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Nelson EA, Wright-Hughes A, Brown S, et al. Concordance in diabetic foot ulceration: a cross-sectional study of agreement between wound swabbing and tissue sampling in infected ulcers. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Nov. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 20.82.)

Cover of Concordance in diabetic foot ulceration: a cross-sectional study of agreement between wound swabbing and tissue sampling in infected ulcers

Concordance in diabetic foot ulceration: a cross-sectional study of agreement between wound swabbing and tissue sampling in infected ulcers.

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Chapter 2Patterns of agreement between swab sampling and tissue sampling


For infected DFUs, the accurate identification of pathogens, rather than colonising bacteria, is a prerequisite for selecting targeted antibiotic therapy to ensure optimal patient outcomes and avoid the acquisition of antibiotic resistance. Currently available evidence from the main diabetic foot infection guidelines (NICE,37 IDSA1,2,36 and the IWGDF42,56) and other studies62,63 is not sufficiently robust to advise clinicians on the best technique to identify pathogens in DFUs.


The primary objective of the COncordance in DIabetic Foot Infection (CODIFI) main agreement study was to assess the level of agreement and patterns of disagreement between culture results from specimens taken by both surface swabs and tissue sampling from DFUs with suspected infection. We were interested in comparing three major microbiological parameters:

  1. reported presence of isolates likely to be pathogens
  2. the number of bacterial pathogens reported
  3. the presence of antimicrobial resistance among likely pathogens.

Secondary objectives of the main agreement study were to compare rates of sampling-related adverse events (AEs) and the costs of sampling using each of the two techniques.


Study design

A multicentre, cross-sectional study involving 400 patients with a DFU with suspected infection requiring antibiotic therapy was conducted (Figure 1). Consenting patients had both a swab and tissue sample taken from their suspected infected DFU for conventional plating and culture.

FIGURE 1. Study flow diagram.


Study flow diagram. Adapted from Nelson EA, Backhouse MR, Bhogal MS, Wright-Hughes A, Lipsky BA, Nixon J, et al. Concordance in diabetic foot ulcer infection. BMJ Open 2013;3:e002370. Used under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 2.0 licence. (more...)


All patients at least 18 years of age with a DFU that the attending clinician suspected was either a new case of infection or a chronic infection were screened for enrolment against the eligibility criteria below.

A DFU was considered to be any open wound on the foot (below the malleoli/ankle) in a patient with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Each patient underwent an eligibility screen by a member of the research team, prior to entry, and an anonymised log was used to capture patient demographics along with reasons for not entering the study.

Inclusion criteria

  • Patient had a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (type 1 or type 2).
  • Patient had a suspected foot ulcer infection, with or without bone involvement, based on clinical signs and symptoms using IDSA/IWGDF36,42 criteria and the judgement of the investigator.
  • The clinical plan was to treat the patient with antibiotics for their infected ulcer.
  • Patient was at least 18 years of age at the time of signing the consent form.

Exclusion criteria

  • The clinician deemed it inappropriate to take a tissue sample or a swab sample for any reason.
  • The patient had already been recruited to the study.

Recruitment and registration

The study was approved by the Sheffield Research Ethics Committee (reference 11/YH/0078) and had central and local NHS permissions at each participating centre prior to data collection.

Patients were recruited from multidisciplinary primary and secondary care-based foot ulcer/diabetic clinics and hospital wards, by a member of the research team (usually a clinical research nurse). Potential patients were provided with a patient information leaflet outlining all aspects of the study and given the chance to read it and to ask any questions they may have about the study. Written informed consent was documented by the patient and member of the local team. Informed written consent was obtained from all patients prior to entering the study.

Patients were registered via a 24-hour automated telephone registration system that automatically sent confirmation of successful registration through to the site.


Sample acquisition

Clinicians in the participating sites participated in a study information session to instruct them on techniques for swab and tissue sample acquisition. An e-learning package was also developed and issued to all sites, detailing study procedures, including video footage of the correct use of both sampling techniques.

After wound cleansing (using sterile saline and gauze) and debridement (removal of necrotic tissue, foreign material, callus, undermining, usually with sharp instruments), a physician or podiatrist obtained specimens from the wound for cultures in one of the following ways:

  • Rubbing a sterile, cotton-tipped swab over the wound surface to sample superficial wound fluid and tissue debris. The swab was pressed with sufficient pressure on the wound bed to capture expressed wound fluid and was positioned deep in the ulcer to collect from likely infected areas. This is the wound swabbing technique described by Levine et al.48
  • Immediately after the cotton swab had been collected, a tissue sample was removed from the same area of the ulcer bed. This procedure was performed using sterile equipment and aseptic technique, involved removal of a small piece of wound tissue at the base of the wound by scraping or scooping using a dermal curette or sterile scalpel blade.

Sample transport and processing

Each sample was placed individually in the standard transport medium used at the site and delivered to the local medical microbiology laboratory in accordance with routine clinical practice. A UK national standard method was used for collecting and processing samples.65,66 Both samples from each patient were processed in the same local laboratory as routine clinical samples. Neither sample was labelled as having been taken as part of a clinical study. Our goal was to ensure that, as far as possible, the reports reflected current sample processing methods in each laboratory, rather than these samples having received special attention or processing.

Clinical assessments

A member of the research team used a case report form (see Appendix 5) to record patient demographics, diabetes status and foot health history, including current or proposed antibiotic treatment and wound dressings. Details of the index ulcer were recorded using each of the Perfusion, Extent/Size, Depth/Tissue loss, Infection, Sensation (PEDIS),67 Wagner grade,68 and Clinical Signs and Symptoms Classification for Infection69 schemes. The research team also filled out other study-related documentation, which was forwarded to the study co-ordinating centre at the University of Leeds.

Centre differences questionnaire

A ‘centre differences questionnaire’ aimed to capture, from each centre and laboratory processing samples, details relating to the clinical acquisition of samples, specimen transport, sample analysis, methods of reporting results of samples by the laboratory and local antibiotic protocols for infected DFUs.

End points

Coprimary end points

In order to assess agreement and patterns of disagreement between results from the swab and tissue samples, three coprimary end points were defined.

Reported presence of likely pathogens

The first coprimary end point was originally defined as the reported presence or not of the following likely pathogens, identified by the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) as likely pathogens from limb-threatening DFUs:65,66

  • Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach 1884 (categorised by the presence or absence of meticillin resistance)
  • Streptococcus species Rosenbach 1884
  • Enterobacter aerogenes Hormaeche and Edwards 1960
  • Escherichia coli (Migula 1895) Castellani and Chalmers 1919
  • Pseudomonas species Migula 1984
  • Corynebacterium species Lehmann and Neumann 1896
  • anaerobic cocci (i.e. mixed anaerobes)
  • Fusobacterium species Knorr 1922
  • Bacteroides fragilis (Veillon and Zuber 1898) Castellani and Chalmers 1919
  • Prevotella bivia (Holdeman and Johnson 1977) Shah and Collins 1990.

