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Dementia: Assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2018 Jun. (NICE Guideline, No. 97.)

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Dementia: Assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers.

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Appendix IReferences

I.1. Dementia diagnosis

I.1.1. Introduction

  1. Mercy L, Hodges JR, Dawson K, Barker RA, Brayne C. Incidence of early-onset dementias in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom. Neurology. 2008 Nov 4;71(19):1496–9. [PubMed: 18981371]
  2. James BD, Bennett DA, Boyle PA, Leurgans S, Schneider JA. Dementia from Alzheimer disease and mixed pathologies in the oldest old. JAMA. 2012 May 2;307(17):1798–800. [PMC free article: PMC3368581] [PubMed: 22550192]

I.1.2. Dementia diagnosis

I.1.2.1. Systematic Reviews: sources of primary studies

  1. Bloudek Lisa M, Spackman D Eldon, Blankenburg Michael, and Sullivan Sean D (2011) Review and meta-analysis of biomarkers and diagnostic imaging in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 26(4), 627–45 [PubMed: 21694448]
  2. Brigo Francesco, Turri Giulia, and Tinazzi Michele (2015) 123I-FP-CIT SPECT in the differential diagnosis between dementia with Lewy bodies and other dementias. Journal of the neurological sciences 359(1-2), 161–71 [PubMed: 26671107]
  3. Caobelli Federico, Cobelli Milena, Pizzocaro Claudio, Pavia Marco, Magnaldi Silvia, and Guerra Ugo Paolo (2015) The role of neuroimaging in evaluating patients affected by Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of neuroimaging: official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging 25(1), 2–13 [PubMed: 24593302]
  4. Carnero-Pardo Cristobal, Lopez-Alcalde Samuel, Allegri Ricardo Francisco, and Russo Maria Julieta (2014) A systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of the Phototest for cognitive impairment and dementia. Dementia & Neuropsychologia 8(2), 141–147 [PMC free article: PMC5619121] [PubMed: 29213895]
  5. Cromarty Ruth A, Elder Greg J, Graziadio Sara, Baker Mark, Bonanni Laura, Onofrj Marco, O’Brien John T, and Taylor John-Paul (2016) Neurophysiological biomarkers for Lewy body dementias. Clinical neurophysiology: official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 127(1), 349–59 [PMC free article: PMC4727506] [PubMed: 26183755]
  6. Davis Daniel H. J, Creavin Sam T, Yip Jennifer L. Y, Noel-Storr Anna H, Brayne Carol, and Cullum Sarah (2015) Montreal Cognitive Assessment for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 10, CD010775 [PMC free article: PMC6682492] [PubMed: 26513331]
  7. Dougall Nadine J, Bruggink Sjoerd, and Ebmeier Klaus P (2004) Systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT in dementia. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry: official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 12(6), 554–70 [PubMed: 15545324]
  8. Durand-Martel Pascali, Tremblay Dominic, Brodeur Catherine, and Paquet Nancy (2010) Autopsy as gold standard in FDG-PET studies in dementia. The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques 37(3), 336–42 [PubMed: 20481267]
  9. Ehreke L, Luppa M, Konig H H, and Riedel-Heller S G (2010) Is the clock drawing test a screening tool for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment? A systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics 22(1), 56–63 [PubMed: 19691908]
  10. Ferreira Daniel, Perestelo-Perez Lilisbeth, Westman Eric, Wahlund Lars-Olof, Sarria Antonio, and Serrano-Aguilar Pedro (2014) Meta-Review of CSF Core Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease: The State-of-the-Art after the New Revised Diagnostic Criteria. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 6, 47 [PMC free article: PMC3970033] [PubMed: 24715863]
  11. Haddow Lewis John, Floyd Sian, Copas Andrew, and Gilson Richard John Cary (2013) A systematic review of the screening accuracy of the HIV Dementia Scale and International HIV Dementia Scale. PloS one 8(4), e61826 [PMC free article: PMC3628906] [PubMed: 23613945]
  12. Health Quality, and Ontario (2006) Functional brain imaging: an evidence-based analysis. Ontario health technology assessment series 6(22), 1–79 [PMC free article: PMC3379170] [PubMed: 23074493]
  13. Health Quality, and Ontario (2014) The appropriate use of neuroimaging in the diagnostic work-up of dementia: an evidence-based analysis. Ontario health technology assessment series 14(1), 1–64 [PMC free article: PMC3937983] [PubMed: 24592296]
  14. Larner Andrew J, and Mitchell Alex J (2014) A meta-analysis of the accuracy of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (ACE) and the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-Revised (ACE-R) in the detection of dementia. International psychogeriatrics / IPA 26(4), 555–63 [PubMed: 24423470]
  15. Lin Jennifer S, O’Connor Elizabeth, Rossom Rebecca C, Perdue Leslie A, and Eckstrom Elizabeth (2013) Screening for cognitive impairment in older adults: A systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Annals of internal medicine 159(9), 601–12 [PubMed: 24145578]
  16. Masterman D L, Mendez M F, Fairbanks L A, and Cummings J L (1997) Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of technetium 99-HMPAO SPECT in discriminating Alzheimer’s disease from other dementias. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 10(1), 15–21 [PubMed: 9100154]
  17. McKeith I G, Ballard C G, Perry R H, Ince P G, O’Brien J T, Neill D, Lowery K, Jaros E, Barber R, Thompson P, Swann A, Fairbairn A F, and Perry E K (2000) Prospective validation of consensus criteria for the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurology 54(5), 1050–8 [PubMed: 10720273]
  18. Mitchell Alex J (2013) The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): An update on its diagnostic validity for cognitive disorders. Cognitive screening instruments: A practical approach., 15–46
  19. Muayqil Taim, Gronseth Gary, and Camicioli Richard (2012) Evidence-based guideline: diagnostic accuracy of CSF 14-3-3 protein in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: report of the guideline development subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology 79(14), 1499–506 [PMC free article: PMC3525296] [PubMed: 22993290]
  20. Mulder Cees, Verwey Nicolaas A, van der Flier, Wiesje M, Bouwman Femke H, Kok Astrid, van Elk, Evert J, Scheltens Philip, and Blankenstein Marinus A (2010) Amyloid-beta(1-42), total tau, and phosphorylated tau as cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease. Clinical chemistry 56(2), 248–53 [PubMed: 19833838]
  21. Naqvi Raza M, Haider Sehrish, Tomlinson George, and Alibhai Shabbir (2015) Cognitive assessments in multicultural populations using the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale: a systematic review and meta-analysis. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne 187(5), E169–75 [PMC free article: PMC4361127] [PubMed: 25691786]
  22. O’Sullivan Dawn, O’Regan Niamh A, and Timmons Suzanne (2016) Validity and Reliability of the 6-Item Cognitive Impairment Test for Screening Cognitive Impairment: A Review. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 42(1-2), 42–9 [PubMed: 27537241]
  23. Papathanasiou Nikolaos D, Boutsiadis Anastasios, Dickson John, and Bomanji Jamshed B (2012) Diagnostic accuracy of 123I-FP-CIT (DaTSCAN) in dementia with Lewy bodies: a meta-analysis of published studies. Parkinsonism & related disorders 18(3), 225–9 [PubMed: 21975260]
  24. Tang W, Huang Q, Wang Y, Wang Z Y, and Yao Y Y (2014) Assessment of CSF Abeta42 as an aid to discriminating Alzheimer’s disease from other dementias and mild cognitive impairment: A meta-analysis of 50 studies. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 345(1), 26–36 [PubMed: 25086857]
  25. Treglia Giorgio, and Cason Ernesto (2012) Diagnostic performance of myocardial innervation imaging using MIBG scintigraphy in differential diagnosis between dementia with lewy bodies and other dementias: a systematic review and a meta-analysis. Journal of neuroimaging: official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging 22(2), 111–7 [PubMed: 21091814]
  26. Tsoi Kelvin K. F, Chan Joyce Y. C, Hirai Hoyee W, Wong Samuel Y. S, and Kwok Timothy C. Y (2015) Cognitive Tests to Detect Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA internal medicine 175(9), 1450–8 [PubMed: 26052687]
  27. van Harten, Argonde C, Kester Maartje I, Visser Pieter-Jelle, Blankenstein Marinus A, Pijnenburg Yolande A. L, van der Flier, Wiesje M, and Scheltens Philip (2011) Tau and p-tau as CSF biomarkers in dementia: a meta-analysis. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 49(3), 353–66 [PubMed: 21342021]
  28. Wahlster Philip, Niederlander Charlotte, Kriza Christine, Schaller Sandra, and Kolominsky-Rabas Peter L (2013) Clinical assessment of amyloid imaging in Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review of the literature. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 36(5-6), 263–78 [PubMed: 23949370]
  29. Yeo Jing Ming, Lim Xuxin, Khan Zubair, and Pal Suvankar (2013) Systematic review of the diagnostic utility of SPECT imaging in dementia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 263(7), 539–52 [PubMed: 23917803]
  30. Zerr I, Pocchiari M, Collins S, Brandel J P, de Pedro Cuesta, J, Knight R S, Bernheimer H, Cardone F, Delasnerie-Laupretre N, Cuadrado Corrales, N, Ladogana A, Bodemer M, Fletcher A, Awan T, Ruiz Bremon, A, Budka H, Laplanche J L, Will R G, and Poser S (2000) Analysis of EEG and CSF 14-3-3 proteins as aids to the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neurology 55(6), 811–5 [PubMed: 10994001]
  31. Zhang Jian, Zhang Chun-Hua, Li Rong-Jie, Lin Xiao-Li, Chen Ying-Dao, Gao Huai-Qing, and Shi Sheng-Liang (2014) Accuracy of urinary AD7c-NTP for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 40(1), 153–9 [PubMed: 24346218]

I.1.2.2. Systematic Reviews: sources of data

  1. Archer Hilary A, Smailagic Nadja, John Christeena, Holmes Robin B, Takwoingi Yemisi, Coulthard Elizabeth J, and Cullum Sarah (2015) Regional cerebral blood flow single photon emission computed tomography for detection of Frontotemporal dementia in people with suspected dementia. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 6, CD010896 [PMC free article: PMC6464981] [PubMed: 26102272]
  2. Chan CCH, Fage BA, Smailagic N, Gill SS, Herrmann N, Nikolaou V, Seitz DP. Mini-Cog for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease dementia and other dementias within a secondary care setting. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD011414. [PMC free article: PMC6744952] [PubMed: 31521064]
  3. Creavin Sam T, Wisniewski Susanna, Noel-Storr Anna H, Trevelyan Clare M, Hampton Thomas, Rayment Dane, Thom Victoria M, Nash Kirsty J. E, Elhamoui Hosam, Milligan Rowena, Patel Anish S, Tsivos Demitra V, Wing Tracey, Phillips Emma, Kellman Sophie M, Shackleton Hannah L, Singleton Georgina F, Neale Bethany E, Watton Martha E, and Cullum Sarah (2016) Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for the detection of dementia in clinically unevaluated people aged 65 and over in community and primary care populations. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 1, CD011145 [PMC free article: PMC8812342] [PubMed: 26760674]
  4. Davis Daniel H. J, Creavin Sam T, Yip Jennifer L. Y, Noel-Storr Anna H, Brayne Carol, and Cullum Sarah (2015) Montreal Cognitive Assessment for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 10, CD010775 [PMC free article: PMC6682492] [PubMed: 26513331]
  5. Harrison Jennifer K, Fearon Patricia, Noel-Storr Anna H, McShane Rupert, Stott David J, and Quinn Terry J (2015) Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) for the diagnosis of dementia within a secondary care setting. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 3, CD010772 [PubMed: 25754745]
  6. McCleery Jenny, Morgan Shirlony, Bradley Kevin M, Noel-Storr Anna H, Ansorge Olaf, and Hyde Chris (2015) Dopamine transporter imaging for the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 1, CD010633 [PMC free article: PMC7079709] [PubMed: 25632881]
  7. Seitz DP, Fage BA, Chan CCH, Gill SS, Herrmann N, Smailagic N, Nikolaou V. Mini-Cog for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease dementia and other dementias within a primary care setting. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD011415. [PMC free article: PMC6491332] [PubMed: 29470861]

I.1.2.3. Primary studies picked up by the SR search, from within the SRs and additional references from within primary studies

  1. Abdel-Aziz K, Larner AJ: Six-Item Cognitive Impairment Test (6CIT): pragmatic diagnostic accuracy study for dementia and MCI. Int Psychogeriatr 2015; 27: 991–997. [PubMed: 25630996]
  2. Andreasen N, Minthon L, Davidsson P, Vanmechelen E, Van-derstichele H, Winblad B, et al. Evaluation of CSF-tau and CSF-Abeta 42 as diagnostic markers for Alzheimer disease in clinical practice. ArchNeurol 2001; 58: 373–9. [PubMed: 11255440]
  3. Bahl JM, Heegaard NH, Falkenhorst G, Laursen H, Hogenhaven H, Molbak K, Jespersgaard C, Hougs L, Waldemar G, Johannsen P, Christiansen M. The diagnostic efficiency of biomarkers in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease compared to Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Aging 2009; 30:1834–1841 [PubMed: 18339451]
  4. Beinhoff U, Hilbert V, Bittner D, Gron G and Riepe MW. Screening for cognitive impairment: a triage for out-patient care. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2005; 20: 278–285. [PubMed: 16158010]
  5. Bergman H, Chertkow H, Wolfson C, Stern J, Rush C, Whitehead V, Dixon R. HM-PAO (CERETEC) SPECT brain scanning in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. J Am Geriatr Soc 1997; 45: 15–20 [PubMed: 8994482]
  6. Beaudry P, Cohen P, Brandel JP, et al. 14-3-3 protein, neuron-specific enolase, and S-100 protein in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 1999; 10: 40–46. [PubMed: 10068257]
  7. Boutoleau-Bretonniere C, Lebouviera T, Delaroche O, Lamy E, Evrard C, Charriau T, et al. Value of neuropsychological testing, imaging, and CSF biomarkers for the differential diagnosis and prognosis of clinically ambiguous dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2012; 28(2):323–36. [PubMed: 22008265]
  8. Brandt C, Bahl JC, Heegaard NH, Waldemar G, Johannsen P. Usability of cerebrospinal fluidbiomarkers in a tertiary memoryclinic. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2008; 25: 553–558. [PubMed: 18536519]
  9. Burkhard PR; Sanchez JC; Landis T; Hochstrasser DF. CSF detection of the 14-3-3 protein in unselected patients with dementia. Neurology. 2001; 56: 1528–33 [PubMed: 11402110]
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  11. Carnero-Pardo 2013 {published and unpublished data} Carnero-Pardo C, Espejo-Martinez B, Lopez-Alcalde S, Espinosa-Garcia M, Saez-Zea C, Vilchez-Carrillo R, et al. Effectiveness and costs of phototest in dementia and cognitive impairment screening. BMC Neurology 2011; 11: 92. [Personal communication to Creavin et al. 2016 Cochrane Review. Email from: C Carnero-Pardo 31 October 2014.] [PMC free article: PMC3160880] [PubMed: 21801419]
  12. Chen C, Dong YH, Merchant R, Collinson S, Ting E, Quah SL et al. TheMontreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is superior to the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in detecting patients with moderate cognitive impairment, no dementia (CIND) and at high risk of dementia. Conference: Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Paris France. Conference Start: 20110716 Conference End: 20110721. 2011. [Data taken from by Davis et al. 2015 Cochrane Review]
  13. Chohan G, Pennington C, Mackenzie JM, Andrews M, Everington D, Will RG, Knight RS, Green AJ. The role of cerebrospinal fluid 14-3-3 and other proteins in the diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK: a 10-year review. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2010; 81: 1243–8. [PubMed: 20855493]
  14. Cruz-Orduna I, Bellon JM, Torrero P, Aparicio E, Sanz A, Mula N, et al. Detecting MCI and dementia in primary care: effectiveness of the MMS, the FAQ and the IQCODE. Family Practice 2012; 29: 401–6. [PubMed: 22121012]
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  56. Silverman DHS, Small GW, Chang CY, Lu CS,Kung De Abarto MA, Chen W, et al. Positron emission tomography in evaluation of dementia; regional brain metabolism and long-term outcome. JAMA. 2001; 286: 2120–7. [PubMed: 11694153]
  57. Skinner S, Adewale AJ, DeBlock L,Gill MJ, Power C. Neurocognitive screening tools in HIV/AIDS: comparative performance among patients exposed to antiretroviral therapy. HIV Medicine, 2009; 10: 246–252. [PubMed: 19187172]
  58. Talbot PR, Lloyd JJ, Snowden JS, Neary D, Testa HJ. A clinical role for 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT in the investigation of dementia? Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1998; 63:306–13. [PMC free article: PMC2169991] [PubMed: 9527139]
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  60. Toledo JB, Brettschneider J, Grossmna M, Arnold SE et al. CSF bimarkers cutoffs: the importance of coincident neuropthological diseases. Act Neuropathol 2012; 124: 23–35. [PMC free article: PMC3551449] [PubMed: 22526019]
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  62. Tschampa HJ, Kallenberg K, Urbach H, Meissner B, Nicolay C, Kretzschmar HA, et al. MRI in the diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a study on inter-observer agreement. Brain. 2005; 128: 9–33. [PubMed: 15958503]
  63. Van Everbroeck B, Quoilin S, Boons J, Martin JJ, Cras P. A prospective study of CSF markers in 250 patients with possible Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. J neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003; 74: 1210–4. [PMC free article: PMC1738637] [PubMed: 12933920]
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  66. Walker RWH, Walker Z. Dopamine transporter single photon emission computerized tomography in the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies. Movement Disorders 2009; 24: S754–9. [PubMed: 19877236]
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I.1.2.4. Primary studies from the additional primary study search

