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Promoting Responsible Scientific Research

Report on an American Academy of Microbiology Colloquium held in Washington, DC, from 14 to 15 October 2015

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Author Information and Affiliations
Washington (DC): American Society for Microbiology; .


Reproducibility has long been a cornerstone of the scientific enterprise. In recent years, however, there has been growing concern over the lack of reproducibility of many published scientific studies. Systemic problems in the funding and culture of research likely contribute to the reproducibility crisis. Competition for scarce resources may pressure scientists to cut corners, introduce bias and, in extreme cases, falsify or manipulate data, resulting in published studies that cannot be reproduced. The Academy convened a colloquium in October 2015 to discuss the causes, outcomes and possible solutions to this reproducibility problem. The resulting recommendations provide actionable steps that can be taken to improve the reproducibility of published research.

Front Matter

The American Academy of Microbiology (Academy) is the honorific branch of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), a nonprofit scientific society with nearly 48,000 members. Fellows of the Academy have been elected by their peers in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the microbial sciences. Through its colloquia program, the Academy draws on the expertise of these fellows to address critical issues in the microbial sciences.

This report is based on the deliberations of experts who gathered for two full days to discuss a series of questions developed by the steering committee regarding scientific publication standards and how expectations can be upheld globally, procedures that can be implemented in the laboratory to promote ethical practices, and the appropriate consequences for data mishandling. This report has been reviewed by the majority of participants, and every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and complete. The contents reflect the views of the participants and are not intended to reflect official positions of the Academy or ASM.

The Academy acknowledges Karl F. Hessler for his assistance in editing this report.

Contents of the report may be distributed further so long as the authorship of the Academy is acknowledged and this disclaimer is included.


Michele S. Swanson, Ph.D., Chair University of Michigan

Martin J. Blaser, M.D. New York University

Donald A. Bryant, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University

Nancy Craig, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Terence Dermody, M.D. Vanderbilt University

Stan Fields, Ph.D. University of Washington

James M. Hughes, M.D. Emory University

Steven Lindow, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Margaret McFall-Ngai, Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa

Mary Ann Moran, Ph.D. University of Georgia

Graham C. Walker, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alice S. Weissfeld, Ph.D. Microbiology Specialists


Arturo Casadevall, M.D., Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Lee M. Ellis, M.D. University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Ferric C. Fang, M.D. University of Washington School of Medicine

Margaret McFall-Ngai, Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa


Linda Amaral-Zettler, Ph.D. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

C. Glenn Begley, MBBS, Ph.D. TetraLogic Pharmaceuticals

Arthur Buchberg, Ph.D. American Association for Cancer Research

Michael J. Buchmeier, Ph.D. University of California, Irvine

Harold Drake, Ph.D. Universität Bayreuth

Samantha Elliott, Ph.D. St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Leonard P. Freedman, Ph.D. Global Biological Standards Institute

Jarrad Hampton-Marcell, M.Sc. Argonne National Library

Joseph R. Haywood, Ph.D. Michigan State University

Igor Jouline, Ph.D. University of Tennessee

Simon Liu, Ph.D. U.S. Department of Agriculture

Brian Martinson, Ph.D. HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research

Alexander McAdam, M.D., Ph.D. Boston Children’s Hospital

Louis Rice, M.D. Warren Albert School of Medicine Brown University

Rozanne Sandri-Goldin, Ph.D. University of California, Irvine

Jizhong (Joe) Zhou, Ph.D. University of Oklahoma


Marina Moses, M.S,. Dr.P.H. Director

Virginia Dolen Program Manager

Isabel Hinestrosa Board of Governors Program Assistant

Daniel Peniston Colloquium and Outreach Program Assistant

Erin Seglem Board of Governors Program Assistant (through March 2016)


Timothy Donohue, Ph.D. ASM Past President University of Madison-Wisconsin


Concerns around the topic of reproducibility, or rather lack thereof, have exploded onto the public and scientific scenes in recent years. A quick search on “reproducibility” in PubMed reveals that numerous editorials have been published in the scientific literature on the subject, especially within the past five years. Growing concern over a perceived crisis in reproducibility led to a 2014 gathering of scientific and publishing experts at a workshop convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Science, and the Nature Publishing Group. The resultant Principles and Guidelines in Reporting Preclinical Research were widely disseminated and provided recommendations to journals with the aim of increasing transparency and reproducibility in scientific publishing. In addition to endorsing these principles and guidelines, the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) examined its role in addressing these issues within the sphere of the microbial sciences and turned to the American Academy of Microbiology (Academy) for expertise and leadership on the topic of reproducibility in microbial research.

