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Forster A, Godfrey M, Green J, et al. Strategies to enhance routine physical activity in care home residents: the REACH research programme including a cluster feasibility RCT. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2021 Aug. (Programme Grants for Applied Research, No. 9.9.)

Cover of Strategies to enhance routine physical activity in care home residents: the REACH research programme including a cluster feasibility RCT

Strategies to enhance routine physical activity in care home residents: the REACH research programme including a cluster feasibility RCT.

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Workstream 5: feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of MoveMore and usual care versus usual care

Parts of this section have been reproduced from Forster et al.66 This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work, for commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The text below includes minor additions and formatting changes to the original text.

Aim and research questions

The aim was to determine the feasibility of conducting a large-scale cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing the Research Exploring physical Activity in Care Homes (REACH) intervention (MoveMore) plus usual care (UC) with UC only for permanent residents living in residential CHs in the UK. We also aimed to evaluate the acceptability of the MoveMore intervention. The main research questions addressed were as follows:

  1. What is the optimum strategy to facilitate recruitment at both the CH and resident level?
  2. Is the uptake and compliance with the MoveMore intervention by CH staff at an acceptable level to be evaluated in a full-scale cluster RCT? If not, why not?
  3. What are the characteristics of UC in residential CHs?
  4. Is the uptake and compliance with the measurement tool to assess the proposed primary trial outcome (residents’ PA) at an acceptable level to be evaluated in a full-scale cluster RCT? What are the reasons for non-participation?
  5. Are the most appropriate outcome measures being considered for the trial?
  6. What are the optimum strategies for data collection?
  7. To calculate reliable estimates to feed into sample size calculations for a full-scale RCT, including preliminary effectiveness estimates.
  8. Do the implementation resources required affect the feasibility of conducting a full-scale cluster RCT?

Research questions/aims 1–7 were assessed via statistical analyses. Aims 2 and 3 were additionally evaluated via the embedded process evaluation (PE). Aim 8 was assessed via the PE and health economic data.

Summary of study design

The REACH feasibility trial was a cluster RCT taking place in 12 residential CHs in the Yorkshire region. CH staff introduced the trial concept to eligible residents who, if they agreed, spoke to a researcher who obtained their consent to participate. Alternative consent arrangements were made if a resident lacked capacity, in line with the Mental Capacity Act.67 Following baseline assessment and registration of all consenting residents, CHs were randomised on a 1 : 1 basis either to implement the MoveMore intervention plus UC or to continue with UC only.

The MoveMore intervention was designed to be implemented by CH staff on an ongoing basis following randomisation. Implementation guidance was provided by the research team following randomisation, and support for implementation was available to all intervention homes thereafter, if required.

Care homes and residents were followed up at 3, 6 and 9 months post randomisation. CH staff and residents were (necessarily) aware of intervention allocation, but the collection of outcomes by researchers was undertaken blind to this knowledge whenever possible. Resident-reported and staff-reported outcome data, along with data collected from the CH manager, were collected at researcher visits. Adverse event data were collected by researchers from CHs on a monthly basis, via resident-/staff-reported data and via receipt of hospital attendance data from NHS Digital. The PE was undertaken on an ongoing basis in each CH throughout the study.

Full details of the trial are available in the protocol.66


For a full description of recruitment procedures, see Forster et al.66

Care homes

A sample of 12 residential CHs was required.

Care homes were considered eligible if the following two criteria were met:

  1. Initial scoping indicated that there were sufficient numbers of permanent eligible residents to enable 8–12 permanent residents to be recruited (homes were later excluded if they were unable to obtain consent and baseline data for at least five residents).
  2. There was a manager or nominated person who agreed to sign up to the trial protocol as research lead and to release staff time for data collection, including supporting the use of the accelerometers and, when appropriate, intervention implementation. Signed agreement was required from the CH manager and CH owner or representative.

Care homes were excluded if:

  • the CH was subject to CQC enforcement notices, admission bans or relevant moderate or major CQC compliance breaches (e.g. staff training, staff numbers, safeguarding)
  • they were receiving other special support for specific quality concerns, such as being currently subject to, or having pending, any serious safeguarding investigations, or receiving voluntary or compulsory admissions bans, or were in receipt of local commissioning special support as a result of quality concerns
  • they had taken part in any of the earlier REACH studies
  • they were taking part, had recently taken part, or were planning to take part in another trial or initiative that conflicted with the MoveMore intervention or data collection.

Two parallel, standardised processes were used to recruit CHs in West and North Yorkshire. The first, a ‘systematic approach’, was via the publicly available care directory on the CQC website; the second, a ‘targeted approach’ was via the Yorkshire Enabling Research in Care Homes (ENRICH) network, a network of CHs that had already expressed an interested in research.68 The standardised method used to recruit CHs consisted of screening, researcher contact, visit(s) and a formal letter of agreement. Eligibility was continually assessed from screening through to obtaining consent.


As the MoveMore intervention is a whole-home intervention designed to assist CH staff to make changes in their approach to working with residents, all residents in the home (regardless of eligibility and consent status) have the potential to be exposed to the intervention. Therefore, residents consented to participate in data collection only.

All residents in the participating CHs were screened for eligibility. Resident eligibility was assessed by the CH manager (or appropriate delegate), with support from the trial researcher once the CH had provided consent.

