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Forman-Hoffman V, Middleton JC, Feltner C, et al. Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review Update [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2018 May. (Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 207.)

Cover of Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review Update

Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review Update [Internet].

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Table 4Outcome measure tools commonly used in the included trials

Abbreviated NameComplete NameRange of Scores
BDIaBeck Depression Inventory0 to 63
CAPSbClinician-Administered PTSD Scale0 to 136
DGRPDuke Global Rating for PTSD scale1 = very much improved;
2 = much improved;
>2 = nonresponders
DTSDavidson Trauma Scale0 to 136
GAFGlobal Assessment of Functioning0 to 100
HADSHospital Anxiety and Depression Scale0 to 21
HAM-A or HASHamilton Anxiety Rating Scale0 to 56
HAM-DaHamilton Depression Rating Scale0 to 54
IESImpact of Event Scale0 to 75
IES-RImpact of Event Scale-Revised0 to 88
MADRSMontgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale0 to 60
MISS or M-PTSDMississippi Scale for Combat-related PTSD35 to 175
PCLcPTSD Checklist17 to 85
PSS-IPTSD Symptom Scale Interview0 to 51
PSS-SRPTSD Symptom Scale Self-report Version0 to 51
PTDS or PDSPosttraumatic Diagnostic Scale0 to 51
Q-LES-Q-SFQuality of Life Enjoyment and Life Satisfaction Short Form0 to 70 (raw score)
SCL-90-RSymptom Checklist- 90-Revised0 to 360
SDSSheehan Disability Scale0 to 30
SF-12Medical Outcome Study Self-Report Form (12 item)0 to 100
SF-3636-Item Short Form Health Survey0 to 100
SI-PTSD or SIPStructured Interview for PTSD0 to 68
SPRINTShort PTSD Rating Interview0 to 32
STAIState–Trait Anxiety Inventory20 to 80
WASWork and Social Adjustment Scale0 to 40

A 3‑point improvement has been considered clinically meaningful.119


Some experts suggest that a reduction of 15 points on the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) constitutes a clinically significant reduction.120


Some researchers have considered a reduction of 5 or more points to indicate a clinically significant response.121


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