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Whitaker R, Hendry M, Aslam R, et al. Intervention Now to Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancy in Teenagers (INTERUPT): a systematic review of intervention effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and qualitative and realist synthesis of implementation factors and user engagement. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Feb. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 20.16.)

Cover of Intervention Now to Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancy in Teenagers (INTERUPT): a systematic review of intervention effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and qualitative and realist synthesis of implementation factors and user engagement

Intervention Now to Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancy in Teenagers (INTERUPT): a systematic review of intervention effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and qualitative and realist synthesis of implementation factors and user engagement.

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Appendix 16Excluded studies with reasons

Full-text articles retrieved from database searches assessed and excluded (n = 105)

Excluded because of study type (usually the article did not report research with useable data) (n = 44)

Akinbami LJ, Cheng TL, Kornfeld D. A review of teen–tot programs: comprehensive clinical care for young parents and their children. Adolescence 2001;36:381–93.

Alford S, Rutledge A, Huberman B. Science and Success: Programs that Work to Prevent Subsequent Pregnancy Among Adolescent Mothers. Washington, DC: Advocates for Youth; 2009.

Bailey PE, Bruno ZV, Bezerra MF, Queiroz I, Oliveira CM, Chen-Mok M. Adolescent pregnancy 1 year later: the effect of abortion vs. motherhood in Northeast Brazil. J Adolesc Health 2001;29:223–32.

Baldwin MK, Edelman AB. The effect of long-acting reversible contraception on rapid repeat pregnancy in adolescents: a review. J Adolesc Health 2012;52:S47–53.

Barlow J. Young mothers: contraception choices and other concerns. Practice Nurse 2005;29:24.

Baytop CM. Evaluating the effectiveness of programs to improve educational attainment of unwed African American teen mothers: a meta analysis. J Negro Educ 2006;75:458–77.

Bouris A, Guilamo-Ramos V, Cherry K, Dittus P, Michael S, Gloppen K. Preventing rapid repeat births among Latina adolescents: the role of parents. Am J Public Health 2012;102:1842–7.

Childree J. Abstract and Critique for Repeat Pregnancies Among Adolescent Mothers. Abstract and research proposal for a thesis. West Florida: University of West Florida; 2007.

Collier J, Blake H. Sexual and reproductive health in pregnant teenagers presenting for antenatal care or for termination. Curr Paediatr 2006;16:211–15.

Corcoran J, Pillai VK. Effectiveness of secondary pregnancy prevention programs: a meta-analysis. Res Soc Work Pract 2007;17:5–18.

Coren C. Some teenage mothers place high priority on avoiding repeat pregnancy in their early postpartum months. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2004;36:34–5.

Dailard C. Reviving interest in policies and programs to help teens prevent repeat births. Guttmacher Rep Public Policy 2000;3:1–11.

Edwards S. Incentives draw teenage mothers to support groups, but participation does not prevent repeat pregnancy. Fam Plann Perspect 1997;29:191–2.

Núñez-Urquiza RM, Hernández-Prado B, García-Barrios C, González D, Walker D. Embarazo no deseado en adolescentes, y utilizacion de metodos anticonceptivos posparto. Salud Publica Mexico 2003;45:S92–S102.

Florida State University Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy. Subsequent Pregnancies and Births Among Adolescent Mothers FACT SHEET. 2005. URL: www.cpeip.fsu.edu/resourceFiles/resourceFile_76.pdf (accessed 20 June 2014).

Furey A. Are support and parenting programmes of value for teenage parents? Who should provide them and what are the main goals? Public Health 2004;118:262–7.

Greer F, Levin-Epstein J. One Out of Every Five: Teen Mothers and Subsequent Childbearing. Washington, DC: Center for Law and Social Policy; 1998.

Klerman LV, Baker BA, Howard G. Second births among teenage mothers: program results and statistical methods. J Adolesc Health 2003;32:452–5.

Knafl K. Effectiveness of a family support center approach to adolescent mothers: repeat pregnancy and school drop-out rates. J Child Fam Nurs 1998;1:88–90.

Lopez LM, Hiller JE, Grimes DA, Chen M. Education for contraceptive use by women after childbirth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;8:CD001863.

Madden T. Long-acting removable contraceptives prevent teen pregnancy. J Adolesc Health 2013;52:255–6.

Meade CS, Ickovics JR. Systematic review of sexual risk among pregnant and mothering teens in the USA: pregnancy as an opportunity for integrated prevention of STD and repeat pregnancy. Soc Sci Med 2005;60:661–78.

Milne D, Glasier A. Preventing repeat pregnancy in adolescents. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2008;20:442–6.

Mims BL. Afrocentric perspective of adolescent pregnancy in African American families: a literature review. ABNF J 1998;9:80–8.

