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Papoutsi C, Hargreaves D, Hagell A, et al. Group clinics for young adults living with diabetes in an ethnically diverse, socioeconomically deprived population: mixed-methods evaluation. Southampton (UK): National Institute for Health and Care Research; 2022 Aug. (Health and Social Care Delivery Research, No. 10.25.)

Appendix 2Qualitative interview guides

Topic guide for group clinic facilitators

Tell me about your role/professional background.

How did you get involved in the project? How did you get involved in group clinics?

Tell me about how your session unfolded. What went well? What went less well/what would you change?

Did anything happen that surprised you?

Did you face any difficulties in preparing for or delivering the session? How did you overcome them, if so?

What would you advise someone starting a similar process now/what would you do differently if you started again?

What makes a good/successful group clinic?

What did you fear would go wrong?

What are your fears now compared with when you first started?

What skills/training do you think are needed to successfully deliver group clinics? What else needs to be in place to facilitate success?

How do you think group clinics are different from one-to-one consultations?

What would you change going forward?

Topic guide for patient interviews

Tell me a bit about you.

When you think about living with diabetes, what are the things that matter most to you? What are your hopes and worries?

What motivated you to attend the group clinic(s)? How was your experience attending the group clinic(s)?

Did you have any problems attending the clinic(s)? Why did you decide not to attend?

Did people talk about things that interested you? Did you feel the group clinics addressed your needs? Was there anything you thought was not particularly relevant to you?

How did it feel being part of that group?

Was it useful to meet other young people living with diabetes? Did you know other young people with diabetes before attending the clinics?

What else did you gain from attending the group clinic(s)? Is this what you expected to gain or were your expectations different?

Do you feel you learned anything you did not know before? Have you used any of the learning you gained in the group clinic and, if so, how?

How was this different from just visiting the doctor on your own? How would you compare group clinics to traditional one-to-one appointments with your doctor?

Do you think there are any negative aspects to attending group clinics? Did anything happen that made you feel uncomfortable?

Was there anything you wanted to ask about but did not get the chance? Why?

What do you think could be improved about the way groups clinics are run so they appeal more to you? What would you change?

Anything else that we have not talked about?

Copyright © 2022 Papoutsi et al. This work was produced by Papoutsi et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This is an Open Access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction and adaption in any medium and for any purpose provided that it is properly attributed. See: For attribution the title, original author(s), the publication source – Journals Library, and the DOI of the publication must be cited.
Bookshelf ID: NBK583573