  1. Alexander S K, Rittman T, Xuereb J H, Bak T H, Hodges J R, and Rowe J B (2014) Validation of the new consensus criteria for the diagnosis of corticobasal degeneration. Journal of Neurology, and Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 85(8), 925–9 [PMC free article: PMC4112495] [PubMed: 24521567]
  2. Ampuero Israel, Alegre-Abarrategui Javier, Rodal Izaskun, Espana Antonio, Ros Raquel, Sendon Jose Luis Lopez, Galloway Eva Garcia, Cervello Angeles, Caminero Ana Belen, Zabala Antxon, Erro Elena, Jarauta Fernando, Morlan Lorenzo, Lopez-Valdes Eva, Aladro Yolanda, Seijo Manuel, Rivas Guillermo Garcia, Munoz David G, de Yebenes, and Justo Garcia (2009) On the diagnosis of CADASIL. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 17(4), 787–94 [PubMed: 19542611]
  3. Apolinario Daniel, Lichtenthaler Daniel Gomes, Magaldi Regina Miksian, Soares Aline Thomaz, Busse Alexandre Leopold, Amaral Jose Renato das Gracas, Jacob-Filho Wilson, and Brucki Sonia Maria Dozzi (2016) Using temporal orientation, category fluency, and word recall for detecting cognitive impairment: the 10-point cognitive screener (10-CS). International journal of geriatric psychiatry 31(1), 4–12 [PubMed: 25779210]
  4. Arslan Esra, Ekmekcioglu Ozgul, Gortan Fatma Arzu, Engin Akcan, Zeynep Funda, Erkan Melih Engin, Emul Haci Murat, Halac Metin, Cermik Tevfik Fikret, and Sonmezoglu Kerim (2015) The value of FDG-PET/CT by using 3-dimensional stereotactic surface projection software analysis in the differential diagnosis of dementia. Turkish journal of medical sciences 45(5), 1149–58 [PubMed: 26738361]
  5. Bacchetta J P, Kovari E, Merlo M, Canuto A, Herrmann F R, Bouras C, Gold G, Hof P R, and Giannakopoulos P (2007) Validation of clinical criteria for possible vascular dementia in the oldest-old. Neurobiology of Aging 28(4), 579–85 [PubMed: 16580095]
  6. Bastide L, De Breucker, S, Van den Berge, M, Fery P, Pepersack T, and Bier J C (2012) The Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination Revised is as effective as the original to detect dementia in a French-speaking population. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 34(5-6), 337–43 [PubMed: 23222058]
  7. Berger Gabriele, Frolich Lutz, Weber Bernhard, and Pantel Johannes (2008) Diagnostic accuracy of the clock drawing test: the relevance of “time setting” in screening for dementia. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 21(4), 250–60 [PubMed: 19017782]
  8. Bonello M, and Larner A J (2016) Applause sign: Screening utility for dementia and cognitive impairment. Postgraduate Medicine 128(2), 250–253 [PubMed: 26560747]
  9. Chan Yung, Yeung Kwok-Hung, Ho Hing-Fung, Ho King-Man, Tin-Keung Lam, Edman, Leung Wai-Lin, and Kam Kai-Man (2014) Use of cerebrospinal fluid enzyme immunoassay for diagnosis of neurosyphilis. International journal of STD & AIDS 25(8), 571–8 [PubMed: 24334293]
  10. Christensen IB Thrane, Larsson Elna-Marie, Holm Ida E, Nielsen Ole B. F, and Andersen Stig (2017) Olfactory testing in consecutive patients referred with suspected dementia. BMC geriatrics 17(1), 129 [PMC free article: PMC5477688] [PubMed: 28633628]
  11. Coulthart Michael B, Jansen Gerard H, Olsen Elina, Godal Deborah L, Connolly Tim, Choi Bernard C. K, Wang Zheng, and Cashman Neil R (2011) Diagnostic accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid protein markers for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Canada: a 6-year prospective study. BMC neurology 11, 133 [PMC free article: PMC3216246] [PubMed: 22032272]
  12. Coutinho G, De Oliveira-Souza, R, Moll J, Tovar-Moll F, and Mattos P (2013) Is it possible to identify individuals with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease using a 30-minute neuropsychological battery?. Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica 40(4), 139–143
  13. Duits Flora H, Teunissen Charlotte E, Bouwman Femke H, Visser Pieter-Jelle, Mattsson Niklas, Zetterberg Henrik, Blennow Kaj, Hansson Oskar, Minthon Lennart, Andreasen Niels, Marcusson Jan, Wallin Anders, Rikkert Marcel Olde, Tsolaki Magda, Parnetti Lucilla, Herukka Sanna-Kaisa, Hampel Harald, De Leon, Mony J, Schroder Johannes, Aarsland Dag, Blankenstein Marinus A, Scheltens Philip, van der Flier, and Wiesje M (2014) The cerebrospinal fluid “Alzheimer profile”: easily said, but what does it mean?. Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 10(6), 713–723.e2 [PubMed: 24721526]
  14. Dumaresq Jeannot, Langevin Stephanie, Gagnon Simon, Serhir Bouchra, Deligne Benoit, Tremblay Cecile, Tsang Raymond S. W, Fortin Claude, Coutlee Francois, and Roger Michel (2013) Clinical prediction and diagnosis of neurosyphilis in HIV-infected patients with early Syphilis. Journal of clinical microbiology 51(12), 4060–6 [PMC free article: PMC3838065] [PubMed: 24088852]
  15. Ferman T J, Boeve B F, Smith G E, Lin S C, Silber M H, Pedraza O, Wszolek Z, Graff-Radford N R, Uitti R, Van Gerpen, J, Pao W, Knopman D, Pankratz V S, Kantarci K, Boot B, Parisi J E, Dugger B N, Fujishiro H, Petersen R C, and Dickson D W (2011) Inclusion of RBD improves the diagnostic classification of dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurology 77(9), 875–82 [PMC free article: PMC3162640] [PubMed: 21849645]
  16. Fourier A, Dorey A, Perret-Liaudet A, and Quadrio I (2017) Detection of CSF 14-3-3 Protein in Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Patients Using a New Automated Capillary Western Assay. Molecular neurobiology [Epub ahead of print] [PubMed: 28509083]
  17. Foutz A, Appleby B S, Hamlin C, Liu X, Yang S, Cohen Y, Chen W, Blevins J, Fausett C, Wang H, Gambetti P, Zhang S, Hughson A, Tatsuoka C, Schonberger L B, Cohen M L, Caughey B, and Safar J G (2017) Diagnostic and prognostic value of human prion detection in cerebrospinal fluid. Annals of Neurology 81(1), 79–92 [PMC free article: PMC5266667] [PubMed: 27893164]
  18. Galvin J, Tolea M, and Sidhu J (2015) Improving the clinical detection and diagnosis of lewy body dementia using a composite risk score. Neurodegenerative Diseases 15, 1457
  19. Goldstein Felicia C, Ashley Angela V, Miller Eric, Alexeeva Olga, Zanders Lavezza, and King Veronique (2014) Validity of the montreal cognitive assessment as a screen for mild cognitive impairment and dementia in African Americans. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 27(3), 199–203 [PubMed: 24614202]
  20. Gustafson Lars, Englund Elisabet, Brunnstrom Hans, Brun Arne, Erikson Catarina, Warkentin Siegbert, and Passant Ulla (2010) The accuracy of short clinical rating scales in neuropathologically diagnosed dementia. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry: official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 18(9), 810–20 [PubMed: 20220603]
  21. Hamlin Clive, Puoti Gianfranco, Berri Sally, Sting Elliott, Harris Carrie, Cohen Mark, Spear Charles, Bizzi Alberto, Debanne Sara M, and Rowland Douglas Y (2012) A comparison of tau and 14-3-3 protein in the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neurology 79(6), 547–52 [PMC free article: PMC4098812] [PubMed: 22843257]
  22. Hancock P, and Larner A J (2011) Test Your Memory test: diagnostic utility in a memory clinic population. International journal of geriatric psychiatry 26(9), 976–80 [PubMed: 21845600]
  23. Hanyu Haruo, Shimizu Soichiro, Hirao Kentaro, Sakurai Hirofumi, Iwamoto Toshihiko, Chikamori Taishiro, Hida Satoshi, Yamashina Akira, Koizumi Kiyoshi, and Abe Kimihiko (2006) The role of 123 I-metaiodobenzylguanidine myocardial scintigraphy in the diagnosis of Lewy body disease in patients with dementia in a memory clinic. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 22(5-6), 379–84 [PubMed: 16960446]
  24. Harris J M, Gall C, Thompson J C, Richardson A M, Neary D, du Plessis, D, Pal P, Mann D M, Snowden J S, and Jones M (2013) Sensitivity and specificity of FTDC criteria for behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. Neurology 80(20), 1881–7 [PubMed: 23596080]
  25. Heath C A, Cooper S A, Murray K, Lowman A, Henry C, MacLeod M A, Stewart G E, Zeidler M, MacKenzie J M, Ironside J W, Summers D M, Knight R S, and Will R G (2010) Validation of diagnostic criteria for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Annals of Neurology 67(6), 761–70 [PubMed: 20517937]
  26. Jahn Holger, Wittke Stefan, Zurbig Petra, Raedler Thomas J, Arlt Sonke, Kellmann Markus, Mullen William, Eichenlaub Martin, Mischak Harald, and Wiedemann Klaus (2011) Peptide fingerprinting of Alzheimer’s disease in cerebrospinal fluid: identification and prospective evaluation of new synaptic biomarkers. PloS one 6(10), e26540 [PMC free article: PMC3202544] [PubMed: 22046305]
  27. Jubb Michael T, and Evans Jonathan J (2015) An Investigation of the Utility of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination III in the Early Detection of Dementia in Memory Clinic Patients Aged over 75 Years. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 40(3-4), 222–32 [PubMed: 26227172]
  28. Kaneta Tomohiro, Nakatsuka Masahiro, Nakamura Kei, Seki Takashi, Yamaguchi Satoshi, Tsuboi Masahiro, and Meguro Kenichi (2016) Improved Diagnostic Accuracy of SPECT Through Statistical Analysis and the Detection of Hot Spots at the Primary Sensorimotor Area for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease in a Community-Based Study: “The Osaki-Tajiri Project”. Clinical nuclear medicine 41(1), e1–6 [PubMed: 26359573]
  29. Kerklaan B J, Van Berckel, B N M, Herholz K, Dols A, Van Der Flier, W M, Scheltens P, and Pijnenburg Y A. L (2014) The added value of 18-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography in the diagnosis of the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias 29(7), 607–613 [PubMed: 24576796]
  30. Kiesmann Michele, Chanson Jean-Baptiste, Godet Julien, Vogel Thomas, Schweiger Laetitia, Chayer Said, and Kaltenbach Georges (2013) The Movement Disorders Society criteria for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease dementia: their usefulness and limitations in elderly patients. Journal of neurology 260(10), 2569–79 [PubMed: 23835635]
  31. Knapskog A B, Engedal K, and Braekhus A (2016) Performance of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer disease in a memory clinic in Norway. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 30(1), 8–14 [PubMed: 26629677]
  32. Koikkalainen Juha, Rhodius-Meester Hanneke, Tolonen Antti, Barkhof Frederik, Tijms Betty, Lemstra Afina W, Tong Tong, Guerrero Ricardo, Schuh Andreas, Ledig Christian, Rueckert Daniel, Soininen Hilkka, Remes Anne M, Waldemar Gunhild, Hasselbalch Steen, Mecocci Patrizia, van der Flier, Wiesje, and Lotjonen Jyrki (2016) Differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases using structural MRI data. NeuroImage. Clinical 11, 435–49 [PMC free article: PMC4827727] [PubMed: 27104138]
  33. Larner A J (2015) AD8 Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive Impairment: Pragmatic Diagnostic Test Accuracy Study. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 28(3), 198–202 [PubMed: 25769735]
  34. Lattanzio Francesca, Abu-Rumeileh Samir, Franceschini Alessia, Kai Hideaki, Amore Giulia, Poggiolini Ilaria, Rossi Marcello, Baiardi Simone, McGuire Lynne, Ladogana Anna, Pocchiari Maurizio, Green Alison, Capellari Sabina, and Parchi Piero (2017) Prion-specific and surrogate CSF biomarkers in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: diagnostic accuracy in relation to molecular subtypes and analysis of neuropathological correlates of p-tau and Abeta42 levels. Acta neuropathologica 133(4), 559–578 [PMC free article: PMC5348556] [PubMed: 28205010]
  35. Leitao M J, Baldeiras I, Almeida M R, Ribeiro M H, Santos A C, Ribeiro M, Tomas J, Rocha S, Santana I, and Oliveira C R (2016) Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease diagnostic accuracy is improved by a new CSF ELISA 14-3-3gamma assay. Neuroscience 322, 398–407 [PubMed: 26940479]
  36. Malhotra Chetna, Chan Angelique, Matchar David, Seow Dennis, Chuo Adeline, and Do Young Kyung (2013) Diagnostic performance of short portable mental status questionnaire for screening dementia among patients attending cognitive assessment clinics in Singapore. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, and Singapore 42(7), 315–9 [PubMed: 23949260]
  37. Manabe Y, Inui Y, Toyama H, and Kosaka K (2017) 123 I-metaiodobenzylguanidine myocardial scintigraphy with early images alone is useful for the differential diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies. Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging 261, 75–79 [PubMed: 28152401]
  38. Mendez M F, Shapira J S, McMurtray A, Licht E, and Miller B L (2007) Accuracy of the clinical evaluation for frontotemporal dementia. Archives of Neurology 64(6), 830–5 [PubMed: 17562930]
  39. Mormont E, Jamart J, and Robaye L (2012) Validity of the five-word test for the evaluation of verbal episodic memory and dementia in a memory clinic setting. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 25(2), 78–84 [PubMed: 22689699]
  40. Motara H, Olusoga T, Russell G, Jamieson S, Ahmed S, Brindle N, Pillai A, Scarsbrook A F, Patel C N, and Chowdhury F U (2017) Clinical impact and diagnostic accuracy of 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron-emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) brain imaging in patients with cognitive impairment: a tertiary centre experience in the UK. Clinical Radiology 72(1), 63–73 [PubMed: 27637430]
  41. Panegyres P K, Rogers J M, McCarthy M, Campbell A, and Wu J S (2009) Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography in the differential diagnosis of early-onset dementia: a prospective, community-based study. BMC Neurology 9, 41 [PMC free article: PMC2736156] [PubMed: 19674446]
  42. Postel-Vinay Nicolas, Hanon Olivier, Clerson Pierre, Brown Jeremy M, Menard Joel, Paillaud Elena, Alonso Eliana, Pasquier Florence, Pariel Sylvie, Belliard Serge, Pere Jean-Jacques, and Belmin Joel (2014) Validation of the Test Your Memory (F-TYM Test) in a French memory clinic population. The Clinical neuropsychologist 28(6), 994–1007 [PubMed: 25090051]
  43. Rohan Zdenek, Smetakova Magdalena, Kukal Jaromir, Rusina Robert, and Matej Radoslav (2015) Proteinase-activated receptor 2 and disease biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid in cases with autopsy-confirmed prion diseases and other neurodegenerative diseases. BMC neurology 15, 50 [PMC free article: PMC4392746] [PubMed: 25886404]
  44. Sakamoto Fumi, Shiraishi Shinya, Yoshida Morikatsu, Tomiguchi Seiji, Hirai Toshinori, Namimoto Tomohiro, Hashimoto Mamoru, Ikeda Manabu, Uetani Hiroyuki, and Yamashita Yasuyuki (2014) Diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies: diagnostic performance of combined 123I-IMP brain perfusion SPECT and 123I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy. Annals of nuclear medicine 28(3), 203–11 [PMC free article: PMC4483188] [PubMed: 24363079]
  45. Sakamoto Fumi, Shiraishi Shinya, Tsuda Noriko, Hashimoto Mamoru, Tomiguchi Seiji, Ikeda Manabu, and Yamashita Yasuyuki (2017) Diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies: can 123IIMP and 123I-MIBG scintigraphy yield new core features?. The British journal of radiology 90(1070), 20160156 [PMC free article: PMC5685106] [PubMed: 27897064]
  46. Siritho Sasitorn, Senanarong Vorapun, Nako Arpas, Chotinaiwattarakul Wattananchai, Jamjumrus Piyanuj, Udompunthuruk Suthipol, and Poungvarin Niphon (2006) Use of Hachinski Ischemic Score in the memory clinic: Thai experience. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 89(11), 1822–8 [PubMed: 17205861]
  47. Skjerve Arvid, Nordhus Inger Hilde, Engedal Knut, Braekhus Anne, Nygaard Harald A, Pallesen Stale, and Haugen Per Kristian (2008) Validation of the Seven Minute Screen and Syndrom Kurztest among elderly Norwegian outpatients. International psychogeriatrics 20(4), 807–14 [PubMed: 18377698]
  48. Skogseth Ragnhild, Hortobagyi Tibor, Soennesyn Hogne, Chwiszczuk Luiza, Ffytche Dominic, Rongve Arvid, Ballard Clive, and Aarsland Dag (2017) Accuracy of Clinical Diagnosis of Dementia with Lewy Bodies versus Neuropathology. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 59(4), 1139–1152 [PubMed: 28731443]
  49. Slaets Sylvie, Van Acker, Frank, Versijpt Jan, Hauth Lothar, Goeman Johan, Martin Jean-Jacques, De Deyn, Peter Paul, and Engelborghs Sebastiaan (2015) Diagnostic value of MIBG cardiac scintigraphy for differential dementia diagnosis. International journal of geriatric psychiatry 30(8), 864–9 [PMC free article: PMC4657469] [PubMed: 25363642]
  50. Streit Sven, Limacher Andreas, Zeller Andreas, and Burge Markus (2015) Detecting dementia in patients with normal neuropsychological screening by Short Smell Test and Palmo-Mental Reflex Test: an observational study. BMC geriatrics 15, 90 [PMC free article: PMC4513974] [PubMed: 26205974]
  51. Suppa Per, Anker Ulrich, Spies Lothar, Bopp Irene, Ruegger-Frey Brigitte, Klaghofer Richard, Gocke Carola, Hampel Harald, Beck Sacha, and Buchert Ralph (2015) Fully automated atlas-based hippocampal volumetry for detection of Alzheimer’s disease in a memory clinic setting. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 44(1), 183–93 [PubMed: 25201782]
  52. Tagliapietra M, Zanusso G, Fiorini M, Bonetto N, Zarantonello G, Zambon A, Ermani M, Monaco S, Manara R, and Cagnin A (2013) Accuracy of diagnostic criteria for sporadic creutzfeldt-jakob disease among rapidly progressive dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 34(1), 231–8 [PubMed: 23207489]
  53. Thomas AJ, Attems J, Colloby Sj, O’Brien Jt, McKeith I, Walker R, Lee L, Burn D, Lett Dj, and Walker Z (2017) Autopsy validation of 123 I-FP-CIT dopaminergic neuroimaging for the diagnosis of DLB. Neurology 88(3), 276–283 [PMC free article: PMC5272795] [PubMed: 27940650]
  54. Tripathi Madhavi, Tripathi Manjari, Vibha Deepti, Gowda Naveen, Bal Chandrashekhar, and Malhotra Arun (2010) Tc-99m ethylcysteinate dimer SPECT in the differential diagnosis of dementias. Neurology India 58(6), 857–62 [PubMed: 21150049]
  55. Vijverberg Everard G. B, Dols Annemiek, Krudop Welmoed A, Peters Anne, Kerssens Cora J, van Berckel, Bart N M, Wattjes Mike P, Barkhof Frederik, Gossink Flora, Prins Niels D, Stek Max L, Scheltens Philip, and Pijnenburg Yolande A. L (2016a) Diagnostic Accuracy of the Frontotemporal Dementia Consensus Criteria in the Late-Onset Frontal Lobe Syndrome. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 41(3-4), 210–9 [PubMed: 27160162]
  56. Vijverberg Everard G. B, Wattjes Mike P, Dols Annemiek, Krudop Welmoed A, Moller Christiane, Peters Anne, Kerssens Cora J, Gossink Flora, Prins Niels D, Stek Max L, Scheltens Philip, van Berckel, Bart N M, Barkhof Frederik, and Pijnenburg Yolande A. L (2016b) Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI and Additional [18F]FDG-PET for Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia in Patients with Late Onset Behavioral Changes. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 53(4), 1287–97 [PubMed: 27372646]
  57. Walker Z, Jaros E, Walker R W, Lee L, Costa D C, Livingston G, Ince P G, Perry R, McKeith I, and Katona C L (2007) Dementia with Lewy bodies: a comparison of clinical diagnosis, FPCIT single photon emission computed tomography imaging and autopsy. Journal of Neurology, and Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 78(11), 1176–81 [PMC free article: PMC2117602] [PubMed: 17353255]
  58. Yakushev Igor, Bartenstein Peter, Siessmeier Thomas, Hiemke Christoph, Scheurich Armin, Lotz Johannes, Fellgiebel Andreas, and Muller Matthias J (2010) Cerebrospinal fluid tau protein levels and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 30(3), 245–53 [PubMed: 20847555]
  59. Yeung P Y, Wong L L, Chan C C, Leung Jess L. M, and Yung C Y (2014) A validation study of the Hong Kong version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (HK-MoCA) in Chinese older adults in Hong Kong. Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi 20(6), 504–10 [PubMed: 25125421]
  60. Zerr I, Kallenberg K, Summers D M, Romero C, Taratuto A, Heinemann U, Breithaupt M, Varges D, Meissner B, Ladogana A, Schuur M, Haik S, Collins S J, Jansen G H, Stokin G B, Pimentel J, Hewer E, Collie D, Smith P, Roberts H, Brandel J P, van Duijn, C, Pocchiari M, Begue C, Cras P, Will R G, and Sanchez-Juan P (2009) Updated clinical diagnostic criteria for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. [Erratum appears in Brain. 2012 Apr;135(Pt 4):1335]. Brain 132(Pt 10), 2659–68 [PMC free article: PMC2759336] [PubMed: 19773352]
  61. Zwan MD, Bouwman Fh, Konijnenberg E, Flier Wm, Lammertsma Aa, Verhey Frj, Aalten P, Berckel Bnm, and Scheltens P (2017) Diagnostic impact of flutemetamol PET in early-onset dementia. Alzheimer’s research & therapy 9(1) (no pagination), [PMC free article: PMC5240413] [PubMed: 28093088]

