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WHO Guidelines for the Pharmacological and Radiotherapeutic Management of Cancer Pain in Adults and Adolescents. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018.

Cover of WHO Guidelines for the Pharmacological and Radiotherapeutic Management of Cancer Pain in Adults and Adolescents

WHO Guidelines for the Pharmacological and Radiotherapeutic Management of Cancer Pain in Adults and Adolescents.

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ANNEX 3Systematic Review Evidence Profiles and Evidence-to-Decision Tables

Key Question 1. Choice of pharmacotherapy for analgesia

1.1. In adults (including elderly) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer, are there any differences between NSAIDs, paracetamol (acetaminophen), and opioids at the stage of initiation of pain management in order to achieve rapid, effective and safe pain control?

Five eligible RCTs evaluated outcomes other than pain relief among people with cancer who were initiating pain management (see Evidence Profile 1.1).15 However, few trials, including these, clearly distinguished between patients at pain management initiation and those on maintenance treatment. The determination of whether all or most patients included in a study were initiating treatment was, in part, a matter of judgment. Nevertheless, the five eligible studies included people with cancer pain who were naïve to strong opioids (or beginning opioid treatment).

The studies evaluated the following medications: Buprenorphine, Fentanyl, Morphine, and Oxycodone. No study listed or reported on respiratory depression among their study participants.

Two trials compared medication classes to evaluate relief of pain, providing very low strength of evidence favoring high potency opioids to relieve pain more frequently than low potency opioids (RR 1.80; 95% CI 1.42, 2.29) and favoring combination low potency opioids + NSAID to relieve pain more frequently than NSAIDs alone (RR 1.36; 95% CI 0.98, 1.87).

One trial compared medication classes to evaluate degree of pain relief, providing very low strength of evidence regarding high potency opioids compared with low potency opioids, suggesting no difference (estimated net difference = −13.3; 95% CI −87, 60 on a scale of 0 to 100 [worst]).

The three studies provided moderate strength of evidence of similar rates of confusion with either morphine or oxycodone (RR = 0.85; 95% CI 0.50, 1.44), nominally favoring morphine. One study compared all four opioids, providing low strength of evidence of similar rates of confusion with all four medications (from 36% to 47%).

Evidence Profile 1.1. Analgesics at Initiation of Pain Management (PDF, 526K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 1.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer, are there any differences between NSAIDs, paracetamol (acetaminophen), and opioids at the stage of initiation of pain management in order to achieve rapid, effective and safe pain control? (PDF, 668K)

1.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer, are there any differences between opioids for maintenance of therapy in order to achieve rapid, effective and safe pain control?

Thirty-eight eligible RCTs evaluated outcomes of interest among people with cancer who were being managed for their cancer pain.1451 However, few trials clearly distinguished between patients at pain management initiation and those on maintenance treatment. The determination of whether all or most patients included in a study were in the maintenance stage of their pain management treatment was, in part, a matter of judgment. The systematic review team divided Key Question 1.2 into two sections: opioids versus placebo (or no opioids) and comparison of analgesics.

Two of the RCTs compared opioids to placebo treatments (one of which also included a comparison between analgesics).19,28

1.2.1. Opioids Versus Placebo

The two placebo-controlled RCTs evaluated Celecoxib, Codeine, and Codeine + Ibuprofen, (see Evidence Profile 1.2.1).19,28

One trial reported no significant difference in pain relief speed (time to pain relief) between both codeine and combined codeine and ibuprofen versus placebo; in fact placebo was favored over codeine alone (low strength of evidence). The difference between codeine and placebo was an increase of 20 minutes (95% CI −23, 63). The difference between codeine plus ibuprofen and placebo was 0 minutes (95% CI −28, 28).

The same trial, however, reported that both codeine and combined codeine and ibuprofen resulted in longer pain reduction maintenance compared with placebo (low strength of evidence). For codeine, this was 2.1 hours (0.7, 3.5) and for codeine plus ibuprofen this was 3.5 hours (95% CI 1.5, 5.5).

One trial found no significant difference in quality of life, as measured by the EORTC QTQ-C30, between celecoxib and placebo (very low strength of evidence). There was a difference of 2 on a scale of 0 to 100 [best], but no further data were reported.

The studies did not report specifically on respiratory depression or sedation.

The studies did not report data to allow evaluation of subgroup differences.

Evidence Profile 1.2.1. Analgesics vs. Placebo During Maintenance of Pain Management (PDF, 512K)

1.2.2. Comparison of Analgesics

Readers are encouraged to refer to Annex 6 Network Meta Analysis (NMA) for further analysis from direct and indirect evidence on the ‘effective pain relief’ outcome

Twenty-six trials were included in the direct comparisons for outcomes other than pain relief and evaluated 14 different analgesics: Buprenorphine, Butorphanol, Celecoxib, Codeine, Codeine + Ibuprofen, Dexketoprofen trometamol, Dezocine, Diclofenac, Hydromorphone CR, Kadian, Kapanol, Ketorolac, Morphine CR, Morphine IR, Oxycodone CR, Tapentadol CR, and Tramadol (see Evidence Profile 1.2.2).1427,2940

From the direct evidence, four trials evaluated speed of pain relief, providing low strength of evidence of no significant difference among Codeine, Codeine + Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Morphine CR, Morphine IR, and Oxycodone CR. The studies evaluated different outcomes, which ranged from minutes to days.

