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Buccafusco JJ, editor. Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience. 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2009.

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Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience. 2nd edition.

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Chapter 7Assessing Attention in Rodents

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“Attention” refers to a variety of hypothetical constructs by which the nervous system apprehends and organizes sensory input and generates coordinated behavior. Although it has been a subject of psychological investigation since William James introduced it to the field in the late 19th century, systematic assessment of attention in animals has a shorter history. As with any unobservable cognitive process, assessment of attention requires quantification of an observable phenomenon, such as the behavior of the animal or the electrical activity of its nervous system. To the extent that these events can be measured objectively, attention can be inferred equally readily in any animal species, including humans or other primates, rats, mice, or birds [1].

As James [2] pointed out, attention is not a unitary phenomenon, but rather a term that subsumes several different varieties of attentional processes. In the present discussion, we focus on three such processes: the ability to sustain attention over time, the ability to attend selectively to a subset of environmental information while filtering out extraneous stimuli, and the ability to shift attentional set. Accordingly, this chapter discusses three behavioral approaches to assessing attention in rodents. These approaches include multiple-choice serial reaction time tests that can be arranged to assess both sustained and selective attention, signal detection tests with blank trials that focus on sustained attention, and attentional set-shifting procedures. For each of these approaches, we present a commonly used method and then discuss design and analytic procedures that can help determine whether observed changes in performance can be attributed to the target attentional construct (see Sections 7.2–7.4). Section 7.5 discusses some guidelines for task selection. The appendix lists suppliers for necessary equipment.


7.2.1. Introduction

In 1983, Robbins and colleagues [3] developed a test for assessing attention in rats based on a test for human subjects that was originally ascribed to Leonard [4], and is still in use [5]. The rat method was called the “5-choice serial reaction time test” (5-CSRTT) and has since been widely applied for exploring the neurobiology of normal attentional processes and dysfunctions associated with disease states. In the prototypical application, a rat or mouse faces five openings (or ports) in a horizontal array along one curved wall of a test chamber, and a food cup with a clear plastic door is located on the wall behind it. The animal initiates a trial by opening the food cup door. After a short delay, a visual signal is presented, consisting of a brief illumination of one of the five ports. If the animal then breaks a photobeam at the opening of the port, a food pellet (or fixed volume of liquid reinforcer) is delivered into the food cup.

A 3-choice variant of this type of task has been developed by Strupp and colleagues [6–11]. This task is similar in concept to the 5-CSRTT and taps similar functions but uses a slightly different apparatus. The most important difference is that the rat is not required to turn around and obtain the reinforcer at the back wall; the pellet dispenser delivers the reinforcer under the center response port.

In these tasks, the animal must maintain attention to the array of ports in order to detect the signal and respond correctly. Accurate responding thus requires attention in both the temporal and spatial domains. In addition, because responses prior to cue presentation (premature responses) are tallied as errors and terminate the trial, the task also places demands on inhibitory control, which permits inferences about effects on impulsivity. The location, duration, and timing (pre-cue delay) of the visual cue can be varied across trials, enabling independent assessments of sustained attention as well as impulsivity. Varying the duration of cue illumination allows one to parametrically manipulate the demands on sustained attention. Selective attention may also be tapped by presenting distracting stimuli on some trials during the interval between trial onset and cue presentation.

An impressive accumulation of studies over the past 25 years using the 5-CSRTT has substantially increased understanding of the neural substrates underlying sustained and selective attention, as well as inhibitory control [12,13]. These studies have generally used selective lesions or pharmacological manipulations of ascending monoaminergic systems. In general, accuracy of responding on the basic task appears to depend upon cortical acetylcholine, and speed of responding is mediated by mesolimbic dopamine. Auditory distractors are particularly disruptive to rats with loss of ceruleocortical norepinephrine, and adequate forebrain serotonin appears to be necessary to suppress premature responding. Further work with both methods has illuminated conditions known—or suspected—to cause deficits in attention and inhibitory control, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [14], prenatal cocaine exposure [7,11,15], and early childhood lead exposure [8,10].

Research into the genetic underpinnings of attention has been facilitated by new techniques to manipulate the mouse genome, which has stimulated the development of behavioral methods for assessing attention in mice. Humby et al. [16] first showed that mice could be trained to perform the 5-CSRTT, and demonstrated the sensitivity of two mouse strains to parametric manipulations and the muscarinic cholinergic antagonist scopolamine. Since that time, a number of studies have employed genetic manipulations to examine the influence of affective states [17,18] and neurochemical pathways [19–21] on sustained attention. This task has also proven to be a valuable tool for studying murine models of genetic disorders in which attentional dysfunction is prominent; examples include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [20,22], fragile X syndrome [23], and Down syndrome [24].

In addition to its use in its original form for assessing visuospatial sustained attention, variations on the method have been used for a number of interesting purposes. For example, true “serial reaction time”—that is, the accuracy and speed of responding to sequentially-presented stimuli—has also been modeled in rats using illuminated nosepoke ports. This method focuses on the analysis of sequential behaviors per se, rather than of control of behavior via attention to temporally unpredictable stimuli [25–27].

To probe attention in terms of the Pearce–Hall model of attention [28], Holland’s group [29,30] modified the 5-CSRTT method to dissociate effects of the information value of the cue, using continuous reinforcement for responses to two ports and partial reinforcement for responding to two other ports in the five-choice apparatus. Responses to the fifth port were never reinforced. Trials were paced by the experimenter, not the rat, to maintain an appropriate balance of trial types. Asymptotic performance was more accurate to continuously reinforced ports, but new learning (involving discriminative auditory cues) was more rapid to partially reinforced ports. Lesion studies using this behavioral method showed that cholinergic projections from the nucleus basalis magnocellularis to the amygdala central nucleus, medial prefrontal cortex, and posterior parietal cortex support performance of the task.

