NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Bravata DM, Sundaram V, Lewis R, et al. Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies (Vol. 5: Asthma Care). Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2007 Jan. (Technical Reviews, No. 9.5.)
Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies (Vol. 5: Asthma Care).
Show detailsResults of Literature Search and Article Review Process
Figure 2 presents the results of our search strategy and article review process. Our searches yielded 3843 potentially relevant articles of which 530 articles merited full-text review. A total of 200 articles reporting on 171 unique populations met our inclusion criteria. Appendix C * provides the citations of articles excluded after the full text review, along with the reason for exclusion.
Summary of Included Studies
General Characteristics of Included Studies
The 171 included studies were highly heterogeneous with respect to study design, the types of QI strategies evaluated, the populations of interest, and types of outcomes reported. In this section, we describe these characteristics (Table 2).
Study Design. Of the included articles, 134 (78%) were RCTs, five (3%) were quasi-RCTs and 32 (19%) were controlled before-after trials. Of these, 35 (21%) studies compared two or more interventions without a control group that did not also receive a QI intervention. (Studies of this design all evaluated either self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions.)
RCTs were much less likely to report statistically significant improvements in the processes and outcomes of care for patients with asthma than were studies of other designs (Table 3).
Sample Size. The median sample size was 109 (Interquartile range: 54, 205). Many of the included studies were small: 78 (46%) had total sample sizes of 100 subjects or less (Table 4). We did not find an association between sample size and the likelihood that a study reported statistically significant outcomes (Table 4).
When interpreting the results of the included studies, it is important to consider that few presented power calculations and those that did were often underpowered to find small effects. This may be particularly relevant for interventions directed at patients with mild asthma where the outcomes of interest are relatively rare events such as annual hospitalizations. Additionally, many of the included studies evaluated numerous outcomes and did not make adjustments for multiple comparisons. Because nearly all of the included studies used the sample size that completed the intervention or follow up period in their calculations of effect size (i.e., did not perform intention-to-treat analysis), in the evidence tables, we report the number of subjects in the intervention and control groups at the end of the trial. For those few studies that did perform an intention-to-treat analysis, we present the sample size at the time of randomization or treatment allocation.
Intervention Characteristics. Articles often did not report detailed information about the interventions. For example, for educational interventions, we were interested in key aspects of the interventions such as the teaching modalities used, number of sessions subjects received, number of students in the “small groups,” the specific content of the curriculum, the training of the instructor, etc. However, the included articles often presented at most a few sentences describing the intervention. In the evidence tables in the sections that follow, we present the abstracted information on each included study and for those studies with detailed intervention descriptions, we noted this.
From each of the included articles, we abstracted whether the investigators cited previous literature or a theoretical framework to describe the evidence base for their proposed intervention. The included articles often provided scant information about whether the design of the QI intervention had a theoretical basis (e.g., the mechanism by which the chosen intervention might influence individual behavior or organizational culture and structure). In other words, numerous studies provided little or no answer to the question of why a particular QI strategy was selected to address a given problem. Only 76 (44%) of the included studies in our report specifically described a theoretical framework for their intervention. When we consider all of the included studies (combining across all types of QI strategies), we did not find that the studies reporting a theoretical framework were more likely to find improvements in outcomes for patients with asthma (Table 5).
Subject Characteristics. Studies varied with respect to their target populations of interest. For example, 79 studies targeted children exclusively, whereas 92 studies targeted general asthma populations that included primarily adults. Throughout this report, we present the interventions designed specifically for children separately from those that were for general, primarily adult, populations. Six of the 79 studies exclusively enrolled adolescents—they differed in terms of their definitions of adolescents (e.g., 12 to 16 years old). In 20 studies, providers (i.e., physicians, nurses, or pharmacists) were the target of the intervention (typically, provider education or provider reminder interventions). The other interventions were primarily directed at patients with asthma or their caregivers.
We were interested in abstracting data for subjects' baseline asthma severity (as measured by number of medications, number of annual physician and emergency department visits, and spirometric values); however, these data were reported sufficiently infrequently and in highly heterogeneous manner. To the extent possible, we present asthma severity information on each of the included articles in the evidence tables.
The included articles studied asthma patients from around the world: 73 were from the U.S., 27 from the U.K., 11 from Australia, 11 from Canada, eight from the Netherlands, five from Sweden, 23 from elsewhere in Europe, four from South America, and three from India, among others. In the evidence tables, we describe the location where the intervention took place.
QI Intervention Characteristics. The interventions occurred between 1976 and 2004 and ranged in length from 4 weeks to 5 years (median: 12 months) (Figure 3). For those studies that reported data at multiple post-intervention intervals, we abstracted data from the longest period of follow up.
Intervention duration. We found that studies with longer interventions were more likely to report improvements in health services utilization (p=0.011) (Table 6). This may be because visits to the emergency department or urgent care or hospitalizations are relatively rare events (especially among patients with less severe asthma) and reductions in these events accrue only over longer follow up periods. We did not find that longer interventions were associated with improvements in clinical status or other outcomes of interest. This may be in part due to some initial effects of the intervention waning with longer follow up periods.
Intervention settings. The interventions took place in various settings including outpatient clinics, home, and school (Figure 4). Most of the interventions in schools and patients' homes were directed at children with asthma or their parents or caregivers.
Types of QI strategies. Table 7 presents the distribution of type of QI strategies implemented in the included articles. Most of the included articles described self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions. None of the included articles described patient reminder systems.
Combinations of QI strategies. Most of the included articles evaluated a single QI strategy. However, 75 studies evaluated QI interventions with two or more QI strategies (e.g., interventions that combined both patient education and organizational change) (Table 8). We found 21 studies of interventions of more than two QI strategies. Among those interventions with more than one QI strategy, the most common was the combination of self-monitoring, self-management, and patient education. We note that these are overlapping educational classifications and can be considered a single, broad-based educational strategy. For those interventions including other strategies, organizational change was the next mostly likely to be included (e.g., self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education with organizational change). We found that the greater the number of QI strategies, the more likely a study was to report improvements in clinical status (p=0.009) (but not the other primary outcomes of interest) (Table 8).
Outcomes Evaluated. We abstracted data on four primary outcomes (measures of clinical status, measures of functional status, measures of health services utilization, and measures of adherence to guidelines) and three secondary outcomes (health-related quality of life, exposure to environmental triggers such as tobacco smoke, and costs). Table 9 presents the distribution of the types of outcomes commonly reported in the included studies.
Assessment for Publication Bias. We sought evidence for potential sources of publication bias. We found no statistically significant association between sample size and the study reporting a positive outcome (p=0.55). This finding was corroborated by visual inspection of the plots of the association of sample size and the likelihood of finding a statistically significant positive outcome (we present these funnel plots in the sections describing those outcomes).
Given the heterogeneity of the included studies, we synthesized data separately from each group of studies that evaluated the same type of QI strategy in the same population. In the sections that follow, we first present the evidence on the effectiveness of each type of QI strategy for children and adults with asthma from those studies that compared an intervention group receiving the QI strategy compared to a control group receiving usual care. We then present the results from those studies that compared more than one intervention group without including a control group that did not receive some QI intervention. Finally, we present the results synthesizing the outcomes across intervention types.
Results by QI Intervention
Self-Monitoring, Self-Management, or Patient Education Interventions
Inadequate asthma knowledge is an important factor in poor asthma management.27 Asthma patients play a key role in their own care by identifying and reducing exposures to factors that may worsen their asthma and by adjusting medications to prevent asthma exacerbations. The International Consensus Report on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma describes asthma management as having six parts, the first of which is “to educate patients to develop a partnership in asthma management.”28 The purpose of patient education is defined as “a continual process designed to provide the asthma patient and the patient's family with suitable information and training, so that the patient can keep well and adjust treatment according to a medication plan developed with the clinician.”28 Clearly, considerable overlap exists between patient education and self-monitoring or self-management interventions.
For the purposes of this report, we classified interventions as being principally self-monitoring or self-management if the goal of the intervention was to improve the ability of people with asthma or their caregivers to take action to reduce the impact of the disease on their lives, often through better monitoring of their symptoms and physiologic metrics. In contrast, we classified interventions as being principally patient education if the purpose was to increase asthma knowledge or improve inhaler technique without emphasizing patient decision making or changing behavior. We recognize that these are somewhat artificial distinctions and that many of the interventions include components of both. Accordingly, we present the evidence from self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions in this single section.
We first briefly describe the results of systematic reviews of self-monitoring or self-management interventions. We then present the general characteristics of the self-monitoring, self-management, and patient education interventions encountered in the primary literature. Next, we present the results of the individual self-monitoring, self-management, and patient education intervention studies separately. However, for those studies that include both types of interventions together, we include them in both the self-monitoring, self-management, and patient education presentations. Finally we present the results of our synthesis of these studies—evaluating the components of the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions most associated with improvement in outcomes for patients with asthma. We first present the evidence from the interventions directed at children with asthma and their caregivers and then present the evidence from the interventions directed at general populations with asthma.
Systematic Reviews of Asthma Self-Monitoring, Self-Management, or Patient Education
There have been numerous systematic reviews of asthma self-monitoring, self-management or patient education—many of which have been methodologically rigorous.10, 29–45 We direct interested readers to these reviews for detailed descriptions of their results. In general, the results of these systematic reviews highlight the heterogeneity of these literatures, including disparities in the relevant information reported about the interventions and the content and educational approaches evaluated. A common finding was that interventions directed at improving patient knowledge, typically through non-interactive formats (e.g., lecture, video, print) do not necessarily improve health outcomes. In contrast, interventions that focus on improving self-monitoring or self-management skills through behavior change techniques, often result in reductions in health services utilization and asthma symptoms and improve functional status. The authors of the systematic reviews described the common methodological weaknesses in the evidence base: small sample sizes, lack of long-term follow up, and use of interventions without strong theoretical or empirical foundations.
The research question addressed by many of these reviews was whether written action plans improve the outcomes of care for patients with asthma.10, 29, 30, 34, 35, 40 For example, the 2001 AHRQ funded Evidence Report entitled, “Management of Chronic Asthma”10 (which was used to inform the recommendations of the 2002 NHLBI asthma guideline) evaluated whether written asthma action plans improve asthma outcomes and, specifically, whether peak flow monitor-based plans are superior to symptom-based plans. They synthesized the evidence from 36 controlled trials of the efficacy of written asthma action plans to improve outcomes for pediatric and adult populations with asthma. The authors found that most study designs were confounded by multiple asthma management interventions—only nine studies with a total of 1501 patients evaluated self-management programs in isolation.10 Of the five trials comparing a peak flow-based action plan to no action plan, only one found a statistically significant result—a reduction in emergency department visits for the peak flow-based action plan group. None of these five trials reported any other statistically significant difference in any other measure of clinical status or health services utilization. The authors note that most studies were underpowered to find statistically significant results.10 They concluded that there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate an association between the use of written asthma action plans and improved asthma outcomes.10 Moreover, they found that there was insufficient evidence to support the hypothesis that peak flow monitoring-based plans were superior to symptom-based plans.10
The 2004 Cochrane review by Toelle and Ram was designed to assess whether the provision of a written individualized management plan increased adherence with self-monitoring or self-management behaviors.30 Toelle and Ram concluded that there was insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the use of written management plans for asthma. Toelle and Ram commented that the failure to demonstrate any difference in health outcomes between written individualized plan groups and control groups may be because the provision of a written plan does not lead to any change in behavior or that enrollment in a study may lead to similar improvements in both control and intervention groups.30
Additionally, although not systematic reviews, the Working Group Reports from the 1998 World Asthma Meeting are notable for providing succinct descriptions of key trials of a variety of self-management and patient education interventions and discussions of important gaps in the literature.46, 47 In particular, the article by Partridge and colleagues details the list of self-management skills (including self-monitoring) that are widely accepted as required for effective self care and reviews a number of interventions and international efforts to improve patient-provider communication, provider education, and policy-level interventions for asthma care.47
In summary, prior systematic reviews found that non-interactive educational interventions were not effective, and that there was insufficient evidence to determine the value of written self-management plans.
