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Lachance CC, Grobelna A. Management of Patients with Long-Term Indwelling Urinary Catheters: A Review of Guidelines [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2019 May 14.

Cover of Management of Patients with Long-Term Indwelling Urinary Catheters: A Review of Guidelines

Management of Patients with Long-Term Indwelling Urinary Catheters: A Review of Guidelines [Internet].

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Table 3Strengths and Limitations of Guidelines using AGREE II16

NICE, 201918NICE, 201819WHO, 201821NICE, 201720
Domain 1: Scope and Purpose
1. The overall objective(s) of the guideline is (are) specifically described.
2. The health question(s) covered by the guideline is (are) specifically described.
3. The population (patients, public, etc.) to whom the guideline is meant to apply is specifically described.
Domain 2: Stakeholder Involvement
4. The guideline development group includes individuals from all relevant professional groups.
5. The views and preferences of the target population (patients, public, etc.) have been sought.
6. The target users of the guideline are clearly defined.
Domain 3: Rigour of Development
7. Systematic methods were used to search for evidence.
8. The criteria for selecting the evidence are clearly described.
9. The strengths and limitations of the body of evidence are clearly described.
10. The methods for formulating the recommendations are clearly described.
11. The health benefits, side effects, and risks have been considered in formulating the recommendations.
12. There is an explicit link between the recommendations and the supporting evidence.
13. The guideline has been externally reviewed by experts prior to its publication.
14. A procedure for updating the guideline is provided.
Domain 4: Clarity of Presentation
15. The recommendations are specific and unambiguous.
16. The different options for management of the condition or health issue are clearly presented.
17. Key recommendations are easily identifiable.
Domain 5: Applicability
18. The guideline describes facilitators and barriers to its application.
19. The guideline provides advice and/or tools on how the recommendations can be put into practice.
20. The potential resource implications of applying the recommendations have been considered.
21. The guideline presents monitoring and/or auditing criteria.unclear
Domain 6: Editorial Independence
22. The views of the funding body have not influenced the content of the guideline.unclear
23. Competing interests of guideline development group members have been recorded and addressed.unclearunclear

NICE = National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; WHO = World Health Organization

From: Management of Patients with Long-Term Indwelling Urinary Catheters: A Review of Guidelines

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