7.2.2. Materials and Methods

The following section describes the apparatus and methods commonly used for the 5-CSRTT for rats. Some modifications that pertain to the 3-choice variant for rats (discussed above), as well as those for the mouse version of the 5-CSRTT are noted briefly at the end of this section.


Rats and mice, male and female, of several strains and varieties, can learn to perform these multiple-choice serial reaction time tasks. The animal must be mildly hungry at the time of testing, which can be arranged by a number of standard methods [31]. Methods are available to maintain adult rodents at a constant body weight [32]. See section 7.2.3, “Preparation of the Subjects,” below.


The 5-CSRTT requires equipment that was originally built in the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Cambridge, UK [3]. It has since become commercially available from a number of manufacturers, including Campden Instruments, Ltd.; Lafayette Instrument Co.; Med Associates, Inc.; PanLab, S.L.; and TSE Systems. The test chambers for rats are roughly the size of a standard operant conditioning chamber, with dimensions approximately 25 × 25 cm horizontally, and roughly 30 cm in height. In place of response levers, a series of five or nine openings, each about 2.5 × 2.5 cm in size, are arranged along a curved rear wall of the chamber, about 2 cm from the floor. Each opening is bisected by a photobeam, which is used to detect entry of the animal’s nose into the opening. A light mounted inside each opening is illuminated briefly on each trial to serve as a signal, and the animal is trained to poke its nose into the illuminated opening to receive food, which is delivered into a cup mounted in the wall opposite to the openings. The food cup must either be accessed via a hinged door with a micro-switch, or bisected by a photobeam, so that nosepokes to retrieve the food can be detected. A dispenser is needed to deliver food pellets or liquid food to the animal. A house light is also needed for general illumination of the chamber. Mouse chambers are designed the same way, but scaled down in size, with smaller openings for nosepokes and food delivery. Both solid (dustless pellets) and liquid (diluted condensed milk) reinforcers have been used.

A computer and interface for programming the stimulus events and recording the animals’ responses are also necessary. Systems are available commercially for PCs. Programming the procedures can be accomplished in a number of ways, including state notation software for Windows-based systems, and several graphical-display-based programming systems. Sources of these systems (detailed in the appendix) include Campden Instruments, Ltd.; Lafayette Instrument Co.; Med Associates, Inc.; PanLab, S.L.; and TSE Systems. A repository of open-code programs for MedState notation software is available at http://www.mednr.com/.

Calibration devices should include a photometer for measuring the intensity of the light under various stimulus conditions and a sound level meter for measuring the intensity of the white noise and any auditory distractors that might be employed.

7.2.3. Preparation of the Subjects

  1. Ensure that the animals are motivated (hungry). One method is to determine their free-feeding body weight, and then reduce that weight by about 15%. Do not deprive the animals completely of food, but reduce their daily allotment such that target body weights are achieved within 5–10 days. If the animal is fully grown, this target weight can be maintained for the remainder of the experiment. On the other hand, if the animal is still growing, allow it to grow in parallel with free-fed animals to a maximum level (e.g., 350 g for an adult male Long-Evans rat and 250 g for an adult female L-E rat).
  2. Adapt the animals to the handling procedures [31] and to the food pellets or liquid reinforcers that will be used to reinforce responding in the chambers. Commercially available precision 45-mg pellets are appropriate for adult male rats; use 25- or 12-mg pellets for small rats or mice. This latter step can be accomplished by offering the animals the new food each day in their home cages or in a holding cage for several days prior to beginning training. This adaptation will obviate possible bait-shyness that may accompany introduction of a novel food. The following procedure describes methods for using food pellets.

7.2.4. Training Steps

  1. Cover the response openings. Place the hungry animal in the chamber and turn on the house light. Provide food pellets in the food cup. On the first day, begin with 10–20 pellets in the cup, and allow the animal 30 min to explore the chamber and collect the food. On the three following days, deliver the pellets singly at 30-sec intervals and ensure that the animal retrieves the pellets and consumes them.
  2. Remove the covers from the openings. Turn on the house light and deliver a single food pellet to start the session and begin the first trial when the animal retrieves the pellet. A trial involves illuminating the signal light in one opening (selected at random) after an inter-trial interval (ITI) of 2 sec and recording the nosepokes made by the animal into the five openings. When the animal pokes its nose into the illuminated opening, turn off the signal light and deliver a single reinforcer. (An auditory cue may be helpful in informing the rat that food has been delivered, if the action of the dispenser is quiet.) If the animal pokes its nose into a dark opening, turn off the house light for a 2-sec timeout period and do not deliver food. Reset the timeout each time the animal pokes its nose into a dark opening. Begin a new trial when the animal pokes its nose into the food cup after either timeout or food delivery. Present signals in each opening an equal number of times in each session, and select at random the opening to illuminate on each trial. Criterion: 100 reinforced nosepoke responses in a 30-min test session.
  3. Repeat step 2, but place a time limit on the signal light and the response period (called a “limited hold”). Allow the animal to initiate each trial as above, and use a 2-sec delay (pre-cue delay) before illuminating a signal. Illuminate each opening for 60 sec and set a 60-sec limited hold after the signal period. If the animal pokes its nose into the illuminated opening during this 2-min period, deliver a food pellet and count a correct response. If the animal pokes its nose into an unlit opening during this period, turn off the signal light and house light and count an error of commission. If the animal fails to make a nosepoke response in this period, turn off the signal light and the house light and count an error of omission. If the animal makes a nosepoke into any opening during the pre-cue delay, turn off the house light, count a premature response, and restart the same trial. Sessions for rats commonly terminate after either 100 correct responses in a 30-min test session, or a 100-trial session with 80% correct responding (see below).
  4. Repeat step 3, progressively shortening the signal duration and limited hold, ending with a signal duration of 0.5 sec and a limited hold of 5 sec. Lengthen the pre-cue delay to 5 sec and the timeout period to 3 sec during these steps. A stable baseline of about 80% correct responding with about 15% omissions should be achieved in about 30 training sessions.
  5. After the basic rules have been learned, it is useful to vary the duration of the pre-cue delay across trials within each session (e.g., 0, 3, 5, and 9 sec for rats; 0, 2, and 4 sec for mice). Similarly it is useful to vary the duration of the visual cue across trials within the session (as discussed below).