Five trials evaluated duration of maintenance of pain reduction. There is low strength of evidence of no significant differences among the interventions (Codeine, Codeine + Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Kadian (every 12 hours), Ketorolac, Morphine CR, and Morphine IR). One trial reported that Kadian every 24 hours had longer mean time to remedication (16 hr) than Kadian every 12 hours (9.1 hr) or Morphine CR (8.7 hr). No eligible trials reported on quality of life.

Two trials reported on functional outcomes. There is low strength of evidence of no significant difference between Morphine and Methadone (on the Karnofsky Performance Scale), but favoring Ketorolac over Dexketoprofen trometamol.

Only one of the trials explicitly discussed respiratory depression (in fact “respiratory failure”) among their adverse events, providing very low strength of evidence. A single occurrence was reported among 62 people taking tapentadol, but none with morphine SR.

Seventeen trials provided very low strength of evidence overall regarding relative risks of sedation. The studies were heterogeneous in definitions of sedation, which was likely largely responsible for large heterogeneity in the reported rates of sedation. See Evidence Profile 1.2.2 for details. Only one pair of medications were compared by more than one trial. Two trials provided low quality evidence of no difference comparing risk of sedation between fentanyl and morphine SR yielding a RR of 0.88 (95% CI 0.52, 1.48).

The studies did not report data to allow evaluation of subgroup differences.

Evidence Profile 1.2.2. Comparison of Analgesics During Maintenance of Pain Management (PDF, 597K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 1.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer, are there any differences between opioids for maintenance of therapy in order to achieve rapid, effective and safe pain control? (PDF, 590K)

1.3. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer receiving first-line treatment with opioids for background pain, what is the most effective opioid treatment for breakthrough pain?

One randomized controlled trial compared analgesics specifically for management of breakthrough pain. It was conducted in a population of older persons with varied cancer types.20

The trial provided low strength of evidence that the choice between sustained-release and immediate-release morphine may make no difference to prevent breakthrough pain (OR 1.00; 95% CI 0.75, 1.33) or to reduce pain (summary difference on a 0 to 100 [best] scale = −0.2; 95% CI −1.0, 0.6).

No trial reported on pain relief speed, pain relief maintenance, quality of life, functional outcomes, or respiratory depression.

The trial provided very low strength of evidence, regarding differences between sustained-release and immediate-release morphine to avoid confusion. In the cross-over study, two patients developed confusion while taking immediate-release morphine, but the confusion was not attributed to the opioids.

Evidence Profile 1.3. Treatment of Breakthrough Pain (PDF, 515K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 1.3. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer receiving first-line treatment with opioids for background pain, what is the most effective opioid treatment for breakthrough pain? (PDF, 529K)

Key Question 2. Opioid Rotation/Switching

2.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer and who are taking a single opioid, what is the evidence for the practice of opioid rotation or opioid switching as compared with continuing use of one opioid in order to maintain effective and safe pain control and minimize adverse effects?

No eligible studies were found that address this Key Question.

Evidence-to-Decision table 2.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer and who are taking a single opioid, what is the evidence for the practice of opioid rotation or opioid switching as compared to continuing use of one opioid in order to maintain effective and safe pain control and minimize adverse effects? (PDF, 474K)

Key Question 3. Opioid Formulation

3.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer, what is the evidence for the benefit of administering modified release morphine regularly as compared with immediate release morphine on a 4-hourly or as required basis, in order to maintain effective and safe pain control?

Ten eligible RCTs compared modified-release morphine (morphine SR) versus immediate-release morphine (morphine IR, see Evidence Profile 3.1).15,20,27,5663 These trials generally included all patients with cancer pain. Within studies, participants had either a variety of types of cancer (e.g., breast, prostate, colon, lung, lymphatic, gastric, liver) or the studies did not report cancer types (implying a variety of cancers. Study participants generally had moderate or severe pain (or the level of pain severity was not explicitly described). Among studies that reported participant ages, study participants were generally middle-age to older adults (mostly about 40 or 50 to 70 or 90 years old).

The trials evaluated a variety of formulations of morphine SR (MS Contin®, Oramorph SR®, Skenan®, MST Continus®, Kapanol®, or vague or not described specific formulations). None of the trials used combined morphine SR and scheduled doses of morphine IR. Among studies that described management of breakthrough pain, all allowed similar treatment in both study arms (morphine SR or morphine IR). One trial used ketobemidone for breakthrough pain; the others used morphine IR. All studies (at least implicitly) prescribed the morphine IR to be taken on a fixed schedule. Half the trials did not report on the use of other analgesics or adjuvant treatments. Two trials reported that patients were allowed to continue but not change their other treatments; two trials explicitly allowed only either acetaminophen or NSAIDs. Only one trial mandated concomitant therapy: diclofenac (a NSAID) and haloperidol (used as an antiemetic).

In brief, there is moderate strength of evidence of no difference in pain relief between modified- and immediate-release morphine. Three of four trials found 100% pain-relief regardless of which modality was used (moderate strength of evidence). Pooling all four studies yielded a summary RR = 0.99 (95% CI 0.95, 1.03). Four trials found similar pain scores (see Forest Plot 3.1 below) among participants on either treatment (moderate strength of evidence). The summary difference in pain scores (transformed to a 0 to 100 [worst]) scale) was −0.6 (95% CI −5.9, 4.8).

One small trial provided low strength of evidence of no difference in pain relief speed (time to achieving stable pain control, difference between arms −0.4 days; 95% CI −1.1, 0.3). The same trial provided very low strength of evidence of no difference for quality of life, with a difference between arms of 9 points (on a transformed scale of 1 to 100 [best]) with 95% CI −6 to 24.

