Key points: informed consent

Consider local legal or ethical requirements that are applicable to the consent process.

Distribute the consent materials to the participant in advance whenever possible. The form should be written in a language that is understandable to the participant.

Give participants adequate time to read the form, understand the information, and consider possible participation.

The person requesting consent should ensure that the participant fully understands what is required of them.

The person requesting consent should encourage open discussion with the potential participant and should not coerce them to participate in the project.

The rights of the participant and the risks and benefits of participating in the project should be explained to potential participants.

The withdrawal options should be explained.

From: SECTION 3., Recommendations for biobanks

Cover of Common Minimum Technical Standards and Protocols for Biobanks Dedicated to Cancer Research
Common Minimum Technical Standards and Protocols for Biobanks Dedicated to Cancer Research.
IARC Technical Report, No. 44.
Mendy M, Caboux E, Lawlor RT, et al.
© International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2017. For more information contact

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.