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Li X, editor. Polycystic Kidney Disease [Internet]. Brisbane (AU): Codon Publications; 2015 Nov. doi: 10.15586/codon.pkd.2015.ch10

Cover of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease [Internet].

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Figure 1.. c-Myc at the node of PKD signalling.

Figure 1.

c-Myc at the node of PKD signalling. This schematic representation shows a cystogenic mechanism that could be operative in PKD. The c-Myc protein is depicted at the centre of the PKD pathogenic mechanism. Human ADPKD and nephronophthisis as well as cystic mouse models, orthologous and non-orthologous, induce upregulation of c-Myc expression. The well-studied c-Myc protein functions to elicit key cystogenesis features.

From: Chapter 10, c-Myc Signalling in the Genetic Mechanism of Polycystic Kidney Disease

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