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Bunn F, Burn AM, Goodman C, et al. Comorbidity and dementia: a mixed-method study on improving health care for people with dementia (CoDem). Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Feb. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 4.8.)

Cover of Comorbidity and dementia: a mixed-method study on improving health care for people with dementia (CoDem)

Comorbidity and dementia: a mixed-method study on improving health care for people with dementia (CoDem).

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Appendix 1Details of search terms

Search terms for the scoping review: PubMed

Search componentSearch terms
#1 Dementia and diabetes((Dementia OR Alzheimer OR cognitive impairment OR delirium) AND (Diabetes OR blood glucose self-monitoring) (Self management OR Self Care OR Self monitoring OR Service delivery OR Service organization OR Activities of daily living OR Caregivers OR Quality Assessment OR Quality OR Quality Indicators OR Quality of life OR Disease Progression OR Behaviour OR Impact OR Geriatric Assessment OR Severity of Illness OR Nursing Assessment OR Interprofessional OR Standard of Care OR Risk Factors OR Treatment outcome OR patient Experience) AND (Humans[Mesh]))
#2 Dementia and stroke(Dementia[ti] OR Alzheimer[ti]) AND (stroke OR cerebrovascular OR CVA OR cerebrovascular disorders) AND (Self management OR Self Care OR Self monitoring OR Service delivery OR Service organization OR Activities of daily living OR Caregivers OR Quality Assessment OR Quality OR Quality Indicators OR Quality of life OR Disease Progression OR Behaviour OR Impact OR Geriatric Assessment OR Severity of Illness OR Nursing Assessment OR Interprofessional OR Standard of Care OR Risk Factors OR Treatment outcome OR patient Experience) AND (Humans[Mesh]))
#3 Dementia and visual impairment(Dementia OR Alzheimer OR cognitive impairment OR delirium) AND (Eye diseases OR vision disorders OR Blindness OR visually impaired OR Nystagmus OR retinopathy OR macular degeneration OR glaucoma or cataract) AND (Self management OR Self Care OR Self monitoring OR Service delivery OR Service organization OR Activities of daily living OR Caregivers OR Quality Assessment OR Quality OR Quality Indicators OR Quality of life OR Disease Progression OR Behaviour OR Impact OR Geriatric Assessment OR Severity of Illness OR Nursing Assessment OR Interprofessional OR Standard of Care OR Risk Factors OR Treatment outcome OR patient Experience)
#4 Dementia and comorbidity((Dement*[ti] OR Alzheimer*[ti]) AND ((comorbidity OR co-morbidity OR comorbid OR "other medical conditions" OR "other chronic disease*" OR multimorbidiy[ti] OR multi-morbidity[ti] OR multiple disease*[ti] OR multiple morbid*[ti] OR polypathology[ti] OR associated disease*[ti] OR associated disorder*[ti]) OR co-existence[ti] OR co-existing[ti] OR concomitant[ti] OR co-occurring[ti]))
#5#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5

Search strategy to support ideas/recommendations from the consensus conference

The following search terms were used in PubMed (searched March 2015):

((continuity[Title] OR access[Title] OR integration[Title] OR integrated[Title] OR management[Title] OR navigate*[Title]) AND ((dementia[Title] OR alzheimer*[Title] OR MCI[Title] OR cognitive[Title] OR multimorbid*[Title] OR comorbid*[Title] OR frail*[Title] OR complex[Title]) AND (Review[ptyp]))

The following terms were used in The Cochrane Library (searched March 2015):

(continuity OR access OR integration OR integrated OR management OR navigate*) AND (dementia OR alzheimer* OR MCI OR cognitive OR multimorbid* OR comorbid* OR frail* OR complex)

The following terms were used in Google Scholar (searched March 2015):

Case management AND dementia

Integration OR integrated AND dementia

Continuity AND dementia

Care pathway AND dementia

Patient held records AND dementia

Shared records AND dementia

Electronic records AND dementia

Comprehensive geriatric assessment AND dementia

Learning disability AND health care

Learning disability AND continuity

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2016. This work was produced by Bunn et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

Included under terms of UK Non-commercial Government License.

Bookshelf ID: NBK344386


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