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Ingram J, Blair PS, Powell JE, et al. Preparing for Home: a before-and-after study to investigate the effects of a neonatal discharge package aimed at increasing parental knowledge, understanding and confidence in caring for their preterm infant before and after discharge from hospital. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Mar. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 4.10.)
Preparing for Home: a before-and-after study to investigate the effects of a neonatal discharge package aimed at increasing parental knowledge, understanding and confidence in caring for their preterm infant before and after discharge from hospital.
Show detailsOne-to-one interviews and analysis of the audio-recordings of these provide an opportunity to gain insights about the experience of being a parent in a neonatal unit, including planning for discharge home. Similarly, insights can be gained by interviewing staff about their role and attitudes towards parental needs, particularly in relation to giving parents information about the changing situation of their baby and discharge from the unit. For both groups, collecting and analysing data on the experience in their own words has the potential to illuminate some of the processes underlying what has been found in the quantitative analyses.
Parent interviews
Thirty-seven telephone interviews were conducted with parents: 16 interviews in phase 1 and 21 in phase 2 following the introduction of the intervention. Fathers took part in three of the interviews and both parents contributed to these discussions. Interviews varied in length from 30 to 60 minutes. The parents had babies of all gestational ages from 27 to 33 weeks, some had twins, and both first-time and subsequent parents were represented in the sample across all four LNUs. Family demographics are shown in Table 22.
In both phases, parents were asked to describe their time in the unit, which members of staff were easy to talk to and who provided them with support and advice. Further questions explored how prepared they felt for going home, and who provided support and gave them advice when at home. Finally, they were asked if there were things that they would have liked to have been told to prepare them better. We compared the themes developed in phase 1 with findings in phase 2 to illustrate any differences or core issues. Parents in phase 2 were also asked about their views on the Train-to-Home materials (train and booklets) and how they and the staff used them.
Life in the neonatal unit
Parents described their experiences in a similar way over the 2-year period as ‘feeling stressed and concerned, but staff were helpful and friendly’. Themes describing their journey are shown in Box 1.
‘Rollercoaster of emotions’
Emotional upheaval marked parents’ experience of the admission of their baby to a neonatal unit. Overall, they recalled mixed feelings about having a baby in the LNU. Their feelings became increasingly positive with the improvements in their baby’s health and with the passage of time.
Well I suppose it was a mixture of like, well it was a worrying time, but also it was in the end a more positive time to be able to watch your baby grow, and know that she was doing well.
Mother #305 phase 1
How would I describe my time? Very emotional, very up and down like a rollercoaster of emotions. And I suppose the biggest thing: every minute felt like an hour, an hour felt like a day, a day felt like a week; it just seemed to go on and on. But um obviously the staff were very supportive and helped us to feel, you know, confident that [baby] would come home and he’d be fine, so yeah.
Mother #315 phase 1
A spectrum of emotions was described by parents across the different LNUs from ‘hell’ to ‘comforting’ and ‘reassuring although still scary’. Even although one unit was described as ‘relaxing’ by parents, they still experienced traumatic and negative feelings.
We found it really, strangely relaxing. Once we got over the initial um shock of seeing her with – with all the wires and everything around, which was always stressful, it was really nice and relaxing.
Mother #514 phase 1
Parents talked about the distress of being separated from their newborn baby, and later the stress of having to leave their baby on the LNU when they went home.
It was just the fact that my baby was in the unit and I wasn’t there with him, and I had to go home every night; that was the worst thing ever. It was fine when I was there in the day um with him, but leaving and going home was awful. But the staff at the unit were very positive and reassuring and helpful and brilliant really.
Mother #719 phase 1
They also talked about the feelings of emotional isolation as they felt that staff didn’t want to give them false or unrealistic hopes about their baby’s condition.
They never say to you ‘Don’t worry it’s all going to be fine,’ because they can’t give you any of that false hope, and they don’t know if everything will be fine, so he might be fine today but then by tomorrow you know as I said they can get infections so quick. So you do feel quite, um, like emotionally isolated with it all.
Mother #213 phase 2
Positive experience was linked to support from LNU staff, primarily the nursing team. The physical environment is challenging – it was very hot, light levels were low and parents spent a long time doing very little other than being with their baby. In phase 2, parents commented that having Wi-Fi would have helped pass the time and relieved the boredom.
They keep the lights very low, and it’s very hot, the environment is quite depressing, they have tried to keep the colours brighter, staff are really friendly as well, even small things like Wi-Fi access would have made a massive difference . . . I think it is quite hard as a parent, or like the mum who has to go and sit there all day every day, and if you don’t you feel bad, then if you do you’re bored.
Mother #213 phase 2
‘You learn a lot in there’
In both phases, parents talked about the LNU as a place where they learnt parenting skills. This opportunity would not be available to parents of term babies as they are in hospital for much shorter periods.
I think in some ways, and this sounds silly, but having a premature baby is almost a bit of a better benefit than actually having a full-term baby. Because having a full-term baby you’re suddenly thrown into the world of, ‘Oh my God, we’ve got a baby: what do we do now?’ With a premature baby, obviously they needed that specialist care for the time till they’re able to go home, and in that time you’re taught so many things that you would have to just learn on the spot at home.
Father #307 phase 1
‘They were approachable and listened to me’: establishing relationships with nurses
Mothers mostly found nurses and midwives easy to talk to, and they described most staff as helpful and supportive. Staff with a friendly approachable manner were valued, and they appreciated having ‘a normal everyday conversation’ with them. Support for parents included ‘being listened to’, ‘staff knowing about their family’ and having continuity of care for them and their baby. Mothers commented on the importance of the shift handover between staff as a way of ensuring that information was passed thoroughly and appropriately. They also commented on the advantages of having the same staff caring for their baby in building relationships with the family. Both of these aspects supported parents in their communication with the staff.
Approachable and supportive
We certainly found all the nurses in high dependency very approachable . . . I think, because we built up a relationship with them over a long period of time. Um and um it’s nice when we – if we bump into them. Um, you know, we felt part of the family, put it that way, part of the unit family.
Mother #315 phase 1
I found them really supportive when I was there . . . Um I found they were really good with regard to the rest of my family, because obviously one of the biggest issues for me was being there with [baby] and leaving my other two, and then vice-versa, and I felt so guilty all the time. And they were really supportive about that and really understanding.
Mother #112 phase 1
I actually found them supportive, and I think they’ve got vast knowledge . . . I don’t feel like I am asking a stupid question, like why is she asking those kinds of questions? Might be obvious but they do just respond. So yeah I find that very helpful . . . Yes, I think they were very approachable.
Mother #823 phase 2
Being listened to
Yeah I found it quite friendly, you know, there was always help at hand if needed, professional or um, you know, someone to listen, you know, someone to listen to me, which was quite good.
Mother #521 phase 1
A normal conversation
But others were very good, and they kept like asking, and like the ones I liked, they would ask things about you as well, and not constantly about [baby], like they would remember if you’d said that you were going shopping or something, and they’re remember to ask, and things like that which was quite nice.
Mother #206 phase 2
I found, um, quite a lot of the nurses had very good people skills . . . they just came across better.
Mother #608 phase 2
Hand over and continuity of care
And their handovers were good, they reckoned to have like about a half hour handover every time they swapped shifts. So you knew what was happening. The communication that they have with each other from like the night to the day staff, and day staff to night staff.
