Table 1Report on frequency of unilateral neglect due to cerebral hemorrhage, timing of evaluation, and evaluation method

AuthorsEtiologyLesionFirst evaluationEvaluation toolRate of patients with neglect (%)
Hier et al.hemorrhage/infarctionRight hemispherewithin 7 days from onsetdrawing35/41 (85.3%)
Fullerton et al.strokeRight hemispherewithin 48 hours from onsetcancellation43/88 (48.9%)
Vallar et al.hemorrhage/infarctionRight hemisphereacute phasecrossing out circle47/110 (42.7%)
Halligan et al.strokeBoth hemispheresMean 85.5 days from onsetBIT26/54 (48.1%)
Gainotti et al.Right hemisphereDrawing completion34/102 (32.6%)
Stone et al.hemorrhage/infarctionBoth hemispheres2-3 days from onsetmodified BIT50/61 (82%)
Kumral et al.hemorrhageThalamus1-5 days from onsetbisection17/51 (33.3%)
Cassidy et al.strokeRight hemisphereMedian 3 days from onsetBIT total score27/66 (40.9%)
Chung et al.hemorrhagePutamenMean10.3 days from onsetDescription of medical records43/103 (41.7%)
Maeshima et al.hemorrhageRight putamen • Thalamus30 days from admissionCombination*26/32 (81.3%)
Osawa et al.hemorrhageThalamusMedian 5 days from onsetBIT conventional35/44 (79.5%)

Combination: bisection, cancellation and figure copying. BIT: Behavioral Inattention Test.

From: Chapter 7, Unilateral Spatial Neglect Due to Stroke

Cover of Stroke
Stroke [Internet].
Dehkharghani S, editor.
Brisbane (AU): Exon Publications; 2021 Jun 18.
Copyright: The Authors.

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