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Graves N, Wloch C, Wilson J, et al. A cost-effectiveness modelling study of strategies to reduce risk of infection following primary hip replacement based on a systematic review. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Jul. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 20.54.)

Cover of A cost-effectiveness modelling study of strategies to reduce risk of infection following primary hip replacement based on a systematic review

A cost-effectiveness modelling study of strategies to reduce risk of infection following primary hip replacement based on a systematic review.

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Appendix 1Search terms and strategies used for updating existing evidence

MEDLINE search strategy and output

Date of search: August 2011.

Date range searched: January 1966 to June 2011.

Search strategy

  1. MH “arthroplasty, replacement, hip’ (12,088)
  2. MH”Hip prosthesis” (16,064)
  3. or/1-2 (23,923)
  4. MH “Surgical wound infection” (24,907)
  5. MH “prosthesis-related infections” (5875)
  6. MH “sepsis+” (78,337)
  7. MH “bacterial infections+” (651,285)
  8. or/4-7 (718,898)
  9. MH “infection control+’ (44,638)
  10. infection prevent*/ (33,276)
  11. MH “antibiotic prophylaxis” (6889)
  12. MH “anti-infective agents+” (427,375)
  13. MH “Anti-Bacterial Agents+” (226,839)
  14. intravenous antibiotics/ (3008)
  15. systemic antibiotics/ (2001)
  16. or/9-15 (489,991)
  17. MH “bone cements” (7563)
  18. Antibiotic cement/ (448)
  19. antibiotic bone cement (smart text searching)/ (7715)
  20. Antibiotic-impregnated cement (smart text searching)/ (733)
  21. Antibiotic-impregnated bone cement (smart text searching )/ (1001)
  22. Antibiotic-loaded cement (smart text searching)/ (1129)
  23. Antibiotic-loaded bone cement (smart text s)/ (7969)
  24. MH “Environment, Controlled+” (218,646)
  25. MH “ventilation” (4202)
  26. MH “Air conditioning” (2075)
  27. MH “operating rooms” (9370)
  28. Operating theatre/ (1937)
  29. laminar air flow (smart text searching)/ (3374)
  30. laminar airflow (smart text searching )/ (244)
  31. laminar air flow system (smart text searching) (4345)
  32. ultra-clean air (smart text searching )/ (2527)
  33. ultra clean air (smart text searching)/ (2527)
  34. ultra-clean air system (smart text searching) (4496)
  35. conventional operating room (smart text searching)/ (22,235)
  36. conventional operating theatre (smart text searching)/ (2777)
  37. Turbulent air flow (smart text searching)/ (2613)
  38. or/25-38 (256,457)
  39. 3 and 8 and 16 (697)
  40. 3 and 8 and 24 (292)
  41. 3 and 8 and 39 (87)
  42. 40 or 41 or 42 (834)
  43. Limit 43 to 2004-2011 (01/01/2004-01/06/2011) (343)
  44. Limit 44 to English (289)

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature search strategy and output

Date of search: August 2011.

Date range searched: January 1966 to June 2011.

Search strategy

  1. MH “arthroplasty, replacement, hip’ (4105)
  2. MH “joint prosthesis” (2008)
  3. Hip prosthesis (smart text searching) (1894)
  4. or/1-3 (5474)
  5. MH “Surgical wound infection” (3410)
  6. MH “prosthesis-related infections” (529)
  7. MH “sepsis+” (7640)
  8. MH “bacterial infections+” (39,831)
  9. or/5-8 (48,616)
  10. MH “infection control+’ (31,116)
  11. infection prevent*/ (10,134)
  12. MH “antibiotic prophylaxis” (2227)
  13. MH “anti-infective agents+” (45,136)
  14. Anti-Bacterial Agents (smart text searching)/ (2578)
  15. intravenous antibiotics (smart text searching)/ (1301)
  16. systemic antibiotics (smart text searching)/ (665)
  17. or/10-16 (79,414)
  18. MH “bone cements” (804)
  19. Antibiotic cement (smart text searching) (96)
  20. antibiotic bone cement (smart text searching)/ (610)
  21. Antibiotic-impregnated cement (smart text searching)/ (107)
  22. Antibiotic-impregnated bone cement (smart text searching )/ (126)
  23. Antibiotic-loaded cement (smart text searching)/ (144)
  24. Antibiotic-loaded bone cement (smart text s)/ (638)
  25. MH “Environment, Controlled+” (4265)
  26. MH “ventilation+” (747)
  27. MH “Air conditioning” (118)
  28. MH “operating rooms” (4319)
  29. Operating theatre (smart text searching) (663)
  30. laminar air flow (smart text searching) (126)
  31. laminar airflow (smart text searching )/ (38)
  32. laminar air flow system (smart text searching) (137)
  33. ultra-clean air (smart text searching )/ (40)
  34. ultra clean air (smart text searching)/ (40)
  35. ultra-clean air system (smart text searching) (126)
  36. conventional operating room (smart text searching)/ (359)
  37. conventional operating theatre (smart text searching)/ (664)
  38. Turbulent air flow (smart text searching)/ (52)
  39. or/26-39 (9280)
  40. 4 and 9 and 17 (216)
  41. 4 and 9 and 25 (59)
  42. 4 and 9 and 40 (24)
  43. 41 or 42 or 43 (233)
  44. Limit 44 to 2004-2011 (01/01/2004-01/06/2011) (196)
  45. Limit 45 to English (196)

The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials search strategy and search output

Date of search: August 2011.