Mother #307 phase 1
‘Conflicting advice about feeding’
Less positive support was recalled by some mothers trying to express breast milk or learning to breastfeed their baby. A lack of consistent advice, and the attitude of some staff, made them feel apprehensive and lacking in confidence about caring for their baby.
There was one nurse, I think she was a sister, and she basically made my life hell. She did it with other mums who had the same problem, in as far as if I wasn’t expressing enough [breast milk] that was my fault and I’m not feeding or looking after my baby properly. Whereas the other nurses were, ‘Look, don’t worry. You’ve got formula we can mix. You need to relax to be able to do this’ . . . but whenever this other nurse came up it was just hellish.
Mother #320 phase 1
I would have to ask specifically for them to come and help. I was encouraged every time to put him to the breast (when) I tube fed. But if I actually wanted some help with latching on or positioning or anything I would have to sort of say, ‘Can you give me a hand?
Mother #719 phase 1
I was getting different advice . . . because you kind of get moved on to nursery nurses, and health-care workers rather than neonatal nurses, and they all do things differently, because the level of experience or the training they have had, and I had one there say to me, ‘Stop expressing now in between feeds,’ then the next night another nurse said, ‘Are you still expressing?’ And I said no I was told to stop, and she went, ‘Oh that’s strange, I don’t know why because we’re told to tell you to carry on.
Mother #213 phase 2
It was actually, the breast feeding was one of the issues of why we had to wait to go, because [twin 1] was breastfeeding and [twin 2] wasn’t, and we actually had a lot of pressure on me, um, from the nurses to get [twin 2] to breast feed, so much so like they would you know really be kind of forceful about putting her to the breast. Um, and so we never talked about bottles or formula or anything, because they you know were . . . we doing breast feeding . . . Then the day I got home I stopped producing milk, I had no idea what to do with bottles and formula, because no one taught us as a backup. That was hard.
Mother #617 phase 2
Medical staff were mentioned too, but they were less visible on the LNUs. Some mothers linked communication with the consultant to receiving good or bad news about the baby’s condition. In phase 2, particularly at one LNU, parents reported that doctors had been very helpful and supportive.
The baby doctors were always there, the neonatal doctors, there was always a doctor around in either side of the unit. Um so you didn’t – if you wanted to find something out you could always approach one of them, you didn’t have to go searching for someone.
Mother #307 phase 1
I mean obviously the doctors are very busy, um, but they certainly . . . if you had concerns they would definitely come and it might not be straight away but they would definitely come and spend some time talking things over with you, . . ., but they very much wanted to put you at your ease . . . and take you through it slowly . . . you know, he was happy to sit and talk to us again once we’d thought about actually the things that we wanted to ask him.
Mother #819 phase 2
‘The ‘Neonatal Intensive Care Unit family’: support from other parents
These new friendships were valued and they felt part of a NICU family. They talked about developing their ideas with other families and learning from those who were ahead of them in their progress to going home. Some families kept in touch after they had gone home, too.
We were talking to lots of other parents who were going through the stage just ahead of us . . . I think we just bounced off ideas all the time about what we were thinking of . . . the dilemmas we had about whether to continue trying breastfeeding or just to go to bottle feeding.
Mother #315 phase 1
Every day we would have lunch together and sit there together expressing and everything, so like they know exactly, you don’t have to explain anything to them because they know exactly what’s going on.
Mother #206 phase 2
I thought it was a great experience, um, at the end of the nine weeks we felt like we were almost like part of a NICU family, not just with, um, not just with the staff, but also with the other parents that we had met there.
Mother #617 phase 2
Preparing to go home
Themes developed under this section are ‘practical preparation’, ‘emotional preparation’ and ‘the role of breastfeeding’, as shown in Box 2.
Practical preparation: ‘knowledge and skills transfer, but not enough notice’
Parents considered the knowledge they received practically prepared them for going home and most recalled the practical skills they had been taught, including holding their baby, sleeping positions, first aid emergency and resuscitation (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), bathing, bottle-feeding and nappy changing. The nurses trained the parents in readiness for going home with their baby. There was no reported systematic information delivery using checklists or going home packs throughout the LNUs in phase 1. One LNU identified that they had a pre-existing checklist; however, parents reported that processes seemed to be reactive rather than proactive.
In phase 1, many mothers were very concerned about the lack of notice about discharge and not having a date to go home or any structured or meaningful discussion about going home. This made it difficult for them to alert other family members about their imminent departure if they needed to make family arrangements.
It was all very quick in the end . . . we didn’t really talk about going home and then all of a sudden it was, ‘Let’s try demand feeding. You could go home in 2 days,’ um very, very sudden.
Mother #719 phase 1
I did actually, admittedly, think we would have a bit more notice to ‘er – to get some stuff in.
Mother #713 phase 1
We didn’t actually know we were going home until sort of the very last minute.
Mother #221 phase 1
Because my parents were looking after my other children, so it was important that they were highly involved in what was going on. I texted them all – well we had to wait for the paediatrician to do his round on the day that we were discharged, and I texted them all going, ‘Yeah we’re coming home today’.
Mother #112 phase 1
In phase 2, some mothers were irritated about the inconsistency between staff about the timing of messages about discharge, particularly between doctors and nurses. They reported that the decision about whether they would go home at the planned date lay with the doctors. Nevertheless, mothers mostly reported being quite well prepared for going home.
They [the nurses] just made decisions on you know upping the milk and things like that, they didn’t make any major decisions.
Mother #808 phase 2
As far as the standard like training or procedure that the unit goes through for parents I do feel, it was good, and I didn’t get home and think oh my goodness what do I do with this baby.
Mother #213 phase 2
Yeah, it was quite good that I was very hands on, um, from as early on as I could be really, um, so yeah things like changing nappies, getting her changes, giving her a wash, giving her a bath, all those sort of things . . . so after all that I don’t think there was anything else they could have really done.
Mother #807 phase 2
Emotional preparation: ‘uncertainty, feeling rushed, motivation to get home’
Mothers described their uncertainty about going home as a mixture of feeling scared, nervous and excited. Some felt that they were not well supported by staff in this preparation and they needed more reassurance. In phase 1, a few families from two LNUs felt that they were not ready for home for various reasons, including the health of the baby. The scariness of taking home a ‘tiny baby’ was raised by a small number of mothers, but this was overcome by the desire to have the family under one roof. For others, the thought of putting in place the routines learnt at hospital supported their preparation.
It came to the point where we, yeah, we were getting prepared to do it and, yeah, nervous, scared, but excited at the same time . . . mentally kind of preparing how we were going to do things you know, continuing it at home rather than having the hospital around to help.
Mother #521 phase 1
These concerns were also echoed in phase 2. A few mothers felt their family needed to be all together, other mothers felt they would never be ready. However, more parents in phase 2 commented that they felt mentally prepared to take their baby home.
I just got on with it . . . it did help me feel mentally prepared by the train date.
Mother #814 phase 2
I was feeling ready to go home.
Mother #623 phase 2
Me too . . . we couldn’t wait to come home actually to be honest . . . yeah, we could bring the babies home.
