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Pharmacoeconomic Review Report: Iron Isomaltoside 1000 (Monoferric): (Pharmacosmos A/S): Indication: For the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in adult patients who have intolerance or unresponsiveness to oral iron therapy [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2020 May.

Cover of Pharmacoeconomic Review Report: Iron Isomaltoside 1000 (Monoferric)

Pharmacoeconomic Review Report: Iron Isomaltoside 1000 (Monoferric): (Pharmacosmos A/S): Indication: For the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in adult patients who have intolerance or unresponsiveness to oral iron therapy [Internet].

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Table 12Ganzoni Formula for Iron Isomaltoside 1000 Dosing

Ganzoni formulaIron need (mg iron) = body weight (kg)a × (target Hbb – actual Hb) × 2.4c + depot iron need (mg iron)d
Example patient

50 kg patient

Actual Hb = 11

10 mg/kg assumption for iron stores

Iron need = 50 × (15 – 11) × 2.4 + (10 × 50)

Iron need = 980 mg

70 kg patient

Actual Hb = 9

1,000 mg assumption for iron stores

Iron need = 70 × (15 – 9) × 2.4 + 1,000

Iron need = 2,008 mg

90 kg patient

Actual Hb =10

1,000 mg/kg assumption for iron stores

Iron need = 90 × (15 – 10) × 2.4 + 1,000

Iron need = 2,080 mg

BMI = body mass index; Hb = hemoglobin.


Ideal body weight should be used for obese patients, e.g., by calculating weight at BMI.


Default target Hb is 15 g/dL. Lower Hb targets may be appropriate based on clinical judgment.


2.4 = 0.0034 × 0.07 × 10,000, where 0.0034 is the iron content of Hb, 0.07 is blood volume based on 7% of body weight, and 10,000 is the conversion factor from g/dL to mg/L.


For patients above 35 kg, iron stores are at least 500 mg, the lower limit of normal for small women. Some guidelines use 10 mg to 15 mg iron/kg body weight while others use 1,000 mg iron for stores.

From: Appendix 5, Reviewer Worksheets

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