I.1.3. Distinguishing dementia from delirium or delirium with dementia

  1. Cole Martin G, McCusker Jane, Dendukuri Nandini, and Han Ling (2002) Symptoms of delirium among elderly medical inpatients with or without dementia. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 14(2), 167–75 [PubMed: 11983791]
  2. Erkinjuntti T, Sulkava R, Wikstrom J, and Autio L (1987) Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire as a screening test for dementia and delirium among the elderly. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 35(5), 412–6 [PubMed: 3571790]
  3. Leonard Maeve, McInerney Shane, McFarland John, Condon Candice, Awan Fahad, O’Connor Margaret, Reynolds Paul, Meaney Anna Maria, Adamis Dimitrios, Dunne Colum, Cullen Walter, Trzepacz Paula T, and Meagher David J (2016) Comparison of cognitive and neuropsychiatric profiles in hospitalised elderly medical patients with delirium, dementia and comorbid delirium-dementia. BMJ open 6(3), e009212 [PMC free article: PMC4785299] [PubMed: 26956160]
  4. Meagher David J, Leonard Maeve, Donnelly Sinead, Conroy Marion, Saunders Jean, and Trzepacz Paula T (2010) A comparison of neuropsychiatric and cognitive profiles in delirium, dementia, comorbid delirium-dementia and cognitively intact controls. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and and psychiatry 81(8), 876–81 [PubMed: 20587481]
  5. Richardson SJ, Davis DHJ, Bellelli G, Hasemann W, Meagher D, Kreisel SH, MacLullich AMJ, Cerejeira J, and Morandi A (2017) Detecting delirium superimposed on dementia: diagnostic accuracy of a simple combined arousal and attention testing procedure.. International psychogeriatrics 29(10), 1585–1593 [PubMed: 28560945]
  6. Trzepacz P T, Mittal D, Torres R, Kanary K, Norton J, and Jimerson N (2001) Validation of the Delirium Rating Scale-revised-98: comparison with the delirium rating scale and the cognitive test for delirium. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 13(2), 229–42 [PubMed: 11449030]

I.1.4. Case finding for people at high risk of dementia

  1. van den Dungen, P, Moll van Charante, E P, van de Ven, P M, van Marwijk, H W, van der Horst, H E, van Hout, and H P (2016) Case Finding of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia and Subsequent Care; Results of a Cluster RCT in Primary Care. PLoS ONE 11(6), e0156958 [PMC free article: PMC4910994] [PubMed: 27310616]

I.2. Involving people living with dementia in decision about care

I.2.1. Barriers and facilitators to involvement in decision making for people living with dementia

  1. Bisson J I, Hampton V, Rosser A, and Holm S (2009) Developing a care pathway for advance decisions and powers of attorney: qualitative study. British Journal of Psychiatry 194(1), 55–61 [PubMed: 19118326]
  2. Dening K H, Greenish W, Jones L, Mandal U, and Sampson E L (2012) Barriers to providing end-of-life care for people with dementia: a whole-system qualitative study. BMJ supportive & palliative care 2(2), 103–7 [PubMed: 24654049]
  3. Goodman C, Amador S, Elmore N, Machen I, and Mathie E (2013) Preferences and priorities for ongoing and end-of-life care: a qualitative study of older people with dementia resident in care homes. International Journal of Nursing Studies 50(12), 1639–47 [PubMed: 23866093]
  4. Livingston G, Leavey G, Manela M, Livingston D, Rait G, Sampson E, Bavishi S, Shahriyarmolki K, and Cooper C (2010) Making decisions for people with dementia who lack capacity: qualitative study of family carers in UK. BMJ 341, c4184 [PMC free article: PMC2923693] [PubMed: 20719843]
  5. Lord K, Livingston G, and Cooper C (2015) A systematic review of barriers and facilitators to and interventions for proxy decision-making by family carers of people with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics 27(8), 1301–12 [PubMed: 25870004]
  6. Mackenzie Jenny (2006) Stigma and dementia: East European and South Asian family carers negotiating stigma in the UK. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 5(2), 233–247
  7. Murphy J, and Oliver T (2013) The use of Talking Mats to support people with dementia and their carers to make decisions together. Health & Social Care in the Community 21(2), 171–80 [PubMed: 23095078]
  8. Parveen S, Blakey H, and Oyebode J R (2017) Evaluation of a carers’ information programme culturally adapted for South Asian families. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 02, 02 [PubMed: 28766793]
  9. Poppe M, Burleigh S, and Banerjee S (2013) Qualitative evaluation of advanced care planning in early dementia (ACP-ED). PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource] 8(4), e60412 [PMC free article: PMC3629937] [PubMed: 23630571]
  10. Samsi K, and Manthorpe J (2013) Everyday decision-making in dementia: findings from a longitudinal interview study of people with dementia and family carers. International Psychogeriatrics 25(6), 949–61 [PubMed: 23510662]

I.3. Care planning, review and co-ordination

I.3.1. Introduction

  1. Dawn Brooker and Isabelle Latham (2016) Person-Centred Dementia Care, Second Edition: Making Services Better with VIPS Framework Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

I.3.2. Health and social care co-ordination

I.3.2.1. Qualitative evidence

  1. Bunn F, Burn A M, Robinson L, Poole M, Rait G, Brayne C, Schoeman J, Norton S, and Goodman C (2017) Healthcare organisation and delivery for people with dementia and comorbidity: a qualitative study exploring the views of patients, carers and professionals. BMJ Open 7, e013067 [PMC free article: PMC5253574] [PubMed: 28100562]
  2. Brooker Dawn, Dröes Rose-Marie, and Evans Shirley (2017) Framing outcomes of post-diagnostic psychosocial interventions in dementia: the Adaptation-Coping Model and adjusting to change. Working with Older People: Community Care Policy & Practice 21, 13–21
  3. Faith Martin, and et al (2015) Qualitative evaluation of a self-management intervention for people in the early stage of dementia. Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice 14(4), 418–435 [PubMed: 24339106]
  4. Gethin-Jones Stephen (2014) Familial perceptions of the impact of outcome-focused homecare with older people experiencing dementia and living alone. Working with Older People: Community Care Policy & Practice 18(2), 90–96
  5. Gibson G, Timlin A, Curran S, and Wattis J (2007) The impact of location on satisfaction with dementia services amongst people with dementia and their informal carers: a comparative evaluation of a community-based and a clinic-based memory service. International Psychogeriatrics 19(2), 267–77 [PubMed: 16973102]
  6. Gladman J R, Jones R G, Radford K, Walker E, and Rothera I (2007) Person-centred dementia services are feasible, but can they be sustained?. Age & Ageing 36(2), 171–6 [PubMed: 17237470]
  7. Górska S, Forsyth K, Irvine L, Maciver D, Prior S, Whitehead J, Flockhart J, Fairnie J, and Reid J (2013) Service-related needs of older people with dementia: perspectives of service users and their unpaid carers. International Psychogeriatrics 25(7), 1107–14 [PubMed: 23534964]
  8. Hean S, Nojeed N, and Warr J (2011) Developing an integrated Memory Assessment and Support Service for people with dementia. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing 18(1), 81–8 [PubMed: 21214688]
  9. Iliffe Steve, Waugh Amy, Poole Marie, Bamford Claire, Brittain Katie, Chew-Graham Carolyn, Fox Chris, Katona Cornelius, Livingston Gill, Manthorpe Jill, Steen Nick, Stephens Barbara, Hogan Vanessa, and Robinson Louise (2014) The effectiveness of collaborative care for people with memory problems in primary care: results of the CAREDEM case management modelling and feasibility study. Health Technology Assessment 18(8), 1–148 [PMC free article: PMC4781405] [PubMed: 25138151]
  10. Innes A, Szymczynska P, and Stark C (2014) Dementia diagnosis and post-diagnostic support in Scottish rural communities: experiences of people with dementia and their families. Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice 13(2), 233–247 [PubMed: 24599816]
  11. Kelly F, and Innes A (2016) Facilitating independence: the benefits of a post-diagnostic support project for people with dementia. Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice 15(2), 162–180 [PubMed: 24535818]
  12. Moore D, and Jones K (2011) Promoting self-directed support for people living with dementia: overcoming the challenges. Social Care and Neurodisability 2(2), 66–70
  13. Popham C, and Orrell M (2012) What matters for people with dementia in care homes?. Aging and Mental Health 16(1-2), 181–188 [PubMed: 22129467]
  14. Rothera I, Jones R, Harwood R, Avery A J, Fisher K, James V, Shaw I, and Waite J (2008) An evaluation of a specialist multiagency home support service for older people with dementia using qualitative methods. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 23(1), 65–72 [PubMed: 17562524]
  15. Sonola, Thiel, Goodwin, Kodner (2013) Oxleas Advanced Dementia Service: supporting carers and building resilience. (URBA)
  16. Toms Gill R, Quinn Catherine, Anderson Daniel E, and Clare Linda (2015) Help yourself: Perspectives on self-management from people with dementia and their caregivers. Qualitative Health Research 25(1), 87–98 [PubMed: 25192761]
  17. Willis Rosalind, Chan Jenifer, Scriven Issy, Lawrence Vanessa, Matthews David, Murray Joanna, and Banerjee Sube (2011) The Croydon Memory Service: Using generic working to create efficiency, job satisfaction and satisfied customers. In: Mental health and later life: Delivering an holistic model for practice. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group; US, p125–136

I.3.2.2. Quantitative evidence

  1. Bass D M, Judge K S, Maslow K, Wilson N L, Morgan R O, McCarthy C A, Looman W J, Snow A L, and Kunik M E (2015) Impact of the care coordination program “partners in Dementia Care” on veterans’ hospital admissions and emergency department visits. Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions 1(1), 13–22 [PMC free article: PMC5975051] [PubMed: 29854922]
  2. Bass D M, Judge K S, Snow A L, Wilson N L, Morgan R O, Maslow K, Randazzo R, Moye J A, Odenheimer G L, Archambault E, Elbein R, Pirraglia P, Teasdale T A, McCarthy C A, Looman W J, and Kunik M E (2014) A controlled trial of Partners in Dementia Care: veteran outcomes after six and twelve months. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 6(1), 9 [PMC free article: PMC3978714] [PubMed: 24764496]
  3. Bass D M, Judge K S, Snow A L, Wilson N L, Morgan R, Looman W J, McCarthy C A, Maslow K, Moye J A, Randazzo R, Garcia-Maldonado M, Elbein R, Odenheimer G, and Kunik M E (2013) Caregiver outcomes of partners in dementia care: effect of a care coordination program for veterans with dementia and their family members and friends. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 61(8), 1377–86 [PubMed: 23869899]
  4. Bass D M, Clark P A, Looman W J, McCarthy C A, and Eckert S (2003) The Cleveland Alzheimer’s managed care demonstration: outcomes after 12 months of implementation. Gerontologist 43(1), 73–85 [PubMed: 12604748]
  5. Callahan C M, Boustani M A, Unverzagt F W, Austrom M G, Damush T M, Perkins A J, Fultz B A, Hui S L, Counsell S R, and Hendrie H C (2006) Effectiveness of collaborative care for older adults with Alzheimer disease in primary care: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 295(18), 2148–57 [PubMed: 16684985]
  6. Chien W T, and Lee Y M (2008) A disease management program for families of persons in Hong Kong with dementia. Psychiatric Services 59(4), 433–6 [PubMed: 18378844]
  7. Chien W T, and Lee I Y (2011) Randomized controlled trial of a dementia care programme for families of home-resided older people with dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(4), 774–87 [PubMed: 21198803]
  8. Chodosh J, Colaiaco B A, Connor K I, Cope D W, Liu H, Ganz D A, Richman M J, Cherry D L, Blank J M, Carbone Rdel, P, Wolf S M, and Vickrey B G (2015) Dementia Care Management in an Underserved Community: The Comparative Effectiveness of Two Different Approaches. Journal of Aging & Health 27(5), 864–93 [PubMed: 25656074]
  9. Chu P, Edwards J, Levin R, and Thomson J (2000) The use of clinical case management for early stage Alzheimer’s patients and their families. American-Journal-of-Alzheimer’s-Disease 15(5), 284–90
  10. Dias A, Dewey M E, D’Souza J, Dhume R, Motghare D D, Shaji K S, Menon R, Prince M, and Patel V (2008) The effectiveness of a home care program for supporting caregivers of persons with dementia in developing countries: a randomised controlled trial from Goa, India. PLoS ONE 3(6), e2333 [PMC free article: PMC2396286] [PubMed: 18523642]
  11. Eloniemi-Sulkava U, Notkola I L, Hentinen M, Kivela S L, Sivenius J, and Sulkava R (2001) Effects of supporting community-living demented patients and their caregivers: a randomized trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 49(10), 1282–7 [PubMed: 11890485]
  12. Eloniemi-Sulkava U, Saarenheimo M, Laakkonen M L, Pietila M, Savikko N, Kautiainen H, Tilvis R S, and Pitkala K H (2009) Family care as collaboration: effectiveness of a multicomponent support program for elderly couples with dementia. Randomized controlled intervention study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 57(12), 2200–8 [PubMed: 20121986]
  13. Fortinsky R H, Kulldorff M, Kleppinger A, and Kenyon-Pesce L (2009) Dementia care consultation for family caregivers: collaborative model linking an Alzheimer’s association chapter with primary care physicians. Aging & Mental Health 13(2), 162–70 [PubMed: 19347683]
  14. Jansen A P, van Hout, H P, Nijpels G, Rijmen F, Droes R M, Pot A M, Schellevis F G, Stalman W A, van Marwijk, and H W (2011) Effectiveness of case management among older adults with early symptoms of dementia and their primary informal caregivers: a randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies 48(8), 933–43 [PubMed: 21356537]
  15. Kwak J, Montgomery R J, Kosloski K, and Lang J (2011) The impact of TCARE on service recommendation, use, and caregiver well-being. Gerontologist 51(5), 704–13 [PMC free article: PMC3218637] [PubMed: 21593010]
  16. Lam L C, Lee J S, Chung J C, Lau A, Woo J, and Kwok T C (2010) A randomized controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of case management model for community dwelling older persons with mild dementia in Hong Kong. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 25(4), 395–402 [PubMed: 19606455]
  17. Meeuwsen E J, Melis R J, Van Der Aa, G C, Goluke-Willemse G A, De Leest, B J, Van Raak, F H, Scholzel-Dorenbos C J, Verheijen D C, Verhey F R, Visser M C, Wolfs C A, Adang E M, Olde Rikkert, and M G (2012) Effectiveness of dementia follow-up care by memory clinics or general practitioners: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 344, e3086 [PMC free article: PMC3352696] [PubMed: 22589500]
  18. Miller R, Newcomer R, and Fox P (1999) Effects of the Medicare Alzheimer’s Disease Demonstration on nursing home entry. Health Services Research 34(3), 691–714 [PMC free article: PMC1089033] [PubMed: 10445898]
  19. Newcomer R, Yordi C, DuNah R, Fox P, and Wilkinson A (1999) Effects of the Medicare Alzheimer’s Disease Demonstration on caregiver burden and depression. Health Services Research 34(3), 669–89 [PMC free article: PMC1089032] [PubMed: 10445897]
  20. Samus Q M, Johnston D, Black B S, Hess E, Lyman C, Vavilikolanu A, Pollutra J, Leoutsakos J M, Gitlin L N, Rabins P V, and Lyketsos C G (2014) A multidimensional home-based care coordination intervention for elders with memory disorders: the maximizing independence at home (MIND) pilot randomized trial. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 22(4), 398–414 [PMC free article: PMC4034346] [PubMed: 24502822]
  21. Schoenmakers Birgitte, Buntinx Frank, and DeLepeleire Jan (2010) Supporting the dementia family caregiver. Aging & Mental Health 14(1), [PubMed: 20155520]
  22. Shelton P, Schraeder C, Dworak D, Fraser C, and Sager M A (2001) Caregivers’ utilization of health services: results from the Medicare Alzheimer’s Disease Demonstration, Illinois site. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 49(12), 1600–5 [PubMed: 11843991]
  23. Tanner J A, Black B S, Johnston D, Hess E, Leoutsakos J M, Gitlin L N, Rabins P V, Lyketsos C G, and Samus Q M (2015) A randomized controlled trial of a community-based dementia care coordination intervention: effects of MIND at Home on caregiver outcomes. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 23(4), 391–402 [PMC free article: PMC4355038] [PubMed: 25260557]
  24. Van Mierlo, L D, Meiland F J, Van de Ven, P M, Van Hout, H P, and Droes R M (2015) Evaluation of DEM-DISC, customized e-advice on health and social support services for informal carers and case managers of people with dementia; a cluster randomized trial. International Psychogeriatrics 27(8), 1365–78 [PubMed: 25872457]
  25. Vickrey B G, Mittman B S, Connor K I, Pearson M L, Della Penna, R D, Ganiats T G, Demonte R W, Jr, Chodosh J, Cui X, Vassar S, Duan N, and Lee M (2006) The effect of a disease management intervention on quality and outcomes of dementia care: a randomized, controlled trial. [Summary for patients in Ann Intern Med. 2006 Nov 21;145(10):I31; PMID: 17116913]. Annals of Internal Medicine 145(10), 713–26 [PubMed: 17116916]
  26. Xiao L D, De Bellis A, Kyriazopoulos H, Draper B, Ullah S (2016) The effect of a personalized dementia care intervention for caregivers from Australian minority groups. Current Topics in Research. 31(1): 57–67 [PubMed: 25805891]

I.3.3. Post diagnosis review for people living with dementia

  1. Bass D M, Clark P A, Looman W J, McCarthy C A, and Eckert S (2003) The Cleveland Alzheimer’s managed care demonstration: Outcomes after 12 months of implementation. Gerontologist 43(1), 73–85 [PubMed: 12604748]
  2. Crotty M, Halbert J, Rowett D, Giles L, Birks R, Williams H, and Whitehead C (2004) An outreach geriatric medication advisory service in residential aged care: A randomised controlled trial of case conferencing. Age and Ageing 33(6), 612–617 [PubMed: 15385274]
  3. Fati Nourhashemi, and et al (2010) Effectiveness of a specific care plan in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: cluster randomised trial (PLASA study). British Medical Journal 19.6.10, 1346 [PMC free article: PMC2881198] [PubMed: 20522656]
  4. J Meeuwsen Els, and et al (2012) Effectiveness of dementia follow-up care by memory clinics or general practitioners: randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal 2.6.12, 15 [PMC free article: PMC3352696] [PubMed: 22589500]
  5. Kohler L, Meinke-Franze C, Hein J, Fendrich K, Heymann R, Thyrian J R, and Hoffmann W (2014) Does an interdisciplinary network improve dementia care? Results from the IDemUck-Study. Current Alzheimer Research 11(6), 538–548 [PMC free article: PMC4150489] [PubMed: 24938504]

