Publication Details

3.1. Chemical Identity

Information regarding the chemical identity of hydraulic fluid products is located in Table 3-1. This table contains information representative of three types of hydraulic fluids: mineral oil, organophosphate ester, and polyalphaolefin.

Early fluid power systems used water as the hydraulic medium. Because of its corrosive effect on the metallic parts and lack of lubricity, water was replaced by petroleum-based oil. The petroleum-based fluids discussed in this profile are mineral oil and water-in-oil emulsion fluids. Water-in-oil emulsions consist of 35-40% water, ≤60% mineral oil, and emulsifiers and additives. The water is dispersed in fine droplets in the oil phase. However, these fluids containing oil are readily ignited (NFPA 1991). Some water-in-oil emulsion hydraulic fluids contain ethylene glycol; however, ethylene glycol represents ≤10% of the total volume of water-in-oil emulsion hydraulic fluids. The carbon number range in mineral oil hydraulic fluids will vary depending on the application, but probably is in the range of C15 to C50(IARC 1984). The hydrocarbon components of mineral oil (and ethylene glycol) are used in numerous other applications, so the presence of these components in the environment cannot be uniquely associated with mineral oil-based hydraulic fluid use.

Most mineral oil hydraulic fluids are made from dewaxed paraffin-based crude oils that are blended with additives to impart appropriate properties for the specific use (Newton 1989; Papay 1989, 1991; Wills 1980). The types of additives, which are summarized below, are quite numerous and in some cases (Mattie et al. 1993) may contain organophosphate esters. These additives include extreme pressure additives, which help prevent surface damage under severe loading (organic sulfur-, phosphorus-, and chlorine-containing compounds); anti-wear additives, which prevent wearing under light loads (fatty acids and derivatives, organophosphate esters); corrosion inhibitors, which prevent corrosion by oxygen and water (fatty acids, sulfonates, and salts of fatty acids); oxidation inhibitors, which inhibit oxidation of the hydraulic fluid (phenols, amines, and sulfides); defoamers, which prevent foam formation (silicone oils); viscosity index improvers, which reduce the dependence of viscosity on temperature (polyalphaolefins, polymethacrylates, and polyalkylstyrenes); pour point depressants, which lower the pour point temperature (polymethacrylates and condensation products); demulsifiers, which allow separation of oil and water (ionogenic and nonionogenic polar compounds); and dispersants, which prevent unwanted deposits (sulfonates and amides) (Moller 1989).

Table 3-1. Chemical Identity of Hydraulic Fluid Products.

Table 3-1

Chemical Identity of Hydraulic Fluid Products.

The exact nature of each of these additives appears to be trade secret information since none of the Material Safety Data Sheets describing the hydraulic fluids presented in this profile identify these materials. In addition, no information concerning the exact production methods used in manufacturing these hydraulic fluids was located in the available literature. Nonetheless, they are probably manufactured in batch processes and then tested to insure that they conform to the specifications for which they are sold. The number, nature, and amount of each additive used in a batch may depend on availability, cost, or performance.

The carbon number range (hence, viscosity) in mineral oil hydraulic fluids will vary depending on the application of the fluid (IARC 1984; Papay 1989, 1991, 1993; Wills 1980), but probably are in the range of C15 to C50. The higher the carbon number, the higher the viscosity; viscosity is a major factor in determining the base stock of a hydraulic fluid (Moller 1989; Papay 1989, 1991, 1993; Shubkin 1993; Wills 1980). A more highly refined mineral oil will have better viscosity properties (i.e., high viscosity index or low dependence of viscosity on temperature) (Moller 1989; Shubkin 1993).

In the past, hydraulic fluids using mineral oils sometimes included such additives as PCBs to improve the thermal resistance or other properties of the resulting fluids. While such uses of PCBs have been discontinued, PCBs at NPL sites may be encountered as a component where hydraulic fluids are a site contaminant (ATSDR 1993b).

