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Yuan SY, Rigor RR. Regulation of Endothelial Barrier Function. San Rafael (CA): Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences; 2010.

Cover of Regulation of Endothelial Barrier Function

Regulation of Endothelial Barrier Function.

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Chapter 3Methods for Measuring Permeability

A variety of methods exist to measure microvascular or endothelial permeability to fluid and/or solutes. Historically, these methods are designed to determine one of several distinctly different, though related mathematical values describing permeability of the capillary wall: the filtration coefficient (Kf), hydraulic conductivity (Lp), solute permeability coefficient (Ps), or the osmotic reflection coefficient (σ). These parameters relate subtly different properties of solute or hydraulic resistance across endothelial exchange barriers. In many cases, simultaneous measurements of all of the parameters are not feasible, and precise determination of each value is limited by the model system. In particular, quantitative measurements are more challenging to perform in intact physiologically functional tissues. On the other hand, cultured endothelial monolayers may allow greater control of experimental conditions, enabling very refined and quantitative measurements, yet are limited in that they are artificial and inaccurate/inadequate representations of real microvasculature. Between the in vivo and in situ models lies isolated and perfused microvessels, which allow good control of experimental conditions and minimizes interference from nonendothelial cells or systemic humoral factors, enabling precise determinations of permeability in real microvasculature. This chapter presents a discussion of methods commonly used to examine parameters related to fluid and solute permeability of microvascular endothelial barriers.


Under normal physiological conditions, fluid is filtered out of the blood into the tissues, and removed either by reabsorption, or by outflow to the lymphatic vessels. These processes are maintained in a steady-state that supports normal tissue perfusion and fluid homeostasis. In disease states, excessive plasma fluid and proteins accumulate in the interstitial space (edema), impairing tissue perfusion. Predictions based on Starling's hypothesis indicate that edema can result from imbalances in the hydrostatic and oncotic forces driving fluid flow or from decreased resistance to fluid (increased hydraulic conductivity) across the capillary walls, causing increased filtration. Because of this, early investigators devised methods for estimating the contribution of hydraulic conductivity to tissue edema. These early experiments were based on the assumption that capillary filtration is proportional to Starling forces driving fluid flow (Jv) [262]:

Image eq11.jpg
However, it was understood that fluid flow must pass through openings in the capillary wall. These openings are a size-selective filter that creates resistance to the passage of fluid and macromolecules. As described in classical pore theory, these resistance pathways can be modeled as cylindrical pores of a characteristic radius (r), where fluid flow is dictated by Poiseuille's law [338] described in Eq. (10) such that
Image eq12.jpg
where Ap is the total cross-sectional pore area, and η is the fluid viscosity, across the length (Δx) of the permeability pathway. Experimentally,
Image eq13.jpg
where the microvascular filtration coefficient (Kf) is an empirically determined proportionality constant accounting for all of the physical factors contributing to apparent microvascular transmural fluid resistance, or hydraulic conductivity, within an intact organ or tissue. Kf is proportional to hydraulic conductivity (Lp); however, Lp is an intrinsic property of the microvessel wall, normalized to total capillary surface area (LpKf/A). Therefore, unlike Kf, measurements of Lp can be compared between microvessels from different species or from different types of tissues; Kf values must be compared between identical preparations of the same tissue type.

Measuring Kf in Intact Tissues

The original experiments to measure Kf were performed by Pappenheimer, Renkin, and Borrero [338] in perfused hindlimbs of cats. Amputated hindlimbs of dogs or cats were suspended from a balance to gravimetrically determine changes in tissue fluid content [339]. Both arterial and venous vessels were cannulated and perfused with physiological solutions (filtered blood plasma, concentrated by evaporation, or diluted with Ringer's solution) at controlled fluid pressures (in vs. out) to establish a fixed pressure gradient across the microvascular circulation. Hence both ΔP and ΔΠ could be controlled experimentally. Under these conditions, fluid filtered out of the microvasculature into the tissue was measured as the rate of weight gain of the suspended tissue. These measurements were easily obtained because the hind limb microvasculature is a relatively simple model of endothelial barrier function. Other tissues that include endothelial and epithelial barriers, as well as multiple tissue compartments (e.g., lung or intestine), presented a greater challenge.