A revised definition was implemented to include the most prevalent pathogens, defined as those reported in ≥ 10% of patients (in either swab or tissue samples). This overall prevalence rate was determined based on statistical justification of the sample size calculation; we also used clinical discretion to determine whether or not the end point would include pathogens with an overall prevalence below 10%.

An overall summary of pathogens reported59 allowed for the comparison of all pathogens reported within each sample and an assessment of whether or not agreement was influenced by any of a number of covariates.

Antimicrobial resistance

Presence or absence of resistance to antibiotics to which the specific species is ordinarily susceptible among likely pathogens, as reported by standard techniques for:

  • meticillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)
  • meticillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS)
  • vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus species.
Number of pathogens

Number of pathogens reported per specimen.

Secondary end points

Adverse events

The secondary end point relating to AEs was the number of patients with a study-related event categorised as an expected AE, defined as bleeding of concern attributable to the sampling method or patient-reported pain before and after each sampling technique, or as a related unexpected serious adverse event (RUSAE).


A full economic evaluation was beyond the scope of this study. The cost data collected were the laboratory costs, including all components used in processing and reporting of swab and tissue samples. Costs of these procedures were requested from the microbiologists at study centres.

Derivation involving reported pathogens

Microbiology laboratories reported pathogens at a range of taxonomic levels (species, genus, family and group); therefore, the end points for the prevalence, overall summary and number of pathogens required derivation in order to allow for comparison of pathogens reported within each sample at a meaningful level.

Staphylococcus aureus is used in reference to non-MRSA, whereas MRSA is used to describe S. aureus that is meticillin resistant.

The majority of pathogens were included at the genus level, with the exception of S. aureus (identified at the species level) and vancomycin-resistant and non-resistant Enterococcus spp. (included separately by vancomycin resistance). The following groups of pathogens were also included as part of the first coprimary end point for reported presence or absence: Gram-positive cocci, Gram-negative cocci, Gram-positive bacilli, Gram-negative bacilli, anaerobes (where possible as anaerobic cocci or anaerobic rods), CNS and Enterobactereaceae (including coliforms).

Furthermore, the following isolate designations were considered unlikely to represent pathogenic organisms in a sample from a DFU and were not included in the end points: yeasts, skin flora, normal flora, mixed flora, skin organisms, bacterial flora, enteric flora and faecal flora.

Statistical methods

Sample size

The sample size calculation was based on the primary outcome of reported ‘presence or absence of a pathogen’ for the whole sample overall.

To be confident that swabs adequately sampled wound flora, it was assumed that the chance corrected agreement between swab and tissue samples needed to be at least ‘good’ (usually defined as a κ-statistic > 0.6).70 Of course, the κ-statistic alone does not convey the distribution of disagreement between swabs and tissue samples. Good overall agreement, with balanced disagreement, would be clinically important if tests were to be regarded as interchangeable. Therefore, the total sample size was based on there being good agreement and reasonably balanced disagreement for clinically important and less prevalent pathogens.

Using a two-sided McNemar’s test at the 5% level of significance, a sample size of 399 patients would provide 80% power to detect a difference of ≥ 3% in the reported presence of a pathogen, assuming an overall prevalence of the pathogen of 10% and 5% disagreement between the swab and tissue samples. This amount of agreement would also result in a κ-statistic of ≈ 0.7, and the calculation was based on the expected prevalence of less common pathogens, such as Pseudomonas (present in 10% of samples in Pellizer et al.58). It was, therefore, planned that a total of 400 patients would be recruited. Further details of the sample size calculation are provided in Appendix 1.

Analysis methods

All data analyses and summaries were performed using SAS® version 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA),71 with the exception of exact confidence intervals (CIs) only, which were calculated within R version 3.0 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).72 All significance tests were two-sided and conducted at the 5% level of significance, with p-values and 95% CI provided where appropriate.

Patient populations

The full analysis set consisted of all patients registered and consented to take part in the study, regardless of their adherence to the study protocol or eligibility violation.

The evaluable population consisted of all registered and consented patients with evaluable swab and tissue samples. Patients for whom the swab or tissue samples were not successfully collected or were lost, or for whom the sample results were lost, were excluded from this evaluable population.

The per-protocol (PP) population consisted of all registered and consented patients for whom there were no protocol violations. Patients who did not satisfy the eligibility criteria, or those for whom a protocol deviation in the collection or processing of either sample had occurred, were excluded from the PP population.

Coprimary end point analysis

Reported presence of likely pathogens

The first coprimary end point was defined for each patient as the reported presence or absence of each likely pathogen reported from the result of culture of the swab and tissue sample. Patients for whom either the swab or tissue sample result was not available were excluded from the primary end point, with analysis conducted on the evaluable population.

For each likely pathogen, cross-tabulations of reported presence were generated to investigate agreement and the pattern of disagreement. For each pathogen, the following statistics are presented:

  • overall percentage prevalence, calculated as the proportion of patients with the pathogen reported from either the swab or tissue sample results
  • the percentage of patients for whom the swab and tissue sample results agreed or disagreed in the reported presence of the pathogen
  • the unadjusted κ-statistic (with 95% CIs) and the prevalence- and bias-adjusted kappa (PABAK), which evaluates chance corrected agreement between swab and tissue samples. Strength of agreement according to the κ-statistic was categorised as shown in Table 1
  • the difference in percentage prevalence between the swab and tissue samples (tissue percentage minus swab percentage) with 95% CIs (accounting for paired samples)
  • McNemar’s test of the difference between the swab and tissue samples in the percentage of samples reporting the pathogen accounting for paired samples.


The κ-statistic

When the proportion of disagreement was low, leading to cell counts in the cross-tabulations of < 5, a small-sample binomial version of McNemar’s test was used to provide an exact p-value73 and the exact 95% CI for the difference in percentage prevalence was calculated using an inductive method.74

Cross-tabulations on the semiquantitative extent of bacterial growth (none, + to +++) and weighted κ-statistics by type of DFU (neuropathic, ischaemic, without inferential statistics) were also generated.

