Figure 1. Myeloid dendritic cells (DC) present the antigen to NKT cells within the context of CD1 HLA complex through the TCR Vα24. During antigen presentation, DC release IL-12 which 1- promotes NKT cytotoxicity and regulates the number of DC (negative regulation) and 2- promotes the expression of Fas lingand (FasL) on the surface of NKT cells. The latter ones thus acquire a cytotoxic potential on hepatocytes via Fas/FasL and granzime/perforin pathways. IL-12 is, in turn, the main stimulating cytokine for the differentiation of type 1 helper T cells (Th1 cells).

Figure 1Myeloid dendritic cells (DC) present the antigen to NKT cells within the context of CD1 HLA complex through the TCR Vα24. During antigen presentation, DC release IL-12 which 1- promotes NKT cytotoxicity and regulates the number of DC (negative regulation) and 2- promotes the expression of Fas lingand (FasL) on the surface of NKT cells. The latter ones thus acquire a cytotoxic potential on hepatocytes via Fas/FasL and granzime/perforin pathways. IL-12 is, in turn, the main stimulating cytokine for the differentiation of type 1 helper T cells (Th1 cells).

From: Chapter 31, Autoimmune hepatitis

Cover of Autoimmunity
Autoimmunity: From Bench to Bedside [Internet].
Anaya JM, Shoenfeld Y, Rojas-Villarraga A, et al., editors.
Bogota (Colombia): El Rosario University Press; 2013 Jul 18.
© 2013 Universidad del Rosario.

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