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Adab P, Barrett T, Bhopal R, et al. The West Midlands ActiVe lifestyle and healthy Eating in School children (WAVES) study: a cluster randomised controlled trial testing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multifaceted obesity prevention intervention programme targeted at children aged 6–7 years. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2018 Feb. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 22.8.)

Cover of The West Midlands ActiVe lifestyle and healthy Eating in School children (WAVES) study: a cluster randomised controlled trial testing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multifaceted obesity prevention intervention programme targeted at children aged 6–7 years

The West Midlands ActiVe lifestyle and healthy Eating in School children (WAVES) study: a cluster randomised controlled trial testing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multifaceted obesity prevention intervention programme targeted at children aged 6–7 years.

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Chapter 7Cost-effectiveness of an obesity-prevention intervention programme in primary school-aged children


In this chapter, the economic evaluation conducted alongside the WAVES trial is reported. Obesity costs the NHS millions of pounds every year, increasing to billions of pounds if wider societal costs are also included. Obese children are at an increased risk of health problems and also more likely to become obese adults, so it is vital that robust evidence is produced on the cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent obesity in children. The overall aim in this chapter is to estimate the cost-effectiveness of the WAVES obesity prevention intervention programme in primary school-aged children. To achieve this, an analysis comparing the cost-effectiveness of the intervention with that of no intervention was undertaken. The primary analysis was based on the outcome measure QALYs. A secondary analysis based the evaluation on cost per obesity case prevented. Given the school-based multifaceted nature of the intervention, the analysis was from the public sector perspective and therefore included costs falling on the schools. All of the costs are expressed in the year 2014. Missing data were addressed using multiple imputation methods, and the uncertainty surrounding the cost-effectiveness estimates was examined through the use of the net benefit regression (NBR) framework and presented using cost-effectiveness acceptability curves (CEACs). The analysis of cost-effectiveness was carried out in accordance with current best-practice methods for conducting economic evaluation alongside cluster randomised controlled trials.88


The aim was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of an obesity prevention intervention programme in primary school-aged children.


Data collection

In order to conduct the economic evaluation, information on both the costs and the QALYs was required.89 As with standard practice, the base-case analysis assumed that the intervention was ‘up and running’, that is, it excluded sunk costs. These costs were included, however, within the sensitivity analyses. To calculate the costs of the intervention, resource use was collected throughout the intervention period to which unit costs were applied. To calculate QALYs, health-utility data were collected using the CHU9D) instrument46 at baseline (start of the intervention), at FU1, which was 3 months post intervention (15 months since baseline), and at FU2, which was 18 months post intervention (30 months since baseline). Outcomes were collected at the individual level and costs were collected at the cluster level (e.g. a teacher preparing for a nutrition lesson); these cluster-level costs were then averaged across the children within the cluster to derive individual-level costs for the intervention.


Cluster-level resource use was combined with unit costs to calculate the total cluster-level cost. The costs associated with the intervention were split into three phases:

  1. development/set-up costs
  2. implementation costs
  3. delivery/running costs.

For the base-case cost-effectiveness analysis, only the costs involved with delivering the intervention were included. However, all of the costs are described in this section.

Table 28 outlines the cost items that were associated with each phase of the intervention. The first phase comprised costs associated with the development and set-up of the intervention. These costs included staff time for the development of materials for the intervention and its delivery. Implementation costs were costs associated with the printing of intervention materials and staff training. Phase 3 costs were focused on the delivery of the intervention. These were the costs associated with the intervention once it was ‘up and running’ and included all of the aspects that were associated with delivering the intervention on an ongoing basis. The base-case analysis assumed that the intervention was in a steady state and thus included only phase 3 costs. Set-up and implementation costs were considered, however, within the sensitivity analyses.



Cost items by intervention phase

There were four main components to the intervention, each of which contained subcomponents:

  1. cooking workshops (including short healthy eating class lessons)
  2. signposting of PA opportunities
  3. increased levels of PA
  4. the use of role models (Villa Vitality component).

