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Crathorne L, Huxley N, Haasova M, et al. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (epoetin and darbepoetin) for treating cancer treatment-induced anaemia (including review of technology appraisal no. 142): a systematic review and economic model. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Feb. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 20.13.)

Cover of The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (epoetin and darbepoetin) for treating cancer treatment-induced anaemia (including review of technology appraisal no. 142): a systematic review and economic model

The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (epoetin and darbepoetin) for treating cancer treatment-induced anaemia (including review of technology appraisal no. 142): a systematic review and economic model.

Show details

Appendix 1Literature search strategies

Clinical effectiveness


Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1946 to May Week 3 2013.

Date searched: 24 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 342.


  1. (erythropoietin* or EPO).tw.
  2. Erythropoietin/
  3. Receptors, erythropoietin/
  4. erythropoiesis.tw.
  5. Erythropoiesis/
  6. (epoetin adj1 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)).tw.
  7. darbepoetin.tw.
  8. CERA.tw.
  9. (eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp).tw.
  10. or/1-9
  11. an?emi?.tw.
  12. exp anemia/
  13. 11 or 12
  14. (cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumo?r* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*).tw.
  15. exp neoplasms/
  16. 14 or 15
  17. (random* or rct* or “controlled trial*” or “clinical trial*”).tw.
  18. randomized controlled trial.pt.
  19. 17 or 18
  20. 10 and 13 and 16 and 19
  21. limit 20 to (english language and yr=”2004 -Current”)

MEDLINE(R) In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations

Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 23 May 2013.

Date searched: 24 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 28.


  1. (erythropoietin* or EPO).tw.
  2. erythropoiesis.tw.
  3. (epoetin adj1 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)).tw.
  4. darbepoetin.tw.
  5. CERA.tw.
  6. (eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp).tw.
  7. or/1-6
  8. an?emi?.tw.
  9. (cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumo?r* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*).tw.
  10. (random* or rct* or “controlled trial*” or “clinical trial*”).tw.
  11. 7 and 8 and 9 and 10
  12. limit 11 to yr=”2004 -Current”


Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1980 to Week 21 2013.

Date searched: 29 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 865.


  1. (erythropoietin* or EPO).tw.
  2. Erythropoietin/
  3. Receptors, erythropoietin/
  4. recombinant erythropoietin/
  5. erythropoiesis.tw.
  6. Erythropoiesis/
  7. (epoetin adj1 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)).tw.
  8. darbepoetin.tw.
  9. novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein/
  10. CERA.tw.
  11. continuous erythropoiesis receptor activator/
  12. (eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp).tw.
  13. or/1-12
  14. an?emi?.tw.
  15. exp anemia/
  16. 14 or 15
  17. (cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumo?r* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*).tw.
  18. exp neoplasms/
  19. 17 or 18
  20. (random* or rct* or “controlled trial*” or “clinical trial*”).tw.
  21. 13 and 16 and 19 and 20
  22. limit 21 to (english language and yr=”2004 -Current”)

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials

Host: The Cochrane Library.

Data parameters: Issue 4 of 12, April 2013.

Date Searched: 24 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 219.


  1. (erythropoietin* or EPO):ti or (erythropoietin* or EPO):ab from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations
  2. MeSH descriptor: [Erythropoietin] explode all trees
  3. MeSH descriptor: [Receptors, Erythropoietin] explode all trees
  4. erythropoiesis:ti or erythropoiesis:ab from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations
  5. MeSH descriptor: [Erythropoiesis] explode all trees
  6. (epoetin near/1 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)):ti or (epoetin near/1 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)):ab from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations
  7. darbepoetin:ti or darbepoetin:ab from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations
  8. CERA:ti or CERA:ab from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations
  9. (eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp):ti or (eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp):ab from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations
  10. #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9
  11. anemi? or anaemi?:ti or anemi? or anaemi?:ab from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations
  12. MeSH descriptor: [Anemia] explode all trees
  13. #11 or #12
  14. (cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumour* or tumor* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*):ti or (cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumour* or tumor* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*):ab from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations
  15. MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasms] explode all trees
  16. #14 or #15
  17. #10 and #13 and #16 from 2004, in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews and Protocols), Other Reviews, Trials, Technology Assessments and Economic Evaluations

Web of Science

Host: Thomson Reuters.

Data parameters: not applicable.

Date searched: 28 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 745.