Colloquium participants considered issues related to reproducibility, the ethical conduct of scientific research, and good practices.

The Academy represents members fully invested in the highest standards of rigor and reproducibility in experimental design, interpretation, and reporting. A steering committee appointed prior to the event developed the questions that guided discussion during the colloquium, hosted on 14 and 15 October 2015 at the Washington, DC, headquarters of the ASM. Invited participants included biomedical researchers, university science faculty, editors of several peer-reviewed scientific journals, and ASM personnel involved in the society’s extensive publishing efforts. In December 2014, ASM’s then President, Tim Donohue, and the society’s editors in chief had suggested the colloquium topic while attending the annual ASM Journals Editors in Chief meeting.

Colloquium participants considered issues related to reproducibility, the ethical conduct of scientific research, and good practices. The ASM and the Academy sought suggestions on, for example, how publication standards can be upheld globally, procedures that can be implemented in the laboratory to promote ethical practices, and the appropriate consequences for data mishandling. Representing various scientific disciplines, attendees divided into working groups to discuss, periodically reconvening for plenary sessions to report and review the group comments. This report summarizes the plenary discussions during the two-day colloquium.

Scope of the Problem

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Case study 1

William Summerlin.

Reproducing prior experimental work, by both original and outside investigators, has long been a foundational strength of the scientific process and is often touted as a “cornerstone” of the scientific endeavor. It is possible that problems with reproducibility were less apparent in the past, when science as an enterprise was considerably smaller. Fewer papers were published by a much smaller community, and those papers had very limited distribution. The current problem with reproducibility may not be a new phenomenon but rather a problem that has been exposed because of burgeoning growth and accessibility. Scientific publishing in the United States and worldwide has exploded in recent years. In 2012, there were an estimated 28,000 scientific journals, over 1 million new papers added to PubMed, and 1.8 to 1.9 million new papers published in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM; Ware and Mabe 2012). Shifts in scientific publishing—online journals, open access, and digital data in articles— necessitate reexamination of how to ensure reproducibility and transparency in the scientific process.

Regardless of whether the lack of reproducibility is a new problem or just a newly recognized issue, it is a topic of great concern among researchers, funding institutions, publishers, and society at large. Academy colloquium participants discussed various systemic problems in the current scientific enterprise, as well as the manifestations of these problems in the scientific literature.

Publications indexed in PubMed


Publications indexed in PubMed. Fang PowerPoint slide, Academy colloquium. Data obtained 9 May 2016.

Systemic Problems Drive Data Reproducibility Issues

Colloquium participants agreed that systemic problems within the scientific enterprise contributed to the current environment of suboptimal data reproducibility. Competition for scarce resources likely lies at the heart of these issues.

An examination of these systemic issues can begin by focusing on the key players in this “scientific enterprise.” The primary investigator (PI) is the pivotal scientist in the enterprise, reliant upon academic, government, or private institutions for job placement, promotion, and/or salary. The PI employs laboratory personnel, students, and postdocs to perform experiments. These trainees, in turn, are dependent upon the PI for training, mentorship, graduation, and career advancement. Employing institutions, especially in the academic arena, rarely provide full financial support for the research or for the researchers. Instead, PIs are further dependent upon funding agencies to finance their research and their salaries, with the government funding the majority of life science research. The PI also relies upon the publishing community to communicate results and to maintain the scientific record. Under the current system of “science,” funding, hiring, and promotional decisions are largely based on the PI’s publishing record.

Competition plays a large part in driving this complex system forward. Scientists compete for jobs and for funding by showing their competence and the worth of their scientific ideas. Competition can drive great innovation. But what happens when the delicate balance of this system is altered? Government funding, by its very nature, is dependent upon external factors, such as the economy, the perceived need, and the political environment. A sudden decrease in funding availability upsets the balance, and competition no longer differentiates good science from poor science. Instead, excellent researchers find themselves competing for scarce resources to sustain their research, laboratories, and livelihoods. Is such competition beneficial or detrimental to science (Fang and Casadevall 2015)? Colloquium participants acknowledged that this double-edged sword could persist as a complication in resolving problems with reproducibility. Positive forms of competition incentivize the quest for new knowledge or the creation of a particular product. Negative competition—where competition dictates job security or the ability to continue practicing science—can impair creativity and spawn undesirable research practices.