Residents meeting all of the following criteria and none of the exclusion criteria were considered eligible to participate:

  • Aged ≥ 65 years.
  • Permanent resident in the home, defined as a person residing in the CH and not present for receipt of respite, day care or short-term rehabilitation.
  • Known by the CH manager and/or relevant senior staff member not to be terminally ill or bedbound/cared for in bed.
  • Not taking part in, or planning to take part in, another trial that conflicted with the MoveMore intervention or data collection during the course of their involvement in the trial.
  • Appropriately consented (in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act67 and clinical trials guidance on informed consent). For residents lacking capacity to consent, PCs or NCs were identified to provide consent on their behalf.

To optimise recruitment of participants, and enhance generalisability of the population group, in addition to individual informed consent, we also obtained approval to approach a PC. If the resident had no close family or friend able or willing to act as a PC, another appropriate independent person, usually a member of staff in the CH, who knew the resident well was appointed as a NC.


Once all residents were registered and baseline assessments were completed, CHs were randomised on a one-to-one basis by the Clinical Trials Research Unit statistician using a computer-generated minimisation program incorporating a random element. The minimisation system was stratified on characteristics expected to be correlated with intervention implementation and outcome evaluation, namely the size of the CH (small/medium, ≤ 40 residents; large, > 40 residents) and whether or not the CH had an activity co-ordinator in post.

Care home managers were informed of the outcome of randomisation. Assessors were blind to randomisation and were based separate from the researchers who delivered the intervention. CH staff were asked not to inform the assessment team of randomisation and to remove any material before their visits.


MoveMore intervention

The intervention, described previously (see Workstream 4: engaging care home staff and residents in intervention development and refinement of the intervention pack), was supported by regular monthly and additional ad hoc contacts.

Usual care (all care homes)

Usual care, defined as normal care delivered in the setting, continued in both arms. No restrictions were imposed on current practices or on homes undertaking additional development or training as part of UC. The MoveMore intervention was offered to all UC homes at the end of the trial.

Methods for data collection

For a full description of the methods, see Forster et al.66

Trial data collection

The intention was for the intervention to become embedded in the CH (if randomised to the intervention arm); thus, it was important to assess the impact of the intervention on the CH as a whole. Consequently, data were collected at the level of the CH (including staff), as well as from individual consenting residents. Data were collected by trial researchers blinded to allocation.

For details of data collection, see Forster et al.66 Briefly, data collection comprised the following.

Care home-level data

  • Care home demographics.
  • Staffing levels.
  • Resident profile.
  • Anonymous data relating to hospital admissions, general practitioner (GP) call-outs, mortality rates and falls in the previous 3 months.
  • At baseline screening process: anonymous PAM-RC (Dr Julie Whitney, personal communication) and BI48,49 scores for all residents.

Staff-level data (for those with face-to-face contact with residents)

  • Basic demographic data.
  • Person-centred care provided in the CH [Person-centred Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT)].69

Resident-level data

Via researcher interview
  • Cognitive impairment (6-CIT).47
  • Mood [Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)].70
  • Perceived health [EuroQol-5 Dimensions, five-level version (EQ-5D-5L)].71
  • Quality of life [Dementia Quality of Life (DEMQOL)].72
  • Three questions from the World Health Organization Quality of Life-OLD (WHOQOL-OLD).73
Via staff member
  • Physical function and mobility [FAC50 and Elderly Mobility Scale (EMS)].74
  • Medical history (based on the Charlson Comorbidity Index).75
  • Health-care resource use (for the health economic study).

To allow for the objective measurement of PA, residents were asked at each data collection time point to wear an ActiGraph wGT3X-BT accelerometer (ActiGraph, LLC) on the hip, during waking hours, over the course of 7 days. A detailed protocol, refined through earlier WSs, was followed for administration of the accelerometers, which took place after the data collection defined above to ensure that accelerometer wear did not interfere with residents’ routine PA levels and influence their questionnaire outcome assessments. Researchers assisted with the administration of the accelerometers on the initial visit and instructed care staff in their daily application. Researchers routinely checked compliance by regular telephone calls and visits to the CHs (including a weekend telephone call or visit). Residents and CH staff were also encouraged to complete a purposely designed log to record daily wear time.

Adverse event data

Adverse event data were collected by a researcher via resident-/staff-reported data, via monthly contact with the CHs, and, to explore the best method of collecting service use data, via data routinely recorded by the CH, as well as via receipt of hospital attendance data from NHS Digital and relevant acute hospital trusts.

Intervention data

To inform understanding of the actual implementation and to inform methods for measuring adherence in a definitive trial, data were collected on the workshops (time, place and duration, and number and details of CH attendees present), enhancing implementation and adherence to the intervention. These data are intended to be interpreted alongside the PE study (see Process evaluation).

A record of the monthly and ad hoc contact by the research team with the CHs regarding the implementation of the intervention was maintained (considered as implementation enhancement activities).

Intervention adherence was measured at the 3-, 6- and 9-month data collection points by review of observation and reflection sheets completed by the CHs and kept in the intervention folder in the CH.

Usual care data

Details of UC were recorded at each assessment point via researcher observations (individual residents were not identified during such observations) and via completion of a pro forma developed for the purpose of recording the pattern of movement in all homes for the four discrete dimensions of the intervention (enabling self-care, and movement in daily routines, organised social and leisure activities and tasks around the home) to inform the context in which the study was being conducted.

Data on UC were also captured via the CH booklet in terms of participation in current initiatives relating to enhancing resident care. Researchers also looked for display of materials (posters, leaflets, etc.) related to movement in the CHs.