Lungs are exceptionally susceptible to edema during local or systemic inflammation or infection. Guyton and Lindsay [174] estimated fluid filtration and Kf in the intact lungs of dogs by controlling the left atrial perfusion pressure, and then measuring differences in wet vs. dry weight of the lung tissue. Differences in wet/dry weights reflected differences in water accumulation in the tissue, proportional to fluid filtration out of the microvasculature. By measuring the arterial and venous blood pressure, as well as colloid osmotic pressure of the blood plasma, these investigators could approximate Kf of the pulmonary microvasculature. However, because fluid accumulation in the lungs in these experiments includes filtration across the endothelium, as well as subsequent filtration across the epithelium into the alveolar air space, these measurements are underestimations of Kf. For this reason, Drake, Gaar, and Taylor [114] devised an isolated lung perfusion method similar to that used for hindlimbs. Lungs and heart were removed together (from dogs), and the lungs were mechanically ventilated while the heart was perfused separately through the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein. These tissues were perfused by gravity from a reservoir on the arterial side, and outflow was drained to a fluid reservoir on the venous side. Tissues were suspended from a force transducer to measure changes in weight due to fluid accumulation in the tissues. The tissues were initially perfused at a constant pressure until the tissue weight reached steady-state. Next, a small step change in pressure (ΔP) was introduced across the system (by equally elevating both venous and arterial perfusion reservoirs). Following this step change, these investigators observed both a rapid and a slow phase of weight gain (fluid accumulation), which are attributed to microvessel filling and microvascular filtration, respectively. The rate of steady-state weight gain in the slow phase (Δwt) was used to calculate:

Image eq14.jpg
Kf measurements performed with this protocol were 3- to 4-fold higher than those obtained from wet/dry weights, and, therefore, were considered more likely to represent endothelial filtration and fluid accumulation into the interstitial space. This discrepancy is believed to arise because alveolar epithelial filtration is much more restrictive than endothelial filtration, and the experimental duration is much shorter in the experiments by Drake et al. [114] than in the earlier wet/dry weight experiments [174], suggesting that alveolar filtration had not yet occurred. The type of lung perfusion experiment described by Drake et al. [114] has since been adapted and used to study lungs from other mammalian species, e.g., rabbits [228] or mice [144]. In modern configurations [144], arterial fluids are introduced via a peristaltic pump at a constant flow rate to achieve steady-state tissue weight. Intravascular pressure is increased by switching the height of the venous outflow (via a solenoid valve). Pressure transducers are located at either end of the perfusion circuit (arterial/venous) to confirm that step changes in pressure are equivalent throughout the system. The mean pressure of this system can be obtained by temporarily occluding both ends of the circulation. Under these conditions, in the absence of flow, arterial, and venous pressures will approach an intermediate value representing the mean intraluminal microvascular pressure. The change in this pressure (ΔP) is used to calculate Kf, as described by Drake et al. [114].


Eugene Landis originally inferred capillary filtration in vivo by observing circulating red blood cells in intact frog mesentery [251]. He noted that upon physical occlusion of a capillary, red blood cells would continue to migrate in the direction of the obstruction. Hence, fluid continued to flow within the capillary after the occlusion was applied. This could only be explained by the existence of leak pathways across the microvessel wall. This observation by Landis produced the earliest evidence supporting Starling's hypothesis in real microvasculature. With the development of more sophisticated optics and video cameras, Zweifach and Intaglietta [522] applied this method to more precisely measure the fluid filtration coefficient of the microvessel wall:

Image eq15.jpg
where fluid movement (m) (i.e., velocity of a red blood cell representing volume flow) is proportional to Starling forces and the filtration coefficient (Kf) of the microvessel wall. By injecting macromolecules into the blood circulation, these investigators could adjust the transmural colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure and demonstrate a linear relationship between Starling forces and fluid flow via filtration.