I.4. Inpatient care

I.4.1. Caring for people living with dementia who are admitted to hospital

  1. Baldwin R, Pratt H, Goring H, Marriott A, and Roberts C (2004) Does a nurse-led mental health liaison service for older people reduce psychiatric morbidity in acute general medical wards? A randomised controlled trial. Age & Ageing 33(5), 472–8 [PubMed: 15217778]
  2. Boltz M, Chippendale T, Resnick B, and Galvin J E (2015) Testing family-centered, function-focused care in hospitalized persons with dementia. Neurodegenerative Disease Management 5(3), 203–15 [PMC free article: PMC4529403] [PubMed: 26107319]
  3. Campbell M L, and Guzman J A (2004) A proactive approach to improve end-of-life care in a medical intensive care unit for patients with terminal dementia. Critical Care Medicine 32(9), 1839–1843 [PubMed: 15343010]
  4. Goldberg Se, Bradshaw Le, Kearney Fc, Russell C, Whittamore Kh, Foster Pe, Mamza J, Gladman Jr, Jones Rg, Lewis Sa, Porock D, and Harwood Rh (2013) Care in specialist medical and mental health unit compared with standard care for older people with cognitive impairment admitted to general hospital: randomised controlled trial (NIHR TEAM trial). BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 347, f4132 [PMC free article: PMC3698942] [PubMed: 23819964]
  5. Villars H, Dupuy C, Soler P, Gardette V, Soto M E, Gillette S, Nourhashemi F, and Vellas B (2013) A follow-up intervention in severely demented patients after discharge from a special Alzheimer acute care unit: impact on early emergency room re-hospitalization rate. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 28(11), 1131–40 [PubMed: 23348897]

I.5. Care setting transitions

I.5.1. Introduction

  1. Naylor M, Keating SA. (2008). Transitional Care: moving patients from one care setting to another. The American journal of nursing. 108(9):58–63. [PMC free article: PMC2768550] [PubMed: 18797231]

I.5.2. Managing the transition between different settings for people living with dementia

  1. Davies JD, Tremont G, Bishop DS, Fortinsky RH. (2010). A telephone-delivered psychosocial intervention improves dementia caregiver adjustment following nursing home placement. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 26: 380–387 [PubMed: 20842759]
  2. Gaugler J, Roth DL, Haley WE, Mittelman MS. (2011). Modeling trajectories and transitions: Results from the New York University Caregiver Intervention. Nurs Res. 60(3 Suppl): S28–S37 [PMC free article: PMC3131213] [PubMed: 21543959]
  3. Gaugler JE, Reese M, Sauld J. (2015). A pilot evaluation of psychosocial support for family caregivers of relatives with dementia in long-term care: The Residential Care Transition Module. Research in Gerontological Nursing. 8(4): 161–172. [PMC free article: PMC5997398] [PubMed: 25751083]
  4. McGilton KS, Rivera TM, Dawson P. (2003). Can we help persons with dementia find their way in a new environment. Aging & Mental Health, 7(5): 363–371. [PubMed: 12959805]

I.6. Modifying risk factors for dementia progression

I.6.1. Risk factors for dementia progression

I.6.1.1. Studies evaluating antidiabetic medicines

  1. Gold M, Alderton C, Zvartau-Hind M, et al. (2010) Rosiglitazone monotherapy in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease: results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 30(2): 131–46. [PMC free article: PMC3214882] [PubMed: 20733306]
  2. Risner ME, Saunders AM, Altman JF et al. (2006) Efficacy of rosiglitazone in a genetically defined population with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Pharmacogenomics J. 6(4): 246–54. [PubMed: 16446752]

I.6.1.2. Studies evaluating NSAIDs

  1. Aisen PS, Schafer KA, Grundman M et al. (2003) Effects of rofecoxib or naproxen vs placebo on Alzheimer disease progression: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 289(21):2819–26. [PubMed: 12783912]
  2. Bentham P, Gray R, Sellwood E et al. (2008) Aspirin in Alzheimer’s disease (AD2000): a randomised open-label trial. Lancet Neurol. 7(1): 41–9. [PubMed: 18068522]
  3. de Jong D, Jansen R, Hoefnagels W et al. (2008) No effect of one-year treatment with indomethacin on Alzheimer’s disease progression: a randomized controlled trial. PLoS One 3(1): e1475. [PMC free article: PMC2194921] [PubMed: 18213383]
  4. Green RC, Schneider LS, Amato DA et al. (2009) Effect of tarenflurbil on cognitive decline and activities of daily living in patients with mild Alzheimer disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 302(23): 2557–64 [PMC free article: PMC2902875] [PubMed: 20009055]
  5. Pasqualetti P, Bonomini C, Dal Forno G et al. (2009) A randomized controlled study on effects of ibuprofen on cognitive progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Aging Clin Exp Res. 21(2): 102–10. [PubMed: 19448381]
  6. Reines SA, Block GA, Morris JC et al. (2004) Rofecoxib: no effect on Alzheimer’s disease in a 1-year, randomized, blinded, controlled study. Neurology. 62(1): 66–71 [PubMed: 14718699]
  7. Rogers J, Kirby LC, Hempelman SR et al (1993) Clinical trial of indomethacin in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology. 43(8): 1609–1611 [PubMed: 8351023]
  8. Scharf S, Mander A, Ugoni A (1999) A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of diclofenac/misoprostol in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology. 53(1): 197–201. [PubMed: 10408559]
  9. Soininen H, West C, Robbins J, Niculescu L (2007) Long-term efficacy and safety of celecoxib in Alzheimer’s disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 23(1): 8–21. [PubMed: 17068392]
  10. Wilcock GK, Black SE, Hendrix SB et al. (2008) Efficacy and safety of tarenflurbil in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a randomised phase II trial. Lancet Neurol. 7(6): 483–93. [PubMed: 18450517]

I.6.1.3. Studies evaluating statins

  1. Feldman HH, Doody RS, Kivipelto M et al (2010) Randomized controlled trial of atorvastatin in mild to moderate Alzheimer disease: LEADe. Neurology. 74(12): 956–64. [PubMed: 20200346]
  2. Sano M, Bell KL, Galasko D et al. (2011) A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of simvastatin to treat Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 77(6): 556–63. [PMC free article: PMC3149154] [PubMed: 21795660]
  3. Simons M, Schwärzler F, Lütjohann D et al. (2002) Treatment with simvastatin in normocholesterolemic patients with Alzheimer’s disease: A 26-week randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. Ann Neurol. 52(3): 346–50. [PubMed: 12205648]
  4. Sparks DL, Sabbagh MN, Connor DJ et al. (2005) Atorvastatin for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer disease: preliminary results. Arch Neurol. 62(5): 753–7. [PubMed: 15883262]
  5. Sparks DL, Connor DJ, Sabbagh MN et al (2006) Circulating cholesterol levels, apolipoprotein E genotype and dementia severity influence the benefit of atorvastatin treatment in Alzheimer’s disease: results of the Alzheimer’s Disease Cholesterol-Lowering Treatment (ADCLT) trial. Acta Neurol Scand Suppl. 185:3–7. [PubMed: 16866904]

I.6.1.4. Studies evaluating antihypertensive medicines

  1. Kume K, Hanyu H, Sakurai H, et al. (2012) Effects of telmisartan on cognition and regional cerebral blood flow in hypertensive patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 12(2): 207–14. [PubMed: 21929736]
  2. Ohrui T, Tomita N, Sato-Nakagawa T, et al. (2004) Effects of brain-penetrating ACE inhibitors on Alzheimer disease progression. Neurology. 63(7): 1324–1325. [PubMed: 15477567]
  3. Morich FJ, Bieber F, Lewis JM et al. (2012) Nimodipine in the Treatment of Probable Alzheimer’s Disease. Neurology. 11(4): 185–195.
  4. Pantoni L, del Ser T, Soglian AG, et al. (2005) Efficacy and safety of nimodipine in subcortical vascular dementia: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Stroke. 36(3): 619–24. [PubMed: 15692125]

I.7. Cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine for dementia

I.7.1. Introduction

  1. O’Brien JT and Thomas A (2015) Vascular dementia. The Lancet, 386(10004), 1698–1706. [PubMed: 26595643]
  2. O’Brien JT, Holmes C, Jones M, Jones R, Livingston G, McKeith I, Mittler P, Passmore P, Robinson L, Sampson EL, Taylor JP, Thomas A, Burns A (2017). Clinical practice with anti-dementia drugs: A revised (third) consensus statement from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology; 31(2): 147–168. [PubMed: 28103749]
  3. Stinton C, McKeith I, Taylor JP, Lafortune L, Mioshi E, Mak E, Cambridge V, Mason J, Thomas A, O’Brien JT (2015) Pharmacological management of lewy body dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(8), 731–42. [PubMed: 26085043]

I.7.2. Cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine for people living with Alzheimer’s disease

  1. Aupperle,P.M., Coyne,A.C., 20000717, Primary vs subspecialty care: a structured follow-up of dementia patients and their caregivers, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Am.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry, 8, 167–170, 2000 [PubMed: 10804078]
  2. Aupperle,P.M., MacPhee,E.R., Coyne,A.C., Blume,J., Sanchez,B., 20030716, Health service utilization by Alzheimer’s disease patients: a 2-year follow-up of primary versus subspecialty care, Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry & Neurology, 16, 15–17, 2003 [PubMed: 12641367]
  3. Watanabe,N., Yamamura,K., Suzuki,Y., Umegaki,H., Shigeno,K., Matsushita,R., Sai,Y., Miyamoto,K., Yamada,K., 20121002, Pharmacist-based Donepezil Outpatient Consultation Service to improve medication persistence, Patient preference & adherence, 6, 605–611, 2012 [PMC free article: PMC3437908] [PubMed: 22969291]

I.7.3. Cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine in Alzheimer’s disease

  1. Araki T, Wake R, Miyaoka T, Kawakami K et al (2014) The effects of combine treatment of memantine and donepezil on Alzheimer’s disease patients and its relationship with cerebral blood flow in the prefrontal area (2014) International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 29, 881–889 [PubMed: 24436135]
  2. Choi SH, Park KW, Na DL, Han JH, Kim E-J, Shim YS, Lee J-H (2011) Tolerability and efficacy of memantine add-on therapy to rivastigmine transdermal patches in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease; a multicentre randomised, open label, parallel-group study, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 27 (7), 1375–1383 [PubMed: 21561398]
  3. Dysken MW, Sano M, Asthana S, Vertrees JE, Pallaki M et al (2014) Effect of vitamin E and memantine on functional decline in Alzheimer’s disease The TEAM AD VA cooperative randomized trial, JAMA, 311, (1), 33–44 [PMC free article: PMC4109898] [PubMed: 24381967]
  4. Grossberg GT, Manes F, Allegri RF, Guttierez-Robledo LM, Gloger S, Xie L, Jia D, Pejovic V, Miller MT, Perhach JL, Graham SM (2013) The safety, tolerability and efficacy of once daily memantine (28mg): A multinational randomised double blind, placebo controlled trial in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease taking cholinesterase inhibitors, CNS Drugs, 27, 469–478 [PMC free article: PMC3680656] [PubMed: 23733403]
  5. Herrmann, N., O’Regan, J., Ruthirakuhan, M., Kiss, A., Eryavec, G., Williams, E., Lanctot, K.L. A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Discontinuation Study of Cholinesterase Inhibitors in Institutionalized Patients With Moderate to Severe Alzheimer Disease. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 17:142–147, 2016. [PubMed: 26482056]
  6. Howard R, McShane R, Lindesay J, Ritchie C, Baldwin A, Barber R, Burns A, Dening T et al (2012) Donepezil and memantine for moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease, New England Journal of Medicine, 2012, 366, (10), 893–903 [PubMed: 22397651]
  7. Porsteinsson AP, Grossberg GT, Mintzer J, Olin JT (2008) Memantine treatment in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease already receiving a cholinesterase inhibitor: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial, Current Alzheimer Research 5, 83–89 [PubMed: 18288936]
  8. Shao Z-Q, (2015) Comparison of the efficacy of four cholinesterase inhibitors in combination with memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease [PMC free article: PMC4402907] [PubMed: 25932260]
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I.7.4. Pharmacological management of Parkinson’s disease dementia

  1. Aarsland,D., Laake,K., Larsen,J.P., Janvin, C., Donepezil for cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease: a randomised controlled study, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 72, 708–712, 2002 [PMC free article: PMC1737925] [PubMed: 12023410]
  2. Aarsland,D., Ballard,C., Walker,Z., Bostrom,F., Alves,G., Kossakowski,K., Leroi,I., Pozo-Rodriguez,F., Minthon,L., Londos,E., 20090814, Memantine in patients with Parkinson’s disease dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial, Lancet Neurology, 8, 613–618, 2009 [PubMed: 19520613]
  3. Dubois B, Tolosa E, Katzenschlager R, Emre M, Lees A J, Schumann G, Pourcher E, Gray J, Thomas G, Swartz J, Hsu T, and Moline M L (2012) Donepezil in Parkinson’s disease dementia: a randomized, double-blind efficacy and safety study. Movement Disorders, 1230–1238 [PubMed: 22915447]
  4. Emre,M., Aarsland,D., Albanese,A., Byrne,E., Deuschl,G., De Deyn,P., Durif,F., Kulisevsky,J., van Laar,T., Lees,A., Poewe,W., Robillard,A., Rosa,M., Wolters,E., Quarg,P., Tekin,S., Lane,S., Rivastigmine for dementia associated with Parkinson’s disease, N Engl J Med, 351, 2509–2518, 2004 [PubMed: 15590953]
  5. Emre M, Tsolaki M, Bonuccelli U, Destee A, Tolosa E, Kutzelnigg A, Ceballos-Baumann A, Zdravkovic S, Bladstrom A, Jones R, and Study Investigators (2010) Memantine for patients with Parkinson’s disease dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. [Review]. Lancet Neurology, 969–977 [PubMed: 20729148]
  6. Emre M, Poewe W, De Deyn P P, Barone P, Kulisevsky J, Pourcher E, van Laar T, Storch A, Micheli F, Burn D, Durif F, Pahwa R, Callegari F, Tenenbaum N, and Strohmaier C (2014) Long-term safety of rivastigmine in parkinson disease dementia: an open-label, randomized study. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 9–16 [PubMed: 24434526]
  7. Ikeda M, Mori E, Matsuo K, Nakagawa M, and Kosaka K (2015) Donepezil for dementia with Lewy bodies: a randomized, placebo-controlled, confirmatory phase III trial. Alzheimer’s Research &, and Therapy, 4- [PMC free article: PMC4338565] [PubMed: 25713599]
  8. Leroi I, Overshott R, Byrne E J, Daniel E, and Burns A (2009) Randomized controlled trial of memantine in dementia associated with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 1217–1221 [PubMed: 19370737]
  9. McKeith I, Del Ser T, Spano P, Emre M, Wesnes K, Anand R, Cicin-Sain A, Ferrara R, and Spiegel R (2000) Efficacy of rivastigmine in dementia with Lewy bodies: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled international study. Lancet.356 (9247) (pp 2031–2036), and 2000. Date of Publication: 16 Dec 2000. 2031–2036 [PubMed: 11145488]
  10. Mori E, Ikeda M, Kosaka K, Donepezil-DLB Study, and I 20121024 (2012) Donepezil for dementia with Lewy bodies: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Annals of Neurology, 41–52 [PMC free article: PMC3504981] [PubMed: 22829268]
  11. Ravina B, Putt M, Siderowf A, Farrar J T, Gillespie M, Crawley A, Fernandez H H, Trieschmann M M, Reichwein S, and Simuni T (2005) Donepezil for dementia in Parkinson’s disease: a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery &, and Psychiatry, 934–939 [PMC free article: PMC1739697] [PubMed: 15965198]

I.7.5. Cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine for types of dementia other than typical Alzheimer’s disease

  1. Auchus A, Brashear H, Salloway S, Korczyn A, De Deyn, P, and Gassmann-Mayer C (2007) Galantamine treatment of vascular dementia: A randomized trial. Neurology 69(5), 448–458 [PubMed: 17664404]
  2. Ballard C, Sauter M, Scheltens P, He Y, Barkhof F, Straaten E C, Flier W M, Hsu C, Wu S, and Lane R (2008) Efficacy, safety and tolerability of rivastigmine capsules in patients with probable vascular dementia: the VantagE study. Current medical research and opinion 24(9), 2561–74 [PubMed: 18674411]
  3. Black S, Roman G C, Geldmacher D S, Salloway S, Hecker J, Burns A, Perdomo C, Kumar D, and Pratt R (2003) Efficacy and tolerability of donepezil in vascular dementia: Positive results of a 24-week, multicenter, international, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Stroke 34(10), 2323–2330 [PubMed: 12970516]
  4. Boxer A L, Knopman D S, Kaufer D I, Grossman M, Onyike C, Graf-Radford N, Mendez M, Kerwin D, Lerner A, Wu C K, Koestler M, Shapira J, Sullivan K, Klepac K, Lipowski K, Ullah J, Fields S, Kramer J H, Merrilees J, Neuhaus J, Mesulam M M, and Miller B L (2013) Memantine in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurology 12(2), 149–56 [PMC free article: PMC3756890] [PubMed: 23290598]
  5. Kertesz A, Morlog D, Light M, Blair M, Davidson W, Jesso S, and Brashear R (2008) Galantamine in frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia. Dementia & Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 25(2), 178–85 [PubMed: 18196898]
  6. Krupp LB, Christodoulou C, Melville P, Scherl WF, Pai LY et al (2011) Multicenter randomized clinical trial of donepezil for memory impairment in multiple sclerosis, Neurology, 76, 1500–1507 [PMC free article: PMC3087469] [PubMed: 21519001]
  7. Maurer M, Ortler S, Baier M, Meergans M, Scherer P (2012) Randomised multicentre trial on safety and efficacy of rivastigmine in cognitively impaired multiple sclerosis patients, Multiple Sclerosis journal, 19, 631–638 [PubMed: 23069874]
  8. Mok V, Wong A, Ho S, Leung T, Lam W W, and Wong K S (2007) Rivastigmine in Chinese patients with subcortical vascular dementia. Neuropsychiatric Disease & Treatment 3(6), 943–8 [PMC free article: PMC2656338] [PubMed: 19300631]
  9. Orgogozo J, Rigaud A S, Stoeffler A, Moebius H J, and Forette F (2002) Efficacy and safety of memantine in patients with mild to moderate vascular dementia. Stroke, and a journal of cerebral circulation 33, 1834–9 [PubMed: 12105362]
  10. Roman G C, Salloway S, Black S E, Royall D R, Decarli C, Weiner M W, Moline M, Kumar D, Schindler R, and Posner H (2010) Randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of donepezil in vascular dementia: differential effects by hippocampal size. Stroke 41(6), 1213–21 [PMC free article: PMC2954887] [PubMed: 20395618]
  11. Saint Paul LP, Creveuil C, Heinzle O, De Seze J, Vermesch P et al (2016) Efficacy and safety of memantine in cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: randomized placebo-controlled study, Journal of the neurological sciences, 363, 69–76 [PubMed: 27000224]
  12. Sesok S, Bolle N, Kobal J, Bucik V, and Vodu?ek D B (2014) Cognitive function in early clinical phase huntington disease after rivastigmine treatment. Psychiatria Danubina 26(3), 239–48 [PubMed: 25191771]
  13. Small G, Erkinjuntti T, Kurz A, and Lilienfeld S (2003) Galantamine in the treatment of cognitive decline in patients with vascular dementia or Alzheimer’s disease with cerebrovascular disease. CNS Drugs 17(12), 905–14 [PubMed: 12962529]
  14. Vercelletto M, Boutoleau-Bretonnière C, Volteau C, Puel M, Auriacombe S, Sarazin M, Michel B F, Couratier P, Thomas-Antérion C, Verpillat P, Gabelle A, Golfier V, Cerato E, and Lacomblez L (2011) Memantine in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia: negative results. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 23(4), 749–59 [PubMed: 21157021]
  15. Wilcock G, Mobius H J, and Stoffler A (2002) A double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre study of memantine in mild to moderate vascular dementia (MMM500). International Clinical Psychopharmacology 17(6), 297–305 [PubMed: 12409683]
  16. Wilkinson D, Doody R, Helme R, Taubman K, Mintzer J, Kertesz A, and Pratt R (2003) Donepezil in vascular dementia: A randomized, placebo-controlled study. Neurology 61(4), 479–486 [PubMed: 12939421]