Statistical methods

For a full description of the statistical methods related to each research question, see Forster et al.66

Analyses and data summaries were conducted on an intention-to-treat (ITT) population and focused on descripitive statistics and confidence interval (CI) estimation, rather than formal hypothesis testing. All analyses were carried out using SAS® software version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA), unless otherwise stated.

Completion and scoring of questionnaires were analysed in line with scoring manuals, including guidance on how to handle missing items. If no direction was given, scores were prorated if ≥ 50% of the items were completed.


Daily wear time was calculated as the time between the first non-zero and last non-zero reading of the day, minus any periods within that time when there was ≥ 120 minutes of consecutive zero counts (classified as ‘non-wear’). Longer periods of non-wear of 180 minutes and 240 minutes were also examined to reduce misclassification of sedentary activity. Valid wear time for analysis was defined as ≥ 8 hours 25 minutes on ≥ 4 days (which could be non-consecutive days). For residents who provided valid data, the amount of time spent in various PA categories76 and in sedentary behaviour was identified using cut-off points applied to the vertical axis accelerometer counts per minute (cpm) (see Forster et al.66).

Guidelines for progression to a Phase III trial

Guidelines for progression to a definitive cluster RCT were predefined and based on a traffic-light system of green (proceed to cluster RCT design), amber (review cluster RCT design and/or implementation, then proceed) and red (stop and do not proceed). Definitions for each can be found in Report Supplementary Material 9.

Key findings

The majority of statistical tables can be found in Appendix 7.

Recruitment and follow-up

Estimation of recruitment and follow-up

Overall, 392 CHs were screened between June 2015 and September 2016: 13 (7.6% of those eligible) provided consent and 12 (7.0% of eligible) were randomised (see the CH recruitment paper by Ellwood et al.77). A range of CHs were recruited in terms of size, location, ownership and provision (see Appendix 7, Table 23). Five CHs were randomised to the MoveMore intervention plus UC and seven were randomised to UC only.

The two strategies used to recruit CHs provided different success rates, as well as time scales to recruitment. A total of 377 CHs in West Yorkshire were screened via the CQC database. Of these, only 164 (43.5%) passed initial eligibility checks and were contacted by a researcher, and 11 (2.9% of those screened) consented. In contrast, 15 CHs in North Yorkshire were screened via the ENRICH network, 12 (80.0%) were contacted by researchers and two (13.3% of those screened) consented to participate.77

Care home and staff characteristics

Care homes

Care homes in the MoveMore arm were, on average, smaller than the UC CHs, with a smaller number of beds, a smaller number of beds taking part and a smaller number of permanent residents, although there was greater variation in resident numbers across UC homes during the trial. UC homes were, however, less likely to provide rehabilitation or intermediate care and have telemedicine facilities (see Appendix 7, Table 23).

See Appendix 7, Table 24, for follow-up data of CH characteristics.

Care home managers

Information on CH manager demographics is provided in Appendix 7, Table 25.

The CH managers in the MoveMore homes had slightly more experience working in CHs, and more experience as a home or unit manager. However, the managers in the UC homes had been in their current post for, on average, 3 years longer than the managers in the MoveMore homes, although this was skewed by one particular home whose manager had been in the post for 22 years. There was a change in manager at one CH in the UC arm at both the 3- and 9-month follow-ups.

Information on staff demographics (see Appendix 7, Table 26) was obtained via completion of staff booklets, which were distributed to all staff who had face-to-face contact with residents, with the exception of those acting as a NC. Overall return rates were low, ranging between 20 and 39%, with a higher proportion of staff in the UC CHs completing the booklets at each time point. However, as the characteristics of those who completed the booklet at each time point were reasonably similar between the arms, any differences are likely to reflect the profile of the staff at the CHs, rather than any systematic differences in those completing the booklet. Thirteen members of staff across all CHs completed the staff booklet at every time point.

Resident screening and recruitment rates

Three hundred residents in the 12 CHs were screened for participation. Of these, 278 (92.7%) were eligible, 159 consented/had consultee agreement (57.2% of eligible; 53.0% of those screened) and 153 were registered to take part in the study (55.0% of eligible; 96.2% of those consenting/consultee agreement) (Figure 10).

FIGURE 10. Flow of residents through screening, consent, baseline assessment and registration.


Flow of residents through screening, consent, baseline assessment and registration. a, Reasons not mutually exclusive.

Forty-three (59.7%) of 72 residents with mental capacity were recruited. Of the 203 residents with doubtful or who were lacking mental capacity, 187 had a potential PC; 73 (57.9%) of the 126 PCs who agreed to act agreed for the resident to take part in the study. A NC was used for 76 residents, 43 (56.6%) of whom agreed for the resident to take part in the study.

There was variation across CHs in the proportion of eligible residents who were registered, but the overall proportions were similar between the arms: 62 out of 113 (54.9%) eligible residents were registered in the MoveMore arm, compared with 91 out of 165 (55.2%) in the UC arm (see Appendix 7, Table 27). On average, 12.4 residents per home were registered in the MoveMore arm, and 13 residents per home were registered in the UC arm, although, in one CH, only six residents were registered in each arm (see Appendix 7, Table 27).

The average time for recruitment at the CHs was 64 days; the shortest time was 50 days and the longest was almost twice this (97 days), although these times also included approximately 3 weeks per CH for baseline data collection (depending on the number of participants in each CH).

