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Rohrmann GF. Baculovirus Molecular Biology [Internet]. 4th edition. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2019.

Cover of Baculovirus Molecular Biology

Baculovirus Molecular Biology [Internet]. 4th edition.

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Figure 11. . Selected structural proteins of ODV.

Figure 11.

Selected structural proteins of ODV. Shown are envelope associated proteins (ODV-E), the PIF proteins (also envelope associated), the tegument protein, gp41, the DNA binding protein, p6.9, and two basal end-associated proteins, pp78/83 and VLF-1. For convenience, VLF-1 and Vp80 is shown here located at the basal end, however, they could be located at the apical end (227) (167). PIFs 1-3 are the core PIF complex. Without them, the other PIFs will not assemble. PIFs 0, 4, 6, 7, and 9 comprise a larger complex dependent on the pif1-3 complex, while pif8(ac83) binds to that larger complex (108, 109, 136). PIF5 is not part of the complex. There are a variety of other capsid proteins, but they appear to have a more generalized distribution. For details see the text.

From: Chapter 2, Structural proteins of baculovirus occlusion bodies and virions

Copyright © 2019, George Rohrmann.

Except where otherwise indicated, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


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