Evidence Summary

Publication Details


Bipolar disorder (BD), also known as manic-depressive illness, is a serious mental illness that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the inability to carry out day-to-day tasks. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) recognizes a spectrum of bipolar diagnoses that differ in duration of bipolar episodes/periods and impairment: bipolar I disorder (BD-I), dipolar II disorder (BD-II), BD otherwise specified, and BD unspecified. Prevalence studies estimate about 1 percent of the population for BD-I, another 1 percent for BD-II, and up to 5 percent for the full spectrum of BD diagnoses, with relatively similar prevalence in men and women and across cultural and ethnic groups.1, 2 BD represents a significant individual and societal burden. Recurrent episodes of mania and depression can cause serious impairments in functioning, such as erratic work performance, increased divorce rates, and psychosocial morbidity.3, 4 People with bipolar disorder account for between 3 and 14 percent of all suicides, and about 25 percent of bipolar disorder patients will attempt suicide.5 Further adding to the individual illness burden, 92 percent of individuals with BD experience another co-occurring psychiatric illness during their lifetime.6 Of all psychiatric conditions, BD is the most likely to co-occur with alcohol or drug abuse disorders.7

Treatment of BD generally begins with the goal of bringing a patient with mania or depression to symptomatic recovery and stable mood. Once the individual is stable, the goal progresses to reducing subthreshold symptoms and preventing relapse into full-blown episodes of mania and depression. Drug treatments have several purposes. Some drugs aim to reduce symptoms associated with acute manic or mixed mania/depression episodes, some aim to reduce acute depression symptoms, and others aim to reduce acute symptoms, maintain relatively symptom-free periods, and prevent relapsing to acute episodes. Given the chronic, relapsing/remitting course of bipolar disorder and the need for maintenance treatment in many patients, drugs begun for an acute mood episode (including mania) are often carried forward into maintenance therapy.

Nondrug psychosocial therapeutic approaches range from psychoeducational, cognitive behavioral, and family-focused therapies, to interpersonal social rhythm therapy, and are provided both in individual and group therapy modalities. Most psychosocial therapeutic approaches focus the treatment for individuals currently in the remission state of bipolar illness and often specifically exclude individuals currently in acute manic episodes. Other nondrug treatment forms range widely from electroconvulsive therapy to treatments for circadian rhythms (such as light boxes), to acupuncture, to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.

This review provides a comprehensive up-to-date synthesis of the evidence on the effects of a broad range of BD interventions (drug and nondrug). We excluded botanicals and nutritional supplements. These are part of a broader class of remedies patients may take on their own for symptom relief.

The review addresses the benefits and harms of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment interventions for adults with any type of BD. Two additional questions regarding treatments to reduce metabolic change side effects of drug treatments, and how effects differ by patient characteristics, such as co-occurring substance abuse, were not answerable with the available literature. Reported results focus on Key Questions 1 and 2.


The review used methods following Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality methods guidance. The protocol was posted June 23, 2014 at https://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/search-for-guides-reviews-and-reports/?pageaction=displayproduct&productid=1926.

Eligible studies included randomized controlled trials and prospective cohorts with comparator arms enrolling adults with BD of any type with followup of 3 weeks for acute mania, 3 months for depression, and 6 months for maintenance treatments. We excluded studies with greater than 50 percent attrition (with the exception of maintenance studies with time-to-relapse and withdrawal outcomes) because of potential systematic differences between patients who do not complete the study and those who do. That is, attrition may not be random and/or is likely due to BD or treatment-relevant factors.

We used published minimally important differences (MIDs) to interpret findings for the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) (MID=6) and the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) scale (MID=1).8 If a change in an outcome is at least equal to the MID, the interpretation that all participants benefitted from the intervention is clear. However, because the actual benefit each participant experiences lies somewhere along a distribution of benefits recorded for all the participants, changes less than an MID may also suggest that at least some of the participants benefitted from the intervention.9 We therefore followed a rule for interpretation that if an estimate of outcome is greater than 50 percent of the MID, it is possible that a reasonable proportion of participants received the benefit. Conversely, if the estimate is less than 50 percent of the MID, it is much less likely that an appreciable proportion received benefit from the treatment.