No eligible studies evaluated pain reduction maintenance or functional outcomes. Two studies provided low strength of evidence regarding sedation. Neither study evaluated the outcome as an adverse event, but rather on a scale. The two studies found no differences in sedation scores (on a 0 to 100 [worst]). Combined, the difference was −2.9 (95% CI −14.2, 8.5). Only two trials explicitly reported on respiratory depression as a potential adverse event. They provided low strength of evidence finding no events in a small overall sample of patients. None of the RCTs evaluated subgroups of interest (adult/older adult/adolescent, history of substance abuse, refractory pain). Only a single study was restricted to “adults” (31–62 years old)58 and one study to “older adults” (57–71 years old),63 precluding meaningful across-study comparison of these age groups. Although, not explicitly clear based on study eligibility criteria, it is likely that very few if any study participants had a history of substance abuse or refractory pain.

Evidence Profile 3.1. Modified-Release vs. Immediate-Release Morphine (PDF, 521K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 3.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer, what is the evidence for the benefit of administering modified release morphine regularly as compared to immediate release morphine on a 4-hourly or as required basis, in order to maintain effective and safe pain control? (PDF, 543K)

3.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer, what is the evidence for the benefit of using the subcutaneous, transdermal, or transmucosal route as compared with the intramuscular and intravenous routes when the oral route for opioids is inappropriate (e.g. adults (including older persons) and adolescents with diminished consciousness, ineffective swallowing or vomiting) in order to maintain effective and safe pain control?

A single eligible study compared non-invasive routes versus injected routes for opioids (see Evidence Profile 3.2). The study was a crossover study of 20 adults with multiple types of cancer. Participants were chosen because they had had substantial side effects related to oral or rectal opioids. In brief, the study provided very low strength of evidence suggesting no difference in degree of pain relief with a difference between subcutaneous and intravenous hydromorphone (difference = 3.0; 95% CI −15, 21) on a 0 to 100 (worst) scale. The trial did not report on adverse events of interest, per se. The trial found that sedation, measured by VAS, improved in both arms with opioid treatment.

Evidence Profile 3.2. Subcutaneous vs. Intravenous Hydromorphone (PDF, 689K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 3.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to active cancer, what is the evidence for the benefit of using the subcutaneous, transdermal, or transmucosal route as compared to the intramuscular and intravenous routes when the oral route for opioids is inappropriate (e.g. adults (including older persons) and adolescents with diminished consciousness, ineffective swallowing or vomiting) in order to maintain effective and safe pain control? (PDF, 471K)

Key Question 4. Opioid Cessation

4.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related pain, what is the evidence for certain dosing regimens or interventions in order to effectively and safely cease opioids?

No eligible studies were found that address this Key Question.

Evidence-to-Decision table 4.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related pain, what is the evidence for certain dosing regimens or interventions in order to effectively and safely cease opioids? (PDF, 452K)

Key Question 5. Adjuvant Treatments

5.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related pain are adjuvant steroids more effective than placebo, no steroids, or other steroids to achieve pain control?

The systematic review team have divided Key Question 5.1 into two sections: steroids versus placebo (or no steroid) and comparison of steroids.

5.1.1. Steroids vs. Placebo

Seven eligible studies compared steroids to placebo (see Evidence Profile 5.1) in patients with a variety of cancers.6975; although most studies did not report the cancer types. The studies evaluated methylprednisolone (4 studies), dexamethasone (2 studies), and prednisolone (1 study). Studies were mostly conducted in a wide adults with a wide age range; one was conducted in older adults.75

The RCT findings are summarized in Evidence Profile 5.1.1. Five trials provided moderate strength of evidence that pain relief was greater in patients taking steroids than placebo (Forest Plot 5.1.1 below). The summary net difference in pain scores between arms was −9.9 (on a 0 to 100 [worst] scale), 95% CI −16.0 to −3.8, favoring steroids. Over half the weight for this summary estimate came from the only study that found a statistically significant finding, which also reported the greatest reduction in pain scores with steroids, and was published in 1985 (see Evidence Forest Plot 5.1.1 below).

None of the studies reported pain relief speed or duration of pain relief maintenance.

Three studies provided very low strength of evidence that patients taking steroids had improved quality of life compared with placebo (Forest Plot 5.1.2 below), with a summary net difference (on a 0 to 100 [best] scale) of 12.6 (95% CI 6.2, 19.0). Two studies provided very low strength of evidence regarding functional outcomes, using FACT and FACIT, suggesting no difference in functional score (net difference −0.2; 95% CI −2.0, 1.6) or social function (net difference −0.2; 95% CI −2.4, 1.9), both on 0 to 100 scales. The two studies had conflicting findings regarding physical function, with one study finding significant benefit with steroids on the FACIT scale, but the other presenting data that suggested statistically significant worse physical function with steroids on the FACT scale (however, the study implied that they found no significant difference).

One small trial provided very low strength of evidence regarding gastrointestinal bleeds, being the only study to explicitly report this adverse event. No gastrointestinal bleeds occurred among 31 patients in this crossover study. Two small studies reported on psychiatric adverse events. One provided very low strength of evidence regarding depression, failing to provide a precise estimate (RR = 1.00; 95% CI 0.06, 15.2). One provided very low strength of evidence regarding both anxiety and “psychic change” (undefined), also failing to provide precise estimates (both RR = 0.59; 95% CI 0.11, 3.20). No study reported on delirium or psychosis.