Nunez-Urquiza RM, Hernandez-Prado B, Garcia-Barrios C, Gonzalez D, Walker D. Unwanted adolescent pregnancy and post-partum utilization of contraceptive methods. Salud Publica Mexico 2003;45:S92–S102.

Omar HA, Fowler A, McClanahan KK. Significant reduction of repeat teen pregnancy in a comprehensive young parent program. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2008;21:283–7.

Oxtoby K. The Moat House Centre for Teenage Mums in Stockport. Community Care; 2008. URL www.communitycare.co.uk/2008/06/24/the-moat-house-centre-for-teenage-mums-in-stockport/ (accessed 13 October 2015).

Perrow F. Teenagers and double buggies: preventing a second pregnancy. RCM Midwives J 2004;7:508–9.

PhysOrg.com. Repeat Pregnancies Among UK Teenagers on the Increase. University of Nottingham; 2010. URL: http://phys.org/news152204668.html (accessed 20 June 2014).

Plastino KA. Commentary on repeat pregnancy prevention self-efficacy in adolescents: associations with provider communication, provider type and depression. South Med J 2012;105:598–9.

Porter LS, Holness NA. Breaking the repeat teen pregnancy cycle. Nurs Womens Health 2011;15:368–81.

Riera KC. Living Arrangements and the Outcomes of a Teen or Young Adult Birth. PhD thesis. College Park, MD: Department of Family Science, University of Maryland; 2011.

Rigsby DC, Macones GA, Driscoll DA. Risk factors for rapid repeat pregnancy among adolescent mothers: a review of the literature. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 1998;11:115–26.

Rosengard C. Confronting the intendedness of adolescent rapid repeat pregnancy. J Adolesc Health 2009;44:5–6.

Rowlands S. Social predictors of repeat adolescent pregnancy and focussed strategies. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2010;24:605–16.

Ruedinger E, Cox JE. Adolescent childbearing: consequences and interventions. Curr Opin Pediatr 2012;24:446–52.

Seitz V, Apfel NH. Effective interventions for adolescent mothers. Clin Psychol-Sci Pract 1999;6:50–66.

Smith P, Buzi R. Workforce development as a promising approach to pregnancy prevention. J Adolesc Health 2013;1:S108.

Snow T. Pregnant pause for teenage mums. Nurs Stand 2006;20:14–15.

Nursing Standard Clinical Digest. Aggression is a predictor of rapid repeat teen pregnancy: pubertal onset age and conflict management key considerations in prevention strategies. Nurs Stand 2009;23:16.

Nursing Standard Clinical Digest. Two-times teen mothers face high risks for second baby. Nurs Stand 2008;22:16.

Stevens-Simon C. A cautionary note: letter to the editor. J Adolesc Health 2003;33:322–3.

Stevens-Simon C. The Second Chance Club. J Adolesc Health 2001;29:80.

Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation. Programme for Adolescent Mothers. Advocates for Youth; 2012. URL: www.aed.org/en/RH/Pubs/wsp/caseStudies/JamaicaCS.htm (accessed 30 May 2013).

Excluded because of study focus (usually the focus was on primary teenage pregnancy, not repeat) (n = 33)

Alcindo José R. Novamente grávida: adolescentes com maternidades sucessivas em Rondonópolis. [MT Pregnancy Again: Consecutive Motherhood in Rondonópolis]. PhD thesis. São Paulo: Faculdade de Saúde Pública; 2007. URL: www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/6/6136/tde-11022008–222655/pt-br.php (accessed 2 June 2013).

Aracena M, Krause M, Perez C, Mendez MJ, Salvatierra L, Soto M, et al. A cost-effectiveness evaluation of a home visit program for adolescent mothers. J Health Psychol 2009;14:878–87.

Balcazar H, Peterson G, Cobas JA. Acculturation and health-related risk behaviors among Mexican American pregnant youth. Am J Health Behav 1996;20:425–33.

Beenhakker B, Becker S, Hires S, Molano Di Targiana N, Blumenthal P, Huggins G. Are partners available for post-abortion contraceptive counseling? A pilot study in a Baltimore city clinic. Contraception 2004;69:419–23.

Birch DML. The adolescent parent: a fifteen year longitudinal study of school-age mothers and their children. Int J Adolesc Med Health 1998;10:141–53.

Blank L, Baxter SK, Payne N, Guillaume LR, Pilgrim H. Systematic review and narrative synthesis of the effectiveness of contraceptive service interventions for young people, delivered in educational settings. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2010;23:341–51.

Blank L, Baxter SK, Payne N, Guillaume LR, Squires H. Systematic review and narrative synthesis of the effectiveness of contraceptive service interventions for young people, delivered in health care settings. Health Educ Res 2012;27:1102–19.