Study-specific resource use collection instruments were developed for these four components of the intervention.

The cooking component

The resource use associated with the cooking component of the intervention was measured using school staff-completed logbooks. School staff recorded how much time was spent on both the preparation and the delivery of the workshops and classroom sessions. On most occasions it was the teacher who was involved, and sometimes TAs were used. When ‘other staff’ members were listed but their roles were not described, a TA-level role was assumed. The materials used in the workshops were purchased and delivered by the research team in person. Parents were also invited, and their time and travel costs were acquired from a resource use questionnaire. Receipts for the materials used in the cooking workshops were logged and costed to estimate the average material cost per class. The costs associated with delivering the materials to the schools were calculated from the mileage and time it took for the research assistant to travel to each school.

The physical activity component

Each school within the intervention arm was asked to pick two of the offered PA packages. The costs associated with these packages were recorded as implementation costs and are detailed in Table 29. The PA component was delivered either during class time or at lunchtime. All resource use associated with the preparation and delivery of the packages was recorded using school staff-completed logbooks.



Unit costs

Villa Vitality programme

This part of the intervention was split into the following subcomponents:

  • two Villa Vitality days
  • one Villa Vitality school-based session (run by football club staff)
  • classroom challenges and class project.

The Villa Vitality days were purchased at a fixed cost, which was then averaged across all of the classes to derive a cost per class. When school staff had supervised the children during the Villa Vitality days, the costs that were associated with their time were included. Parents were also welcome to attend the Villa Vitality days and, when this happened, their time and resource use were recorded in travel cost questionnaires and included within the sensitivity analysis, for which a wider perspective was adopted.

Teaching staff completed logbooks to record the resource use that was associated with the delivery of the classroom sessions.


The resource use associated with the signposting included printing and the delivery of materials to the schools. All of the purchase orders and receipts for printing were recorded and the cost of delivery was estimated based on the number of sheets posted. This item of expenditure was treated as an ongoing cost, as it required either updating (generic signposting sheet) or complete revision (school-specific signposting sheet) at the start of each intervention year and was therefore included as part of the intervention cost within the base-case analysis.

Unit costs and assumptions

This section outlines the justification of, and source for, the unit costs applied to each component of the intervention, as outlined in Table 29.

School unit costs

Unit costs for an hour of a teacher’s time were calculated using the mid-scale point on the standardised Department for Education salary scales.92 Resource use was measured on a per-hour basis. The annual salary scales were based on a contracted 1265 hours per year. Thus, to estimate the cost per hour, the annual salary was divided by 1265 hours. Annual salary scales were not available for TAs, LTAs or dinner ladies, and so to calculate the hourly unit costs for these roles the estimates were based on unit costs published by the Office for National Statistics in its 2014 New Earnings Survey.90

University unit costs

Included within the sensitivity analyses were the costs associated with the set-up and implementation of the intervention. Many of these costs were incurred by the research institute at the University of Birmingham. These costs included administration and research staff time. To calculate the unit costs for each of these roles, the 2014 University of Birmingham academic/support staff salary scales were used. Appropriate mid-points of the salary scale were selected for each staff position. These salaries were then converted to an hourly rate assuming that staff worked 7.5 hours per day excluding weekends, university ‘closed days’ and public holidays.

Other unit costs

For the cooking workshops, the unit costs for the cooking materials used were based on the purchase price of each item. For the PA elements of the intervention, the fixed costs associated with the activity packages chosen were recorded by the trial team and the receipts were retained.

All of the costs were adjusted to 2014 prices. Finally, for various aspects of the intervention, there were associated travel costs. When travel by car was recorded, the Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs guidance was used and a £0.45-per-mile cost was applied in line with standard practice.