7.2.5. Alternative Methods

  1. The apparatus may be modified so that the food is dispensed on the same side of the apparatus as the response ports [17]. This arrangement requires more hardware but facilitates training. Another advantage of this setup, as noted above for the 3-choice variant, is that the animal does not have to turn around and traverse the chamber to obtain the reinforcer. The animal can thereby maintain attentional focus on the response ports throughout the testing session, rendering it more similar to human tests of attention.
  2. Trials may be paced by the experimenter rather than the animal [29,30,33,34] by starting a new trial at some fixed or variable time after the animal’s choice response on the previous trial, rather than at the time that the animal retrieves the reinforcer (as is done in the standard procedure). This procedure gives the experimenter control over the timing of events in the test, and removes any potential influence that the animal might exert on the trial pacing by its speed of retrieving reinforcers.

7.2.6. Testing Mice in the 5-CSRTT

DeBruin et al. [35] provide a systematic, step-by-step approach to training mice in this task, based on their previous work with rats [23].

7.2.7. Apparatus and Methodology for the 3-Choice Variant

The 3-choice serial reaction time task used by Strupp and colleagues is identical in concept to the 5-CSRTT, but uses a 3-choice chamber originally developed by Eichenbaum for olfactory discrimination tasks [37]. Briefly, the apparatus is comprised of a small testing alcove containing three response ports, separated from a larger waiting area by a metal guillotine-type door that closes at the end of each trial, and then opens to initiate the next trial following an inter-trial interval. Light emitting diodes (LEDs), one positioned above each of the three response ports, provide the target cue. A correct response (a nosepoke into the port under the illuminated LED) is rewarded with a 45-mg Noyes pellet, delivered onto the floor of the chamber via an opening beneath the center port. As noted above, this feature obviates the need for the animal to turn around to retrieve the reward as required in the 5-CSRTT. This feature of the 3-choice variant makes the task more similar to vigilance tasks used for humans and nonhuman primates and, consequently, facilitates extrapolations from the animal findings to the target human population [38]. This task has provided important information on the lasting cognitive and affective changes produced by prenatal cocaine exposure [7,9,11,39–42], early postnatal lead exposure [8,10,43–47], prenatal or postnatal hyperphenylalaninemia (models of maternal and classic phenylketonuria) [48,49], as well as the attentional role of the ceruleocortical noradrenergic system [6].

7.2.8. Data Analysis and Notes

Parametric Manipulation of Cue Characteristics

As noted above, schedule parameters may be manipulated to place greater or lesser challenges on various aspects of attention as well as inhibitory control. Temporal challenges to attending include lengthening and/or shortening the pre-cue delay, or making it variable across trials rather than constant. In addition, shortening the duration of the signal is commonly claimed to increase the “attentional load” of the task [50]. In contrast, dimmer signals have been used to challenge visual detection of the signals, a manipulation that has been claimed to differ in nature from reducing its duration [51].

By presenting olfactory or auditory distractors on some trials within a session, one can assess selective attention. Systematically varying these parameters (e.g., duration of the pre-cue delay, cue duration, presence or absence of olfactory distractors) within a given testing session is often an effective means of gaining insight into the integrity of specific functions, because information is then provided concerning the particular conditions under which the subjects succeed and fail. This approach can often effectively exclude alternative explanations for poor performance, and thereby specify the nature of the impairment.

Evaluating Performance as a Function of the Outcome of the Prior Trial

These multiple-choice reaction time tasks not only provide indices of various attentional functions and inhibitory control, but they can also provide measures of arousal and/or emotion. One available index of arousal and/or emotion within the context of performance in these multiple-choice tasks is the animals’ reaction to committing an error. Several dependent measures in these tasks have been found to vary significantly as a function of the outcome of the previous trial. Specifically, on trials following an error, the animals take longer to enter the testing alcove at trial onset, take longer to make a response, and are more likely to commit all types of errors: premature responses, inaccurate responses (responding after cue onset but to an incorrect port), and omission errors (missing the cue). This pattern—increased response latency and increased error rate on post-error trials—likely reflects an emotional response to the error (for discussion, see [23,24]). Thus, the degree of disruption produced by committing an error provides a useful index of emotion or arousal. This type of analysis has revealed functionally important deficits in rat models of early developmental exposure to toxicants such as lead [8] or cocaine [7,15], and in murine models of Down syndrome [24] or fragile X syndrome [23]. In some cases, such as the Down syndrome model, the greater reactivity of the mutant mice to committing an error became apparent only as a result of coding videotapes of the mice performing the task (see [24]).

Different Types of Errors

Several types of errors are possible in these tasks, the delineation of which can shed light on the nature of group differences. Nosepokes into the ports prior to cue presentation (premature responses) terminate the trial and are tallied as errors. The percentage of such responses can provide an index of impulsivity or inhibitory control. Trials on which the animal initiates the trial but then does not make a nosepoke into one of the response ports within a specified time after trial onset, scored as omission errors, suggest that the animal missed the cue due to impairment of sustained attention. Inaccurate responses (responses made after cue onset but to a port that had not been illuminated) are also indicative of lapses in attention. The most basic measure of accuracy is the ratio of the number of correct responses divided by the total number of trials. Another useful measure is to calculate the accuracy of the animal given a response at the correct time; this measure is calculated as the number of correct responses divided by the number of “timely” responses (trials on which the animal responded within the limited hold, i.e., excluding premature responses and omission errors).