Father #623 phase 2
The role of breastfeeding: ‘breastfeeding is the harder way to do it’
Breastfeeding was supported and encouraged by nurses across all four LNUs. In two LNUs mothers identified a nurse who functioned as a breastfeeding advisor. In the other LNUs, mothers said they could approach almost any nurse with varying degrees of ease depending on their relationship. They mentioned having advice about expressing breast milk regularly and frequently, various ways to position a baby for feeding, and how to ensure that the baby was latched on, but there was conflicting advice about on some points, particularly using nipple shields.
Got loads of support with breastfeeding. You just felt able to, you know, ask questions. They were particularly useful, very supportive, yeah.
Mother #305 phase 1
Yeah, sort of positive spin, because I had difficulty, um, producing enough breast milk, um, and they were always sort of really helpful and positive about it, they just sort of you know said, ‘keep trying,’ so really sort of supportive.
Mother #814 phase 2
There was mixed opinion on nipple shields: some people said it might help and other people said ‘no don’t’.
Mother #719 phase 1
She suggested that I try some nipple shields, and another nurse on the day shift helped me use them, and between the two of those nurses, that’s what got the breastfeeding going. Whereas – one nurse was like, ‘Why are you using nipple shields? You haven’t got flat nipples,’ but it wasn’t the point. And because she just came in she didn’t have a clue.
Mother #305 phase 1
All of us who are friends all had to use the nipple shields, we always had to use it, and then we all went home with them, and I just found it too hard, but some of the mums have kept on with it and stuff. But I just found it [breastfeeding] . . . he found it too hard.
Mother #408 phase 2
When mothers encountered issues with breastfeeding, nurses continued to support them. For some nurses, this involved supporting a mother’s decision to switch to formula feeding or suggesting topping up with formula to ensure that the baby could go home sooner.
So that we could go home they said, ‘Why don’t you just do top-ups with formula? Because then we know that she’s got a means of having enough milk when you go home.’
Mother #514 phase 1
I was expressing for about eight weeks, um, so we were using that, and then gradually I think it was probably about a week before we thought she might go home they started introducing a bit of formula with my milk, um, to get her used to the taste, and then I think we were on about 50/50 when we went home, and then when we got home we just used formula straight away which she was fine with, um, because that was always my plan to do formula anyway. So it was like a bonus that she’d had my milk.
Mother #206 phase 2
There was a sense in the interviews that breastfeeding was difficult for this group of babies but it is not clear how nurse to parent conversations or mother to mother conversations contributed or improved this.
I understand breast is best, and I’m completely aware of that; I didn’t realise how difficult it would be though.
Mother #320 phase 1
Mothers were also aware of the delays that could be associated with breastfeeding and weight gain.
Everybody acknowledged that breastfeeding is the harder way of doing it. And a lot of babies that were bottle-fed left sooner than us. Like there was a baby that was only 1 day older, and he went home a week sooner because he went home on a bottle.
Mother #305 phase 1
What ended up stopping us from going home . . . was his weight because we were breastfeeding. He was tube fed with breast milk which is then fortified . . . and then they stopped fortifying it, so his weight took a sudden drop, because all of a sudden it wasn’t being fortified. So then they needed to see that weight go back on, to ensure he could home healthy, so we’re struggling to put the weight back on, and he was losing maybe like a couple of grams each time, so I found that very frustrating, it was very upsetting, because they weigh every other day, and then it was quite disappointing every time we didn’t get to go home.
Mother #213 phase 2
Train-to-Home intervention in phase 2
The Train-to-Home intervention was introduced against this background of a lack of notice about the expected discharge date and parents feeling rushed just before babies were discharged home. The train was designed to be kept up to date by parents in discussion with staff, so that staff were aware of the parents’ perceptions of their baby’s progress. This would then provide staff and parents with opportunities for engagement and education to support parental confidence. The gestational age-appropriate booklets gave parents some questions to ask and aspects of their baby’s care and development to focus on as their baby progressed.
All of the parents interviewed in phase 2 spoke English. For some, English was not their first or native language, and the train window colour system indicating baby progress worked well for them as they understood the movement between red, yellow and green as a clear marker.
Parent-reported positive comments about the Train-to-Home package
Many parents responded positively to the Train-to-Home package. Mothers, fathers and siblings found the visual representation of their baby’s progress helpful and enjoyable. Positive themes were the ‘value of staff engagement’, ‘giving us hope’, ‘something you can visually see’, ‘fathers and families loved it’, ‘the dates prepare you for home’, ‘feeling in control’ and ‘do it right at the beginning’, as shown in Figure 17.
‘The value of staff engagement’
Where staff engaged with the intervention and delivered care through the intervention, parents responded positively and felt that it helped them understand what was going on around them.
It was one of the nursery nurses sat down with me and explained what it [Train-to-Home] all was, um, and did the first kind of round of stickers and everything, and then the, um, nurse that had been the most kind of trying to get us home she went through it again a bit later, updated it with a different discharge date and everything.
Mother #219
We loved it [Train-to-Home], we felt like it made us feel like a part of it, and we loved getting the little booklet out, and you know we would discuss it between the two of us and discuss it with the nurses, and you know we would get excited, we would take pictures of it, and, um, we enjoyed it.
Mother #617
‘Giving us hope’
An impression of progress, an end in sight, and of moving towards home indicated by the changing of the stickers on the train from red, through yellow to green, was reflected in the parents comments captured in most LNUs.
The train date was earlier obviously, [than due date] and so it made us kind of think well actually there’s no reason why he won’t be out earlier, um, if he achieves all of these things, um, which obviously are on the train. So I think, um, it gave us that sort of encouragement really.
Mother #223
It was such a long process that it made it feel like you know there was an end in sight.
Mother #617
It’s good because it shows you the progress that your baby is having.
Father #623
The train was one of the only things I remember from those first couple of days . . . I was in shock, pain, emotional and very tired . . . I remember the train, remember thinking – OK so he works his way along until he leaves.
Mother #802
Yeah, it was, it was really helpful, because what happened is even when we got there and we were given a day I always looking forward to that day, and I was happy that the date didn’t move as in she went home within that day, I was really, really glad that I had a date to look up to.
Mother #823
The train is meant to give you like a bit of hope for when your baby is coming home. We all knew it’s not definite, but it’s meant to give you that bit of hope.
Mother #808
‘Something you can visually see’
Some parents took more ownership of the process and explained it to their wider families. The system of colours also provided parents with an ‘at-a-glance’ affirmation that their baby was improving in health.
I really liked it, I thought it was a great idea, because it’s a quick easy way of seeing where they are and showing . . . when my parents came, instead of having to explain everything I could show them the little train, and they had their colours on there.
Mother #219
It helped, um, us visually see how sort of much progress he’d made, and it was sort of quite encouraging to see him going from a red to an amber, and then an amber to a green. So that was useful, and also it was quite useful to show relatives and friends, sort of how far he was progressing, and sort of provide pointers on what to go through with them and what to explain and things. It helped provide it in a bit more simplistic terms really.
Mother #223
Well it was good information because they were giving you, um, the colour they would say that’s a red it means the baby is not ready, so you could just see day by day if the baby is . . . the problems with the baby’s health. It was very helpful because when I came the next day I was just like oh she’s got more green than red, it was just very optimistic saying, you were like oh my God, it won’t take long to go home with the baby.