Measuring quality-adjusted life-years

After initial pilot research on the acceptability, reliability and validity of competing preference-based measures for children,93 the CHU9D instrument was used to collect quality-of-life information for the children. The CHU9D46 features nine dimensions of child HRQL: worried, sad, pain, tired, annoyed, schoolwork/homework, sleep, daily routine and ability to join in activities. Each dimension contains five severity levels, resulting in 1,953,125 unique health states that are associated with the measure. Responses from the CHU9D questionnaires were transformed into quality-of-life (utility) weights derived from a UK general population sample using an algorithm developed by Stevens et al.46 This gives a possible utility value set of between 0.33 (worst health state) and 1 (best health state). The QALYs were then calculated for each individual child using the area under the curve method,94 which uses the trapezium rule.

Assessing quality-adjusted life-year differences

To control for differences in baseline utility between the intervention and control arms,94 prespecified covariates were adjusted for based on a statistical analysis plan. These were cluster-level variables, which were used in the randomisation (size of school, proportion of pupils eligible for free school meals, ethnic mix of pupils), and pupil-level factors (sex, baseline CHU9D score, ethnicity, deprivation, baseline total energy consumption and baseline PA energy expenditure).95

Thus, three models are reported within the analysis:

  1. a linear regression model
  2. a multilevel regression model controlling for baseline utility
  3. a multilevel regression model controlling for baseline utility and prespecified covariates.

The first model is an unadjusted model, that is, a linear regression of costs (or QALYs) on the independent intervention dummy variable. The data, however, were clustered, and, to account for this, the second model adopts a hierarchical approach to account for clustering while also controlling for baseline utility to address baseline differences. The third and final model, and the one used for the primary analysis, adds the prespecified covariates to model 2. This model, therefore, adjusts for clustering and baseline utility, as well as the covariates specified within the analysis plan. All of the multilevel models were implemented using Stata’s ‘mi estimate: mixed’ command, using maximum likelihood estimation to fit a multilevel mixed-effect linear regression including a random effect for the level 2 school variable using multiply imputed data.

Multiple imputation

Resource use data were collected at the cluster-level, whereas health outcome data were collected at the individual level; consequently, any reason for missing data (the missingness mechanism) varied for these two different types of data. The cost and QALY data were therefore imputed separately to include the relevant covariates within the imputation model and then combined to form a complete data set. During the imputation process, to account for the hierarchical nature of the data, all of the individual-level data were imputed using multilevel multiple imputation. This was implemented through REALCOM-IMPUTE software in conjunction with Stata 13. Thirty imputations were conducted, resulting in 30 complete data sets. Rubin’s rule,84 which incorporates uncertainty around the predicted values, was used to calculate pooled estimates of the mean costs and QALYs, as well as CIs. Given the number of missing data, the base-case analysis uses the imputed data.


Our primary analysis was a CUA examining the cost per QALY gained for all of the children. In this trial context, the control group was no intervention, and, therefore, no costs were associated with this arm. To calculate the ICER between the intervention and control arms, the differences in costs and QALYs were analysed jointly, and to account for both the correlation between costs and outcomes96 and the clustered nature of the trial, the NBR framework97,98 was applied. This facilitates the calculation of the ICER and the analysis of uncertainty via a CEAC while controlling for any baseline differences and clustering effects.97 As the economic evaluation was carried out alongside the trial, only costs and outcome data collected from the trial were included. All costs and outcomes were discounted at 3.5%.

Sensitivity analysis methods

A series of sensitivity analyses were conducted.

Sensitivity analysis 1: different multiple imputation methods

To test the sensitivity of the results to the multiple imputation model used for the base-case analysis (random-effects imputation model), a fixed-effects imputation model was applied.

Sensitivity analysis 2: including set-up and implementation costs

The base-case analysis assumed that the intervention was in a ‘running state’ and thus included only costs that were associated with the ongoing delivery of the intervention. Within the trial, however, there were a number of set-up and implementation costs that were also captured, and, to test how sensitive the results were to these costs, the costs were included in the second sensitivity analysis.

