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National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health (UK). Feverish Illness in Children: Assessment and Initial Management in Children Younger Than 5 Years. London: Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK); 2013 May. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 160.)

  • In November 2019, NICE updated and replaced this guideline with NICE guideline NG143 on fever in under 5s: assessment and initial management. NICE's original guidance on feverish illness in children was published in 2007 as NICE guideline CG47 and then updated and replaced by NICE guideline CG160 in 2013. A further update took place to NICE guideline CG160 in 2017. This document preserves evidence reviews and committee discussions for areas of the guideline that were not updated in 2019.

In November 2019, NICE updated and replaced this guideline with NICE guideline NG143 on fever in under 5s: assessment and initial management. NICE's original guidance on feverish illness in children was published in 2007 as NICE guideline CG47 and then updated and replaced by NICE guideline CG160 in 2013. A further update took place to NICE guideline CG160 in 2017. This document preserves evidence reviews and committee discussions for areas of the guideline that were not updated in 2019.

Cover of Feverish Illness in Children

Feverish Illness in Children: Assessment and Initial Management in Children Younger Than 5 Years.

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5Clinical assessment of children with fever


Concerned parents or carers of young children commonly seek access to healthcare services when their child has a fever.

The initial assessment of the feverish child is very important. The majority of children presenting with fever will have either a self-limiting viral condition or an obvious cause for their fever for which specific treatment can be given. A minority will present with fever with no obvious underlying cause, and a small number of these will have a serious illness.

Initial contact may be made remotely (e.g. by telephone) or the child may present directly to a facility where a face-to-face assessment can take place. Wherever the assessment is carried out, the assessor needs to understand the significance of certain symptoms and signs. A careful and thorough assessment should mean that in the majority of cases:

  • the child with a potentially serious illness is recognised and managed appropriately
  • the child with a minor self-limiting illness is not burdened with unnecessary medical intervention and the parents/carers are supported with appropriate self-care advice.

5.1. Priorities in the clinical assessment of feverish illness in children

Although most children with a fever will have a self-limiting illness, a minority will have a serious or even life-threatening illness. The over-riding priority for healthcare professionals should be to reduce the mortality of children with feverish illness in the UK. The priorities for healthcare professionals should be to:

  • identify any immediately life-threatening features
  • assess the child’s likelihood of having a serious illness or self-limiting illness, without necessarily diagnosing any one particular condition
  • determine a source of the illness to direct appropriate management decisions based upon the results of the assessment.

The clinical assessment is similar wherever it takes place and is described in detail in this chapter. Adaptations will need to be made to the assessment if the child cannot be physically examined or if the parents or caregivers of the child are not present, but the priorities and principles remain the same. Care also needs to be taken when assessing children with learning disabilities, and healthcare professionals should be aware that some features of the traffic light table might not apply to these children. The management of children after assessment, however, will be determined not only by the results of the assessment but also by the facilities available to the healthcare professional (for example a nurse consultant on the phone at NHS Direct, a GP in a surgery or a paediatrician in a hospital). Management is therefore dealt with separately in subsequent chapters.

5.2. Life-threatening features of illness in children

Evidence was sought for symptoms and signs associated with fever which would predict serious illness in young children.

Review question

In children with fever, what signs or combination of symptoms and signs are associated with serious illness or mortality?

Are there any scoring systems that use symptoms and signs in children with fever to predict the risk of serious illness? How accurate are they?

Evidence summary

Although evidence was found to determine risk factors for serious illness, none of the features in isolation or combination were strongly associated with death.

GDG translation

The guideline development group (GDG) felt that recommending a specific list of life-threatening signs could result in under-recognition of cases if such a list was used in isolation. Healthcare providers are trained to follow the principles of the Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines for resuscitation: i.e. assessment of airway, breathing, circulation and neurological dysfunction.92 Although the GDG could not find any prospective comparison of using these priorities with any other resuscitation strategy, they have been developed with widespread consultation and are seen as best practice by all those involved in the acute management of children. The GDG agreed with stakeholder input to reinforce the principles to determine life-threatening features. However, the GDG has not produced a specific list of signs as this could have the result of removing the clinical judgement required to assess whether a child has an immediate threat to life.


Life-threatening features of illness in children
7First, healthcare professionals should identify any immediately life-threatening features, including compromise of the airway, breathing or circulation, and decreased level of consciousness. [2007]

5.3. Assessment of risk of serious illness


After assessing the presence or absence of immediately life-threatening features in a child with a fever, the next priority for the healthcare professional should be to make a further risk assessment based on the presenting symptoms and signs. Some symptoms and signs lead towards a diagnosis of a specific illness or focus of infection. Other symptoms and signs are non-specific but may indicate the severity of illness. Healthcare professionals need to be able to detect those children with non-specific features of serious illness as well as be able to consider the working diagnosis for each case. Healthcare professionals also need to know when to be reassured that children have a self-limiting illness, with parents or carers needing advice and support rather than the child needing specific treatments or admission to hospital.

Traffic light system

Process used to develop the 2007 traffic light table

For the 2007 guideline the GDG developed an evidence based ‘traffic light’ system to highlight graphically both non-specific and specific symptoms and signs of serious illnesses. The purpose of the traffic light system is to aid clinicians in identifying children who may have a serious illness. The ‘red’ features are the most worrying, followed by the ‘amber’ features, whereas the ‘green’ features are the most reassuring. It is not meant to provide a clear diagnosis of specific serious illness, but to highlight which children need further investigation and monitoring.

Evidence based reviews were undertaken to identify the relationship of individual symptoms and signs and the likely presence of any serious illness. The list of symptoms and signs that were identified included being drowsy, moderate/severe chest recession, a respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute, capillary refill time, respiratory rate, height of fever, duration of fever and signs of dehydration. The GDG members used their clinical experience to assign these symptoms and signs to the green, amber or red column of the traffic light table.

Evidence based reviews were also undertaken to identify evidence on existing scoring systems which determine the likelihood that serious illness was present. These found two that looked at clinical symptoms and signs rather than laboratory values (the Yale Observation Scale [YOS] and the Young Infant Observation Scale [YIOS]). Although neither scale alone could reliably detect serious illness, the YOS did improve the detection of serious illness when combined with an examination and history taken by a physician. Although designed for use with children under 3 years, the GDG agreed it was reasonable to extrapolate symptoms and signs from the YOS to the table for children up to 5 years. The symptoms and signs from the YOS that were associated with being well were added to the green column of the traffic light table, and symptoms and signs that were correlated with serious illness were added to the red column of the traffic light table (see Table 5.1 below for features of the YOS).