  1. Title=((erythropoietin* or EPO)) OR Topic=((erythropoietin* or EPO))
  2. Title=(erythropoiesis) OR Topic=(erythropoiesis)
  3. Title=((epoetin near/0 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta))) OR Topic=((epoetin near/0 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)))
  4. Title=(darbepoetin) OR Topic=(darbepoetin)
  5. Title=(CERA) OR Topic=(CERA)
  6. Title=((eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp)) OR Topic=((eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp))
  7. #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
  8. Title=(anemi* OR anaemi*) OR Topic=(anemi* OR anaemi*)
  9. TI=((cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumour* or tumor* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*)) OR TS=((cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumour* or tumor* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*))
  10. Title=((random* or rct* or “controlled trial*” or “clinical trial*”)) OR Topic=((random* or rct* or “controlled trial*” or “clinical trial*”))
  11. #7 AND #8 AND #9 AND #10 Timespan=2004-2013

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

Host: EBSCOhost.

Data parameters: not applicable.

Date searched: 29 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 79.


  1. TI(erythropoietin* or EPO) OR AB(erythropoietin* or EPO)
  2. (MH “Erythropoietin”)
  3. TI(erythropoiesis) OR AB(erythropoiesis)
  4. (MH “Erythropoiesis”)
  5. TI(epoetin n0 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)) OR AB(epoetin n0 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta))
  6. TI(darbepoetin) OR AB(darbepoetin)
  8. TI(eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp) OR AB(eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp)
  9. S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8
  10. TI(anemi* or anaemi*) OR AB(anemi* or anaemi*)
  11. (MH “Anemia+”)
  12. S10 OR S11
  13. TI(cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumor* or tumour* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*) OR AB(cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumor* or tumour* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*)
  14. (MH “Neoplasms+”)
  15. S13 OR S14
  16. TI(random* or rct* or “controlled trial*” or “clinical trial*”) OR AB(random* or rct* or “controlled trial*” or “clinical trial*”)
  17. PT(randomized controlled trial)
  18. S16 OR S17
  19. S9 AND S12 AND S15 AND S18

Date limited 2004–current.

Numbers of references retrieved and deduplicated: clinical effectiveness review

MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations28
Web of Science745
Automatically deduplicated845
Manually deduplicated97
Total records to screen1336



Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1946 to May Week 3 2013.

Date searched: 29 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 144.


Lines 1–16: see MEDLINE clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. (pharmacoeconomic* or economic* or price* or pricing* or cost* or cba or cea or cua or “health utilit*” or “value for money”).tw.
  2. (fiscal or funding or financial or finance* or expenditure* or budget*).tw.
  3. (“resource* alloca*” or “resource* use”).tw.
  4. exp Economics/
  5. exp models, economic/
  6. exp “Costs and Cost Analysis”/
  7. Cost of illness/
  8. ec.fs.
  9. (decision adj2 (model* or tree* or analy*)).tw.
  10. markov.tw.
  11. decision trees/
  12. or/17-27
  13. 10 and 13 and 16 and 28
  14. limit 29 to (english language and yr=”2004 -Current”)

Ovid MEDLINE(R) In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations

Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 28 May 2013.

Date searched: 29 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 13.


Lines 1–9: see MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. (pharmacoeconomic* or economic* or price* or pricing* or cost* or cba or cea or cua or “health utilit*” or “value for money”).tw.
  2. (fiscal or funding or financial or finance* or expenditure* or budget*).tw.
  3. (“resource* alloca*” or “resource* use”).tw.
  4. (decision adj2 (model* or tree* or analy*)).tw.
  5. markov.tw.
  6. or/10-14
  7. 7 and 8 and 9 and 15
  8. limit 16 to yr=”2004 -Current”


Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1980 to Week 21 2013.

Date searched: 29 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 677.


Lines 1–19: see EMBASE clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. (pharmacoeconomic* or economic* or price* or pricing* or cost* or cba or cea or cua or “health utilit*” or “value for money”).tw.
  2. (fiscal or funding or financial or finance* or expenditure* or budget*).tw.
  3. (“resource* alloca*” or “resource* use”).tw.
  4. exp Economics/
  5. models, economic/
  6. exp health economics/
  7. exp “Costs and Cost Analysis”/
  8. Cost of illness/
  9. resource allocation/
  10. pe.fs.
  11. (decision adj2 (model* or tree* or analy*)).tw.
  12. markov.tw.
  13. decision trees/
  14. or/20-32
  15. 13 and 16 and 19 and 33
  16. limit 34 to (english language and yr=”2004 -Current”)

NHS Economic Evaluation Database

Host: The Cochrane Library.

Data parameters: Issue 2 of 4, April 2013.

Date searched: 24 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 10.


See CENTRAL clinical effectiveness strategy.

Web of Science

Host: Thomson Reuters.