Clues regarding the nature of the dysfunction are also often provided by categorizing the types of errors committed, and then evaluating each error type as a function of these various parameters (delay before cue onset, cue duration, trial block [portion of session]), as well as the outcome of the previous trial, as discussed above. For example, in this visual attention task, we found that adult male rats exposed to cocaine in utero committed more omission errors than controls only on trials in the final third of the testing session that occurred after an error [9,15]. These animals were not impaired in this final portion of the session on trials that followed a correct response, or earlier in the session, regardless of prior trial outcome. This pattern implicates the additive effects of impairments in two areas: sustained attention and emotion regulation.

Use of Distractors to Assess Selective Attention

The task may be modified to assess selective attention by presenting irrelevant auditory [3] or olfactory stimuli [7,8,23] during the interval between trial onset and cue presentation while the animal is waiting for the cue. These distracting stimuli lead to an increase in premature and inaccurate responses. It is best to present the distractors on a minority of the trials in a session, so that they are surprising, and therefore maximally disruptive. This procedure also minimizes habituation to the distracting stimuli. Interestingly, in studies with olfactory distractors, the distractors seem to produce the greatest disruption in performance when presented 1 sec following trial onset, regardless of whether the cue is presented after a 2 or 3 sec delay [7].

Two different indices are useful for assessing the effect of the distractors. First, the effect of the manipulation of interest (e.g., lesion, drug treatment, genetic manipulation) on selective attention can be assessed by comparing performance on trials with distractors (distraction trials) to performance on trials without distractors (non-distraction trials). However, the distractors may disrupt performance on the non-distraction trials as well as the distraction trials, due to heightened arousal or emotion. To ascertain whether the manipulation of interest alters this putative effect (which may be thought of in terms of emotion or arousal regulation), performance on the non-distraction trials of the distraction task can be compared to performance on a baseline task that is identical in terms of light cue presentation parameters but does not include distractors. Interestingly, which of these two measures will be more sensitive in any given case depends on the nature of the dysfunction seen in the experimental group. For example, in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome, which in humans is characterized by impairments in attention and arousal regulation, the mutant mice differed from controls in terms of the generalized disruption produced by the distractors; performance on the distraction trials did not differ between groups [23].

Latency Measures

Several latency measures are also informative. Response latency (the time between onset of the signal and a correct response) on correct trials provides a measure of information processing speed. Food retrieval latency (the time between delivery of a food pellet and the animal’s entry into the food cup) provides a measure of motivation. Similarly, in task variants in which trial onset is indicated by the opening of a door at the dipper alcove (e.g., see [23,24]), the latency to respond to the dipper alcove after the door is raised provides another index of motivation, and also an index of the emotional reaction to the outcome (correct or incorrect) of the prior trial. All of these latency measures may, however, be influenced by changes in motoric function. Therefore, it is important to determine whether all of these latency measures are altered or only certain ones. For example, if correct response latency is slowed but alcove latency and dipper latency are not altered, the most parsimonious interpretation is that information processing speed is slowed; the fact that alcove latency and dipper latency are normal allows one to exclude an impairment of motor function.

Varying the Probability of Reinforcement

The probability of reinforcement for correct responses has been manipulated as a way to control the predictive validity of selected cue-port stimulus complexes to test the associability of these cues with new learning [29]. Strupp and colleagues have also used periodic reward omission as a means of assessing reaction to non-reward (e.g., emotion or affect regulation) in both rats and mice using a similar task [47].


7.3.1. Introduction

The ability of human subjects to report the occurrence of rare and unpredictable signal events over prolonged periods of time has been extensively characterized [52,53]. Accurate detection of such signals is assumed to depend upon maintaining attention to the task over time, and many of the factors that affect performance of humans on these tasks have been systematized. Sustained attention tasks comprise an important and sensitive component of neurobehavioral test batteries used for assessing the effects of drugs in humans, e.g., benzodiazepines [54], stimulants [55], and ethanol [56].

A major problem for tests of sustained attention involves quantifying and minimizing the false alarm rate. That is, a subject can successfully report many signals simply by responding frequently—though doing so will generate a large number of erroneous reports that a signal had occurred (false alarms). Human subjects can be instructed not to respond in this manner and will normally withhold most false alarms; animals can be trained to do so as well. However, manipulations that increase or decrease overall “responsivity” or response rate are difficult to interpret if no independent measure of the false alarm rate is obtained.

Better estimates of the false alarm rate can be obtained by counting responses to specified non-signal events (blank trials). This approach has been used with both fixed and retractable response levers. The task described below employs a discrete-trial, two-lever approach that requires rats to report the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a single, brief, centrally located signal. Thus, two retractable levers are inserted into the test chamber after a variable period of time to “ask” the rat to report whether a brief signal was presented during that period. If a signal was presented (“signal trial”), a press on one lever produces food and a press on the other lever produces a short timeout period without food. If no signal has occurred (“blank trial”), the converse contingencies apply. Because the levers are retracted between trials, no presses can occur during the inter-trial interval (ITI). Because an explicit response is required on each trial, the proportions of hits and false alarms (P[hit] and P[fa]) can be calculated in relation to the total number of completed signal and blank trials, respectively.