Mother #622
It is a bit more involvement, obviously it’s not a lot, but it’s something, and it’s something you can visually see, because looking at your child in an incubator and that, the only difference you can really see is maybe a few tubes are coming, um, but when you can look at a chart, and look at colours and obviously going from red to green and that it’s all positive. So a little bit helps really.
Mother #807
‘Fathers and families loved it’
Looking at the train, reviewing the criteria, changing the stickers and taking photographs to send to their family were all mentioned by mothers as helpful activities for fathers and siblings when in the LNU.
Visually, um, for my partner especially he could just see how well he was doing. Obviously I had put the stickers, I would talk to people and then I would put the stickers on, um, but it’s also something nice to take home as well. Just say look, you know, this is how well he came on.
Mother #608
My partner he really got into it for the first, um, week or so, he read all through the booklet and he wanted to do stickers and he wanted to update it. I think for him it was like something he could look at, you know, focus on.
Mother #225
Yes, um, one of the nurses sat down and sat through it all with . . . and, um, we went through everything so that myself and my partner completely understood, um, it, and it was great because we’ve got a four year old, so when he came in he could . . . he loved the train, he thought the train was fantastic, and it was great for him to be able to understand a bit more. He used to stand there hoping that it would turn green in front of his eyes, he thought it was magic.
Mother #418
It made us feel good when he got an amber [sticker]. I took pictures of the train and showed it to friends, to the grandparents and colleagues at work. Towards the end I was able to say that he’d got four greens and we were just working on the feeding. I thought it made it visual – it was really excellent.
Father #816
Weirdly enough my husband loved it, um, I liked it, but he wanted to put the new stickers on as soon as physically possible, whereas I wanted to not put the upper stickers until we were absolutely sure that was the level that she was at, because there was a couple of times where it felt like back tracking if you had to change the colours of your stickers. My husband couldn’t wait.
Mother #819
‘The dates prepare you for going home’
Parents confirmed that the package helped them to prepare for taking their baby home by giving them a time window in advance that they could work towards.
It just says the date you will be going home, it’s just a rough idea about how you can be prepared for it.
Mother #622
And you know like roughly when he can go home, so it’s quite helpful as well.
Mother #623
‘Feeling in control’
A few parents spoke of the control that they felt about engaging with the Train-to-Home package.
It was great because it put me even more in control, and I felt like I was doing more, so it was great.
Mother #418
Well actually the doctors came round one point while I was there early and they said that I could do the stickers myself. So, um, that was quite good. Something so small actually makes a big impact, you kind of feel quite good about being able to sort of put a different colour sticker in, because you can see how she is improving really.
Mother #807
‘Do it right at the beginning’
Some parents had not received the train at the beginning of their LNU stay and this impeded their chance to engage with their baby’s progression.
We did think it was a really good idea that you can see him progressing, but it’s just unfortunate that we didn’t do it right at the beginning . . . So we didn’t actually see much of a progress . . . so that’s the only one thing I do suggest . . . is to do it right at the beginning so that you can see a change . . . more consistent with it, and like right from the beginning, because I think it’s fantastic that you can see the change and see the progress.
Mother #408
It might have been [nurse], who I think, um, you know, went through it in quite a lot of depth with us, which was helpful. But that did happen a bit later down the line . . . maybe just, um, I don’t know whether to be done slightly sooner?
Mother #621
So I would definitely say within the first week, you need to know that’s an option, that’s a good idea, but sort of 3/4 days onwards I think.
Mother #814
Using the booklets: ‘questions to ask and getting to know your baby’
Over half of the parents who were interviewed used the booklets. Those who used them found the questions helpful and ‘loved getting the booklet out’ to use. Both mothers and fathers found the booklet useful, it facilitated engagement and understanding, helped them to ask questions and many of parents wrote comments or observations in it.
Fathers’ engagement
He did go through that and write down yeah his thoughts and questions I think.
Mother #225
My partner did more of that to be honest than I did, so yeah . . . I think he thought that was quite helpful actually. It gives guidance and things, doesn’t it?
Mother #621
Getting to know your baby
It kind of gave us a guide to what we should be doing and what we should be learning and looking for, um, with our own children, and it kind of gives you a guide, okay next week, you know, we can look forward to this.
Mother #617
It was good being able to sort of chart her progress to see sort of where she’s at in the bigger scheme of things, um, on a daily basis, so yeah that was quite useful.
Mother #819
Discussion with staff
I did find it useful, like when we looked for the questions, and especially going through with the nurses, when you went through with the nurses, and they went through each stage and like talked us through it, and it was helpful, you know it was useful to look at. Especially the questions in there that you probably didn’t think yourself about the questions to ask. So it was good to look in there, and then you think oh yes, I would like to ask that question, and then you know we felt that we could ask them.
Mother #408
Parent-reported negative comments
Negative or critical comments during the interviews mainly focused around nursing staff attitudes, confused messages and an apparent lack of understanding or engagement with the package, as shown in Figure 17.
‘Staff didn’t explain it’
Some parents in three LNUs reported that the train was not always introduced or fully explained to them to enable them to engage with the intervention.
Yeah, nobody ever explained that train to us, like, and then one day I was like I’m going to stick some stickers on there, so I did, because everyone else I knew had put their stickers on, and everyone was like looking at [baby]’s, because it had nothing on, so um yeah nobody went through that like booklet or anything . . . it didn’t really mean as much for us. But it was quite nice, when I put all the green stickers on, I took a photo of it and I put it in her baby book. Um, yeah it is quite nice to have it in there.
Mother #206
The train appeared one day with some dates on it, um, and . . . it must have been that I wasn’t around when the nurse came to do it, and then I didn’t know what it meant for quite some time, I think it was another couple of weeks before it was explained to me.
Mother #213
They didn’t really use the stickers or anything. I didn’t really get explained what to do with that . . . mine didn’t really get used to be honest.
Mother #417
‘It was confusing’
The parents mentioned being confused by nursing staff comments about the materials developed for the study or when they appeared not to use them. This included not explaining the criteria for changing train window colours, challenging the going home dates, and being advised to use ‘due date’ as the date when their baby would be going home. In half of the LNUs, nursing staff told parents to use the due date as the target for going home, and then added a different, earlier, date to the train.
I was talking it through with one of the other nurses, and she was explaining it to me, and she was saying actually some of the, um, the things there that are written down to get each spot could be changed around really.
Mother #221
I think nearly all of them [nurses] said that, it [going home date range] was unrealistic. It seemed very strange, because when it [the train] was first presented to us we were kind of like ‘oh wow that’s really soon’, because the consultant, the first thing they said was you have to go with his due date . . . So that was very confusing.
Mother #225
You always get told to wait until due date.
Mother #418
‘Give me more information to change the colours’
Some parents reported that nursing staff handed over responsibility for maintaining the train to them but did not give them enough information to use it correctly. This meant that stickers were not updated as parents did not understand the basis on which to change them.
Perhaps it didn’t get updated often enough, because we had it done initially, and then it was only updated when they’d got to all green, um, and there were a couple of things that I felt, um, [baby] in particular had . . . she’d kind of moved on, she had achieved it, but it wasn’t updated particularly . . . wasn’t sure if I was supposed to touch the train, um, it kind of seemed like that was something that they did, um, and it wasn’t for me to do, because they would determine whether they had met all the little targets.