Data parameters: not applicable.

Date searched: 29 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 173.


Lines 1–9: see Web of Science clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. TI=((pharmacoeconomic* or economic* or price* or pricing* or cost* or cba or cea or cua or “health utilit*” or “value for money”)) OR TS=((pharmacoeconomic* or economic* or price* or pricing* or cost* or cba or cea or cua or “health utilit*” or “value for money”))
  2. Title=((fiscal or funding or financial or finance* or expenditure* or budget*)) OR Topic=((fiscal or funding or financial or finance* or expenditure* or budget*))
  3. Title=((“resource* alloca*” or “resource* use”)) OR Topic=((“resource* alloca*” or “resource* use”))
  4. Title=((decision near/1 (model* or tree* or analy*))) OR Topic=((decision near/1 (model* or tree* or analy*)))
  5. Title=(markov) OR Topic=(markov)
  6. #14 OR #13 OR #12 OR #11 OR #10
  7. #15 AND #9 AND #8 AND #7 Timespan=2004-2013

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

Host: EBSCOhost.

Data parameters: not applicable.

Date searched: 29 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 81.


Lines 1–15: see CINAHL clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. TI(pharmacoeconomic* or economic* or price* or pricing* or cost* or cba or cea or cua or “health utilit*” or “value for money”) OR AB(pharmacoeconomic* or economic* or price* or pricing* or cost* or cba or cea or cua or “health utilit*” or “value for money”)
  2. TI(fiscal or funding or financial or finance* or expenditure* or budget*) OR AB(fiscal or funding or financial or finance* or expenditure* or budget*)
  3. TI(“resource* alloca*” or “resource* use”) OR AB(“resource* alloca*” or “resource* use”)
  4. (MH “Economics+”)
  5. TI(decision n1 (model* or tree* or analy*)) OR AB(decision n1 (model* or tree* or analy*))
  6. TI(markov) OR AB(markov)
  7. (MH “Decision Trees”)
  8. S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22
  9. S9 AND S12 AND S15 AND S23

Date limited 2004–current.

Health Economic Evaluations Database

Host: The Cochrane Library.

Data parameters: not applicable.

Date searched: 29 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 33.


  1. TI=(erythropoietin* or EPO)
  2. TI=erythropoiesis
  3. TI=(epoetin alfa or epoetin beta or epoetin theta or epoetin zeta)
  4. TI=darbepoetin
  5. TI=CERA
  6. TI=(eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp)
  7. AB=(erythropoietin* or EPO)
  8. AB=erythropoiesis
  9. AB=(epoetin alfa or epoetin beta or epoetin theta or epoetin zeta)
  10. AB=darbepoetin
  11. AB=CERA
  12. AB=(eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp)
  13. CS=(1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12)
  14. TI=(anaemi* or anemi*)
  15. AB=(anaemi* or anemi*)
  16. CS=(14 or 15)
  17. TI=(cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumor* or tumour* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*)
  18. AB=(cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumor* or tumour* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*)
  19. CS=(17 or 18)
  20. CS=(13 and 16 and 19)

Numbers of references retrieved and deduplicated: cost-effectiveness review

MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations13
Web of Science173
Automatically de-duplicated279
Manually de-duplicated38
Total records to screen814

Quality of life


Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1946 to May Week 4 2013.

Date searched: 30 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 369.


Lines 1–16: see MEDLINE clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. (“quality of life” or QoL or HRQL or HRQoL).tw.
  2. quality of life/
  3. (“quality adjusted life year*” or QALY*).tw.
  4. quality-adjusted life years/
  5. “activities of daily living”.tw.
  6. activities of daily living/
  7. (“quality of wellbeing” or QWB or “QWB SA”).tw.
  8. (“health* year* equivalent*” or HYE*).tw.
  9. “health status”.tw.
  10. health status/
  11. health status indicators/
  12. Psychometrics/
  13. psychometric*.tw.
  14. (“short form 36” or “SF-36” or SF36).tw.
  15. (“short form 20” or “SF-20” or SF20).tw.
  16. (“short form 12” or “SF-12” or SF12).tw.
  17. (“short form 8” or “SF-8” or SF8).tw.
  18. (Euroqol or “EQ-5D”).tw.
  19. exp Questionnaires/
  20. or/17-35
  21. 10 and 13 and 16 and 36
  22. limit 37 to (english language and yr=”2004 -Current”)

MEDLINE(R) In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations

Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 29 May 2013.

Date searched: 30 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 19.