Concurrent with the pressures induced by decreased funding availability is the rapidly expanding size of today’s scientific enterprise—in both numbers of projects and the personnel and resources required—that creates huge pressures on institutions to hit regular home runs with research results. Colloquium participants expressed concern that the focus on “high-impact” science might distort the course of science, such that some important questions are no longer pursued (Casadevall and Fang, 2015b). Publication in high-impact journals has disproportionate rewards for those who succeed. Coupled with the expectation of these journals to publish innovative, flashy, and newsworthy science, these academic and financial rewards might tempt scientists to decrease rigor, artificially tidy up results, and inflate import in an attempt to submit the “perfect story,” which is, frankly, rare in biology.

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Case study 2

Haruko Obokata.

At the center of colloquium attendees’ concerns regarding heightened competition is a seemingly innocuous metric called the impact factor (IF). The IF is used as a proxy to measure the relative importance of a journal within a scientific field and is calculated by dividing the number of citations a journal receives in a given year by the total number of “citable items” published in that journal during the previous two years (http://wokinfo.com/essays/impact-factor/). Unfortunately, the IF metric frequently is misinterpreted by the scientific community as a proxy for the quality or importance of the individual papers published in a journal. Thus, the importance and quality of an innovative, but poorly conducted, study published in a high-impact journal might be misconstrued, overshadowing the rigorous, but less flashy, science published in a lower-impact journal. This distortion reaches throughout the scientific enterprise, as professional and funding decisions are often tied to this misinterpretation of the IF. Consequently, colloquium members recommended a shift away from “IF mania” toward alternative metrics for high-quality research (Casadevall and Fang 2014).

In addition to the systemic problems linked to the current economic incentive structure are problems created by the rapid advance of technology that has led to the acquisition of vast amounts of data, while the knowledge and infrastructure for interpreting, analyzing, and storing said data are lagging behind. Present-day research methods can generate massive data sets and/or necessitate complex statistical analyses. When the amount of data exceeds laboratory and/or institutional capabilities, researchers might be forced to parse results in ways that introduce biases or inaccuracies. Cutting-edge technologies and research fields might be too new to have established generally accepted standards in data production and evaluation. Additionally, high-throughput tools may themselves introduce “noise,” which can complicate evaluation or reexamination efforts. Advanced technology has created paradigm shifts in scientific publishing. Online journals, open access, and digital data have fundamentally changed how scientists receive and communicate information, necessitating reexamination of how to ensure reproducibility and transparency in the scientific process.

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Case study 3

Andrew Wakefield.

During the colloquium, it was expressed that the real threat to ethical conduct in science lies in the current tension between the existing reward systems and the normative standards of the scientific process. In other words, the normative standards of science that emphasize rigor, reproducibility, and responsibility are out of sync with the current reward system, which emphasizes large numbers of publications and publication in high-impact journals. This intensely competitive, “winner-take-all” model, as perpetuated by research and funding institutions and scientific publishers, is perverting a centuries-old system of objectively seeking new truths, warned colloquium members. Scientists are pressured to show greater productivity at the expense of scientific rigor. Younger scientists might feel coerced to report dubious or doctored data to publish and to obtain funding and facilitate promotion within academia. In this environment of hypercompetition and fixation on “high-impact science,” too little time and resources are devoted to developing the infrastructure, analytical tools, and redundancies necessary to maximize reproducibility.

Systemic Problems Manifest as Irreproducibility

A quick look through recent retractions sheds light on some of the factors contributing to the problem of reproducibility in science (Casadevall et al. 2014). Many retractions occur due to mistakes and/or sloppiness. Erroneous duplication of images can occur when researchers accidentally insert the wrong image. Failure to include the appropriate controls can invalidate an experiment. Misuse of statistical analyses might lead to misinterpretation of the significance of a finding. Failure to validate a cell line (or other reagents) may introduce confounding effects due to contamination. Another factor leading to irreproducible data is one of bias. Scientists may pick and choose among experimental outcomes, ignoring contradictory results in favor of those that support their hypothesis. Outliers may be specifically removed from analyses. At the furthest extreme, scientific misconduct can and does occur, often in an attempt to cover up mistakes such as those described above. At the farthest end of the spectrum are scientists who intentionally commit fraud in an attempt to further their own careers, at the expense of the scientific community and ultimately at the expense of the public.