Mother #219
I think it just needs a little bit more work around explaining it to parents, and, you know, who is leading on it really, and at what point, you know, what’s the criteria so that you can make judgements about where your baby is. Because things like for example sleeping, I thought well does that mean . . . you know what does that mean? Does that mean she is sleeping lots so that’s a good thing?
Mother #621
At home
By using the Train-to-Home package to help parents to understand their baby’s needs while in hospital, it was hoped that it would support their empowerment further after taking their baby home. Themes in this section cover the interviews in both phases and are shown in Box 3. They describe the type of help and support that parents received following discharge home with their baby.
‘Health visitor support was either fantastic or a bit vague’
Once at home, parents had a range of services they could turn to for support and advice. Many parents from all the LNUs regarded their HV as most useful, helpful and knowledgeable in discussing a variety of routine problems that they encountered, including breastfeeding and tongue tie.
My health visitor has been fantastic. She’s been coming out weekly and has been really, really good support . . . More with the breastfeeding side because I was having problems, obviously [baby] was tongue-tied and I was having real doubts whether or not I could actually carry on breastfeeding when I first brought her home, because it was just so wearing. And she was really, really supportive in, ‘Well let’s look beyond the problem. Let’s see what’s causing it.’ And, you know, she was absolutely fantastic.
Mother #318 phase 1
The health visitor has been very good. Unfortunately she’s retired now, which is a shame because I would have liked to have had her for a bit longer. She was very good because she noticed the tongue tie. I think just her sheer experience was really helpful, um, and she was like . . . she’s referred us to the cranial osteopath and then she gave me some advice about, um, foods and things to avoid and stuff like that. So she’s been really good.
Mother #213 phase 2
My health visitor is amazing, um, yeah she’s really friendly, she’s really easy to get hold of, um just need to send her a text and she rang me back when I had a problem . . . I mean I haven’t had many problems, um, but I have she’s been really, helpful, really happy to answer any questions.
Mother #219 phase 2
However, there were other parents who had concerns about the lack of direction they received from their HV, the lack of specific understanding about premature babies, and a focus on child protection aspects of the role rather than parental support.
Um the health visitor was good for some basic stuff, but I did find that she was – she’s quite vague. I almost got the impression that she didn’t want to give me too much information because she didn’t want to be wrong, like she didn’t want to give advice and just say, ‘Well you could try this or you could try that,’ but, I don’t know, I found her a bit vague in what she was saying. I don’t know if that’s just her. I don’t know what other health visitors are like.
Mother #109 phase 1
When the health visitor came round she didn’t have a great deal of experience with prem babies, so I found that what she was saying was contradicting special care, what they told us before we came home. So I kind of ignored what she said.
Mother #418 phase 2
‘Neonatal outreach team is a great support’
One unit supported mothers with a hospital neonatal outreach team after leaving the LNU. This support was sometimes preferred over community-based HVs because the outreach team gave advice specific to premature babies.
My health visitor actually used to do NICU herself in the past, which actually helped. But she did more practical – rather than [outreach team] were solely giving knowledge and information regarding NICU and prematurity. Whereas the health visitor was more, I suppose, generalised of how things would be going normally. So any more worries and concerns I had, it was easier to speak to neonatal outreach team members regarding things about her being early, asking them rather than the health visitor.
Mother #521 phase 1
Yeah, the NICU health visitor and my own health visitor . . . found them really helpful . . . all three of them, they’ve been there for me as well as [baby], obviously that’s what they’re there for, but I found them a great support.
Mother #608 phase 2
‘GPs helpful for medical things’
General practitioner (GP) knowledge seemed to be more mixed. Some parents felt supported by their GP in terms of routine illnesses, but as with HVs, most do not have specific preterm knowledge and advise parents to contact the LNU or in one situation go to an ED.
My doctor was brilliant, because obviously she was the one that was saying, you know, ‘Let’s get this [hernia] sorted, and bring him back tomorrow, or bring him back in two days’ time and let me have a look then.’ So . . . she was fantastic.
Mother #315 phase 1
Actually the GP has been very helpful from a baby point of view, the sort of reassurance about just generally having a baby, when I’ve been to see them, but not really about a premature baby.
Mother #719 phase 1
Also my GP . . . it’s literally the medical, illness side, then it’s definitely the GP.
Mother #807 phase 2
‘Staying in contact with other parents met on the unit’
Several parents remained in contact with other parents that they met on the LNU and one unit had started a support group for recently discharged parents.
Well I’ve kept contact with the friends I made on the ward, we meet up every four weeks and we talk. Also the [name] group have got the Facebook page, they also come to the unit, they’ve been really good actually when I’ve had any sort of questions, just posted it on there and then loads of other mums have replied saying, ‘I was in exactly the same situation, I tried this’ so it’s been quite nice.
Mother #206 phase 2
I have joined the support group that runs out of [the unit], I’ve been to one of their community meet ups, and met some mums that way, so yeah we just chat to a few . . . If you’ve got any questions really, all mums from the unit, and I think they let you stay for about 2 years, so if you’re experiencing something they’ve been through they can help out. It’s a big Facebook group as well, so that’s quite nice, so it’s really easy to get hold of somebody.
Mother #219 phase 2
‘Wider family support is most helpful’
Families in phase 2 identified the support they receive from their wider family (grandparents and sisters) as being helpful and having the most useful knowledge. Understanding the baby’s needs while in the unit was also important for the wider family in knowing how to help after discharge.
Family really that has given most of the help . . . it’s two babies feeding is quite difficult isn’t it? . . . this is the most important thing I think, that’s why we get help from family.
Mother #623 twins phase 2
[My sister] she’s got a baby who is, I think just 11 weeks older than [baby], so she’s kind of recently been through the kind of stuff that I’m about a couple of months behind on. So it’s good to have that . . .
Mother #814 phase 2
Yeah, definitely my mum [most helpful knowledge] because I don’t really see my health visitor.
Mother #808 phase 2
‘Using the internet and Facebook to get information’
Mothers described using the internet cautiously to find more information on a range of issues specific to premature infants, which they would have liked to have been given before going home. They mentioned using Facebook, Mumsnet and Netmums, NHS websites for illness and BLISS for support. They looked for information about how their baby would be followed up, how many routine appointments they will have, when to use corrected age, why certain tests/scans are necessary and the long-term implications of prematurity. Mothers described feeling stranded in the community and that other people did not understand.
We’ve got like a chat on Facebook, so we put our things on there as well. I’d probably say those mums have been the most helpful, um, because our babies were all premature and very similar age, and if somebody said, ‘My baby is doing this, what do you think I should do?’ And then another mum will say, ‘I tried this, it seems good,’ and it’s you know we’ve all sort of had each other for support. So I would probably say that’s the best really.
Mother #206 phase 2
Because I’ve read things that if they’re not gaining weight . . . that can have effects on their general development. Yeah you see that was me being naughty and Googling. But I was reading articles, research articles, because I have access to the BMJ and stuff for my own job so . . . yeah as opposed to just junk like . . . think we’ve been quite anxious recently.
Mother #112 phase 1
We avoided it [using the internet] when she was in hospital, um, for obvious reasons, um, but it’s more to you know find out what milestones she should be doing, um, for her current actual age, of her corrected age as well. So just sort of see we’re in the right ballpark area of what she’s supposed to be doing, so just for that sort of thing really.
