1.4.1. Occurrence in the environment, food, and consumer products
The wide use of isophorone as a chemical intermediate and solvent for lacquers, inks, vinyl resins, herbicides, copolymers, coatings, and other products in a variety of industrial settings permits its entry into the environment from urban centres and industrial sites via atmospheric emissions due to volatilization; and via water and soil contamination due to waste disposal, industrial effluents and runoff. While isophorone is rapidly removed from the air by photochemical breakdown, and to a lesser extent washout, it may persist in natural waters and soil for longer periods. In water, volatilization and sorption to sediments and particulates are not expected to be significant removal mechanisms of isophorone and, in soils, microbial degradation is expected to occur (ATSDR, 2018). Isophorone is also present in food items, and in products whose manufacture involves its application, including food packaging (Sasaki et al., 2005; Skjevrak et al., 2005) and children’s aquatic toys (Wiedmer et al., 2017; Wiedmer & Buettner, 2018). While the dominant sources of isophorone in the environment appear to be anthropogenic in nature, it has been found to occur naturally, including in several botanical specimens, such as cranberries (NCBI, 2021) and saffron, and in honey (see Section 1.3.4), and in the defensive froth or secretions of grasshoppers (Eisner et al., 1971). [The Working Group noted that the precise origin of isophorone in these natural specimens is a subject of inquiry.] Concentrations of isophorone reported in different environmental media, including food and other consumer products, are summarized in Table 1.2 and described throughout the following sections. [The Working Group noted that many of the measurements reviewed throughout Section 1.4.1 were made for method development and validation purposes and do not necessarily reflect the actual distribution of isophorone in the environment.]
Occurrence of isophorone in environmental samples, food, consumer products, and biological specimens.
(a) Environmental occurrence
There is a notable scarcity of ambient air measurements of isophorone in the literature, despite its volatility and known sources of atmospheric emissions. The US EPA publishes national estimates of isophorone emissions via its National Emissions Inventory (NEI) on the basis of data provided by state, local, and tribal air agencies, and supplemented by data collected by the US EPA. Estimated isophorone emissions by sector in the USA in 2017 are presented in Table 1.3. This suggests that the five sectors with the highest emissions of isophorone are coal-powered electricity generation, waste disposal, industrial surface coating and solvent use, industrial processes not elsewhere classified, and chemical manufacturing, which contribute 38%, 29%, 19%, 6.5%, and 3.4%, respectively, of total emissions (US EPA, 2017). Atmospheric emissions of isophorone may be produced by coal combustion; isophorone was measured at a concentration of 490 ppb [0.49 mg/kg] in coal fly ash from a power station in the USA (Harrison et al., 1985). Overheating electrical components have also been shown to be a source of atmospheric emission of isophorone. Under experimental conditions, a resistor heated at a constant temperature of 200 °C for 5 hours emitted isophorone at 128 ng/g of component per hour (Paz et al., 2012). [The Working Group noted that these data indicated that isophorone exposure may occur as a result of electrical and other fires involving the combustion of isophorone-containing materials. The former is of relevance to those involved in the burning of electronic waste, an activity that is particularly prevalent in low- and middle-income countries such as those in West Africa and from where occurrence and exposure data for isophorone appear to be absent.]
Estimated isophorone emissions in the USA in 2017 by emission sectora
Data on the occurrence of isophorone in surface waters (excluding effluents from industrial sites) are sparse, with the few measurements available from the USA not detecting the compound or detecting trace amounts (< 2 µg/L) (Sheldon & Hites, 1978; US EPA, 1982; Hall Jr et al., 1987). Lake sediments in both the USA and China have been found to contain isophorone. Mean concentrations at three sites at Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA, between May and June 1980, were between 0.9 and 12 ng/g [0.0009–0.012 mg/kg] (McFall et al., 1985). Much higher concentrations (1.01–17.21 mg/kg) were measured in five sediment samples collected from Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China, in November 2000 (Wang et al., 2002). A small number of studies (US EPA, 1974, 1975; Keith et al., 1976; Feng et al., 2020) have measured isophorone in drinking-water. A range of 1.5–2.9 µg/L was reported for an unknown number of samples collected in New Orleans, USA in 1974 (US EPA, 1974). Isophorone was detected in 3 out of 11 samples collected in Philadelphia, USA, between 1975 and 1977 (Suffet et al., 1980), but the concentrations were not reported. A study conducted in China comparing methods for the removal of isophorone from reservoir-sourced drinking-water reported concentrations that were all below 5.18 ng/L [0.005 µg/L] (Feng et al., 2020).