Attendees of the Academy colloquium addressed the causes and effects of three major contributors to lack of reproducibility: (i) sloppy science, (ii) bias in interpreting and reporting results, and (iii) misconduct. While there might be debate over the relative importance of these factors, there was agreement at the Academy colloquium that intentional misconduct, though the most headline grabbing, probably accounts for relatively few cases.

Sloppy science, however, is widespread and includes published research with uncontrolled, or improperly controlled, experimental variables, contaminated reagents, and/or inappropriate use of statistics. A colloquium presenter shared that a significant percentage of recently surveyed academic faculty admitted to instances of sloppy science, including inadequate recordkeeping, insufficient monitoring of research projects, cutting corners, and circumventing or ignoring certain material-handling protocols (Martinson et al. 2005). Advanced technologies likely add to mistakes in the reporting of data as well, as databases full of similar digital images can lead to improper cataloging of images (or other data) and the cutting and pasting of incorrect or duplicate images for publication. Further, image-editing tools offer new opportunities for the introduction of mistakes into published figures. It is likely that more rigorous training and oversight in science practice and reporting could have a large impact on improving reproducibility.

Bias is likely a more difficult factor to combat, since it relies upon knowledge of a scientist’s published and unpublished work. It is a well-known and frequently aired complaint that negative results are unlikely to be published, especially in “top-tier” journals. Multiple problems stem from this deficiency in the scientific literature. First, the lack of communication over what does not work likely leads to unnecessary repetition of experimental conditions across laboratories. Second, selection of only positive results likely skews the literature in a nonreproducible fashion. For example, a group of scientists performs an experiment 20 times and obtains the expected results in only three of the experiments. These three experiments may be included in a paper, but they do not represent the reality of the situation, in which it is more likely NOT to get those results. Similarly, scientists might exclude outliers from their published data set, which artificially decreases variability and likely increases the apparent significance of their reported finding.

Given the systemic problems in the current scientific enterprise, as discussed above, it is not surprising that people manipulate the system in attempts to get their work published in the pursuit of funding and career advancement. The NIH follows Public Health Service policies on research misconduct, Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations part 93, and defines research misconduct as “fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.” While misconduct is generally considered to play a small role in the current reproducibility crisis, a 2012 study using the PubMed database found that about two-thirds of article retractions were linked to misconduct (Fang et al. 2012). Regardless of the extent to which misconduct contributes to the current problems surrounding reproducibility, colloquium participants agreed that vigilance is required on the part of institutions, publishers, and funding agencies to monitor and respond to acts of research misconduct. Improved and consistent training regarding the responsible conduct of research is recommended for scientists at all levels of their careers and across academic, federal, and private institutions.

Consequences of Poor Scientific Practices

Everyone loses when the scientific process in biological sciences fails to meet standards of rigor and responsibility—scientists in all stages of their careers, research and academic institutions, biomedicine-related industry, and any stakeholder in the public trust in science. Flawed research squanders scarce funding and good reputations. One study estimated that papers supported by federal funds that were retracted in 2012 for misconduct each represented an average waste of $393,000 in research dollars, totaling $58.5 million that year (Stern et al. 2014). It is not possible to adequately quantify the opportunity costs associated with irreproducible studies. The costs are, however, undoubtedly sizeable and important, whether in lost time, money, and careers; negative publicity; or patient costs and lives. Colloquium participants agreed that, going forward, the focus should be preventing these opportunity costs, regardless of amounts.

The role of suspected fraud and other systemic problems in retractions of scientific publications


The role of suspected fraud and other systemic problems in retractions of scientific publications. (Fang et al. 2012, PNAS).

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Case study 4

Naoki Mori.

Journals also have a stake in the publication of research that cannot be reproduced. Retraction of problematic research papers may result in negative publicity for journals, though colloquium consensus suggests otherwise. In general, respected journals have protocols and author guidelines in place and should be credited for efforts to retract faulty papers or, in less extreme cases, correct mistakes.