I.8. Drugs that may worsen cognitive decline

I.8.1. Drugs that may cause cognitive decline

  1. Ancelin ML, Aretero S, Portet F, Dupuy AM, Touchon J, Ritchie K (2006) Non-degenerative mild cognitive impairment in elderly people and use of anticholinergic drugs: longitudinal cohort study, BMJ, 332 (7539) 455–459 [PMC free article: PMC1382539] [PubMed: 16452102]
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I.9. Non-pharmacological interventions for people living with dementia

I.9.1. Non-pharmacological interventions for people living with dementia

I.9.1.1. Cognitive stimulation therapy

  1. Alves J, Alves-Costa F, Magalhaes R, et al. Cognitive stimulation for Portuguese older adults with cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial of efficacy, comparative duration, feasibility, and experiential relevance. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias 2014; 29:503–12. [PubMed: 24526760]
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I.9.1.2. Cognitive training

  1. Amieva H, Robert PH, Grandoulier AS, et al. Group and individual cognitive therapies in Alzheimer’s disease: the ETNA3 randomized trial. International Psychogeriatrics 2015. [PubMed: 26572551]
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I.9.1.3. Cognitive rehabilitation

  1. Amieva H, Robert PH, Grandoulier AS, et al. Group and individual cognitive therapies in Alzheimer’s disease: the ETNA3 randomized trial. International Psychogeriatrics 2015. [PubMed: 26572551]
  2. Brunelle-Hamann L, Thivierge S, Simard M. Impact of a cognitive rehabilitation intervention on neuropsychiatric symptoms in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2015; 25(5):677–707. [PubMed: 25312605]
  3. Clare L, Linden DEJ, Woods R, Whitaker R, Evans SJ, Parkinson CH, et al. Goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation for people with early-stage Alzheimer disease: a single-blind randomized controlled trial of clinical efficacy. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2010; 18:928–39. [PubMed: 20808145]
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  5. Seyun K. Cognitive rehabilitation for elderly people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015; 27(2):543–6. [PMC free article: PMC4339182] [PubMed: 25729212]
  6. Thivierge S, Jean L, Simard M. A randomized cross-over controlled study on cognitive rehabilitation of instrumental activities of daily living in Alzheimer disease. American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 2014; 22(11): 1188–99. [PubMed: 23871120]

I.9.1.4. Self-management groups

  1. Laakkonen M, Kautiainen H, Hölttä E, Savikko N, Tilvis R, Strandberg T, et al. Effects of Self-Management Groups for People with Dementia and Their Spouses--Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016;64(4):752–60. [PubMed: 27060101]
  2. Logsdon RG, Pike KC, McCurry SM, Hunter P, Maher J, Snyder L, et al. Early-stage memory loss support groups: outcomes from a randomized controlled clinical trial. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2010;65(6):691–7. [PMC free article: PMC2954328] [PubMed: 20693265]
  3. Quinn C, Toms G, Jones C, Brand A, Edwards RT, Sanders F, et al. A pilot randomized controlled trial of a self-management group intervention for people with early-stage dementia (The SMART study). Int Psychogeriatr. 2016;28(5):787–800. [PubMed: 26674087]

I.9.1.5. Reminiscence therapy

  1. Amieva H, Robert PH, Grandoulier AS, et al. Group and individual cognitive therapies in Alzheimer’s disease: the ETNA3 randomized trial. International Psychogeriatrics 2015. [PubMed: 26572551]
  2. Charlesworth G, Burnell K, Crellin N, et al. Peer support and reminiscence therapy for people with dementia and their family carers: A factorial pragmatic randomised trial. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2016;August 12:Article In Press. [PMC free article: PMC5099314] [PubMed: 27521377]
  3. Eritz H, Hadjistavropoulos T, Williams J, Kroeker K, R Martin R, M Lix L, et al. A life history intervention for individuals with dementia: a randomised controlled trial examining nursing staff empathy, perceived patient personhood and aggressive behaviours. Ageing Soc. 2016;36(10):2061–89.
  4. Hsieh C, Chang C, Su S, Hsiao Y, Shih Y, Han W, et al. Reminiscence group therapy on depression and apathy in nursing home residents with mild-to-moderate dementia. J Exp Clin Med 2010;2(2):72–78.
  5. Ito T, Meguro K, Akanuma K. A randomized controlled trial of the group reminiscence approach in patients Vascular Dementia. Dementia Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 2007;24:48–54. [PubMed: 17565213]
  6. Lopes TS, Afonso RM, Ribeiro OM. A quasi-experimental study of a reminiscence program focused on autobiographical memory in institutionalized older adults with cognitive impairment. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2016;66:183–92. [PubMed: 27347792]
  7. Subramaniam P, Woods B, Whitaker C. Life review and life story books for people with mild to moderate dementia: a randomised controlled trial. Aging Ment Health. 2014;18(3):363–75. [PMC free article: PMC4017276] [PubMed: 24063317]
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  13. Wu LF, Koo M. Randomized controlled trial of a six-week spiritual reminiscence intervention on hope, life satisfaction, and spiritual well-being in elderly with mild and moderate dementia. Int J Geriatr Psych. 2015;May 11:Epub. [PubMed: 25965388]

I.9.1.6. Occupational therapy

  1. Graff MJL, Vernooij-Dassen MJM, Thijssen M, Dekker J, Hoefnagels WHL, OldeRikkert MGM. Effects of community occupational therapy on quality of life mood, and health status in dementia patients and their caregivers: a randomized control trial. Journal of Gerontology. 2007;62:1002–9. [PubMed: 17895439]
  2. Gitlin LN, Winter L, Burke J, Chernett N, Dennis MP, Hauck WW. Tailored activities to manage neuropsychiatric behaviors in persons with dementia and reduce caregiver burden: a randomized pilot study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2008;16(3):229–39. [PMC free article: PMC2803044] [PubMed: 18310553]
  3. Gitlin LN, Winter L, Dennis MP, Hodgson N, Hauck WW. A biobehavioral home-based intervention and the well-being of patients with dementia and their caregivers: the COPE randomized trial. JAMA. 2010;304(9):983–91. [PMC free article: PMC4091681] [PubMed: 20810376]
  4. Voigt-Radloff S, Graff M, Leonhart R, Schornstein K, Jessen F, Bohlken J. A multicentre RCT on community occupational therapy in Alzheimer’s disease: 10 sessions are not better than one consultation. BMJ Open. 2011;doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000096. [PMC free article: PMC3191435] [PubMed: 22021760] [CrossRef]

I.9.1.7. Psychotherapy

  1. Burns A, Guthrie E, Marino-Francis F, Busby C, Morris J, Russell E, et al. Brief psychotherapy in Alzheimer’s disease: randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2005;187:143–7. [PubMed: 16055825]
  2. Marshall A, Spreadbury J, Cheston R. A pilot randomised controlled trial to compare changes in quality of life for participants with early diagnosis dementia who attend a ‘Living well with Dementia’ group compared to waiting list control. Aging Mental Health. 2014;19:526–35. [PubMed: 25196239]
  3. Tappen RM, Williams CL. Therapeutic conversation to improve mood in nursing home residents with Alzheimer’s disease. Research in Gerontological Nursing. 2009;4:267–75. [PubMed: 20077983]

I.9.1.8. Exercise

  1. Arcoverde C, Deslandes A, Moraes H, Almeida C, Araujo NB, Vasques PE, Silveira H, Laks J. Treadmill training as an augmentation treatment for Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled study. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2014 Mar;72(3):190–6. [PubMed: 24676435]
  2. Bossers WJ, van der Woude LH, Boersma F, Hortobágyi T, Scherder EJ, van Heuvelen MJ. Comparison of Effect of Two Exercise Programs on Activities of Daily Living in Individuals with Dementia: A 9-Week Randomized, Controlled Trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Jun;64(6):1258–66. [PubMed: 27321604]
  3. Burgener SC, Yang Y, Gilbert R, Marsh-Yant S. The effects of a multimodal intervention on outcomes of persons with early-stage dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2008 Aug-Sep;23(4):382–94. [PMC free article: PMC3014218] [PubMed: 18453642]
  4. Cancela JM, Ayan C, Varela S, Seijo M. Effects of a long-term aerobic exercise intervention on institutionalized patients with dementia. J Sci Med Sport. 2016 Apr;19(4):293–8. [PubMed: 26087884]
  5. Cheng ST, Chow PK, Song YQ, Yu EC, Lam JH. Can leisure activities slow dementia progression in nursing home residents? A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Int Psychogeriatr. 2014 Apr;26(4):637–43. [PubMed: 24411480]
  6. Christofoletti G, Oliani MM, Gobbi S, Stella F, Bucken-Gobbi LT, Renato Canineu P. A controlled clinical trial on the effects of motor intervention on balance and cognition in institutionalized elderly patients with dementia. Clinical Rehabilitation 2008;22(7):618–26. [PubMed: 18586813]
  7. Hwang HH, Choi YJ. The effects of the dance therapy program through rhythmic exercise on cognitive memory performance of the elderly with dementia. Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Asian Congress of Sports and Physical Education 2010;4:12–7.
  8. Kemoun G, Thibaud M, Roumagne N, Carette P, Albinet C, Toussaint L, et al. Effects of a physical training programme on cognitive function and walking efficiency in elderly persons with dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2010;29(2):109–14. [PubMed: 20150731]
  9. Littbrand H, Lundin-Olsson L, Gustafson Y, Rosendahl E. The effect of a high-intensity functional exercise program on activities of daily living: a randomized controlled trial in residential care facilities. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 Oct;57(10):1741–9. [PubMed: 19702617]
  10. Luttenberger K, Donath C, Uter W, Graessel E. Effects of multimodal nondrug therapy on dementia symptoms and need for care in nursing home residents with degenerative dementia: a randomized-controlled study with 6-month follow-up. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 May;60(5):830–40. [PubMed: 22468985]
  11. Öhman H, Savikko N, Strandberg TE, Kautiainen H, Raivio MM, Laakkonen ML, Tilvis R, Pitkälä KH. Effects of Exercise on Cognition: The Finnish Alzheimer Disease Exercise Trial: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Apr;64(4):731–8. [PubMed: 27037872]
  12. Pitkälä KH, Pöysti MM, Laakkonen ML, Tilvis RS, Savikko N, Kautiainen H, Strandberg TE. Effects of the Finnish Alzheimer disease exercise trial (FINALEX): a randomized controlled trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 May 27;173(10):894–901. [PubMed: 23589097]
  13. Rolland Y, Pillard F, Klapouszczak A, Reynish E, Thomas D, Andrieu S, et al. Exercise program for nursing home residents with Alzheimer’s Disease: a one-year randomized, controlled trial. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 2007; Vol. 55, issue 2:158–65. [PubMed: 17302650]
  14. Steinberg M, Leoutsakos JM, Podewils LJ, Lyketsos CG. Evaluation of a home-based exercise program in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: the Maximizing Independence in Dementia (MIND) study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2009;24(7):680–5. [PMC free article: PMC5172460] [PubMed: 19089875]
  15. Suttanon P, Hill KD, Said CM, Williams SB, Byrne KN, LoGiudice D, Lautenschlager NT, Dodd KJ. Feasibility, safety and preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of a home-based exercise programme for older people with Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2013 May;27(5):427–38. [PubMed: 23117349]
  16. Telenius EW, Engedal K, Bergland A. Effect of a high-intensity exercise program on physical function and mental health in nursing home residents with dementia: an assessor blinded randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2015 May 14;10(5):e0126102. [PMC free article: PMC4431827] [PubMed: 25974049]
  17. Toots A, Littbrand H, Lindelöf N, Wiklund R, Holmberg H, Nordström P, Lundin-Olsson L, Gustafson Y, Rosendahl E. Effects of a High-Intensity Functional Exercise Program on Dependence in Activities of Daily Living and Balance in Older Adults with Dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Jan;64(1):55–64. [PMC free article: PMC4722852] [PubMed: 26782852]
  18. Van de Winckel A, Feys H, De Weerdt W, Dom R. Cognitive and behavioural effects of music-based exercises in patients with dementia. Clinical Rehabilitation 2004;18 (3):253–60. [PubMed: 15137556]
  19. Venturelli M, Scarsini R, Schena F. Six-month walking program changes cognitive and ADL performance in patients with Alzheimer. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias 2011;26(5):381–8. [PubMed: 21852281]
  20. Vreugdenhil A, Cannell J, Davies A, Razay G. A community based exercise programme to improve functional ability in people with Alzheimer’s disease: a randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2012;26:12–9. [PubMed: 21564154]
  21. Yang SY, Shan CL, Qing H, Wang W, Zhu Y, Yin MM, Machado S, Yuan TF, Wu T. The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Function of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2015;14(10):1292–7. [PubMed: 26556080]

I.9.1.9. Nutrition

  1. Aisen PS, Schneider LS, Sano M. High-dose vitamin B supplementation and cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 300(15), 2008. [PMC free article: PMC2684821] [PubMed: 18854539]
  2. Chen H, Liu S, Ji L, et al. Folic acid supplementation mitigates Alzheimer’s disease by reducing inflammation: a randomized controlled trial. Mediators of Inflammation. [PMC free article: PMC4909909] [PubMed: 27340344]
  3. Connelly PJ, Prentice NP, Cousland G, et al. A randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial of folic acid supplementation of cholinesterase inhibitors in Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 23:155–160, 2008. [PubMed: 17600848]
  4. De Sousa OLV, Amaral TF. Three-week nutritional supplementation effect on long-term nutritional status of patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 26(2), 2012. [PubMed: 21878804]
  5. Dong HT, Jin YG, Bai Y. 11 cases of Alzheimer’s disease treated by acupuncture. Acta Universita Tis Traditionis Medical Is Sinensis Pharmacologiaeque Shanghai 2002;16(3): 26–8.
  6. Dysken MW, Sano M, Asthana S, et al. Effect of vitamin E and memantine on functional decline in Alzheimer disease: The TEAM-AD VA cooperative randomized trial. JAMA. 2014;311(1):33–44. [PMC free article: PMC4109898] [PubMed: 24381967]
  7. Freund-Levi Y, Eriksdotter-Jonhagen M, Cederholm T, Basun H, Faxen-Irving G, Garlind A, Vedin I, Vessby B, Wahlund LO, Palmblad J. Omega-3 fatty acid treatment in 174 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer disease: OmegAD study: a randomized double-blind trial. (2006) Arch Neurol 63(10): 1402–8. [PubMed: 17030655]
  8. Furukawa K, Tomita N, Uematsu D, et al. Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled multicentre trial of Yokukansan for neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2017. 17:211–18. [PubMed: 26711658]
  9. Gu C, Shen T, An H, et al. Combined therapy of Di-Huang-Yi-Zhi with donepezil in patients with Parkinson’s disease dementia. Neroscience Letters 606:13–17 (2015). [PubMed: 26297124]
  10. Heo JH, Lee ST, Chu K, et al. An open-label trial of Korean red ginseng as an adjuvant treatment for cognitive impairment in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. European Journal of Neurology 2008, 15:365–8. [PubMed: 18684311]
  11. Herrschaft H, Nacu A, Likhachev S, Sholomov I, Hoerr R, Schlaefke S. 2012. Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 ® in dementia with neuropsychiatric features: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial to confirm the efficacy and safety of a daily dose of 240 mg. J Psychiatr Res. 46: 716–723. [PubMed: 22459264]
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  17. Maurer K, Ihl R, Dierks T, Frolich L, Maurer K, Ihl R, et al: Clinical efficacy of Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761 in dementia of the Alzheimer type. J Psychiatr Res 1997, 31:645–655. [PubMed: 9447569]
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  20. Nikolova G, Yancheva S, Raychev I, Hoerr R, for the PLAGIN Study Group. 2013. Ginkgo biloba extract in dementia: A 22-week randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. Bulgarian Neurology 14: 139–143.
  21. Quinn JF, Raman R, Thomas RG, et al. Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation and cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease: a randomized trial. JAMA. 2010 November 3; 304(17): 1903–1911. [PMC free article: PMC3259852] [PubMed: 21045096]
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  23. Remington R, Bechtel C, Larsen D, et al. A phase II randomized clinical trial of a nutritional formulation for cognition and mood in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 45 (2015) 395–405. [PubMed: 25589719]
  24. Salas-Savado J, Torres M, Planas M, et al. Effect of oral administration of a whole formula diet on nutritional and cognitive status in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical Nutrition 2005, 24:390–7. [PubMed: 15896425]
  25. Scheltens P, Kamphuis PJ, Verhey FR, Olde Rikkert MG, Wurtman RJ, Wilkinson D, Twisk JW, Kurz A. Efficacy of a medical food in mild Alzheimer’s disease: A randomized, controlled trial. Alzheimers Dement. 2010 Jan;6(1):1–10. [PubMed: 20129316]
  26. Scheltens P, Twisk JW, Blesa R, Scarpini E, von Arnim CA, Bongers A, Harrison J, Swinkels SH, Stam CJ, de Waal H, Wurtman RJ, Wieggers RL, Vellas B, Kamphuis PJ. Efficacy of Souvenaid in mild Alzheimer’s disease: results from a randomized, controlled trial. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;31(1):225–36. [PubMed: 22766770]
  27. Schneider LS, DeKosky ST, Farlow MR, Tariot PN, Hoerr R, Kieser M: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of two doses of Ginkgo biloba extract in dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. Curr Alzheimer Res 2005, 2:541–551. [PubMed: 16375657]
  28. Shah RC, Kamphuis PJ, Leurgans S, Swinkels SH, Sadowsky CH, Bongers A, Rappaport SA, Quinn JF, Wieggers RL, Scheltens P, Bennett DA. The S-Connect study: results from a randomized, controlled trial of Souvenaid in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2013 Nov 26;5(6):59. [PMC free article: PMC3978853] [PubMed: 24280255]
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  30. Sun Y, Lu CJ, Chien KL, et al. Efficacy of multivitamin supplementation containing vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid as adjunctive treatment with a cholinesterase inhibitor in Alzheimer’s disease: a 26-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in Taiwanese patients. Clinical Therapeutics. 29(10), 2007. [PubMed: 18042476]
  31. Suominen MH, Puranen TM, Jyvakrpi SK, et al. Nutritional guidance improves nutrient intake and quality of life, and may prevent falls in aged persons with Alzheimer disease living with a spouse (NuAD trial). J Nutr Health Agin. 19(9), 2015. [PubMed: 26482691]
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  37. Zhou BR, Xu ZQ, Kuang YF, Deng YH. Curative effect of aspirin for postponing the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation 2004;8 (16):3020–1.