Sensitivity analysis 3: including wider costs

For two components of the intervention (Villa Vitality and the cooking workshops), some parents attended. As requested, schools invited all of the parents of the children in the intervention year (year 2) to attend the cooking workshops, with levels of actual parental attendance varying between schools. Some schools also invited parents to attend the Villa Vitality days as helpers. The third sensitivity analysis tested the sensitivity of the results to the inclusion of these costs. Parents’ time and travel costs were collected using time and travel cost questionnaires, but, unfortunately, there was a low response rate. To estimate the opportunity cost of time, occupation details were used to assume income levels using the New Earnings Survey 2014.90 When no occupation was listed, the national minimum wage was assumed as a valid cost of leisure time. As data were collected for only a small number of schools, these costs were averaged and applied to other schools for which data were missing.

Sensitivity analysis 4: best-case scenario

Within the trial, not all of the children in each class were included in the study. This was due to parents not consenting their children to be part of the measurement element of the study. As a result, there were children in the class who received the intervention but were not part of the study. On average, there were 17 children with parental consent to undertake measurements in each class. To examine the best-case scenario, sensitivity analysis 4 assumed that all of the children received the intervention and that all classes comprised 30 children. The average cost was, therefore, reduced per child.

Secondary analysis

Cost per ‘case of obesity prevented’

A secondary analysis was conducted to assess the cost-effectiveness of the intervention in terms of cost per ‘case of obesity prevented’. Cases of interest were defined as children who were not obese at baseline but became obese by FU2. That is, if the intervention was effective, fewer children should be transitioning from a non-obese state to an obese state in the intervention arm than in the control arm. To examine this, a transition dummy variable was created to represent whether or not the child had transitioned from a non-obese state to an obese state throughout the duration of the trial. A multilevel logit model including a dummy variable for the intervention was used to assess the impact of the intervention on the likelihood of transitioning to an obese state while controlling for clustering and other relevant covariates. This was implemented within Stata 13 using the ‘melogit’ command, with the school variable being the level 2 identifier.


Impact of intervention on health-related quality of life

Table 30 outlines the response rate for the CHU9D instrument.



Number of consented children with a completed CHU9D at each time point

Table 31 describes the mean utility values at each time point for the whole sample, the control arm and the intervention arm. The mean utility at baseline for all of the children was 0.826. At baseline, the mean utility for the control arm was 0.816 compared with 0.836 for the intervention arm; this difference was adjusted for within the main CUAs.94



Health-related quality of life measured using CHU9D at each time point

Figure 9 shows the CHU9D utility scores only for complete cases (n = 991), for which there was measurement at all three points. The mean utility value for the control arm was statistically significantly (p < 0.05) lower (indicating a poorer quality of life) at baseline than for the intervention arm. By FU2, however, the mean utility value associated with the control arm had increased and slightly superseded the intervention arm.

FIGURE 9. Mean CHU9D score at each time point (complete cases only).


Mean CHU9D score at each time point (complete cases only).

Examining the impact on quality-adjusted life-years

Table 32 describes the unadjusted mean QALYs for each arm of the trial. At FU2, the intervention group accrued 2.17 QALYs, compared with 2.14 QALYs for the control group. This difference was not significant at the 0.05 significance level, given the way that QALYs are calculated using the ‘area under the curve’ method, and as highlighted in Figure 9, the extra QALYs within the intervention arm are probably due to the large imbalance at baseline.



Unadjusted QALYs accrued (pre-imputation)

After conducting multiple imputation, the unadjusted QALY estimates remain similar to those pre imputation (Table 33).



Unadjusted QALYS accrued (post imputation)

Incremental analysis: effectiveness

Table 34 describes the incremental difference in mean QALYs between the intervention and control group for the data with no adjustment, with adjustment for clustering and baseline differences, and with adjustments for clustering, baseline differences and the prespecified covariates using multilevel multivariate regression.



Incremental difference in QALYs

When controlling for baseline utility, clustering and the covariates, the mean QALY difference for FU1 and FU2 was negligible and insignificant.

Of interest, we explored the differences in mean QALYs between the intervention and control groups by trial intervention year. Table 35 outlines the results. The coefficient for incremental QALYs in G1 schools at all follow-up points is positive, indicating that more QALYs were attained in the intervention group than in the control group. In contrast, however, the corresponding coefficient for G2 schools is negative, indicating the opposite effect, namely that fewer QALYs were attained in the intervention group than in the control group.