Based on this observation, Michel, Mason, Curry, and Tooke [306] further developed a modified Landis–Michel micro-occlusion technique for measuring hydraulic conductivity (Lp), by cannulating the microvessel with a perfusion pipette, such that hydraulic pressure could be precisely controlled (Figure 8). Using this configuration, the capillary filtration coefficient or hydraulic conductivity (Lp) can be determined by measuring flow velocity (dV/dt) at different constant perfusion pressures:

Image eq16.jpg
Flow velocity (dV/dt) = red cell velocity × π r2, where r is the vessel radius. A is the surface area of the exchange membrane (π × diameter × length). Because Lp is an intrinsic property of the microvessel wall, normalized per unit surface area, values obtained using this method are directly comparable between microvessels from different tissues.

FIGURE 8. The Landis–Michel micro-occlusion technique for measuring hydraulic conductivity (Lp) of microvessel walls.


The Landis–Michel micro-occlusion technique for measuring hydraulic conductivity (Lp) of microvessel walls. An intact tissue mesentery in situ is spread across a microscope field of view to visualize and capture video images of intact microvessels. (more...)

Measuring Lp With Colorimetric Dyes

Levick and Michel [263] described an optical method for measuring the fluid filtration coefficient (hydraulic conductivity (Lp)) across the wall of an individual perfused microvessel in intact frog mesentery. This method used a colorimetric (densitometric) microscope assay to measure fluxes of labeled macromolecules across the microvessel wall, under various constant pressure conditions. An individual cannulated microvessel within the mesentery was perfused at one end and occluded at the opposite end. Using this configuration, similar to the red blood cell method, fluid flow into the microvessel can only occur if there is fluid leakage (outflow) across the capillary wall. A colored macromolecule tracer was then introduced into the perfusion solution under constant pressure, and the rate of accumulation of the tracer in the microvessel lumen was determined by optical densitometry. This accumulation rate reflects the flow of solution into the microvessel and is equal to the fluid outflow through leak pathways across the microvessel wall. Upon a step change in perfusion pressure, there is a proportional change in the rate of fluid flow into the microvessel, which can be measured as an increased rate of dye accumulation (optical density) in the microvessel lumen. At two separate fixed, constant transluminal osmotic/oncotic pressures, the measured filtration rates (Jv/A) can be used to calculate Lp of the microvessel wall:

Image eq17.jpg


In a real microvascular system, Starling forces and fluid filtration are influenced by the redistribution of solutes (e.g., albumin) across the microvessel wall. Solutes may cross endothelial barriers via diffusion or via solvent drag due to bulk flow of fluids. Both of these mechanisms contribute to the apparent solute permeability (Pa) [208, 513], such that

Image eq18.jpg
where Pd is the diffusive component of solute permeability, and σ is the solute reflection coefficient.

Huxley, Curry, and Adamson [208] originally described a method for measuring the apparent permeability (Pa) of a solute in intact frog mesentery. Microvessels were perfused with a Y-shaped pipette configuration, where one branch of the Y was perfused with a solution containing fluorescent tracer (e.g., TRITC-albumin), and the other with a clear physiological wash solution. Fluorescence in and around the microvessel was monitored with a fluorescence microscope and fluorometer over a window of defined size. Following an equilibration period of constant flow of clear wash solution, the perfusion was switched to solution with fluorescent tracer, and fluorescent intensity (If) was measured within the optical window. Initially, a step increase in If was observed (ΔIf), corresponding to tracer solution entering the microvessel lumen, followed by a gradual increase (dIf/dt) corresponding to leakage of fluorophore out of the microvessel, across the vessel wall. Pa was then quantified as the ratio of transmural flux of tracer per unit surface area (per unit time), assuming that tracer is proportional to the concentration of solute (albumin):