The highest environmental concentrations of isophorone have been measured in industrial effluents (Table 1.2): concentrations were 120 µg/L in sewage effluent, 185 µg/L in paint and ink effluent, 237 µg/L in pharmaceutical effluent, 753 µg/L in pulp and paper effluent, and as high as 1380 µg/L in effluent from petroleum refining (US EPA, 1982, 1983). Isophorone has also been found in the turf crumb rubber of synthetic sports pitches, which is made from recycled tyres (Perkins et al., 2019).
(b) Dietary exposure
Although represented by only a few studies and individual samples, a substantial variety of food items have been analysed for isophorone content. As mentioned in Section 1.3.4 of the present monograph, some of these studies were conducted for purposes other than human exposure assessment, such as determining the VOC profile of honey, a large fraction of which includes isophorone. Mean concentrations ranged from 0.046 ng/g (Alissandrakis et al., 2007) to 4.12 ng/g (Kataoka et al., 2007). In environmental samples, isophorone was found at a concentration of 38 ng/g in an oyster collected from Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA, in 1980, but was not detected in two samples from clam (McFall et al., 1985). Two studies conducted in Japan (Sasaki et al., 2005; Kataoka et al., 2007) measured isophorone in a large variety of supermarket-bought food items. These results are summarized in Table 1.2; the majority of samples contained isophorone at less than 1 ng/g, but relatively higher concentrations were found in polished rice (2.8 ng/g), miso (8.9 ng/g), spinach (1.7 ng/g), sole (1.8 ng/g) (Sasaki et al., 2005); and rice and sea urchin (both, 2.9 ng/g), miso (3.3 ng/g), honey (4.1 ng/g), strong soy sauce (3.3 ng/g), soy sauce (5.2 ng/g), fermented soybeans (5.4 ng/g), and soybean flour (13.3 ng/g) (Kataoka et al., 2007). The highest isophorone concentrations in food reported by any study were found in samples of various fish species collected in 1983 from Lake Michigan tributaries, USA, where there were known influxes of industrial effluent (Camanzo et al., 1987). [A mean concentration of 0.76 mg/kg (range, < LOD to 3.61 mg/kg) [760 ng/g (range, < LOD to 3610 ng/g)] was calculated.] [The Working Group noted that, although these samples were sourced directly from the environment, they pointed to potentially high human exposures from food sourced from polluted areas.]
The origin of isophorone in many food items was not clear; it may be naturally occurring or a result of contamination, including with herbicides and pesticides, some of which include isophorone as a major constituent, e.g. 10–20% in one herbicide (Arysta LifeScience, 2013) and as high as 60% in another (Bayer Crop Science, 2010), both of which are used on beetroot, rice, beans, spinach, and sugar beet (Federal Register, 2006). Isophorone has been detected in food packaging at concentrations many times higher than in the food items themselves. The average isophorone concentration measured in containers made from polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, and polypropylene for soy sauce, polished rice, miso, and beans was 12.6 ng/g (range, 4–19 ng/g). The corresponding isophorone concentrations measured in the foods in these containers ranged from 1 to 3.5 ng/g, and estimated migration levels (determined by filling containers with dichloromethane and leaving them at 25 °C for 1 hour) ranged from < 50 to 150 pg/cm2 [0.05–0.15 ng/cm2] (Sasaki et al., 2005). In another study (Skjevrak et al., 2005), water exposed to polyolefin bottles at ambient temperature for 72 hours was found to contain an isophorone concentration up to 4 µg/L.