Lines 1–9: see MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. (“quality of life” or QoL or HRQL or HRQoL).tw.
  2. (“quality adjusted life year*” or QALY*).tw.
  3. “activities of daily living”.tw.
  4. (“quality of wellbeing” or QWB or "QWB SA").tw.
  5. (“health* year* equivalent*" or HYE*).tw.
  6. “health status”.tw.
  7. psychometric*.tw.
  8. (“short form 36” or “SF-36” or SF36).tw.
  9. (“short form 20” or “SF-20” or SF20).tw.
  10. (“short form 12” or “SF-12” or SF12).tw.
  11. (“short form 8” or “SF-8” or SF8).tw.
  12. (Euroqol or “EQ-5D”).tw.
  13. or/10-21
  14. 7 and 8 and 9 and 22
  15. limit 23 to yr=”2004 -Current”


Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1980 to Week 21 2013.

Date searched: 30 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 952.


Lines 1–19: see EMBASE clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. (“quality of life” or QoL or HRQL or HRQoL).tw.
  2. exp quality of life/
  3. (“quality adjusted life year*” or QALY*).tw.
  4. “activities of daily living”.tw.
  5. daily life activity/
  6. (“quality of wellbeing” or QWB or “QWB SA”).tw.
  7. (“health* year* equivalent*” or HYE*).tw.
  8. “health status”.tw.
  9. health status/
  10. health status indicators/
  11. psychometric*.tw.
  12. psychometry/
  13. (“short form 36” or “SF-36” or SF36).tw.
  14. (“short form 20” or “SF-20” or SF20).tw.
  15. (“short form 12” or “SF-12” or SF12).tw.
  16. (“short form 8” or “SF-8” or SF8).tw.
  17. exp questionnaire/
  18. or/20-36
  19. 13 and 16 and 19 and 37
  20. limit 38 to (english language and yr=”2004 -Current”)

Web of Science

Host: Thomson Reuters.

Data parameters: not applicable.

Date searched: 30 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 646.


Lines 1–9: see Web of Science clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. Title=((“quality of life” or QoL or HRQL or HRQoL)) OR Topic=((“quality of life” or QoL or HRQL or HRQoL))
  2. Title=((“quality adjusted life year*” or QALY*)) OR Topic=((“quality adjusted life year*” or QALY*))
  3. Title=(“activities of daily living”) OR Topic=(“activities of daily living”)
  4. Title=((“quality of wellbeing" or QWB or "QWB SA")) OR Topic=((“quality of wellbeing” or QWB or “QWB SA”))
  5. Title=((“health* year* equivalent*” or HYE*)) OR Topic=((“health* year* equivalent*” or HYE*))
  6. Title=(“health status”) OR Topic=(“health status”)
  7. Title=(psychometric*) OR Topic=(psychometric*)
  8. Title=((“short form 20” or “SF-20” or SF20)) OR Topic=((“short form 20” or “SF-20” or SF20))
  9. Title=((“short form 12” or “SF-12” or SF12)) OR Topic=((“short form 12” or “SF-12” or SF12))
  10. Title=((“short form 8” or “SF-8” or SF8)) OR Topic=((“short form 8” or “SF-8” or SF8))
  11. Title=((Euroqol or “EQ-5D”)) OR Topic=((Euroqol or “EQ-5D”))
  12. #20 OR #19 OR #18 OR #17 OR #16 OR #15 OR #14 OR #13 OR #12 OR #11 OR #10
  13. #21 AND #9 AND #8 AND #7 Timespan=2004-2013

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

Host: EBSCOhost.

Data parameters: not applicable.

Date searched: 30 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 111.


Lines 1–15: see CINAHL clinical effectiveness strategy.

  1. TI(“quality of life” or QoL or HRQL or HRQoL) OR AB(“quality of life” or QoL or HRQL or HRQoL)
  2. (MH “Quality of Life+”)
  3. TI(“quality adjusted life year*” or QALY*) OR AB(“quality adjusted life year*” or QALY*)
  4. (MH “Quality-Adjusted Life Years”)
  5. TI(“activities of daily living”) OR AB(“activities of daily living”)
  6. (MH “Activities of Daily Living+”)
  7. TI(“quality of wellbeing” or QWB or “QWB SA”) OR AB(“quality of wellbeing” or QWB or “QWB SA”)
  8. TI(“health* year* equivalent*” or HYE*) OR AB(“health* year* equivalent*” or HYE*)
  9. TI(“health status”) OR AB(“health status”)
  10. (MH “Health Status+”)
  11. (MH “Health Status Indicators”)
  12. TI(psychometric*) OR AB(psychometric*)
  13. (MH “Psychometrics”)
  14. TI(“short form 36” or “SF-36” or SF36) OR AB(“short form 36” or “SF-36” or SF36)
  15. TI(“short form 20” or “SF-20” or SF20) OR AB(“short form 20” or “SF-20” or SF20)
  16. TI(“short form 12” or “SF-12” or SF12) OR AB(“short form 12” or “SF-12” or SF12)
  17. TI(“short form 8” or “SF-8” or SF8) OR AB(“short form 8” or “SF-8” or SF8)
  18. TI(Euroqol or “EQ-5D”) OR AB(Euroqol or “EQ-5D”)
  19. (MH “Questionnaires+”)
  20. S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34
  21. S9 AND S12 AND S15 AND S35

Date limited 2004-current.