Mother #819 phase 2
There’s only one main website for premature babies, and that’s the BLISS website, but I think again it’s more for support rather than actual information, and I think it is because the ranges are so large, so they can’t give you . . . so you go on the NHS website about weaning and it will say around average of 6 months, but you can’t do that with premature babies, because also they then develop at different rates as well, so everything is just a bit up in the air with them.
Mother #213 phase 2
I felt actually quite stranded about having a premature baby. All my antenatal friends’ babies were all full-term. They’re younger in chronological age than [my baby] but gestationally they were full-term, so it’s all different, and they don’t quite understand.
Mother #719 phase 1
‘I would have liked to have known more about . . .’
There was practical information that parents thought would be helpful in advance such as how to establish a routine at home, how much medicine a premature baby can have, understanding weight and feeding. In phase 2, several mothers mentioned baby tongue tie not being identified before going home, which had contributed to feeding difficulties.
. . . with the breastfeeding side because I was having problems, obviously [my baby] was tongue-tied and I was having real doubts whether or not I could actually carry on breastfeeding when I first brought her home, because it was just so wearing. And she [HV] was really, really supportive in, ‘Well let’s look beyond the problem. Let’s see what’s causing it’.
Mother #318 phase 1
What I did find quite strange, because also, he had tongue tie, which my health visitor only picked up three weeks ago, and she said, ‘I’m surprised they didn’t pick up on it in hospital’.
Mother #213 phase 2
[twin 1] was showing no interest in breastfeeding, and he was really struggling. We have since found out that he had a tongue tie that wasn’t picked up, so he had that cut last week, so he may have been able to feed had it been picked up earlier, but I don’t know, he didn’t seem interested.
Mother #219 phase 2
Well there’s one medical thing, [twin 1] was tongue tied and it was not caught. [When was it caught?] Two weeks after discharge, and it was, found by the cranial osteopathy that we went to, and it’s caused like a lot of feeding problems. If that would have been found a lot sooner I think that we could have probably prevented some of the issues we’re having today with her feedings.
Mother #617 phase 2
Parents described their time in the LNU as a ‘roller coaster emotional journey’, where ‘they learnt a lot’, ‘established relationships with nurses’ and received ‘support from the ‘NICU family’. They felt prepared practically for going home but in phase 1 many were very concerned about the lack of notice about the expected discharge date and a lack of structured, meaningful discussion about going home. In phase 2, mothers mostly reported being quite well prepared for going home. Mothers expressed emotional uncertainty about going home and some felt that they needed more reassurance. In phase 2, more parents said they felt mentally prepared to take their baby home. In both phases it was acknowledged that breastfeeding was often difficult and getting it right could delay the timing of their baby’s discharge home.
Set against this background of a lack of notice and feeling rushed just before babies were discharged home, the Train-to-Home intervention was introduced. Many parents responded positively to the Train-to-Home package and found it helpful for showing them in a visual way that their baby was progressing. Mothers, fathers and siblings enjoyed using it. Any negative comments were focused around nursing staff attitudes, confusing messages and an apparent lack of understanding or engagement with the package.
Once home, parents had a range of services they could turn to for support and advice including HVs, hospital neonatal outreach nurses and GPs. Several parents remained in contact with others whom they had met on the LNU, and one unit had started a support group for parents discharged from the unit. Mothers described a cautious use of the internet to find more information on a range of issues specific to premature infants, which they would have liked to have been given before going home. They mentioned using Facebook, Mumsnet and Netmums, NHS websites for illness and BLISS for support.
Nursing staff focus groups and interviews
Eighteen nursing staff were interviewed in person across the four sites, in groups of three or four and a few as individuals. We included two managers, seven sisters, four staff nurses, two health-care assistants and three nursery nurses. The primary aim was for the groups to discuss their views on the intervention materials and how they had used them. Quotes are attributed to the different units rather than particular individuals. Interviews and groups varied in length from 30 to 60 minutes.
Preparing parents to take their baby home: ‘gaining weight, feeding and maintaining temperature’
During the focus groups and interviews we initially discussed nursing staff views on preparing parents for discharge home and what they thought were the main issues for parents. They all used basic criteria for discharge home from the neonatal unit highlighting that they told parents that babies had to gain weight, feed well (particularly if breastfed), and maintain their temperature before they could go home. They thought that parents worried about coping and feared taking their baby home.
They discussed the factors that facilitated earlier discharge or delayed discharge home. Although they mentioned using ‘aim for your due date’ as a guide, they said that now they advise parents that around 37 weeks’ gestation is a more realistic expectation.
We used to say that babies go home about their due date and anything before is a bonus. We know that they don’t go home on their due date, so now we tend to say . . . it will probably be between 37 and 38 weeks in most cases. Term is anything from 37 weeks. The focus here would be to get them breastfeeding, establish breastfeeding.
There is a perceived feeling that if they bottle feed they will get home quicker. For a mum who is breastfeeding they get frustrated with that last hurdle and they will switch to bottle if most of the others around them are bottle feeding.
The whole communication with parents and working with them has changed quite dramatically really over the last sort of 4 or 5 years really . . . we’re much more focused on their gestation, where they are in their gestational developmental journey and their nutrition. This is linked in with a Trust-wide tool looking at discharge planning.
Unit #1
It’ll be your due date, but we’re not very specific about setting that date. We expect babies to be going home now at 35 weeks. A few years ago they weren’t going home till 38/39 weeks, so our expectations are that we build the parents up to going a bit earlier than that. If they end up staying a bit longer it becomes harder doesn’t it.
Unit #2
Clinical and other justifications for not setting discharge dates were provided by some staff:
Infection keeps them longer, problems with breastfeeding, reflux, poor feeding.
The thing is though when you’re going home receiving breast milk you will have a longer stay. You do get home more quickly when you’re bottle feeding, um, and you have to look very carefully at the support that parents need in the last few days before they go home if they’re breastfeeding, and it’s actually huge.
Babies need to be 35 weeks, feeding well, keeping warm.
There’s a good guide in our admission booklet.
I think mainly breastfeeding, it can take a lot longer for the feeding.
Parents lose all their confidence initially and we have to build that back up again.
Unit #3
Feeding keeps them in a bit longer, but you know when you need to establish breastfeeding it does take that bit longer than if they were going home bottle feeding, and it’s the baby itself though really.
We get quite a few social issues, so they’re ready to go home on a Thursday or Friday but we can’t send them home until Monday so there’s a full care package available.
Unit #4
Using the intervention materials
Themes generated from the staff reports of using the intervention are shown in Box 4.
‘A visual representation to explain baby’s progress’
We sought staff views on having visual materials to help parents understand that discharge is approaching. Staff agreed that this was a good idea but there were very mixed views about using the package on the LNUs. Using it to help explain a baby’s progress was welcomed by some and most acknowledged that it helped to start a discussion:
I think it definitely helped discussion and it did promote conversation, so as a tool it engaged I think people and actually made you focus more on discharge planning and targets and actually engaging conversation. That visual is great isn’t it? And I know for some parents it’s absolutely fantastic, but for others it’s not been.
Unit #1
It looks good, it looks nice and some parents love it, and then they get really cross because they can’t take it home and they say what’s the point? It starts off a discussion. But to be honest some people love it, some people hate it.