(c) Consumer products
Notably high concentrations of isophorone (160–5250 mg/kg) have been measured in 40% of tested inflatable swimming-pool toys and learning devices, including armbands, bathing rings, and beach balls (Wiedmer & Buettner, 2018). [Direct exposure to these products is most likely to occur among children.] Isophorone has also been shown to migrate from these products and other swimwear (e.g. goggles, earplugs, flipflops, and swimming caps) into swimming-pool water. In a survey of water from 50 public, private, outdoor and indoor pools, sports pools, hot tubs, water slides, paddling pools, and recreational pools in Poland, isophorone was quantified in 89% of samples, with a mean concentration of 0.8 µg/L (0.75–1.0 µg/L) among those samples in which isophorone was quantified (Lempart et al., 2020). In another study (Danish Ministry of the Environment, 2007), isophorone was detected in a school bag, pencil case, and eraser.
Like other VOCs, isophorone is a component of tobacco smoke (Yang et al., 2006).
1.4.2. Occupational exposure
Few estimates are available of the number of workers exposed to isophorone worldwide. NIOSH estimated in 1978 that about 1.5 million workers were potentially exposed to isophorone in the USA (NIOSH, 1978a). However, the NIOSH National Occupational Exposure Survey estimated that just 47 097 workers (10 353 of whom were women) were exposed to isophorone in 1981–1983, with the highest numbers seen among operators of printing machines, painting and paint spraying machines, textile machines, and miscellaneous machines, as well as hand packers and packagers, assemblers, non-construction labourers, unspecified mechanics and repairers. The industries with the highest representation among exposed workers were rubber and miscellaneous plastics products, printing and publishing, fabricated metal, chemicals and allied products, and miscellaneous manufacturing industries (NIOSH, 1990). [The Working Group noted that it is unclear how representative these estimates are of current exposure prevalence.]
No studies on occupational exposure of workers exposed to isophorone during its manufacture were available to the Working Group. Isophorone has been measured in air in several occupational settings where isophorone is used as an ink in screen-printing and other types of printing and coating, and in plastics manufacture. Although isophorone is a constituent of some herbicides, e.g. Betanal (Bayer Crop Science, 2010) and Satunil (Arysta LifeScience, 2013), no information was available on exposures during manufacture or use of these herbicides. [The Working Group noted that the available data were sparse and were collected in only a few countries.]
In an epidemiological study by Rodrigues et al. (2020), the authors reported isophorone exposures in three facilities, located in East Fishkill in New York, Burlington in Vermont, and San José in California, USA, in which the following operations were carried out: semiconductor manufacture, masking, and module manufacture; and the manufacture of printers, hard disk drives, tape drives, and Winchester disks. [The Working Group noted that, although isophorone was present in at least one of these facilities, no information was provided as to in which operation the isophorone occurred.]
An Institut national de recherche et de sécurité (INRS) database called Solvex (INRS, 2021) is derived from a French occupational exposure database (COLCHIC) of measurements taken by French prevention authorities for risk assessment purposes since 1987 (Mater et al., 2016). Solvex provides summary statistics for personal measurements by industry, occupation, or task. The industry categories that showed sufficient data on isophorone exposure (more than 50 samples) that could be used to calculate statistics were printing, and reproduction of documents (100 results; mean, 0.99 mg/m3; range, 0.15–12 mg/m3), metallurgy (83 results; mean, 0.65 mg/m3; range, 0.05–21 mg/m3), manufacture of metal products (62 results; mean, 0.65 mg/m3; range, 0.05–10 mg/m3), and manufacture of electrical equipment (57 results; mean, 0.62 mg/m3; range, 0.04–3 mg/m3). Of these measurements, 88% had been taken before 2001.