Bond L, Lavelle K, Lauby J. A comparison of the risk characteristics of ever-pregnant and never-pregnant sexually active adolescents. J HIV AIDS Prev Educ Adolesc Child 2002;5:123–37.

Bowman KG, Ruchala PL. A comparison of the postpartum learning needs of adolescent mothers and their mothers. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2006;35:250–6.

Breheny M, Stephens C. Barriers to effective contraception and strategies for overcoming them among adolescent mothers. Public Health Nurs 2004;21:220–7.

Collins ME, Lemon C, Street E. A consumer view of teen living programs: teen parents’ satisfaction with program components and services. Fam Soc 2000;81:284–93.

Dallas CM. Rapid repeat pregnancy among unmarried, African American adolescent parent couples. West J Nurs Res 2013;35:177–92.

de Sousa MCR, Gomes KRO. Objective and perceived knowledge of oral contraceptive methods among adolescent mothers. Cad Saúde Pública 2009;25:645–54.

Degazon-Johnson R. A New Door Opened: a Tracer Study of the Teenage Mothers Project, Jamaica. Early Childhood Development: Practice and Reflections 13. Following Footsteps. The Hague: Bernard van Leer Foundation; 2001.

Felton GM, Parsons MA, Hassell JS. Health behavior and related factors in adolescents with a history of abortion and never-pregnant adolescents. Health Care Women Int 1998;19:37–47.

Kaufman CE, de Wet T, Stadler J. Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood in South Africa. Stud Fam Plann 2001;32:147–60.

Lee MC, Lee SH, Chou MC. Association of risk-taking behaviors with adolescent childbearing. J Formos Med Assoc 2001;100:533–8.

McGaha-Garnett V. Needs assessment for adolescent mothers: building resiliency and student success towards high school completion. In Walz GR, Bleuer J, Yep R, editors. Compelling Counseling Interventions: Celebrating VISTAS’ Fifth Anniversary. Ann Arbour, MI: Counseling Outfitters; 2008. pp. 11–20.

Meyrick J. Repeat use of contraceptive crisis services among adolescent women. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2001;27:33–6.

Mims BL. Communication Patterns in African-American Families with Repeat Adolescent Pregnancy. PhD thesis. Ann Arbour, MI: University of Michigan; 1996. URL: http://0-search.ebscohost.com.unicat.bangor.ac.uk/login.aspx?direct=true&db=c8h&AN=1999063948&site=ehost-live (accessed 16 July 2013).

Molina RC, Roca CG, Zamorano JS, Araya EG. Family planning and adolescent pregnancy. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2010;24:209–22.

Moriarty Daley A, Sadler LS, Dawn Reynolds H. Tailoring clinical services to address the unique needs of adolescents from the pregnancy test to parenthood. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2013;43:71–95.

Obare F, van der Kwaak A, Birungi H. Factors associated with unintended pregnancy, poor birth outcomes and post-partum contraceptive use among HIV-positive female adolescents in Kenya. BMC Womens Health 2012;12:34.

Phipps MG, Rosengard C, Weitzen S, Meers A, Billinkoff Z. Age group differences among pregnant adolescents: sexual behavior, health habits and contraceptive use. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2008;21:9–15.

Rome ES, Rybicki LA, Durant RH. Pregnancy and other risk behaviors among adolescent girls in Ohio. J Adolesc Health 1998;22:50–5.

Ross M. Health and Social Services Provision to Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents in Southern New Brunswick. MA thesis. Fredericton, New Brunswick: University of New Brunswick; 2009.

Rotermann M. Second or subsequent births to teenagers. Health Rep Stat Canada 2007;18:39–42.

Sadler LS, Chen JY, Daley AM, Leventhal JM, Reynolds H. Reproductive care and rates of pregnancy in teenagers with negative pregnancy test results. J Adolesc Health 2006;38:222–9.

Taffa N, Omollo D, Matthews Z. Teenage pregnancy experiences in rural Kenya. Int J Adolesc Med Health 2003;15:331–40.

Tomlinson K. Repeat Pregnancy in Teenage Mothers. PhD thesis. Hull: University of Hull; 2008. URL: https://hydra.hull.ac.uk/assets/hull:1597a/content (accessed 20 June 2014).

Trivedi D, Brooks F, Graham M, Bunn F, Wentz R. Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood: A Descriptive Mapping of Research Studies Exploring the Role of General Practitioners, Nurses, Health Visitors or Midwives; Young Fathers/Young Men; and Peers. 2012. URL: www.herts.ac.uk/fms/documents/research/health-and-human-science-research-institutes/nice_review.pdf (accessed 30 May 2013).