To avoid duplicating the work done in prior reviews, we did not evaluate the comparative effectiveness of symptom-based versus peak flow-based self-monitoring or self-management interventions. Instead, our aim was to evaluate specific intervention characteristic (e.g., setting, teaching strategy, intensity of the intervention) and population characteristics (e.g., adolescents, country of residence) associated with improvements in outcomes of care for children and adults with asthma.
General Characteristics of Self-Monitoring, Self-Management, or Patient Education Interventions for Children With Asthma
Study Design Characteristics. Among the included articles, 69 had some component of self-monitoring, self-management, or education for children with asthma or their caregivers. The median duration of the follow up period was 12 months (S.D., 5.8 months). The median sample size of these interventions was 90 subjects (Interquartile range: 43, 181). Fifty-nine were RCTs, three were quasi-RCTs, and ten were controlled before-after trials. In univariate analysis, the longest studies were more likely to have the largest number of subjects (p=0.005). Eleven were primarily self-monitoring or self-management, 36 were primarily patient or caregiver education, and 13 included both.
Intervention Characteristics. The included interventions were highly heterogeneous in terms of educational materials provided, setting, frequency and duration of contact with asthma patients and their caregivers, among other key characteristics.
Forty-three (62%) specifically described an underlying conceptual framework or theoretical background as the basis for the intervention. We direct interested readers elsewhere for discussions of the theoretic foundations of asthma educational and self-monitoring or self-management interventions which include theories of empowerment, social ecology, self-regulation, and self-efficacy.48–50 In univariate analyses, these studies tended to be more likely to report statistically significant improvements in emergency department visits (36 studies reported both emergency department visits and described a conceptual framework; p=0.014) but not the other outcomes of interest.
Nineteen of the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions were performed in outpatient primary care and most were taught by either physicians or nurses/nurse practitioners (Figure 5).
Thirty-two (46%) of the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions provided 2 to 5 educational sessions to the children or their caregivers. Twenty-six interventions principally provided individualized instruction, six principally used interactive group teaching sessions, and 23 used combinations of teaching modalities (Figure 6)
Eight studies used video games or Web-based programs as educational or self-monitoring or self-management tools for children with asthma.51–58 For example, “Bronkie's Asthma Adventure” (Click Health, Inc, Mountain View, CA) is a Nintendo®-based game that has been designed to teach children self-monitoring or self-management strategies and provide feedback (in English or Spanish language) on their performance.58 Similarly, the “Asthma Control” video game features a superhero named “Spacer” whom the player has to lead through six game levels, accumulating points by avoiding both indoor and outdoor triggers/allergens and using controller medications.54 The use of video games or Web-based teaching modalities was not associated consistently with statistically significant improvements in outcomes or processes of care for children with asthma.
Outcomes Reported. The 69 self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education studies reported on a variety of outcomes. The most frequently reported outcomes were asthma symptoms, days lost from school or work, urgent care or emergency department visits, and hospitalizations due to asthma. Relatively few studies reported on guideline adherence including adherence to self-monitoring or self-management plans. Table 10 presents a summary of the number of studies reporting each of the primary outcomes of interest. Thirty-one studies reported on asthma symptoms; however, these were measured in highly heterogeneous ways (e.g., self reported symptoms from children's diaries, physicians' ratings of asthma symptoms, multiple different asthma symptom questionnaires). Thirty studies reported on days lost from school or work due to asthma. Some authors adjusted days lost from school on the basis of expected seasonal variation in absenteeism, but most reported school days lost in the intervention group compared to the control group.
Self-Monitoring or Self-Management Interventions for Children With Asthma
Background. The International Consensus Report on Asthma suggests that peak flows of 80 to 100% of the individual's best are satisfactory and necessitate only routine treatment.28 Peak flows of 50 to 80% of personal best peak flow should stimulate a treatment change (e.g., increasing bronchodilators or anti-inflammatory medications).28 Peak flows below 50% of personal best should lead the patient to use their urgent medications (e.g., start oral steroids) and seek medical attention.28 Most of the self-monitoring or self-management interventions for children with asthma utilize a written, often color-coded plan in which instructions and medications are labeled (green) for routine care, (yellow) for caution/early treatment, and (red) for urgent treatment. The purpose of this section is to present the characteristics of the individual self-monitoring or self-management interventions.
Results. We found 35 interventions designed principally for the improvement of self-monitoring or self-management of asthma symptoms by children with asthma and their caregivers (24 of these studies are presented in Table 11). Nine of the pediatric self-monitoring or self-management studies compared two self-monitoring or self-management interventions without including a control group that did not also receive a self-monitoring or self-management intervention.55, 56, 59–65 Studies with this design are described in detail in a subsequent section of the report (Table 21).
The studies of pediatric self-monitoring or self-management interventions are notable among all the types of studies synthesized for this report, in two ways. First, many of these studies reported statistically significant improvements in subjects receiving the intervention—specifically, 29 (83%) of the pediatric self-monitoring or self-management studies reported at least one statistically significant outcome for the recipients of the self-monitoring or self-management intervention compared with the control group. We explore the intervention factors associated with improvements in outcomes and processes of care for children with asthma at the end of this section (Table 13 through Table 16).
Second, among the included studies, the reports of self-monitoring or self-management interventions were most likely to have described their efforts to design interventions that were well-grounded in theoretical frameworks such as social learning theory, cognitive development, and behavior change. Twenty-two (63%) of the included pediatric self-monitoring or self-management studies described such a theoretical rationale for either the content of the program or the selection of teaching methods employed.52–54, 61, 64, 66–81 Typically, these interventions relied less on lecture-based or pamphlet-based teaching methods and utilized multiple educational modalities including role-playing, videotapes, and games to reinforce patient learning.
The 35 interventions were heterogeneous with respect to the specific content and delivery methods of the self-monitoring or self-management program. However, two programs, Open Airways and “Superstuff” are worthy of specific mention because they were the subject of multiple evaluations. Five studies evaluated a school-based self-monitoring or self-management program utilizing multiple educational components called Open Airways.68–70, 72, 82 This program consists of six 40–60 minute group sessions for inner-city third to fifth graders to increase their ability to care for their asthma on a daily basis. It includes information about asthma pathophysiology, recognizing and responding to asthma symptoms, using asthma medications and deciding about when to seek care, staying active, identifying and controlling asthma triggers, and managing asthma-related school problems. Interactive teaching methods used in Open Airways include group discussions, storytelling, games, and role-playing. Each of these studies found important clinical improvements in asthma outcomes for the participants of this self-monitoring or self-management program (Table 11). The study by Ronchetti and colleagues of children receiving asthma care in 12 Italian centers compared the outcomes of three groups: subjects receiving Open Airways, subjects receiving another self-monitoring or self-management program called Living with Asthma, and control subjects receiving usual care.72 The content of the Living with Asthma program is similar to Open Airways and it also uses a group format; however, it makes more extensive use of written diaries for developing asthma management skills and does not rely as heavily as Open Airways on encouraging group members to share problems and develop solutions together. One year after enrollment, patients in the Open Airways but not the Living With Asthma groups had fewer emergency treatments for asthma than controls (p<0.03).72
Three studies reported evaluations of self-monitoring or self-management programs that utilized the “Superstuff” pediatric self-monitoring or self-management kits produced by the American Lung Association (or materials developed from “Superstuff”).66, 83, 84 “Superstuff” kits include a Parent's Magazine containing 29 articles on asthma pathophysiology, triggers, relaxation techniques, and personal control and decision making. The Children's Kit includes riddles about asthma facts, the “Breathe Easy” board game, puzzles and dolls with self-care messages, a comic strip about relaxation exercises, a mystery house for games about discovering allergens, a phone book with advice about when to call the doctor and to record emergency numbers, and assorted asthma-related door signs, posters, stickers, records, and paper cut-outs. In the study by Rakos and colleagues, 20 children with moderate to severe asthma received the “Superstuff” kit in the mail with instructions on its self-administration while 23 children received usual care.83 One year after receiving the intervention, parental reports suggested a statistically significant decrease in “interruptions due to asthma” (p<0.04) but there was no difference in school absenteeism between groups. The study by Whitman and colleagues84 provided the “Superstuff” kit in addition to eight teaching sessions to 19 children and found that three months after the intervention, there was no difference in number of asthma episodes or days without asthma between recipients and controls (N=19); however, participant's knowledge (p=0.02) and asthma skills (p<0.01) improved compared to controls. Also, the intervention evaluated by Pérez and colleagues for Venezuelan children with asthma was based on a self-monitoring or self-management packaged adapted from Superstuff and Living with Asthma—they found that intervention subjects reported fewer asthma crises and their physicians reported less severe asthma than among control subjects (Table 11).66
Of the other studies, numerous reported statistically significantly greater improvements in outcomes for the intervention group over the control group. However, often these statistically significant findings (e.g., improvement in percent predicted FEV1 of less than five percent) are of only modest clinical significance.
Conclusions. The 35 self-monitoring or self-management interventions, although heterogeneous in terms of content delivered and method of instruction, tended to be associated with statistically significant improvements in outcomes for children with asthma. Additionally, they tended to be grounded in established theoretical or behavioral frameworks. The interventions with well-established theoretic foundations typically utilized multiple educational modalities including role-playing, videos, and games to reinforce patient learning. Overall, many of the reported improvements were of only modest clinical significance.
Patient Education Interventions for Children With Asthma
Background. In general, pediatric patient education strategies for asthma are based on imparting knowledge about asthma pathophysiology to patients and their parents or caregivers and encouraging the appropriate use of peak flow meters and inhaled medications.
Results. We found 54 evaluations of interventions designed primarily to educate children or parents or caregivers of children with asthma (Table 12). The included studies were highly heterogeneous with respect to the target of the intervention (e.g., patients versus their parents or caregivers), the setting of the intervention (e.g., home, school, clinic), and the information being provided (e.g., asthma pathophysiology, allergen reduction). Thirty-seven (69%) studies demonstrated at least one statistically significant improvement in clinical outcomes, functional status, health services utilization, or guideline adherence. The studies reporting decreases in health services utilization tended to have described a theoretical basis for their intervention (p=0.048). Half of the pediatric patient education interventions (N=27) were based on a conceptual or theoretical framework (compared to 63% of the self-monitoring or self-management interventions).