Compliance measurements are also available from the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (OSHA, 2021) and discussed in Lavoué et al. (2013). Between 1984 and 2020, 755 personal isophorone measurements varying in duration between 11 and 880 minutes were collected. Of the 8% of measurements that were made after 2000, isophorone was not detected in ~30%. The isophorone measurements made between 1984 and 2020 ranged from < 0.015 ppm [< 0.09 mg/m3] (the smallest reported detected value) to 40 ppm [230 mg/m3] (interquartile interval, < 0.015–0.6 ppm [< 0.09–3.4 mg/m3]). The three most visited industries were: commercial printing, not elsewhere classified (n = 239; median < 0.015 ppm [< 0.09 mg/m3]; 90th percentile, 2.3 ppm [13 mg/m3]); plastics products, not elsewhere classified (n = 150; median < 0.015 ppm; 90th percentile, 1.1 ppm [6.3 mg/m3]); and blank books and loose-leaf binders (n = 41; median, < 0.015 ppm [< 0.09 mg/m3]; 90th percentile, 1.9 ppm [11 mg/m3]).
summarizes the results of the identified literature on occupational exposure measurements in specific workplaces.
Occupational exposure to isophorone measured in workplace air.
A NIOSH health hazard evaluation was conducted during two visits in 1977 to a metals coating company near Chicago, Illinois, USA (NIOSH, 1978b). Personal breathing zone (PBZ) and area-sample air measurements were collected in three coating lines and two reclaimed-solvent areas using charcoal sampling tubes and analysed using GC. Isophorone was below the LOD in several air measurements collected in one reclaimed-solvent area and 1.0 ppm [5.74 mg/m3] in the second area. Isophorone and several other solvents were measured for workers carrying out different tasks on three coating lines during the first visit and on one coating line during the second visit. [Ventilation was present, but its effectiveness was unclear.] Most of the general area samples in the coating lines contained non-detectable concentrations of isophorone. A PBZ sample for the finish coater collected over 4 hours contained non-detectable concentrations of isophorone. Time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations for exposure to isophorone were estimated at 1.5 ppm [8.61 mg/m3] for the prime coater, and 0.75 [4.30 mg/m3] and 0.97 ppm [5.57 mg/m3] for the finish coater, in short-term samples collected over 1–1.5 hours. PBZ samples collected over 5.5–6 hours showed non-detectable concentrations of isophorone for the prime coat operator and, in three out of four samples, for the finish coat operator (the fourth sample contained isophorone at a concentration of 0.74 ppm [4.25 mg/m3]). Short-term samples collected over a period of less than 35 minutes for the unwind operator, rewind operator, and finish coat operator all contained non-detectable concentrations of isophorone in the PBZ samples. The coating line for a different product was evaluated on the second visit and showed a mean isophorone concentration of 1.0 ppm [5.74 mg/m3] in PBZ samples across the various tasks. [The Working Group noted that sampling times were generally longer during the second visit, which may have improved the ability to detect isophorone in the PBZ samples.]
NIOSH measured occupational exposures to isophorone and other solvents in several screen-printing operations in the USA between 1978 and 1984. [The Working Group noted that these investigations were generally triggered by workers’ reports of nausea, headache, or eye and nose irritation.] Measurements were made in these studies using PBZ or area air sampling onto charcoal tubes, which were then analysed using GC.
Several PBZ samples were collected in 1977 at a small specialty screen-printing operation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (NIOSH, 1979). Of seven samples, all except two had non-detectable concentrations of isophorone (0.30 ppm [1.72 mg/m3] during screen printing in an unventilated area and 25.7 ppm [148 mg/m3] in a very short-term sample while cleaning the screens [ventilation effectiveness was unclear]; the LOD was 0.3 mg per sample.) [The Working Group noted this was more than five times the short-term ceiling limit value in effect at that time, 5 ppm [28.7 mg/m3].]
In 1980, NIOSH (1981) measured isophorone exposures in a company in Ridgefield, New Jersey, USA, employing 54 workers to screen-print, cut, laminate, and sew decals. Isophorone was a component of the printing ink and was also used directly in spray bottles as a “reducer” and on the printing screens as an anti-static coating. [The Working Group noted that employees using these sprays reported acute respiratory and neurological symptoms.] Isophorone was detected in the PBZ air of only the screen printers: their full-shift TWA (8 hours) concentrations were 0.7 and 14 ppm [4.0 and 80.4 mg/m3]. It was noted that the ventilation was poorly designed.