Poor science can also pose a threat to public health and patient lives; there are publicized examples of rippling negative impacts long after misconduct or neglect is exposed. For example, the erroneous notion that measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination is associated with autism persists in the population, leading some to refuse immunization despite the facts that the original paper was retracted due to misconduct (Editors of The Lancet 2010) and that numerous subsequent studies have shown no association.

Unethical practices in scientific research affect everyone, from the general public to students to colleagues in the science community. Poor research practices can provoke negative public opinion about and distrust of science, raising further the already high stakes for changes within the scientific enterprise. We all are stakeholders in how science is conducted, in particular the patients, taxpayers, trainees, and other scientists who might be misled by specific results.

Academy Recommendations

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Participants in the Academy colloquium agreed that there is a current problem with reproducibility in the scientific endeavor. The incremental advance of science requires a solid foundation of rigorous and reproducible information to drive basic science toward translatable solutions for our world. Sloppy science, reporting bias, and misconduct contribute to the publication of erroneous and nonreproducible information, which obstructs the forward movement of potentially beneficial lines of scientific inquiry. Colloquium attendees considered cultural changes aimed at fixing the systemic problems discussed above. Further, they encouraged the development of standard and transparent processes for responding to deliberate and accidental errors in scientific literature. By encouraging cultural changes and consistent identification and responses to erroneous information, colloquium participants hope to increase the reproducibility of published data.

The multiple recommendations articulated during the Academy colloquium collectively target promoting best practices in biological research. They address a diverse range of problem areas identified by the attendees as contributing to the current problems with lack of reproducibility in published research. It is crucial that everyone with a direct stake in science collaborates to achieve uniform, top-quality standards. The collective scientific community must respond consistently to substandard research practices. All stakeholders, including funding agencies, research and academic institutions, journals, professional associations, individual investigators, and research groups, have additional responsibilities specific to their respective roles in scientific practice.

Changing the Culture

Revamp the Research Funding Structure and Develop Appropriate Metrics To Assess Scientists and Their Work

The present state of research funding is a central concern discussed at the colloquium. In the words of one participant, “scarcity of funding is the primary driver of sloppy and dishonest science.” The current reliance upon soft (grant) money for scientific research, coupled with the training of too many scientists for too few positions, is a pivotal systemic problem and requires redress. In the absence of a large and sustained increase in research funding through the usual mechanisms, colloquium participants called for the creation of more sustainable research funding and the balancing of the scientific workforce supply and demand, possibly through the training of fewer scientists and/or the creation of more staff scientist positions.

Colloquium participants further voiced concern over the continued misuse of IFs in the evaluation of scientists for tenure, promotion, and funding. As previously discussed, IF is a measure of a journal’s citations and should not be used as a proxy to measure the importance of individual papers or authors. Consideration of the totality of a scientist’s contributions, including teaching, mentoring, and engagement with the scientific community through such activities as peer review and editing, would likely be more fair and balanced. The participants strongly favored the development of alternative metrics for use in combination with other evaluations for a comprehensive, holistic assessment of a scientist’s contribution and value.

Specific suggestions by colloquium attendees included the development of alternative criteria to specifically address research quality and impact; a role for journals in identifying and recognizing current or previously published papers of importance to the community, such as the production of summary journal issues that provide updates on the impacts of previously published papers; and standardized criteria for the ranking of journals, independently of IF (e.g., U.S. News & World Report university rankings).

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Improve Training in Good Scientific Practice

A top priority for colloquium participants is improved training in the execution and responsible conduct of scientific research. Scientific training is, by its very nature, individualized to particular fields of study, institutions, and laboratories. Such training typically focuses on STEM students and postdocs, though there are data showing that the problem of misconduct spans generations and includes senior scientists (Fang et al. 2013). Therefore, colloquium participants called for intensified, expanded efforts to educate scientists on fundamental best practices in both conducting and reporting research at all research institutions and across the career spectrum. Colloquium participants expressed hope that institutions and senior scientists will focus more on training the next generation of scientists in rigor and responsibility, rather than viewing them simply as a means for the generation of large amounts of data.

