Box 1Mannitol dry powder for inhalation (Bronchitol®), Final Appraisal Determination for NICE TA266

“Noting that the ICERs for the subgroup of people using rhDNase were between £50,000 and £80,000 per QALY gained, the committee concluded that mannitol was not cost effective for people using rhDNase, and could not be recommended for this subgroup.

The committee concluded that the ICERs for mannitol in people who cannot use rhDNase because of ineligibility, intolerance or inadequate response to rhDNase were underestimates because mortality in the model was underestimated, and also associated with several uncertainties because of the lack of validity in the model (for example, the duration of the effect long term).

Therefore, the committee concluded that the ICERs for mannitol were likely to be above £30,000 per QALY gained in people who cannot use rhDNase because of ineligibility, intolerance or inadequate response to rhDNase, and that mannitol could not be recommended for this subgroup.”

Note rhDNase is referred to as dornase alfa since this publication

From: Appendix K, Health Economics

Cover of Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and management.
NICE Guideline, No. 78.
National Guideline Alliance (UK).
Copyright © NICE 2017.

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