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National Guideline Alliance (UK). Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and management. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2017 Oct 25. (NICE Guideline, No. 78.)

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Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and management.

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Table 132Philips checklist for immunomodulatory agents

Statement of decision problem / objectivePDecision problem stated clearly in title of review question, and clarified in the model structure section
Justification of modelling approachPModel structure justified with reference to clinical expert opinion
Statement of scope / perspectivePNo statement of scope, but table of contents makes scope explicitly clear so there is no risk of ambiguity
Structural assumptionsPAssumptions justified in section ‘Model structure’, and clinical relevance confirmed with Guideline committee. Various structural assumptions relating to particular treatments or exacerbations explained in relevant sections.
Strategies / ComparatorsPVery nonstandard approach to transition probabilities (see below), but otherwise structure is highly consistent with other similar models in the area
Model typePChoice of Markov Model obvious. Limitations of this model type discussed and sensible attempts to address these limitations have been made
Time horizonPLifetime time horizon, in keeping with Reference Case
Health states/disease pathwaysPHealth states carefully considered - especially choice of FEV states
Cycle LengthPCycle length unusual (first cycle is 9 months, subsequent cycles annual) but justified with reference to literature on short-term effects of treatment. Subsequent annual cycle length standard.
ParsimonyPStructural components of the model carefully chosen to aid understanding, especially the number and extent of health states.
Data IdentificationPSystematic review of published literature
Data SynthesisPSynthesis strategy well justified and explained. Significant difficulty with integrating rates occurring across cycles that didn’t match the model cycle length, but approach to this explained and defensible.
DiscountingP3.5% as specified in Reference Case
Analysis of trial dataPData analysed at most appropriate level
Treatment effectsPOdds ratios derived from trials and superimposed on population baseline risks generated through regression model
Transition probabilitiesPDerivation of transitions probabilities not standard as model attempts to map a continuous process onto a discrete-state model. Nevertheless the methodology employed here is well-described, and validated by NICE TSU
MortalityPDiscussion of mortality in model write-up; CF has a very poor prognosis and so life tables not appropriate. Data from Vertex used to calculate ‘all cause CF’ mortality, and lung-transplant specific mortality appended to this. Model-specific mortality rates explained and justified.
ExtrapolationPSignificant extrapolation, but well justified in text with reference to committee expert opinion. Not possible to validate with reference to literature, as such literature does not exist
Risk factorsPEvidence of nonlinear effect of risk factors on mortality sought and incorporated into model, for example by considering lung transplant as a separate state
UtilitiesPUtilities described in section on health-related quality of life, and justified with reference to literature. Model clear on baseline QoL and subsequent decrements
Charges and costsPCharges and costs described in section 1.3, and come from standard sources such as NHS Reference Costs and PSSRU
Adjustment over time / between countriesPCosts inflated from historic values using standard sources
Half-cycle correctionFNo half-cycle correction undertaken. Defensible as cycle length much shorter than model time horizon, but half-cycle correction would be preferred
Data incorporationPChoice of data to incorporate and how the data are used is clear and well-justified
General statement regarding sensitivity analysisPDescribed fully in sections on sensitivity analysis methods and results
StructuralN/AModel structure not varied as committee opinion was that the structure was an effective one for investigating the review question
MethodologicalPAlthough discount rate not varied as per Philips (2004), substantial methodological variation examined and discussed
ParameterPParameter uncertainty well investigated - Table 31 considers all relevant OWSAs that the committee suggested, and a PSA is further undertaken to reflect probabilistic uncertainty
InternalPModel is highly robust to ‘stress testing’ such as putting extreme values into cells. Model behaves in an intuitive way, for example recommending treatments to which a substantial discount has been applied
ExternalPFace validity confirmed with reference to Guideline committee. Additionally, values appear congruent with general clinical practice.
Between-modelPResults consistent with literature on the topic, although literature is extremely sparse.
PredictiveN/AModel not intended to be used predictively, and such predictive work would be well outside NICE methods manual


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