Follow-up rates

Care home and resident retention during the study period was high, with no CH or resident protocol violations or withdrawals, although one CH in the UC arm temporarily withdrew from researcher visits at 3 months because of renovations in the home (Figure 11).

FIGURE 11. The CONSORT diagram of the flow of CHs and residents through follow-up by randomised arm.


The CONSORT diagram of the flow of CHs and residents through follow-up by randomised arm.

There was some variation in the proportion of residents followed up across the CHs (50.0–90.9% at 9 months) (see Appendix 7, Table 27), with a lower overall proportion in the MoveMore arm (69.4%) than in the UC arm (76.9%) (difference –2.65, 95% CI –17.50 to 12.20) (see Appendix 7, Table 28).

Losses to follow-up were due to deaths and movement of residents out of the CH (see Appendix 7, Table 29). Deaths and resident movement were also similar between arms at the CH level (see Figure 11 and Appendix 7, Table 28).

Screening characteristics

Overall, the consenting residents had similar characteristics to the whole screened population, and therefore can be considered a representative sample (see Appendix 7, Tables 2931). However, a larger proportion of residents in the MoveMore arm than in the UC arm had had a previous stroke, and residents in the MoveMore arm had lower mean BI and PAM-RC scores (see Appendix 7, Table 30). In the intervention arm, the care of a higher proportion of residents was funded through the local authority and a lower proportion of residents were self-funded (see Appendix 7, Table 30).

There was similarity in screening characteristics between those eligible who consented and those who did not, with the exception of a higher proportion of residents with a diagnosis of dementia consenting (see Appendix 7, Table 31).

Resident baseline characteristics

Baseline characteristics for registered residents reflected the differences between the MoveMore and UC arms in the physical function and history of stroke that was observed at screening (see Appendix 7, Table 32).

In addition, those in the MoveMore arm also had greater cognitive impairment, as measured by the 6-CIT (see Appendix 7, Table 32), than those in the UC arm and a higher proportion had at least one comorbidity (see Appendix 7, Table 33).

A comparison of the baseline characteristics between those who were and those who were not followed up indicated that those not completing follow-up were more likely to be male, have dementia, have no history of stroke, have lower physical function and have greater cognitive impairment (see Appendix 7, Table 34). This is consistent with a higher (although not significant) proportion of residents in the MoveMore arm being lost to follow-up and the residents in this arm having a lower physical function and greater cognitive impairment.

Intervention delivery

Implementation of MoveMore components

A series of three interactive workshops were delivered individually to each of the five intervention CHs, with one CH repeating workshops 1 and 3 to ensure that all those potentially responsible for intervention implementation were included (see Appendix 7, Tables 3537). Workshops took place at the CHs, with the exception of one CH, for which the workshops took place at its head office.

The implementation of the intervention was designed to be led by a team involving staff, residents (if possible) and their relatives/friends, facilitated by a senior member of CH staff (i.e. the MoveMore lead). The MoveMore lead was present for workshops 1 and 3 at all CHs, and for workshop 2 for four of the five CHs (see Appendix 7, Tables 3537). The attendees were mainly (permanent) carers (see Appendix 7, Tables 3537), although staff in other roles attended, particularly in CH5, including administration, ancillary, manager/deputy manager, team leader and specialist non-clinical roles, such as activity co-ordinator. With the exception of one CH, there were at least two staff members from each CH who attended all three workshops. One resident/relative attended workshop 1; in another CH, the executive director attended workshop 2. All workshops were delivered by researchers with key input from an experienced CH physiotherapist and an artist; workshops ranged in duration from 45 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes, generally decreasing in duration with each workshop (see Appendix 7, Tables 3537).

Time scales for intervention delivery

There were some challenges delivering the initial workshops for three CHs because of staff sickness, leave and temporary closure. Thus, in practice, the initial workshop was delivered 4–11 weeks after randomisation (Table 4). There were also some delays in subsequent workshops. Only CH5 completed all three workshops within 3 months of randomisation; for three CHs, the workshops spanned > 6 months (see Table 4).



Timing of intervention workshops

The process of organising and scheduling the workshops was refined as the trial progressed and became more efficient.

Enhancing implementation

The amount and type of contact that the researchers had with the CHs varied. An initial meeting was introduced (after randomisation of the first CH) to set the scene for the intervention implementation. Initial contact was focused around administrative details (organising workshops, etc.); thereafter, further support was provided by the research team, with at least one visit to each CH to support intervention delivery (Table 5).



Enhancing implementation

Completeness of MoveMore documentation

The methods used to capture adherence to the intervention paperwork outside the workshops were not successful, as the intervention folders that contained the relevant data were not always available to the researchers in the CHs.

Interestingly, five of the seven UC CHs wished to take up the intervention at the end of the trial. Of these, three went on to have the full series of workshops, one had one workshop before the manager disengaged and one wanted the workshops but was unable to release staff.

The PE (see Process evaluation and Appendix 9) provides further context.

Care home staff

At each time point, almost all CHs experienced staff leaving and joining the home during the preceding 3 months, but there was no suggestion of a difference in staff movement between the arms (see Appendix 7, Table 38).

Usual care

For a description of UC, see Appendix 7, Table 39.

By the end of the trial, both arms had a similar proportion of CHs with an activity co-ordinator in place.

Further details are reported in Process evaluation.

Assessment of outcomes measures

Accelerometer data

For a full description of the accelerometer findings, see Appendix 8.