Mean QALY difference by school group

Resource use and costs

Details of all resource use and costs for the intervention group are displayed in Tables 3638. Compared with the running costs, the set-up and development costs of the intervention were relatively low. In terms of the set-up costs, the largest component of cost was the time attributed to research staff developing materials for the intervention, in particular the development of the cooking workshop and classroom materials. The largest cost driver for implementing the intervention related to the time of the teaching staff and the cost of staff cover for attending the training sessions. Other significant costs related to the creation of the signposting materials and the purchasing of the PA packages. The ongoing running/delivery costs had the biggest impact on the overall costs of the intervention. Of the main components of the intervention, in terms of delivery, the cheapest by far was the signposting. The most expensive component of the trial was the Villa Vitality sessions, which accounted for over half of the running costs.

Set-up/development costs


Resource use: intervention set-up and development

ComponentResource typeResource use per class (SD)aMean cost per class, £ (SE)
Intervention handbook developmentStaff time (hours)
 Senior research fellow0.0250.81
 Research fellow0.152.78
Printing handbooks
 Number of handbooks2.511.47
Intervention set-up meeting (researcher visit to school)Staff time (hours)
 Research fellow travel/meeting time1.014 (0.647)18.79 (1.896)
 Teacher meeting time0.324 (0.133)6.53 (0.423)
Travel costs (miles)
 Mileage18.6 (19.39)8.37 (1.38)
Development of cooking workshop/classroom materialsStaff time
 Research associate6.5107.12
 Research fellow1.7532.45
Preparing trainers for central training sessionStaff time (hours)
 Research associate0.3255.36
 Research fellow0.23.71
Adapting Villa Vitality for children aged 6–7 yearsStaff time (hours)
 Senior research fellow0.1254.06
 Research fellow0.254.64
 Research associate0.254.12
Preparing Villa Vitality teacher packs and liaising with schoolsStaff time (hours)
 Research associate1.524.72
Total mean set-up/development cost per school (£)363.14
Total mean set-up/development cost per class (£)236.04
Total mean set-up/development cost per consented child (£)13.70
Total mean set-up/development cost per intervention child, assuming a class size of 30 pupils (£)7.87

Total resource use/number of classes (n = 40).

Implementation costs


Resource use: intervention implementation

ComponentResource typeResource use per class (SD)aMean cost per class, £ (SE)
Cooking workshop central training costs (teacher training to deliver cooking workshops)University costs
Staff time (hours)
 Research associate1.219.78
 Research fellow0.611.12
 Two sessions, each estimated as the cost of one breakfast, lunch and dinner workshop (£40.95); thus, £81.90 for both, then divided back through the number of classes attended to get cost per classn/a2.04
School/participant costs
Staff time (hours)
 Teacher attendance time3.8 (3.3)76.36 (12.13)
 TA attendance time3.2 (3.14)28.93 (5.19)
Travel costs
 Travel costs (£)12.49 (2.47)
 TA travel time (hours)1.15 (1.45)10.42 (2.39)
 Teacher travel time (hours)1.26 (1.31)25.37 (4.79)
Teacher cover costs
 Cost of covern/a116 (18.79)
 Special dependant arrangements (£)n/a1.44 (1.27)
PA packagesPA packages
 Activate0.51 (19 packs total)142.55
 Take 100.46 (17 packs total)23.80
 Wake Up Shake Up0.32 (12 packs total)8.47
 Positive Play0.43 (16 packs total)37.66
Total mean implementation cost per school (£)794.49
Total mean implementation cost per class (£)516.42
Total mean implementation per consented child (£)29.98
Total mean implementation cost per child assuming a class of 30 pupils (£)17.21

n/a, not applicable.


Total resource use/number of classes (n = 40).