In this section (Table 12), we describe the included studies in groups according to these key characteristics. (Note: The number of studies described in Table 12 is greater than 54 because there is overlap between the school-based interventions and other types of interventions so those studies are presented more than once). At the end of this section, we present the results of our synthesis of the association between intervention characteristics and likelihood of finding statistically significant improvements in the outcomes of interest for patient education or self-monitoring or self-management interventions.‡
Parent or caregiver education programs. Whereas most school-age children are typically considered to be sufficiently mature to benefit from asthma education offered outside the context of their families, preschool children learn new skills best within the context of their families, and parents are the primary target of the education of the youngest children with asthma (less than seven years).90 Among the included articles, we found 21 that included educational interventions directed at parents or caregivers (Table 12a)—13 (62%) of which found statistically significant improvements in processes and outcomes of care for children with asthma. In particular, this type of study was likely to report improvements in clinical outcomes (13 studies found improvements in asthma symptoms and other clinical outcomes among the 15 studies reporting these types of outcomes). Four studies compared two or more parent or caregiver education programs with each other but did not include a control group that did not also receive an educational intervention—these are described in Table 21.60, 62, 64, 65
Notable for its size and methodological rigor, the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study (NCICAS) evaluated the effectiveness of a multifaceted, home-based intervention for 1,033 inner city children aged 5 to 11 years with asthma from seven U.S. cities living in census tracts in which at least 20% of households had income levels below the federal poverty level.73–75 The NCICAS evaluated an educational intervention designed to teach caregivers about asthma management and to reduce those environmental asthma triggers to which their children had positive skin tests.73 Intervention families were given training on asthma triggers, environmental controls, and asthma physiology by social workers and were given tools to reduce environmental allergens such as vacuum cleaners, pillow covers, and air filters. Two years after enrollment, intervention children had more symptom free days (565.1 versus 538.5 days), fewer asthma symptoms (p<0.001), days lost from school (0.54 versus 0.71 days per two weeks, p<0.009), and lower allergen levels.73 There were no differences in hospitalization rates, physician visits, or emergency department between intervention and control groups.74, 75 The cost of the intervention was $337 per child for 2 years resulting in an estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $9.20 per symptom-free day gained (95% CI: -$12.56 to $55.29 per symptom free day gained).75 We cannot assess the extent to which it was the educational component or the reduction in environmental allergens that resulted in improvements for intervention subjects.
The study by Toelle and colleagues88 differed from the others in this section in that it was an educational program directed broadly at children with asthma and all the adults who influence their care including parents, physicians, teachers, pharmacists, community nurses, and school teachers. Six months after the intervention, pulmonary function (FEV1(L) was 2.13 at six months vs. 1.78 at baseline) improved in the intervention group but not the control group (p<0.001). The number of children with wheeze and symptoms that limited their activity did not change but night cough decreased a statistically significant amount in the intervention group (37.3% at six months vs. 68.3% at baseline; p<0.001). There was no statistically significant difference in physician or emergency department visits or days absent from school.
School-based education programs. Sixteen of the studies of pediatric QI studies delivered some portion of their intervention in schools—13 of these were patient education programs (Table 12b). Eleven school-based programs (69%) reported statistically significant improvements in processes and outcomes of care for children with asthma. Although these interventions all occurred in schools, they were highly heterogeneous in terms of the curriculum delivered, training of the person(s) delivering the curriculum, intensity of the program, and target audience. Two studies used the same 6 session educational program called “The Roaring Adventures of Puff.” McGhan and colleagues91 studied the effects of this program in 7 to 12 year old children in Edmonton and Cicutto and colleagues evaluated this program in 6 to 11 year olds in Toronto.77 In both studies, this program—which is based on asthma practice guidelines, social cognitive theory, and self-regulation theory and utilizes numerous teaching modalities including puppetry, games, role playing, model building, discussions, and asthma diary recordings—found reductions in asthma-related limitations in activity (McGhan et al. reported that in the intervention group, 41.5% of children at baseline vs. 29.2% children post-intervention were limited in their kinds of play; Cicutto et al. reported 6.2 versus 9.1 days of limited activity in the intervention compared to the control group).77, 91
Adolescent education programs. During adolescence, developmental behavioral changes can have adverse effects on asthma management if medication adherence declines or medical supervision becomes less consistent.92 We found six studies of educational interventions that exclusively targeting adolescents with asthma (Table 12c). None of these six adolescent-targeted interventions, even those that relied on peer teachers or intensive educational programs from physicians or nurse educators, resulted in statistically significant durable improvements in inhaled bronchodilator use, asthma symptoms control, or health services utilization. We note that five of these were relatively short with interventions lasting eight months or less.
We found 24 studies of self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education of general pediatric populations with asthma that included adolescents. Of these, 18 (75%) reported at least one positive outcome. Similarly, adolescents were included in 26 of the interventions directed at general populations with asthma—18 (70%) of these reported at least one positive outcome. Among these 50 studies that included adolescents as part of their study population but were not exclusively targeting adolescents, 14 (28%) reported statistically significant improvements in asthma symptoms or disease severity compared to controls and 12 (24%) reported significantly fewer emergency department/urgent care visits compared to controls. Because none of these studies reported outcomes by age strata, the extent to which these improvements were found among adolescents is unclear.
Outpatient education programs. We found 15 additional studies of educational interventions designed for children with asthma that were coordinated from the outpatient setting, sometimes including home visits and calls (Table 12d). Several of the included studies that directed the educational intervention at children but did not include parental involvement (particularly for young children) did not find statistically significant improvements in the processes or outcomes of care for the asthmatic patients. Several authors noted that even among families with older children, parents did not always respond to the suggestions raised by their children after participation in the educational intervention.54 Sometimes this was because parents could not afford or were unable to remove environmental factors such as wall-to-wall carpeting in their public housing residences.54 Others who were capable of removing some allergens or irritants sometimes denied that a particular environmental exposure, such as their smoking, was harmful to the child. These observations strongly suggest that parallel educational activities focusing on parents as well as their children may be needed.
Conclusions. Patient education interventions can be effective for improving the processes and outcomes of care for children with asthma. In particular, school-based programs and those directed at parents or caregivers of young children with asthma (even among lower socio-economic groups) tend to be associated with the greatest improvements in asthma outcomes. However, the effect sizes were often only of borderline clinical significance. Additionally, the few QI strategies that exclusively targeted adolescents have not resulted in much success—emphasizing the need for additional study of this key asthma population.
Synthesis of Evidence From Self-Monitoring, Self-Management, or Patient Education Interventions for Children With Asthma
In this section we present the results of our evaluation of the association of study design characteristics (e.g., whether the authors specified a theoretical/conceptual framework, year of study, sample size, country), intervention characteristics (e.g., whether parents or caregivers were a target of the intervention, the number of educational sessions provided to students, the setting in which the intervention took place), and improvements in the outcomes of interest for the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions. We present our analyses according to each of the primary outcome types.
Clinical Outcomes. The 48 studies of pediatric or caregiver education interventions that evaluated clinical outcomes were highly heterogeneous with respect to their reporting of asthma symptoms, spirometric measures, and asthma attacks. (For example, asthma symptoms were reported varyingly as percentage of days with wheeze, amount of daytime wheezing, self-reported severity, and change in physician reported asthma symptoms, among others.) Similarly, we were interested in the effect of these interventions on the amount of rescue medications used in contrast to routine inhaled corticosteroids; however, the heterogeneity of reporting of these outcomes limited our ability to combine them quantitatively. Thus, we evaluated the study design and intervention characteristics associated with the finding of one or more statistically significant clinical outcomes using logistic regression (Table 13). We found that among all studies of pediatric asthma evaluating self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions, those directed at parents or caregivers were most likely to be associated with a statistically significant improvement in clinical outcomes (p=0.02). However, there is insufficient evidence to assess the effect of other key intervention factors such as the intensity of the intervention (i.e., number of times the educator met with the child, parents, or caregivers), the type of provider of the education (e.g., nurse, physician), setting of the educational intervention (e.g., home, school), or the type of educational materials on clinical outcomes.
Functional Status Outcomes. Twenty-seven studies reported the mean (or median) days lost from school in a manner that could be use in a summary analysis (as opposed to providing a statement indicating that there was no difference between treatment and control groups for school absenteeism or a ratio of days in attendance to days absent). For those studies that did not specifically report the timeframe over which the school absenteeism was recorded (e.g., days absent per month versus per school year); we assumed that the reported days of missed school were for the entire study duration. When interpreting these data, we note that not all authors specifically identified these data as mean days lost from school and some likely represent other parameters such as total days lost from school for the whole cohort.
Figure 8 (next page) presents the individual study and summary standardized mean difference (between intervention and control groups) for school absenteeism per month due to asthma. The weighted mean reduction in days absent was 0.11 days/month (95% CI: 0.05, 0.17; p=0.0004). This corresponds to a standardized mean reduction in days absent of 0.53 (95% CI: 0.06, 0.99; p=0.03). However, the studies included in this analysis were highly statistically heterogeneous (Figure 8). Additionally, visual inspection of the funnel plot of these data (Figure 7) suggests that there may be publication bias affecting this result because most of the published studies demonstrated less school absenteeism in the intervention group. Thus, given this heterogeneity and possibility of publication bias, we cautiously conclude that among the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education studies reporting mean school absenteeism, there may be an overall effect toward reducing asthma-related school absenteeism. Moreover, the magnitude of the effect is relatively small.
We sought study design and intervention characteristics associated with the greatest reductions in school absenteeism. For this analysis, we used the standardized mean difference in school absenteeism as the dependent variable in a weighted least squares regression. We found that the longer the study duration, the greater the expected reduction in asthma-related school absenteeism (p<0.0001) (Table 14).
Health Services Utilization Outcomes. Among the studies reporting measures of health services utilization, 17 studies reported the mean number of asthma-related emergency department or urgent care visits and 24 studies reported mean number of hospital days in a manner that could be use in summary analyses. For those studies that did not specifically report the timeframe over which the emergency department/urgent care visits or hospitalizations were recorded; we assumed that they were for the entire study duration. For some studies, the authors did not specify whether the reported number of emergency room visits was the total for their cohort or the mean visits per group. Because we calculated standardized mean differences (as opposed to weighted mean differences which are not normalized by the variance in the reported outcome), we included both of these types of data in our analyses. Some studies only reported the percentage of patients in each group who had at least one visit to an urgent care or hospital. We did not include these data in our standardized mean difference calculations. Physician office visits were reported too heterogeneously to be combined (e.g., emergency visits to physician office for asthma, regular physician visits for asthma, total outpatient physician visits).
Asthma-related emergency department or urgent care visits. Figure 11 presents the individual study and summary standardized mean difference (between intervention and control groups) for mean asthma-related emergency department/urgent care visits per month. The weighted mean reduction was 0.01 visits per month (95% CI: 0.00, 0.02; p=0.17). The standardized mean difference was -0.12 (95% CI: -0.29, 0.05; p=0.16). Additionally, the studies included in this analysis were highly heterogeneous—which can readily be seen from the wide range of reported mean visits across the studies (Figure 11-see below). Visual inspection of the funnel plot of these data (Figure 9) does not suggest significant publication bias (there are studies demonstrating a range of effect size). We conclude that among the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education studies reporting mean emergency visits due to asthma, we did not find a statistically significant overall effect toward reducing asthma-related visits.
We sought study design and intervention characteristics associated with the greatest reductions in asthma-related emergency department/urgent care visits. For this analysis, we used the standardized mean difference in visits per month as the dependent variable in a weighted least squares regression. Our analysis was limited by the small number of studies reporting this outcome. We did not find any statistically significant predictors of reductions in emergency department/urgent care visits (Table 15).
Asthma-related hospitalizations. Figure 12 (see below) presents the individual study and summary standardized mean difference (between intervention and control groups) for mean hospital days per month due to asthma. The weighted mean difference was a reduction of 0.09 hospital days per month (95% CI: -0.26, +0.08; p=0.3). The standardized mean difference was -0.09 (95% CI: -0.26, 0.08; p=0.3). Additionally, the studies included in this analysis were highly heterogeneous—which can readily be seen from the wide range of reported mean hospital days across the studies (Figure 12-see below). Visual inspection of the funnel plot of these data (Figure 10) also suggests that there may be publication bias affecting this result (most studies report greater reduction in mean hospital days in the intervention group). We conclude that among the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education studies reporting mean hospital days due to asthma, there is no overall effect toward reducing asthma-related hospitalizations.