Synthetic fire-resistant fluids have been developed to replace petroleum-based fluids for many applications. Although there are several types of these less hazardous fluids, the only synthetic fluids discussed in this profile are phosphate esters and polyalphaolefins. The phosphate esters are tertiary esters of orthophosphoric acid, O=P(OH)3, and may be triaryl, trialkyl, and alkyl/aryl. The polyalphaolefins are usually based on 2-decene and contain a mixture of oligomers (dimers, trimers, etc.).

The first commercial trialkyl phosphate esters (TAP) were tricresyl phosphate (TCP) and trixylenyl phosphate (TXP), referred to as “natural” phosphate esters because the cresols and xylenols used as raw materials are derived from petroleum oil or coal tar (Marino and Placek 1994). These products are not commercially significant at present; however, at waste disposal sites, contaminants from older product formulations may be encountered, particularly those containing the neurotoxic tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate isomer. “Synthetic” phosphate esters are derived from synthetic feedstocks. Specific synthetic reactions have been developed to produce triaryl, trialkyl, and alkyl\aryl esters. The triaryl phosphates are currently the most significant commercial products (Marino 1992). All three organic groups can be the same, such as tricresyl or trixylenyl phosphate, or they may be different, as iso-propylphenyl diphenyl phosphate or cresyl diphenyl phosphate. Of the trialkyl phosphate esters, tributyl phosphate is the most important of the synthetic base stocks. Most are used in aircraft hydraulic fluids (Marino 1992). Dibutyl phenyl phosphate, also used as an aircraft hydraulic fluid, is the most important of the alkyl/aryl phosphate esters (Marino 1992).

Products may be either mixtures of phosphate ester compounds resulting directly from the manufacturing process or mixtures resulting from post-blending or compounding with additives.

One of the main human health concerns about organophosphate esters is the potential for neurotoxicity reactions, in particular a condition known as organophosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN). Tri-ortho- cresyl phosphate (TOCP) has been identified as one of the more potent OPIDN neurotoxins in humans, and was formerly a constituent in some organophosphate ester hydraulic fluid products (Marino 1992; Marino and Placek 1994). Production processes now routinely remove virtually all the TOCP. For instance, tricresyl phosphate (TCP) products now typically are manufactured to contain over 98% meta and para isomers and virtually no TOCP (Marino and Placek 1994). Products containing these compounds associated with OPIDN have now entirely disappeared from commercial use, and the vast majority of the industrial organophosphate esters are based on triaryl phosphates with no halogenated components (Marino 1992). At waste disposal sites, however, site contaminants from older product formulations containing the ortho form may be encountered.

In addition, organophosphate esters also are used as antiwear additives in hydraulic fluids and other lubricants; of the organophosphate esters discussed in this profile, Durad 110, 125, 220B, and 300 are categorized by their manufacturers as antiwear additives and not as hydraulic fluids (FMC 1991c, 1991d, 1992a, 1992b; Marino and Placek 1994).

Before the 1960s products were introduced based on alkyl aryl phosphates that could contain chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. Such products have now entirely disappeared from commercial use, and the vast majority of the industrial organophosphate esters are based on triaryl phosphates with no halogenated components (Marino 1992). However, at older waste disposal sites, hydraulic fluid site contaminants could contain chlorinated hydrocarbons. As with the PCBs formerly included as additives in other forms of hydraulic fluids, these additives may present more toxicity risks than the primary ingredients of the hydraulic fluids.

A typical polyalphaolefin oil prepared from 1-decene and BF 3· n-C4H9OH catalyst at 30 °C contains predominantly trimer (C30hydrocarbons) with much smaller amounts of dimer, tetramer, pentamer, and hexamer. While 1-decene is the most common starting material, other alphaolefins can be used, depending on the needs of the product oil.