An overall summary of the pathogens reported was further generated,59 with each patient’s pair of results (swab and tissue sample) coded as follows: swab and tissue sample report the same pathogens; swab reports same pathogens as tissue sample plus extra pathogens; tissue sample reports same pathogens as swab plus extra pathogens; both tissue sample and swab report different pathogens (with or without overlap in pathogen). Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to model the proportion of patients in each category, compared with the reference category ‘swab and tissue sample report the same pathogens’ on pre-specified baseline factors to investigate their relevance in determining agreement between sample results. These factors included type of ulcer (ischaemic or neuroischaemic vs. neuropathic); Wagner ulcer grade (1 to 5); recent (on the day of sampling) systemic or topical antimicrobial therapy; or dressing and wound duration (< 56 days vs. ≥ 56 days, and continuous on the log-scale). The centre from which the patient was enrolled was included in each model as a random effect in order to allow for additional variability in outcome by centre and estimates of the effect of baseline factors without directly requiring the estimation of individual centre effects. Estimates of odds ratios for each covariate are presented along with 95% CIs and p-values (based on the change in –2 log-likelihood).

Reported presence of antimicrobial resistance among likely pathogens

Meticillin-resistant S. aureus, meticillin-resistant CNS and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus were the three antimicrobial-resistant pathogens identified for exploration. For each of these resistant pathogens, cross-tabulations were created (reported presence or absence of resistant pathogen) and the following statistics presented: PABAK, unadjusted κ-statistic and overall percentage agreement. McNemar’s test was used to test for a difference between swab and tissue sampling techniques in the proportion of samples in which the specified resistant pathogen was reported.

For each resistant pathogen the following codes were also created: resistant pathogen reported by swab not tissue sample; resistant pathogen reported by tissue sample not swab; swab and tissue sample results agree. To determine if agreement is influenced by specified covariates, multinomial regression modelling was planned to model these categories on type of ulcer (predominantly neuropathic or ischaemic), ulcer grade, pre-sampling antibiotic therapy, pre-sampling antimicrobial dressing, wound duration and centre.

Number of pathogens reported

Summaries (including cross-tabulations) on the number of pathogens reported per specimen were generated for swab versus tissue samples. Samples were further coded as follows: tissue sample had two or more extra pathogens reported; tissue sample had one extra pathogen reported; tissue sample and swab had the same number of pathogens reported; swab had one extra pathogen reported; swab had two or more extra pathogens reported.

Ordinal logistic regression analysis, based on the proportional odds model,75 was used to model the number of pathogens reported per specimen on pre-specified baseline factors to investigate their relevance in determining agreement between sample results. These factors included type of ulcer (ischaemic or neuroischaemic vs. neuropathic); Wagner ulcer grade (1–5); recent systemic or topical antimicrobial therapy or dressing; and wound duration (< 56 days vs. ≥ 56 days, and continuous on the log-scale). Centre was included in each model as a random effect in order to allow for additional variability in outcome by centre and estimates of the effect of baseline factors without directly requiring the estimation of individual centre effects. Estimates of odds ratios for each covariate are presented along with 95% CIs and p-values (based on the change in –2 log-likelihood).

Analysis population

Patients for whom both swab and tissue sample results were available were included in the coprimary end points, with analysis conducted on the evaluable population.

Missing data

As part of the study design, efforts were made to collect complete data; however, where data remained missing, this was assumed to be missing at random, and multiple imputation (MI)76 was used to impute missing baseline covariates, thereby allowing inclusion of the 28 (7.1%) patients with missing data for at least one candidate baseline factor. The pattern and prevalence of missing data among covariates considered within the regression analysis of the coprimary end points are presented in Appendix 1, Table 81.

The outcome and all baseline covariates (including type of ulcer, Wagner ulcer grade, recent systemic or topical antimicrobial therapy or dressing, wound duration) to be considered in each regression analyses were included in the MI models alongside centre. A total of 10 imputations were conducted using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method77 with multiple chains, initial values from the expectation–maximisation (EM) algorithm, 200 burn-in iterations, and the assumption of normality for factors with missing data (thus, imputations were made on a continuous scale).71 For dichotomous factors, imputations were not restricted for ‘implausible values’ and thus continuous imputations were rounded to plausible values for the dichotomous factor (with a small proportion of missing data the bias introduced as a result of this method is minimal).78 This method was used as the pattern of missing data was arbitrary and non-monotone.

For the 10 imputed data sets, the odds ratios generated through the regression analyses were combined using Rubin’s rules;79 therefore, reported estimates reflect the average of estimates across the imputed data sets, and estimated standard errors include variability across the imputed sets as well as the usual uncertainty in parameter estimates. The mean change in –2 log-likelihood was used to calculate the overall p-value.

Semi-quantitative extent of bacterial growth

A number of common scales were used to quantify the extent of growth of a pathogen, specific to each recruiting site. In order of severity of growth within a scale, these were: +/++/+++; +/++/+++/++++; scanty/light/moderate/heavy; scanty/+/++/+++; light, moderate, heavy. The reported growth for each pathogen was derived onto one 3-point scale reported as +/++/+++ (Table 2).



Derivation of extent of growth

Weighted κ-statistic for cross-tabulations on the extent of growth

κ-statistic weights were selected to reflect the ordinal nature of extent of growth, in which the difference between a sample with an extent of growth of + and ++ is far smaller than the difference between ++ and +++, owing to the increase in dilution factors used to determine the extent of growth (10-fold increase). To account for this relationship, while allowing greater differentiation between the highest level of growth (+++), the following exponential values were assigned to each level of growth, from which linear Cicchetti–Allison agreement weights were derived:80 pathogen not reported (= 1), + (= 2.7), ++ (= 7.4), +++ (= 20.1).

As the choice of values for each level of growth was somewhat arbitrary, a sensitivity analysis assessed the impact of these weights, in which levels of growth were assigned the following linear values: pathogen not reported – 0, + – 1, ++ – 2, +++ – 3.

Summary of pathogens

To account for pathogens reported at various taxonomic ranks and to determine whether or not swab and tissue results reported the same pathogens, pathogens were compared according to pre-defined groups set out in Appendix 1 [i.e. largely at the genus level, and at the higher group level where further detail was not reported from the laboratory result (e.g. Gram-positive cocci rather than S. aureus)]. For example, where a pathogen was reported at the species level it was compared with the corresponding alternative sample at the genus level (e.g. E. coli belongs to the Escherichia genus). If, however, one sample reported the pathogen at a taxonomic rank higher than the genus level, such as ‘Gram-negative bacilli’ with the corresponding alternative sample reporting the pathogen in more detail (in this scenario ‘Escherichia’), then we did not class the patient’s results as reporting the same pathogens. This was based on clinical relevance of pathogens and overcame discrepancies in the level of reporting.

Summary and number of pathogens

The summary and number of pathogens reported per specimen was calculated independently for both the swab and tissue samples.