Table 5.1. The features of the Yale Observation Scale (YOS).

Table 5.1

The features of the Yale Observation Scale (YOS).

Finally, evidence-based reviews were undertaken to identify symptoms and signs of specific serious illnesses, namely bacterial meningitis, septicaemia, bacteraemia, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, encephalitis (herpes simplex), septic arthritis/osteomyelitis and Kawasaki disease. The most predictive symptoms and signs of these specific serious illnesses were added to the traffic light table.

Process used for the 2013 traffic light table

The guideline update aimed to reassess the symptoms and signs contained in the 2007 traffic light table to ensure that the evidence supporting their inclusion was up to date, and to explore whether there was new evidence to add any symptoms and signs that were not included in the 2007 traffic light table. The reviews focused on diagnostic usefulness of signs and symptoms. This differed from the 2007 approach that focused on correlations between symptoms and serious illness. Therefore, the updated reviews acted as validation of the original traffic light table.

For each symptom or sign, the data found in the 2013 review was considered along with the GDG’s expert opinion regarding the use of a symptom or sign in current clinical practice. Based on both the diagnostic outcome measures (positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio, sensitivity, specificity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value) and the GDG’s views, a decision was made whether to: add a new symptom or sign to the traffic light table; move an existing symptom or sign to a different column (for example, from the amber column to the red column); or remove an existing symptom or sign from the traffic light table.

Combinations of symptoms and signs were not considered for the updated reviews as they could be misinterpreted if they were included, and they could not easily be incorporated into the existing traffic light table. The 2007 review on symptoms and signs of specific serious illnesses was not updated for 2013, and the original section can be found at the end of this chapter (see Section 5.4).

The update review was organised under the headings used in the 2007 traffic light table:

  • colour
  • activity
  • respiratory
  • hydration
  • other.

An updated review on the Yale Observation Scale was also undertaken to ensure the evidence for its use as the basis of the traffic light table is still valid.

To ensure the recommendations follow a logical sequence, the updated traffic light table is provided here before the evidence and translations (Table 5.2). The 2013 updated review is presented in Section 5.4. The recommendations are provided towards the end of this chapter and the reader is advised to refer back to the table whenever it is mentioned.

Table 5.2. Traffic light system for identifying risk of serious illness.

Table 5.2

Traffic light system for identifying risk of serious illness. Children with fever and any of the symptoms or signs in the ‘red’ column should be recognised as being at high risk. Similarly, children with fever and any of the symptoms or (more...)

In summary, the updated review resulted in the following changes to the traffic light table:

  • ‘A new lump > 2cm’ was removed from the table
  • ‘Bile-stained vomiting’ was removed from the table
  • ‘Age 3–6 months, temperature ≥ 39°C’ was moved from the red column to the amber column
  • ‘Rigors’ was added to the table, in the amber column
  • ‘Tachycardia’ was added to the table, in the amber column.

The traffic light table is used throughout the rest of the guideline as a basis for making management decisions based on risk rather than diagnosis. Once a working diagnosis has been reached, the healthcare professionals treating the child should stop using this guideline and follow national/local guidance on the management of the specific condition that has been diagnosed.


The recommendations covering Section 5.3 are presented at the end of Section 5.5.

5.4. Non-specific symptoms and signs of serious illness

2013 review of symptoms and signs

Review question

What is the value (as shown by likelihood ratios, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value) of the following symptoms and signs, alone or in combination, as initial indications of serious illness?

  • abnormal skin or mucosal colour (for example pallor or cyanosis)
  • appearing ill to a healthcare professional or parent/carer
  • altered responsiveness or cry
  • altered breathing (for example nasal flaring, grunting, chest indrawing)
  • abnormal respiratory rate, pulmonary (lung) crackles and other sounds
  • oxygen desaturation
  • dehydration
  • prolonged capillary refill time, cold hands and feet
  • poor feeding
  • persistent fever (5 days or more)
  • height of fever
  • limb or joint swelling
  • unwillingness to bear weight or use a limb
  • bulging fontanelle
  • rash (blanching or non-blanching)
  • focal neurological signs
  • focal seizures
  • new lumps
  • neck stiffness
  • vomiting
  • status epilepticus (prolonged or continuous fits).

If evidence is found on additional signs and symptoms they will be added to the above list.

Overview of updated review

A literature search was undertaken with no restrictions on date. The bibliographies of existing systematic reviews, including a Health Technology Assessment (HTA) report, were searched for relevant studies (Thompson et al, 2012). A total of 7,977 records were identified. In addition, studies included in the 2007 guideline were reviewed for inclusion in the updated review.

Description of included studies

Fifty-nine studies were identified that were relevant to the 2013 review of symptoms and/or signs, of which 42 were prospective studies (Akpede et al., 1992; Andreola et al., 2007; Baker et al., 1989; Baskin et al., 1992; Berger et al., 1996; Bleeker et al., 2007; Brent et al., 2011; Craig et al., 2010; Crain et al., 1982; Crocker et al., 1985; Factor et al., 2001; Galetto-Lacour et al., 2003; Ghotbi et al., 2009; Haddon et al., 1999; Hewson et al., 2000; Hsiao et al., 2006; Lacour et al., 2001; Morris et al., 2007; McCarthy et al., 1985; Nademi et al., 2001; Newman et al., 2002; Nielsen et al., 2001; Nijman et al., 2001; Owusu-Ofori et al., 2004; Pantell et al., 2004; Pratt et al., 2007; Rabasa Al et al., 2009; Rudinsky et al., 2009; Salleeh et al., 2010; Shaw et al., 1998; Shettigar et al., 2011; Shin et al., 2009; Singhi et al., 1992; Tal et al., 1997; Taylor et al., 1995; Thompson et al., 2009; Trautner et al., 2006; Weber et al., 2003; Wells et al., 2001; Yeboah-Antwi et al., 2008; YICSSG, 2008; Zorc et al., 2005) 17 were retrospective (Alpert et al., 1990; Batra et al., 2011; Bleeker et al., 2001; Bonadio et al., 1994; Chen et al., 2009; Fouzas et al., 2010; Gomez et al., 2010; Gomez et al., 2012; Joffe et al., 1983; Nguyen et al., 2002; Offringa et al., 1992; Olaciregui et al., 2009; Schwartz et al., 2009; Stanley et al., 2005; Stathakis et al., 2007; Teach et al., 1997; Zarkesh et al., 2011) and two studies used data that was collected both prospectively and retrospectively (Mandl et al., 1997;Maniaci et al., 2008).