Validation of this method includes both studies of the effects of parameters known to affect human sustained attention, and pharmacological and neurobiological manipulations. Parametric studies include observations that signal intensity, signal rate, and the type of task all affect response accuracy [57–59], as predicted from studies of vigilance in humans [52]. Thus the parameters that affect the behavior of rats in this task closely parallel those that affect sustained attention in humans. In addition, three of the variables that control the behavior of rats in this task (signal intensity, trial presentation rate, and whether detection of a single stimulus or discrimination between two stimulus classes is required) have been shown experimentally to control the behavior of humans in this task.

Pharmacological studies have shown dose-related impairment of signal detection in this task after a variety of nicotinic drugs [59,61–68], d-amphetamine [59], the muscarinic drugs pilocarpine and scopolamine, and the α2-adrenergic compounds clonidine and idazoxan [65]. Further, the influence of cholinergic projections from the basal forebrain to the cortical mantle in sustained attention has been described in a series of elegant studies [69–74]. This work has led to advances in understanding the neurobiology of sustained attention [75,76] and hypotheses regarding the role of attention in addictive behavior [63]. The method has also been used to characterize the acute effects of organic solvents [58,78–80] and other neurotoxic chemicals [81–83].

This method has also been enhanced by systematic manipulation of the post-signal interval to engage working memory as well as attention [84]. Using this hybrid task, the effects of scopolamine and mecamylamine, drugs often presumed to impair working memory, were shown to affect attention. Martin et al. [85] trained wild type and lurcher mice to perform this task, and determined that the effects on performance in the lurchers were due to motoric rather than attentional deficits.

7.3.2. Materials


Rats and mice can perform the task. See section 7.2.3, “Preparation of the Subjects” above.


Assemble one or more standard operant conditioning chambers equipped at minimum with a signal light, a food cup and food pellet dispenser, and two retractable response levers. A loudspeaker for presentation of masking noise may also be used. The two retractable levers should be mounted on either side of the food cup. Mount the signal light immediately above one of the levers at the start of training, and later move it to the top center of the wall above the food cup when the rat has learned the response rule required for the task. This equipment can be purchased from one of the vendors of behavioral test systems listed in the appendix.

Assign the lever below the signal lamp as the “signal” lever and the other lever as the “blank” lever. Set up half of the chambers with the signal lever on the left and the other half with it on the right. Counterbalance all treatments for signal lever position.

A computer and interface for programming the stimulus events and recording the animals’ responses are also necessary. Commercially available hardware and software systems are available, as described above for the 5-CSRTT.

Calibration devices should include a photometer for measuring the intensity of the light under various stimulus conditions and a sound level meter for measuring the intensity of the white noise.

7.3.3. Preparation of the Subjects

Same as above for the 5-CSRTT.

7.3.4. Training Steps

  1. Shape the rats to press the signal lever for food by autoshaping [86,87], by long (e.g., overnight) sessions with a continuous reinforcement schedule in effect, or by hand shaping. If an autoshaping procedure is used, turn on the signal lamp whenever the lever is extended into the chamber, and turn it off when the lever retracts (either when the rat presses it, or after 15 sec without a press). If overnight sessions are used, be sure to provide adequate water. Criterion: one session of 50 reinforced responses on this lever.
  2. Shape the rats to press the other (“blank”) lever by the same means. However, do not turn on the signal lamp when shaping responses on this lever. Criterion: one session of 50 reinforced responses on this lever.
  3. Begin training using trials in which both levers are extended into the chamber simultaneously on each trial. Light the signal lamp in half the trials (“signal” trials) and not in the other half (“blank” trials). Retract both levers as soon as one is pressed. Deliver a food pellet after a press on the signal lever in a signal trial and after a press on the blank lever in a blank trial. Turn off all lights for 3 sec after a press on the signal lever in a blank trial and after a press on the blank lever in a signal trial. In signal trials, turn on the signal light 2 sec before extending the levers, and leave it on until the rat presses a lever. Use correction trials to reduce the likelihood of position habits: repeat the conditions presented in each trial that terminates in an incorrect response, up to a maximum of three such correction trials. If the rat makes three consecutive errors, extend only the other (correct) lever in the fourth trial to force a correct response. Criterion: two 100-trial sessions with overall accuracy of 80% or better.
  4. Remove the correction trials and increase the total number of trials to 120. Criterion: one 120-trial session with overall accuracy of 80% or better.
  5. Turn off the signal when the levers extend (rather than when the rat makes a response) and increase the total number of trials to 150. Criterion: one 150-trial session with overall accuracy of 80% or better.
  6. Reduce the duration of the signal from 2 sec to 0.3 sec in gradual steps (e.g., 1.5 sec, 1.0 sec, 0.7 sec, 0.5 sec, and 0.3 sec). The onset of the signal should occur 2 sec before insertion of the levers in all cases, leaving an empty period between offset of the signal and insertion of the levers. Increase the total number of trials in stages to 240. Criterion: one session with overall accuracy of 80% or better at each signal duration.
  7. Move the signal lamp from its position above the signal lever to a position at the top of the panel, centered between the levers (above the food cup). Retrain to criterion accuracy.
  8. Make the interval after the signal offset variable (select values of 2, 3, or 4 sec randomly on each trial). Maintain accuracy at the 80% criterion.
  9. Make the interval before the signal onset variable. (Begin with a list of relatively short and homogeneous values, and work up to a list of values ranging from less than 1 sec to about 25 sec, selected randomly on each trial. A constant-probability list, such as that provided by Fleschler and Hoffman [88] is recommended for the final stage.) Maintain accuracy at the 80% criterion.
  10. Vary the strength of the signal. Either the intensity or duration may be varied. Varying the intensity is preferred, but requires digital control of the voltage provided to the signal lamp (through a digital-to-analog converter). At least three signal strengths should be used, preferably more (up to seven). Administer at least 20 trials at each signal strength (10 signal and 10 blank). Maintain accuracy at the 80% criterion.