I.9.1.10. Music therapy

  1. Ceccato E, Vigato G, Bonetto C, Bevilacqua A, Pizziolo P, Crociani S, Zanfretta E, Pollini L, Caneva PA, Baldin L, Frongillo C, Signorini A, Demoro S, and Barchi E (2012) STAM protocol in dementia: a multicenter, single-blind, randomized, and controlled trial. American journal of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias 27(5), 301–10 [PubMed: 22815078]
  2. Chu H, Yang CY, Lin Y, Ou KL, Lee TY, O’Brien AP, and Chou KR (2014) The impact of group music therapy on depression and cognition in elderly persons with dementia: a randomized controlled study. Biological research for nursing 16(2), 209–17 [PubMed: 23639952]
  3. Cooke M, Moyle W, Shum D, Harrison S, and Murfield J (2010) A randomized controlled trial exploring the effect of music on quality of life and depression in older people with dementia. Journal of health psychology 15(5), 765–76 [PubMed: 20603300]
  4. Guetin S, Portet F, Picot MC, Pommie C, Messaoudi M, Djabelkir L, Olsen AL, Cano MM, Lecourt E, and Touchon J (2009) Effect of music therapy on anxiety and depression in patients with Alzheimer’s type dementia: randomised, controlled study. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 28(1), 36–46 [PubMed: 19628939]
  5. Hong IS, and Choi MJ (2011) Songwriting oriented activities improve the cognitive functions of the aged with dementia. Arts Psychother 38(4), 221–28
  6. Lin Y, Chu H, Yang CY, Chen CH, Chen SG, Chang HJ, Hsieh CJ, and Chou KR (2011) Effectiveness of group music intervention against agitated behavior in elderly persons with dementia. International journal of geriatric psychiatry 26(7), 670–8 [PubMed: 20672256]
  7. Narme P, Clement S, Ehrle N, Schiaratura L, Vachez S, Courtaigne B, Munsch F, and Samson S (2014) Efficacy of musical interventions in dementia: evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 38(2), 359–69 [PubMed: 23969994]
  8. Raglio A, Bellandi D, Baiardi P, Gianotti M, Ubezio MC, Zanacchi E, Granieri E, Imbriani M, and Stramba-Badiale M (2015) Effect of Active Music Therapy and Individualized Listening to Music on Dementia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 63(8), 1534–9 [PubMed: 26289682]
  9. Remington R (2002) Calming music and hand massage with agitated elderly. Nursing research 51(5), 317–23 [PubMed: 12352780]
  10. Ridder HM, Stige B, Qvale LG, and Gold C (2013) Individual music therapy for agitation in dementia: an exploratory randomized controlled trial. Aging & mental health 17(6), 667–78 [PMC free article: PMC4685573] [PubMed: 23621805]
  11. Sakamoto M, Ando H, and Tsutou A (2013) Comparing the effects of different individualized music interventions for elderly individuals with severe dementia. International psychogeriatrics 25(5), 775–84 [PMC free article: PMC3605862] [PubMed: 23298693]
  12. Sarkamo T, Laitinen S, Numminen A, Kurki M, Johnson JK, and Rantanen P (2016) Clinical and Demographic Factors Associated with the Cognitive and Emotional Efficacy of Regular Musical Activities in Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 49(3), 767–81 [PubMed: 26519435]
  13. Sung HC, Chang AM, and Abbey J (2006). The effects of preferred music on agitation of older people with dementia in Taiwan. International journal of geriatric psychiatry 21(10), 999–1000 [PubMed: 16998779]
  14. Sung HC, Lee WL, Li TL, and Watson R (2012) A group music intervention using percussion instruments with familiar music to reduce anxiety and agitation of institutionalized older adults with dementia. International journal of geriatric psychiatry 27(6), 621–7 [PubMed: 21823174]
  15. Thornley J, Hirjee H, and Vasudev A (2016) Music therapy in patients with dementia and behavioral disturbance on an inpatient psychiatry unit: results from a pilot randomized controlled study. International psychogeriatrics 28(5), 869–71 [PubMed: 26572722]
  16. Van de Winckel A, Feys H, De Weerdt W, and Dom R (2004) Cognitive and behavioural effects of music-based exercises in patients with dementia. Clinical rehabilitation 18(3), 253–60 [PubMed: 15137556]

I.9.1.11. Aromatherapy

  1. Ballard CG, O’Brien J, Reichelt K, et al. Aromatherapy as a safe and effective treatment for the management of agitation in severe dementia: the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with Melissa. J Clin Psychiatry 2002;53:553–8. [PubMed: 12143909]
  2. Burns A, Perry E, Holmes C, Francis P, Morris J, Howes MJ, Chazot P, Lees G, and Ballard C (2011) A double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial of Melissa officinalis oil and donepezil for the treatment of agitation in Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 31(2), 158–64. [PubMed: 21335973]
  3. Yang YP, Wang CJ, and Wang JJ (2016) Effect of aromatherapy massage on agitation and depressive mood in individuals with dementia. Journal of gerontological nursing 42(9), 38–46. [PubMed: 27319407]

I.9.1.12. Light therapy

  1. Burns A, Allen H, Tomenson B, Duignan D, and Byrne J (2009) Bright light therapy for agitation in dementia: a randomized controlled trial. International psychogeriatrics 21(4), 711–21 [PubMed: 19323872]
  2. Graf A, Wallner C, Schubert V, Willeit M, Wlk W, Fischer P, Kasper S, and Neumeister A (2001) The effects of light therapy on mini-mental state examination scores in demented patients. Biological psychiatry 50(9), 725–7. [PubMed: 11704081]
  3. Onega LL, Pierce TW, and Epperly L (2016) Effect of Bright Light Exposure on Depression and Agitation in Older Adults with Dementia. Issues in mental health nursing 37(9), 660–667. [PubMed: 27254531]

I.9.1.13. Non-invasive brain stimulation

  1. Ahmed MA, Darwish ES, Khedr EM, El Serogy YM, and Ali AM (2012) Effects of low versus high frequencies of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognitive function and cortical excitability in Alzheimer’s dementia. Journal of neurology 259(1), 83–92 [PubMed: 21671144]
  2. Andre S, Heinrich S, Kayser F, Menzler K, Kesselring J, Khader PH, Lefaucheur JP, and Mylius V (2016) At-home tDCS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex improves visual short-term memory in mild vascular dementia. Journal of the neurological sciences 369, 185–90 [PubMed: 27653887]
  3. Cotelli M, Calabria M, Manenti R, Rosini S, Zanetti O, Cappa SF, and Miniussi C (2011) Improved language performance in Alzheimer disease following brain stimulation. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and and psychiatry 82(7), 794–7 [PubMed: 20574108]
  4. Cotelli M, Manenti R, Brambilla M, Petesi M, Rosini S, Ferrari C, Zanetti O, and Miniussi C (2014) Anodal tDCS during face-name associations memory training in Alzheimer’s patients. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 6, 38 [PMC free article: PMC3958642] [PubMed: 24678298]
  5. Lee J, Choi BH, Oh E, Sohn EH, and Lee AY (2016) Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease with Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with Cognitive Training: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Journal of clinical neurology (Seoul, and Korea) 12(1), 57–64 [PMC free article: PMC4712287] [PubMed: 26365021]
  6. Rabey JM, Dobronevsky E, Aichenbaum S, Gonen O, Marton RG, and Khaigrekht M (2013) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with cognitive training is a safe and effective modality for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: a randomized, double-blind study. Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, and Austria: 1996) 120(5), 813–9 [PubMed: 23076723]

I.9.1.14. Acupuncture

  1. Liu Q, Wang XJ, Zhang ZC, Xue R, Li P, and Li B (2016) Neuroprotection against vascular dementia after acupuncture combined with donepezil hydrochloride: P300 event related potential. Neural regeneration research 11(3), 460–4. [PMC free article: PMC4829012] [PubMed: 27127486]
  2. Wang Y, Qin WG, and Yu CD (2014) Clinical observation on effect of cranial suture acupuncture combined with donepezil hydrochloride tablets for Alzheimer’s disease. WJAM 24(2), 19–24.

I.9.1.15. Assistive technology

  1. Van der Roest HG, Wenborn J, Pastink C, et al (2017) Assistive technology for memory support in dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009627.pub2 [PMC free article: PMC6481376] [PubMed: 28602027] [CrossRef]

I.9.1.16. Animal assisted therapy

  1. Olsen, C., Pedersen, I., Bergland, A., et al. Effect of animal‐assisted interventions on depression, agitation and quality of life in nursing home residents suffering from cognitive impairment or dementia: a cluster randomized controlled trial. International journal of geriatric psychiatry 2016; 31(12), pp.1312–1321. [PubMed: 26807956]

I.9.1.17. Robotic pet therapy

  1. Petersen, S., Houston, S., Qin, H., et al. The Utilization of Robotic Pets in Dementia Care. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2017; 55(2), pp.569–574. [PMC free article: PMC5181659] [PubMed: 27716673]

I.9.1.18. Adapted mindfulness program

  1. Churcher Clarke, A., Chan, JMY., Stott, J., et al. An adapted mindfulness intervention for people with dementia in care homes: feasibility pilot study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017; DOI: 10.1002/gps.4669 [PubMed: 28170104] [CrossRef]

I.9.2. Pre, peri and post-diagnostic counselling and support for people living with dementia and their families

  1. Koivisto Am, Hallikainen I, Välimäki T et al. (2016) Early psychosocial intervention does not delay institutionalization in persons with mild Alzheimer disease and has impact on neither disease progression nor caregivers’ well-being: ALSOVA 3-year follow-up. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 31(3):273–283 [PubMed: 26177825]
  2. Laakkonen M L, Kautiainen H, Holtta E, et al. (2016) Effects of Self-Management Groups for People with Dementia and Their Spouses--Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 64(4):752–60 [PubMed: 27060101]
  3. Phung Kieu T. T, Waldorff F B, Buss D V, et al. (2013) A three-year follow-up on the efficacy of psychosocial interventions for patients with mild dementia and their caregivers: the multicentre, rater-blinded, randomised Danish Alzheimer Intervention Study (DAISY). BMJ Open 3(11):e003584 [PMC free article: PMC3840334] [PubMed: 24270834]
  4. Waldorff FB, Buss DV, Eckermann A, et al. (2012) Efficacy of psychosocial intervention in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease: the multicentre, rater blinded, randomised Danish Alzheimer Intervention Study (DAISY). BMJ;345:e4693. [PMC free article: PMC3398860] [PubMed: 22807076]

I.10. Managing non-cognitive symptoms

I.10.1. Interventions for treating illness emergent non-cognitive symptoms in people living with dementia

I.10.1.1. Anxiety, depression, antidepressants and antipsychotics

Systematic reviews
  1. Ing-Randolph AR, Phillips LR, Williams AB (2014) Group music interventions for dementia-associated anxiety: a -systematic review, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 37:1775–84 [PubMed: 26228591]
  2. Leong C (2014) Antidepressants for depression in patients with dementia: a review of the literature, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, 29(4):254–63 [PubMed: 24704894]
  3. Ma H, Huang Y, Cong Z et al (2014) The efficacy and safety of atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of dementia: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 42(3):915–37 [PubMed: 25024323]
  4. Moulton CD, Hopkins CWP, Bevan-Jones WR (2014) Systematic review of pharmacological treatments for depressive symptoms in Huntington’s disease, Movement disorders, 29(12):1556–61 [PubMed: 25111961]
  5. Ortega V, Qazi A, Spector A et al (2015) Psychological treatments for depression and anxiety in dementia and mild cognitive impairment: systematic review and meta-analysis, British Journal of Psychiatry, 207:293–8 [PMC free article: PMC4589662] [PubMed: 26429684]
  6. Pan YJ, Wu CS, Gau SSF et al (2014) Antipsychotic discontinuation in patients with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published randomized controlled studies, Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 37:125–40 [PubMed: 24157687]
  7. Petrovsky D, Cacchione PZ, George M (2015) Review of the effect of music interventions on symptoms of anxiety and depression in older adults with mild dementia, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, 29(4):254–63
  8. Richter T, Meyer G, Möhler R et al (2012) Psychosocial interventions for reducing antipsychotic medication in care home residents, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 12:CD008634 [PMC free article: PMC6492452] [PubMed: 23235663]
  9. Schneider LS, Dagerman KS, Higgins JPT, et al (2011) Lack of evidence for the efficacy of memantine in mild Alzheimer’s disease, Archives of Neurology, 68(8):991–8 [PubMed: 21482915]
  10. Seitz DP, Adunuri N, Gill SS et al (2011) Antidepressants for agitation and psychosis in dementia, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2:CD008191 [PubMed: 21328305]
Randomised controlled trials
  1. Ballard C, Lana MM, Theodoulou M et al (2008) A randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled trial in dementia patients continuing or stopping neuroleptics, Plos Medicine, 5(4):587–99 [PMC free article: PMC2276521] [PubMed: 18384230]
  2. Ballard C, Hanney ML, Theodoulou M et al (2009) The dementia antipsychotic withdrawal trial (DART-AD): long-term follow-up of a randomised placebo-controlled trial, lancet Neurology, 8:151–57 [PubMed: 19138567]
  3. Ballard C, Thomas A, Gerry S et al (2015) A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled withdrawal trial comparing memantine and antipsychotics for the long-term treatment of function and neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with Alzheimer’s disease (MAIN-AD), JAMDA, 16(4):316–22 [PubMed: 25523285]
  4. Banerjee S, Hellier J, Dewey M et al (2011) Sertraline or mirtazapine for depression in dementia (HTA-SADD): a randomised, multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled trial, Lancet, 378:403–11 [PubMed: 21764118]
  5. Boström G, Conradsson M, Hörnsten C et al (2015) Effects of a high-intensity functional exercise program on depressive symptoms among people with dementia in residential care: a randomised controlled trial, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry [PMC free article: PMC5215547] [PubMed: 26644304]
  6. Brodaty H, Draper BM, Millar J et al (2003) Randomised controlled trial of different models of care for nursing home residents with dementia complicated by depression or psychosis, Journal of Health Psychology, 15(5):765–76 [PubMed: 12590626]
  7. Cooke M, Moyle W, Shum D et al (2010) A randomised controlled trial exploring the effect of music on quality of life and depression in older people with dementia, Journal of Health Psychology, 15(5):765–76 [PubMed: 20603300]
  8. Fossey J, Ballard C, Juszcak E et al (2006) Effect of enhanced psychosocial care on antipsychotic use in nursing home residents with severe dementia: cluster randomised trial, BMJ Online [PMC free article: PMC1420717] [PubMed: 16543297]
  9. Hickman SE, Barrick AL, Williams CS et al (2007) The effect of ambient bright light therapy on depressive symptoms in persons with dementia, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55:1817–24 [PubMed: 17944896]
  10. Holmes C, Wilkinson D, Dean C et al (2007) Risperidone and rivastigmine and agitated behaviour in severe Alzheimer’s disease: a randomised double blind placebo controlled trial, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22:380–1 [PubMed: 17380475]
  11. Kiosses DN, Ravdin LD, Gross JJ et al (2015) Problem adaptation therapy (PATH) for older adults with major depression and cognitive impairment: a randomised clinical trial, JAMA Psychiatry, 72(1):22–30 [PMC free article: PMC4583822] [PubMed: 25372657]
  12. Leontjevas R, Gerritsen DL, Smalbrugge M et al (2013) A structural multidisciplinary approach to depression management in nursing-home residents: a multicentre, stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial, Lancet, 381:2255–64 [PubMed: 23643110]
  13. Lyketos CG, Del Campo LM, Steinberg M et al (2003) Treating depression in Alzheimer’s disease. Efficacy and safety of sertraline therapy and the benefits of depression reduction: the DIADS, Archives of General Psychiatry, 60:737–46 [PubMed: 12860778]
  14. Porsteinsson AP, Drye LT, Pollock BG et al (2014) Effct of citalopram on agitation in Alzheimer’s disease, JAMA, 311(7):682–91 [PMC free article: PMC4086818] [PubMed: 24549548]
  15. Sung HC Change AM Lee WL (2010) A preferred music listening intervention to reduce anxiety in older adults with dementia in nursing homes, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19:1056–64 [PubMed: 20492050]
  16. Verhey FRJ, Verkaaik M, Lousberg R, et al (2006) Olanzapine versus haloperidol in the treatment of agitation in elderly patients with dementia: results of a randomized controlled double-blind trial, Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 21:1–8 [PubMed: 16244481]
  17. Weintraub D, Rosenberg PB, Drye LT et al (2010) Sertraline for the treatment of depression in Alzheimer’s disease: week-24 outcomes, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18(4):332–40 [PMC free article: PMC2849739] [PubMed: 20220589]

I.10.1.2. Sleep problems

Systematic reviews
  1. Forbes D, Culum I, Lischka AR, Morgan DG, Peacock S, Forbes J, Forbes S. (2009) Light-therapy for managing cognitive, sleep, functional behavioural or psychiatric disturbances in dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4: CD003946. [PubMed: 19821317]
  2. McCleery J, Cohen DA, Sharpley AL (2016) Pharmacotherapies for sleep disturbances in Alzheimer’s disease (Review), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3:CD009178 [PubMed: 24659320]
Randomised controlled trials
  1. Alessi CA, Martin JL, Webber AP, et al (2005) Randomized, controlled trial of a nonpharmacological intervention to improve abnormal sleep/wake patterns in nursing home residents. JAGS, 53(8):803–10 [PubMed: 15877555]
  2. Chong MS, Ayalon L, Marler M, Loredo JS, Corey-Bloom J, Palmer BW, Liu L, Anconi-Israel S. (2006) Continuous positive airway pressure reduces subjective daytime sleepiness in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease with sleep disordered breathing. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 54: 777–781. [PubMed: 16696743]
  3. Harris M, Richards KC, Grando VT. (2012) The effects of slow-stroke back massage on minutes of night-time sleep in persons with dementia and sleep disturbances in the nursing home: A pilot study. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 30: 255–263. [PubMed: 23007716]
  4. Larsson V, Aarsland D, Ballard C, Mintho L, Londos E (2010) The effect of memantine on sleep behaviour in dementia with Ley bodies and Parkinson’s disease dementia. Int. J. Geriatr. Psychiatry, 25:1030–1038 [PubMed: 20872929]
  5. McCurry SM, Gibbons LE, Logsdon RG, et al (2005) Night-time insomnia treatment and education for Alzheimer’s disease: a randomized, controlled trial. JAGS, 53:609–18 [PubMed: 15877554]
  6. McCurry SM, Gibbons LE, Logsdon RG, et al (2011) Increasing walking and bright light exposure to improve sleep in community-dwelling persons with Alzheimer’s disease: results of a randomized, controlled trial. JAGS, 59(8):1393–1402 [PMC free article: PMC3158242] [PubMed: 21797835]
  7. Richards KC, Beck C, O’Sullivan PS, Shue VM. (2005) Effect of Individualised social activity on sleep in nursing home residents with dementia. Journal American Geriatric Society, 53: 1510–1517. [PubMed: 16137280]

