Data table for Figure 16Number of physicians in patient care per 100,000 resident population, by state: United States, 2018

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AreaNumber per 100,000 resident population
United States278.49
 District of Columbia672.22
 New Hampshire313.64
 New Jersey317.42
 New Mexico239.67
 New York369.76
 North Carolina257.87
 North Dakota240.53
 Rhode Island407.47
 South Carolina234.15
 South Dakota241.50
 West Virginia261.02

NOTES: Data on the number of physicians in patient care per 100,000 resident population are calculated using 2010-based postcensal estimates. Data include professionally active doctors of medicine (M.D.s) and doctors of osteopathy (D.O.s) only. Data exclude physicians in medical teaching, administration, research, and other nonpatient care activities but include physicians in residency. Map data are displayed by a modified Jenks classification for the 50 states and District of Columbia, which creates categories that minimize within-group variation and maximize between-group variation. See Technical Notes for more information on Jenks classification.

SOURCE: American Medical Association (AMA). Physician Masterfile. (Copyright 2020 American Medical Association. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.)

From: Chartbook

Cover of Health, United States, 2019
Health, United States, 2019 [Internet].
National Center for Health Statistics (US).
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