Unit #2
A lot of people talk about their journeys really, so why can’t it be a train? I think if you’re going to get a family that, like that way, that visual way of seeing stuff . . . I think it would work. Anything we can provide for parents that is going to make their journey easier, that’s good. I think there’s a place for it but not for every family though.
Unit #3
Thus, although the value of the intervention package was acknowledged by many staff, for some it was implemented in a less than wholehearted way, and a degree of ambivalence was reflected in their responses.
In contrast, staff in the fourth unit really embraced the materials and appreciated the principles involved.
I think traditionally we’ve always told parents that they will go home around the time they had been due, but actually babies don’t . . . they’re going home around that 35/36 week mark, much sooner. By having a more structured plan to prepare them for home . . . they’ve got a date to work for. It’s the first question they always ask, ‘When can we go home? When can we take our baby home?’ It’s one you can’t properly answer, but this gives them a bit more of an idea when to expect them home. It allows them to prepare at home, so family coming to support them, that sort of thing.
Unit #4
Seeing that visual representation that their baby is getting better; that they are making that journey towards home. It’s fantastic; it’s been a really good way of engaging the parents with their baby’s progress. It’s definitely a good sort of starting point for communication with them. Dads love it. They also appear with the parents talking to the relatives, and they’re explaining it and they feel empowered.
I think it should be used with all our parents. They can all understand it and because it’s quite visual you can explain it to them in a way that they understand. Once they’ve been given it they’ve all been really interested.
‘A chance to sit down with the parents’: using the train on the unit and explaining the dates
The dates on the Train-to-Home package were usually changed following a discussion with doctors. Most nurses struggled with explaining the dates to parents but in one LNU nurses found that talking about the dates and changing the window colours helped them to promote discussion with parents and explain how their baby was progressing.
I think initially the parents really like the train, they see it as something quite positive, and they like the dates. But the problem we get is that as it comes nearer the time and they don’t necessarily meet their dates, I know that you can change the dates, but there’s no guidance on how to change them. So it’s quite hard to know what to change them to, because it’s almost a guess, because feeding is a bit you can’t tell, you can’t predict how long it’s going to take somebody to feed, and when they don’t reach those dates or you change the dates then they get quite disappointed. So initially it’s quite positive, and for the babies that become unwell during their journey and go backwards, that’s really difficult for them. We’ve only had a few of these though.
Unit #1
The first date is always very optimistic for what happens in our unit. I found the dates difficult as there was no guidance on how to extend them rather than narrow the dates.
The uncertainty was emphasised and the big differences between individual babies. Some staff expressed a need for more guidance on changing the dates, with some feeling that this was not their role.
It’s a huge difference between each individual child. So once you start writing the date on there then the parents are like glued to that date, and it’s a bit difficult to then try and move it. The consultant would actually write the dates and explain to the parents.
Unit #2
We tend to do it quite often on the doctor’s round, often the doctors will alter the date or put a date on if there isn’t one and sometimes speak to the parents about it as well.
Unit #3
Others relied on a shared discussion and emphasised the ‘rough guide’ aspect of initial dates, with a more flexible and reflective attitude to changes in the likely timing of discharge home.
We change the dates in discussion with the doctors. Sometimes the frame is just a little bit too narrow. I don’t think the doctors have been so on board. I think we are because we’re face to face and there’s so many things that . . . and for me it’s an excuse to sit down with the parents and discuss the train and feeding plan.
Unit #4
I think it’s been lovely to be able to give them an idea right from the word go. I really liked that, because that is the one thing that they always ask is you know, ‘When will my baby be going home?’ It’s like, ‘Well, this is a rough guide,’ and what I do feel we haven’t done well is to reassess it nearer the time that they’re going home, yeah, keep reassessing it.
‘Intensive care may be too early?’: when to introduce the package
A number of staff on three LNUs thought that it would be better to use the package in the lower-dependency areas after the first weeks of intensive care. However, following the implementation and use of the Train-to-Home package, the fourth LNU was keen to use the package as soon as babies were admitted and wanted to continue with its use.
There’s that anxiety of moving from high dependency to low dependency where there’s less nurses and, you know, babies aren’t monitored as much, but it gives them a focus they’re actually going home. And actually what would be really nice is thinking of when we’re working with parents and actually empowering them beginning to sort of hand over the reins, because that’s actually a really difficult transition for some parents, especially when they have been in for a long time, there’s actually that nervousness of going home, and taking over that sort of care, and we’re obviously trying to empower at an earlier stage with teaching parents to tube feed and take on more sort of in high dependency. But as they come round the unit, having that tool where they could actually start to share some decision-making.
Unit #1
Use of the train as a signal to parents was preferred by some staff once a baby was moving on from intensive care and in some instances from high-dependency care, and they saw the train and the booklet as a way of providing information for parents at, what they perceived as, a more appropriate time, bearing in mind the needs of the baby and staff workload:
I think there’s more time in low dependency. You’ve got also more of an idea of when that baby is likely to go home, because you don’t know if his journey in high dependency is going to be two or three days or a long time. Whereas once they have gone into low dependency normally it’s just growing and just getting . . . so they’re heading towards home. And parents relax more about it don’t they? They start enjoying their baby rather than being worried about it. To start you’d almost give them something different to focus on wouldn’t it? Once the baby went to low dependency, right we can start thinking about discharge now.
Unit #2
They have a lot going on in the first week or couple of weeks and they don’t remember the peripheral stuff, so intensive care is too early.
Unit #3
I think when they get into the special care side it’s probably good . . . to introduce them, only because in ITU and high dependency there’s quite a lot going on, and things changing quite quickly. When they get to special care they can be there for a couple of days, but some could be there for a couple of weeks.’
There is that negativity built up about it, because some staff have felt that, obviously it’s an important thing, but to staff who are trying to save lives actually it comes way down on the list. So it’s getting . . . I think we need to sort of be allowed to use it and introduce it when it’s appropriate, and it’s getting the timing right for the parents and for the workload of the staff to be quite honest. If we did take this forward I think the intensive care side is too early.
However, not all staff saw it that way, particularly those in the fourth unit:
I think overall it’s worked really well, it’s been quite positive for the parents, which is the main thing really. We just do it every day now, you kind of get used to doing it, so it’s part of the daily thing you do with the parents where we’ve figured oh we’ve got to get the train, need to do this, need to do that, we just do it now.
Unit #4
The parent pathway booklets: ‘some parents used it like a diary’
Nursing staff did not report seeing parents using the booklets much. It was also clear that most of them did not offer parents guidance on using them.
It’s interesting looking at the moment at some of the developmental work that’s being looked at and they’ve got the pathway there which is a similar sort of pathway over how you would expect a journey to take place. And I think the whole pathway idea working with parents is a really positive one. But I felt that it sort of almost made it over simplified . . . I think you almost needed to have a more individualised approached, so to use the pathway as an overarching goal, target, but to be able to have individualised it a little bit more.
Unit #1
Some parents would look in the book and literally they would have essays written on every question. Other parents would never write in it. They might have read it but they never wrote in it. So it just was an individual thing really. But some parents literally would write everything down. It got better with the booklets, and the booklets were quite useful I think.
Unit #2
I haven’t actually, no I haven’t actually seen them [parents] use them [booklets]. Um, I’ve seen them, but my knowledge on them is not the best. Is that something that would be kept . . . would usually be kept on the cot side with them?