In a small specialty printing company in Augusta, Georgia, USA, PBZ and area air samples were collected in 1982 for two screen-printing workers using gloss vinyl inks containing 35–40% isophorone (NIOSH, 1983). Ventilation was considered poorly designed. The median air concentration across eight PBZ and area samples was 1.3 ppm [7.5 mg/m3], with the highest concentrations noted near the drying racks (area sample, 2.5 ppm [14 mg/m3]) and while printing decals (PBZ sample, 3.4 ppm [20 mg/m3]).
Lastly, NIOSH (1984) investigated exposures to isophorone and other solvents at a silk-screen printing vinyl-wallcovering manufacturer in Chicago, USA, in 1984. Isophorone (a solvent in the “retarder”) was not detected during screen printing operations at this facility. [The Working Group noted that the full-shift air sampling rates were lower than those used in previous NIOSH studies, which could have affected the detection limit, which was not given for isophorone.]
A study focusing on isophorone exposures among screen-printing workers was carried out in a 34 000 ft2 [3160 m2] facility in the USA [location unspecified] (Samimi, 1982). Isophorone was a main constituent of the inks and ink thinners, ranging from 10% to 75% among the various products, which were used to screen-print plastic, paper, or metal sheets at this mostly unventilated workplace. The product was dried in a ventilated dryer or hung to dry in a [presumably unventilated] room. It was noted that isophorone exposures were highest for workers involved in press operations, drying operations, ink formulation, and screen cleaning. The authors collected 78 short-term (50–90 minutes) PBZ air samples using charcoal tubes among workers expected to have highest solvent exposures. [The Working Group noted that the sampling and analytical methods used in this study were similar to those used in the above series of NIOSH studies.] TWA PBZ exposure concentrations were generally highest among printing press operators (mean, 23 ppm [132 mg/m3] and workers involved in paint mixing (mean, 17.8 ppm [102 mg/m3]), but mean concentrations for all workers were above 8 ppm [46 mg/m3]. It was also noted that PBZ concentrations were higher than corresponding area samples. [The Working Group noted that this is a typical finding for many solvents, aerosols, and particulates studied in occupational settings.]
[The Working Group noted that it was unclear how representative of current exposure conditions these 40-year-old studies of screen-printing workers are. However, it is notable that a recent publication identified isophorone as “the most widely used screen-printing ink solvent (comprising 75% of the total solvent)” (Kiurski et al., 2016).]
A small study was carried out of indoor air in a paper and cardboard printing company in Slovakia in 2015 (Vilcekova & Meciarova, 2016). Quantitative measurements were made for total VOCs in a location with a floor area of 144.3 m2. Although no quantitative exposure levels were measured for individual VOCs, qualitative analysis was done for isophorone and 20 other VOCs by sampling with a zNose 4300 electronic nose in four cycles [“cycle” was not defined] (Meciarova et al., 2014). Total VOC concentrations fluctuated throughout the day and were typically above 40 mg/m3, with the highest levels (spiking above 120 mg/m3) seen in the latest part of the 8-hour day. Isophorone was one of the three most commonly occurring individual VOCs, appearing in all four cycles.
Cai et al. (2019) measured isophorone and several other ketones and aldehydes in workplace air of the production workspaces of 10 large-scale plastic-product manufacturers in China. Air concentrations for seven of the plants were reported as 0.0065 mg/m3 [the Working Group interpreted this to be the LOD], and the highest concentration measured at a plant was 2.1 mg/m3. [The Working Group noted that few details were provided about the sampling and analytical methods used or about the facilities themselves in this study. All measured values were noted by the authors to be well below occupational exposure limits in China.]
In addition to the printing and coating operations described above, isophorone has occasionally been reported in office settings. A recent study by Davis et al. (2019) found isophorone to be emitted in 8% of 3D printers tested. A NIOSH investigation (NIOSH, 2014) of a large government office complex in the USA in 2011 noted that grab samples had been historically collected for isophorone, but no information was provided on whether isophorone was detected.