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Guideline: infant feeding in areas of Zika virus transmission [Internet]. 2nd edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021.

Cover of Guideline: infant feeding in areas of Zika virus transmission

Guideline: infant feeding in areas of Zika virus transmission [Internet]. 2nd edition.

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WHO gratefully acknowledges the contributions of many individuals and organizations in preparing this guideline. Dr Maria Nieves Garcia-Casal, Dr Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas (responsible technical officer) and Dr Pura Rayco-Solon coordinated this normative work.

WHO extends its sincere thanks to Ms Mona Alsumaie, Dr Marianne Besnard, J.P. Dadhich, Dr Elsa Giugliani, Dr Laurent Kaiser, Ruowei Li, Dr Nishani Lucas, Dr Chessa Lutter, Ms Marie McGrath, Ms Monica Muti, Dr Celeste Naude, Professor Mical Paul, Dr Vanessa Aline Rouzier, Dr Mianne Silvestre, Professor Teck Chuan Voo and Ms Terrie Wefwafwa, who served as members of the Guideline Development Group.

WHO is grateful to the WHO Guidelines Review Committee Secretariat, in particular Ms Marion Blacker and Ms Rebekah Thomas, and members of the Guidelines Review Committee for their technical support throughout the process. Thanks are also due to Ms Alma Alic from the WHO Department of Compliance and Risk Management and Ethics for support in managing the conflicts-of-interest procedures.

WHO thanks Dr Natalia Aragón Velez, Dr Adriana Benavides, Dr Pierre Buekens, Dr Erica Ota, Ms Diana Valencia, and Dr Stanley Zlotkin for peer reviewing the final document before executive clearance by WHO and publication.

WHO gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the members of the WHO Guideline Steering Committee (in alphabetical order): Dr Ayoub Al Jawaldeh, Dr Mercedes Bonet Semenas, Dr Francesco Branca, Dr João Breda, Dr Shalini Desai, Dr Padmini Angela de Silva, Dr Tarun Dua, Dr Maria Nieves Garcia-Casal, Dr Fabio Gomes, Dr Laurence Grummer-Strawn, Dr Eve Lackritz, Dr Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas, Dr Pura Rayco-Solon, Dr Nigel Rollins, Dr Juliawati Untoro and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, Ms Zita Weise Prinzo and Mr Gerardo Zamora Monge.

WHO is grateful for the technical contributions of Dr Cristina Palacios, Dr Hector Pardo-Hernandez and Dr Lisa Rogers to this work. Ms Rosa Seminario provided logistical support.

WHO thanks the systematic review teams that supported this work, especially Dr Joyce K. Andrade Velasquez, Dr Andrew Booth, Dr Fiona Campbell, Dr Chris Carroll, Ms Elizabeth Centeno, Dr Juan G. Chang Asinc, Dr Julia L. Finkelstein, Dr Maria Nieves Garcia-Casal, Dr Kate Ghezzi-Kopel, Heather S. Herman, Dr Melisa Medina-Rivera Dr Sabrina Martinez, Dr Saurabh Mehta, Dr Cristina Palacios, Dr Hector Pardo-Hernandez, Dr Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas, Dr Pura Rayco-Solon, Dr Clare Relton, Dr Lisa Rogers and Dr Mildred P. Zambrano Leal. Dr Cristina Palacios prepared the narrative summary of evidence in preparation for the final Guideline Development Group meeting.

Financial support

WHO acknowledges the financial support for this work received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development. WHO emphasizes that donors do not participate in any decision related to the guideline development process, including the composition of research questions, membership of the Guideline Development Groups, conducting and interpreting systematic reviews, or formulating the recommendations. The views of the funding bodies have not influenced the content of this guideline.

© World Health Organization 2021.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK571647


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