7.3.5. Data Analysis and Notes

The proportion of correct detections of the signal (P[hit]) should increase with increasing signal strength. The signal strength should be adjusted so that the weakest signal produces a P(hit) about equal to the guessing rate, and the strongest signal produces a P(hit) of about 1.0. The guessing rate is given by the proportion of errors on blank trials, or false alarms (P[fa]). P(fa) should be independent of signal strength and range from about 0.10–0.20.

A wide range of signal strength values improves the consistency of the baseline from day to day, and allows one to differentiate between changes in attention and visual function [65]. That is, poor attending to the signals should cause an increase in P(fa) and a decrease in P(hit) at all signal strengths where P(hit) exceeds P(fa). In other words, the P(hit) by signal strength gradient should shift downward. In contrast, a change in the ability of the rat to see the signal should produce a horizontal shift in the P(hit) by signal strength gradient, so that P(hit) is altered only for signals of intermediate intensity; in addition, P(fa) should not change.

P(hit) and P(fa) can be used to calculate signal detection indices of sensitivity and bias by any of a number of methods [88–91]. However, interpretation of these derived measures depends upon the particular assumptions upon which their calculation is based, and explanation of their meaning invariably requires reference to the values of P(hit) and P(fa) from which they were derived. Thus the advantages of deriving signal detection indices—which involves trading one pair of measures (P[hit] and P[fa]) for another pair of more derived measures (sensitivity and bias)—are generally outweighed by the effort required to calculate and explain these derived measures.

Response time may also be measured as the latency between insertion of the lever and the rat’s response. This variable provides an index of motor function similar to a simple reaction time, because rats typically choose which lever to press during the time interval after the signal by positioning themselves in front of one of the levers and pressing it during its insertion into the chamber. Response time typically does not vary with signal intensity, but does tend to be shorter for hits and false alarms than for misses and correct rejections [58].


7.4.1. Introduction

Another aspect of attentional function frequently assessed in human neuropsychological testing batteries is attentional set-shifting, commonly indexed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST), the primary clinical index for frontal lobe dysfunction. This function can also be tested by the extradimensional shift (EDS) task which is part of the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), a testing battery originally developed for the assessment of cognitive function in elderly and dementing patients [93], but now also widely used to test patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, basal ganglia disorders including Parkinson’s disease, Korsakoff syndrome, depression, and schizophrenia, as well as children with learning difficulties or autism (see [94]). Notably, versions of the EDS paradigm have been developed for nonhuman primates and rodents (described below).

In this paradigm, which includes a series of tasks, the subject is first trained to respond to one stimulus dimension (e.g., odor) of a multidimensional compound stimulus and is then required to respond instead to a previously irrelevant dimension (e.g., texture). This shift from one stimulus dimension to another defines an EDS. Insight into the nature of the dysfunction is provided by comparing the rate of mastering the EDS to the rate of mastering an intradimensional shift (IDS), in which two novel stimuli are presented, but the predictive dimension is the same as in the original discrimination. If the subject has formed an attentional set, the mastery of the IDS is more rapid than for the original discrimination, and mastery of the EDS is slower than for the IDS. The EDS phase requires cognitive flexibility (to shift attention from the previously predictive dimension to the newly predictive dimension), and associative ability (to figure out the new contingencies), as well as selective attention (to attend selectively to the new predictive dimension while ignoring the previously predictive dimension). In a typical study, reversals of the correct and incorrect cues within a dimension are also commonly introduced following both the IDS and the EDS, to determine the extent to which behavior is controlled by the dimension as opposed to the specific exemplars of the dimension. (Further discussion of methodological issues can be found in [95,96].)

As discussed by Chudasama and Robbins [94], the ED/ID set-shifting test can serve several functions. First, it provides a sensitive index of frontal lobe dysfunction, based not only on recent empirical evidence from lesion studies [96,97], but also on the fact that it taps the primary function required for successful performance on the WCST, the primary clinical index for frontal lobe dysfunction [92]. Second, it allows one to distinguish between two levels of cognitive flexibility: perseveration to a specific exemplar (tapped by the reversal learning task in this series) versus inflexibility with respect to shifting attention from one perceptual domain to another (i.e., attentional set-shifting). An attractive feature of this task series is that parallel versions have been devised for testing monkeys [98], rats (e.g., see [41,45,96]), and mice [99], thereby providing an opportunity to integrate clinical findings with human subjects (e.g., from the CANTAB) with information concerning the neural and neurochemical systems that underlie specific aspects of task performance.

Both operant and sand-digging versions of the set-shifting paradigm have been described for rodents. In the following sections, we discuss these two versions and outline the key advantages and disadvantages of each, to aid the reader in deciding which task would be preferable for achieving specific goals while considering temporal and fiscal constraints. We describe the sand-digging version of the paradigm in preference to the operant method because of its relative efficiency in time and equipment.

The sand-digging EDS method developed by Brown and colleagues [96] consists of a series of seven tasks, including a simple discrimination [50], a compound discrimination, a reversal of the CD (R1), an IDS, and an EDS, and a reversal of the EDS (R3). Two sessions are required: an initial training session, in which the animals are trained to dig for bits of food hidden in bowls of digging medium, followed by a second test session in which seven discrimination, reversal, and shift tasks are given in sequence. The task is detailed below.

There are several attractive features of this task. First, it does not require expensive operant equipment and can be set up quickly. Second, the entire series of seven tasks can be completed in a single session, representing a considerable savings in time relative to the operant EDS task version. Third, this task series includes novel stimuli at each stage, i.e., a “total change design.” This feature, which aids in interpretation of results (discussed in [96,97]) is more difficult to implement in operant setups. Finally, the task has been validated as an index of frontal lobe dysfunction for rats based on the fact that, in both rats and primates, medial prefrontal lesions impair EDS but not reversal learning, and orbitofrontal cortex lesions impair reversal learning but not EDS learning [96,97,100].