Ventura W, Ventura-Laveriano J, Nazario-Redondo C. Perinatal outcomes associated with subsequent pregnancy among adolescent mothers in Peru. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2012;117:56–60.

Vishneski S. Content validation of an instrument used to measure contraceptive knowledge, attitudes and usage in adolescents with a rapid repeat pregnancy. J Womens Health 2010;19:637.

Excluded because of study population (usually the study population was not clearly defined according to our criteria for ‘teenage’) (n = 22)

Akinbami LJ, Schoendorf KC, Kiely JL. Risk of preterm birth in multiparous teenagers. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000;154:1101–7.

Boardman L, Allsworth J, Phipps M, Lapane K. Risk factors for unintended versus intended rapid repeat pregnancies among adolescents. J Adolesc Health 2006;39:e1–8.

Gilliam M, Knight S, McCarthy M. Success with oral contraceptives: a pilot study. Contraception 2004;69:413–18.

Gilliam ML, Warden MM, Tapia B. Young Latinas recall contraceptive use before and after pregnancy: a focus group study. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2004;17:279–87.

Jacoby M, Gorenflo D, Wunderlich C, Eyler AE. Rapid repeat pregnancy and experiences of interpersonal violence among low-income adolescents. Am J Prev Med 1999;16:318–21.

Kanku T. Attitudes, perceptions and understanding amongst teenagers regarding teenage pregnancy sexuality and contraception in Taung. S Afr Fam Pract 2010;52:563–72.

Kelly LS, Sheeder J. Why lightning strikes twice: postpartum resumption of sexual activity during adolescence. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2005;18:327–35.

Kuroki LM, Allsworth JE, Redding CA, Blume JD, Peipert JF. Is a previous unplanned pregnancy a risk factor for a subsequent unplanned pregnancy? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199:517.e1–7.

Lemay CA, Cashman SB, Elfenbein DS, Felice M. Adolescent mothers’ attitudes towards contraceptive use before and after pregnancy. J Paediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2007;20:233–40.

Matsuda Y, Masho S, McGrath JM. The relationship between repeated unintended pregnancies and current contraceptive use: National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) 2006–2008 data. J Community Health Nurs 2012;29:163–72.

Mentula MJ, Niinimäki M, Suhonen S, Hemminki E, Gissler M, Heikinheimo O. Young age and termination of pregnancy during the second trimester are risk factors for repeat second-trimester abortion. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;203:107.e1–7.

Mims B, Biordi DL. Communication patterns in African-American families with adolescent mothers of single or repeat pregnancies. J Natl Black Nurses Assoc 2001;12:34–41.

Omar H, Fowler A, D’Angelo S. Improved continuation rate of depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate in adolescent mothers. Int J Adolesc Med Health 2002;14:149–52.

Peipert JF, Madden T, Allsworth JE, Secura GM. Preventing unintended pregnancies by providing no-cost contraception. Obstet Gynecol 2012;120:1291–7.

Qin J-P, Chen S, Di N, Yang Y-P, Zhou L, Zhang D-k. Evaluation of the effect of post-abortion counseling and education among unmarried abortion adolescents. Chung Hua Fu Chan Ko Tsa Chih 2010;45:201–4.

Rose SB, Cooper AJ, Baker NK, Lawton B. Attitudes toward long-acting reversible contraception among young women seeking abortion. J Womens Health 2011;20:1729–35.

Sundby J, Svanemyr J, Maehre T. Avoiding unwanted pregnancy-the role of communication, information and knowledge in the use of contraception among young Norwegian women. Patient Educ Couns 1999;38:11–19.

Tocce KM, Sheeder JL, Teal SB. Rapid repeat pregnancy in adolescence: do immediate postpartum contraceptive implants make a difference? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012;206:e1–7.

Tocce K, Sheeder J, Python J, Teal SB. Long-acting reversible contraception in postpartum adolescents: early initiation of etonogestrel implant is superior to IUDs in the outpatient setting. J Pediatr Adolsc Gynecol 2012;25:59–63.

Torjesen I. Jinny had a real desire to make a difference. Nurs Times 2008;104:24–5.

Waggoner MR, Lanzi RG, Klerman LV. Pregnancy intentions, long-acting contraceptive use and rapid subsequent pregnancies among adolescent and adult first-time mothers. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs 2012;25:96–104.

Whitaker AK, Dude AM, Neustadt A, Gilliam ML. Correlates of use of long-acting reversible methods of contraception among adolescent and young adult women. Contraception 2010;81:299–303.

Unobtainable report (usually because a web page was no longer available) or full citation details missing (n = 6)

Baltimore Region Community Programs, Government and Community Affairs. College Park, MD: University of Maryland; 2012.