We identified 6,116 unique publications through May 2017, of which 188 were eligible for our review; 123 publications of drug interventions, 65 publications for nondrug interventions. The publications comprised 67 unique drug studies for acute mania, seven drug studies for depression, 36 drug studies for maintenance, 48 for psychosocial therapies, and one study on repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. All acute mania treatment studies enrolled adults with BD-I; only two also explicitly included BD-II, and only one BD not otherwise specified (NOS). All depression treatment studies included adults with BD-II, while two also included BD-I. Fifteen of the 36 maintenance drug studies (42%) included BD participants other than BD-I, but only five studies also included BD NOS. The nondrug studies were more inclusive in their included BD populations.

We found no high- or moderate-strength evidence for any intervention to effectively treat any type of BD compared to placebo or an active comparator. We found scattered evidence for some drug interventions that were assessed as low-strength for adults with BD-I, but none for adults with BD-II or BD-NOS. However, most manic symptom improvements were of modest clinical significance, with values that were less than the MID but still large enough that a reasonable proportion of participants likely received a benefit. Very few findings for psychosocial interventions were assessed as low strength.

Table A provides a summary of low-strength evidence findings from the results chapters detailing intervention results. A full reporting of results and evidence tables can be found in the full report.

Table A. Summary of low-strength evidence findings by intervention class.

Table A

Summary of low-strength evidence findings by intervention class.

Asenapine, cariprazine, quetiapine, and olanzapine improved acute mania symptoms compared to placebo (low-strength evidence). However, improvements were of modest clinical significance, with values that were less than the MID, but still large enough that a reasonable proportion of participants likely received a benefit. Unpooled evidence indicated an overall beneficial effect of risperidone and ziprasidone on acute mania symptoms compared to placebo (low-strength evidence). Lithium improved acute mania in the short-term and prolonged time to relapse in the long-term compared to placebo (low-strength evidence). No difference was found between olanzapine and divalproex/valproate for acute mania (low-strength evidence). For drugs not approved for BD, paliperidone also improved acute mania compared to placebo (low-strength evidence), while topiramate and allopurinol showed no benefit (low-strength evidence). Further, lithium improved acute mania better than topiramate (low-strength evidence), although withdrawals for adverse events were lower for topiramate. Only lithium reached a minimally important difference for acute mania and maintenance treatment. All other drug comparisons to placebo or active controls for acute mania, depression, and maintenance had insufficient evidence.

Adverse events for drugs were variously reported and generally not with sufficient detail to allow pooling when multiple studies were available. When reported, all drug comparisons generally showed no differences between groups in serious adverse events. Participants using atypical antipsychotics as a single drug, except quetiapine, experienced more extrapyramidal symptoms compared to placebo. Participants using haloperidol experienced more extrapyramidal symptoms compared to other antipsychotics. Participants using olanzapine reported more clinically significant weight gain. Participants using carbamazepine reported more severe rash and number of adverse events compared to placebo.

For psychosocial interventions, cognitive behavioral training (CBT) was no better for depression or mania symptoms than psychoeducation or other active psychosocial comparators (low-strength evidence). Systematic/collaborative care had no effect on relapse compared to inactive comparators (low-strength evidence).

Table B provides a list of interventions and comparators with evidence that was insufficient to draw conclusions.

Table B. Interventions/comparators with insufficient strength of evidence.

Table B

Interventions/comparators with insufficient strength of evidence.


This review found only low-strength evidence for treatments for adults with BD. All Food and Drug Administration-approved antipsychotics, except aripiprazole, improved mania symptoms when compared to placebo for acute mania in adults with BD-I. However, none of the drugs reached MID. Participants using atypical antipsychotics, except quetiapine, reported more extrapyramidal symptoms compared to placebo, and those using olanzapine reported more clinically significant weight gain. Lithium showed short-term benefit for acute mania and longer time to relapse to any mood episode in adults with BD-I versus placebo. Of all acute mania treatments, lithium treatment was closest to reaching a clinically meaningful difference for all the participants as measured by the MID. Evidence was generally insufficient for benefits from nondrug interventions for adults with BD. Low-strength evidence showed no effect for the effectiveness of CBT on bipolar symptoms and the efficacy of systematic/collaborative care on preventing relapse.

Our findings are consistent with other systematic reviews of treatments for bipolar; however, because we excluded studies with greater than 50 percent attrition rates, our findings are more conservative than those of other reviews. Similar to Cochrane reviews, we also found benefit for olanzapine and risperidone compared with placebo for mania, and benefit for lithium compared with placebo for maintenance.52-54 Cochrane reviews have reported benefit for several additional antipsychotics compared with placebo – aripipravole, haloperidol as single drug and added to mood stabilizers, and olanzapine or risperidone plus mood stabilizers – whereas we found evidence was insufficient.52, 55-58 However, authors of these reviews consistently noted that issues with attrition and medication adherence may have impacted their results. Insufficient evidence for psychosocial interventions was consistent across all reviews.59, 60

Applicability of the review findings is challenging. The trials for drug treatments used restrictive exclusion criteria, making it difficult to determine whether the findings extend to adults with BD-II, or BD-I with a first manic episode, current comorbid substance use, pregnant or nursing women, or older adults (i.e., age 65 and over).