Ongoing/intervention delivery costs


Resource use: running costs

ComponentResource typeAnnual resource use per class (SD)aMean cost per class, £ (SE)
Development/updating of generic signposting for schoolsStaff time (hours)
 Research associate1.52525.13
Development/updating of school specific signpostingStaff time (hours)
 Study administrator0.93810.94
 Research associate4.870.86
Signposting (delivery)Generic printing
School-specific printing
 Printing38.81 (17.71)14.38 (1.39)
 Cost of deliveryn/a2.94
Villa VitalityPackage
 Villa Vitality package11979.66
Villa Vitality day 1
 Teacher time8.88 (4.33)178.48 (17.75)
 TA time11.65 (5.06)105.28 (9.34)
Villa Vitality school visit
 Teacher time6.77 (2.12)135.94 (9.1)
 TA time5.61 (4.72)50.75 (9.10)
Villa Vitality day 2
 Teacher time7.79 (3.12)156.57 (12.80)
 TA time11.58 (5.14)104.71 (9.48)
Villa Vitality class project and challenges
 Teacher time8.17 (6.61)164.11 (132.81)
Cooking workshopCooking workshop classes: breakfast
 Teacher time1.53 (1.05)30.72 (4.71)
 TA time0.40 (0.22)3.61 (1.98)
Cooking workshop classes: lunch
 Teacher time1.43 (0.83)28.76 (4.05)
 TA time0.25 (0.58)2.26 (1.28)
Cooking workshop classes: dinner
 Teacher time1.22 (1.31)24.44 (6.81)
 TA time0.2 (0.527)2.26 (1.51)
Cooking workshop: breakfast
 Teacher time2.13 (0.94)42.79 (4.21)
 TA time0.31 (1.00)2.83 (2.03)
 Staff helpers2.84 (1.91)25.69 (3.86)
Cooking workshop: lunch
 Teacher time2.08 (1.07)41.86 (5.22)
 TA time0.18 (0.50)1.60 (1.09)
 Staff helpers2.06 (1.02)18.66 (2.24)
Cooking workshop: dinner
 Teacher time1.73 (1.13)34.66 (7.20)
 TA time0.25 (0.53)2.26 (1.51)
 Staff helpers1.43 (1.65)12.96 (4.71)
Cooking workshop packing/purchasing
 Research fellow0.35.56
 Research associate0.914.83
 Study administration0.11.17
Cooking workshop printing materials
Cooking workshop delivering materials
 Research associate time breakfast0.79 (0.61)12.95 (2.26)
 Breakfast travel costsn/a10.29 (2.36)
 Research associate time lunch0.80 (0.67)13.16 (2.68)
 Lunch travel costsn/a10.39 (2.65)
 Research associate time dinner0.95 (0.72)15.71 (3.76)
 Dinner travel costsn/a12.98 (4.19)
Cooking workshop materials: breakfast
 Tinned pineapple41.37
 Bran flakes11.80
 Chopping boards7.254.96
 Kitchen towels10.34
 Archive box11.29
Cooking workshop materials: lunch
 LF salad cream0.60.57
 Kitchen rolls20.67
Cooking workshop materials: dinner
 Tinned beans20.59
 Vegetable stock10.98
 Kitchen rolls10.34
PAPA term 1
 Teacher time11.12 (6.70)223.44 (31.72)
 TA time1.35 (3.40)12.25 (7.26)
 LTS time2.16 (4.15)16.74 (7.59)
PA term 2
 Teacher time17.35 (10.99)348.60 (47.09)
 TA time0.48 (0.98)4.38 (1.89)
 LTS time4.21 (7.57)27.14 (11.85)
PA term 3
 Teacher time18.90 (12.63)379.88 (73.27)
 TA time0.32 (0.64)2.93 (1.66)
 LTS time6.50 (12.40)50.38 (27.74)
Total mean running cost per school (£)7058.19
Total mean running cost per class (£)4587.82
Total mean running cost per consented child (£)266.35
Total mean running cost per child assuming a class of 30 pupils (£)152.93

LF, low fat; LTS, lunchtime supervisor; n/a, not applicable.


Total resource use/number of classes (n = 40).

