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Turner A, Mulla A, Booth A, et al. The international knowledge base for new care models relevant to primary care-led integrated models: a realist synthesis. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2018 Jun. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 6.25.)

Cover of The international knowledge base for new care models relevant to primary care-led integrated models: a realist synthesis

The international knowledge base for new care models relevant to primary care-led integrated models: a realist synthesis.

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Appendix 1Terms of reference for the project advisory group (June 2016)

Project advisory group: terms of reference

Aims and objectives of the project

The project is led by The Strategy Unit, NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commission Support Unit together with the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) University of Sheffield. Funded by the NIHR HSDR programme (project reference number 15/77/15), the project is concerned with combining existing knowledge of what works in integrated care with the intentions of the MCPs in developing innovative new care models. It is expected that this work will help MCPs to improve their models.

The aim of this synthesis is to provide decision-makers in health and social care with a practical evidence base relating to the MCP model of care. The synthesis, based on realist principles, will develop a ‘blueprint’, which articulates how and why MCP models work, to inform design of future iterations of the MCP model.61

Specifically, the objectives of the synthesis are to:61

  • articulate the underlying programme theories behind the MCP model of care, by mapping the logic models of the MCP demonstrator sites, prioritising key theories for investigation
  • identify sources of theoretical, empirical and practice evidence to test the programme theories
  • appraise, extract and analyse evidence, reconciling confirmatory and contradictory evidence
  • develop the synthesis, producing a ‘blueprint’ to explain how the mechanisms used in different contexts contribute to outcomes and process variables
  • consult with key stakeholders from selected MCP demonstrator sites to validate findings and to test applicability to different contexts
  • finalise the synthesis, incorporating stakeholder feedback
  • disseminate the findings, preparing a series of practical tools to support knowledge mobilisation.

Terms of reference of the advisory group

This group has been established to provide the project with independent support and advice. Its objectives are to:

  • provide stakeholder perspectives on the scope of the synthesis and on emerging findings
  • inform the study design, including input into the search strategy
  • participate in strategic decisions about the project
  • advise on key policy, strategy and communication activities which may inform or impact this project
  • advise on the identification of key audiences and networks for dissemination activity
  • advise on dissemination formats, routes and activities
  • advise on interpretation of findings, to ensure relevance to stakeholders
  • support the translation of findings into actionable recommendations and tools for local health economies.


Members have been assembled to provide a range of experience and expertise, including New Care Model vanguard sites, NHSE, senior leaders in health and social care, public representation, academic partners and collaborators, communications expertise and project team members (Table 11).



Advisory group members

Working methods

It is expected that the advisory group will be convened on up to four occasions during the project, at the following key stages:

  1. at the project start, to confirm the scope of the synthesis
  2. during the analysis stage, to share and test emerging findings
  3. ahead of stakeholder consultation, to consult on the draft conceptual model
  4. at the project conclusion, to sign off the final report and dissemination outputs.

Electronic communication may be used between advisory group meetings.

Minutes will be taken at each meeting and will be shared with the NIHR HSDR programme and, potentially, more widely. The advisory group will be supported administratively by Sharon Townsend, Project Officer.

June 2016

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2018. This work was produced by Turner et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Bookshelf ID: NBK508145


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