The smallest study included 92 children (Offringa et al., 2002) and the largest study included 12,807 children (Craig et al., 2010). Studies reported on children of a variety of age ranges, and some studies included children older than 5 years. The settings of the studies varied, including GP surgeries, emergency departments and paediatric wards of general hospitals, emergency departments of paediatric hospitals, tertiary care paediatric units and tertiary care medical centres. The definition of fever used for inclusion ranged from higher than 37.2°C to higher than 41.1°C.

Some of the studies looked at specific illnesses, including bacterial meningitis, bacteraemia, urinary tract infection, pneumonia, meningococcal disease and salmonella enteritis. Some studies looked at a group of diagnoses, for example ‘serious illness’ or ‘serious bacterial infection’.

Twenty-one of the studies were undertaken in the USA (Alpert et al., 1990; Baker et al., 1989; Baskin et al., 1992; Bonadio et al., 1994; Crain et al., 1982; Crocker et al., 1985; Hsiao et al., 2006; Joffe et al., 1983; Mandl et al., 1997; Maniaci et al., 2008; McCarthy et al., 1985; Newman et al., 2002; Nguyen et al., 1984; Pantell et al., 2004; Pratt et al., 2007; Rudinsky et al., 2009; Shaw et al., 1998; Stanley et al., 2005; Teach et al., 1997; Trautner et al., 2006; Zorc et al., 2005), five in Australia (Craig et al., 2010; Haddon et al., 1999; Hewson et al., 2000; Stathakis et al, 2007; Taylor et al., 1995), five in the Netherlands (Berger et al., 1996; Bleeker et al., 2001; Bleeker et al., 2007; Nijman et al., 2011; Offringa et al., 1992), four in the UK (Brent et al., 2011; Nademi et al., 2001; Thompson et al., 2009; Wells et al., 2001), three in India (Batra et al., 2011; Shettigar et al., 2011; Singhi et al., 1992), three in Spain (Gomez et al., 2010; Gomez et al., 2012; Olaciregui et al., 2009), two each in Switzerland (Galetto-Lacour et al., 2003; Lacour et al., 2001), Ghana (Owusu-Ofori et al., 2004; Yeboah-Antwi et al., 2008), Nigeria (Akpede et al., 1992; Rabasa Al et al., 2009), Israel (Schwartz et al., 2009; Tal et al., 1997), and Iran (Ghotbi et al., 2009; Zarkesh et al., 2011), and one each in Bangladesh (Factor et al., 2001), Canada (Salleeh et al., 2010), Denmark (Nielsen et al., 2001), Greece (Fouzas et al., 2010), Italy (Andreola et al., 2007), Papua New Guinea (Morris et al., 2007), South Korea (Shin et al., 2009) and Taiwan (Chen et al., 2009). One study was conducted in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ghana, India, Pakistan and South Africa (YICSSG, 2008) and another in Ethiopia, the Gambia, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines (Weber et al., 2003).

Twelve studies were found that reported evidence on the Yale Observational Scale (Andreola et al., 2007; Baker et al., 1990; Bang et al., 2009; Galetto-Lacour et al., 2003; Haddon et al., 1999; Hsiao et al., 2006; McCarthy et al., 1980; McCarthy et al., 1981; McCarthy et al., 1982; Teach et al., 1995; Thayyil et al., 2005; Zorc et al., 1995).

More details on each individual study can be found in the evidence tables.

The GDG is aware of an HTA relevant to this review (Thompson et al., 2012). However, the review was completed before the HTA was published. All relevant studies cited in the HTA were included in this review.

Evidence profiles

The GRADE profiles in the tables that follow show results of included studies for various aspects of the review question.

Table 5.3. GRADE profile for evaluation of colour

Table 5.4. GRADE profile for evaluation of social cues

Table 5.5. GRADE profile for evaluation of ‘appears ill to a healthcare professional or parent/carer’

Table 5.6. GRADE profile for evaluation of awake

Table 5.7. GRADE profile for evaluation of decreased activity

Table 5.8. GRADE profile for evaluation of no smile and/or abnormal cry

Table 5.9. GRADE profile for evaluation of irritability

Table 5.10. GRADE profile for evaluation of decreased consciousness/coma

Table 5.11. GRADE profile for evaluation of restlessness

Table 5.12. GRADE profile for evaluation of tachypnoea

Table 5.13. GRADE profile for evaluation of crackles

Table 5.14. GRADE profile for evaluation of respiratory symptoms

Table 5.15. GRADE profile for evaluation of nasal symptoms

Table 5.16. GRADE profile for evaluation of wheeze

Table 5.17. GRADE profile for evaluation of chest findings/abnormal chest sounds

Table 5.18. GRADE profile for evaluation of cough

Table 5.19. GRADE profile for evaluation of poor feeding

Table 5.20. GRADE profile for evaluation of capillary refill time

Table 5.21. GRADE profile for evaluation of reduced urine output

Table 5.22. GRADE profile for evaluation of duration of fever

Table 5.23. GRADE profile for comparison of duration of fever

Table 5.24. GRADE profile for evaluation of height of fever in children younger than 3 months

Table 5.25. GRADE profile for evaluation of height of fever in all ages up to 5 years, including those less than 3 months

Table 5.26. GRADE profile for comparison of height of fever in children with and without serious illness – all ages up to 5 years