Despite these assets, there are two drawbacks to the sand-digging EDS task relative to the operant version. First, it cannot be automated because it requires hands-on, trial-by-trial administration by an experimenter. Second, as presently configured, it does not enable one to determine the basis of an observed alteration in EDS learning rate. That is, if the EDS task is the only task in the series that is impaired by the experimental manipulation (i.e., no group differences are observed in original learning, IDS, or reversals), it is possible to conclude that the manipulation being tested (e.g., a lesion or a drug) specifically impaired the rate at which the rat mastered an EDS, but the nature of the cognitive change remains ambiguous. This is because there are at least two possible reasons for a selective EDS impairment: (1) an impaired ability to shift attention from the previously predictive cues (inflexibility with regard to attentional set); and (2) impaired selective attention (an inability to filter out the previously predictive cues.

In contrast, because acquisition of the operant EDS task is more prolonged, it is possible to demarcate different phases of learning based on the subject’s patterns of responding. These phases include a perseverative phase, characterized by repetitive responding to the previously correct stimulus; a subsequent chance phase, reflecting trial-and-error responding, with inconsistent patterns of correct responding; and a post-chance phase, in which accuracy exceeds chance and increases steadily toward criterion. Changes in the durations of the specific phases can shed light on the nature of the impairment. For example, an experimental group that exhibits a significant lengthening of the initial perseverative phase, with later learning phases of normal length, is likely to suffer from cognitive inflexibility. In contrast, a group that exhibits an elongated post-chance phase, combined with normal IDS performance, is likely to be impaired in selective attention, unable to focus selectively on the new predictive dimension as a result of being distracted by the previously predictive cues.

Previous research involving a rodent model of prenatal cocaine exposure illustrates how phase analysis of this type of task series can shed light on the integrity of these specific cognitive functions. In this study, the animals were administered a series of olfactory discrimination and reversal tasks followed by two EDS tasks [41]. The first and third EDS tasks required a shift from the olfactory to the spatial dimension; the second EDS task required a shift from spatial to olfactory cues. Analyses of learning rate (errors to criterion) demonstrated that the cocaine-exposed (COC) animals were significantly impaired in the two spatial EDS tasks, but not in the olfactory EDS task. The fact that the COC animals exhibited slower learning than controls only late in the task (after the subjects had made eight consecutive correct responses) suggests that the deficiency was not related to being inflexible in shifting attentional set, as they did not show perseverative responding to the dimension that was previously predictive. Rather, the increased error rate (relative to controls) seen later in the task suggests impairment of selective attention (i.e., difficulty ignoring the irrelevant cues).

7.4.2. Sand-Digging Task: Materials and Methods

Below we describe the sand-digging EDS task series developed for [96] and also adapted for mice [99]. This method entails easily mastered tasks that do not require expensive equipment, and therefore may be accessible to investigators on a tight budget in terms of time or money. However, the interpretive limitations associated with the rapid learning, in terms of being able to identify the specific nature of the dysfunction, should also be kept in mind.


Rats and mice can perform the task. The animals must be hungry; methods for maintaining appetitive motivation are discussed above. The method described here is designed for rats and can be scaled down for mice.


A large plastic rodent cage (e.g., 40 × 70 × 18 cm) with clear plastic dividers and a set of digging bowls (e.g., ceramic pots, 7 cm diameter) are needed. The cage is divided along its long axis for one-third of its length with a permanent vertical plastic panel, and a single digging bowl is placed on either side of this panel. This panel serves to prevent rapid movement of the animal from one bowl to the other. A second, removable panel is placed across the short axis of the cage blocking entrance to the divided area, and serves to prevent the animal from starting the trial prematurely.

Digging bowls are covered on the sides and rim with various materials that differ in texture (e.g., sandpaper, cloth, or wax paper) and are filled with digging medium of various textures (e.g., sawdust, sand, or tea leaves). The media are also scented (e.g., with cumin, cinnamon, or cloves). Six exemplars of each stimulus dimension (texture, medium, and odor) are necessary for the complete design.

7.4.3. Preparation of the Subjects

Rats require habituation to the apparatus and to digging in bowls for food (e.g., a small piece of sweetened cereal as bait). During a single 60-min session, the rat first learns to dig for bait, which is replaced in the bowl every 5 min as the animal retrieves it. Next, the rat is given three simple discrimination tasks, in which bait is placed in one of two bowls, which differ along one of the three stimulus dimensions (texture, odor, or medium). The exemplars used in this session are not used further. Each rat is trained to a criterion of six consecutive correct choices, where a choice is defined as the first bowl that the rat digs in.

7.4.4. Training Steps

In the second session, the rats are given a series of seven discriminations using three different pairs of stimulus exemplars of each dimension: a simple discrimination (SD), a compound discrimination (CD), a reversal of the CD (R1), an IDS, a second reversal (R2), an EDS, and a reversal of the EDS (R3). Each rat receives the tests in the same order, and is tested with one relevant stimulus dimension and one irrelevant dimension. In the first five tests, the relevant dimension is always the same; it changes at test 6, the EDS.

In each test, the bowls are baited and placed on either side of the permanent barrier at the end of the cage. The removable barrier is set in place, and the rat is placed in the test box on the side of the removable barrier opposite the bowls. A trial begins with removal of the barrier and ends when the rat obtains the bait or makes an error. The first four trials of each test are “discovery trials” in which the rat is permitted to dig in each bowl to find the bait. Beginning on the fifth trial, the rat is permitted to eat the bait if it chooses the baited bowl first. If it chooses the unbaited bowl first, an error is scored and the trial is terminated. The rat is trained to a criterion of six consecutive correct choices.