Image eq19.jpg
where the vessel radius (r) is measured directly through the microscope. Next, to solve for diffusive vs. solvent drag components of permeability, Lp was measured by the Landis–Michel micro-occlusion technique (described previously). The hydrostatic pressure (ΔP) in the microvessel, during the flow of fluorophore solution, was determined by adjusting the height of the reservoir with washout solution (with all ends of the Y-connector open) until there was no flow of clear solution from the reservoir in either direction. Then, knowing the osmotic reflection coefficient for the tracer molecule, the components of permeability attributed to diffusive vs. hydraulic pathways could be calculated from equation (18).

The Isolated, Perfused Microvessel Technique

While the method of Huxley et al. [208] has been very useful for examining microvessel permeability, this procedure is limited in that it can only be applied to semitransparent mesenteric membranes that can be spread across a microscope field of view. For many tissues, this type of preparation is not feasible. Because of the need to study microvascular permeability in parenchymal tissues, Yuan and Granger [513] developed a model measuring albumin permeability in isolated and perfused microvessels (postcapillary venules). Briefly, microvessels of 20 to 70 μm diameter (0.5 to 1.2 mm length) are manually dissected and stripped of extraneous tissue. While submerged in a physiological salt solution, the isolated venule is cannulated with a micropipette-in-pipette at each end of the vessel with each pipette connected to an individual reservoir (Figure 9). One reservoir is filled with physiological wash solution and the other with either the fluorescent tracer (e.g., FITC-albumin) or a chemical treatment. Either reservoir may be selected for perfusion, through a system of appropriate valves. In addition, using the two-cannula system, flow can be arbitrarily directed in either direction as needed. The reservoirs feeding the inflow and outflow pipettes feature adjustable heights such that inflow and outflow pressures can be precisely controlled. Fluorescence video microscopy is used to monitor leaks, and to perform experimental measurements within a selected field of view containing a venule, of known size. Flow rate is determined by an optical Doppler velocimeter by perfusing the system with a dilute suspension of red blood cells. Fixed pressure gradients may be applied across the length of the venule by adjusting the height of the perfusion reservoirs. For example, a pressure gradient (ΔP) of 10 cm H2O may be achieved by setting the inflow reservoir to 20 cm H2O, and the outflow reservoir to 10 cm H2O. In addition, the oncotic pressure gradient (ΔΠ) can be controlled with fixed albumin concentration in the perfusion solution. Hence, permeability measurements can be performed under conditions where all relevant Starling forces are known.

FIGURE 9. The isolated, perfused microvessel permeability assay developed by Yuan and Granger.


The isolated, perfused microvessel permeability assay developed by Yuan and Granger. Upper panel: a schematic diagram of the experimental configuration for isolated venule perfusion. Individual venules are manually isolated from intact living tissues (more...)

The apparent permeability coefficient of albumin is analyzed based on the changes in fluorescence intensity collected from an optical window. Following a step change in fluorescence intensity corresponding to the flow of fluorophore solution through the vessel lumen (ΔIf), there is a gradual increase in intensity across the entire field of view, corresponding to leakage and the appearance of fluorophore into the bathing solution surrounding the vessel (dIf/dt). The apparent solute permeability coefficient of albumin (Pa) is calculated according to Equation (19) (Figure 9) [513]. This method allows for precise measurement of permeability in a real microvessel, yet without interference from ancillary parenchymal cells or systemic factors that are present in vivo. In addition, the chemical environment (drugs, etc.) and shear conditions (flow velocity, etc.) can be altered as needed, enabling assessments of their direct effects on endothelial permeability.