We sought study design and intervention characteristics associated with the greatest reductions in asthma-related hospitalizations. For this analysis, we used the standardized mean difference in hospitalizations as the dependent variable in a weighted least squares regression. We found that the greater the number of educational sessions provided, the greater the expected reduction in asthma-related hospitalizations (p=0.01) (Table 16). However, in none of our exploratory analyses was the intensity of the intervention, the type of provider of the education, the setting of the educational intervention, the type of educational materials used, or the number of QI strategies used in the intervention associated with reductions in school absenteeism (not all data shown).
Guideline Adherence Outcomes. The 27 studies reporting guideline adherence outcomes were highly heterogeneous. We performed logistic regression, using any statistically significant guideline adherence outcome as the dependent variable and study/intervention characteristics as the independent variables. In none of our analyses was the study design, the use of a theoretical/conceptual framework, the duration of the intervention, the frequency of interactions with the patient, the type of provider of the education (e.g., nurse, physician), setting of the educational intervention (e.g., home, school), the type of educational materials used associated with improved outcomes (data not shown).
Conclusions. We conclude that self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions may result in improvements in clinical outcomes for children with asthma—particularly interventions that include a component directed at parents or caregivers. Additionally, longer intervention duration and greater numbers of educational sessions may be associated with improvements in functional status. We note that our regression analyses were limited by the small number of studies consistently reporting similar outcomes and the significant heterogeneity among the studies (which likely reflects, in part, the heterogeneity in study populations including key characteristics such as asthma severity and socio-economic status). This relatively low statistical power limited our ability to corroborate some of the univariate associations described in the preceding sections.
General Characteristics of Self-Monitoring, Self-Management, or Patient Education Interventions for General Populations or Adults With Asthma
Background. As for the interventions designed specifically for children, self-monitoring or self-management interventions for general populations with asthma (typically for adults but occasionally mixed populations) generally include written instructions on how to alter medications based on information about disease status as measured either by symptoms or peak flow. It has been demonstrated that patients with asthma, regardless of age, often do not use their inhalers properly—even the reputedly easy-to-use dry powder inhalers have correct usage rates that vary widely (5 to 78%).125 Because poor inhaler technique can result in decreased delivery of medication to the lungs, increased asthma symptoms, higher costs, and increased side effects,125 many patient education interventions are designed to improve inhaler technique and medication adherence, and to decrease asthma symptoms and prevent asthma related co-morbidities.
Study Design Characteristics. We identified 78 studies of self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions for adults—59 of these included a self-monitoring or self-management intervention and 19 focused more on patient education (Table 18). Twenty-four studies compared two or more intervention groups without a control that did not also receive a QI intervention (presented in Table 21). Most of the patient education interventions for adults included at least some minimal component of providing adults with the information that they need to make decisions about their own asthma care. Thus, the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions for adults were overlapping educational interventions. Therefore, we present them together, grouping them to the extent possible according to common characteristics.
The median duration of the follow up period was 11 months (S.D., 9.2 months). The median sample size of these interventions was 100 subjects (Interquartile range: 51, 187). Sixty-three were RCTs, two were quasi-RCTs, and 13 were controlled before-after trials. In univariate analysis, the longest studies were more likely to report a statistically significant improvement in emergency department visits (p=0.02) but not the other outcomes.
Intervention Characteristics. These educational interventions were highly heterogeneous with respect to the content of the education, the provider of the education, the setting in which the education was provided, and the intensity of the education. Some interventions included multimedia tools, others used one-on-one formal teaching sessions, and several include instructional booklets.
Of the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education studies, 24 (31%) specifically described an underlying conceptual framework or theoretical background as the basis for the intervention—a considerably lower proportion than for pediatric interventions of this type (62%). The controlled before-after studies were somewhat more likely to report a conceptual or theoretical foundation (38%) than RCTs (27%) (p=0.01).
Compared to the pediatric educational interventions, the educational interventions for general populations or adults were less like to be based in primary care clinics (28% versus 17%) and more likely to be based in outpatient specialty clinics (e.g., allergy or pulmonary clinics) (12% versus 30%) (Figure 5 and Figure 13). Most interventions for general populations or adults were taught by nurses/nurse practitioners or physicians (Figure 13).
Thirty-three (42%) of the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions provided two to five educational sessions. Twenty-seven interventions principally provided individualized instruction, three principally used interactive group teaching sessions, and 27 used combinations of teaching modalities (Figure 14). Five interventions included a computer/web-based component—the use of these technologies was not associated with statistically significant improvements in outcomes or processes of care for general populations or adults with asthma.
Outcomes Reported. The 78 self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education studies' most frequently reported outcomes were asthma symptoms, urgent care or emergency department visits and hospitalizations due to asthma, and amount of asthma medications used (Table 17). The 42 studies that reported on asthma symptoms were highly heterogeneous—some presented self reported symptoms from patient diaries whereas others evaluated physicians' ratings of asthma symptoms. Similarly, the studies reporting on medication use sometime reported frequency of inhaled β-agonist use per patient whereas others reported the number of prescriptions for oral corticosteroids for the intervention group over the study interval.
Interventions Led Principally by Nurses and Pharmacists. 21 interventions relied primarily on nurses to deliver the self-monitoring or self-management program (Table 18a). (Note: many other studies used a combination of physicians, nurses, and other health providers to work in concert to provide various elements of the educational materials—the interventions described in this section were led exclusively or primarily by nurses.) Six of these compared two or more intervention groups without a control that did not also receive a QI intervention (presented in Table 21).126–132 Several of the nurse-led interventions lacked key characteristics that would seem predictive of being able to produce and detect statistically significant improvements for patients: only five reported basing their educational intervention on a theoretical or conceptual framework131–136 and seven had sample sizes of 65 subjects or less.
Notable among the interventions in this category for its rigorous design, sample size, duration, intensity of educational program provided, duration, and reporting is the study by Wilson et al.136 This RCT with four arms enrolled 235 patients aged 18–50 with moderate to severe asthma from five Northern California Kaiser Medical Centers. Patients enrolled in the small group education program (N=83) met weekly with a nurse-educator for four 90-minute education sessions for instruction in asthma and asthma management. The intervention was designed based on cognitive learning theory and utilized both verbal and printed instruction materials. Patients enrolled in the individual education program (N=81) met weekly with the nurse-educator for three to five 45-minute meetings where the educator chose among 18 instructional modules (covering the same content included in the small-group program) to develop a program tailored to the needs of the individual. Intervention patients kept symptom-medication diaries. The standard control group (N=71) was given no formal education. An information control group (N=75) was given a workbook containing the same basic information given to the intervention groups. At 12 months, patients in both the group and individualized educational programs were significantly more likely than controls to improve in multiple outcomes (p<0.05 for all comparisons) including asthma symptoms (55% and 50%, respectively compared to 25% in control group), symptom free days (49% and 51%, respectively compared to 26% in the control group), and bedroom control practices (62% and 53%, respectively compared to 32% in the control group). (See Table 18a for more details on this study.)
Table 18b presents the six education interventions led principally by pharmacists. All of these studies reported finding statistically significant improvements in processes or outcomes of care for general populations or adults with asthma. As a group, these interventions had relatively more frequent interactions with patients than other educational interventions—for example, the brief (3 month) study by Barbanel and colleagues provided patients with an initial individualized session followed by weekly calls from a pharmacist to review medications for the next three months.137 Similarly, the large study (N=413) by Herborg and colleagues required monthly sessions for patients and their pharmacists for a year. Because of the small number of studies of this category, we did not have sufficient power to assess whether the frequency of patient interactions was consistently associated with the positive outcomes reported among the educational interventions led by pharmacists.
Other General Population or Adult Self-Monitoring, Self-Management, or Patient Education Interventions. The 33 studies in Table 18c evaluated a broad range of interventions. Among these, the factor most consistently associated with improvements in outcomes for patients was the use of combinations of educational techniques and materials including individualized interactions, group interactions, role-playing, and printed materials among others. Twenty-three of the 27 (85%) self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions for adults that utilized combinations of educational modalities found statistically significant improvements in processes and outcomes of care for patients. In contrast, the interventions that utilized principally a single educational modality were less likely to report statistically significant outcomes: 70% (19/27) of the interventions that exclusively used individualized education, 66% (2/3) of interventions that exclusively used lectures, 33% (2/6) of interventions that exclusively used printed materials, and 33% (1/3) of interventions that exclusively used interactive groups found improvements for patients.
We did not find that the frequency of patient interactions with the provider of the educational intervention was a key factor in producing improvements for patients. Some interventions provided no direct interaction between healthcare providers but still found statistically significant improvements in patient outcomes (e.g., the study by Legorreta (one of the largest in this systematic review) involved 999 patients who received self-monitoring or self-management and educational materials including written materials, peak flow meters, and a video directly from their HMO, and were found to have improvement in daily use of steroid inhalers and PF meters138). In contrast, other interventions provided intense interactions with patients but failed to produce or detect improvements for patients (e.g., the 10 patient study by Grover and colleagues in which patients received 15 individualized educational sessions139).
Similarly, no particular intervention setting was consistently associated with improvements in outcomes. In contrast, three of the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education studies were home-based and none found improvements in outcomes for patients.140–142
Three of the included studies133, 143, 144 based their self-management intervention on the Wheezers Anonymous program. Developed by Winder and colleagues,143, 144 Wheezers Anonymous was based on two effective self-monitoring or self-management programs for children (Living with Asthma145 and the Family Asthma Program146) and was designed to provide comprehensive asthma education and self-monitoring or self-management skills with minimal leader training for use in clinical settings (Table 18c). It uses a combination of teaching modalities including lectures, videotaped segments, and discussion sections.143 The relatively small study by Kotses and colleagues, found improvements in peak flow measures among recipients of Wheezers Anonymous compared to control subjects.144 However, the other studies did not report consistent improvement in clinical, functional, or health services utilization measures among recipients of Wheezers Anonymous compared to control subjects.133, 143
Conclusions. Self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions can be effective for improving the processes and outcomes of care for adults with asthma. In particular, interventions that utilize combinations of educational modalities and those that rely on pharmacists to lead the educational effort have been associated with statistically significant improvements for patients.
Synthesis of Evidence From Self-Monitoring, Self-Management, or Patient Education Interventions for General Populations or Adults With Asthma
In this section we present the results of our evaluation of the association of study design characteristics (e.g., whether the authors specified a theoretical/conceptual framework, year of study, sample size, country), intervention characteristics (e.g., the number of educational sessions provided to students, the setting in which the intervention took place), and improvements in the outcomes of interest for the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions. We present our analyses according to each of the primary outcome types.
Clinical Outcomes. Sufficient numbers of studies presented results for percent predicted FEV1 and peak flow that these data could be synthesized quantitatively.
Percent predicted FEV 1 . Among the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions for general populations or adults with asthma, 17 reported change in percent predicted FEV1 from which we were able to calculate individual study and a summary standardized mean difference (between intervention and control subjects at the end of the study) (Figure 17-see below). These studies were statistically homogeneous and produced a weighted mean difference of 2.92 percent change in FEV1 (95% CI: 0.92, 4.92; p=0.004). This corresponds to a summary mean difference of 0.13 (95% CI of 0.03, 0.23) favoring the intervention groups (p=0.01). The funnel plot from these 17 studies (Figure 15) does not suggest substantial publication bias. Of all the quantitative analyses in this report, the data included in this calculation are the most robust given the relatively large number of studies reporting the same outcome in the same way. However, the statistically significant effect reflects a clinical improvement of only borderline significance.