Community-based computer-assisted motivational intervention reduces repeat births to adolescents. J Natl Med Assoc 2010;102:154.

King-Marshall E. Achievement Motivation Association with Teen Birth and Repeat Birth: A Qualitative Study. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida; 2012.

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Reducing Repeat Pregnancies: A Randomised Control Trial Of A Targeted Family Planning Intervention For Teenage Mothers & For Teenagers Who Have A Termination Of Pregnancy.

Barrett, The Honors College. Student Spotlight on Kaydi Flowers. 2012.

VioPro Database Record #3616. The Mission of Abuelas y Jovenes is to Mobilize Older Women as Abuelas to Visit Young Pregnant and Parenting Latina Women. 2010.

Studies included in the mapping exercise that did not meet the CART criteria and were excluded from the in-depth review (n = 48)

Completeness (n = 6)

Coard S, Nitz K, Parks P, Felice M. Predictors of repeat pregnancy in urban adolescent mothers. J Adolesc Health 1998;22:173.

Damle LF, McEvoy AK, Gohari A, Desale SY, Patchen L, Gomez-Lobo V. Early contraception initiation in first time adolescent mothers: does it decrease rapid repeat pregnancy? J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2012;25:e52.

de Carvalho GM, Merighi MAB, de Jesus MCP. Repeated adolescent parenthood from the perspective of the subjects involved. Texto Contexto Enferm 2009;18:17–24.

Haamid F, Wiemann C. You’re pregnant again?! Which adolescent mothers experience multiple repeat pregnancies? J Adolesc Health 2010;46:S32.

Hayter M. Preventing unplanned repeat pregnancy in teenage mothers: a qualitative study of patients’ and professionals’ experiences of nurse led home based sexual health care. UKCRN portfolio database Record ID 14336, 2013. URL: www.nihr.ac.uk/funding/fundingdetails.htm?postid=1626 (accessed 13 October 2015).

Sakharkar VP, Frankson MA. Impact of the ‘providing access to continued education’ programme on repeat teenage pregnancy in The Bahamas. West Indian Med J 2012;61:33.

Accuracy (n = 15)

Blackman T, Wistow J, Byrne D. Towards a new understanding of how local action can effectively address health inequalities; Report for National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme. Wolfson Research Institute, Durham University; 2011. NIHR Portfolio record. URL: www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/projects/hsdr/081716203 (accessed 20 June 2014).

Britner P, Reppucci N. Prevention of child maltreatment: evaluation of a parent education program for teen mothers. J Child Fam Stud 1997;6:165–75.

Brown H, Saunders R, Dick J. Preventing secondary pregnancy in adolescents: a model program. Health Care Women Int 1999;20:5–15.

Daly JZ, Ziegler R, Goldstein DJ. Adolescent postabortion groups: risk reduction in a school-based health clinic. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2004;42:48–54.

Doherty E, Smith A. Postnatal contraception planning for young women. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 2006;16:237–9.

Falk G, Brynhildsen J, Ivarsson AB. Contraceptive counselling to teenagers at abortion visits – a qualitative content analysis. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2009;14:357–64.

Fernandez M, Ruch-Ross HS. Ecological analysis of program impact: a site analysis of programs for pregnant and parenting adolescents in Illinois. J Appl Sociol 1998;15:104–33.

Fischer RL. Evaluating the delivery of a teen pregnancy and parenting program across two settings. Res Social Work Pract 1997;7:350–69.

Fuscaldo D, Kaye JW, Philliber S. Evaluation of a program for parenting. Fam Soc 1998;79:53–61.

Harris S, Koukos C. Sure Start: delivering a needs-led service in Swansea introduction the focus on play and stimulation helps. Community Pract 2007;80:24–7.

Hewell SW, Andrews JL. Contraceptive use among female adolescents. Clin Nurs Res 1996;5:356–63.

Kafka Brigade UK and Ireland. Swansea Young Parents: A look at Service Delivery; Phase 1 Action Plan 2012, Young Mothers’ Stories and Emerging Service Delivery Issues. Sponsor: Swansea Young Parents Strategy Group; 2012.

O’Rourke KM, Key JD. Process evaluation of a repeat pregnancy prevention program for African-American adolescent mothers. Int Q Community Health Educ 2004;23:253–62.

Philliber S, Brooks L, Lehrer L, Oakley M, Waggoner S. Outcomes of teen parenting programs in New Mexico. Adolescence 2003;38:536–53.

Saunders RB, Brown HN. Innovative collaboration to prevent repeated adolescent pregnancies. Nurs Connect 1997;10:5–11.