Samples were identified where more than one strain or species of pathogen (in which we were interested in the genus level or higher) was reported. In these samples, a single pathogen at the level of interest was retained for comparison with the corresponding swab or tissue sample in the summary of pathogens and with the count of the number of pathogens within the sample.

Samples from which results of a Gram-stained smear had been reported in addition to those from the culture were identified by the reporting of the following groups of pathogens: Gram-positive bacilli, Gram-negative bacilli, Gram-positive cocci, Gram-positive cocco-bacillus and Gram-negative cocci. Gram stain results were then compared with pathogens reported within the corresponding culture result, and pathogens belonging to the group of pathogens reported by the Gram stain were further identified. Where a pathogen belonged to the same group as that reported by the Gram stain, it was considered likely that both referred to the same pathogen and the corresponding Gram stain result was excluded from the summary and number of pathogens reported from the swab or tissue sample. For example, where both Gram-positive cocci and S. aureus were reported, because S. aureus is a type of Gram-positive cocci, only S. aureus was retained in the summary and number of pathogens. Conversely, where the results of a Gram stain were provided and no pathogens identified by the culture belonged to the group identified by the Gram stain, all pathogens were included. Details of all samples for which this derivation was applied are in Appendix 1.

Secondary end point analysis

Adverse events

Safety analyses presents summaries of all expected AEs (bleeding of concern that is attributable to either of the sampling methods, pain as reported by the patient before and immediately after acquisition of each sample) and RUSAEs. The number of events and number of patients with events are also summarised.


Sample size

In total, 680 patients were screened for recruitment into CODIFI and 401 patients were enrolled between November 2011 and May 2013. One patient was excluded as the written informed consent was lost. Of 27 centres, 25 recruited patients into the study; Figure 2 shows the number of patients recruited and screened per centre, and Figure 3 shows the overall, monthly and cumulative recruitment of patients to the study together with our original target. See Appendix 1 for full centre names.

FIGURE 2. Screening and recruitment by centre.


Screening and recruitment by centre. SJUH, St James’s University Hospital.

FIGURE 3. Monthly and cumulative recruitment.


Monthly and cumulative recruitment.

Analysis populations

The numbers of patients recruited to CODIFI and included in the full analysis set, the evaluable population and the PP population are each summarised in Table 3.



Number of patients in each analysis population

Full analysis set

No patient withdrew consent for the samples to be used for research purposes and hence only the one patient without informed consent was excluded from the full analysis set.

Evaluable population

The evaluable population consisted of the 395 (98.8%) patients who had both swab and tissue sample results available. Patients with a protocol deviation involving the loss of one or both samples or results were excluded. The number of patients excluded from the evaluable population and the reasons are summarised in Table 4.



Reasons for exclusion from the evaluable and PP populations

Per-protocol population

The PP population consisted of the 386 (96.5%) patients without an eligibility violation or protocol deviation. The number of patients excluded from the PP population and the reasons are summarised in Table 4. Given that only an additional nine patients were excluded from the PP population compared with the evaluable population, no analyses were repeated for the PP population.

Study conduct

Figure 4 presents a flow diagram depicting the study conduct and analysis population.

FIGURE 4. Patient flow diagram.


Patient flow diagram.

Baseline characteristics

Tables 513 summarise the baseline characteristics, including patient demographics, information about diabetes, clinical details, ulcer characteristics, PEDIS classification, clinical signs and symptoms, and antibiotic regimens immediately pre and post sampling. Because the evaluable population was very similar to the full analysis set with respect to baseline characteristics, characteristics of the full sample only are detailed below.



Baseline patient demographics and type of recruiting site



Summary of patients’ baseline antibiotic regimen (pre sampling) and proposed new antibiotic regimen (immediately post sampling)



Clinical signs and symptoms classification

Tables 5 and 6 summarise patient demographics and diabetes details, respectively. The median age of patients was 63 years (range 26–99 years); 79% of patients were male; and the majority of patients (94.3%) were of white ethnic origin. Recruitment of patients was from outpatient clinics for 79.8% of patients, hospital wards for 13.3% and community clinics for 7%. The median duration of diabetes in enrolled patients was 15 years (range 2 weeks–57 years); 14.5% and 85.5% of patients had type 1 or type 2 diabetes, respectively; and the vast majority of patients (96.3%) were receiving treatment for their diabetes.



Baseline diabetes details

Tables 7 and 8 summarise patients’ ulcer characteristics. The total number of DFUs ranged from one to seven per patient, with one ulcer observed for 67.0% of patients, two ulcers for 19.5%, and three or more ulcers for 13.6% of patients. The anatomic site of the index ulcer, from which both the swab and tissue samples were obtained, was most commonly the plantar surface (43.0%), the digital surface (22.5%), the dorsum (14.0%) or the apex (i.e. tip of toe, 11.8%). The duration of the index ulcer varied to a large degree, with a median of 1.84 months (range 3 days–12 years). A total of 72.0% of patients’ index ulcers were incident as opposed to recurrent. Only 3.5% of ulcers were solely ischaemic, 50.5% of ulcers were neuropathic only, and 45.5% of ulcers were both ischaemic and neuropathic.



Ulcer characteristics



Index ulcer characteristics

Tables 911 summarise ulcer characterisation according to the PEDIS criteria, clinical signs and symptoms, and Wagner scale. Almost all patients (98%) had a grade 1 or 2 perfusion rating (no critical limb ischaemia); approximately equal proportions of patients had a grade 1–3 depth/tissue loss rating; the majority of patients (93.3%) had grade 2 sensation (loss of protective sensation); and the majority of patients had an infection of either grade 2 (inflammation of skin/subcutaneous tissue only, 37.3%) or grade 3 (extensive erythema deeper than skin/subcutaneous tissue, 59.3%). The majority of patients had an ulcer debridement undertaken at the baseline visit (87.8%), with the median area measuring 1.77 cm2 (range 0.01–138.2 cm2). The clinical signs and symptoms classification of patients’ index ulcers revealed that 31.8% of patients had a foul wound odour; 42.5% had pocketing in the wound; 56.3% had discoloured granulation tissue; 51.0% had friable granulation tissue; 31.3% had a recent increase in pain, as opposed to the 2.3% who had a recent decrease in pain; 61.5% had a recent increase in wound size; and 31.5% had a breakdown of epithelium. Furthermore, of all index ulcers, 34.0% were classified as grade 1 (superficial diabetic ulcer); 33.5% were classified as grade 2 (ulcer extension to ligament, tendon, joint capsule or deep fascia without abscess or osteomyelitis); 30.5% were classified as grade 3 (deep ulcer with abscess, osteomyelitis or joint sepsis); 1.8% were classified as grade 4 (gangrene localised to a portion of forefoot or heel); and 0.3% were classified as grade 5 (extensive gangrenous involvement of the entire foot).