Table 5.27. GRADE profile for evaluation of bulging fontanelle

Table 5.28. GRADE profile for evaluation of neck stiffness

Table 5.29. GRADE profile for evaluation of focal seizures

Table 5.30. GRADE profile for evaluation of non-blanching rash

Table 5.31. GRADE profile for evaluation of diarrhoea

Table 5.32. GRADE profile for evaluation of vomiting

Table 5.33. GRADE profile for evaluation of abdominal pain

Table 5.34. GRADE profile for evaluation of crying on micturition/dysuria

Table 5.35. GRADE profile for evaluation of headache

Table 5.36. GRADE profile for evaluation of conjunctivitis

Table 5.37. GRADE profile for evaluation of poor peripheral circulation

Table 5.38. GRADE profile for evaluation of bulging abdomen

Table 5.39. GRADE profile for evaluation of paresis or paralysis

Table 5.40. GRADE profile for evaluation of abnormal neurological findings

Table 5.41. GRADE profile for evaluation of impression of tone

Table 5.42. GRADE profile for evaluation of tenderness on examination

Table 5.43. GRADE profile for evaluation of urinary symptoms

Table 5.44. GRADE profile for evaluation of abnormal ear, nose and throat signs

Table 5.45. GRADE profile for evaluation of rigor and/or chills

Table 5.46. GRADE profile for evaluation of Yale Observation Scale

Table 5.47. GRADE profile for comparison of Yale Observation Scores

Evidence statements

The following definitions have been used when summarising the likelihood ratios:

  • Convincing: positive likelihood ratio (LR+) 10 or higher, negative likelihood ratio (LR−) 0.1 or lower
  • Strong: LR+ 5 or higher (but less than 10), LR− 0.2 or lower (but higher than 0.1)
  • Not strong: LR+ 4.9 or lower, LR− higher than 0.2

The following definitions have been used when summarising the levels of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV):

  • High: 90% and above
  • Moderate: 75% to 89%
  • Low: 74% or below

The symptoms and signs were grouped by the categories used in the 2007 traffic light table, namely ‘colour’, ‘activity’, ‘hydration’, ‘respiratory’ and ‘other’.


Pallor reported by parent/carer or pale/mottled/ashen/blue (in 2007 traffic light table)

Colour was reported in two studies where the definitions used included cyanotic, pale or mottled colour. The sensitivity was low for detecting serious bacterial infection or urinary tract infection. The specificity ranged from high to low. The positive predictive values were low and the negative predictive values ranged from high to low. The likelihood ratios were not strong.


Not responding normally to social cues or no response to social cues (in 2007 traffic light table)

Social cues were reported in one study. Decreased social interaction had low sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value for detecting urinary tract infection. The negative predictive value was high. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Appears ill to a healthcare professional (in 2007 traffic light table) or parent carer

‘Appears ill to a healthcare professional’ was reported in 15 studies; definitions of this included ‘appears unwell’, ‘poor appearance’, ‘mildly unwell’, ‘not well-appearing’, ‘moderately ill’, ‘moderately unwell’, ‘moderately ill appearance’, ‘ill appearance’, ‘ill general appearance’, ‘very unwell’, ‘very ill appearance’, ‘severely ill’, ‘toxicity’ and ‘suspicious physical findings’. Some of these studies included included parent/carer reports of ‘appears ill’, but did not present this data separately.

Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive values ranged from high to low for detecting urinary tract infection, pneumonia, bacteraemia, serious bacterial infection, serious illness, occult infections, invasive bacterial disease, serious invasive bacteraemia or bacterial meningitis. Positive likelihood ratios ranged from not strong to convincing. Convincing positive likelihood ratios were reported for using ‘very unwell’ to detect urinary tract infection, pneumonia or bacteraemia, and for using ‘toxicity’ to detect bacterial meningitis. The negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

Wakes only with prolonged stimulation or does not wake, or if roused, does not stay awake (in 2007 traffic light table)

‘Wakes only with prolonged simulation’ was reported in five studies, in which the definitions used included drowsy being reported in case notes or on examination, increased sleepiness, drowsiness, drowsiness at home and postictal drowsiness. Sensitivity was low for detecting serious illness, urinary tract infection or bacterial meningitis. Specificity and positive predictive values ranged from high to low. The negative predictive values ranged from high to moderate. The positive likelihood ratio ranged from not strong to strong. The negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

Decreased activity (in 2007 traffic light table)

Decreased activity was reported in six studies, including ‘looking around the room’, ‘moving arms and legs spontaneously’, ‘reaching for objects’ and lethargy. Sensitivity was low for detecting urinary tract infection, bacteraemia, serious bacterial infection or bacterial meningitis. Specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive values ranged from high to low. Positive likelihood ratios ranged from not strong to strong. The negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

No smile (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported for no smile.

Weak, high-pitched or continuous cry (in 2007 traffic light table)

An abnormal cry was reported in three studies. One study stated that crying was not significantly associated with bacteraemia, whilst another reported a significant odds ratio for bacteraemia in children with an abnormal cry compared to those without an abnormal cry. One study reported low sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value for detecting serious bacterial infection. The negative predictive value was high. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Irritability (identified in 2013 review)

Irritability was reported in six studies. In two of these studies irritability was not found to be significantly associated with bacteraemia or urinary tract infection. The other four studies reported diagnostic accuracy data, with two of these finding a high negative predictive value for detecting bacteraemia or bacterial meningitis. However, in the other two studies the negative predictive value was low to moderate for detecting serious bacterial infection and viral or non-specific meningitis. The sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values were not high in any of the studies, and the likelihood ratios were not strong.

Decreased consciousness and/or coma (identified in 2013 review)

Decreased consciousness and/or coma were reported in four studies, including unrousable coma. Decreased consciousness or coma has a low sensitivity for detecting serious bacterial infection or bacterial meningitis; however, the specificity was high. The positive and negative predictive values ranged from high to low, and the likelihood ratios were not strong.

Restlessness (identified in 2013 review)

Restlessness was reported in one study. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were not high and the likelihood ratios were not strong for detecting serious illness.


Nasal flaring (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of nasal flaring for detecting serious illness.

Grunting (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of grunting for detecting serious illness.

Tachypnoea (in 2007 traffic light table)

Tachypnoea was reported in two studies, including ‘elevated respiratory rate’. The sensitivity was low and specificity was moderate for detecting pneumonia or bacteraemia. The positive predictive values were low and the negative predictive values were high. The positive and negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

Oxygen saturation (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of oxygen saturation for detecting serious illness.

Moderate or severe chest indrawing (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of chest indrawing for detecting serious illness.