7.4.5. Data Analysis and Notes

The stimulus dimensions used and the correct and incorrect exemplars must be distributed systematically across individual subjects so that, when averaged across animals, learning scores are not biased by the relative difficulty of the specific discriminations used in each test. In contrast, treatment groups should be matched for stimulus conditions at each stage of testing, to prevent confounding of differences in stimulus discriminability or dimensional salience with the treatment. See Birrell and Brown [96] for further details of the design.

For control animals, the rate of learning (errors or trials to criterion) should be faster for the ID than for the ED. Note that the rat is presented with two multidimensional stimuli in both of these tasks; if the animal had not formed an attentional set (predisposing it to focus on one perceptual dimension over others), then these two tasks would be solved at exactly the same rate and, indeed in this method, a particular set of cues must be used for the ED for some animals and the ID for others, ruling out the possibility that a particular set of cues is easier to master than others.

The inclusion of the five task types in the series (simple and compound discrimination, IDS, EDS, and reversals) aids in interpreting the nature of observed group differences. For example, if the simple and compound discrimination tasks do not reveal group differences, but the experimental group is impaired on the IDS, the reversals, and/or the EDS tasks, then one can exclude the possibility that the observed impairment on one or more of these latter tasks is a result of decreased motivation, impaired ability to perform the motoric demands of the task, or impaired sensory acuity. If the experimental group is unimpaired on all tasks except for the reversals (as seen following lesions of the orbitofrontal cortex [100]), then one can conclude that the experimental group has a specific deficit in the ability to inhibit responses to a previously rewarded object within a given perceptual domain. Finally, if the deficit is limited to the EDS phase, one can conclude that the manipulation specifically altered the ability to shift attentional set; the intact IDS phase allows one to rule out formation of the attentional set as the locus of the impairment. However, as noted above, an impaired ability to shift attentional set could be due to either inflexibility in shifting attentional set or impaired selective attention.


The several methods described here represent commonly used approaches to assessing attention in rodents. Others are also available; a more comprehensive treatment of them was compiled by Bushnell [1], and surely more have been devised in the interim.

The choice of method should ultimately depend on the question being addressed, although issues of practicality (e.g., availability of equipment and time for training) will inevitably affect the choice. Guidance regarding the variety of attention to be assessed should be taken from literature on the disease state or phenomenon of interest. A first cut might be to decide whether the aspect of attention most likely to be affected is selective attention, sustained attention, or attentional set-shifting. Sustained attention is better assessed by the serial reaction time tasks and discrete-trial signal detection methods described in sections 7.2 and 7.3. Selective attention is best tapped by serial reaction time tasks with periodic presentation of distracters. EDS methods provide an index of attentional set-shifting and, indirectly, also a measure of selective attention; that is, impaired selective attention would be expected to impair EDSs but slower EDS mastery does not necessarily indicate impaired selective attention, as discussed above. The serial reaction time tasks also provide an index of impulsivity or inhibitory control, an area of dysfunction that is prominent in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and therefore is also of interest in many assessments of attentional function.

Sustained attention can involve both temporal and spatial components. The 5-CSRTT combines the two, and can be arranged to focus on one or the other of these dimensions. For example, the spatial distribution of the stimuli can be widened by using only the peripheral ports, or narrowed by using only the central ones. The temporal uncertainty and the duration of the cue are routinely varied to manipulate the “attentional load” placed on the animal. One attractive feature of this task is that sustained and selective attention as well as inhibitory control can all be independently assessed in the same task. A drawback of the standard method is that trials are initiated by the animal, so that control over the pacing of the session is under the animal’s control. However, this aspect is easily modified, and has been placed under the control of the experimenter in both the 5-CSRTT [23,24] and the 3-choice variant (e.g., see [6,39,45,48]).

The discrete-trial signal detection method removes the spatial component and focuses only on the temporal dimension. Trial pacing is determined by the programming, so that the experimenter retains control over the entire test session. In addition, if the intensity of the signal can be manipulated independently of its duration and timing, then the method can be used in a psychophysical manner to determine changes in threshold for detecting increments in stimulus intensity as a check for visual dysfunction (in contrast to attentional problems).

EDS tasks (both operant and sand-digging) provide an index of attentional set-shifting, an aspect of attention frequently assessed in human neuropsychological testing batteries, and a classic index of frontal lobe functioning. An attractive feature of this task series is that virtually identical tasks have been developed for humans, nonhuman primates, and rodents, facilitating cross-species extrapolation of findings. An additional advantage of the sand-digging version of this task is that it does not require expensive equipment and can be administered in a few days. As noted above, this task series provides an assessment of two types of flexibility, as well as an indirect index of selective attention.

The database of literature should also be considered when selecting a test. The 5-CSRTT has been more widely used in the study of attention in rodents than any other task; early work with it focused on the neurobiological pathways mediating behavior in the test [12], whereas more recent work has included the psychopharmacology of systemic treatments as well [13]. The discrete-trial signal detection task has also been used to evaluate CNS pathways involved in attention [76], with a focus on questions of drug addiction and mental disorders [77]. It has also been used extensively to study the acute effects of psychoactive drugs [65,101] and volatile organic solvents [78].


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Behavioral Test Systems

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Med Associates Inc. PO Box 319, St. Albans, VT 05478 USA, Tel: 802-527-2343, www.med-associates.com

Panlab, SL, C/Energia,112, 08940 Cornellà (Barcelona), Spain, Tel: +34-934-750-697 (Int’l Sales), http://www.panlab.com/

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EG&G Gamma Scientific, 8581 Aero Drive, San Diego, CA 92123 USA

Food Pellets

Bio-Serv, One 8th Street, Suite 1, Frenchtown, NJ 08825 USA, www.bio-serv.com

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