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Colloquium participants suggested innovative ideas that could be implemented by institutions to improve rigor and reproducibility through training.

Of particular concern to colloquium members is improved training in statistical analytical methodology, since misapplication of statistics is common in the scientific literature (Ioannidis 2005; Strasak et al. 2007; Worthy 2015; Weissgerber et al. 2016; Chavalarias et al. 2016). Participants also agreed that the topic of data sharing and compliance with data sharing policies be included in the training of all scientists. They discussed the utility of review clubs for researchers, from graduate students to PIs, to vet experimental techniques and the resultant data. Journal clubs were mentioned as valuable teaching venues for examination of exemplary (and nonexemplary) published papers. Importantly, participants agreed that consideration of data sharing be included in the training of all scientists.

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Increase Reproducibility and Transparency through Data Sharing

Colloquium participants recognized the need for greater transparency in the reporting of scientific data in any and all efforts to improve reproducibility. Without access to data, it is virtually impossible to evaluate reproducibility and possible causes or explanations for any lack of reproducibility. It was recently reported that only 13% of authors with scientific articles published in 2014 made their data freely accessible to others (Womack 2015). Colloquium participants agreed that data generated by experiments should be accessible outside the research group conducting the experiments.

Opinions varied as to how open data could or should be made available. Colloquium participants agreed that specific requirements for data availability would likely vary by discipline. Therefore, the scientists, institutions, funding agencies, and/ or scientific societies encompassing specific fields should develop best practices and guidelines to address the following: the types or levels of data to be shared (e.g., raw vs. processed), designating responsibility for the storing and sharing of data, and the appropriate centralization of data.

Examples of well-established standards for data sharing include those developed by the Genomic Standards Consortium and various repositories of “omics data.”

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Publish Negative Data

Rigorously executed experiments that address specific hypotheses often result in “negative” data—results that do not support the hypothesis. Such results often go unpublished, since they are viewed as lacking innovation. Participants in the Academy colloquium argued that both positive and negative data have value for the scientific community and that reporting of negative data should be encouraged in respected venues. As with positive data, the value of publishing a set of negative data is proportional to the value of the original research question.

Colloquium participants suggested that there should be a formal mechanism for the publication of negative data, likely through an alternative to the mechanism for the publication of standard journal manuscripts, such as a separate online forum or dedicated section in the journal. Participants suggested that the data and detailed experimental methods could be published without extensive background and discussion sections. Regardless of the format, the participants suggested that peer review be included to ensure that negative studies conform to the same standards of quality and rigor as standard journal content.

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Responding to the Problem

Develop Common Processes for Correcting the Scientific Literature

In addition to suggesting cultural changes aimed at alleviating the reproducibility crisis in published science, Academy colloquium participants considered appropriate responsibilities and responses to the current situation. Instructions to authors (ITAs) are used by many journals to inform authors of their responsibilities, including compliance with data, material, and software sharing policies, in addition to other ethical considerations. Colloquium participants expressed concern that while most journals use ITAs, the policies are not consistently followed or enforced. They encouraged the development of tools, such as checklists, to help authors adhere to publishing ethics policies. While reproducibility problems typically become apparent following publication, publishers are increasingly using approaches to detect problems prior to publication, as through the use of forensic image analysis software to screen images and plagiarism detection software to detect text similarities. However, colloquium participants expressed concern that the current tools for image analysis are inadequate for the detection of some types of image manipulation and duplication. Nonetheless, participants encouraged attempts to correct or prevent erroneous, nonreproducible, data from being published.

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Journals and authors have a responsibility to correct the scientific literature if and when problems are identified following publication. There are multiple mechanisms available for publishers, including author corrections, expressions of concern, and retractions. However, implementation varies among journals and even from editor to editor, creating confusion instead of clarity. Colloquium participants expressed interest in standard practices for the implementation and communication of corrective actions.