Missing cost data

For all of the components of the intervention for which the resource use data were collected by the research team, there were no missing data. For much of the intervention, however, the cost data were collected from logbooks and there were extensive missing data. Some teachers failed to complete the logbooks, citing time constraints; other logbooks were returned, but without completion of the requested cost data; some logbooks were completed but lost by the school; and other logbooks were reported to have been returned but were never received. Given the multifaceted nature of the intervention, there were large numbers of missing data (Table 39).



Missing data by cost component

The high levels of missing data for both costs and QALYs provide a strong case for using multiple imputation.

Incremental analysis of cost

Multiple imputations (30 imputations) were run for each subcomponent of cost, and these were then combined to calculate the total costs of the intervention. Therefore, the analysis of cost was conducted on 30 data sets.

Table 40 outlines the incremental costs of the intervention arm compared with the control arm after adjusting for clustering, baseline utility and the covariates. Unsurprisingly, given the assumed ‘no costs’ associated with the control arm, the intervention arm was statistically significantly more expensive than the control arm.



Incremental cost analysis

Cost–utility analysis

The CUA combines the incremental costs with the incremental QALYs to produce an ICER. The ICER associated with the base case is £46,083 per QALY and, thus, the intervention is not cost-effective. Through the net benefit framework it is possible to assess the uncertainty around the ICER, while also considering clustering and the correlation between costs and outcomes. Given the very small effect size, and the uncertainty around the effect size, it is unsurprising to find extremely large levels of uncertainty around the ICER. At the NICE-recommended willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold of £20,000–30,000 per QALY, the control arm is more likely to be cost-effective than the intervention arm. At the lower threshold of £20,000 per QALY, there is just a 30% chance that the intervention is more cost-effective than usual practice. Even at a WTP threshold of £100,000 per QALY, the intervention arm has only a 59% chance of being the more cost-effective option. The reason underlying this uncertainty can be attributed to the lack of effect of the intervention. As the effect size approaches zero, the CIs around the net benefit widen.

Figure 10 shows the net benefits associated with the intervention at different levels of WTP. As the WTP threshold increases, the CIs widen, showing the increasing levels of uncertainty.

FIGURE 10. Net benefit of intervention at differing WTP levels.


Net benefit of intervention at differing WTP levels.

This is reflected in the CEAC (Figure 11), which shows the probability of the intervention being cost-effective at different levels of WTP for a QALY. Owing to the negligible treatment effect, even at high levels of WTP per QALY there is only a slightly better than 50 : 50 chance that the intervention is the more cost-effective option.

FIGURE 11. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve.


Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve.

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis 1: different multiple imputation method

When an alternative imputation strategy that utilised a fixed effect for clusters was applied, there was little impact on the results (Table 41). The overall ICER reduced to just under £42,000 per QALY; however, the estimates remained extremely uncertain, given the small and inconsistent effect size. This is reflected in the CEAC shown in Figure 12.



Incremental QALYs, adjusted for clustering, baseline utility, covariates, with alternative imputation strategy

FIGURE 12. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve with alternative fixed-effect imputation strategy.


Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve with alternative fixed-effect imputation strategy.

Sensitivity analysis 2: including set-up and implementation costs

As expected, the inclusion of set-up and implementation costs led to an increase in the ICER associated with the intervention and an even less favourable CEAC. The addition of the set-up and implementation costs increased the mean costs by £43.66, increasing costs to £311.07 per child. This increase in cost had a notable impact on the ICER, increasing the ICER to £53,610 per QALY.

The CEAC (Figure 13) shows the impact of the higher levels of cost moving the CEAC downwards, especially at the lower levels of WTP than with the base-case analysis. Again, because of the lack of effect of the intervention, there is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the results.

FIGURE 13. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve: including set-up and implementation costs.


Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve: including set-up and implementation costs.

Sensitivity analysis 3: including wider costs

As with sensitivity analysis 2, the inclusion of wider costs results in the ICER rising to just under £52,000 per QALY. As shown by the CEAC in Figure 14, there was little chance that the intervention is cost-effective. At a WTP of £20,000 per QALY, there is just a 26% chance that the intervention is more cost-effective than usual care. When wider costs are considered, the intervention remains not cost-effective.