Crackles (in 2007 traffic light table)

The presence of crackles was reported in two studies, including ‘abnormal chest sounds’ and crepitation. The sensitivity was low for detecting pneumonia, urinary tract infection, bacteraemia or serious bacterial illness. The specificity ranged from high to moderate. The positive predictive values were low, and the negative predictive values ranged from high to low. The positive and negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

Respiratory symptoms (identified in 2013 review)

Respiratory symptoms were reported in four studies, with definitions including respiratory distress, breathing difficulty, shortness of breath and breathing difficulty or chest wall recession. The sensitivity was not high or not reported for detecting urinary tract infection, pneumonia, bacteraemia, serious illness or serious bacterial infection. The specificity ranged from high to low. The positive predictive value was not high, and the negative predictive value ranged from high to moderate. The likelihood ratios were either not strong or not reported.

Nasal symptoms (identified in 2013 review)

Nasal symptoms were reported in three studies, with definitions including purulent nasal discharge, upper respiratory tract infection or runny nose, and symptoms of mild upper respiratory tract infection. The sensitivity was not high for detecting serious bacterial illness or urinary tract infection. The specificity ranged from high to low. The positive predictive value was not high and the negative predictive value ranged from high to low. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Wheeze (identified in 2013 review)

Wheeze was reported in one study, including audible wheeze and stridor. The sensitivity was low for detecting pneumonia, urinary tract infection or bacteraemia. The specificity was high. The positive predictive values were low and the negative predictive values were high. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Chest findings/abnormal chest sounds (identified in 2013 review)

Chest findings/abnormal chest sounds were reported in two studies. The sensitivity was low for detecting pneumonia, urinary tract infection or bacteraemia. The specificity was high. The positive predictive values were low and the negative predictive values were high. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Cough (identified in 2013 review)

Cough was reported in three studies. The sensitivity was low for detecting pneumonia, urinary tract infection, bacteraemia or meningococcal disease. The specificity ranged from high to low. The positive predictive values were low and the negative predictive values ranged from high to moderate. The likelihood ratios were not strong.


Dry mucous membranes (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of dry mucous membranes for detecting serious illness.

Reduced skin turgor (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of reduced skin turgor for detecting serious illness.

Poor feeding (in 2007 traffic light table)

Poor feeding was reported in four studies; definitions used included poor intake and decreased feeding. The sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values ranged from moderate to low for detecting serious bacterial infection, serious illness or urinary tract infection. The negative predictive values ranged from high to low. The positive and negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

Capillary refill time of 3 seconds or more (in 2007 traffic light table)

Capillary refill time was reported in one study, using a time of 2 to 3 seconds or more than 3 seconds. The sensitivity was low for detecting pneumonia, urinary tract infection or bacteraemia. The specificity was high. The positive predictive value was low. The negative predictive value was high. The positive likelihood ratio ranged from not strong to strong. The negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

Reduced urine output (in 2007 traffic light table)

Reduced urine output was reported by two studies, including poor micturition. The sensitivity was low and the specificity was moderate for detecting urinary tract infection or serious bacterial infection. The positive predictive value ranged from moderate to low and the negative predictive value ranged from high to low. The likelihood ratios were not strong.


Fever for 5 days or more (in 2007 traffic light table)

As shown in Table 5.22, duration of fever was reported in 17 studies, at the following time points: 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 2 days and 72 hours for detecting serious bacterial infection, bacteraemia, meningococcal disease and urinary tract infection. All of the time points resulted in a low sensitivity. The specificities ranged from high to low; however, the expected correlation between increasing specificities and increasing fever duration was not found. Positive predictive values were mainly low. Negative predictive values ranged from high to low, although again this was not in the expected pattern. The positive and negative likelihood ratios were not strong for any cutoffs. There was no significant difference in the odds of serious bacterial infection when comparing children who had had fever for longer than 48 hours with those who had had fever for less than 24 hours; however, a fever duration of 72 hours or longer was significantly associated with serious illness.

As shown in Table 5.23, there were mixed results when comparing the duration of fever in children with and without serious illness. Some studies reported that children with serious illness had had fever for significantly longer than those without, whilst other studies reported that there was no significant difference in the duration of fever.

Temperature of 38°C or higher at age 0–3 months, temperature of 39°C or higher at age 3–6 months (in 2007 traffic light table)

Thirty-six studies reported on the height of fever in children aged less than 5 years. As shown in Table 5.25, various cut-offs were reported, including 37.4°C or higher, 37.5°C or higher, higher than 37.5°C, 38°C or higher, 38.4°C or higher, 38.5°C or higher, higher than 38.5°C, 39°C or higher, higher than 39°C, 39.1°C or higher, higher than 39.3°C, 39.4°C or higher, 39.5°C or higher, higher than 39.5°C, 40°C or higher, higher than 40°C, 40.1°C or higher, and 41.1°C or higher. These were used to try to detect urinary tract infection, serious bacterial infection, malaria or meningitis, serious illness, severe illness requiring hospitalisation, bacteraemia, bacterial meningitis, bacterial infection, pneumonia, sepsis and serious disease. Sensitivity and specificity ranged from high to low but were not correlated with temperature. All of the positive predictive values were low. The negative predictive values ranged from high to low, although also not in the expected pattern. Positive likelihood ratios were strong for 40°C or higher and for higher than 40°C, but were not strong for any other cutoffs. Negative likelihood ratios were not strong for any cutoffs. As shown in Table 5.26, when comparing the mean or median height of fever in those with and without serious illness, there were mixed results as to whether the difference was significant or not.

Six of the 36 studies reported on the height of fever exclusively in children aged less than 3 months, including 38°C or higher, higher than 39°C, 39.5°C or higher, 40°C or higher, and higher than 40°C for detecting serious bacterial infection, urinary tract infection, occult bacteraemia, bacteraemia, meningitis, bacterial meningitis, salmonella enteritis, sepsis and serious bacterial illness. Sensitivity was high for 38°C or higher and low for all other cutoffs. Specificity was low for 38°C or higher, moderate for higher than 39°C, moderate to high for 39.5°C or higher, and high for 40°C or higher and higher than 40°C. Positive predictive values were low for all cutoffs, and negative predictive values were high for all cutoffs. Positive likelihood ratios were not strong for 38°C or higher, higher than 39°C and 39.5°C or higher. They were strong for 40°C or higher and higher than 40°C. Negative likelihood ratios were not reported for 38°C or higher and were not strong for the other cutoffs.

No studies reported on the height of fever solely in children aged from 3 to 6 months.

Swelling of a limb or joint (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of swelling of a limb or joint to detect serious illness.

Non-weight bearing limb/not using an extremity (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of non-weight bearing limb or not using an extremity to detect serious illness.