Accelerometer wear

The proportion of available residents who agreed to wear the accelerometer was similar across arms (88–97%) until the 9-month time point, at which time the proportion agreeing to wear the accelerometer was greater in the MoveMore arm (see Appendix 8, Table 54).

The number of days residents wore the accelerometers was similar between the arms and, within wear days, residents wore the accelerometers for ≈ 10–11 hours (see Appendix 8, Table 54).

The proportion of residents wearing the accelerometer who met the minimum wear criteria for analysis (≥ 8 hours 25 minutes per day for ≥ 4 days) differed between the arms at each time point (see Appendix 8, Table 54). Even so, at each time point, the mean number of days the accelerometer was worn for was > 6 in both arms and mean daily wear time was > 10 hours 18 minutes (see Appendix 8, Table 54).

A preliminary review suggests that the data recorded on the activity logs provided incomplete information on when the accelerometer had been put on and taken off each wear day. Hence, the planned comparison between accelerometer and wear logs was not conducted.

Levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour

Physical activity

At baseline, residents in the MoveMore arm spent less time engaging in PA of any intensity (mean 1 hour 7 minutes, 8.5% of accelerometer wear time) than residents in the UC arm (mean 1 hour 53 minutes, 13.4% of accelerometer wear time) (see Appendix 8, Tables 60 and 61).

At each follow-up, the mean daily time spent engaging in PA of any intensity increased in both arms. The mean daily time that residents in the MoveMore and UC arms spent engaging in PA of any intensity at 9 months was 1 hour 25 minutes (SD 47 minutes) and 2 hours (SD 2 hours 16 minutes), respectively. This equated to 10.9% (SD 5.5%) of accelerometer wear time in the MoveMore arm and 12.6% (SD 10.8%) in the UC arm. The increase in PA of any intensity from baseline to 9 months was greater in the MoveMore arm than in the UC arm (see Appendix 8, Tables 60 and 61).

However, in both arms, all residents engaged in some level of light and moderate activity, although this was for < 2% of the day (see Appendix 8, Table 61). The increased proportions of time spent in PA were reflected mainly in periods of low intensity (see Appendix 8, Table 61).

In the MoveMore arm, there was a gradual increase in the number of days that residents engaged in low-intensity bouts of 5 minutes’ duration and in the number of 5-minute bouts per day (see Appendix 8, Table 63).

Sedentary behaviour

At baseline, the mean daily time that residents spent sedentary was similar between the arms (MoveMore arm: 11 hours 38 minutes; UC arm: 11 hours 41 minutes) (see Appendix 8, Table 60). This equated to a considerable proportion of accelerometer wear time (MoveMore arm: 91.4%; UC arm: 86.6%) (see Appendix 8, Table 61). As the CIs for these figures did not overlap, there was a suggestion that the proportion of time in sedentary behaviour was greater in the MoveMore arm. This is consistent with residents in the MoveMore arm having lower physical function and more comorbidities than those in the UC arm.

At 9 months, there was no change in the average time residents in the MoveMore arm spent sedentary (11 hours 31 minutes), compared with baseline (see Appendix 8, Table 60); however, this did account for a smaller proportion of accelerometer wear time (89.1%) (see Appendix 8, Table 61). Conversely, in the UC arm, an increase in the time spent sedentary was observed (12 hours 33 minutes) (see Appendix 8, Table 60), such that there was little difference in terms of the proportion of wear time (87.4%) (see Appendix 8, Table 61). Thus, at 9 months, the difference between the arms in terms of percentage of accelerometer wear time spent sedentary narrowed (MoveMore arm: 89.1%; UC arm: 87.4%) (see Appendix 8, Table 61).

Patterns of physical activity and sedentary behaviour

Physical activity bouts

At baseline, residents in the MoveMore arm engaged in bouts of low-intensity PA of at least 5 minutes’ duration on fewer days, with less frequency per day and for shorter duration (see Appendix 8, Table 63) than residents in the UC arm, and they engaged in bouts of low-intensity PA of at least 10 minutes on fewer days and with less frequency per day than residents in the UC arm (see Appendix 8, Table 64). However, the proportion of residents engaging in low-intensity bouts of at least 10 minutes’ duration was lower in the MoveMore arm (19/49; 38.8%) than in the UC arm (49/77; 63.6%); hence, comparisons should be interpreted with caution (see Appendix 8, Table 64).

There were fluctuations during follow-up among residents in the UC arm in low-level intensity bouts of PA of ≥ 5 minutes’ and ≥ 10 minutes’ duration in the number of days they engaged in at least one bout, the number of bouts per day and the average duration of the bouts. However, by 9 months, there was a suggestion that residents engaged in low-intensity bouts of 5 minutes’ duration on fewer days than they did at baseline (see Appendix 8, Table 63). But, on the days they did engage, they had more bouts (see Appendix 8, Table 63), although the average duration of the bouts did not appear to change (see Appendix 8, Table 63).

At 9 months, there was no suggestion of a difference between the arms in the 5-minute low-intensity bout outcomes (see Appendix 8, Table 63), but the difference in the number of days and number of bouts per day for the 10-minute low-intensity bouts that was observed at baseline remained (see Appendix 8, Table 64). There were, however, few residents engaging in low-intensity bouts of 5 minutes’ and 10 minutes’ duration by 9 months; therefore, it is difficult to draw robust conclusions on such small sample sizes (see Appendix 8, Tables 63 and 64).