I.10.1.3. Agitation, aggression and apathy

Systematic reviews
  1. Brown R, Howards R, Candy B, Sampson EL (2015) Opioids for agitation in dementia (review), Cochrane database of Systematic Reviews, 5: Art. No, CD009705 [PubMed: 25972091]
  2. Forrester LT, Maayan N, Orrell M, Spector AE, Buchan LD, Soares-Weiser K (2014) Aromatherapy for dementia, Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2: CD003150 [PubMed: 24569873]
  3. Jutkowitz E, Brasure M, Fuchs E, Shippee T et al (2016) Care delivery interventions to manage agitation and aggression in dementia nursing home and assisted living residents: A systematic review and meta analysis, JAGS, 64: 477–488 [PubMed: 27000321]
  4. Kong, EH, Evans, L, Guevara, J (2009) Nonpharmacological intervention for agitation in dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Aging and Mental Health, 13: 512–520 [PubMed: 19629775]
  5. Von Gunten A, Schlaefe S, Uberla K (2015) Efficacy of Gingko Biloba extract EGb 761 in dementia with behavioural and psychological symptoms: A systematic review, The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2: 1–12 [PubMed: 26223956]
  6. Xiao H, Su Y, Cao X, Sun S, Liang Z (2010) A meta analysis of mood stabilisers for Alzheimer’s disease, Journal of Science and Technology, 5, 652–658 [PubMed: 21063851]
Randomised controlled trials
  1. Burns A, Allen H, Tomensen B, Duigan D, Byrne J (2009) Bright light therapy for agitation in dementia: a randomized controlled trial, International Psychogeriatrics, 21, 711–721 [PubMed: 19323872]
  2. Cohen Mansfield J, Libin A, Marx MS (2007) Nonpharmacological treatment of agitation: A controlled trial of systematic individualised Intervention Journal of Gerentology, 8, 908–916 [PubMed: 17702884]
  3. Cohen-Mansfield J, Thein K, Marx MS et al (2012), Efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions for agitation in advanced dementia: A randomised placebo controlled trial, Focus on Alzheimers’s disease and Related Disorders, 25, 564–575
  4. Cummings JL, Lykestos CG, Peskind ER, Porsteinsson AP et al (2015) Effect of dextromethorphan quinodine on agitation in people with alzheimer’s disease dementia: a randomised controlled trial, JAMA, 314:1242–1254 [PubMed: 26393847]
  5. Deudon A, Maubourguet N, Gervais X, Leone E, Brocker P et al (2009) Non pharmacological management of behavioural symptoms in nursing homes, Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24, 1386–1395 [PubMed: 19370714]
  6. Fox C, Crugel M, Maidment I, Austad H et al (2012) Efficacy of memantine for agitation in Alzheimer’s disease: a randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial: Plos One, 7: e35185 [PMC free article: PMC3342281] [PubMed: 22567095]
  7. Frakey LL, Dalloway S, Buelow M, Mallo A (2012) A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial of modafinil for the treatment of apathy in individuals for mild-to- moderate Alzheimer’s disease patients with agitation and aggression, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 73: 796–801 [PubMed: 22687392]
  8. Holmes C, Wilkinson D, Dean C, (2004) The efficacy of donepezil in the treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease, Neurology, 2, 214–219 [PubMed: 15277611]
  9. Howard RJ, Juszczak E, Ballard CG, Bentham P, Brown RG et al (2007) Donepezil for the treatment of agitation in Alzheimer’s disease, New England Journal of Medicine, 357: 1382–1392 [PubMed: 17914039]
  10. Lin Y, Chu H, Yang CY, Chen CH et al (2011) Effectiveness of group music intervention against agitated behaviour in elderly people with dementia, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 7: 670–678 [PubMed: 20672256]
  11. Mahlberg R, Walther S, Eichman U, Tracik F, Kunz D (2007) Effects of rivastigmine on actigraphically monitored motor activity in severe agitation related to Alzheimer’s disease, Srchives of gerontology and geriatrics, 1: 19–26 [PubMed: 16963137]
  12. McCabe MP, Bird M, Davison TE, Mellor D et al (2015) An RCT to evaluate the utility of a clinical protocol for staff in the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in residential aged care settings, Aging and Mental Health, 9, 799–807 [PubMed: 25319535]
  13. Porsteinsson AP, Tariot PN, Erb R, Cox, C Smith E et al (2001) Placebo=controlled study of divalproex sodium for agitation in dementia, Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 9, 58–66 [PubMed: 11156753]
  14. Rapp MA, Mell T, Majic T, Treusch Y et al (2013) Agitation in nursing home residents with dementia (VIDEANT trial): effects of a cluster randomised controlled, guideline intervention trial, International Journal of the American Medical Directors, 9: 690–695 [PubMed: 23827658]
  15. Rea R, Carotenuto A, Traini E, Fasanaro AM, Manzo V, Amenta F (2015) Apathy treatment in Alzheimer’s disease: Interim results of ASVCOMALVA trial, Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, 48: 377–383 [PubMed: 26402001]
  16. Ridder, HMO, Stige B, Qvale LG, Gold C (2013) Individual music therapy for agitation in dementia: an exploratory randomised controlled trial, Aging and Mental Health, 17, 667–678 [PMC free article: PMC4685573] [PubMed: 23621805]
  17. Sung H, Chang SM, Lee W, Lee M (2006) The effects of group music with movement intervention on agitated behaviours of institutionalised elders with dementia in Taiwan, Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2: 113–119 [PubMed: 16765849]
  18. Van der Ploeg E, Eppingstall B, Camp CJ, Runci SJ et al (2013) A Randomised crossover trial to study the effect of personalised one to one interaction using Montessori-based activities on agitation, affect and engagement in nursing home residents with Dementia, International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 564–575 [PubMed: 23237211]
  19. van den Elsen GAH, Amir IA, Verkes R-J, Kramers C et al (2015) Tetrahydrocannabinol for neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia: a randomised controlled trial, American Academy of Neurology, 84:2338–2344 [PMC free article: PMC4464746] [PubMed: 25972490]
  20. Wang LY, Shofer JB, Rohde K, Hart KL, Hoff DJ et al (2008) Prazosin for the treatment of behavioral symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease patients with agitation and aggression, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17: 744–751 [PMC free article: PMC2842091] [PubMed: 19700947]
  21. Yang MH, Lin LC, Wu, SC Chiu JH (2015) Comparison of the efficacy of aroma-acu-pressure and aromatherapy for the treatment of dementia associated agitation, Bio Med Central 15: 377–383 [PMC free article: PMC4381454] [PubMed: 25880034]
  22. Zwijsen SA, Smallbrugge M, Eefsting J et al (2014) Coming to Grips with Challenging Behaviour: A cluster randomised controlled trial on the effects of a multidisciplinary care program on challenging behaviour in dementia, JAMDA, 15, 531.e1–531.e10 [PubMed: 24878214]

I.11. Supporting informal carers

I.11.1. Supporting informal carers of people living with dementia

I.11.1.1. Systematic reviews

  1. Jensen M, Agbata I N, Canavan M, and McCarthy G (2015) Effectiveness of educational interventions for informal caregivers of individuals with dementia residing in the community: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 30(2), 130–43 [PubMed: 25354132]
  2. Laver K, Milte R, Dyer S, Crotty M (2016) A systematic review and meta analysis comparing carer focused and dyadic multicomponent interventions for carers of people with dementia, Journal of Aging anf Health, 1–42 [PMC free article: PMC5680909] [PubMed: 27458254]
  3. Lins S, Hayder-Beichel D, Rucker G, Motschall E, Antes G, Meyer G, and Langer G (2014) Efficacy and experiences of telephone counselling for informal carers of people with dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9, CD009126 [PMC free article: PMC7433299] [PubMed: 25177838]
  4. Maayan N, Soares-Weiser K, and Lee H (2014) Respite care for people with dementia and their carers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1, CD004396 [PubMed: 24435941]
  5. Parker D, Mills S, and Abbey J (2008) Effectiveness of interventions that assist caregivers to support people with dementia living in the community: a systematic review. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 6(2), 137–72 [PubMed: 21631819]
  6. Scott Jennifer L, Dawkins Sarah, Quinn Michael G, Sanderson Kristy, Elliott Kate-Ellen J, Stirling Christine, Schuz Ben, and Robinson Andrew (2016) Caring for the carer: A systematic review of pure technology-based cognitive behavioral therapy (TB-CBT) interventions for dementia carers. Aging & Mental Health 20(8), 793–803 [PubMed: 25978672]
  7. Thompson C A, Spilsbury K, Hall J, Birks Y, Barnes C, and Adamson J (2007) Systematic review of information and support interventions for caregivers of people with dementia. BMC Geriatrics 7, 18 [PMC free article: PMC1951962] [PubMed: 17662119]
  8. Vernooij-Dassen M, Draskovic I, McCleery J, and Downs M (2011) Cognitive reframing for carers of people with dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (11), CD005318 [PubMed: 22071821]

I.11.1.2. Randomised controlled trials

  1. Arango-Lasprilla J C, Panyavin I, Merchan E J. H, Perrin P B, Arroyo-Anllo E M, and Snipes D J (2014) Evaluation of a group cognitive-behavioral dementia caregiver intervention in Latin America. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias 29(6), 548–55 [PubMed: 24550547]
  2. Au Alma, Li Sapphire, Lee Kristy, Leung Patrick, Pan Pey-Chyou, Thompson Larry, and Gallagher-Thompson Dolores (2010) Educational/Counseling Model Health Care: The Coping with Caregiving Group Program for Chinese caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease in Hong Kong. Patient Education and Counseling 78(2), 256–260 [PubMed: 19619974]
  3. Blom M M, Zarit S H, Groot Zwaaftink, R B, Cuijpers P, and Pot A M (2015) Effectiveness of an Internet intervention for family caregivers of people with dementia: results of a randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource] 10(2), e0116622 [PMC free article: PMC4334515] [PubMed: 25679228]
  4. Bruvik F K, Allore H G, Ranhoff A H, and Engedal K (2013) The effect of psychosocial support intervention on depression in patients with dementia and their family caregivers: an assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 3(1), 386–97 [PMC free article: PMC3843914] [PubMed: 24348500]
  5. Burgio L, Stevens A, Guy D, Roth DL, Haley WE (2003) Impact of two psychosocial interventions on white and African American family caregivers of individuals with Dementa, Gerentologist, 43, 568–579 [PMC free article: PMC2579272] [PubMed: 12937335]
  6. Charlesworth Georgina, and et al (2008) Befriending carers of people with dementia: randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal (7.6.08), 1295–1297 [PMC free article: PMC2413394] [PubMed: 18505757]
  7. Cheng S T, Lau R W, Mak E P, Ng N S, and Lam L C (2014) Benefit-finding intervention for Alzheimer caregivers: conceptual framework, implementation issues, and preliminary efficacy. Gerontologist 54(6), 1049–58 [PubMed: 24688081]
  8. Chu H, Yang C Y, Liao Y H, Chang L I, Chen C H, and Lin C C (2011) The effects of a support group on dementia caregivers’ burden and depression. Journal of aging and health 23(2), 228–41 [PubMed: 20847363]
  9. Connell Cathleen M, and Janevic Mary R (2009) Effects of a Telephone-Based Exercise Intervention for Dementia Caregiving Wives: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Applied Gerontology 28(2), 171–194 [PMC free article: PMC3121165] [PubMed: 21709757]
  10. Cristancho-Lacroix V, Wrobel J, Cantegreil-Kallen I, Dub T, Rouquette A, and Rigaud A S (2015) A web-based psychoeducational program for informal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 17(5), e117 [PMC free article: PMC4468784] [PubMed: 25967983]
  11. Danucalov M Ad, Kozasa E H, Ribas K T, Galduroz J Cf, Garcia M C, and Verreschi I Tn (2013) A yoga and compassion meditation program reduces stress in familial caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM 2013, 513149 [PMC free article: PMC3652205] [PubMed: 23690846]
  12. Dias A, Dewey M E, D’Souza J, Dhume R, Motghare D D, Shaji K S, Menon R, Prince M, and Patel V (2008) The effectiveness of a home care program for supporting caregivers of persons with dementia in developing countries: a randomised controlled trial from Goa, India. PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource] 3(6), e2333 [PMC free article: PMC2396286] [PubMed: 18523642]
  13. Ducharme F C, Levesque L L, Lachance L M, Kergoat M J, Legault A J, Beaudet L M, and Zarit S H (2011) “Learning to become a family caregiver” efficacy of an intervention program for caregivers following diagnosis of dementia in a relative. Gerontologist 51(4), 484–94 [PubMed: 21383112]
  14. Fortinsky R H, Kulldorff M, Kleppinger A, and Kenyon-Pesce L (2009) Dementia care consultation for family caregivers: collaborative model linking an Alzheimer’s association chapter with primary care physicians. Aging & Mental Health 13(2), 162–70 [PubMed: 19347683]
  15. Gallagher-Thompson Dolores, Gray Heather L, Dupart Tamarra, Jimenez Daniel, and Thompson Larry W (2008) Effectiveness of Cognitive/Behavioral Small Group Intervention for Reduction of Depression and Stress in Non-Hispanic White and Hispanic/Latino Women Dementia Family Caregivers: Outcomes and Mediators of Change. Journal of Rational-Emotive Cognitive-Behavior Therapy 26(4), 286–303 [PMC free article: PMC4111260] [PubMed: 25067886]
  16. Gaugler J E, Reese M, and Mittelman M S (2015) Effects of the Minnesota Adaptation of the NYU Caregiver Intervention on Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life for Adult Child Caregivers of Persons with Dementia. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 23(11), 1179–1192 [PMC free article: PMC4663141] [PubMed: 26238226]
  17. Gaugler J E, Reese M, and Sauld J (2015) A Pilot Evaluation of Psychosocial Support for Family Caregivers of Relatives with Dementia in Long-Term Care: The Residential Care Transition Module. Research in Gerontological Nursing 8(4), 161–72 [PMC free article: PMC5997398] [PubMed: 25751083]
  18. Gonyea Judith G, López Luz M, and Velásquez Esther H (2016) The Effectiveness of a Culturally Sensitive Cognitive Behavioral Group Intervention for Latino Alzheimer’s Caregivers. Gerontologist 56(2), 292–302 11p [PMC free article: PMC4906638] [PubMed: 24855313]
  19. Hattink B, Meiland F, van der Roest, H, Kevern P, Abiuso F, Bengtsson J, Giuliano A, Duca A, Sanders J, Basnett F, Nugent C, Kingston P, and Droes R M (2015) Web-Based STAR E-Learning Course Increases Empathy and Understanding in Dementia Caregivers: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Journal of Medical Internet Research 17(10), e241 [PMC free article: PMC4642792] [PubMed: 26519106]
  20. Hirano A, Suzuki Y, Kuzuya M, Onishi J, Ban N, and Umegaki H (2011) Influence of regular exercise on subjective sense of burden and physical symptoms in community-dwelling caregivers of dementia patients: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics 53(2), e158–63 [PubMed: 20850878]
  21. Horvath K J, Trudeau S A, Rudolph J L, Trudeau P A, Duffy M E, and Berlowitz D (2013) Clinical trial of a home safety toolkit for Alzheimer’s disease. International journal of Alzheimer’s disease 2013, 913606 [PMC free article: PMC3804449] [PubMed: 24195007]
  22. Jansen A P, Hout H P, Nijpels G, Rijmen F, Dröes R M, Pot A M, Schellevis F G, Stalman W A, and Marwijk H W (2011) Effectiveness of case management among older adults with early symptoms of dementia and their primary informal caregivers: a randomized clinical trial. International journal of nursing studies 48(8), 933–43 [PubMed: 21356537]
  23. Kwok T, Wong B, Ip I, Chui K, Young D, and Ho F (2013) Telephone-delivered psychoeducational intervention for Hong Kong Chinese dementia caregivers: a single-blinded randomized controlled trial. Clinical Interventions In Aging 8, 1191–7 [PMC free article: PMC3783504] [PubMed: 24072965]
  24. Lavretsky H, Epel E S, Siddarth P, Nazarian N, Cyr N S, Khalsa D S, Lin J, Blackburn E, and Irwin M R (2013) A pilot study of yogic meditation for family dementia caregivers with depressive symptoms: effects on mental health, cognition, and telomerase activity. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 28(1), 57–65 [PMC free article: PMC3423469] [PubMed: 22407663]
  25. Leach M J, Francis A, and Ziaian T (2015) Transcendental Meditation for the improvement of health and wellbeing in community-dwelling dementia caregivers [TRANSCENDENT]: a randomised wait-list controlled trial. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine 15, 145 [PMC free article: PMC4429365] [PubMed: 25952550]
  26. Liddle J, Smith-Conway E R, Baker R, Angwin A J, Gallois C, Copland D A, Pachana N A, Humphreys M S, Byrn G J, and Chener H J (2012) Memory and communication support strategies in dementia: Effect of a training program for informal caregivers. International Psychogeriatrics 24(12), 1927–1942 [PubMed: 23092595]
  27. Logiudice D, Waltrowicz W, Brown K, Burrows (1999) Do memory clinics improve the quality of life of carers? A randomised pilot trial, International Jounal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14, 626–632 [PubMed: 10489653]
  28. Losada A, Marquez-Gonzalez M, and Romero-Moreno R (2011) Mechanisms of action of a psychological intervention for dementia caregivers: effects of behavioral activation and modification of dysfunctional thoughts. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 26(11), 1119–27 [PubMed: 21061414]
  29. Losada A, Marquez-Gonzalez M, Romero-Moreno R, Mausbach B T, Lopez J, Fernandez-Fernandez V, and Nogales-Gonzalez C (2015) Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) versus acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for dementia family caregivers with significant depressive symptoms: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology 83(4), 760–72 [PubMed: 26075381]
  30. Mittelman MS, Ferris SH, Steinberg G, Shulman E, Mackell JA, Ambinder A, Cohen J (1993) An intervention that delays institutionalization of Alzheimer’s disease patients: treatment of spouse-caregivers, The Gerentologist, 33, 730–740 [PubMed: 8314099]
  31. Mittelman MS, Brodaty H, Wallen AS, Burns A (2008) A 3 country randomised controlled trial of a psychosocial intervention for patients with Alzheimer’s disease: Effects on carer depression, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16, 893–904 [PMC free article: PMC2753499] [PubMed: 18978250]
  32. Oken B S, Fonareva I, Haas M, Wahbeh H, Lane J B, Zajdel D, and Amen A (2010) Pilot controlled trial of mindfulness meditation and education for dementia caregivers. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 16(10), 1031–8 [PMC free article: PMC3110802] [PubMed: 20929380]
  33. Prick A E, De Lange, J, Twisk J, and Pot A M (2015) The effects of a multi-component dyadic intervention on the psychological distress of family caregivers providing care to people with dementia: A randomized controlled trial. International Psychogeriatrics 27(12), 2031–2044 [PubMed: 26004290]
  34. Rose K M (2006) The effects of cranial electrical stimulation on sleep disturbances, depressive symptoms, and caregiving appraisal in elderly caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia., University of Virginia. [PMC free article: PMC2713101] [PubMed: 19427574]
  35. Spijker A, Wollersheim H, Teerenstra S, Graff M, Adang E, Verhey F, and Vernooij-Dassen M (2011) Systematic care for caregivers of patients with dementia: a multicenter, cluster-randomized, controlled trial. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 19(6), 521–31 [PubMed: 21358385]
  36. Torkamani M, McDonald L, Saez Aguayo, I, Kanios C, Katsanou M N, Madeley L, Limousin P D, Lees A J, Haritou M, and Jahanshahi M (2014) A randomized controlled pilot study to evaluate a technology platform for the assisted living of people with dementia and their carers. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: JAD 41(2), 515–23 [PubMed: 24643137]
  37. Tremont G, Davis J D, Papandonatos G D, Ott B R, Fortinsky R H, and Gozalo P (2014) Psychosocial telephone intervention for dementia caregivers: a randomized, controlled trial. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, No Pagination Specified [PMC free article: PMC4306648] [PubMed: 25074341]
  38. Ulstein I D, Sandvik L, Bruun Wyller, T, and Engedal K (2007) A one-year randomized controlled psychosocial intervention study among family carers of dementia patients - Effects on patients and carers. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 24(6), 469–475 [PubMed: 17986818]
  39. Whitebird R R, Kreitzer M, Crain A L, Lewis B A, Hanson L R, and Enstad C J (2013) Mindfulness-based stress reduction for family caregivers: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist 53(4), 676–86 [PMC free article: PMC3709844] [PubMed: 23070934]
  40. Xiao L D, Bellis A, Kyriazopoulos H, Draper B, and Ullah S (2016) The effect of a personalized dementia care intervention for caregivers from Australian minority groups. American journal of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias 31(1 // (UNSW) *University of New South Wales*), 57–67 [PubMed: 25805891]