The final oil contains a large number of isomers (e.g., the trimer of 1-decene contains many C30 isomers, the tetramer contains many C40 isomers) which result from skeletal branching during the oligomerization (Shubkin 1993). Polyalphaolefin oils are many times classified by their kinematic viscosity at 100 °C; the higher the viscosity, the longer the average chain length of the polyalphaolefin. The isomer distribution of a polyalphaolefin oil used in a particular hydraulic fluid will depend on the application. A polyalphaolefin oil contains a narrower range of molecular weights than a comparable mineral oil (Chrisope and Landry 1993; Shubkin 1993).

Most hydraulic fluids contain additives that impart needed properties (Papay 1989, 1991; Wills 1980). The exact composition and proportion of these additives in a certain type of fluid depends on the intended use. Hydraulic fluids are compounded to conform to performance-based standards such as Military or ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) specifications. Some examples of Military specifications are shown in Table 3-2. Many different formulations can be compounded to conform to one performance standard. It should be noted that the variability among these products or even within products with the same trade names may confuse efforts to determine environmental and health effects of hydraulic fluids at hazardous waste landfills since hydraulic fluids that are currently used may or may not contain the same components present in old products of the same name.

Table 3-3 contains information regarding the chemical identity of principal components of hydraulic fluids. Trade names are included when the component constitutes 100% (or nearly 100%) of the product. Information has also been included for several representative types of mineral oil. It should be noted, however, that the term “mineral oil” encompasses a wide variety of petroleum-based products. Several phosphate esters used as hydraulic fluid additives are also included in Table 3-3.

Some of the products listed in the tables in Chapter 3 are not currently on the market. Information has been included for these products since components may be present at older waste disposal sites. For example, Cellulube 200 has not been a commercial product for over 20 years, Pydraul products are no longer sold commercially, and MIL-H- 19457B has been obsolete since 1981 (FMC 1995). In addition, some product names and designations have changed. For example, Durad MP 280B is now known as a Reolube (effective January 1995) (FMC 1995).

Table 3-2. Examples of Military Standards for Hydraulic Fluids.

Table 3-2

Examples of Military Standards for Hydraulic Fluids.

Table 3-3. Chemical Identity of Hydraulic Fluid Components.

Table 3-3

Chemical Identity of Hydraulic Fluid Components.

3.2. Physical and Chemical Properties

Information regarding the physical and chemical properties of selected hydraulic fluid products is shown in Table 3-4. Physical and chemical properties of selected hydraulic fluid components are shown in Table 3-5.

The physical properties important for the projected use of hydraulic fluids are viscosity, density, foaming behavior, and fire resistance. There is no generally recognized test method for measuring flammability of hydraulic fluids, although various test methods may be utilized (Moller 1989).

Physical data important for describing environmental behavior (KOC, KOW, vapor pressure, water solubility, and Henry’s law constant) are incomplete. In general, hydraulic fluids have relatively low water solubilities.

A summary of the hydraulic fluids discussed in this profile is found in Table 3-6. Data on some of the components of hydraulic fluids are shown in Tables 3-7 through 3-9.

Table 3-4. Physical and Chemical Properties of Hydraulic Fluid Products.

Table 3-4

Physical and Chemical Properties of Hydraulic Fluid Products.

Table 3-5. Physical and Chemical Properties of Selected Hydraulic Fluid Components.

Table 3-5

Physical and Chemical Properties of Selected Hydraulic Fluid Components.

Table 3-6. Summary of Chemical Information for Selected Hydraulic Fluids.

Table 3-6

Summary of Chemical Information for Selected Hydraulic Fluids.

Table 3-7. Water Solubility of Hydrocarbon Components of Mineral Oil Hydraulic Fluids.

Table 3-7

Water Solubility of Hydrocarbon Components of Mineral Oil Hydraulic Fluids.

Table 3-8. Log Kow Values for Organophosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid Components.

Table 3-8

Log Kow Values for Organophosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid Components.

Table 3-9. Water Solubilities for Organophosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid Components.

Table 3-9

Water Solubilities for Organophosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid Components.