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Subramaniam RM, Wilson RF, Turban S, et al. Contrast-Induced Nephropathy: Comparative Effectiveness of Preventive Measures [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2016 Jan. (Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 156.)

Cover of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy

Contrast-Induced Nephropathy: Comparative Effectiveness of Preventive Measures [Internet].

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Appendix EEvidence Tables for Main Comparisons

Evidence Table E-1. Participant Characteristics for studies comparing interventions to prevent development of CIN (MS Word, 438K)

Evidence Table E-2. Study characteristics for studies comparing interventions to prevent development of CIN (MS Word, 297K)

Evidence Table E-3. Interventions for studies comparing interventions to prevent development of CIN (MS Word, 397K)

Evidence Table E-4. Summary of studies comparing N-acetylcysteine versus IV saline with or without placebo for the prevention of contrast induced nephropathy and other outcomes (MS Word, 171K)

Evidence Table E-5. Contrast induced nephropathy outcomes in studies comparing of N-acetylcysteine versus IV saline with or without placebo that are not included in the meta-analysis (MS Word, 91K)

Evidence Table E-6. Changes in serum creatinine outcomes in studies comparing of N-acetylcysteine versus placebo or usual care (MS Word, 78K)

Evidence Table E-7. GFR levels in studies comparing of N-acetylcysteine versus placebo or usual care (MS Word, 63K)

Evidence Table E-8. Summary of other outcomes reported in studies comparing N-acetylcysteine and placebo or usual care for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 175K)

Evidence Table E-9. Adverse events in studies comparing of N-acetylcysteine versus placebo or usual care (MS Word, 98K)

Evidence Table E-10. Summary of studies comparing IV sodium bicarbonate versus IV saline for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy and other outcomes (MS Word, 88K)

Evidence Table E-11. Contrast-induced nephropathy outcomes in studies comparing of IV sodium bicarbonate and IV saline placebo that are not included in the meta-analysis (MS Word, 137K)

Evidence Table E-12. Changes in serum creatinine outcomes in studies comparing of IV sodium bicarbonate and IV saline (MS Word, 54K)

Evidence Table E-13. Summary of other outcomes reported in studies comparing IV sodium bicarbonate and IV saline for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 92K)

Evidence Table E-14. Adverse events in studies comparing IV sodium bicarbonate versus IV saline (MS Word, 71K)

Evidence Table E-15. Summary of studies comparing N-acetylcysteine plus IV normal saline versus IV sodium bicarbonate for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy and other outcomes (MS Word, 66K)

Evidence Table E-16. Contrast-induced nephropathy outcomes in the study comparing N-acetylcysteine plus IV saline versus IV sodium bicarbonate that was not included in the meta-analysis (MS Word, 54K)

Evidence Table E-17. Summary of other outcomes reported in studies comparing N-acetylcysteine plus IV saline versus IV sodium bicarbonate for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 64K)

Evidence Table E-18. Reported adverse events in studies comparing N-acetylcysteine plus IV saline versus IV sodium bicarbonate (MS Word, 61K)

Evidence Table E-19. Summary of studies comparing statins plus IV fluids versus IV fluids with or without placebo for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy and other outcomes (MS Word, 92K)

Evidence Table E-20. Contrast induced nephropathy outcomes in studies comparing statin plus IV saline versus IV saline with or without placebo that are not included in the meta-analysis (MS Word, 103K)

Evidence Table E-21. Summary of other outcomes reported in studies of statins plus IV fluids versus IV fluids with or without placebo for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 92K)

Evidence Table E-22. Reported adverse events in studies comparing statins plus IV fluids versus IV fluids with or without placebo for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 81K)

Evidence Table E-23. Summary of studies comparing adenosine antagonists versus other interventions for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy and other outcomes (MS Word, 57K)

Evidence Table E-24. Contrast induced nephropathy outcomes in a study comparing adenosine agonists versus other interventions for the prevention of contrast induced nephropathy and other outcomes that is not included in the meta-analysis (MS Word, 47K)

Evidence Table E-25. Summary of all outcomes reported in studies using adenosine antagonists versus other interventions for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy and other outcomes (MS Word, 55K)

Evidence Table E-26. Adverse events in studies comparing adenosine agonists versus other interventions for the prevention of contrast induced nephropathy and other outcomes (MS Word, 54K)

Evidence Table E-27. Summary of studies assessing the use of hemodialysis or hemofiltration for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy and other outcomes (MS Word, 58K)

Evidence Table E-28. Contrast-induced nephropathy outcomes in a study comparing renal replacement therapy versus other interventions for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy nephropathy and other outcomes that is not included in the meta-analysis (MS Word, 56K)

Evidence Table E-29. Summary of all outcomes reported on use of hemodialysis or hemofiltration for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 59K)

Evidence Table E-30. Adverse events in studies comparing replacement therapy versus other interventions for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 57K)

Evidence Table E-31. Summary of the characteristics and outcomes of studies comparing ascorbic acid and other interventions for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 61K)

Evidence Table E-32. Contrast induced nephropathy outcomes in studies comparing of ascorbic acid and other interventions that are not included in the meta-analysis (MS Word, 65K)

Evidence Table E-33. Summary of other outcomes reported in studies comparing ascorbic acid and other interventions for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy (MS Word, 64K)

Evidence Table E-34. Adverse events in studies comparing ascorbic acid and other interventions for the prevention of contrast induced nephropathy (MS Word, 59K)


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