Perfusion, Extent/Size, Depth/Tissue loss, Infection, Sensation classification and ulcer debridement



Wagner grade

Tables 12 and 13 and Figure 5 summarise the antibiotic regimens patients were prescribed immediately pre and post sampling. Prior to sampling, 60.3% of patients had been treated with an antimicrobial dressing or agent on the infected ulcer. Furthermore, 46.8% of patients were on a systemic antibiotic regimen, with the most frequently prescribed antibiotics being flucloxacillin (31.1%), clindamycin (18.3%), co-amoxiclav (13.1%), ciprofloxacin (13.1%) and metronidazole (7.2%). The patient’s antibiotic regimen was changed following clinical assessment and specimen sampling, but before microbiology results were available, in 62.0% of patients. Among the 42.0% of patients who were not on an antibiotic regimen prior to sampling, treatment was initiated immediately post sampling. Finally, 6.5% of patients were not on an antibiotic regimen prior to sampling and did not have an antibiotic regimen initiated immediately post sampling.



Antibiotic therapy: pre and post sampling

FIGURE 5. Prescribed antibiotics pre and post sampling (antibiotics are not mutually exclusive).


Prescribed antibiotics pre and post sampling (antibiotics are not mutually exclusive).

Microbiology results

Microbiology reports of culture results for swab and tissue samples produced a total of 79 different microbial isolates from the 395 evaluable patients.

Table 14 presents the number of patients with at least one pathogen reported. At least one pathogenic isolate was reported from swab results in 277 (70.1%) patients and from tissue results in 340 (86.1%) patients. On swab sample results, only isolates not likely to be pathogenic (defined as mixed skin flora, normal flora, enteric flora, yeast, faecal flora) were reported for 39 (9.9%) patients, and no isolates were reported at all for 79 (20.0%) patients. Based on tissue results, only isolates not likely to be pathogenic were reported for 15 (3.8%) patients and no isolates were reported at all for 40 (10.1%) patients.



Summary of the reporting of pathogens from results of patients’ swab and tissue samples

Table 15 presents the pathogens most frequently reported, following their grouping at a range of taxonomic levels. The most frequently reported groups of pathogens from at least one of the patient’s swab or tissue sample were Gram-positive cocci (70.6%), Gram-negative bacilli (36.7%), Enterobacteriaceae including coliforms (26.6%), anaerobes (23.8%) and Gram-positive bacilli (11.1%). The most frequently reported genus- and species-level pathogens were S. aureus (35.7%), Streptococcus (16.7%), Enterococcus (14.9%), CNS (12.2%), Corynebacterium (9.4%), Pseudomonas (8.6%) and MRSA (8.1%). The prevalence of additional genus- and species-level pathogens were all < 6%.



Overall prevalence of grouped pathogens

Coprimary end points

Coprimary end point: reported presence of likely pathogens

Most prevalent pathogens

Table 16 presents full cross-tabulations of the reported presence of the most prevalent pathogens (those with prevalence > 8%), Figure 6 depicts this information and Table 17 presents statistics relating to the agreement and differences in reporting of these pathogens.



Cross-tabulations of reported presence of at least one pathogen and most prevalent pathogens in order of taxonomic rank and prevalence

FIGURE 6. Reported presence of at least one pathogen and most prevalent pathogens.


Reported presence of at least one pathogen and most prevalent pathogens. VRE, vanconycin-resistant Enterococcus.



Summary of agreement and disagreement statistics for most prevalent pathogens and the report of at least one pathogen

Overall, there was evidence of a significant difference [15.9% (95% CI 11.8% to 20.1%); p-value < 0.0001] between the swab and tissue samples in the percentage reporting at least one pathogen (86.1% of patients with tissue sample vs. 70.1% of patients with swab sample) (see Table 17).

Among the most prevalent pathogens, overall agreement between swab and tissue sample results was at least 79%. The κ-values for the chance corrected agreement suggested:

  • almost perfect agreement for MRSA [κ = 0.89 (95% CI 0.80 to 0.98)] and S. aureus [κ = 0.81 (95% CI 0.75 to 0.87)]
  • substantial agreement for Streptococcus [κ = 0.76 (95% CI 0.66 to 0.85)], Pseudomonas [κ = 0.67 (95% CI 0.52 to 0.82)] and Gram-negative bacilli [κ = 0.63 (95% CI 0.55 to 0.71)]
  • moderate agreement for Enterobactereaceae (including coliforms) [κ = 0.60 (95% CI 0.50 to 0.70)], Gram-positive cocci [κ = 0.57 (95% CI 0.50 to 0.65)] and Enterococcus [κ = 0.44 (95% CI 0.30 to 0.58)]
  • fair agreement for overall anaerobes [κ = 0.38 (95% CI 0.26 to 0.50)] and CNS [κ = 0.26 (95% CI 0.11 to 0.41)]
  • slight agreement for Corynebacterium [κ = 0.13 (95% CI –0.01 to 0.28)] and Gram-positive bacilli [κ = 0.11 (95% CI –0.01 to 0.23)].

The PABAK for the majority of pathogens showed a considerably higher estimate of agreement after accounting for the low prevalence of the majority of pathogens.

For the majority of pathogens, there was evidence of a significant difference (McNemar’s p-value < 0.01), with reported prevalence higher in the tissue sample results than the swab results, with the exception for S. aureus, MRSA and Pseudomonas. Symmetrical disagreement was observed for S. aureus and Pseudomonas, with the pathogen reported in one sample but not the other an equal number of times for the two samples. The reported prevalence of MRSA was non-statistically higher in tissue samples than swab samples.

Semi-quantitative extent of bacterial growth

Table 18 presents cross-tabulations of the level of growth of each of the most prevalent pathogens, by swab and tissue samples, and the associated κ-values. The overall κ-value does not account for the ordinal levels of growth, whereas the weighted κ-value quantifies the relative difference between levels of growth. κ-values were calculated after excluding patients with a missing level of growth for either the swab or tissue sample.



Cross-tabulations on the semiquantitative extent of bacterial growth and κ-statistics

Agreement on the level of growth (according to the primary weighting) was somewhat skewed owing to the prevalence of each pathogen and the proportion of patients with discordant results where a pathogen was reported in one sample and not the other. Therefore, the level of growth in one sample was often in comparison with the lack of presence of the pathogen rather than a corresponding level of growth. The range for agreement was substantial for Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, S. aureus and MRSA; moderate for Gram-positive cocci, Gram-negative bacilli, Enterobacteriaceae and Enterococcus; fair for CNS and Corynebacterium; and slight for Gram-positive bacilli.