We sought study design and intervention characteristics associated with the greatest improvements in percent predicted FEV1. For this analysis, we used the standardized mean difference as the dependent variable in a weighted least squares regression. We found that the more recent the year of publication, the greater the likelihood of finding improvements in percent predicted FEV1 (p=0.004) (Table 19). We denoted the studies with interventions performed since 2000 in Figure 17 with an asterisk. We cannot determine the critical characteristics that distinguish these more recent studies and that might be associated with the improved spirometric measures.
In none of our analyses was the study design, the use of a theoretical/conceptual framework, the duration of the intervention, the frequency of interactions with the patient, the type of provider of the education (e.g., nurse, physician), setting of the educational intervention (e.g., home, school), the type of educational materials used associated with improved outcomes (data not shown).
Peak flow measurements. Among the self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions for general populations or adults, 16 studies reported mean peak flow at the end of the study period. Typically, they reported mean peak flow for the intervention and control groups and did not specify time of day. If they did present mean morning and mean evening measurements, we used mean morning values in our summary analysis because these were the most frequently reported. The weighted mean difference in peak flow from these 16 (statistically heterogeneous) was 27.95 L/min (95% CI: 10.75, 45.15; p=0.01). The standardized mean difference of 0.26 (95% CI of 0.10, 0.42) favored the intervention groups (p=0.001) (Figure 18-see below). As with the FEV1 results, this represents a change of only modest clinical relevance. The funnel plot (Figure 16) for this analysis does not suggest substantial publication bias.
We sought study design and intervention characteristics associated with the greatest improvements in mean peak flow. For this analysis, we used the standardized mean difference as the dependent variable in a weighted least squares regression. We did not find a combination of the intervention or design characteristics that explained a statistically significant proportion of the variation in mean peak flow (R2=0.29) (Table 20).
Functional Status Outcomes. Nine studies reported mean days lost from work or school. For those studies that did not specifically report the timeframe over which the school absenteeism was recorded (e.g., days absent per month versus per school year); we assumed that the reported days of missed school were for the entire study duration. When interpreting these data, we note that not all authors specifically identified these data as mean days lost from school and some likely represent other parameters such as total days lost from school for the whole cohort. We calculated the standardized mean difference between intervention and control groups in terms of the mean number of days lost from work or school (Figure 19). The nine studies were statistically heterogeneous (I2=73%) and they did not find any statistically significant difference in days lost from work or school between intervention and control subjects (weighted mean difference of -0.19 days absent per month; 95% CI: -0.40, 0.02; p=0.08; standardized mean difference of -0.21; 95% CI: -0.44, 0.02; p=0.08).
We performed logistic regression, using any statistically significant functional status outcome as the dependent variable and study/intervention characteristics as the independent variables. In none of our analyses was the study design, year of intervention, the use of a theoretical/conceptual framework, the duration of the intervention, the frequency of interactions with the patient, the type of provider of the education (e.g., nurse, physician), setting of the educational intervention (e.g., home, school), or the type of educational materials used associated with improved outcomes in any of our analyses (data not shown).
Health Services Utilization Outcomes. Twenty-one studies reported urgent care/emergency department visit data in such a way that they could be combined quantitatively (Figure 20). These studies were highly heterogeneous (I2=98.9%). They did not find a statistically significant difference in urgent care/emergency department visits between intervention and control subjects (weighted mean difference -0.23 visits per month; 95% CI: -0.64, 0.18; p=0.26; standardized mean difference -0.48; 95% CI: -1.11, 0.14; p=0.13).
Similarly, 24 studies reported hospitalization rates (Figure 21); however, these were also highly heterogeneous (I2=99.4%) and they did not find a statistically significant difference in hospitalizations between intervention and control subjects (weighted mean difference -0.34 hospital days per month; 95% CI: -0.99, 0.31; p=0.3; standardized mean difference -0.58; 95% CI of -1.53, 0.37; p=0.23).
We performed logistic regression, using any statistically significant health services utilization outcome as the dependent variable and study/intervention characteristics as the independent variables. We did not find study design, intervention, or patient characteristics that were associated with improved outcomes in any of our analyses (data not shown).
Guideline Adherence Outcomes. The 40 studies reporting on guideline adherence measures were heterogeneous in terms of the specific outcomes evaluated. We performed logistic regression, using any statistically significant guideline adherence outcome as the dependent variable and study/intervention characteristics as the independent variables. We did not find study design, intervention, or patient characteristics that were associated with improved outcomes in any of our analyses (data not shown).
Conclusions. Self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions for general populations or adults with asthma can result in improvements in FEV1 and peak flow. However, these improvements are of borderline clinical importance. Our analyses suggest that more recent studies may result in greater improvements in these spirometric measures. Whether year of the intervention reflects other key covariates that could affect spirometric outcomes, is likely.
Self-Monitoring, Self-Management, or Patient Education Trials Comparing Two Intervention Groups Without a Control Group
Background. Several of the included studies compared two or more intervention groups without including a control group that did not also receive a QI intervention. For example, if a study provided a 10-session asthma patient education program to the experimental group and a two-session asthma education program to the “control group,” we considered this to be a trial comparing two intervention groups (sometime called a study with an “active control group”). In this section, we present the results of these studies.
Results. We found 35 trials that compared two or more intervention groups without a control group that did not also receive a QI intervention (Table 21). They all included self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions. Typically, these comparative studies were designed such that one group received a less intense version of what the second group received. Perhaps not surprisingly, these studies generally found improvements in both groups over baseline. Thirteen of these 35 (37%) also found differences between the two groups.
Pediatric interventions. Eleven studies focused exclusively on children and all of these were either self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions and two also included organizational change components.57, 64 Five studies found statistically significant differences between interventions groups. 55, 56, 62, 64, 197 Notable among these was the study of a patient education intervention called A.C.T. (Asthma Care Training) for Kids, an intensive educational program for children with severe asthma whose content is based on programs with demonstrated effectiveness, that was compared to a less intense lecture and discussion program.62 The article by Lewis et al. describes the conceptual rationale for the A.C.T. program and its contents in more detail than most of the included articles in this review.62 Briefly, the program emphasizes that children can control their disease rather than being controlled by it. Using the analogy of driving safely, medications and other asthma prevention and treatment techniques are color-coded: green for daily medications used to “keep going and prevent symptoms,” yellow for “caution” to be used when mild symptoms develop, and red to “stop” the disease when severe symptoms occur.62 Participants are taught about underlying asthma pathophysiology and symptomatology, reducing asthma triggers, relaxation skills and breathing techniques, medication use, and decision making skills. They found that the A.C.T. recipients had statistically significantly fewer emergency department visits (2.3 versus 3.7, p<0.001) compared with traditional patient education recipients and that, although there were no differences in terms of number of hospitalizations, the A.C.T. recipients tended to have shorter hospital stays (0.67 versus 1.54 days/child/yr, p<0.001).62 The costs of the program were estimated at $125 per A.C.T. recipient and $37.50 per traditional patient education recipient. Given the lower emergency department and hospital costs in the A.C.T. group, the authors estimated a net incremental savings of $180 per child per year for the sponsoring institution.62
We did not find that increasing either the frequency or the duration of contact between patients and health educators was consistently associated with improvement in outcomes. Specifically, five of nine studies compared two (or more) interventions of differing interventional frequency or duration and found no statistically significant improvements in any outcomes. There were no other distinguishing characteristics of the interventions that were associated with improved outcomes.
General population or adult interventions. We found 24 studies that compared two or more QI interventions without a control group that did not also receive a QI intervention for general/adult populations. Interestingly, only two of these were U.S.-based interventions.198, 199 Eight of sixteen studies reported significantly greater improvements in the intensive treatment arm.127, 128, 200–207 For example, the study by McLean et al.205 compared a lower intensity pharmacist-provided asthma education/management program to a more intense pharmacist-provided asthma education program that emphasized asthma action plans, the use of peak flow meters, and other self-monitoring or self-management techniques. This study found that the intensive education group experienced significantly greater improvement than the less intense intervention: 11% improvement in peak flows (p=0.0002), 50% overall decrease in asthma symptoms (p<0.01 for most symptoms evaluated), improvement in QOL (<0.05), and decrease in medical visits (but not emergency department visits or hospital visits) between groups.205 The various interventions presented in these studies were heterogeneous with respect to material presented, type of educator, and frequency of interaction with the patients—thus, no particular intervention characteristics were associated with the most successful programs.
Conclusions. Among the trials comparing multiple QI interventions without a control group that did not also receive a QI intervention, we found that, in general, all intervention groups tended to improve from baseline, but only 37% of studies of this type reported statistically significant differences between groups in the outcomes evaluated. The heterogeneity of studies of this type limits conclusions about commonalities of interventions associated with clinically meaningful improvements.
Provider Education Interventions
Background. The purpose of provider education programs is to inform providers about asthma treatment guidelines and to develop their skills in educating patients and their caregivers about asthma self-monitoring or self-management (whether for providers caring for children or for adults with asthma).223 Health care providers include nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, physical therapists, and pharmacists, among others.
Results. Eighteen of the included studies reported on the efficacy of provider education to improve the outcomes and processes of care for patients with asthma.
Interventions targeting providers of children with asthma. We found seven articles reporting interventions designed to provide training for clinicians caring for children with asthma (Table 22).114, 223, 224 The Pediatric Asthma Care PORT (Patient Outcomes Research Team), conducted a RCT designed to assess the effectiveness of three strategies (physician-peer leaders, peer leaders in combination with asthma nurse visits, and usual care) to implement guidelines for childhood asthma (funded by AHRQ), which is noteworthy for several reasons: It is an effectiveness study intended to evaluate the effects of implementing QI interventions in real-world primary care practices (rather than an efficacy trial in a controlled trial environment), it included 42 primary care practices in four health care organizations around the country (Boston, Seattle, and Chicago), it is one of the largest included trials (with 638 patients), and it had a relatively long intervention and follow up period (two years). At the end of the two year follow up period, compared with the usual-care arm (N=199), patients randomized to the physician-peer leader arm (N=226) had annual increase of 6.5 symptom-free days, whereas those randomized to the physician-peer leader and nurse visit arm (N=213) had an annual increase of 13.3 symptom-free days over usual care patients.225, 226 The average number of physician visits during the two year trial was higher in the physician-peer leader and nurse visit arm as was regular use of inhaled controller medications (not found for physician-peer leader only patients).226, 227 Total treatment and intervention costs per year per patient were $1292 for PACI, $504 for physician-peer leaders, and $385 for usual care. The incremental cost-effectiveness compared to usual care was$18/symptom-free day for that physician-peer leader arm and $69/symptom-free day for the physician-peer leader with nurse visit arm.225
The study by Homer and colleagues228 is notable for its methodological rigor. For this study, a physician, nurse, and front office staff person from 22 practices in Boston and Detroit were invited to three 1-day educational sessions on quality improvement strategies for asthma based on the Chronic Care Model and concepts from QI theory including the Model for Improvement (a specific approach to QI that emphasized small, incremental tests of change).228 Additional support was provided through biweekly conference calls, an active e-mail list, and performance feedback based on review of monthly team reports. The study specifically describes the authors' research hypotheses, study outcome measures, power calculations, and detailed information about the baseline characteristics of the study population. Further, they performed an intention to treat analysis and evaluated the effect of the intervention by comparing the change from baseline for the intervention group with the change from baseline in the control group (21 additional practices) adjusting for the effects of state, practice size, age, and gender. They found no intervention effect; however, the study serves as model for rigorous analysis and reporting of provider education interventions.