Evidence Profile 5.1. Steroids vs. Placebo (PDF, 729K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 5.1.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related pain are adjuvant steroids more effective than no steroids or placebo to achieve pain control? (PDF, 668K)

5.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with bone metastases, what is the evidence for the use of bisphosphonates or monoclonals compared with each other or no treatment or other bisphosphonates in order to prevent and treat pain

The systematic review team have divided Key Question 5.2 into five sections: bisphosphonates versus placebo, comparisons of bisphosphonates, monoclonal antibodies (hereafter monoclonals) versus placebo, comparisons of monoclonals, and bisphosphonates versus monoclonals.

5.2.1. Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Forty eligible studies compared bisphosphonates to placebo (see Evidence Profile 5.2.1).81120 Most study participants had either breast or prostate cancer. Fifteen of the studies were restricted to people (women or men) with breast cancer (or included mostly people with breast cancer). Ten studies were restricted to men with prostate cancer. Two additional studies included mostly people with breast or prostate cancer. The third most common cancer across studies was lung cancer. Thirteen studies evaluated clodronate, nine zoledronate, five each ibandronate and pamidronate, and one each etidronate and risendronate.

There is moderate strength of evidence of greater pain relief with use of bisphosphonates compared with placebo among patients with painful bone metastases. Seven trials evaluated categorical pain relief; however, four evaluated improvements in pain (e.g., reductions of at least 2 points on a 5 point pain scale)89,99,109,117 and three evaluated complete pain relief.86,96,107 The studies were mostly vague about whether they were assessing overall cancer pain or metastatic bone pain. Four studies evaluated clodronate and one each etidronate, pamidronate, and risedronate. Although favoring use of bisphosphonates, no statistically significant difference in complete relief of pain (RR 1.61; 95% CI 0.89, 2.93) or pain improvement (RR 1.24; 95% CI 0.90, 1.71) were found (see Forest Plots and below). Fourteen trials evaluated pain on continuous scales (which were each converted to a 100 point scale, with 100 = worst pain).83,85,8789,97,98,101,104,105,108,111,113,119 Six studies evaluated clodronate, three pamidronate, and one each ibandronate and zoledronate. The studies, overall, indicated statistically significant improvement in pain, with an overall net difference of −11.8 (95% CI −17.6, −6.1) (See Forest Plot below).

No study evaluated speed of pain relief. A single study provided low strength of evidence suggesting no significant difference in duration of pain relief between risendronate and placebo in people with prostate cancer. The study reported HR = 1.27 (95% CI 0.84, 1.92), favoring placebo (3.4 month median duration with risendronate, 5.5 months with placebo).

Twenty-five studies evaluated the various skeletal-related events.85,90,9295,97,100,102,103,105,108,110,114,118128 Fourteen of the studies included people with breast cancer (or mostly breast cancer), four prostate cancer, three lung cancer (or mostly lung cancer), and one bladder cancer. Nine of the studies evaluated zoledronate, five ibandronate, and four each clodronate and pamidronate. Overall, the studies provided moderate strength of evidence that bisphosphonates reduce the risk of skeletal-related events. The six studies that reported hazard ratios for time to first skeletal-related event (any) in comparisons of zoledronate (4 studies) or ibandronate (2 studies) found a statistically significant benefit of bisphosphonates over placebo (HR = 0.71; 95% CI 0.61, 0.84).82,90,92,106,110,119 Eighteen studies found a reduction in risk of any skeletal-related event yielding a summary RR of 0.81 (95% CI 0.76, 0.86) (see Forest Plot below).81,82,9095,97,100,106,108,110112,118120

Twelve trials also found a reduction in risk of fracture with bisphosphonates (RR = 0.75; 95% CI 0.67, 0.84) (see Forest Plot below). Eight trials nominally favored bisphosphonates to reduce the risk of spinal cord compressions (RR = 0.74; 95% CI 0.49, 1.12) (see Forest Plot below). The three zoledronate studies together found a statistically significant reduction in risk of spinal cord compression (RR = 0.52; 95% CI 0.27, 0.99), but this result was not significantly different than the nonsignificant summary of the pamidronate studies (RR = 1.07; 95% CI 0.60, 1.90; P=0.72 between studies of different medications).

The 12 studies that reported on bone radiotherapy found a significantly reduced risk with bisphosphonates (RR = 0.71; 95% CI 0.63, 0.81) (see Forest Plot below). Nine studies also found a significantly reduced risk of bone surgeries with bisphosphonates (RR = 0.62; 95% CI 0.44, 0.89) (see Forest Plot below). A significantly greater risk reduction was found in the four studies of pamidronate (RR = 0.53; 95% CI 0.39, 0.74) than the two studies of zoledronate (RR = 1.23; 95% CI 0.60, 2.51; P=0.042 between studies of different medications).

Thirteen studies reported on risk of hypercalcemia with bisphosphonates (see Forest Plot below). Overall, bisphosphonates lowered the risk of hypercalcemia compared with placebo (RR = 0.47; 95% CI 0.37, 0.60). The studies of zoledronate (RR = 0.30; 95% CI 0.12, 0.74) and pamidronate (RR = 0.41; 95% CI 0.29, 0.57) showed a nominally stronger effect on hypercalcemia than studies of clodronate (RR = 0.65; 95% CI 0.43, 0.96), but the differences among studies of different medications were not statistically significant (P=0.072).

