Table 7Power values, by statistical model, Φ, and Π: Experiment 3—all gene models

Φ Π Additive Dominant Recessive
M-1 M-2 M-3 M-1 M-2 M-3 M-1 M-2 M-3
1.10 1.00 .002 .000 .004 .000 .006 .004 .000 .000 .000
1.10 1.05 .002 .008 .006 .000 .014 .014 .000 .000 .000
1.10 1.10 .002 .034 .030 .000 .044 .030 .004 .004 .000
1.10 1.15 .002 .152 .096 .000 .190 .120 .062 .024 .018
1.10 1.20 .004 .472 .296 .000 .500 .260 .258 .228 .066
1.15 1.00 .024 .036 .042 .000 .034 .024 .000 .000 .000
1.15 1.05 .030 .068 .058 .000 .048 .052 .000 .000 .000
1.15 1.10 .040 .152 .106 .000 .162 .118 .002 .002 .002
1.15 1.15 .046 .390 .278 .000 .384 .302 .048 .034 .012
1.15 1.20 .052 .650 .524 .000 .670 .508 .308 .278 .074
1.20 1.00 .246 .174 .206 .004 .114 .104 .000 .000 .000
1.20 1.05 .270 .274 .250 .002 .166 .150 .000 .000 .000
1.20 1.10 .286 .402 .376 .002 .344 .260 .004 .002 .002
1.20 1.15 .348 .658 .548 .012 .520 .490 .098 .058 .032
1.20 1.20 .378 .862 .718 .024 .796 .660 .299 .289 .107

Φ = genetic inheritance (GI) risk level; Π = environmental exposure (EE) risk level.

Note: Bold indicates the optimal model. The statistical models (M-1, M-2, and M-3) are described in Table 4.

From: Assessing Gene-Environment Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies: Statistical Approaches

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Assessing Gene-Environment Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies: Statistical Approaches [Internet].
Cooley PC, Clark RF, Folsom RE.
Research Triangle Park (NC): RTI Press; 2014 May.
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