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Mobley EM, Moke DJ, Milam J, et al. Disparities and Barriers to Pediatric Cancer Survivorship Care [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2021 Mar. (Technical Brief, No. 39.)

Cover of Disparities and Barriers to Pediatric Cancer Survivorship Care

Disparities and Barriers to Pediatric Cancer Survivorship Care [Internet].

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Table 4Guiding Question 3: Proposed strategies

Author, Year

Study Name/Trial ID

CountryCancer OriginProportion of CCS

Strategy Type

Strategy Title

Strategy Description

Masera, 1996109

International Society of Paediatric Oncology

Multiple countriesMultiple cancer origin100%

Clinical Practice Guideline

SlOP Working Committee on Psychosocial Issues in Pediatric Oncology: Guidelines for Care of Long-Term Survivors

Establish a specialty clinic oriented to the preventive medical and psychosocial care of long-term survivors which includes public education and advocacy.

National Cancer Policy Board, 200380

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

USAMultiple cancer origin100%

Policy Statement

Childhood Cancer Survivorship: Improving Care and Quality of Life

Comprehensive policy agenda that links improved healthcare delivery, investments in education and training, and expanded research to improve the long-term outlook for survivors of childhood cancer.

Goldsby, 200471

International Society of Paediatric Oncology

Multiple countriesMultiple cancer origin100%

Meeting Summaries and Recommendations

International Society of Paediatric Oncology 2003 meeting summary of the Symposium on Long-Term Follow-up Guidelines

Four models of survivorship care were endorsed with strengths and limitations.

Skinner, 2005151

United Kingdom Children’s Cancer Study Group: Late Effects Subcommittee

UKMultiple cancer origin100%

Clinical Practice Guideline

Therapy Based Long Term Follow Up: Practice Statement: United Kingdom Children’s Cancer Study Group (Late Effects Group)

Exposure-based clinical practice guidelines for pediatric cancer survivors.

Skinner, 2006152

UK Children’s Cancer Study Group (UKCCSG) Late Effects Group (LEG)

UKMultiple cancer origin100%

Clinical Practice Guideline

Long-Term Follow-Up of People Who Have Survived Cancer During Childhood

Ideal survivorship strategy will be one that captures the largest number of long-term survivors by ensuring that appropriate clinical and psychosocial care, health education, and health promotion advice are all delivered in an appropriate manner at an appropriate location, while taking advantage of important research opportunities that will benefit future generations of survivors.

Children’s Oncology Group Nursing Discipline, 200741USAMultiple cancer origin50% or more

Meeting Summaries and Recommendations

Establishing and Enhancing Services for Childhood Cancer Survivors: Long-term follow-up program resource guide

Healthcare organizations and providers should deliver care and alleviate barriers to survivorship care for pediatric survivors.

American Academy of Pediatrics, 200914USAMultiple cancer origin100%

Clinical Practice Guideline

Long-Term Follow-Up Care for Pediatric Cancer Survivors

Follow up care for pediatric cancer survivors concerning detecting serious late effects and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Late Effects Taskforce of the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group, 2010103NetherlandsMultiple cancer origin100%

Clinical Practice Guideline

Guidelines for Follow-Up after Childhood Cancer More Than 5 Years After Diagnosis

Exposure-based clinical practice guidelines for pediatric cancer survivors.

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2013146UKMultiple cancer origin100%

Clinical Practice Guideline

Long term follow up of survivors of childhood cancer Exposure- and risk- based clinical practice guidelines for pediatric cancer survivors.

American Academy of Pediatrics, 201415, 16USAMultiple cancer origin100%

Policy Statement

Standards for Pediatric Cancer Centers

Strategies for helping survivors transition to primary care with emphasis on pediatric cancer centers.

Esherich, 201761

Working Group on Adolescents, Young Adults, and Transition (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Adoleszenten, junge Erwachsene, Transition)

GermanyMultiple cancer originLess than 50%

Meeting Summaries and Recommendations

Building a National Framework for Adolescent and Young Adult Hematology and Oncology and Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care: Report of the Inaugural Meeting of the Working Group of the German Society for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology

Establish a solid infrastructure for transition nationwide so that transition in care can start during adolescence.

Children’s Oncology Group, 201842USAMultiple cancer origin50% or more

Clinical Practice Guideline

Long-Term Follow-Up Guidelines for Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancers

Exposure-based clinical practice guidelines for pediatric cancer survivors.

Cancer Leadership Council, 201925, 26USAMultiple cancer originLess than 50%

Policy Statement

Improve the Delivery of Survivorship Care

Encouraged Congress to explore how to define and finance distinct episodes of survivorship care and encouraged the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to carefully consider what to base payment for survivorship care on.

Denlinger, 202053

National Comprehensive Cancer Network

USAMultiple cancer originLess than 50%

Clinical Practice Guideline

National Comprehensive Cancer Network Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology: Survivorship

Clinical practice guidelines for cancer survivors, including focus on screening for cardiovascular, psychosocial, and chronic pain late effects and receipt of immunizations to prevent infections for pediatric survivors.

International Guideline Harmonization Group, 202081Multiple countriesMultiple cancer origin50% or more

Clinical Practice Guideline

Long-Term Follow-Up Guidelines

Surveillance recommendations regarding what surveillance modalities should be used, at what frequency surveillance should be performed, and what interventions are available if abnormalities are found.

Children’s Cancer Cause, 202037, 39, 40USAMultiple cancer origin100%

Policy Statement

Childhood Cancer Survivorship Proposal

Endorsed testing of a comprehensive new model of care and survivorship care plan initiative (Child and Survivorship Transition Model), which uses local service delivery and state payment for those covered by Medicaid, coupled with the Children’s Oncology Group record – Summary of Cancer Treatment (Comprehensive) and a survivorship care plan; endorsed improving access to survivorship care via digital technology, improved data collection, and addressing barriers to clinical trial participation for survivors.

CCS = childhood cancer survivors


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