Breaks in sedentary behaviour

At baseline, the number of breaks in sedentary behaviour that residents had per day were fewer among residents in the MoveMore arm than among residents in the UC arm (see Appendix 8, Table 62).

At each follow-up, the number of breaks in sedentary behaviour increased in both arms, but by a greater amount in the MoveMore arm (see Appendix 8, Table 62), such that, at 9 months, there was no suggestion of any differences in the number of breaks in sedentary behaviour between the arms (see Appendix 8, Table 62).

Sedentary behaviour bouts

At baseline, all residents engaged in sedentary bouts of at least 30 minutes’ duration. On average, residents engaged in at least one 30-minute sedentary bout on 6 of the days that they wore the accelerometer (see Appendix 8, Table 65) [the average number of days’ wear was 6.9; on each of these days residents had, on average, a mean of 6.4 (SD 1.6) sedentary bouts in the MoveMore arm and 5.9 (SD 1.9) sedentary bouts in the UC arm (see Appendix 8, Table 65)]. The duration of the sedentary bouts was similar between arms, lasting, on average, 1.5 hours before the bout was broken by a period of PA, even if this was for only 1 minute.

The number and duration of 60-minute sedentary bouts was also similar between the arms at baseline (see Appendix 8, Table 66), although residents in the MoveMore arm appeared to engage in 60-minute sedentary bouts on more days than residents in the UC arm (see Appendix 8, Table 66). Therefore, although residents in the MoveMore arm appeared to spend a greater percentage of their day sedentary at baseline, there was a suggestion that the difference was in shorter bouts.

Changes in bouts of sedentary behaviour were observed in both arms during follow-up. At 9 months, residents in the MoveMore arm engaged in 30-minute sedentary bouts on the same number of days and had the same number of bouts per day as at baseline, but the duration of these bouts was shorter (see Appendix 8, Table 65). Residents in the UC arm engaged in 30-minute sedentary bouts on fewer days at 9 months than at baseline, but had more bouts per day, although the duration of these bouts was also shorter (see Appendix 8, Table 65). For the 60-minute sedentary bouts, a similar pattern was observed. Residents in the MoveMore arm also engaged in these bouts on fewer days at 9 months than at baseline, and had fewer bouts per day at 9 months than at baseline (see Appendix 8, Table 66).

Variation in outcomes between care homes

The intracluster correlation coefficients (ICCs) (see Appendix 8, Tables 5659) provide an estimate of the amount of variation in each outcome, explained by the variation between CHs. These data inform sample size calculations for a definitive trial. In this feasibility study, we had a small number of CHs (clusters) with varying cluster size, with a maximum of between three and 20 residents per home, which led to an unbalanced design, for which there is limited research on the performance of ICC estimates.

Individual-level profiles

Displaying the profile of individual residents’ activity in CHs allowed us to examine whether there were any observed changes that may or may not be reflected at the level of the CH. It also allowed us to see the contribution of each resident to analysis at the different time points. We chose sedentary behaviour variables, as these had a larger sample in the population.

There was a large amount of variation between residents in all homes in both arms when examining the percentage of time per day spent sedentary (see Appendix 8, Figures 14 and 15). In particular, in the MoveMore arm there was marked fluctuation in individuals’ sedentary behaviour over the study duration. However, there did appear to be a number of residents in CHs in the MoveMore arm who showed a decrease in the percentage of time spent sedentary, most notably in CH3 and CH4 up to the 6-month follow-up (after which sedentary behaviour increased again) and in CH5 between the 6- and 9-month follow-ups. In the UC CHs, there was a clear increase in the percentage of time spent sedentary per day for all residents in CH7, CH8 and CH11, whereas, in the other CHs, the percentage of time spent sedentary stayed at a similar level or increased slightly. The presence of an activity co-ordinator did not appear to affect residents’ profiles.

The number of breaks in sedentary behaviour per day also showed variation between residents within homes and for individual residents across the study duration (see Appendix 8, Figures 16 and 17). The most notable change in the MoveMore CHs was a general decreasing trend for the majority of residents in CH5 up to 6 months, after which time the number of breaks increased, in line with the observed decrease in the percentage of time spent sedentary.

Completeness of follow-up questionnaire data

Questionnaires completed by the researchers with staff informants (i.e. the FAC, the BI and the PAM-RC) had a high completion rate, and completion levels were similar between arms at all time points (96–100%) (see Appendix 7, Tables 40 and 41). The time taken to complete these questionnaires was constant across arms and time points, with each questionnaire taking, on average, 1–3 minutes.

The EMS was completed by the researchers with staff informants, but also included two physical assessments (timed walk and functional reach). Completion levels for the EMS were variable (see Appendix 7, Tables 40 and 41). At each time point, the two physical assessments had lower completion rates (86–97%) than the other questions in the EMS (95–100%). The most common reasons for non-completion of these two physical assessments were that the resident declined to do them, the resident did not understand what they were being asked to do or was unable to follow instruction, and asking the resident to do these was not suitable because they were very frail, unwell or too tired. Hence, the pattern of completion observed between the arms was consistent with residents in the MoveMore arm having lower cognitive ability at baseline and those with higher cognition being included in the follow-up in both arms.

