewis 2007
Density: At 20°C1.479 g/cm3 Lewis 2007
OdorOdorless O’Neil 2006
Odor threshold:
 Water2.5 mg/L Verschueren 1983
 Air2.3 mg/m3
Taste threshold43.4 mg/L NLM 2022c
 Water10,000 mg/L at 15°C Verschueren 1983
15,600 mg/L at 25°C Yalkowsky et al. 2010
 Organic solvent(s)Very soluble in ethanol, ether, and acetone; freely soluble in alcohol, chloroform; soluble in solution of fixed alkali hydroxides and carbonatesHaynes et al. 2015; O’Neil 2006
Partition coefficients:
 Log Kow1.91 Hansch et al. 1995
 Log Koc2.37 Schüürmann et al. 2006
Vapor pressure1.2×10−5 mm Hg at 25°C Bannan et al. 2017
Henry’s law constant1.28×10−8 atm-m3/mol at 20°C Tremp et al. 1993
Dissociation constant7.15 NLM 2022c
Autoignition temperature490°C NLM 2022c
Flashpoint169°C NLM 2022c
Flammability limitsNo data NLM 2022c
Conversion factors
 ppm (v/v) to mg/m3 in air at 20°C1 mg/m3=0.173 ppm mg/m3 NLM 2022c
 mg/m3 to ppm (v/v) in air at 20°C1 ppm=5.783 mg/m3
Explosive limitsNo data NLM 2022c