Date range searched: January 1966 to June 2011.

Search strategy

#1. MH “arthroplasty, replacement, hip +”/exp (1254)

#2. MH”Hip prosthesis”/exp (942)

#3. or/1-2 (1949)

#4. MH “Surgical wound infection”/exp (2470)

#5. MH “prosthesis-related infections”/exp (127)

#6. MH “sepsis ”/exp (2684)

#7. MH “bacterial infections”/exp (13,168)

#8. or/4-7 (17,095)

#9. MH “infection control”/exp (1116)

#10. infection prevent*/ (16,554)

#11. MH “antibiotic prophylaxis”/exp (1040)

#12. MH “anti-infective agents”/exp (44,153)

#13. MH “Anti-Bacterial Agents”/exp (18,759)

#14. intravenous antibiotics/ (2375)

#15. systemic antibiotics/ (1220)

#16. or/9-15 / (55,871)

#17. MH “bone cements”/ exp (579)

#18. Antibiotic cement/ (39)

#19. antibiotic bone cement/ (32)

#20. Antibiotic-impregnated cement/ (7)

#21. Antibiotic-impregnated bone cement/ (7)

#22. Antibiotic-loaded cement/ (3)

#23. Antibiotic-loaded bone cement/ (3)

#24. or/17-23 (601)

25. MH “Environment, Controlled”/exp (1948)

26. MH “ventilation”/exp (52)

27. MH “Air conditioning”/exp (25)

28. MH “operating rooms”/exp (230)

29. Operating theatre/ (402)

30. laminar air flow/ (39)

31. laminar airflow/ (11)

32. laminar air flow system/ (7)

33. ultra-clean air/ (5)

34. ultra clean air/ (6)

35. ultra-clean air system/ (2)

36. conventional operating room/ (184)

37. conventional operating theatre/ (59)

38. Turbulent air flow/ (5)

39. or/25-38 (2697)

40. 3 and 8 and 16/ (58)

41. 3 and 8 and 24/ (9)

42. 3 and 8 and 39/ (11)

43. 40 or 41 or 42/ (59)

44. Limit 43 to 2004-2011 (15)

45. Limit 44 to English (15)

EMBASE search strategy and search output

Date of search: August 2011.

Date range searched: January 1966 to June 2011.

Search strategy

#1. ‘hip arthroplasty’/exp (32,814)

#2. ‘hip prosthesis’/exp (26,568)

#3. #1 OR #2 (32,814)

#4. ‘surgical infection’/exp (18,425)

#5. ‘prosthesis infection’/exp (2624)

#6. ‘sepsis’/exp (129,060)

#7. ‘bacterial infection’/exp (667,479)

#8. #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 (767,273)

#9. ‘infection control’/exp (55,345)

#10. ‘infection prevention’/exp (31,360)

#11. ‘antibiotic prophylaxis’/exp (16,495)

#12. ‘antiinfective agent’/exp (1,827,014)

#13. ‘antibiotic agent’/exp (833,849)

#14. ‘intravenous’/exp AND ‘antibiotics’/exp (57,368)

#15. systemic AND ‘antibiotics’/exp (70,947)

#16. #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 (1,886,128)

#17. ‘bone cement’/exp (9336)

#18. ‘antibiotic’/exp AND ‘cement’/exp (1532)

#19. ‘antibiotic’/exp AND ‘bone’/exp AND ‘cement’/exp (340)

#20. ‘antibiotic’/exp AND impregnated (1038)

#21. ‘gentamicin bone cement’/exp (343)

#22. ‘antibiotic loaded’ AND ‘cement’/exp (204)

#23. ‘antibiotic loaded’ AND ‘bone’/exp AND ‘cement’/exp (31)

#24. #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 (10,339)

#25. ‘microclimate’/exp (30,703)

#26. ‘air conditioning’/exp (10,256)

#27. ‘operating room’/exp (15,854)

#28. ‘laminar airflow’/exp (566)

#29. laminar AND ‘air’/exp AND ‘flow’/exp AND system (29)

#30. ‘ultra clean’ AND ‘air’/exp (15)

#31. ultra AND clean AND ‘air’/exp (16)

#32. ‘ultra clean’ AND ‘air’/exp AND system (2)

#33. conventional AND operating AND room (886)

#34. conventional AND operating AND theatre (135)

#35. ‘turbulent flow’/exp (2813)

#36. #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 (49,434)

#37. #3 AND #8 AND #16 (828)

#38. #3 AND #8 AND #24 (226)

#39. #3 AND #8 AND #36 (37)

#40. #37 OR #38 OR #39 (915)

#41. #37 OR #38 OR #39 AND [english]/lim AND [2004-2011]/py (529)

#42. #37 OR #38 OR #39 AND [english]/lim AND [embase]/lim NOT [medline]/lim AND [2004-2011]/py (140)

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