With the study just described by Homer and colleagues as the one exception,228 all of the other studies found statistically significant improvements in use of medications (most often increases in the use of inhaled controller medications) (Table 22). Several also found improvements in asthma symptoms and reductions in emergency department use. All of the studies gave providers some information about current asthma treatment guidelines, about appropriate follow up for patients with asthma, and some training to encourage providers to teach patients (and their caregivers) about asthma self-monitoring or self-management (particularly through the use of asthma action plans). The interventions differed in terms of their intensity and scope of training. For example, the study by Evans and colleagues evaluated an intervention designed to train all the staff (including physicians, nurses, and clerical staff) at selected pediatric clinics serving low-income minority children in New York City.224 All staff were included in the training because the developers of the intervention wanted to ensure that everyone in the clinic understood the program and how they could contribute to it. All staff received five three-hour educational sessions over a five month period and then two additional three-hour sessions at the end of the one-year follow up period to give staff opportunities to discuss specific patients and reinforce communications skills. Intervention physicians also spent three hours observing a Columbia faculty physician treating children with asthma in a tertiary care setting. They found that, two years after the intervention, the intervention clinics had enrolled more new asthma patients (40/100 vs. 16/100, p<0.01), a greater percentage of asthma patients returning for treatment (42% vs. 12%, p<0.001), a greater annual frequency of scheduled visits per patient (1.85 vs. 0.88, p<0.001), and a greater proportion of patients on inhaled β-agonists and corticosteroids than control clinics.224 In contrast, the physicians in the educational intervention described by Glasgow and colleagues received a single one-on-one session training them in the use of a multi-visit asthma treatment plan.§ 114 At 12 months after this intervention, Glasgow also showed statistically significant effects: the intervention children had increased use of written asthma action plans (44% versus 34%) and pressurized metered dose inhalers with a spacer (62% versus 38%), decreased rates of speech-limiting wheezing (5% versus 18%), and were less likely to use reliever medications more than 4 days of the week (9% versus 30%). There was no difference in symptom-free days or ED visits.114
Interventions targeting providers of general population or adults with asthma. We found 11 studies reporting on interventions with some component of provider education for general populations or adult patients with asthma (Table 23). One of these compared two intervention groups without a control that did not also receive a QI intervention (Table 21).199
Four studies evaluated interventions that combined provider education with a component of provider feedback (Table 26).229–232 Two of these four combination interventions were associated with improvements in provider prescribing practice. For example, the study by Cordina and colleagues of an intervention in which Maltese pharmacists were trained to provide patient education and monitoring of asthma symptoms found improvements in inhaler technique, nighttime wheezing, and patient-reported hospitalizations for asthma (there are additional details about this study in the section on organizational change interventions, Table 25).159 In contrast, a Swedish study of pharmacists/clinical pharmacologists visiting groups of primary care providers to teach them about asthma treatments and to encourage self management found no statistically significant change in prescribing practices. 231
As a group, 55% of these 11 provider education interventions reported that providers receiving the education improved adherence to asthma management guidelines (most often, providing written asthma management plans and increased prescription of inhaled corticosteroids). They were less likely to report improvements in health services utilization (27%) or improvements in clinical outcomes (9%).
Conclusions. Most provider education interventions include components of training in current asthma therapies, follow up, and self-monitoring or self-management and most reported improvements in the prescription of inhaled controller medications. Given the heterogeneity in the studies and relatively small number of studies, we cannot evaluate the specific provider education intervention characteristics likely to be associated with improvements in clinical outcomes for patients. Moreover, given the wide variation in the types of interventions included, we cannot specify which educational components led to the greatest benefit.
Organizational Change Interventions
Organizational Change Interventions for Children With Asthma
Background. The studies of organizational change interventions designed to improve the processes and outcomes of care for children with asthma fall broadly into two categories: those that augment the care provided in general pediatrics clinics and those that provide an increased level of care in schools. Whereas the interventions described in the section on patient education (Table 12b) were asthma education programs in schools that often just taught children about the disease and its management, the school-based interventions described in this section all added increased levels of asthma care provided in the school setting. Asthma in children affects schools in several ways: Ongoing disease management typically happens while children are in school and life-threatening acute asthma symptoms can occur at school. Asthma is a leading cause of illness-related school absenteeism and this absenteeism often necessitates “make up” school work for these children and their teachers. Thus, schools are a natural site for asthma-based education and management programs.
Results. We found 13 studies of organizational change strategies designed specifically for children with asthma (Table 24).108, 115, 117, 119, 124, 239–241 Two of these studies compared two or more intervention groups without a control that did not also receive a QI intervention and are presented with studies of that design (Table 21). As a group of interventions, these were relatively heterogeneous and not as likely as other types of QI interventions to report improvements in outcomes for patients: three studies reported improvements in clinical outcomes, three studies reported improvements in health services utilization, and three studies reported improvements in functional status. They were more likely to report improvements in terms of the number of asthma patients receiving inhaled controller medications.
Asthma specialty clinics/care. Nine studies compared usual asthma care to asthma care augmented by providers with special training (i.e., nurses, 108, 117, 118, 225–227, 235 pharmacists,115, 241 psychologists and physiotherapists).124
The Pediatric Asthma Care PORT (Patient Outcomes Research Team), a RCT designed to assess the effectiveness of three strategies (physician-peer leaders (PLE), peer leaders in combination with asthma nurse visits (PACI), and usual care) to implement guidelines for childhood asthma found that, at the end of the two year follow up period, compared with the usual-care arm (N=199), patients randomized to the PLE arm (N=226) had annual increase of 6.5 symptom-free days (SFD), whereas those randomized to the PACI arm (N=213) had an annual increase of 13.3 SFD over usual care patients.225, 226 The average number of physician visits during the two year trial was higher in the PACI arm as was regular use of inhaled controller medications (not found for PLE patients).226, 227 Total treatment and intervention costs per year per patient were $1,292 for PACI, $504 for PLE, and $385 for usual care. The incremental cost-effectiveness compared to usual care was$18/SFD for PLE and $69/SFD for PACI. 225
The RCT by Kelly and colleagues of low income children in Virginia who were randomized to receive comprehensive education and management by a physician allergist with monthly phone follow up by an outreach nurse found that children in the intervention group were less likely to visit an emergency department or require hospitalization than control children (95% versus 23%; p<0.001).119 The rate of smoking was high in both the intervention and control households (47% and 50%, respectively). Subgroup analysis suggested a trend toward greater effectiveness of the intervention to decrease hospitalizations among children residing in smoke-free households.119
School-based directly-observed therapy programs. Two of the included studies evaluated the use of directly observed therapy for children with asthma. Long-term asthma control therapies work best when taken on a consistent basis, but compliance with this treatment is a known problem—schools provide an opportunity for directly-observed therapy among pediatric patients. Anderson and colleagues compared outcomes among asthma patients attending the Kunsberg school in Denver (designed specifically for children with chronic health conditions) to outcomes among a matched group of children with asthma attending regular schools.239 The Kunsberg school had a nurse administrator, two nurses, a social worker, and teachers familiar with methods for managing children with chronic medical conditions who provided a range of patient and parent asthma educational interventions, case management including communication with primary care providers, and daily directly observed medical therapy. At the Kunsberg school, nurses reported that 89% of children with asthma received their inhaled corticosteroids on a daily monitored basis.239 Compared with controls, children enrolled in the Kunsberg school had fewer hospitalizations, ED visits, and follow up visits for their asthma.239 A survey of school nurse and parents indicated that improved medication compliance resulted from directly-observed therapy and an overall increased structure of care resulted in better outcomes.239 Given the resources available to children in this type of school, it may be difficult to generalize their results to other school settings.
Another study, a RCT by Halterman and colleagues specifically evaluated the role of directly-observed therapy.240 Their study population of children aged 3 to 7 years with asthma from urban and primarily minority and low-income demographic groups received their daily dose of inhaled corticosteroids from the school nurse. The control group continued to receive their inhalers at home. Overall, children in the intervention group had a reported 84% compliance rate with inhaled corticosteroids versus 63% among the control group. Children in the intervention group missed significantly fewer days of school and had more symptom-free days than did children in the control group. In a post-hoc analysis, it was found that all statistically significant improvements that were observed in the study were found in those patients not exposed to second-hand smoke. (Overall, 44% of children with asthma enrolled in the study lived in a home with at least one smoker.)
Conclusions. From the few studies of this type, we conclude that augmenting usual asthma care with additional specialty asthma clinics staffed by asthma-trained nurses and pharmacists can be effective. Directly-observed therapy may increase the rate of inhaled corticosteroid use and improve clinical outcomes among school children with asthma, particularly those who are not exposed to second hand smoke.
Organizational Change Interventions for Adults With Asthma
Background. Most of the QI strategies that involve organizational change are designed to create new opportunities for patients to receive comprehensive education and monitoring of symptoms—often by creating asthma specialty clinics in the general practice setting or by creating asthma-specific clinics in other settings (e.g., pharmacies, specialists' offices). For example, recognizing that most patients receive their asthma care in primary care settings, the development of asthma clinics within the general practices of the United Kingdom has been encouraged (a 1993 national survey found that 77% of general practices in the U.K. ran asthma clinics).243
Results. We found 14 studies of organizational change strategies for general populations of adults with asthma (Table 25). Three of these studies compared two or more intervention groups without a control that did not also receive a QI intervention and are presented with studies of that design (Table 21).
In contrast to the organizational change interventions for children with asthma, the studies of organization change interventions for general populations or adults with asthma reported considerably more improvements in clinical outcomes. We cannot clearly identify the distinguishing characteristics between the organizational change interventions for pediatric versus adult populations; however, the organizational change studies in this section were more likely to augment providers' roles (e.g., adding a teaching role to pharmacists already providing routine pharmacy care for patients) or augment the types of providers encountered while receiving “usual care” (e.g., by adding multidisciplinary teams to routine clinical practice). This is in contrast to the addition of specialty care clinics where patients receive care that is distinctly separate from their routine health care encounters (these specialty clinics were more common for children).
For example, none of the three articles that described nurse-run asthma clinics within general care practices found statistically significant improvements in processes or outcomes of care for asthma patients.155, 158, 244 However, several of the other organizational change interventions did result in improvements in the processes and outcomes of care for patients with asthma. For example, the ambitious intervention described by Cordina and colleagues provided training for pharmacists in Malta to assume a greater role in patient education, monitoring of asthma status (including monthly review of patients' medication use, peak flow records, and symptoms), and to recommend treatment changes to patients' physicians (as needed).159 This represented “a major change in conventional practice for Maltese pharmacists” and resulted in a lower rate of self-reported hospitalizations (no patients in the intervention group versus eight patients in the control group) and nighttime wheezing (20% versus 36%).
Two interventions associated with improvements in clinical outcomes for patients utilized computer tools to facilitate asthma management.180, 190 One such intervention, described by Johnson and colleagues,180 was a comprehensive asthma disease management program in which subjects received asthma education and providers and case managers received computer generated communications regarding whether the patient had an action plan, received influenza vaccinations, had rescue inhalers, and reported on patients' use of daily controller medications. This study reported that 12 months after the intervention, the intervention group (196 patients) had fewer emergency department visits (118 versus 305, p<0.0001) and hospitalizations (39 versus 114, p<0.0001) than the control group (196 subjects) albeit no differences in use of asthma medications or preventative vaccinations.180
Three of the studies of organizational change interventions reported smoking rates for participants—in general, these rates were relatively high and recalcitrant to change. For example, in the 1994 study of the implementation of the Scottish health board's asthma education and treatment protocol in general practices, 20–25% of asthma patients studied reported smoking at baseline and there was no statistically significant reduction in smoking as a result of the program.243 Similarly, the intervention reported by Garrett and colleagues of patients (principally from lower socioeconomic groups) receiving care in a South Auckland asthma community education center found even higher baseline smoking rates (33%–34%), which did not change after nine months enrollment in the education center.152, 153
Conclusions. Interventions that augment the “routine care” being provided to patients both in their physicians' offices and in pharmacies were associated with improved outcomes for patients. For example, technologies that enhance communication of patient information to providers can result in statistically significant improvements in outcomes of care for patients.