Among those questionnaires completed by the researcher with the resident (i.e. the GDS, the WHOQOL-OLD, the DEMQOL, the EQ-5D-5L and the 6-CIT), the level of completion was variable, ranging from 33% to 74% (see Appendix 7, Tables 42 and 43). Completion differed between the study arms: for all questionnaires at all time points, completion levels were higher in the MoveMore arm. The most commonly reported reasons for non-completion of the resident-completed questionnaires included staff members and NCs advising that the resident would struggle to understand questions or would be unable to communicate verbally, lack of co-operation or response to the questions, and the resident not being well enough to be approached.

The DEMQOL and the 6-CIT appeared to have slightly poorer completion rates than the GDS, the WHOQOL-OLD and the EQ-5D-5L (completion rates: DEMQOL, 34.1–64.0%; 6-CIT, 32.9–62.0%; GDS, 40.0–66.0%; WHOQOL-OLD, 34.3–69.8%; EQ-5D-5L, 42.9–74.0%).

As would be expected, staff proxy-completed questionnaires had a higher rate of completion than the resident-completed versions (completion rates for resident-completed vs. proxy-completed: DEMQOL, 34.1–64.0% vs. 82.4–100.0%, respectively; EQ-5D-5L, 42.9–74.0% vs. 91.4–100.0%, respectively) (see Appendix 7, Table 44).

The completion of the staff P-CAT was variable in both arms at all time points, with scores available for all but one staff member of those who returned the questionnaire booklets in the MoveMore arm at 3 months (see Appendix 7, Table 45). At baseline, completion levels were similar between the arms, but, at 6 and 9 months, rates of completion were lower in the UC arm. Examination of the item-level completion indicated that the questions on whether or not the ‘environment feels chaotic’ (question 8) and ‘assessment of residents’ needs is undertaken on a daily basis’ (question 11) had lower levels of completion in both arms at all time points (see Appendix 7, Table 45).

Statistical outcomes

Assessment of physical activity outcome

There is limited research available on PA in this population to inform choice of the cut-off points for low-intensity PA or sedentary outcomes. We therefore planned to use the data generated to determine appropriate PA end point(s) for future use in a definitive trial. This decision was to be made following a review of the summary statistics for each of the levels of PA and emerging evidence on physiological effects (e.g. that increasing the number of breaks in sedentary behaviour is more important than reducing the total amount of sedentary behaviour), and would also reference information on (1) numbers of missing data, (2) ceiling and floor effects and (3) sensitivity to change.

Based on the design of the REACH study, the most appropriate analysis and corresponding coefficient to assess sensitivity to change is a correlation of change scores with residents’ retrospective global ratings of change. However, this study was not designed to assess sensitivity to change; therefore, we do not have a global rating of change measure. In addition, although the number of residents wearing the accelerometer was much higher than in other research conducted in this population, the numbers of registered residents wearing an accelerometer and achieving the minimum wear time criteria required for analysis was relatively low for informing a primary outcome. Hence, it was not feasible to investigate this to inform the most appropriate PA end point.

Estimation of effectiveness

Following discussions that it was not appropriate to make a statistical decision on the most appropriate PA end point(s) for future use in a definitive trial, planned analyses on the preliminary estimate of effectiveness were not conducted. Furthermore, it was also inappropriate to conduct any further formal cluster-level analysis on the accelerometer data. At 9 months, the number of residents per cluster ranged from 2 to 14 (mean 7.0) for sedentary outcomes, whereas, for the light-intensity outcomes, there were fewer than four homes per arm; therefore, a formal cluster-level analysis would not produce any meaningful conclusions. Cluster-level analysis is the only recommended approach to analysis with a small number of clusters per arm.

Assessment of questionnaire outcomes (see Appendix 7, Table 46)

There was no evidence of a significant difference in EMS scores between the two groups, although residents in the MoveMore arm had lower EMS scores at baseline, indicating lower mobility. During the study, scores decreased in both arms, with evidence of a difference emerging between the arms from 6 months, with lower scores in the MoveMore arm (difference 3.23, 80% CI 0.25 to 6.22), but caution is required in interpretation given the differing response rates. The BI and PAM-RC scores were significantly lower in the MoveMore arm at baseline, indicating less self-care, physical ability and PA. During the study, scores fluctuated in the MoveMore arm and decreased in the UC arm, such that, by 9 months, there was no evidence of a difference between the arms (BI: 2.55, 80% CI –0.43 to 5.52; PAM-RC: 2.06, 80% CI –0.28 to 4.41).

Sample size estimation

To inform the sample size estimation for a definitive trial, information is required on the average cluster size and coefficient of variation, as well as an estimate of the ICC for the proposed outcomes.

The mean cluster size, as defined by the number of registered residents per CH, was 12.4 (SD 4.51) in the MoveMore arm (62 registered residents; five CHs) and 13 (SD 5.69) in the UC arm (91 registered residents; seven CHs). These correspond to a coefficient of variation in cluster size of 0.36 in the MoveMore arm and 0.44 in the UC arm.

As outlined in Variation in outcomes between care homes, the ICC estimates for the PA outcomes, particularly at 9 months, were not reliable based on such a small number of CHs and residents in CHs. The ICC estimates and 95% CIs for the various resident questionnaires are provided in Appendix 7, Tables 46 and 47. However, as with the PA outcomes, the ICC estimates for the questionnaires completed with the resident were not reliable because of the reduced numbers of residents completing these questionnaires.