Unit #3
I think they’ve asked about the temperature more and things like that. They feel they’re able to ask, because they’re involved in this idea of the colour stickers. It’s almost like they need the verification of the book to say to you, ‘In the book it says . . .’ so does that mean that I can? . . . Some of them used them daily and read you know questions out, or underlined things, and wrote how their babies were doing, like a diary really.
Unit #4
Ongoing use of the Train-to-Home materials
Responses to continued use of the materials after phase 2 of the study was mixed: one LNU was negative, another was very positive and the others were ambivalent. There was some discussion about possible formats for future versions including a website or an app for parent use.
I think having a generic tool that you can then adapt and working with your own individual unit culture or own flow, or design is actually really helpful. So I think any electronic system that you’re talking about, or apps or things like . . . are going to be really useful because then actually you can mould it slightly can’t you and make it individualised.
Unit #1
Others were satisfied with what they already had in place:
I personally think we are really good at our discharge planning. I think because of our tick lists we go through all those things, and I think that works really well. We’re good at our planning, I don’t say we’re necessarily good at our dates. We are not using the trains any more, I haven't seen any around.
Unit #2
However, some staff recognised the value of this kind of innovation for new staff and as a way of working with parents:
I think if I was a new member of staff, obviously I’m not, but I would actually almost use this as, well as a learning tool, to have those conversations with people, and you know, if you don’t know the answer, if a parent asks you something then you find out somebody who does know that. So, you know, there’s quite a good learning tool I feel for new members of staff.
Unit #3
I would be quite upset if they were taken away. Because it’s been so positive, and I have seen that, and that’s really nice, you do feel you’re making a difference for the parents.
Unit #4
We’d really like to keep the trains. The visual aspect of it and actually find a way of extending that to all our babies, not just those babies that fall inside the criteria. That would be our ideal. There’s a lot in the NHS at the moment about all patients having this journey card and having the discharge dates, and knowing what’s going to happen next and that sort of thing. We would really like the train to be ours rather than it being an odd bit of like postcard that gets tatty and forgotten. This is just a really good way of us doing that with our parents and giving them a way forward to work towards going home. It’s been brilliant, and they love changing those stickers and going to the next colour.
Unit #4
The NHS initiative on discharge planning was mentioned by two groups of nursing staff and they considered the Train-to-Home package fitted well with this approach because the pathways focused on developmental care. Staff told us that they have started to focus on babies’ stages in their gestational developmental journey and our approach seemed to fit with this. They thought that having more time to embed the materials into each LNU was needed. This normalisation period would allow more individuals to be trained and promote optimal delivery of the package.
Consultant paediatrician interviews
Six consultant paediatricians based at the four LNUs were invited to take part in a short telephone interview and five agreed. The interviews took place in January and February 2015 and lasted from 15 to 45 minutes. They were not recorded, but careful notes were taken during the course of the interviews.
All five were positive about the Train-to-Home project, but in some LNUs they highlighted the difficulties of getting the nursing staff to adopt an approach that the nurses felt the LNU did not need to use. The consultants had not anticipated this. They mentioned that some nurses thought the estimated discharge dates on the train were too early, and were worried about effect on parents of the colours returning to red when a baby’s condition deteriorated. However, from the clinician perspective, as well as the nursing staff, the fourth LNU was very positive about the intervention and underlying concepts, and wished to adopt this approach to discharge planning.
At the start of the interview they were asked for their overall impressions of the project and intervention materials without any interviewer prompts. These first responses summarised the content of the rest of the interview well and have been included verbatim, to illustrate their views.
There was real value in the process of thinking clearly about discharge planning; we need to do more work on improving information exchange and supporting parents. . . . It was very difficult to get nurses to ‘buy in’ to the process – the nurses thought it was ‘too simplistic’. When one or two babies took longer to be ready for home than our initial estimate the nurses became very hostile about the estimates – said they were ‘too optimistic’ – did not like having to give parents the ‘bad news’ that their baby would be in hospital longer than the initial estimated date . . .many of the medical staff ‘kept their heads down’ and avoided talking to nurses about it after this, though in general the doctors liked having an idea of when the baby was likely to go home from early in the hospital stay – this allowed better communication with families . . . the families were almost all very positive about it.
Unit #1
I found this gave me a much better focus on discharge planning. The early parent involvement was very helpful in improving communication and parents’ understanding. There was better continuity of the process from initial time on the ward to going home. Some nurses thought it was condescending for parents. It focused attention on the baby’s overall progress when we were discussing the baby on ward rounds.
Unit #2a
This was a very helpful approach that improved communication between us (the medical staff) and parents about the planning for sending the baby home. The information for parents was very helpful and parents really appreciated being involved in this from an early stage.
Unit #2b
The idea was very good. It ‘normalised’ the process of going home from early in the hospital stay. It was good to start these conversations sooner than we usually do. The process did however unmask some ‘chain of command’ problems – some nurses felt very negative about it and we were ‘too democratic’ about how we implemented this – we were not forceful enough in pushing this when certain nurses seemed unwilling. At times it seemed as if this project was in competition with NIDCAP training (Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program) – though both involved many of the same ideas about empowering parents.
Unit #3
The unit found it an extremely interesting and valuable study and we were happy to be involved with it. There was a lot of positive feedback following this study. Both the medical and nursing staff found this tool extremely helpful. The underlying concept of using visual images using the ‘train’ was very appealing to both healthcare professionals and parents. Many doctors found it easy to explain to parents what is going on with their baby’s progress using the train.
Unit #4
Nursing staff were more focused on what matters most to parents, which is having their baby discharged as quickly and as safely as possible.
Many parents appreciated being told when to expect their baby to be discharged at the time of admission with a specific ‘timeline’ assigned it. The inclusion of the actual dates of discharge made it easier for parents to prepare at home for the arrival of their baby and staff to appreciate the anticipated duration of each individual patient’s admission. The very nature of setting a timeline gave parents and staff some sort of ‘working time schedule’. This allowed the team to schedule none urgent communication interventions in a timely fashion. In other words this study greatly enhanced communication between healthcare practitioners and parents.
Parents appreciated the visual nature of this tool and its precision. They felt more empowered in the care of their baby and this tool made it easier for them to understand the clinical course of their baby’s admission. This tool makes it easier for parents to understand the concept of a baby being ‘physiologically ready for discharge’ i.e. what physiological maturation that must occur before their baby can go home.
The nursing and medical staff mostly agreed that the visual nature of the intervention materials was helpful in explaining a baby’s progress to parents, but nursing staff had varied views about using the package on the LNUs. Doctors reported that it helped improve their communication with parents and some nurses felt that it gave them a chance to sit down and have a conversation with parents on how their baby was likely to progress, explaining the dates, using the train and discussing their baby’s developmental changes and needs. For nurses in three LNUs, introducing the package to intensive care was too early, whereas doctors in all LNUs wanted early introduction to normalise the discharge process and help parents understand when their baby was physiologically ready for discharge. Both nursing and medical staff in one LNU were very positive about the Train-to-Home intervention and were keen for it to continue.
- Results: part 2 – qualitative interviews with parents and staff - Preparing for ...Results: part 2 – qualitative interviews with parents and staff - Preparing for Home: a before-and-after study to investigate the effects of a neonatal discharge package aimed at increasing parental knowledge, understanding and confidence in caring for their preterm infant before and after discharge from hospital
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