Five studies provide varying strength of evidence that bisphosphonates do not affect quality of life compared with placebo.84,85,89,92,105 The studies evaluated clodronate (3 studies), ibandronate (1 study), and zoledronate (1 study). The five studies provided very low strength of evidence of no significant difference in changes in quality of life scores measured on a variety of scales (summary net difference on a 0 to 100 [best] scale = 8; 95% CI −6, 22), but one study provided moderate strength of evidence of reduced and delayed deterioration in quality of life with clodronate (RR = 0.81; 95% CI 0.67, 0.99 and HR = 0.71; 95% CI 0.56, 0.92).84

Two studies provided very low to low strength of evidence of small improvements in functional outcomes with bisphosphonates compared with placebo.92,97 One study each found net differences (all transformed to 100 point scale where 100 = best score) in ECOG performance status of −7.7 (95% CI −17.0, 1.7), in FACT-P physical well-being of 1.4 (95% CI 0.5, 3.3), in FACT-P social well-being of 1.8 (95% CI 1.0, 2.6), and in FACT-P functional well-being of 1.8 (95% CI 0.6, 2.9). However, it should be noted that these confidence intervals are estimated from reported data and for the FACT-P scores, the study implied they found no significant differences between zoledronate and placebo.

Four studies explicitly reported on the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw.83,99,106,116 Across the studies, there were no occurrences of this adverse event with either bisphosphonates (N=460) or placebo (N=450).

Evidence Profile 5.2.1. Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo (PDF, 406K)

Forest Plot Complete Pain Relief (Categorical) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Pain Relief (Categorical) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; Ctl: control (placebo); Ev: events (pain relief); RR: relative risk (log scale); Trt: treatment (bisphosphonate)

Forest Plot Pain Improvement (Categorical) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Improvement (Categorical) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; Ctl: control (placebo); Ev: events (pain improvement); RR: relative risk (log scale); Trt: treatment (bisphosphonate)

Forest Plot Pain Relief (Continuous) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Relief (Continuous) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviation: CI: confidence interval.

Scores from individual studies have been transformed to a uniform 0–100 scale (100 = worst).

Forest Plot Skeletal-Related Events (Any) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Events (Any) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; Ctl: control (placebo); Ev: events (skeletal-related events); RR: relative risk (log scale); Trt: treatment (bisphosphonate).

Forest Plot Skeletal-Related Events (Fractures) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Events (Fractures) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; Ctl: control (placebo); Ev: events (skeletal-related events); RR: relative risk (log scale); Trt: treatment (bisphosphonate).

Forest Plot Skeletal-Related Events (Spinal Cord Compressions) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Events (Spinal Cord Compressions) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; Ctl: control (placebo); Ev: events (skeletal-related events); RR: relative risk (log scale); Trt: treatment (bisphosphonate).

Forest Plot Skeletal-Related Events (Bone Radiotherapy) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Events (Bone Radiotherapy) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; Ctl: control (placebo); Ev: events (skeletal-related events); RR: relative risk (log scale); Trt: treatment (bisphosphonate).

Forest Plot Skeletal-Related Events (Bone Surgery) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Events (Bone Surgery) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; Ctl: control (placebo); Ev: events (skeletal-related events); RR: relative risk (log scale); Trt: treatment (bisphosphonate).

Forest Plot Skeletal-Related Events (Hypercalcemia) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo.

Forest Plot Events (Hypercalcemia) Bisphosphonates vs. Placebo

Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; Ctl: control (placebo); Ev: events (skeletal-related events); RR: relative risk (log scale); Trt: treatment (bisphosphonate).

Evidence-to-Decision table 5.2.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with bone metastases, what is the evidence for the use of bisphosphonates compared no treatment in order to prevent and treat pain? (PDF, 488K)

5.2.2. Comparisons of Bisphosphonates

Seven eligible studies compared different bisphosphonates (see Evidence Profile 5.2.2) in patients with various cancers with bone metastases–mostly breast, prostate, and non-small cell lung cancer127,136; Francini, 2011 #235;Choudhury, 2011 #236;Wang, 2013 #237;Barrett-Lee, 2014 #238;von Au, 2016 #239}. The studies evaluated clodronate, ibandronate, pamidronate, and zoledronate. Study participants were generally older, with study mean ages ranging from 53 to 73 years old. As will be shown, the evidence is relatively sparse, with only seven studies evaluating four bisphosphonates. There are six possible pairwise comparisons (e.g., clodronate vs. ibandronate, clodronate vs. pamidronate, …). With more studies reporting on the same outcomes, network meta-analysis may be feasible in the future. Given these limitations, the evidence is of low or very low strength, as will be elaborated. For these reasons, there are not six separate evidence profiles (for each pairwise comparison) and no relative effects (e.g., RR) for these pairwise comparisons. Instead, absolute event rates (or within-arm changes) are provided for each of the four medications.

With only two or three studies evaluating pain control, there is low strength of evidence of no differences in relief of pain or mean changes in pain scores across the different bisphosphonates. From one study, pain relief on ibandronate (6%) was less common than on other bisphosphonates (15–26% in one or two studies for each medication). Changes in pain (as a continuous measure from 0 to 100 [worst]) were similar for each of the four bisphosphonates (−3.3 to −5.0). The studies did not report on speed of pain relief. Two studies provided very low strength of evidence regarding duration of pain relief. One study found no difference in average duration of pain relief in patients with a variety of cancers (about half with lung cancer) between ibandronate (5.5 months) and pamidronate (5.2 months).137 One study reported that in patients with prostate cancer those taking clodronate had longer duration of pain relief (13 months) than those taking zoledronate (9 months, P=0.03).138

Six studies reported on skeletal-related events. However, the studies had serious methodological limitations, sparsely reported on any give comparison across the four bisphosphonates, and were generally small resulting in imprecision. Thus, there is very low strength of evidence overall regarding skeletal-related events. Broadly similar percentages of people had any skeletal-related event across bisphosphonates (18–26%, no data on pamidronate). Within studies, fracture rates were mostly similar between bisphosphonates, except in one study of people with breast cancer in which 16% of those taking clodronate had fractures compared with 7% taking pamidronate (P=0.03). Three studies found no significant differences in rates of spinal cord compression across bisphosphonates. Two studies no significant differences in rates of bone radiotherapy across bisphosphonates. Three studies found no significant differences in rates of bone surgery across bisphosphonates.