British Nursing Index

Host: ProQuest.

Data parameters: not applicable.

Date searched: 31 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 43.


(TI,AB((erythropoietin* or EPO or erythropoiesis) OR (epoetin near/1 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)) OR (eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp))) AND (TI,AB(anaemi* or anemi*)) AND (TI,AB(cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumo?r* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*))

Date limited 2004–current.

Numbers of references retrieved and deduplicated: quality of life

MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations19
Web of Science646
British Nursing Index43
Automatically deduplicated805
Manually deduplicated67
Total records to screen1268

Update searches

Numbers of references retrieved and deduplicated

All update searches were run on 2 December 2013 and date limited from 1 January 2013 to 2 December 2013.

Clinical effectiveness
MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations8
Web of Science32
Automatically deduplicated30
Manually deduplicated0
Total records to screen68
Cost effectiveness
MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations5
Web of Science11
Automatically deduplicated17
Manually deduplicated5
Total records to screen51
Quality of life
MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations8
Web of Science25
British Nursing Index0
Automatically deduplicated24
Manually deduplicated3
Total records to screen61

Supplementary searches (1): reviews and reports

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects and Health Technology Assessment database

Host: The Cochrane Library.

Data parameters: CDSR: Issue 4 of 12, April 2013; DARE and HTA database: Issue 2 of 4, April 2013.

Date searched: 24 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: CDSR = 8; DARE = 16; HTA database = 6.


See CENTRAL clinical effectiveness strategy.

Health Management Information Consortium

Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1979 to March 2013.

Date searched: 30 May 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 2.


  1. (erythropoietin* or EPO).tw.
  2. erythropoiesis.tw.
  3. (epoetin adj1 (alfa or beta or theta or zeta)).tw.
  4. darbepoetin.tw.
  5. CERA.tw.
  6. (eprex or erypo or HEXAL or procrit or abseamed or epogen or binocrit or neorecormon or eporatio or retacrit or silapo or aranesp).tw.
  7. or/1-6
  8. an?emi?.tw.
  9. (cancer* or carcinom* or leukemia or neoplasm* or malignan* or tumo?r* or myelo* or lymphoma* or oncolog* or chemotherap*).tw.
  10. 7 and 8 and 9
  11. limit 10 to yr=“2004 -Current”

Numbers of references retrieved and deduplicated: reviews and reports

Manually deduplicated3
Total records to screen29

Supplementary searches (2): haemoglobin level

The references retrieved for these two searches were not deduplicated because the searches were carried out only in MEDLINE and each search was sent to the review team as a separate EndNote file.

Haemoglobin level over time after stopping chemotherapy


Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1946 to September Week 1 2013.

Date searched: 17 September 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 159.


  1. (haemoglobin* or hemoglobin*).tw.
  2. exp Hemoglobins/
  3. (hgb or hb).tw.
  4. or/1-3
  5. ((post or after* or subsequent* or following) adj5 chemo*).tw.
  6. postchemo*.tw.
  7. or/5-6
  8. an?emi?.tw.
  9. exp anemia/
  10. or/8-9
  11. 4 and 7 and 10

Utilities as a function of haemoglobin level


Host: Ovid.

Data parameters: 1946 to September Week 1 2013.

Date searched: 18 September 2013.

Searcher: SB.

Hits: 258.


  1. (haemoglobin* or hemoglobin*).tw.
  2. exp hemoglobins/
  3. (hgb or hb).tw.
  4. or/1-3
  5. an?emi?.tw.
  6. exp anemia/
  7. or/5-6
  8. (utility or utilities or “EQ-5D” or “SF-6D” or “EORTC-QLQ-C30” or HUI2 or “time trade-off” or TTO or “standard gamble” or SG or “quality-adjusted life year*” or QALY? or “discrete choice” or “stated preference”).tw.
  9. Quality-Adjusted Life Years/
  10. 8 or 9
  11. 4 and 7 and 10
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2016. This work was produced by Crathorne et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK344171


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