Relevance (n = 15)

Cavalier Y. Factors Associated with Repeat Teen Pregnancy Prevention Among Teen Mothers During 1996 and 2002 Using Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health Data. PhD thesis. Baltimore, MD: Morgan State University; 2009. URL: http://search.proquest.com/docview/622193489?accountid=14874 (accessed 28 May 2013).

Collier County Health Department. Teen Choices Program Details. 2003. URL: www.naccho.org/topics/modelpractices/database/practice.cfm?practiceID=48 (accessed 20 June 2014).

Conroy K, Engelhart T, Martins Y, To W, Snyder A, Coletti K, et al. The repeat pregnancy enigma: a qualitative study: exploring teen mothers’ motivation and planning for a second pregnancy. The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2012 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 14–17 March 2012.

Edwards CA. Predictors of Repeat Adolescent Motherhood: The Role of Beliefs Attitudes Subjective Norm, Perceived Control and Intention. PhD thesis. Lorna Linda, CA: Loma Linda University; 1996. URL: http://0-web.a.ebscohost.com.unicat.bangor.ac.uk/ehost/detail?sid=fbd12552–5402–4fea-a4ba-851a9b6f2b1f%40sessionmgr4002&vid=1&hid=4206&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=c8h&AN=2004076859 (accessed 30 May 2013).

Fenyk JM. An Evaluation of a School-based Program for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents. PhD thesis. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota; 2007. URL: http://search.proquest.com/docview/622020488?accountid=14874 (accessed 30 May 2013).

Kelsey MC. The Role of Home Visitation in Improving Outcomes for Teenage Mothers and their Children: Evidence from the Teenage Parent Home Visitor Services Demonstration. PhD thesis. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania; 2000. URL: http://repository.upenn.edu/dissertations/AAI9965502/ (accessed 2 August 2013).

Kelsey M, Johnson A, Maynard R. The Potential of Home Visitor Services to Strengthen Welfare-to-Work Programs for Teenage Parents on Cash Assistance. University of Pennsylvania, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., and the Health Federation, Philadelphia; 2001. URL: http://mathematica-mpr.com/publications/pdfs/potential.pdf (accessed 20 June 2014).

McNeill EH. Hope as a Strategy for Improving Student Achievement And Dissuading Repeat Pregnancy in Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents. PhD thesis. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University; 2010. URL: http://repository.tamu.edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-2010–05–7832/MCNEILL-DISSERTATION.pdf?sequence=3 (accessed 4 August 2013).

Montgomery AE. The Distinction Between First and Higher-Order Pregnancies Among Low-Income Adolescents. PhD thesis. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama; 2009. URL: http://gradworks.umi.com/33/66/3366905.html (accessed 2 August 2013).

Moses A. Teenage Pregnancy Prevention in California. 1995 Policy Roundtable Series Report. Sacramento, CA: California State Library Foundation; 1995. URL: www.library.ca.gov/crb/cafis/reports/95-01/95-01.pdf (accessed 14 October 2015).

O’Connell J. Expectant and Parenting Students. Cal-SAFE Report to the Legislature. California Department of Education; 2005. URL: www.cde.ca.gov/re/pr/calsafe.asp (accessed 14 October 2015).

O’Connell J. Cal-SAFE Reference Handbook – Child Development. Reference Handbook. California Department of Education; 2005. URL: http://4teenparents.com/School%20and%20You%20Rights%20PDF/Cal-SAFE%20reference%20handbook.pdf (accessed 14 October 2015).

Quint J, Bos J, Polit D. New Chance: Final Report on a Comprehensive Program for Young Mothers in Poverty and their Children. 1997. URL: www.mdrc.org/publication/new-chance (accessed 20 June 2014).

Shearer DL. Cognitive Ability and its Association with Early Childbearing and Second Teen Births. PhD thesis preview. Birmingham, AL: University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1999. URL: http://search.proquest.com/docview/619555688?accountid=14874 (accessed 13 October 2013).

Steinberg JK. Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents: Predictors of Success or Failure in a Community-Based Treatment Program. PhD thesis. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers State of New Jersey University; 1996. URL: http://search.proquest.com/docview/618996561?accountid=14874 (accessed 13 October 2013).

Therrien KJ. Repeat Pregnancies During Adolescence Factors that Influence Teens’ Decisions to Have More than One Child. Master’s thesis. Northampton, MA: Smith College School for Social Work; 2009. URL: https://dspace.smith.edu/handle/11020/10146 (accessed 4 November 2013).

United States General Accounting Office. Teen Pregnancy: State and Federal Efforts to Implement Prevention Programs and Measure their Effectiveness. Report to the Chairman, Committee on Labor and Human Resources, US Senate. US Washington, DC: US General Accounting Office; 1998.