I.12. Staff training

I.12.1. Staff training

  1. Beer, C. et al. (2011). A cluster-randomised trial of staff education to improve the quality of life of people with dementia living in residential care: the DIRECT study. PLoS ONE, 6, e28155. [PMC free article: PMC3227637] [PubMed: 22140531]
  2. Beer, C. et al. (2010). Dementia in residential care: education intervention trial (DIRECT); protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 11, 63 [PMC free article: PMC2887857] [PubMed: 20500891]
  3. Burgio, L. D., Stevens, A., Burgio, K. L., Roth, D. L., Paul, P. and Gerstle, M. S. (2002). Teaching and maintaining behavior management skills in the nursing home. The Gerontologist, 32, 487–496. [PubMed: 12145376]
  4. Chang, C. C. and Lin, L.-C. (2005). Effects of a feeding skills training program on nursing assistants and dementia patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14, 1185–1192. [PubMed: 16238764]
  5. Chenoweth, L. et al. (2009). Caring for aged dementia care resident study (CADRES) of person-centred care, dementia-care mapping, and usual care in dementia: a cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet Neurology, 8, 317–325. [PubMed: 19282246]
  6. Chenoweth, L. et al. (2014). PerCEN: a cluster randomized controlled trial of person-centered residential care and environment for people with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 26, 1147–1160. [PubMed: 24666667]
  7. Clare, L. et al. (2013). AwareCare: a pilot randomized controlled trial of an awareness-based staff training intervention to improve quality of life for residents with severe dementia in long-term care settings. International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 128–139. [PubMed: 22840185]
  8. Davison, T. E., Mccabe, M. P., Visser, S., Hudgson, C., Buchanan, G. and George, K. (2007). Controlled trial of dementia training with a peer support group for aged care staff. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22, 868–873. [PubMed: 17191270]
  9. Deudon, A. et al. (2009). Non-pharmacological management of behavioural symptoms in nursing homes. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24, 1386–1395. [PubMed: 19370714]
  10. Döpp C.M.E., Graff M.J.L., Teerenstra S., Olde Rikkert M.G.M., Nijhuis–van der Sanden M.W.G., Vernooij-Dassen M.J.F.J., (2015) Effectiveness of a training package for implementing a community-based occupational therapy program in dementia: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29, 974–986. [PubMed: 25547113]
  11. Finnema, E. et al. (2005). The effect of integrated emotion-oriented care versus usual care on elderly persons with dementia in the nursing home and on nursing assistants: a randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20, 330–343. [PubMed: 15799079]
  12. Fossey, J. et al. (2006). Effect of enhanced psychosocial care on antipsychotic use in nursing home residents with severe dementia: cluster randomised trial. British Medical Journal, 332, 756–758. [PMC free article: PMC1420717] [PubMed: 16543297]
  13. Huizing, A., Hamers, J., Gulpers, M. and Berger, M. (2006). Short-term effects of an educational intervention on physical restraint use: a cluster randomized trial. BMC Geriatrics, 6, 17. [PMC free article: PMC1635553] [PubMed: 17067376]
  14. Leone, E. et al. (2013). Management of apathy in nursing homes using a teaching program for care staff: the STIM-EHPAD study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28, 383–392. [PubMed: 22700526]
  15. Magai, C., Cohen, C. I. and Gomberg, D. (2002). Impact of training dementia caregivers in sensitivity to nonverbal emotion signals. International Psychogeriatrics, 14, 25–38. [PubMed: 12094904]
  16. McCallion, P., Tosel, R. W., Lacey, D. and Banks, S. (1999). Educating nursing assistants to communicate more effectively with nursing home residents with dementia. The Gerontologist, 39, 546–558. [PubMed: 10568079]
  17. Pellfolk, T. J., Gustafson, Y., Bucht, G. and Karlsson, S. (2010). Effects of a restraint minimization program on staff knowledge, attitudes, and practice: a cluster randomized trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 62–69. [PubMed: 20122041]
  18. Robison, J., Curry, L., Gruman, C., Porter, M., Henderson, C. R. J. and Pillemer, K. (2007). Partners in caregiving in a special care environment: cooperative communication between staff and families on dementia units. The Gerontologist, 47, 504–515. [PubMed: 17766671]
  19. Sloane, P. D. et al. (2004). Effect of person-centered showering and the towel bath on bathing-associated aggression, agitation, and discomfort in nursing home residents with dementia: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 52, 1795–1894. [PubMed: 15507054]
  20. Testad I., Aasland A.M., Aarsland D. (2005) The effect of staff training on the use of restraint in dementia: a single-blind randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20, 587–590. [PubMed: 15920716]
  21. Testad, I., Ballard, C., Brønnick, K. and Aarsl, D. (2010). The effect of staff training on agitation and use of restraint in nursing home residents with dementia: a single-blind, randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71, 80–86. [PubMed: 20129008]
  22. Van De Ven, G. et al. (2013). Effects of dementia-care mapping on residents and staff of care homes: a pragmatic cluster-randomised controlled trial. PLoS One, 8, e67325. [PMC free article: PMC3699562] [PubMed: 23844003]
  23. van Weert, J.C.M., van Dulmen, A.M., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Ribbe, M.W., Bensing, J.M. Effects of snoezelen, integrated in 24 h dementia care, on nurse-patient communication during morning care. Patient Educ. Couns. 2005;58:312–326. [PubMed: 16054329]
  24. Verkaik, R., Francke, A. L., Van Meijel, B., Spreeuwenberg, P. M., Ribbe, M. W. and Bensing, J. M. (2011). The effects of a nursing guideline on depression in psychogeriatric nursing home residents with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26, 723–732. [PubMed: 21495077]
  25. Visser, S. M., Mccabe, M. P., Hudgson, C., Buchanan, G., Davison, T. E. and George, K. (2008). Managing behavioural symptoms of dementia: effectiveness of staff education and peer support. Aging and Mental Health, 12, 47–55. [PubMed: 18297478]
  26. Wenborn, J. et al. (2013). Providing activity for people with dementia in care homes: a cluster randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28, 1296–1304. [PubMed: 23637069]

I.13. The specific needs of younger people living with dementia

I.13.1. Needs of younger people living with dementia

  1. Chaplin R, and Davidson I (2016) What are the experiences of people with dementia in employment? Dementia 15, 147–61 [PubMed: 24419354]
  2. Clayton-Turner, and et al (2015) Approaching an unthinkable future: understanding the support needs of people living with young onset dementia. Wolverhampton: Demenita Pathfinders
  3. Clemerson Gemma, Walsh Sue, and Isaac Claire (2014) Towards living well with young onset dementia: An exploration of coping from the perspective of those diagnosed. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 13(4), 451–466 [PubMed: 24339066]
  4. Hegarty, Ackermann, and Evans (2014) Walking side by side. Journal of Dementia Care 22(2), 18–19
  5. Higgins Alan (2010) The ACE approach: promoting well-being and peer support for younger people with dementia. Journal of Mental Health Training Education and Practice 5(3), 41–50
  6. Johnson Ann, and Walker Denise (2008) The ladies who lunch. Journal of Dementia Care 16(2), 14–15
  7. Pipon-Young Fiona, and et al (2012) I’m not all gone, I can still speak: the experiences of younger people with dementia. An action research study. Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice 11(5), 597–616

I.14. Assessing and managing comorbidities

I.14.1. Assessing and treating intercurrent illness in people living with dementia

I.14.1.1. Assessing intercurrent illness

  1. DeWaters T, Faut-Callahan M, McCann J J, Paice J A, Fogg L, Hollinger-Smith L, Sikorski K, and Stanaitis H (2008) Comparison of self-reported pain and the PAINAD Scale in hospitalized cognitively impaired and intact older adults after hip fracture surgery. Orthopaedic Nursing 27, 21–28 8p [PubMed: 18300684]
  2. Horgas A L, Nichols A L, Schapson C A, and Vietes K (2007) Assessing pain in persons with dementia: relationships among the non-communicative patient’s pain assessment instrument, self-report, and behavioral observations. Pain Management Nursing 8, 77–85 9p [PubMed: 17544127]
  3. Kato-Narita E M, Nitrini R, and Radanovic M (2011) Assessment of balance in mild and moderate stages of Alzheimer’s disease: implications on falls and functional capacity. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 69, 202–7 [PubMed: 21537561]
  4. Lukas A, Barber J, Johnson P, and Gibson S (2013) Observer-rated pain assessment instruments improve both the detection of pain and the evaluation of pain intensity in people with dementia. European Journal of Pain 17, 1558–1568 [PubMed: 23737457]
  5. Mosele M, Inelmen E, Toffanello E, Girardi A, Coin A, Sergi G, and Manzato E (2012) Psychometric properties of the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale compared to self assessment of pain in elderly patients. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 34, 38–43 [PubMed: 22907210]
  6. Sepulveda E, Franco J G, Trzepacz P T, Gaviria A M, Vinuelas E, Palma J, Ferre G, Grau I, and Vilella E (2015) Performance of the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 Against Different Delirium Diagnostic Criteria in a Population With a High Prevalence of Dementia. Psychosomatics 56, 530–41 [PubMed: 26278338]
  7. Van Herk, R, Van Dijk, M, Tibboel D, Baar F P. M, De Wit, R, and Duivenvoorden H J (2009) The Rotterdam Elderly Pain Observation Scale (REPOS): A new behavioral pain scale for non-communicative adults and cognitively impaired elderly persons. Journal of Pain Management 1, 367–378

I.14.1.2. Managing intercurrent illness

  1. Allen J, Koziak A, Buddingh S, Liang J, Buckingham J, and Beaupre L A (2012) Rehabilitation in patients with dementia following hip fracture: a systematic review. Physiotherapy Canada 64, 190–201 [PMC free article: PMC3321988] [PubMed: 23449813]
  2. Booth Vicky, Logan Pip, Harwood Rowan, and Hood Victoria (2015) Falls prevention interventions in older adults with cognitive impairment: A systematic review of reviews. International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation 22, 289–296 8p
  3. Chan W C, Fai Yeung, J W, Man Wong, C S, Wa Lam, L C, Chung K F, Hay Luk, J K, Wah Lee, J S, Kin Law, and A C (2015) Efficacy of physical exercise in preventing falls in older adults with cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 16, 149–154 [PubMed: 25304179]
  4. Husebo B S, Ballard C, Fritze F, Sandvik R K, and Aarsland D (2014) Efficacy of pain treatment on mood syndrome in patients with dementia: a randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 29, 828–36 [PubMed: 24806873]
  5. Kolanowski A M, Fick D M, Clare L, Steis M, Boustani M, and Litaker M (2011) Pilot study of a nonpharmacological intervention for delirium superimposed on dementia. Research in Gerontological Nursing 4, 161–7 [PubMed: 21053841]
  6. Oliver D, Connelly J B, Victor C R, Shaw F E, Whitehead A, Genc Y, Vanoli A, Martin F C, and Gosney M A (2007) Strategies to prevent falls and fractures in hospitals and care homes and effect of cognitive impairment: systematic review and meta-analyses. BMJ 334, 82 [PMC free article: PMC1767306] [PubMed: 17158580]
  7. Sandvik R K, Selbaek G, Seifert R, Aarsland D, Ballard C, Corbett A, and Husebo B S (2014) Impact of a stepwise protocol for treating pain on pain intensity in nursing home patients with dementia: a cluster randomized trial. European Journal of Pain 18, 1490–500 [PMC free article: PMC4232010] [PubMed: 24819710]
  8. Shaw F E, Bond J, Richardson D A, Dawson P, Nicholas Steen, I, McKeith I G, Anne Kenny, and R (2003) Multifactorial intervention after a fall in older people with cognitive impairment and dementia presenting to the accident and emergency department: Randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal 326, 73–75 [PMC free article: PMC139930] [PubMed: 12521968]
  9. Stenvall M, Olofsson B, Lundstrom M, Englund U, Borssen B, Svensson O, Nyberg L, and Gustafson Y (2007) A multidisciplinary, multifactorial intervention program reduces postoperative falls and injuries after femoral neck fracture. Osteoporosis International 18, 167–75 [PMC free article: PMC1766476] [PubMed: 17061151]
  10. Suttanon P, Hill K D, Said C M, Williams S B, Byrne K N, LoGiudice D, Lautenschlager N T, and Dodd K J (2013) Feasibility, safety and preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of a home-based exercise programme for older people with Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 27, 427–38 [PubMed: 23117349]
  11. Tchalla Achille, E, Lachal Florent, Cardinaud Noelle, Saulnier Isabelle, Rialle Vincent, and Preux Pierre-Marie (2013) Preventing and managing indoor falls with home-based technologies in mild and moderate Alzheimer’s disease patients: Pilot study in a community dwelling. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 36, 251–61 [PubMed: 23949277]
  12. Toulotte C, Fabre C, Dangremont B, Lensel G, and Thevenon A (2003) Effects of physical training on the physical capacity of frail, demented patients with a history of falling: a randomised controlled trial. Age & Ageing 32, 67–73 [PubMed: 12540351]
  13. Wesson J, Clemson L, Brodaty H, Lord S, Taylor M, Gitlin L, and Close J (2013) A feasibility study and pilot randomised trial of a tailored prevention program to reduce falls in older people with mild dementia. BMC Geriatrics 13, 89 [PMC free article: PMC3766233] [PubMed: 24004682]
  14. Fuchs-Lacelle S, Hadjistavropoulos T, and Lix L (2008) Pain assessment as intervention: a study of older adults with severe dementia. Clinical Journal of Pain 24, 697–707 [PubMed: 18806535]

I.14.2. Management strategies for people living with dementia and co-existing physical long term conditions

  1. Engberg S, Sereika SM, McDowell B, Weber E, Brodak I (2002) Effectiveness of prompted voiding in treating urinary incontinence in cognitively impaired homebound adults, Journal of wound ostomy & continence, 5, pp 252–265 [PubMed: 12510471]
  2. Jirovec M M, Templin T (2001) Predicting success using individualised scheduled toileting for memory-impaired elders at home, Research in Nursing and Health, 24, pp1–8 [PubMed: 11260580]
  3. Kume K, Hanyu H, Sakurai, H, Takada Y (2012) Effects of telmisartan on cognition and regional cerebral blood flow in hypertensive patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Geriatrics & gerontology international 12 1444–1586 [PubMed: 21929736]
  4. Ostaskiewicz J, Johnston L, Roe B (2010), Timed oiding for the management of urinary incontinence in adults, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [PMC free article: PMC6993947] [PubMed: 14973993]
  5. Plichart M, Seux ML, Caillard L et al (2013) Home based blood pressure measurement in elderly patients with cognitive impairment: comparison of agreement, Blood pressure monitoring, 18, 208–214 [PubMed: 23797054]
  6. Richard E, Kuiper R, Dijkgraaf MG, van Gool MD (2009) Vascular care in patients with Alzheimer’s disease with cerebrovascular lesions – a randomised clinical trial, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 5 pp 797–805 [PubMed: 19484836]
  7. Sato T, Hanyu H, Hirao K, Kanetaka H, Sakurai H, Iwamoto T (2011) Efficacy of PPAR-y agonist pioglitazone in Alzheimer disease, Neurobiology of Aging, 32, 1626–1633 [PubMed: 19923038]

I.14.3. Managing mental health conditions alongside dementia

No relevant evidence was identified for inclusion

I.15. Palliative care

I.15.1. Palliative care

I.15.1.1. Qualitative evidence

  1. Crowther J, Wilson K C, Horton S, and Lloyd-Williams M. (2013). Compassion in healthcare - lessons from a qualitative study of the end of life care of people with dementia. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 106(12), pp.492–7. [PMC free article: PMC3842856] [PubMed: 24108538]
  2. Davies N, Maio L, Vedavanam K, Manthorpe J, Vernooij-Dassen M, Iliffe S, and Team Impact Research. (2014). Barriers to the provision of high-quality palliative care for people with dementia in England: a qualitative study of professionals’ experiences. Health & Social Care in the Community, 22(4), pp.386–94. [PMC free article: PMC4265301] [PubMed: 24372976]
  3. Dening KH, Greenish W, Jones L, et al. Barriers to providing end-of-life care for people with dementia: a whole-system qualitative study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care (2012). doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2011-000178 [PubMed: 24654049] [CrossRef]
  4. Grisaffi K, Robinson L. (2010). Timing of end-of-life care in dementia: difficulties and dilemmas for GPs. Journal of Dementia Care, 18(3), pp.36–39.
  5. Lamahewa K, Mathew R, Iliffe S, Wilcock J, Manthorpe J, Sampson E L, and Davies N (2017) A qualitative study exploring the difficulties influencing decision making at the end of life for people with dementia. Health Expectations 22, 22 [PMC free article: PMC5750695] [PubMed: 28640487]
  6. Lawrence V, Samsi K, Murray J, Harari D, Banerjee S. (2011). Dying well with dementia: qualitative examination of end-of-life care. British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(5), 417–22. [PubMed: 21947653]
  7. Moore K J, Davis S, Gola A, Harrington J, Kupeli N, Vickerstaff V, King M, Leavey G, Nazareth I, Jones L, and Sampson E L (2017) Experiences of end of life amongst family carers of people with advanced dementia: longitudinal cohort study with mixed methods. BMC Geriatrics 17, 135 [PMC free article: PMC5496359] [PubMed: 28673257]
  8. Treloar A, Crugel M, and Adamis D. (2009). Palliative and end of life care of dementia at home is feasible and rewarding: results from the ‘Hope for Home’ study. Dementia (14713012), 8(3), pp.335–347.

I.15.1.2. Quantitative evidence

  1. Ahronheim JC, Morrison RS, Morris J, Baskin S, Meier DE. Palliative care in advanced dementia: a randomized controlled trial and descriptive analysis. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2000;3(3):265–73 [PubMed: 15859668]
  2. Hanson LC, Carey TS, Caprio AJ, Lee TJ, Ersek M, Garrett J, et al. Improving decision making for feeding options in advanced dementia: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 2011;59(11):2009–16 [PMC free article: PMC3227016] [PubMed: 22091750]
  3. Hanson LC, Zimmerman S, Song, MH, et al. Effect of the Goals of Care intervention for advanced dementia: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Internal Medicine 2017;177(1):24–31 [PMC free article: PMC5234328] [PubMed: 27893884]
  4. Sampson EL, Candy B, Jones L. Enteral tube feeding for older people with advanced dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD007209 [PMC free article: PMC7182132] [PubMed: 19370678]
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