Audit and Feedback Interventions
Background. Updated guidelines for asthma treatment are made widely available, but their implementation may nonetheless be delayed. Audit and feedback interventions are generally designed to help providers improve their patient care by adopting current practice recommendations.
Results. We found five studies describing audit and feedback interventions (Table 26).229–232 All of these studies evaluated interventions that were combinations of provider education with a component of provider feedback and all reported at least some minimal improvements in outcomes for patients. Three of these articles were from European countries instituting the same intervention—group educational sessions for providers during which providers first reviewed theoretical cases of patients with asthma and then discussed clinical decision-making for asthma care as well as their own individual prescribing practices.229–231 During these group sessions, providers were confronted with feedback about their actual treatment choices. These interventions were designed based on the premise that behavioral change requires both buy-in on the part of providers and a psychological change. Two of the interventions with this group session design found statistically significant improvements in prescribing practice.
Conclusions. We found no studies that evaluated audit and feedback strategies for clinicians in isolation. Two of the four interventions that combined audit and feedback with provider education were associated with improvements in provider prescribing practice. These types of interventions may be promising but there is currently scant evidence about their efficacy.
Facilitated Relay of Clinical Data
Background. Most studies of facilitated relay of clinical data to providers involve inserting letters or reports of patient information collected from the patients, their medical records, or insurance records into the charts of patients for providers to review.
Results. Our search identified five interventions that utilized the facilitated relay of clinical data for the improvement of care for patients with asthma: three that targeted providers for children and two for providers for adults. Two studies compared two or more intervention groups without a control that did not also receive a QI intervention (Table 21).57, 206
In one intervention, facilitators reviewed the charts of children with asthma being cared for in general practice in Scotland.245, 246 Children in the intervention group (n=1585) had their charts reviewed by a facilitator who placed a project sticker on the outside of the chart and, inside, created a separate section devoted to asthma care including a protocol for managing acute asthma attacks and a letter to their providers suggesting that they review the patient and asthma treatment guidelines. Control group children (n=1563) received usual care. One year after the intervention, the intervention group was more likely to have appointments for asthma care (568 versus 242 appointments), new diagnoses of asthma (249 versus 104 patients, and receive prescriptions for inhaled cromoglycate (128 versus 78 patients). Hospitalizations and hospital care costs decreased in the intervention group and rose in the control group (25 versus 28 admissions; total costs 20,727£ versus 19,650£).245 Outpatient primary care costs rose in the intervention group and fell in the control group (total costs 37,243£ versus 27,990).245 However, at four years after the intervention, the processes and outcomes of care were similar in intervention and control groups. The overall reduction in costs seen in the intervention group was equivalent to the cost of the facilitator.246
In the study by Halterman and colleagues,247 parents of children aged 3 to 7 years entering school completed a screening form that inquired about chronic diseases including asthma. Parents of children with asthma identified through this screening were interviewed about asthma symptoms, emergency visits, and asthma hospitalizations. Children were then randomized to either the control group (N=77) which received usual care or the provider notification group (N=74) for whom the information obtained from the parental interview was sent via fax to the primary care providers with a copy of the 2002 NHLBI asthma management guidelines. Three to six months after the intervention, there was no difference in terms of new medications prescribed, changes in medication doses, discussion about environmental controls, referral to asthma or allergy specialists, or requests for asthma follow up appointments between the groups. 247
In the study by Coleman and colleagues, drug utilization information collected from 135 adult Connecticut Medicaid patients using high doses of inhaled β2-agonists was compared to 510 adult patients using normal doses of inhaled β2-agonists.248 Letters were sent to providers and pharmacies of the high dose group explaining the rationale for the drug utilization review and the specific problem identified for the specific patient (e.g., high dose inhaled β2-agonists use or under-utilization of long-term control agents).248 Seven months after the letters were sent, there were no statistically significant differences between control and intervention groups in terms of use of inhaled medications or health services utilization.
Conclusions. Two of the five studies of facilitated relay of clinical information reported improvements in clinical outcomes. There are too few studies of facilitated relay of clinical information for asthma to determine the overall effectiveness of these interventions for improving the processes and outcomes of care for asthma.
Provider Reminder Interventions
Background. Treatment guidelines for asthma have been widely available, yet not widely implemented. Provider reminder systems for asthma care are designed to use information from clinical practice guidelines applied to patient-specific information to provide reminders to providers at the point of care.
Results. We found four articles describing provider reminders.114, 249–251 They described highly heterogeneous interventions (e.g., paper-based versus computer-based, some readily adopted by providers versus others that providers found more cumbersome to include in routine clinical practice).
The study by White and colleagues, which evaluated a paper-based reminder implemented over two years in 23 general practices in England, found no improvement in patient reported symptoms, use of health services, or prescribing.** 251 Similarly, the evaluation of an implementation of a computerized clinical decision support system for the management of asthma in 62 general practices in England by Eccles and colleagues found that the system had no statistically significant effect on health services utilization, prescribing practices, or patient-reported asthma outcomes 12 months after implementation.†† 249
In contrast, the evaluation of a computerized clinical decision support system for asthma care in 17 general practices in England by McCowan and colleagues found that although fewer patients in the intervention group sought primary care for their asthma at six months after implementation (22% versus 34%; OR 0.59 [95% CI 0.37–0.95]), there was no statistically significant change in the use of peak flow meters, self management plans, self-reported symptoms, prescribing of maintenance medications, or hospitalizations.250 Interestingly, McCowan and colleagues found a lower rate of asthma exacerbations in the intervention group than in the control group (8% versus 17%; OR 0.43 [95% CI 0.21–0.85]) but no difference in use of oral steroids to manage these attacks.250 (For details of the study by Glasgow and colleagues114 which implemented a provider education intervention that reminded providers to schedule a follow up appointment for patients—see the provider education section).
Conclusions. The results of the studies of provider reminders to improve the care of patients with asthma are mixed. The small number of studies of reminder interventions limits our ability to determine their overall effectiveness for improving the processes and outcomes of care for asthma.
Financial Incentives
Background. The annual health care costs attributed to asthma exceed $6 billion. If the provision of financial incentives could statistically significantly reduce costly emergency department visits or asthma hospitalizations, they could be highly cost-effective.
Results. Financial incentives are typically intended to be used to change the behavior of providers. We found no interventions that utilized financial incentives directed at providers. However, we found two interventions that included financial incentives to change patient behavior. The first intervention, described by Burkhart and colleagues (Table 11), encouraged children with asthma to contract with their parents and caregivers to perform daily asthma self-monitoring or self-management behaviors.71 For each completed self-monitoring or self-management task, parents gave their children a sticker-star. 71 When five stars had been awarded, children received a pre-negotiated award including special activities (43%), a toy or game (24%), pizza or other fast food (19%), or a monetary reward (14%).71 They found no difference in adherence with peak flow monitoring between the intervention and the usual-care (control group) children.71
The second intervention, described by Baren and colleagues, recruited patients aged 16 to 46 years who had recently visited the University of Pennsylvania emergency department for asthma exacerbation. The patients in the intervention group (N=95) were provided a free 5-day course of oral prednisone, two taxi-cab vouchers for transportation to and from their primary care provider (PCP), and a telephone reminder to make an appointment with their PCP. The patients in the control group (N=83) received a short course of oral steroid therapy and were given instructions and prescriptions at the discretion of the treating physician. The main outcome measure was whether patients successfully followed up with a PCP after their emergency department visit. Patients in the intervention group were more likely (46.3%) than patients in the control group (28.9%) to follow up with their PCP ([RR]1.6; 95% CI 1.1, 2.4).252
Conclusions. There is insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of QI interventions utilizing financial incentives.
Secondary Outcomes
For a study to be included in this review, it had to report one or more of the primary outcomes of interest. From the included articles, we also abstracted data about three secondary outcomes of interest: cost, quality of life, and reduction in asthma triggers/allergens such as exposure to tobacco smoke (Appendix B *). In the evidence tables presented throughout this report, we also present data from the included studies on these secondary outcomes. In this section, we summarize the results of the effects of QI interventions on these secondary outcomes. When interpreting these results, we note that our literature search was not designed to find all articles presenting results for these secondary outcomes. Thus, we are likely to be missing articles describing the effects of QI interventions for asthma that were targeted at specifically improving these outcomes.
Background. In 1990, the direct medical costs attributed to asthma care in the U.S. were $3.6 million.253 This included physician visits and medications; however, the greatest proportion (nearly $3 million) was attributed to emergency department visits and hospitalizations.253 Since only a small proportion of patients with asthma require emergency department and hospital care, it has been estimated that 5% of patients with asthma account for more than 70% of the costs.254 (We direct interested readers elsewhere for reviews of the cost-effectiveness of programs directed at this “high cost” group of patients.255, 256) In general, given the large number of patients with asthma in the U.S., even minimally effective programs can be quite cost-effective (e.g., cost-effectiveness analyses of interventions in children with mild to moderate asthma have estimated that treatment with inhaled corticosteroids costs approximately $11/symptom-free day gained257 and that a community-based education program for inner-city children costs $9/ symptom-free day gained75). In this section, we summarize the cost data provided by the included articles.
Results. Twenty-three studies reported cost data: 13 were QI interventions for children and ten were QI interventions for general populations or adults with asthma. Table 27 presents three types of cost data reported in the included articles: costs associated with the implementation of the interventions, asthma-related healthcare costs for study subjects, and other types of costs.
Intervention costs. Nine studies described the costs associated with intervention implementation. Two of these found that there was no statistically significant difference between intervention and control program direct costs.172–176 The other seven studies uniformly found that intervention program costs were higher than control program costs.
Asthma-related healthcare costs. Among the interventions for children with asthma, seven reported asthma-related healthcare cost data, five of which reported reduced costs among the intervention groups (Table 27). Among the interventions for general populations or adults with asthma, four presented asthma-related healthcare costs. Two of these reported cost savings among the intervention groups. The study by Bolton and colleagues of a patient education intervention found that, after 12 months, emergency department costs were statistically significantly less for the intervention group than for the control (p<0.02); however, physician and hospitalization costs did not statistically significantly differ between groups.147 The study by Rossiter and colleagues of a diseases management program for Virginia Medicaid recipients found that the projected direct cost savings of their audit and feedback/provider educational program was $3 to $4 for every incremental dollar spent on the intervention.232 Additionally, they estimated that the projected Medicaid savings of the program was $839 per physician trained.232 The other two studies found no difference in asthma-related healthcare costs between intervention and control subjects.
Other costs. Twelve studies reported other types of cost data, including indirect costs associated with the intervention and analyses of incremental cost-effectiveness. These studies were heterogeneous with respect to cost accounting methods utilized and cost data reported.
Conclusions. In general, we conclude that the implementation of QI interventions for asthma cost more than usual care. The extent to which savings may be reaped from these interventions has not been consistently documented. A critical gap in this literature that prevents an understanding of the cost-effectiveness of QI programs is that there is not a common effectiveness variable such as symptom-free days gained or episode-free days gained. Also, since many studies only include the costs and benefits accrued during the first year after an intervention, it is difficult to estimate the long-term cost-effectiveness of these programs.