Three studies reported on rates of hypercalcemia across bisphosphonates. Two of these found no differences in risk of hypercalcemia between ibandronate (10.7%) and zoledronate (9.3%) in one study, and between clodronate (2.9%) and zoledronate (1.4%) in the other. The third study, however, reported the hypercalcemia rate in the zoledronate group (28%%) was lower than with ibandronate (45%; RR = 0.64; 95% CI 0.39, 1.03) or with pamidronate (50%; RR = 0.57; 95% CI 0.35, 0.91). Three studies reported rare rates of osteonecrosis of the jaw for clodronate (1.5%), ibandronate (0.7%), and zoledronate (1.2), providing low strength of evidence.

Evidence Profile 5.2.2. Comparison of Bisphosphonates (PDF, 624K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 5.2.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with bone metastases, what is the evidence for the use of bisphosphonates compared to other bisphosphonates in order to prevent and treat pain? (PDF, 485K)

5.2.3. Monoclonals vs. Placebo

A single eligible study compared monoclonals to placebo (Evidence Profile 5.2.3). The study evaluated tanezumab in adults with prostate cancer, breast cancer, renal cell carcinoma, or multiple myeloma with painful bone metastases (mean age 56 years, range 32 to 77).141

The study provided very low strength of evidence of no difference in average or worst pain between groups (between group differences −2.6 [95% CI −11.8, 6.6] and −0.1 [95% CI −9.3, 9.1], respectively), and in percentage of people who achieve pain relief (by at least 50%) (RR = 1.38 [95% CI 0.55, 3.49]).

The study did not report on speed of pain relief, duration of pain relief maintenance, quality of life, or functional outcomes.

The study provided very low strength of evidence regarding skeletal-related events, reporting only that 1 of 29 (3.4%) patients in the tanezumab arm had a femur fracture but, implicitly, none of the 30 people on placebo had a fracture (although one had undefined metastatic disease progression).

No study reported on osteonecrosis of the jaw.

Evidence Profile 5.2.3. Monoclonals vs. Placebo (PDF, 517K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 5.2.3. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with bone metastases, what is the evidence for the use of monoclonal antibodies (monoclonals) compared to no treatment in order to prevent and treat pain? (PDF, 507K)

5.2.5. Monoclonals vs. Bisphosphonates

Nine eligible trials compared monoclonal antibodies and bisphosphonates (Evidence Profile 5.2.5).142150 All evaluated the monoclonal denosumab; most evaluated zoledronate. but also pamidronate, or a variety of bisphosphonates (based on local practice). Studies included patients with metastatic bone lesions, mostly from breast or prostate cancer, but also non-small cell lung cancer, multiple myeloma, and other cancers. Three trials with identical protocols,146148 except for which cancers were eligible, were separately conducted and reported, but also combined and reported in a summary article.142 Patient ages varied widely across studies.

One study provided low strength of evidence for pain relief and time until pain relief (speed) and very low strength of evidence for quality of life.150 The study included people with either breast cancer or multiple myeloma and compared denosumab and zoledronate. The study found no difference in the percentage of people who had decreases in their pain scores of at least 2 (of 10) points (RR = 0.89; 95% CI 0.67, 1.10); they did not evaluate complete pain relief. The study also found no difference in average time until this pain outcome was reached (2.7 vs. 2.6 months). The study also found no significant difference in quality of life, as assessed by an improvement of at least 5 (of 108) points in FACT-G (Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General; RR = 1.08; 95% CI 0.95, 1.23). No study evaluated pain reduction maintenance.

The studies provide (mostly) high strength of evidence favoring denosumab over bisphosphonates to prevent skeletal-related events. Across six studies, rates of any skeletal-related event (summary RR = 0.86; 95% CI 0.81, 0.91), fracture (summary RR = 0.88; 95% CI 0.78, 0.96), bone radiation therapy (summary RR = 0.80; 95% CI 0.73, 0.88), and hypercalcemia (summary RR = 0.58; 95% CI 0.34, 0.81) were statistically significantly more common among those treated with bisphosphonates. Spinal cord compression and bone surgery were rarer events, but also occurred less frequently among patients taking denosumab, although the differences were nonsignificant in a single study reporting spinal cord compression (RR = 0.88; 95% CI 0.65, 1.20) and bone surgery (RR = 0.87; 95% CI 0.62 to 1.23). Because only a single study reported these outcomes, they were deemed to have moderate strength of evidence.

Two studies provided low strength of evidence for functional outcomes. The studies both reported that people taking denosumab had better functional outcomes than those on zoledronate, although in both studies the differences were not statistically significant. The studies evaluated time to increase (worsening) in interference due to pain (16 vs 14.9 months) and ECOG performance status (RR = 1.07 [95% CI 0.99, 1.16]). Three studies provide high strength of evidence regarding the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw. The adverse event was more common with denosumab than bisphosphonates, with a summary RR = 1.40 (95% CI 0.92, 2.13).