Yuan and co-workers have subsequently modified this technique for studying leukocyte–endothelium interactions [518]. During inflammation, leukocytes in the blood circulation respond first by binding to the microvascular endothelium, and then crossing the microvessel wall and invading the extravascular tissue (discussed in a later chapter). Using the isolated microvessel perfusion technique, Yuan et al. introduced fluorescent-labeled neutrophils through the inner inflow pipette, at various constant flow rates, and monitored interactions with the microvessel wall using frame-by-frame analysis of fluorescence microscope high-resolution video images. Under normal physiological treatment conditions, neutrophils in contact with the microvessel wall could be seen moving at a slower velocity (rolling), compared to the flow rate of the perfusate (measured with an optical Doppler velocimeter by perfusing red blood cells at 1% hematocrit). Rolling was quantified as the percentage of neutrophils displaying this behavior during the recorded period. Next, these investigators increased the perfusion pressure gradient by equivalently raising and lowering the inflow and outflow reservoirs, respectively, and observed a decrease in rolling as a function of increasing pressure (2.5 to 20 cm H2O). Under inflammatory conditions, activated neutrophils can adhere to and cross the microvessel wall. Following preactivation by exposure to complement factor C5a, neutrophils in the microvessel perfusion assay were seen immobilized next to the microvessel luminal surface (adhesion) in isolated coronary venules. By increasing the perfusion pressure (2.5 to 20 cm H2O), rolling and adhesion events were similarly attenuated in proportion to perfusion pressure. Therefore, adhesion was dependent upon neutrophil activation and normal physiological neutrophil rolling behavior. These investigators also noted that activated neutrophil adhesion occurred in isolated venules, and not in coronary arterioles, supporting the long-held notion that postcapillary venules are the principle site of neutrophil extravasation in the microvasculature. Therefore, the isolated microvessel perfusion method is useful for studying and quantifying leukocyte rolling and adhesion behavior and for observing the differences in these interactions between venules and arterioles.


The reflection coefficient accounts for restrictions of solute permeability based on the molecular size of a solute relative to the mean pore size for a permeability pathway. Larger molecules encounter greater resistance and are more frequently “reflected” from the membrane, having a higher value for σ, whereas small molecules are less frequently reflected, and therefore have a smaller value for σ. In most cases, estimates of σ are used based on the diffusion behavior of tracer-labeled solutes. Accurate determinations of σ are variable in real organisms and can be challenging to determine in vivo. An effective method was developed by Laine and Granger [249] in dog hearts, based on the “wash-down” of the lymphatic compartment with greatly elevated perfusion pressure. By elevating vascular perfusion pressure, it was determined that a limit would be reached above which there would be no further decrease in lymphatic protein concentration. This limit occurred when the microvascular permeability pathways to albumin became saturated and a maximal rate of albumin filtration was achieved.

In general, the net solute flux across the microvessel wall (Js) is determined by both diffusive (Jd) and convective (solvent drag) (Jc) fluxes [249]:

Image eq20.jpg
This can be re-expressed as:
Image eq21.jpg
where Cp and CL are plasma and lymphatic protein concentration, respectively; Jv is fluid flux; PS represents the protein permeability-surface area product. Solved for CL/CP:
Image eq22.jpg
At high rates of fluid flow, PS <<Jv, and reduces to
Image eq23.jpg
Hence, under high-flow conditions, the ratio of lymphatic protein concentration to plasma protein concentration can be used to calculate σ.


In addition to the aforementioned specific permeability parameters, the general status of plasmaleakage in vivo is often assessed by tissue staining with colored dyes (e.g., Evans blue) injected into the blood circulation. The dye is allowed time to equilibrate prior to an experimental treatment, following which the animal is sacrificed and dye accumulation is quantified in harvested organs by homogenization and extraction. Typical extraction protocols involve tissue denaturation with trichloroacetic acid or formamide. This procedure was originally described by Miles and Miles [308] using Pontamine Sky Blue and is known as the Miles assay. The Miles assay has been widely used; however, there are several caveats of using this assay [32]. In general, distribution of an intravenous tracer is affected by hemodynamics. For example, treatment with VEGF causes vasodilation, as well as microvascular hyperpermeability [32]. Vasodilation increases the surface area of vessel walls and increases blood flow volume in the microvascular bed. Because most transvascular solute flux is driven by solvent drag and convective fluid flow, vasodilation increases solute flux across the microvessel wall by increasing the volume of fluid in the microvessels, as well as the surface area of the microvascular wall. Capillary recruitment or increased microvascular perfusion density also increase the apparent dye accumulating in the tissue. Distinguishing intravascular from extravascular dye volume requires either an additional indicator of vascular volume or use of a capillary depletion method to determine the fraction of dye that is associated with the vasculature [340].

