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Interventions for Visual Field Defects After Stroke: A Systematic Review

Report from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health No. 2017-22


January 16, 2017

After a stroke, many patients lose parts of their visual field. It is common to lose half of the visual field (right or left) on both eyes. Interventions that have been tried include regaining (parts of) the visual field (restitution), compensate for the visual field defect by changing behavior and activities (compensation), or finding replacements for the visual defect by using aids (substitution). We have included 10 studies (6 on compensation, 2 on substitution, and 2 on restitution).

Conclusion At the present time, the evidence for effect of interventions for visual field defects is mostly of very low quality, and the effects are uncertain. An exception involves compensational strategies for which there may be positive effects on visual search, reading and abilities to perform daily activities (ADL).

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Copyright © 2017 by The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH). All content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND).
Bookshelf ID: NBK482108, PMID: 29553682, ISBN: 978-82-8082-800-2, ISSN:


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