Evidence Profile 5.2.5. Monoclonals vs. Bisphosphonates (PDF, 544K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 5.2.5. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with bone metastases, what is the evidence for the use of monoclonal antibodies (monoclonals) compared to bisphosphonates to prevent and treat pain? (PDF, 525K)

5.3. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related neuropathic pain, what is the evidence for the use of anti-depressants compared with placebo, no anti-depressant or other anti-depressants in order to relieve pain?

The systematic review team have divided Key Question 5.3 into two sections: anti-depressants versus placebo (or no anti-depressant) and comparison of anti-depressants.

5.3.1. Anti-depressants vs. Placebo (or No Anti-Depressant)

One eligible study compared anti-depressants to placebo (see Evidence Profile 5.3). The study evaluated amitriptyline in people with severe neuropathic cancer pain (cancer types not reported). The study did not report participant ages. The RCT findings are summarized in Evidence Profile 5.3. The study provided evidence only regarding change in pain scores. It provided low strength of evidence that amitriptyline is more effective than placebo to reduce pain in people with cancer-related neuropathic pain; the net difference in VAS score (transformed 0 to 100 [worst] scale) was −4.7 (95% CI −9.2, −0.2). The trial did not report data on complete pain relief, pain relief speed, pain reduction maintenance, quality of life, functional outcomes, or adverse events.

Evidence Profile 5.3. Anti-Depressants vs. Placebo (PDF, 513K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 5.3.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related neuropathic pain, what is the evidence for the use of anti-depressants compared to placebo in order to relieve pain? (PDF, 516K)

5.4. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related neuropathic pain, what is the evidence for the use of second generation anti-epileptics such as gabapentin or first generation anti-epileptics such as carbamezapine or sodium valproate compared with placebo, no anti-epileptic, or other antiepileptics in order to achieve rapid, effective and safe pain control?

The systematic review team have divided Key Question 5.4 into two sections: anti-epileptics versus placebo and comparisons of anti-epileptics.

5.4.1. Anti-Epileptics vs. Placebo

Four eligible studies compared anti-epileptics to placebo (see Evidence Profile 5.4.1).153156 Two evaluated pregabalin, one gabapentin, and one both pregabalin and gabapentin. Each study included participants with a variety of cancers. Study participants were of a range of ages, with average ages ranging from 57 to 66 years.

A single trial provides low strength of evidence regarding the likelihood of relieving pain with an anti-epileptic compared with placebo (RR = 1.48; 95% CI 0.82 to 2.67) and that anti-epileptics reduce pain severity (difference between groups of −4.4 [95% CI −8.3, −0.5] on a transformed 0 to 100 [worst] scale).

No studies evaluated speed of pain relief, pain relief duration, quality of life, or functional outcomes. Three of the studies provided high strength of evidence of more than a three-fold increase in the risk of sedation (somnolence or drowsiness) with anti-epileptics (RR = 3.66; 95% CI 1.96, 6.85).

Evidence Profile 5.4.1. Anti-Epileptics vs. Placebo (PDF, 322K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 5.4.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related neuropathic pain, what is the evidence for the use of second generation anti-epileptics or first generation anti-epileptics such as carbamezapine or sodium valproate compared to placebo in order to achieve pain control? (PDF, 679K)

5.4.2. Comparisons of Anti-Epileptics

A single study compared anti-epileptics (see Evidence Profile 5.4.2 below).153 The trial compared pregabalin and gabapentin (in addition to placebo and amitriptyline) among patients with cancer-related neuropathic pain. Age, sex, and other demographics of the study population were not reported. Regarding outcomes of interest the study reported only that participants who received pregabalin had a greater reduction in their pain on a visual analog scale than those who received gabapentin, providing very low strength of evidence. The net difference in pain scores (transformed to 0 to 100 [worst] scale) between arms was −8.4 (95% CI −16.5, −0.3).

Evidence Profile 5.4.2. Comparison of Anti-Epileptics (PDF, 838K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 5.4.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with cancer-related neuropathic pain, what is the evidence for the use of second generation anti-epileptics or first generation anti-epileptics such as carbamezapine or sodium valproate compared other anti-epileptics in order to achieve pain control? (PDF, 641K)

Key Question 6. Radiotherapy

6.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to bone metastases, what is the evidence for the use of low-fractionated radiotherapy as compared with high-fractionated radiotherapy or radioisotopes in order to achieve rapid, effective and safe pain control?

Twenty-three eligible RCTs compared low-fractioned to high-fractioned radiotherapy.166189 Almost all used a single fractionation of 8 Gy in the low fractionation arms (two older studies used single fractionations of either 10 Gy or a range from 8 to 15 Gy; one study arm that used 5 Gy was omitted). High-fractionated radiotherapy ranged from 20 to 30 Gy mostly given over 5 to 10 fractions. These trials included patients with a variety of cancer types, with breast, prostate, and lung cancers included in most trials. Among trials that reported participant ages, study participants were mostly older adults; the mean age ranged from 48 to 72 years old, with the youngest participant being 16 years old.

Evidence Profile 6.1 summarizes the findings from the RCTs. There is high quality evidence that the different fractionation schedules were similarly effective in terms of producing pain relief (“complete response”, Forest Plot 6.1.1 below) and improvement (“complete or partial response”, Forest Plot 6.1.2 below). Under both schedules 25% or 26% of participants achieved complete pain relief (RR = 0.97; 95% CI 0.89, 1.06) and 69% or 71% of participants achieved either complete or partial pain relief (RR = 0.97; 95% CI 0.93, 0.998). Pain relief was infrequently reported on a continuous scale. Three trials provided low quality evidence of no difference between fractionation schedules. The trials could not be quantitatively combined, but all reported statistically non-significant differences.