Non-blanching rash (in 2007 traffic light table)

Non-blanching rash was reported in seven studies, including ‘rash’, purpura, petechiae, purpura with petechiae, more than 20 haemorrhages, haemorrhages greater than 1 mm in diameter, and haemorrhages greater than 2 mm in diameter. The sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values ranged from high to low for detecting pneumonia, urinary tract infection, bacteraemia, serious disease, serious bacterial infection, invasive disease, bacterial meningitis or meningococcal disease. The negative predictive values ranged from high to moderate. The positive and negative likelihood ratios ranged from not strong to convincing.

Bulging fontanelle (in 2007 traffic light table)

Bulging fontanelle was reported in three studies. The sensitivity was low for detecting serious bacterial illness, bacterial meningitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infection or bacteraemia. The specificity was high. The positive and negative predictive values ranged from high to low. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Neck stiffness (in 2007 traffic light table)

Nuchal rigidity was reported in three studies. The sensitivity was low for detecting bacterial meningitis or meningococcal disease. The specificity was high. The positive and negatives predictive values ranged from high to moderate. The positive likelihood ratio was either not calculable or convincing. The negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

Status epilepticus (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of status epilepticus to detect serious illness.

Focal neurological signs (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of focal neurological signs to detect serious illness.

Focal seizures (in 2007 traffic light table)

Focal seizures were reported in two studies. The sensitivity was low for detecting bacterial meningitis. The specificity was high. The positive predictive values were low and the negative predictive values were high. The positive likelihood ratios ranged from not strong to strong and the negative likelihood ratios were not strong.

A new lump larger than 2 cm (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of a new lump larger than 2 cm to detect serious illness.

Bile-stained vomiting (in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was reported on the use of bile-stained vomiting to detect serious illness.

Diarrhoea (identified in 2013 review)

Diarrhoea was reported in five studies including diarrhoea alone, diarrhoea with vomiting, and ‘mild gastrointestinal symptoms’. The sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value for using diarrhoea to detect serious bacterial infection was low. The negative predictive value ranged from high to low. The likelihood ratios were not strong. The specificity for using diarrhoea and vomiting or mild gastrointestinal symptoms to detect serious bacterial infection was moderate to high, although the sensitivity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were not high and the likelihood ratios were not strong. One study reported that the odds of having a bacterial illness are 3.9 times greater in those with diarrhoea compared to those without diarrhoea. One study reported that diarrhoea was not predictive of urinary tract infection.

Vomiting (identified in 2013 review)

Vomiting was reported in 11 studies, including increased vomiting, vomiting reported with diarrhoea, and ‘mild gastrointestinal symptoms’. The sensitivity for detecting serious bacterial infection, serious disease, bacterial illness, urinary tract infection, bacterial meningitis or meningococcal disease was low. The specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value ranged from high to low. The likelihood ratios were not strong. One study reported that the odds of having a bacterial illness were not significantly different in those with vomiting compared with those without. One of the studies reported that vomiting was not predictive of urinary tract infection.

Abdominal pain (identified in 2013 review)

Abdominal pain was reported in two studies. One study reported a low sensitivity and positive predictive value and high specificity and negative predictive value for detecting serious illness. The likelihood ratios were not strong. The other study reported no significant association between abdominal pain and urinary tract infection.

Crying on micturition/dysuria (identified in 2013 review)

Crying on micturition/dysuria was reported in one study. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were not high, and the likelihood ratios were not strong, for detecting urinary tract infection.

Headache (identified in 2013 review)

Headache was reported in one study. The sensitivity for detecting bacterial meningitis was low. The specificity was high. The positive predictive value was low and the negative predictive value was high. The positive likelihood ratio was convincing, although the negative likelihood ratio was not strong.

Conjunctivitis (identified in 2013 review)

Conjunctivitis was reported in one study. The sensitivity for detecting urinary tract infection was low. The specificity was high. The positive predictive value was low and the negative predictive value was high. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Poor peripheral circulation (identified in 2013 review)

Poor peripheral circulation was reported in one study. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were not high, and the likelihood ratios were not strong, for detecting serious bacterial infection.

Bulging abdomen (identified in 2013 review)

Bulging abdomen was reported in one study. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were not high, and the likelihood ratios were not strong, for detecting serious bacterial infection.

Paresis or paralysis (identified in 2013 review)

Paresis or paralysis was reported in one study. The sensitivity for detecting bacterial meningitis was low. The specificity was high, the positive and negative predictive values were not high, and the likelihood ratios were not strong.

Abnormal neurological findings (identified in 2013 review)

Abnormal neurological findings were reported in three studies, including neurological deficit. The sensitivity for detecting bacterial meningitis ranged from high to low. The specificity ranged from high to moderate. The positive predictive values were not high and the negative predictive values were high. The positive likelihood ratio ranged from convincing to strong, and the negative likelihood ratio from convincing to not strong.

Impression of tone (identified in 2013 review)

Impression of tone was reported in one study. The study reported no significant association between the symptom/sign and bacteraemia.

Tenderness on examination (identified in 2013 review)

Tenderness on examination was reported in one study. The sensitivity for detecting urinary tract infection was low. The specificity was high. The positive predictive value was low and the negative predictive value was high. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Urinary symptoms (identified in 2013 review)

Urinary symptoms were reported in two studies. The sensitivity for detecting serious bacterial infection was low. The specificity was high. The positive predictive value was low and the negative predictive value was high. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Abnormal ear, nose and throat signs (identified in 2013 review)

Abnormal ear, nose and throat signs were reported in two studies, including ‘ear problems’ reported in one study. The sensitivity and positive predictive values for detecting serious bacterial infection were not high. The specificity was high in one study and low in the other study. The negative predictive value was high in both studies. The likelihood ratios were not strong in either study.

Rigor and/or chills (identified in 2013 review)

Rigor and/or chills were reported in one study. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for detecting bacterial illness were not high. The likelihood ratios were not strong.

Cold hands and feet (identified in 2013 review)

No studies were found that looked specifically at cold hands and feet for detecting serious illness in febrile children.

Yale Observation Scale

The Yale Observation Scale was reported in 12 studies. The sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value ranged from high to low for detecting serious illness, bacteraemia, pneumonia, serious bacterial infection, bacterial disease and/or urinary tract infection, but were not correlated with the YOS score. The negative predictive value ranged from moderate to high and was also not correlated with the YOS score. The positive and negative likelihood ratios ranged from not strong to convincing.