Evans blue (T-1824) is a 961-Da molecule strongly associated with albumin [19, 30]. Because of this association, Evans blue transport is considered to represent albumin transport. However, the use of Evans blue as a marker for albumin is problematic. The association of Evans blue with albumin is strong in that once binding has occurred, these molecules cannot be readily dissociated [345]; however, the extent of initial binding is highly dependent upon the concentrations of Evans blue and albumin in solution [32]. In many instances, after equilibrating Evans blue with albumin, a substantial fraction of Evans blue remains in solution as free dye. Because of its small size (< 1 kDa), free Evans blue dye permeates through small pores in the microvessel wall much more readily than does Evans blue bound to albumin (>69 kDa). Under these conditions, tissue accumulation of Evans blue will be much higher than that of albumin; therefore, it overestimates the true albumin permeability. In addition, the optical density and absorbance profile of Evans blue is widely variable in plasma from different animal species [19], introducing further inaccuracies to permeability measurements obtained from various animal models. Nevertheless, if thorough binding to albumin is achieved and other potential caveats are addressed, then Evans blue is equivalently effective as a quantitative marker for albumin permeability as radiolabeled albumin for in vitro or in vivo assays [345].

Intravital Microscopic Measurement of Transvascular Flux

Macromolecules (albumin or dextran) conjugated to a fluorescent probe (e.g., FITC or TRITC) are also frequently used to monitor changes in microvascular leakage in intact tissues conducive to intravital microscopy [183, 328, 487]. Fluorescent-labeled molecules administered intravenously can be visualized in the microvasculature of semitransparent tissues, such as the mesentery, cremaster muscle, and hamster cheek pouch. Ley and Arfors [269] developed a protocol wherein intravenous FITC-dextran was visualized in the microvessels of the hamster cheek pouch by fluorescence microscopy, photographically recorded at various times for densitometric analysis. The greyscale intensities of images of microvessel and extravascular FITC-dextran, as well as a series of cuvettes containing known concentrations of FITC-dextran (standards) were determined by densitometry. These values were then used to calibrate the concentrations of FITC-dextran leakage into the tissues. This method of quantitation was greatly improved by Duran and coworkers [25] who used video recording and digital image analysis to record and calibrate concentrations of FITC-dextran. Using this method, the image optical intensity of a microvessel could be quantified immediately after intravenous injection of FITC-dextran, before any leakage had occurred. Then, knowing the serum FITC-dextran concentration, the concentration of dye leakage outside the microvessel could be determined (provided that fluorescence intensity remained within a predetermined range of linear correspondence to FITC-dextran concentration (0.4 to 3.0 mg/mL in this study). Integrated optical intensities (IOI) are determined by measuring pixel density (and greyscale intensities) of defined regions within an optical window of fixed dimensions and pixel size. IOI values can also be used to express microvascular leakage as the ratio of the transmural intensity difference to the original intraluminal intensity at time = 0 (Figure 10) [205]:

Image eq24.jpg
where regions of interest (ROIs) define intraluminal intensity (Ii) or extraluminal intensity (Io) of FITC-dextran, respectively.

FIGURE 10. The use of fluorescence microscopy and digital integrated optical intensity (IOI) to measure macromolecular leakage in intact microvessels in vivo.


The use of fluorescence microscopy and digital integrated optical intensity (IOI) to measure macromolecular leakage in intact microvessels in vivo. Upper: fluorescence microscopy images of intact microvessels from mouse gut mesentery with an intravascular (more...)