Three studies reported on pain relief speed (time to complete response), providing moderate strength of no difference between radiotherapy schedules; however, all studies reported outcomes vaguely, either as survival curves showing nonsignificant differences or that pain relief was achieved in two weeks in both study arms. Nine studies reported on duration of pain relief (pain reduction maintenance), providing moderate quality evidence of no difference between radiotherapy schedules. Most studies reported only no significant difference between radiotherapy schedules; one trial reported a HR = 0.91 (95% CI 0.46, 1.82).

There is high quality evidence that pathological fractures at the treatment (index) site are more common with low-fractionated than high-fractionated radiotherapy (Forest Plot 6.1.3 below). Across studies about 3% to 4% of patients had a pathological fracture at the index site and the RR = 1.48 (95% CI 1.08, 2.03). There is also high quality evidence that spinal cord compression (among those treated for spinal metastases) are more common with low-fractionated (2.2%) than high-fractionated radiotherapy (1.4%); although the difference was not statistically significant (Forest Plot 6.1.4 below). Across studies, the RR = 1.45; 95% CI 0.89, 2.37).

Three trials provided low quality evidence of no significant differences in improvements in quality of life (RR = 1.02; 95% CI 0.83, 1.26, or no difference in change in score). Four trials provided low quality evidence of no significant differences in improvements in physical function (RR = 1.11; 95% CI 0.84, 1.46). Mean difference −0.6 months until improvement (95% CI −2.8, 1.6). One trial provided very low quality evidence of no significant difference in social function (RR = 0.98; 95% CI 0.80, 1.20). One trial provided very low quality evidence of more acute bone flares with single fractionated than multiple fractionated radiotherapy (RR = 3.45; 95% CI 0.73, 16.3).

Evidence Profile 6.1. Single Fractionated vs. Multiple Fractionated Radiotherapy (PDF, 636K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 6.1. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to bone metastases, is low-fractionated radiotherapy more effective than high-fractionated radiotherapy for achieving pain control? (PDF, 774K)

6.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to bone metastases, what is the evidence for radiotherapy or radioisotopes as compared with no radiotherapy or radioisotopes in order to achieve rapid, effective, and safe pain control?

Nine RCTs compared radioisotopes to a control arm that did not use radioisotopes.193201 In one trial, the radioisotopes were used as adjuvants to external beam radiotherapy.198 Almost all trial participants were men with prostate cancer. The studies evaluated strontium-89 (3 trials), samarium-153 (3 trials), rhenium-186 (2 trials), and radium-223 (1 trial). Study participants were mostly older adults; the mean age ranged from 63 to 71 years.

Evidence Table 6.2 summarizes the findings from the RCTs (citations are provided in the table). Five trials provided moderate strength of evidence of net improvement in pain with radioisotopes compared with placebo. The magnitude of the difference in VAS scores (on a transformed 0 to 100 scale) varied from 6.5 to 75 units, but all trials found better pain scores after radioisotope treatment, with an average 41 (95% CI 18, 64) unit net improvement. Two trials provided very low quality of evidence that complete pain relief is statistically significantly more likely after radioisotopes (RR 1.92; 95% CI 1.18, 3.12) and four trials provided very low quality of evidence of more likely complete or partial pain relief with radioisotopes (RR 1.35; 95% CI 0.89, 2.07), but this was not statistically significant. No study reported pain relief speed or pain reduction maintenance.

Two studies provided high quality evidence that skeletal-related events were less common after radiotherapy than placebo (RR = 0.86; 95% CI 0.77, 0.95) and that skeletal-related events were delayed among those who had received radiotherapy compared with placebo (HR = 0.73; 95% CI 0.62, 0.86). The two studies provided low quality evidence of similar risk of fracture (RR = 1.05; 95% CI 0.53, 2.08) and spinal cord compression (RR = 0.82; 95% CI 0.39, 1.71). One of the trials provided very low quality evidence of no difference for bone surgery (RR = 1.46; 95% CI 0.69, 3.10) and low quality evidence for no difference in hypercalcemia (RR = 5.01, 95% CI 0.24, 104).

Two studies provided moderate strength of evidence that quality of life was improved more with radiotherapy than placebo. This outcome was measured both categorically in one study (RR = 1.57; 95% CI 1.17, 2.10; providing low strength of evidence) and continuously in two studies (difference = 1.5; 95% CI −0.4, 3.3 on a transformed 0 to 100 [best] scale; moderate strength of evidence). One study provided very low strength of evidence of no difference in functional outcomes (social or physical) with radiotherapy or placebo. However, while the study reported that there were no significant difference in effects, the data provided suggested a statistically significant difference in social function favouring placebo (between-group difference −1.1; 95% CI −1.9, −0.3) and a significant difference in physical function favouring radiotherapy (between arm difference 1.4; 95% CI 0.5, 2.3). Three trials provided low strength of evidence of no difference in occurrences of bone flares with radiotherapy (RR =1.30; 95% CI 0.50, 3.42).

Evidence Profile 6.2. Radiotherapy vs. Placebo (PDF, 736K)

Evidence-to-Decision table 6.2. In adults (including older persons) and adolescents with pain related to bone metastases, is radiotherapy more effective than no radiotherapy for achieving pain control? (PDF, 889K)


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