Summary of pathogens

Table 19 presents the overall summary of all pathogens reported by specimen type for the evaluable population and by baseline characteristics. Figure 7 presents the overall summary by centre. Overall, there is a difference in the pathogens reported by the two techniques for 58.0% of patients. Findings among the 395 patient pairs of results were swab and tissue results reported the same pathogens in 42.0% of patients; swab results reported additional pathogens to those in the tissue in 8.1% of patients; tissue reported additional pathogens to those in the swab in 36.7% of patients; and the tissue sample and swab specimens reported different pathogens, with or without overlap, in 13.2% of patients.



Overall summary of pathogens by baseline characteristics

FIGURE 7. Overall summary of all pathogens reported by centre.


Overall summary of all pathogens reported by centre. SJUH, St James’s University Hospital.

Multinomial regression analyses

Multinomial regression modelling with a random effect for centre (and MIs to allow for missing data) was used to assess whether or not agreement, based on the overall summary of pathogens, was influenced by the pre-specified baseline covariates (Table 20).



Multinomial regression analyses for individually fitted baseline factors on the overall summary of pathogens with random-centre effect

None of the baseline factors [ulcer type (any ischaemia/neuropathic only), ulcer grade (Wagner grade 1/grade 2/grade 3, 4 or 5), pre-sampling antibiotic therapy (yes/no), antimicrobial dressing or agent (yes/no), wound duration (considered dichotomously as < 56 days/≥ 56 days and continuously on the log-scale)] was found to have a significant overall impact on agreement. However, comparison of the individual outcomes did suggest that patients with a wound duration ≥ 56 days had significantly reduced odds of their tissue sample reporting additional pathogens to the swab sample, as opposed to their swab and tissue reporting the same pathogens, with an odds ratio of 0.57 (95% CI 0.35 to 0.93). This finding was not, however, supported on the continuous scale for wound duration.

Coprimary end point 2: reported presence of antimicrobial resistance among likely pathogens

Likely pathogens

Of the three pathogens of interest, no meticillin-resistant CNS was reported and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus was reported for just one patient in both their swab and tissue sample results (Table 21).



Reported presence of antimicrobial resistance among likely pathogens

Meticillin-resistant S. aureus was reported in 32 (8.1%) patients overall, with overall agreement of 98.5% between swab and tissue samples. In 5 (1.3%) patients, the pathogen was reported in the tissue results but not the swab, and in 1 (0.3%) patient, the pathogen was reported in the swab but not the tissue results (see Table 16). As such, a difference of 1.0% (exact 95% CI –0.2% to 2.8%) was reported, with McNemar’s test suggesting that this was not a significant difference (exact p-value = 0.2188) (see Table 17).

To evaluate whether or not agreement was influenced by pre-specified covariates, multinomial regression modelling had been proposed based on the outcomes of reported MRSA: by swab not tissue, by tissue not swab, swab and tissue results agree. However, given the small number of patients whose swab and tissue sample results did not agree [6 (1.6%)], this analysis was not appropriate and was not performed.

Additional sensitivities and resistances

In addition to the three pathogens of interest, resistance and sensitivity to antibiotics were collected where reported for all pathogens within a patient’s swab or tissue sample.

Patients’ swab or tissue sample results were reported to contain pathogens with a resistance to a maximum of eight different antibiotics and sensitivity to a maximum of 10 different antibiotic agents, of any of the antibiotics for which samples were tested (Table 22). There were 123 (31.1%) patients whose swab sample reported pathogen(s) with resistance to at least one antibiotic agent, whereas 165 (41.8%) patients’ tissue samples reported pathogen(s) with resistance to at least one resistant antibiotic agent. Overall, from either the swab or tissue sample results there were 185 (46.8%) patients for whom resistance to at least one antibiotic agent was reported. A greater proportion of patients’ sample results reported at least one antibiotic to which pathogens were sensitive. There were 221 (55.9%) patients whose swab samples reported pathogen(s) with sensitivity to at least one antibiotic agent, 268 (67.8%) patients whose tissue sample reported pathogen(s) with sensitivity to at least one antibiotic agent and 284 (71.9%) patients for whom the swab or tissue sample reported pathogen(s) with sensitivity to at least one antibiotic agent.



Summary of the number of different antibiotic agents for which pathogens within swab and tissue sample results were found to be resistant or sensitive

The most frequently reported antibiotic agent to which at least one pathogen isolated from a patient’s swab or tissue sample was resistant was penicillin, with a resistance observed in either the swab or tissue sample results for 72 (18.2%) patients; that is, 47 (11.9%) patients’ swab samples and 63 (15.9%) patients’ tissue samples. Figure 8 presents all reported antibiotics to which pathogens were found to be resistant within patients’ samples. A similar pattern is observed across all reported antibiotic agents with each reported more often in the tissue sample than in the swab.

FIGURE 8. Reported antibiotic resistances for pathogens within patients swab and tissue sample results.


Reported antibiotic resistances for pathogens within patients swab and tissue sample results.

The most frequently reported antibiotic agent to which at least one pathogen isolated from a patient’s swab or tissue sample was sensitive was flucloxacillin, with a sensitivity observed in either the swab or tissue sample results for 144 (36.5%) patients; that is, 126 (31.9%) patients’ swab samples and 126 (31.9%) patients’ tissue samples. Figure 9 presents all reported antibiotics to which pathogens were found to be resistant within patients’ samples, with a similar pattern observed across the majority of reported antibiotic agents, with all agents but erythromycin reported in the same or a greater percentage of patients in the tissue sample than the swab sample.

FIGURE 9. Reported antibiotic sensitivities for pathogens within patients swab and tissue sample results.


Reported antibiotic sensitivities for pathogens within patients swab and tissue sample results.

Coprimary end point 3: number of pathogens reported per specimen

The third coprimary end point evaluated agreement between the two specimen collection methods for microbiological characterisation determined by the number of pathogens reported per specimen.

Tables 23 and 24 present the cross-tabulation and summary statistics of the number of pathogens reported from each sample. A median of 1 pathogen was reported in both samples, and the mean number of pathogens reported in the swab and tissue samples was 1 and 1.5, respectively, with a slightly higher level of variation observed in the tissue samples. The number of pathogens ranged from 0 to 4 in the swab sample and 0 to 6 in the tissue sample. A greater proportion of swab results reported no pathogens compared with tissue results (29.9% vs. 13.9%), whereas similar proportions of samples reported just one pathogen (45.1% and 40.8%). Where more than one pathogen was reported, there was consistently a greater frequency of patients with more pathogens in the tissue sample than the swab sample results.