Safety reporting


At baseline, a higher proportion of residents at the CH level in the MoveMore arm than in the UC arm experienced falls in the previous 3 months, and the average number of falls per resident was also higher, although not significantly (see Appendix 7, Table 48). Estimates at the CH level were consistent with the proportions and average fall rate observed among registered residents. The average number of falls per resident was also higher (MoveMore arm mean 2.50, 95% CI 2.00 to 3.00; UC arm mean 1.62, 95% CI 1.10 to 2.13), although not significantly (see Appendix 7, Table 49).

Over the study period, at the CH level, the average number of falls per resident declined in both arms, although not significantly, and there was no difference at 9 months between the arms (see Appendix 7, Table 48).

Among registered residents, over the study follow-up, the proportion of registered residents who fell was similar to that observed at baseline (MoveMore arm, 43.5%; UC arm, 38.5%). In both arms, there was, however, an increase in the average number of falls per resident (MoveMore arm mean 3.37, 95% CI 2.03 to 4.71; UC arm mean 2.00, 95% CI 1.57 to 2.43), although the CIs indicate that these increases were not significant, compared with baseline, and there was no difference in the average fall rate between arms (see Appendix 7, Table 49). In both arms, the reasons for falls among registered residents were largely unknown, as residents were commonly found on the floor. In cases for which the reasons were known, the majority had fallen from their bed.


At the CH level, at baseline, the number of registered residents with hospitalisations and the number of hospitalisations per resident over the previous 3 months were similar between arms [number of residents with hospitalisations: MoveMore arm, 8.8% and UC arm, 9.2%; number of hospitalisations per resident: MoveMore arm mean 1.64 (95% CI 1.33 to 1.95) and UC arm mean 1.47 (95% CI 1.34 to 1.61] (see Appendix 7, Table 50). At follow-up, there was an increase in the proportion of residents admitted to hospital in both arms, whereas the number of hospitalisations per resident decreased in the MoveMore arm and increased in the UC arm. Hence, the proportion of residents with hospitalisations and the average number of hospitalisations per resident was lower in the MoveMore arm at follow-up: approximately one-quarter of residents were hospitalised with, on average, 1.60 and 1.27 hospitalisations per resident in the UC and MoveMore arms, respectively (see Appendix 7, Table 51).

When examining the NHS Digital data for hospital admissions among registered residents (see Appendix 7, Table 50), there are marked differences, compared with CH reporting, particularly in the MoveMore arm (see Appendix 7, Table 51). Both the number of hospitalisations and the number of residents with hospitalisations were under-reported via the CH, compared with NHS Digital (proportion of residents with hospitalisations: MoveMore arm, 38.7%; UC arm, 35.2%), although, at the CH level, there were a few homes across both arms for which the number of hospitalisations agreed. In the UC arm, the number of hospitalisations was similar from both sources, but the number of residents with hospitalisation was higher according to NHS Digital. Hence, in contrast to the CH reports, the average number of hospitalisations per resident was higher in the MoveMore arm and in line with the average number of hospitalisations per resident at the CH level. The number of unplanned admissions at the CH level was also under-reported via the CH, compared with NHS Digital. However, this may be because CH-level data from NHS Digital were obtained via the CH postcode, and therefore may include data from those not resident at the CH.

Accident and emergency visits

The mean number of accident and emergency (A&E) visits at the CH level over the study period for each arm was as follows: MoveMore arm, 1.45 (95% CI 1.27 to 1.64); UC arm 1.57 (95% CI 1.40 to 1.74) (see Appendix 7, Table 50). At follow-up, the mean number of visits was 1.22 (95% CI 0.88 to 1.56) for the MoveMore arm and 1.26 (95% CI 0.99 to 1.53) for the UC arm (see Appendix 7, Table 52).

The mean number of A&E visits per registered resident for each arm at baseline was as follows: MoveMore arm: 1; UC arm 1.07 (95% CI 0.92 to 1.23). At follow-up, the mean number of visits was 1.22 (95% CI 0.88 to 1.56) for the MoveMore arm and 1.26 (95% CI 0.99 to 1.53) for the UC arm. The number of residents with an A&E visit appeared to be lower in the MoveMore arm [n = 5 (8.1%)] than in the UC arm [n = 14 (15.4%)] (see Appendix 7, Table 52). The number of A&E visits reported via NHS Digital was much higher than that reported via the CHs. (see Appendix 7, Table 52).


The number of deaths was similar between both arms over the study period: MoveMore arm, 29 (6.9%); UC arm, 31 (6.5%) (see Appendix 7, Table 50).

Among registered residents, a similar proportion of deaths occurred in both arms: MoveMore arm, 19.4%; UC arm, 17.6% (see Appendix 7, Table 53).

Further analyses

Researcher unblinding

There were 11 instances of researcher unblinding. One instance occurred between baseline and the 3-month data collection via telephone calls from CH staff requesting to speak to an unblinded researcher, and another at the 9-month data researcher visit. Two instances occurred during the monthly safety calls, during which the researchers were informed of the allocation by CH staff. The remaining instances occurred at the 6-month researcher visit: allocation was revealed during discussions with staff (three instances), by residents (two instances) and via the display of the intervention materials in the CH (two instances).

Image RP-PG-1210-12017-fig14a
Image RP-PG-1210-12017-fig15a
Image RP-PG-1210-12017-fig16a
Image RP-PG-1210-12017-fig17a
Parts of this section have been reproduced from Forster et al.66 This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work, for commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The text below includes minor additions and formatting changes to the original text.
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2021. This work was produced by Forster et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
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