Conversely, most psychosocial trials provided too little information on the participant characteristics, limiting the ability to infer from the results. Mixtures of participants may mask patterns of effectiveness. With the current information, we cannot determine if or to what extent this contributed to the few findings of nonsignificance between groups.

Applicability is further challenged by high attrition rates. Trials with 20 to 50 percent attrition, such as were used in this review, at best provide an estimate of the efficacy or comparative effectiveness of a treatment for participants who comply with, tolerate, and, in some minimal sense, benefit from the treatment. However, at extremely high levels of attrition, even this interpretation is of limited value to clinicians.61 Likewise, the maintenance trials are most applicable to people with BD-I who respond to initial treatment.

Applicability is also hindered by lack of information about diagnostic accuracy. The accuracy of a diagnosis of BD, or study eligibility, depends on the interviews or screening tools, the criteria used to diagnose BD, and who performs the diagnostic assessment. Additional information and rigor in diagnostic assessment would generate a greater sense of confidence about who the study participants represent and, therefore, the populations to which the study results apply. Uncertainty and debate surround the question of whether the underlying mechanisms support the bipolar types as qualitatively and categorically different or as lying on a continuum of the same psychopathological dimensions. Meanwhile, the importance of diagnostic accuracy is further underscored by the great difficulty in accurately diagnosing the comorbid mental health conditions that were commonly treated as exclusion criteria in the studies we reviewed.


Several inclusion criteria may have created limitations to the review findings. We only included studies if the populations were exclusively adults with BD, or if the bipolar subpopulation results were reported separately. Psychosocial treatments specific to depression or mania that combined participants with bipolar and nonbipolar diagnoses in analyses may have been missed and therefore not included in this review.

In addition to clearly reported outcomes for BD populations, we also required studies to be at least prospective cohort studies with comparator. This combination of inclusion criteria led to a number of observational studies being excluded, including those that looked at broad classes of drugs, or individual drugs across broad populations. Thus, harms information was essentially limited to RCTs or extensions of RCTs.

We also looked at minimum followup periods of 3 weeks for acute mania studies, 3 months for depression studies, and 6 months for maintenance studies. This criteria led to many studies, especially for depression treatment and other somatic treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy, being excluded for followup times that were too short. However, given the chronic nature of bipolar disorders, the clinical relevance of short followup studies is questionable. Moreover, evidence that a treatment reduces bipolar episode relapse rates likely requires followup longer than 12 months, because some individuals with bipolar disorder only experience episodes once or twice per year.

Research Needs

Future studies of BD treatments need to consider innovative ways to increase study completion rates (e.g., use of technology for followup assessments and study reminders; “smart” bottles for assessing study drug adherence; multiple secondary contacts for participants and all-inclusive contact information from cell phones, email, to social media; flexible scheduling outside of business hours, availability at the last minute notice). More longitudinal data analysis techniques for intermittent followup would help, but that requires more effort to create data repositories that allow individual patient-level data pooling of these longitudinal studies. Such repositories could also help broaden inclusion criteria and allow for further subpopulation analyses. Future research should also enroll people with different patient characteristics and initial episodes and maintenance stages to fully understand the spectrum of responses. Attention should be given to addressing all states of the illness throughout the treatment stream.


We found no high or moderate-strength evidence for any intervention to effectively treat any phase of any type of BD compared to placebo or an active comparator. Low-strength evidence showed improved mania symptoms for all Food and Drug Administration-approved antipsychotics, except aripiprazole, when compared to placebo for adults with BD-I. Low-strength evidence also showed benefit from lithium in the short-term for acute mania and longer time to relapse in the long-term versus placebo in adults with BD-I. Evidence was insufficient for most nondrug interventions. Aside from low-strength evidence showing CBT and systematic/collaborative care having no benefit for a few outcomes, evidence was insufficient for psychosocial interventions. We were unable to address questions on subpopulations or treatments to reduce the metabolic-related side effects of first-line drug treatments. Future studies of treatments for BD will require innovative ways to increase study completion rates.


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