Cross-tabulation of the number of pathogens reported per specimen



Summary statistics of the number of pathogens reported per specimen

A summary of the number of pathogens by baseline characteristics, presented in Table 25, shows that for approximately half (49.6%) of all patients the same number of pathogens were reported for the tissue and swab sample; for 41.5% of patients the tissue sample reported at least one more pathogen than the swab; and for 8.9% of patients the swab sample reported at least one more pathogen than the tissue. Figure 10 presents the summary of the number of pathogens by centre.



Summary of the number of pathogens by baseline characteristics

FIGURE 10. Summary of the number of pathogens reported by centre.


Summary of the number of pathogens reported by centre. SJUH, St James’s University Hospital.

Ordinal regression analyses

Ordinal regression modelling with a random effect for centre (and MIs to allow for missing data) was used to assess whether or not agreement, based on the summary of the number of pathogens, was influenced by the pre-specified baseline covariates. The results are presented in Table 26.



Ordinal regression analyses for individually fitted baseline factors on the summary of the number of pathogens with random-centre effect

Of the baseline factors [ulcer type (any ischaemia/neuropathic only), ulcer grade (Wagner grade 1/grade 2/grade 3, 4 or 5), pre-sampling antibiotic therapy (yes/no), antimicrobial dressing or agent (yes/no), wound duration (considered dichotomously as < 56 days/≥ 56 days and continuously on the log-scale)], only wound duration (< 56 days/≥ 56 days) was found to have a statistically significant association (p-value = 0.0240). The associated odds ratio of 0.64 (95% CI 0.43 to 0.95) suggests that patients whose ulcer has been present for 56 days or more had significantly reduced odds of having a higher outcome (i.e. in the direction that the tissue sampling had two or more extra pathogens) than those whose ulcer has been present for fewer than 56 days.

Owing to the significance of wound duration, a forward selection model building approach was used to determine if further covariates had an influential effect on outcome in the model containing wound duration and centre random effect. Table 27 presents the results of the model building. There was no further significant improvement in the fit of the model on the addition of any additional baseline factors, and so the final model contained wound duration and random-centre effect and is presented in Table 28 and Figure 11.



Sequential chi-squared tests for the reduction in –2 log-likelihood: wound duration fixed effect (1 degree of freedom) and centre random effect (1 degree of freedom)



Final ordinal logistic regression model containing random-centre effect and fixed effect for wound duration

FIGURE 11. Plot of predicted random-centre effect in the model with fixed effect for wound duration (median split).


Plot of predicted random-centre effect in the model with fixed effect for wound duration (median split). SJUH, St James’s University Hospital.

Graphical plots were used to assess the proportional odds assumption for each baseline factor and can be found in Appendix 1. The proportional odds assumption was supported for all factors with the exception of centre, which was, however, fitted as a random effect negating the need for proportional odds.

The figure presents the ranked predicted random-centre effect on the parameter estimate of wound duration of –0.4501 (see Table 28). The parameter estimate relates to the odds of a higher outcome (i.e. tissue sample finds two or more pathogens), with a negative value reducing these odds, and a positive increasing the odds. The presented predicted centre effects vary considerably, across both positive and negative values, and therefore impact on the likely odds of a higher outcome and variability around the estimate across centres.

Secondary end points

Adverse events

During the collection of swab and tissue samples, AEs consisting of bleeding of concern were reported for 30 (7.5%) patients: for 3 (0.8%) patients this was attributable to swab sampling; for 24 (6.0%) patients it was attributable to tissue sampling; and for 3 (0.8%) patients it was attributable to both swab and tissue sampling (Table 29).



Cross-tabulation of patients with bleeding of concern attributable to sampling

Patient-reported pain, collected before sampling and immediately following both swab and tissue sampling, is summarised in Tables 30 and 31. At baseline, prior to sampling, 74% of patients reported no pain, 15% reported mild pain, 8% reported moderate pain and 3% reported severe pain. Comparing pain ratings after swab and tissue sampling, 5 (1.3%) patients reported an increased pain score immediately after swab sampling compared with tissue sampling, 37 (9.3%) patients reported an increased pain score immediately after tissue sampling compared with swab sampling, and 358 (89.5%) patients reported the same pain score immediately after swab and tissue sampling. Patient-rated pain is also presented according to patients’ type of ulcer: ischaemic, neuropathic or neuroischaemic ulcers (Table 32).



Verbal rating scale pain summary



Cross-tabulation of patient-rated pain after swab and tissue sampling



Verbal rating scale pain summary: by aetiology of patients’ ulcer

No unexpected serious AEs related to the specimen collections were reported.

Sampling costs

Sampling costs were provided by only one CODIFI study site, but information was also provided from an additional non-study site by a microbiologist. At the study site, the quoted swab cost was £15.55, whereas the cost for a tissue sample was £16.53. At the non-study site, the swab cost was quoted as £3.91 and the tissue sample as £5.85. These costs do not include sampling equipment, transport or staff costs. It was not possible to obtain full economic costs within the confines of the study. Many sites considered this information as commercially sensitive.

Centre differences

Completed site difference questionnaires were received from 22 of the 25 participating sites. For full details and tables summarising the responses, see Appendix 3.

Tissue samples were collected using a scalpel at 20 of these sites and a dermal curette and one site.

There were no differences in the time taken for swab and tissue samples to reach the laboratory. The majority of laboratories reported no clear differences in the time taken from receipt of swab and tissue samples to commencement of processing, with just 4 of 17 reporting slightly more urgent/quicker time to processing for tissue samples. There were, however, clear differences in the transport media used for the two sampling techniques. Swabs were all transported with an Amies nutritional growth medium, whereas the vast majority of tissue samples were either transported in a dry container (11/17) or a dry container with saline (3/17). The remaining three tissue samples were transported using nutritional media (Amies = 2, Stuarts = 1).

Further differences were identified in the analysis and reporting of samples. Only 3 out of 19 laboratories reported performing a Gram-stained smear on both swab and tissue samples, whereas 9 out of 19 laboratories performed these on tissue samples only, the remaining 6 out of 19 never performed one, with 1 out of 19 performing them only on request.

A variety of systems were used to report amount of bacterial growth, with 8 out of 18 using combinations of scanty/light/moderate/heavy, 4 out of 18 using combinations of +/++/+++/++++, and 4 out of 18 not reporting amount of growth.