Health economic evidence statements

No health economic studies were identified and no health economic evaluation was undertaken for this question.

Evidence to recommendations

Relative value placed on the outcomes considered

The overarching aim of the guideline is to provide a framework for healthcare professionals to enable the early and accurate detection of serious illness in children with fever. This allows suitable treatment to begin, thereby reducing subsequent potential mortality and morbidity.

The GDG considered the likelihood ratios, sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of each symptom or sign when discussing the evidence. However, particular emphasis was given to likelihood ratios, with a positive likelihood ratio of 5 or higher being used as a good indicator that a symptom or sign should be presented in the red column of the traffic light table. In addition, the expert opinion and experience of the GDG members also informed the final decision about whether to include, remove or move a symptom or sign in the traffic light table.

Consideration of clinical benefits and harms

The traffic light table was created in order to encourage healthcare professionals to consider signs or symptoms in their totality and not in isolation. Therefore, the evidence for any individual symptom or sign had to be balanced by its contribution to the overall clinical picture and practical clinical application. Furthermore, the GDG highlighted that studies assessing the use of combinations of signs and symptoms show they have better predictive values than symptoms in isolation (for example Van Den Bruel et al, 2007 and Thompson et al., 2012). This concept was incorporated into the recommendation of ‘none of the amber or red symptoms or signs’ in the green column, and the ‘appears ill to a healthcare professional’ in the red column, without the need to specify the absence of particular symptoms or signs.

For each symptom and sign presented below, the GDG has stated:

  • why the symptom or sign was included in the 2007 traffic light table (if applicable)
  • the GDG’s interpretation of the diagnostic outcome measures presented in the evidence statements for the symptom or sign
  • the GDG’s expert opinion on the inclusion of the symptom or sign in the traffic light table, and
  • whether the symptom or sign was included in the 2013 update of the traffic light table.
Pallor reported by parent/carer or pale/mottled/ashen/blue (included in 2007 traffic light table)

‘Colour’ had been included in the 2007 traffic light as part of the YOS.

Low quality evidence from two studies was identified in the 2013 review. The reported evidence showed that children with cyanotic, pale or flushed/mottled skin were not more likely to have a serious illness than children with normal colour skin (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). Children with a serious illness did not usually have cyanotic, pale or flushed/mottled skin (low sensitivity). However, the evidence for children without serious illness was mixed, with one study showing they did not usually have cyanotic, pale or flushed/mottled skin (high specificity) and one study showing that they usually did have cyanotic, pale or flushed/mottled skin (low specificity). One of the studies used colour to detect urinary tract infection and the GDG members were not convinced of the relevance of colour to this diagnosis.

Given the quality of the evidence, the GDG members were of the clinical opinion that children with pale/mottled/ashen/blue skin were not being incorrectly categorised as in the ‘red’ category. The GDG decided that there was no reason to change or remove this sign from the traffic light table.

Not responding normally to social cues or no response to social cues (included in 2007 traffic light table)

‘Activity’ was included in the 2007 traffic light as part of the YOS.

The 2013 review found evidence to support assessing activity level at presentation. The reported evidence showed that children with decreased social interaction were not more likely to have a urinary tract infection than children with normal social interaction (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). Children without a urinary tract infection often showed decreased social interaction (low specificity). Children with a urinary tract infection did not usually show decreased social interaction (low sensitivity). The evidence was of low quality.

The GDG acknowledged that it would be helpful to define ‘social cues’ for parents, caregivers or less experienced healthcare professionals. The glossary of the guideline has been updated to outline that this can include the parents’ perception of a baby behaving differently, response to their name, smiling and/or giggling.

The GDG chose to keep decreased activity in the ‘amber’ column as the evidence did not support movement into the ‘red’ category based on definitions used in the study. If the decreased activity is severe, healthcare professionals may use their clinical judgement of ‘appears ill to a healthcare professional’ to manage the child appropriately. Therefore, no change was made to the traffic light table.

Appears ill to a healthcare professional (included in 2007 traffic light table) and parents/carers

‘Appears ill to a healthcare professional’ was included in the 2007 traffic light table as part of the YOS.

The 2013 review supported the results of the 2007 review. The results of the studies were mixed, with some studies showing that children who appeared unwell were not more likely to have a serious illness than those who appeared well (not a strong positive likelihood ratio), and other studies showing that children who appeared unwell were more likely to have a serious illness (convincing positive likelihood ratio).

The GDG members acknowledged that being ‘very ill’ was more predictive than ‘appears ill’. However, they were aware that it is hard to distinguish between the two terms. The majority of studies reporting this sign did not define ‘appears ill’, and those that did used a combination of symptoms and signs that are presented elsewhere in the traffic light table. As there was no separate data available on parent/carer reports of ‘appears ill’, the GDG decided that that no recommendation could be made specifically on parent/carer reports of ‘appears ill’. However, the GDG highlighted that parent/carer reports of fever and other specific symptoms were covered by other recommendations in the guideline.

Based on their expert opinion, the GDG members noted that ‘appears ill to a healthcare professional’ can be subjective and difficult to define. Therefore, the GDG concluded that for this sign, the definition of ‘healthcare professional’ should be restricted to those who are trained in assessing children, for example GPs, specialist nurses and paediatricians. The GDG members concluded, based on their clinical experience, that there was not a strain on resources for children who are inappropriately referred because of this sign.

Given the mixed quality of the evidence, the GDG did not change ‘appears ill to a healthcare professional’ in the traffic light table.

Wakes only with prolonged stimulation or does not wake, or if roused, does not stay awake (included in 2007 traffic light table)

‘Wakes only with prolonged stimulation or does not wake, or if roused, does not stay awake’ was included in the 2007 traffic light table as part of the YOS.

The evidence was mixed, with some studies showing that children who were difficult to rouse were more likely to have a serious illness than those who were not difficult to rouse (convincing and strong positive likelihood ratio), and some studies showing that children who were difficult to rouse were not more likely to have a serious illness than those who were not difficult to rouse (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). The evidence was of low and very low quality, and most of the studies focused on detecting bacterial meningitis rather than serious illness in general.

The GDG did not believe the evidence was strong enough to move or remove this from the traffic light table, and therefore no changes were made to the traffic light table for this sign.

