Figure 2 is the literature flow diagram depicting the search and selection of articles for the review. The diagram shows that 5,704 citations were identified through literature database searches. 320 articles were reviewed at the full-text level after excluding 5,384 abstracts. From the 320 full-text articles reviewed, 304 were excluded from this review for the following reasons: ineligible population (11), ineligible intervention (202), ineligible comparison (11), ineligible outcome (22), ineligible country (9), ineligible study design (16), ineligible publication type (24), outdated systematic review (5), and contextual information only (4). After excluding these studies, 16 studies were included that provide evidence for the Key Questions, 7 for Key Question 1 and 9 for Key Question 2.

Figure 2Literature flow diagram

*Other sources include reference lists of relevant articles, studies, and systematic reviews, suggestions from reviewers, etc.

Abbreviations: KQ = Key Question

From: Results

Cover of Effectiveness of Telehealth for Women’s Preventive Services
Effectiveness of Telehealth for Women’s Preventive Services [Internet].
Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 256.
Cantor A, Nelson HD, Pappas M, et al.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.