Isolates were reported to a variety of taxonomic ranks, ranging from species, genus and other. It is reported that 16 out of 18 laboratories report to the same level for swab and tissue samples, whereas 1 out of 18 reported that all tissue isolates are provided to the species level and only significant organisms are provided in such detail for the swab. However, differences are more apparent when considering whether or not all recovered isolates are reported to the clinician. Only 8 out of 18 laboratories reported that the same isolates are reported from swab and tissue samples. In contrast, the remaining 10 out of 18 laboratories report that all are reported from a tissue sample, whereas reporting of those from a swab sample depends on a mix of clinical details, clinical significance, whether or not there is heavy pure growth and whether or not they are clinically significant pathogens; those that are not are reported as enteric or skin flora. In 16 out of 19 laboratories it was reported that their standard procedures allow identification of the same isolates; however, 3 out of 16 laboratories said that their standard procedures would not allow this, and one of these reported that the tissue samples are also put into a broth.

A total of 12 out of 13 laboratories reported that the same antibacterial agents were tested in swab and tissue samples, with one laboratory reporting additional agents for the tissue sample.


This study is a cross-sectional multicentre study to examine agreement and disagreement between swab and tissue sampling techniques in patients with a suspected DFU infection. The conclusions drawn from this study will help to determine if the extra effort and cost of sampling tissue is potentially worthwhile. Furthermore, if there is disagreement, we aimed to determine whether one method provided additional information or different information.

The key results were that a significant proportion of wounds suspected to be infected had microbiology reports that indicated no growth, and a further proportion indicated no pathogens. There was a higher proportion of swab samples than tissue samples that had no reported pathogens. There are a number of possible explanations why the culture results may report no pathogens, such as the clinical diagnosis being incorrect (e.g. inflammation was mistaken for infection). Given the lack of validated tools for diagnosing the presence of wound infection and the acknowledged risk of missing infection in diabetic foot ulceration, it is understandable that clinical diagnosis might prioritise sensitivity over specificity (accepting practice that misclassifies people as having an infected ulcer when it is not, but not missing anyone with an infected ulcer). Furthermore, it may be that sampling technique as currently practised in these centres may not have adequately captured wound flora. For example, if there was inadequate wound ulcer debridement, then swabbing or taking a tissue sample from a sloughy ulcer area will be likely to collect surface contaminants, with or without wound tissue bacteria. Last, the lack of any organisms identified from a sample may be attributable to them not having survived the transport to the microbiology laboratory. Our information from sites indicated a range of transport media, and in some centres dry tissue samples were transported, which may not adequately support fastidious organisms or anaerobes. Although the sites were practising to HPA standards, there was considerable variation in collection and microbiology practice and this heterogeneity may be important. As part of this study, we attempted to ensure that all centres practised appropriate sample collection by developing and delivering to them a training package in person or remotely, and we updated staff when turnover occurred.

In almost two-thirds of patients (58%), there was a difference in the described biome from the microbiology culture results depending on whether swab or tissue sampling was used. Furthermore, in half of the patients (50.4%), there was a difference in the number of pathogens reported. However, this was not invariably that tissue samples had a greater yield (i.e. they reported the information contained in the paired swab sample) and additional organisms (although this was the case for 36.7% of patients). In a minority of cases (8.1%), the swab sample had a greater yield than the tissue sample, that is, it reported additional information over the tissue samples. This variation in yield may be attributable to variation in the bacterial profile across a wound surface. Therefore, a swab taken from an area of a tissue subsequently removed for tissue sampling would be a closer comparison, able to account of the spread of bacteria, although the area of tissue removal would preclude this practice in many wounds, as it would potentially impact healing.

A greater proportion of tissue sample results detailed at least one antibiotic to which pathogens within the sample were resistant (41.8% vs. 31.1%) and sensitive (67.8% vs. 55.9%); however, it was not always the case that the tissue samples reported all the information contained in the paired swab sample.

The fact that a tissue sample is able to collect bacteria from deep within the wound bed and that a swab relies on the capture of bacteria from the fluid expressed by pressing the wound (as per Levine et al.’s48 technique) means that one might expect a tissue sample to collect additional deep bacteria. We found that tissue samples provide information on more pathogens, but it is not clear from this study if the added information might have an effect on clinical decision-making. Wound microbiology results are only one aspect of the clinical assessment, with direct assessment of the wound progress during treatment likely to be an important cue for determining progress or deterioration in a wound and guiding treatment. If clinicians currently default to swabbing wounds, then it is uncertain if a move to tissue sampling is warranted.

It is clear that more patients experienced a higher degree of pain with tissue sampling than swabbing, regardless of the ulcer type. In addition, post-sampling bleeding was noted more often after tissue sampling than swabbing – bleeding of concern was attributable to tissue sampling in 24 (6.0%) patients, attributable to swab sampling in 3 (0.8%) patients and attributable to both swab and tissue sampling in 3 (0.8%) patients. The limited information indicates that there is a small difference in costs for tissue sampling and swab sampling and, hence, the question remains as to the added clinical value of tissue sampling over swabbing.

One of the strengths of our study is that we recruited a large study population with a single aetiology, all clinically suspected to be infected and intended to be treated on antibiotics. As the question we sought to address (i.e. is the selection of sampling by swab or tissue collection best) arises in the management of infected foot ulcers, we have studied this group rather than a consecutive series of ulcers or a unselected sample. This is because bacterial sampling in chronic wounds is not used to diagnose infection; if it were, then a study sample that included both infected and uninfected wounds would be essential. One should not usually collect microbiology from a clinically uninfected wound and, therefore, only patients with clinically infected wounds were recruited. The study was pragmatic in that it allowed clinicians to diagnose infection according to their current clinical practice. This means that our study is relevant to contemporary practice in a range of settings and not just specialist centres. The processing of samples using current NHS laboratory practice is also a strength, as results are thus applicable to regular clinical settings.

Given the lack of a gold standard, our study did not consider diagnostic accuracy, but rather agreement; hence, we used appropriate statistical methods to summarise and analyse our data. Most previous studies asking a similar question have presumed that a tissue sample was the criterion standard against which swab specimens are judged as providing true- and false-positive results. We believe that this is not appropriate, as it presupposes that there is a criterion standard assumed to be the tissue sample, whereas there is evidence from studies that have found swabs to report additional isolates in 11% (Mutluoglu et al.62) and 8.1% of samples (CODIFI), and different isolates in 6.7% (Mutluoglu et al.62) and 13.2% (CODIFI).

Our study was also significantly larger than previous investigations in the area.

Overall, the results indicate that the results of tissue and swab cultures are different in a substantial minority of cases, with tissue sampling usually providing reports with higher numbers of pathogens. This is potentially attributable to the less detailed reporting by some microbiology laboratories for the swab specimens. These factors favouring tissue samples must be weighed against the slightly more complex process of collecting tissue specimens, the slightly greater pain and bleeding, and the possibly slightly higher cost.

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2016. This work was produced by Nelson et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK395857


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