Using the same data set, microvascular leakiness can also be expressed as the number of leakage sites per defined area (e.g., 100 μm2) in the microscope field of view [205]. Mayhan and co-workers [297] originally described this method using a hamster cheek pouch preparation. FITC-dextran was administered as described in the above preparation, and leaky sites were quantified by acquiring fluorescence microscope images from 10 randomly sampled fields of view within a single preparation at each experimental sampling time. Leaky sites were defined as fluorescent spots greater than 50 μm in diameter. Leaky sites counted from 10 fields were expressed as the number of sites per cm2. In this study, the plasma (perfusate) fluorescence and external (superfusate) solution fluorescence were quantified in parallel with imaging, and used to demonstrate disappearance of tracer from the perfusate and appearance of tracer in the superfusate, coinciding with the number of leaky sites. The time dependence and quantitative results from preparations treated with histamine showed excellent correlation between the incidence of leaky sites and the fluorescence leakage measured directly in perfusate/superfusate solutions, indicating the validity of this method.


Cultured endothelial cells are often used to model the microvascular endothelium, because of the feasibility of performing complex molecular or pharmacological experiments to study cellular signaling pathways related to barrier function. For example, cultured cells are used to assess solute permeability or electrical resistance across a confluent monolayer of endothelial cells, as indicators of physiological changes in permeability at intercellular junctions. However, these models show limited resemblance to real physiological structures and functions. It cannot be assumed a priori that treatments affecting cultured monolayer permeability or electrical resistance will have similar or comparable effects in vivo. Ultimately, all treatments must be tested and validated in real physiological systems. In many cases, cultured endothelial cells are the only viable models for testing mechanistic hypotheses related to cell signaling in control of microvascular barrier function, as it is often impossible or unreasonable to perform these kinds of experiments using in vivo models. Because of this, cultured endothelial cell models are indispensible for fully understanding molecular mechanisms regulating endothelial barriers.

Transwell Solute Flux Assays

In vivo perfusion models of microvascular permeability have shown that transvascular solute flux is determined by solvent drag in convective fluid flow (Jv), and by diffusive forces. In the absence of convective fluid flow (Jv = 0), solute flux is determined entirely by diffusive forces:

Image eq25.jpg
Based on this relationship, PS product can be measured in a zero-flow, 2-compartment tissue culture system where the compartments are separated by a continuous (confluent) layer of endothelial cells grown on a porous filter membrane (Figure 11) [422]. A tracer molecule is introduced to the upper (luminal) compartment at an initial concentration (CL), and the appearance of tracer in the lower (abluminal) compartment is sampled at various time intervals. The time-dependent increase in concentration of tracer in the abluminal compartment (CA) is used to calculate tracer clearance from the luminal compartment, from the slope, expressed as volume flux over time (dV/dt):
Image eq26.jpg
where the permeability of the tracer is
Image eq27.jpg
or measured over a defined interval (t):
Image eq28.jpg
Malik and coworkers initially used this relationship to determine solute permeability and size selectivity of pores in cultured endothelial cell monolayers [422]. The transwell assay described by these investigators (Figure 11) is widely used to determine transendothelial solute (e.g., albumin, dextrans, sucrose) permeability across cultured endothelial monolayers.

FIGURE 11. Transwell solute flux assay for cultured endothelial cell monolayers.


Transwell solute flux assay for cultured endothelial cell monolayers. Endothelial cells are cultured in growth medium on a porous filter membrane until confluency is attained. This filter membrane forms the floor of a fluid-filled chamber that is then (more...)