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Expand Training and Improve Responses to Breaches in Responsible Conduct of Research

The burden of investigation into issues of misconduct often is beyond the purview and capabilities of publishers. Instead, such investigations must be conducted by the employing institutions, which have access to detailed data in the form of laboratory notebooks and computer hard drives, in addition to the testimony of laboratory personnel and coworkers. Funding agencies typically play an oversight role in this process, with responsibility for ensuring that appropriate training and policies are in place at institutions receiving federal funds. The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) provides such oversight for Health and Human Services-funded research, as does the Office of the Inspector General for National Science Foundation-funded research. Colloquium participants expressed concern that the current system of institutional investigation and training with government oversight is insufficient due to a lack of consistency and transparency in the process. The funding institutions lack the funding and resources necessary to effectively monitor responsible conduct-of-research education and investigative efforts across the multitude of institutions that receive government funds. Further, privately or industry-funded research operates outside any government requirements and oversight.

Colloquium participants expressed concern over the primary role of institutions in the investigative process. There are several obvious disincentives for institutions to conduct investigations into allegations of possible misconduct, such as the possibility of losing institutional funding associated with a researcher’s federal grant and the negative publicity for faculty or staff participating in wrongdoing. Most research institutions have mechanisms for the anonymous reporting of problematic behavior, but the reporting mechanism and/or the chain of command can fail some complainants. Colloquium participants collectively urged greater care in safeguarding whistleblowers’ careers and suggested that the investigative process and responsibility should be removed from the department of concern. Such responsibility might be better assumed by an institution’s dean, provost, or president or an independent body outside the institution.

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The Academy colloquium participants also discussed the upsurge in anonymous online platforms like PubPeer for reporting and commenting on suspected cases of poor practice. Some participants prefer to have confidential allegations come directly to the journal. However, several argued that there is value in an anonymous platform for evaluation of published data, especially in cases where there is a fear of retaliation. Colloquium participants recognized that the growing use of PubPeer and similar anonymous platforms likely stems from frustration over perceived inaction and inconsistency by journals, institutions, and funding agencies.

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The Academy colloquium’s focus on improving the reproducibility of published data paralleled the growing call to action within the U.S. scientific community to resolve problems with reproducibility. The NIH has launched several initiatives to enhance reproducibility and transparency. In 2013, it created an online forum (PubMed Commons) for discourse about published articles. NIH guidelines for reporting preclinical research now include more rigorous statistical analysis, data and material sharing, and expanded methods sections in published papers. Also encouraged is the use of checklists for authors of submitted papers to assess the rigor of experimental design. Nature journals now require the submission of a “Reporting Checklist for Life Science Articles,” to provide details on experimental design and statistics, biological reagent validation, and data sharing. The NIH guidelines also encourage the development of best-practice guidelines for digital data and validation of biological reagents. Many journals and societies have endorsed the NIH guidelines, which should lead to continued adaptation of journal policy to NIH guidelines. Effective January 2016, NIH grant applications must satisfy new policies and instructions focused on the strength of the scientific premise underlying the proposed research, rigorous experimental design, close attention to biological variables, and authentication of key biological and/or chemical resources. Finally, the NIH recently launched a new web portal to provide guidance and training on rigor and reproducibility: http://www.nih.gov/research-training/rigor-reproducibility.

Participants in the Academy colloquium will work with ASM journals’ editors and staff to take the lead on several of their recommendations. ASM journals have already adopted open data policies, whereby authors must make data available— including the data, metadata, and methods used to reach the conclusions in the submitted paper and any additional data needed to replicate the study findings. This policy applies for ASM’s two new journals mSystems and mSphere, as well as mBio. Additional roles for ASM in the uptake of the Academy colloquium recommendations include (i) expansion of open data policies to other journals and the consistent enforcement of open data policies across ASM journals, (ii) transparent and consistent management for the correction and/ or retraction of flawed published material, (iii) development of mechanisms for the publication of negative data, and (iv) development of training for scientists on proper experimental design and responsible conduct of research.

Participants in the Academy colloquium emphasized that active participation is necessary across the scientific enterprise in order to improve the reproducibility of scientific research. Scientists, academic and research institutions, journals, professional societies, funding agencies, and the public must all be engaged. It is not enough simply to make recommendations and guidelines—they must be followed by implementation. Scientists and PIs must educate their students, postdocs, and laboratory personnel on acceptable and unacceptable research and reporting practices. Research institutions should take more responsibility in reviewing employees’ research data and in providing training for all scientific staff. Editors of journals should consistently enforce clearly stated standards in publishing. Funding agencies can collaborate to develop common policies and requirements for applicants, who likely seek funding from multiple sources. Professional societies need to develop common standards and facilitate cultural change within their scientific fields.