Timeliness (n = 12)

Davis TM. An examination of repeat pregnancies using problem behavior theory: is it really problematic? J Youth Stud 2002;5:337–51.

East PL, Felice ME. Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting: Findings from a Racially Diverse Sample (Research Monographs in Adolescence Series). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; 1996.

Erickson PI. Latina Adolescent Childbearing in East Los Angeles. 1998. URL: http://search.proquest.com/docview/618996561?accountid=14874 (accessed 10 October 2013).

Finkel ML, Thompson S. Focus on teenage motherhood: an innovative response to a growing problem. Early Child Dev Care 1997;129:105–13.

Gillmore MR, Lewis SM, Lohr MJ, Spencer MS, White RD. Repeat pregnancies among adolescent mothers. J Marriage Fam 1997;59:536–50.

Gurdin JB, Mallari A, Park MJ, Mince J. Queens Hospital Center’s Teenage Program: a second pregnancy prevention program for young men and women. In Card JJ, Benner T, editors. Model Programs for Adolescent Sexual Health: Evidence-Based HIV, STI and Pregnancy Prevention Interventions. New York, NY: Springer; 2008. pp. 131–42.

Gurdin JB, Niego S, Mince J. A health care program for first-time adolescent mothers and their infants: a second pregnancy prevention program for teen mothers. In Card JJ, Benner T, editors. Model Programs for Adolescent Sexual Health: Evidence-Based HIV, STI and Pregnancy Prevention Interventions. New York, NY: Springer; 2008. pp. 121–9.

Manlove J. Subsequent fertility among teen mothers: longitudinal analyses of recent national data. J Marriage Fam 2000;62:430–48.

Pfitzner MA, Hoff C, McElligott K. Predictors of repeat pregnancy in a program for pregnant teens. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2003;16:77–81.

Seamark C. Design or accident? The natural history of teenage pregnancy. J R Soc Med 2001;94:282–5.

Seitz V, Apfel NH. Creating effective school-based interventions for pregnant teenagers. In Peters R deV, Leadbeater B, McMahon RJ, editors. Resilience in Children, Families and Communities: Linking Context to Practice and Policy. New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers; 2005. pp. 65–82.

Thompson PJ, Powell MJ, Patterson RJ, Ellerbee SM. Adolescent parenting: outcomes and maternal perceptions. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 1995;24:713–18.

Grey literature identified in Google search that did not meet the CART criteria (n = 21)

Completeness (n = 20)

Barlow J, McMillan AS, Kirkpatrick S, Ghate D, Smith M, Barnes J. Health-led Parenting Interventions in Pregnancy and Early Years. Research report DCSF-RW070. Warwick: Department for Children, Schools and Families, University of Warwick; 2008.

Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group. Central Bedfordshire Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2012–2016. Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group; 2012. URL: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/Images/110213CBCHWBStrategyFinal_tcm6–40628.pdf (accessed 17 February 2014).

Bristol Public Health with the Bristol Partnership, NHS Bristol, Bristol City Council Bristol Public Health and Wellbeing Factsheet, January 2010. URL: www.bristol.gov.uk/sites/default/files/documents/health_and_adult_care/health_and_medical_advice/Bristol%20public%20health%20factsheet%20-%20teenage%20pregnancy.pdf (accessed 14 October 2015).

Gloucestershire Children’s Partnership. Gloucestershire Teenage Pregnancy Partnership Business Plan 2011/14. URL: www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/extra/CHttpHandler.ashx?id = 38556&p (accessed 16 February 2014).

Hallgarten L, Misaljevich N. Education for Choice, Reducing Repeat Teenage Conceptions: A Review of Practice. Education for Choice; 2007. URL: www.efc.org.uk/PDFs/reducing-repeat-teenage-conceptions-review-of-practice.pdf (accessed 17 February 2014).

Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership. Hertfordshire Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Action Plan 2009 – 2010. URL: www.hertsdirect.org/teenpregnancy (accessed 16 February 2014).

Lewisham Strategic Partnership. Lewisham’s Children and Young People’s Plan 2009–12: Review at April 2011. URL: www.lewishamstrategicpartnership.org.uk/docs/LewishamsChildrenAndYoungPeoplesPlan20092012ReviewApril2011.pdf (accessed 17 February 2014).

Medway Council. Making Life Better: Children’s Services in Medway APA Self-Assessment. Medway Council; 2008. URL: http://medway.gov.uk/pdf/och20090921r-8.pdf (accessed 14 October 2015).

Mollidor CM. ‘I Deserve Respect Because I’m a Good Mum.’ Social Representations of Teenage Motherhood and the Potential for Social Change. PhD thesis. London: London School of Economics; 2013. URL: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/621/ (accessed 16 February 2014).