Transendothelial Electrical Resistance Measurements

In pore theory, increased transendothelial permeability is due to an increase in the number of open pores at endothelial cell–cell junctions. Open pores are fluid-filled pathways that allow the passage of water and aqueous solutes across the endothelium. In contrast, the endothelial membranes are composed of lipophilic molecules (phospholipids, cholesterol, etc.) that restrict the passage of aqueous solutions, and that function as electrical insulators to maintain the physiological endothelial membrane electrical potential. Taken together, this implies that fluid-filled pores at cell–cell junctions also function as electrical conductance pathways across the endothelium. Therefore, an increase in the number of open pores will be manifested as a decrease in electrical resistance across the microvascular endothelium. The electrical resistance across microvessel walls has been directly measured in vivo in a variety of animal models. For example, Crone and Olesen [92] measured the electrical resistance of the walls of brain surface pial microvessels in live frogs by impaling the vessels with glass microelectrodes at specified distances apart. Knowing the resistivity of the plasma, and the dimensions of the microvessel (i.e., cable properties), they measured the decay in electrical current across the interior of the microvessel, and calculated the electrical resistivity of the microvessel walls: 1870 Ohm cm2. They noted that this measurement corresponded well to prior estimations of transendothelial electrical resistance (TER) performed by calculating membrane conductance based on impedence to the flow of small inorganic ions across the microvessel wall, suggesting that TER represents pores for solute movement across the microvessel wall.

Measurements of TER are challenging to perform in vivo, but are relatively simple to perform with cultured endothelial cell monolayers. TER can be measured using the two-compartment transwell configuration (Figure 11), where electrical resistance is measured directly across the cell monolayer using an electrical resistance meter, by inserting probes into the luminal and abluminal compartments. The resistance of the filter membrane is first measured in the absence of cells, and then is subtracted from the total resistance in the present of a confluent cell monolayer to yield the resistance of the cell monolayer, per unit surface area (specific resistance; Ohm cm2). This method is often used in conjunction with transwell solute flux assays (described above), to determine the monolayer confluency/tightness prior to experimentation, or as an additional measurement to accompany PS determinations.

A more sophisticated, quantitative method for determining the transendothelial electrical resistivity is with an electrical cell–substrate impedance sensor (ECIS) [445]. The ECIS device, invented by Giaever and Keese [156] to quantify cultured cell density and migration, consists of a small cell culture chamber with two gold plate electrodes embedded in the bottom surface (Figure 12). Endothelial cells are grown to confluency in growth medium solution, directly on top of the electrodes. ECIS experiments are performed by applying alternating current (AC) across the electrodes and measuring electrical impedance. Impedance is analogous to resistance, but accounts for all resistances and reactances in an AC circuit. In the ECIS circuit, current flows through the medium and across the cell monolayer, such that the cell membranes function as a capacitor, and the pores or gaps between cells function as resistors. Electrical capacitance is proportional to the amount of cells or confluency of the monolayer. Opening or closing of intercellular gaps or pores across a confluent endothelial monolayer will be manifested as changes in ECIS resistance [445].

FIGURE 12. Electrical cell impedance sensor (ECIS) assay for cultured endothelial cell monolayers.


Electrical cell impedance sensor (ECIS) assay for cultured endothelial cell monolayers. Endothelial cells are grown to confluency on a cell culture plate with two gold electrode contact surfaces. These electrodes are connected to electrical alternating (more...)

The resistance component of ECIS measurements includes resistance attributed to fluid-filled spaces between cells (Rb) (cell–cell adhesive barrier) as well as that of the fluid volume trapped in the space between the basolateral cell surface and the ECIS electrode (α) (indicator of cell–substrate adhesion) [156]. These properties (Rb and α) can be determined by examining the impedance at varied frequencies and fitting the data to the mathematical model described by Giaever and Keese. The cell radius (r) is an empirically measured value (modeled as a sphere in this example), the medium resistivity (ρ) is measured directly in the absence of cells, and the relationship, α = r * (ρ/h)0.5 is used to calculate the height (h) of the subcellular space. The value of h will increase as cell focal adhesions detach from the electrode surface. Therefore, ECIS can be used to quantitatively model changes in endothelial barrier properties attributed to intercellular gap formation vs. detachment at focal adhesions [223].

Copyright © 2011 by Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences.
Bookshelf ID: NBK54124


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