Appendix A


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines scientific misconduct as “fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.”

Reproducibility—for any experimental research, an independent investigator should be able to replicate the original experiment, under the same conditions, and achieve similar or comparable results.

Definitions, American Society for Cell Biology Task Force

  • Analytic replication—attempts to reproduce the results from the same original data via reanalysis
  • Direct replication—attempts to reproduce the same results using the same conditions and methods as the original experiment
  • Systematic replication—aims at obtaining the same finding of a given publication, but under different conditions, for example, with a different cell line, mouse strain, etc.
  • Conceptual replication—aims to demonstrate the validity of a concept or a finding using a different paradigm

Appendix B

Statement of Task

The American Academy of Microbiology will host a colloquium to discuss scientific data irreproducibility and how to prevent these practices from occurring among the biological sciences. Any alteration made to original data is considered scientific misconduct and can result in strong action, possibly leading to the demise of one’s career and significant financial costs. The U.S. government defines scientific misconduct as “fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.” Publishing novel findings is a difficult task, and with fierce competition among researchers to be the first group to relay the data, modifying data, unfortunately, can become appealing.

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With the increased use of computational and imaging methods in biology, the manipulation of scientific data that appear in the literature has become a significant issue. For example, with imaging software, it is now very simple and can be tempting to make adjustments to digital image files rather than repeating the experiment to produce a better image. Data irreproducibility continues to be a problem for a multitude of reasons that this colloquium will address. The intense competition to obtain funding opportunities, cultural differences in laboratory practices, and general naivety of students, laboratory technicians, postdocs, and principal investigators can result in incorrect scientific reporting.

Appendix C. Colloquium Discussion Questions

1. Why has the ability to reproduce biological scientific data become a significant issue?

1a. How do institutions contribute to the problem of data irreproducibility?

1b. What current research practices and journal policies contribute to irreproducibility?

1c. Do cultural differences and the meaning of ethical behavior influence scientific practices?

1d. Does the current culture of science favor high impact over carefully performed science?

2. What constitutes data reproducibility?

2a. What percentage of irreproducibility is caused by (i) uncontrolled variables, (ii) sloppy science (i.e., poor stats, cell line contamination), (iii) bias, and (iv) scientific misconduct?

2b. Are there different accepted levels of data reproducibility among the biological sciences (e.g., cancer research)?

3. How can data irreproducibility be addressed at researcher and institutional levels before the problem escalates?

3a. What can be done to enhance transparency in reporting scientific data?

3b. Is competition beneficial or detrimental to science? Can competition be eliminated from science?

3c. How can high-quality work be rewarded in a scientific culture suffering from IF mania?

4. Do poor research practices affect the public’s and research community’s views of scientific research?

4a. Are there problems with the incentive structure of science?

4b. Are there viable alternative economic systems that would enhance cooperation and creativity and reduce the debits of competition?

4c. How do funding agencies “reward” solid, well-performed studies rather than flashy science?

4d. How can they hold the researchers that they fund responsible?

5. What are the ramifications of unethical practices?

5a. Who is affected by scientific misreporting?

5b. What is the opportunity cost associated with irreproducible studies?

5c. How do retractions impact the reputation of a journal?

6. Difficulty in publishing negative results may prompt selective reporting of data. How can the publication of negative results be facilitated?

7. How can institutions and journals enhance the transparency and robustness of scientific reporting?

7a. Should training courses in scientific integrity and good practices be mandatory for both trainees and experienced scientists?

7b. Should journals use software to monitor image manipulation? What are the costs of instituting these measures?

7c. How can whistleblowers report scientific misconduct at the institutional level?

7d. Should there be a direct line to the ORI?

7e. How do we address this in other nations lacking an ORI?

7f. Can PubPeer and PubMed Commons improve scientific integrity?

8. How can journals ensure complete compliance with data set disclosure and software sharing?

9. How is data reproducibility presently addressed?

9a. What will be the impact of the initiative implemented by the NIH on data misrepresentation?

9b. Would tougher penalties for research misconduct be helpful?

9c. How can data standards be raised?

Copyright 2016 American Academy of Microbiology.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Bookshelf ID: NBK519803PMID: 30176130DOI: 10.1128/AAMCol.Oct.2015


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