NHS Islington. Islington JSNA 2010/11: Teenage Pregnancy. URL: www.islingtonccg.nhs.uk/JSNA2011/06._Teenage_pregnancy_long_version.pdf (accessed 17 February 2014).

NHS Wales. Teenage Conception Intervention and Audit:Empower to Choose. URL: www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/documents/888/Empower%20to%20Choose%20Technical%20Book%20%283%29.pdf (accessed 16 February 2014).

Ormston R, McConville S. Evaluation of the Family Nurse Partnership Programme in NHS Lothian, Scotland: 3rd Report – Infancy. Scottish Government Social Research; 2012. URL: www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2012/12/4237 (accessed 16 February 2014).

Peterborough City Council. Scrutiny Review of Teenage Pregnancy. Peterborough City Council, Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee; 2007. URL: www.peterborough.gov.uk/pdf/cou-dem-teenagepregnancy-review-finalrpt.pdf (accessed 17 February 2014).

Report to The Chair and Members of the Health Scrutiny Committee, Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, January 2013. Report unavailable.

Robinson J. Medway Teenage Pregnancy Annual Report 2009/2010. Medway Teenage Pregnancy Partnership; 2010. URL: www.medwaycan.co.uk/documents/medway-teenage-pregnancy-annual-report-20092010–1271852034.pdf (accessed 17 February 2014).

Southampton City Primary Care Trust. Health in Southampton 2006: Report of the Public Health Director. Southampton City Primary Care Trust; 2006. URL: www.publichealth.southampton.gov.uk/Images/Southampton%20PHAR%202006.pdf (accessed 16 February 2014).

Children and Young People’s Services. St Helens Teenage Pregnancy Strategy 2009–11. 2009. URL: http://moderngov.sthelens.gov.uk/%28S%28sayuwtrq5j4tsh45xi54xr55%29%29/mgConvert2PDF.aspx?ID=2053 (accessed 16 February 2014).

Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Partnership Board Workgroup. Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership for Plymouth. 2006. URL: www.plymouth.gov.uk/teen_preg_agenda_setting_and_planning_report_march_06.pdf (accessed 16 February 2014).

Robinson D. The Annual Report of the Director of Public Health for Newcastle 2008–2009. URL: www.ntw.nhs.uk/fileUploads/1432652213NTW%20AD-PH%20Annual%20Report%202008-9.pdf (accessed 14 October 2015).

Torbay Council. Reducing Teenage Conceptions in Torbay: Annual Report April 2011–March 2012. URL: www.torbay.gov.uk/tp-annualreport0910.pdf (accessed 17 February 2014).

Relevance (n = 1)

Marie Stopes United Kingdom. Abortion, Contraceptive Uptake and Use Among Young Women: Findings From a Quantitative Surveyin Collaboration with the University of Greenwich. 2014. URL: http://mariestopes.org/sites/default/files/MSUK%20Contraception%20Uptake%20research.pdf (accessed 15 March 2014).

Studies identified in update searches and excluded (n = 5)

Excluded because of study type (n = 2)

Aventin A, Lohan M. ‘You’re wha . . .?!’. Pract Midwife 2013;16:21–3.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vital signs: repeat births among teens – United States, 2007–2010. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2013;62:249–55.

Excluded because of study focus (n = 2)

Barr AB, Simons RL, Simons LG, Gibbons FX, Gerrard M. Teen motherhood and pregnancy prototypes: the role of social context in changing young African American mothers’ risk images and contraceptive expectations. J Youth Adolesc 2013;42:1884–97.

DeSocio JE, Holland ML, Kitzman HJ, Cole RE. The influence of social-developmental context and nurse visitation intervention on self-agency change in unmarried adolescent mothers. Res Nurs Health 2013;36:158–70.

Excluded because of study population (n = 1)

Bajos N, Prioux F, Moreau C. Increase of repeat abortion in France: from contraceptive issues to postponement of childbearing age. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2013;61:291–8.

Studies identified in citation searches and excluded (n = 3)

Excluded because of study type (n = 2)

Belzer M, Yoshida E, Teijirian T, Tucker D, Chung K, Sanchez K. Advanced supply of emergency contraception for adolescent mothers increased utilization without reducing condom or primary contraception use. J Adolesc Health 2003;32:122–3.

Cox JE, Buman MP, Woods ER, Famakinwa O, Harris SK. Evaluation of raising adolescent families together program: a medical home for adolescent mothers and their children. Am J Public Health 2012;102:1879–85.

Excluded because of study focus (n = 1)

SmithBattle L, Lorenz R, Leander S. Listening with care: using narrative methods to cultivate nurses’ responsive relationships in a home visiting intervention with teen mothers. Nurs Inq 2013;20:188–98.

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