Quality of Life
Background. Poorly controlled asthma can result in symptoms that limit a person's ability to participate in the routine activities of daily life. Thus, health-related quality of life (QOL) is an important metric for evaluating the effects of an asthma QI intervention. A retrospective analysis of 8994 patients from 27 RCTs of trials of various interventions for patients with persistent asthma that reported FEV1, Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) scores, and self-reported symptoms found that percent predicted FEV1 and symptom-free days were weakly correlated with AQLQ scores.258 Further, they found that changes in percent predicted FEV1 correlated weakly with changes in SFD but was more strongly correlated with changes in overall AQLQ scores (r=0.26 and 0.38, respectively; p<0.001).258 This study suggests that directly measuring changes in QOL may evaluate important aspects of patient's asthma experiences not fully accounted for by objective measures such as lung function.258
Results. Forty-five of the included studies reported QOL data. They utilized a variety of generic measures such as the SF-36 and disease-specific measures such as the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire and the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire, among others.
Thirteen of 31 (42%) of the interventions aimed at general populations or adult patients and only three of 12 (25%) of interventions aimed at children resulted statistically significant improvement in QOL compared to controls. Overall, the pediatric QI interventions reported little effect on parent or caregiver quality of life.
As has been previously reported,258 we found an association between improvements in clinical status and improvements in QOL: Of the 27 studies that found no statistically significant difference between intervention and control groups, only seven reported any statistically significant clinical outcomes. However, of the 18 studies that reported a statistically significant improvement in quality of life, 15 reported at least one statistically significant clinical outcome. We calculated an unweighted correlation between studies reporting statistically significant improvements in QOL and clinical measures (r=0.4, p=0.019) and functional status measures (r=0.4, p=0.037). We found no associations between QOL and other study design, intervention design, or patient characteristics.
Improving QOL for children with asthma. Fourteen studies of QI interventions for children with asthma reported QOL results—this includes the 12 described above plus two that were directed at caregivers of children with asthma (Table 28). Of these, only four found significantly better quality of life among the intervention group compared to the control group. Of the nine studies that found no statistically significant difference in any outcome, six were self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions whose principal educational modality was individualized, or “one-on-one”, educational sessions.
Three of the four studies that reported parental/caregiver QOL outcomes showed no statistically significant difference between the groups.63, 95, 103 The study by Brown and colleagues of home-based asthma education program for low-income parents of children in pre-school found a statistically significant difference between the parents or caregivers of children aged 1 to 3 years, but no statistically significant difference for parents or caregivers of children aged 4 to 6 years.90 All of the studies that reported parent or caregiver QOL outcomes were parent or caregiver education or self-monitoring or self-management interventions.
Improving the QOL for general populations or adults with asthma. Thirty-one studies of QI strategies for general populations or adults with asthma reported QOL results (Table 29). Of these, 18 found no statistically significant difference in quality of life at follow up between the intervention and control groups. However, 13 studies did show statistically significantly higher quality of life outcomes in the intervention group compared to the control group at follow up. We found no intervention characteristics that were clearly associated with statistically significant improvements in patient quality of life. However, of the eight nurse-led interventions that reported quality of life outcomes, none reported statistically significant differences between the intervention and control groups.
Conclusions. QI strategies can improve QOL for patients with asthma. This benefit is correlated with improvements clinical outcomes and functional status. Among the included studies, QOL was less likely to change for children or their parents or caregivers. The relatively small numbers of studies reporting QOL measures limits our ability to identify specific interventional characteristics most associated with improvements in QOL.
Reductions in Environmental Allergen Exposure
Background. Identifying and reducing exposure to environmental allergens that can exacerbate asthma symptoms is a critical component of asthma prevention. There is a large literature of interventions specifically targeting allergen exposure which we did not review; however, among the included studies, we abstracted information regarding whether the intervention resulted in reductions in environmental allergens.
Results. Five studies reported the effects of their interventions on environmental allergens.73–75, 98 All were self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education interventions and two targeted children with asthma. These studies as a group are notable for their relatively large sample sizes (range: 65–937; median 129).
The large National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study73–75 was a RCT of 1,023 families of children with asthma in eight major U.S. cities to evaluate whether a home-based intervention for inner-city children designed to teach caregivers to reduce environmental asthma triggers specific to that child (as determined through skin testing) would result in improvements in asthma-related outcomes. During the 12 month intervention, research assistants visited each home five to seven times. Each visit was followed by a phone call to address any barriers to implementing the plan. Caregivers were taught about the role of allergens in asthma, mattress covers were installed, families were given a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter, and a HEPA air purifier was set up in the child's bedroom. Professional pest control was provided. Two years after enrollment, intervention children had more symptom free days (565.1 vs 538.5 days), fewer asthma symptoms (p<0.001), days lost from school (0.54 versus 0.71 days per two weeks, p<0.009), and lower allergen levels than control children.73 There was no difference in spirometry or peak flow measurements or unscheduled visits to the emergency department, clinic or hospital between the two groups.73–75 The cost of the intervention was $337 per child for 2 years resulting in an estimate incremental cost-effectiveness ration of $9.20 per symptom-free day gained (95% CI: -$12.56 to $55.29 per symptom free day gained).75
The study by Eggleston and colleagues was a RCT of home-based environmental intervention for 100 children with asthma living in inner city Baltimore based on the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study.98 As part of the intervention, families received comprehensive home-based evaluations of environmental triggers and were given air filters, pillow covers, and cockroach extermination as needed. Additionally, they received three home visits and a telephone follow up to review allergen reduction principals. One year later, the intervention children had fewer daytime asthma symptoms (p=0.02) but there were no difference in nighttime symptoms, exercise-related symptoms, exercise-limiting symptoms, acute visits for asthma, FEV1, or QOL scores.98
The other three self-monitoring or self-management patient education interventions all reported environmental allergen reductions in the intervention groups.136, 156, 201–203
Conclusions. QI improvement strategies can reduce environmental allergens. In particular, home-based environmental control interventions can be effective and may be cost-effective. Patient education and self-monitoring or self-management programs can effectively motivate persons with asthma to reduce environmental allergens.
Tobacco Smoke Exposure
Background. Exposure to tobacco smoke is a well-recognized trigger for asthma.259–264 In most developed countries the prevalence of active smoking in adults with asthma is about 25%.265 Between 25% and 43% of all children in the U.S. are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke.266, 267 As exposure to environmental tobacco smoke increases, acute exacerbations of asthma increase, pulmonary function decreases, and therapeutic responses to corticosteroids become impaired.268 The mechanism of corticosteroid resistance in smokers with asthma is currently unexplained but could be due to alterations in airway inflammatory cell phenotypes, changes in glucocorticoid receptor alpha-to-beta ratio, and reduced histone deacetylase activity.265, 269 Cigarette smoking also increases the clearance of drugs such as theophylline by induction of metabolizing enzymes. A complete review of effective interventions for the reduction of tobacco smoke exposure is outside the scope of our review. However, several of the included studies described changes in tobacco exposure among patients with asthma. In this section we summarize their results.
Results. Twelve studies reported either post-intervention tobacco exposure rates or reported whether there was a difference at the end of the intervention between intervention and control subjects (Table 30). When interpreting these results, we note that reducing tobacco exposure may not have been a primary aim of these studies and small sample sizes may have limited their ability to detect relatively rare events (such as identifying one or two people who stopped smoking).
Not surprisingly, we found that rates of tobacco exposure seemed to be negatively correlated with socioeconomic status. For example, the study by Eggleston and colleagues of inner city children in Baltimore, 73% of whom lived below the 2000 federal poverty level, reported that up to 69% of children with asthma were exposed to tobacco smoke.98
None of the QI interventions resulted in a statistically significant reduction in tobacco use (although only a few were specifically designed to reduce tobacco use). None of the studies was specifically designed to evaluate the differences in processes or outcomes of care between those exposed to smoke and those who were not exposed to smoke; however, several noted that improvements were more likely to be found among those who were not exposed.
Conclusions. We note that this section does not provide a comprehensive assessment of interventions to reduce tobacco exposure among patients with asthma—it is intended simply to summarize the results of tobacco exposure as reported in the included studies of QI interventions for asthma and we emphasize that most of the included interventions were not designed to specifically assess or reduce tobacco exposure. The reported rate of tobacco exposure among children of lower socioeconomic groups was higher than that of higher socioeconomic groups. None of the included interventions resulted in a reduction in tobacco smoke exposure among patients with asthma or their family members.
Summary Answers to the Key Questions
Research Question 1: What is the evidence that QI strategies improve the processes and outcomes of outpatient care for pediatric and adult populations with asthma? Specifically, which QI strategies are effective for improving processes and outcomes of asthma care for specific patient populations (e.g., adults, children, low SES, racial groups, urban/rural)?
A wide variety of types of QI interventions have been found to improve the outcomes and processes of care for children and adults with asthma. The QI interventions with the richest evidence base are those that employ self-monitoring, self-management, or patient education strategies. Specifically, for young children—even those from lower socioeconomic groups—educational strategies targeting their caregivers/parents can contribute to statistically significant reductions in asthma symptoms. For general populations or adults with asthma, educational strategies that include a component of organizational change (e.g., adding a pharmacist to the team caring for the patient) have be shown to improve outcomes. Interventions that are based on a theoretical framework, use multiple educational sessions, have longer durations, and use combinations of instructional modalities (e.g., small group teaching with role-playing and handouts) are more likely to result in improvements for patients than interventions lacking these characteristics.
Additionally, the use of school personnel to administer directly-observed therapy may increase the rate of inhaled corticosteroid use among school children with asthma, particularly those who are not exposed to second-hand smoke. Provider education strategies directed at clinicians caring for children with asthma have resulted in improvements in medication use and adherence to practice guidelines. There is insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of audit and feedback strategies, provider reminders, facilitated relay of clinical data, and financial incentives.
Also, does the setting of the QI intervention (e.g., home, school, clinic) determine its effectiveness for improving processes and outcomes of asthma care?
We did not find that a particular setting (or combination of settings) of the QI intervention consistently predicted its effectiveness.
Research Question 2: Are QI interventions for asthma care that incorporate multiple strategies more effective than those that employ a single strategy?
The majority of the included articles evaluated a single QI strategy. However, 75 studies evaluated QI interventions with two or more QI strategies and 21 studies evaluated intervention with more than two QI strategies. Among those interventions with more than one QI strategy, the most common combination was self-monitoring or self-management and patient education. We found that the greater the number of QI strategies, the more likely a study was to report improvements in clinical status (p=0.009). We note that clinical outcomes were the most frequently reported and that we may have lacked sufficient evidence to find an effect for the other outcomes of interest.
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Appendixes cited in this report are provided electronically at
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Many of the included patient education interventions evaluated changes in asthma knowledge among intervention and control participants. Asthma knowledge was not one of our key outcomes of interest; however, we abstracted information about this outcome and present it, where available, in Table. Often the asthma knowledge in both groups increased, occasionally, it increased to a greater extent in the intervention arm.
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The article by Glasgow and colleagues provides a detailed description of what actions the physician should take at each of the recommended clinic visits.
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White and colleagues provide copies of both their data collection forms and reminder notices in this article.
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The decision support system used in this study was based on currently available software to support prescribing decisions for acute conditions. More information about this software is available in Purves IN. PRODIGY: Implementing clinical guidance using computers. Br J Gen Pract 1998;48:1552–3.
- Results - Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement St...Results - Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies (Vol. 5: Asthma Care)
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