FIGURE 14. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve: including wider costs.


Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve: including wider costs.

Sensitivity analysis 4: best-case scenario

In this scenario it is assumed that there are 30 children in every class; therefore, the cost has reduced to £155.53 per child. This produced a more favourable cost-effectiveness result, with the ICER falling to approximately £26,804 per QALY. Although this would be borderline cost-effective, it is again important to note the uncertainty around this best-case estimate, as demonstrated in the CEAC in Figure 15. Again, because of the lack of treatment effect within the trial, there is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding all cost-effectiveness results. Even at a WTP of £100,000 per QALY, there would be only a 62% probability that the intervention is more cost-effective than usual care.

FIGURE 15. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve: best-case scenario.


Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve: best-case scenario.

Cost per obesity case prevented

The purpose of the intervention is to prevent obesity and it is therefore important to consider the intervention in terms of its success at preventing children transitioning to an obese state. In the control arm, 7% of the children transitioned to an obese health state at FU2, having been in a non-obese state at baseline. In contrast, 10% of those in the intervention arm transitioned into an obese state in the intervention arm. That is, more children in the intervention arm transitioned into an obese state than those in the control arm. This is reflected by the results of the multilevel logit model. To demonstrate the lack of effect of the intervention, the odds ratio associated with children in the intervention arm transitioning into an obese state is 1.17 (95% CI 0.66 to 2.09) when controlling for covariates. This indicates that those in the intervention arm are more likely to transition into an obese state than those in the control arm. It should be noted, however, that this is not a significant difference. This negative finding, however, makes it impossible to assess the cost per obesity case prevented as a result of there being zero cases of obesity prevented by the intervention. These results reflect the primary trial analysis of the health outcomes data, which indicates that there was no notable impact of the intervention on clinical outcomes.


The economic evaluation has summarised the methods and results for capturing both the incremental costs that were associated with the intervention and the incremental effectiveness. The economic evaluation analysed both costs and benefits jointly using the NBR framework. In terms of costs, the intervention costs were largely driven by the Villa Vitality package and school staff time for delivering the intervention. With respect to the analysis of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, the main result is the lack of intervention effect in terms of QALY gain or in terms of obesity prevention. The economic evaluation suggests that the intervention, despite its relatively low cost on a per-child basis, has negligible benefits, and thus fails to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. When considering the uncertainty surrounding the ICERs, the lack of treatment effect becomes apparent and a great deal of uncertainty underlies the apparent cost-effectiveness. Consequently, even when considering a particularly high WTP threshold for QALYs, and a reduced intervention cost as in sensitivity analysis 4, there is still a vast amount of uncertainty about whether or not the intervention would be deemed cost-effective.

A number of challenges were encountered within the economic evaluation, which included dealing with clustering, and also missing data. Clustering was largely accounted for within the analysis by implementing multilevel imputation and analysis models. The second of these challenges, that is, the missing data, proved to be a significant limitation. In terms of effectiveness data, follow-up rates were good and the level of attrition throughout the follow-up periods was typical for a trial. For the cost data, however, missing data were a much more significant challenge. This largely relates to the methods of resource use collection. Resource use as recommended by best practice was collected alongside the trial. Collection of many of the resource use data was through teacher logbooks, which varied by component. Given the multifaceted nature of the intervention, and the consequently large number of cost components, it is perhaps unsurprising that missing cost data were pervasive throughout. Consequently, a complete-case analysis would have removed nearly every single child from the analysis. Multiple imputation, as recommended in the literature, was therefore necessary to address this and to make best use of the data.

This was a trial-based economic evaluation and, thus, health-care costs were not considered, as any potential health-care usage from being obese would occur well into the future. Had the intervention been effective in preventing obesity, it would have been possible to model future cost savings and health improvements using a decision-analytic modelling approach. A direct result of the lack of effectiveness of the intervention was that this modelling stage was, unfortunately, not required.

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2018. This work was produced by Adab et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK481687


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