Decreased activity (included in 2007 traffic light table)

‘Decreased activity’ was included in the 2007 traffic light table as part of the YOS.

Some studies showed that children with decreased activity were more likely to have a serious illness than children with normal levels of activity (strong positive likelihood ratio); however, other studies showed that children with decreased activity were not more likely to have a serious illness than children with normal levels of activity (not strong positive likelihood ratio). The evidence was mainly of low to very low quality.

The 2007 recommendation referred to decreased activity by parental report, but the 2013 review shows that decreased activity at presentation to a healthcare professional was also a useful symptom or sign of serious illness. The GDG acknowledged that decreased activity was difficult to define, and that it was difficult to distinguish between ‘moderate’ and ‘severe’ impairment, as reported in one of the included studies.

Given the varied definitions and quality of the evidence the GDG decided to keep decreased activity in the ‘amber’ column, and so no changes were made to the traffic light table.

No smile (included in 2007 traffic light table)

The GDG stated this was included in the 2007 traffic light table as part of the YOS.

No new evidence was identified in the 2013 review. Therefore, the GDG agreed that this sign would not be changed or removed.

Weak, high-pitched or continuous cry (included in 2007 traffic light table)

This feature was included in the 2007 traffic light table as part of the YOS.

The evidence from the 2013 review was low in quality, and only one study reported diagnostic data or data that allowed diagnostic data to be calculated. The study showed that children with an abnormal cry were not more likely to have serious illness than children without an abnormal cry (not a strong positive likelihood ratio).

The GDG therefore stated that the 2013 data was not strong enough to change or remove ‘weak, high-pitched or continuous cry’ from the traffic light table.

Irritability (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children who were irritable were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who were not irritable (not a strong positive likelihood ratio).

The sign ‘content/smiles’ is already included in the ‘green’ column of the traffic light table. The GDG believed that this is in line with the evidence that shows children without irritability usually do not have a serious illness. The GDG believed there was a general consensus in clinical practice that irritability can be defined as when an infant or child is uncomfortable when picked up or moved; however, none of the studies adequately defined irritability.

As ‘content/smiles’ is already included in the ‘green’ column of the table, the GDG did not add irritability to the traffic light table.

Decreased consciousness and/or coma (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence implied that children with decreased consciousness were not more likely to have a serious illness than children with a normal level of consciousness (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a serious bacterial infection usually did not have decreased consciousness (high specificity). However, children with a serious bacterial infection did not usually present with decreased consciousness (low sensitivity).

The reviewed evidence was based on a population outside the intended guideline population; that is, children older than 5 years or those with febrile convulsions. Furthermore, the GDG believed that this sign was already included in the traffic light table as ‘does not wake, or if roused, does not stay awake’.

Based on the quality of the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to decreased consciousness and/or coma were needed to the traffic light table.

Restlessness (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence regarding restlessness was reported in one study. Children who were restless were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who were not restless (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). Children with a serious illness were often restless (moderate sensitivity); however, children without a serious illness were also often restless (low specificity).

Based on the limited evidence, the GDG did not believe restlessness was a useful symptom to detect serious illness. Therefore, restlessness was not added to the traffic light table.


The majority of respiratory symptoms were originally included in the traffic light table as indicators of pneumonia.

Nasal flaring and grunting (included in 2007 traffic light table)

No new evidence was found for nasal flaring or grunting in the 2013 review.

The GDG emphasised that clinical judgment should be used to distinguish between nasal flaring (amber symptom/sign) and grunting (red symptom/sign).

Based on the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to nasal flaring and grunting were needed to the traffic light table.

Tachypnoea (included in 2007 traffic light table)

Abnormal respiratory rate was included in the 2007 traffic light table as a non-specific marker of serious illness, a specific feature of pneumonia and required for the assessment of dehydration. A statement about measuring respiratory rate was combined with the statement about the physiological parameters which should be documented as part of the assessment.

The 2013 review of the evidence showed that children who had tachypnoea were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who did not have tachypnoea (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a serious illness often did not have tachypnoea (moderate specificity). However, the evidence showed that children with a serious illness also did not usually have tachypnoea (low sensitivity). The available evidence was of low quality.

The cut-offs proposed by Fleming et al. (2011) and Nijman et al. (2012) were reviewed, but there was no significantly clear evidence on specific rates to alter the categories.

The GDG members concluded from their experience that respiratory rate is an important physiological parameter which needs to be assessed by healthcare professionals.

Given the low quality of the evidence, the GDG did not believe the evidence was strong enough to change or remove an existing recommendation. Therefore, no changes relating to tachypnoea were made to the traffic light table.

Oxygen saturation (included in 2007 traffic light table)

Oxygen saturation was included in the original traffic light table as a specific sign of pneumonia.

The current review did not find any evidence regarding oxygen saturation for detecting serious illness.

However, the GDG members were aware that the measurement of oxygen saturation is becoming more common amongst GPs and non-paediatric accident and emergency departments. Using their expert opinions, the GDG members believed that oxygen saturation should be retained in the traffic light table.

Based on the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to oxygen saturation were needed to the traffic light table.

Moderate or severe chest indrawing (included in 2007 traffic light table)

Chest indrawing was included in the original traffic light table as a specific sign of pneumonia.

The current review did not find any further evidence regarding chest indrawing for detecting serious illness.

The GDG decided it should be retained in the traffic light table. A definition of chest indrawing is provided in the glossary.

Crackles (included in 2007 traffic light table)

The evidence relating to crackles in the 2013 review was of low and very low quality. The evidence showed that children with crackles were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who did not have crackles (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence suggested children without a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, usually did not have crackles (high specificity). However, children with a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, also did not usually have crackles (low sensitivity). The evidence was of low to very low quality.

Given the quality of the evidence, the GDG did not believe the evidence was strong enough to change or remove an existing recommendation. Therefore, no changes relating to crackles were made to the traffic light table.

Respiratory symptoms (identified in 2013 review)

The 2013 review highlighted that the evidence supports existing symptoms and signs in the original traffic light table.

The GDG believed that the new evidence was not defined well enough to add anything further to the assessment of respiratory symptoms.

Therefore, no changes relating to respiratory symptoms were made to the traffic light table.

Nasal symptoms (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence shows that serious illness is not ruled out by a lack of nasal symptoms (low sensitivity).

The GDG members were aware from their clinical experience that less serious complaints, such as upper respiratory tract infections, are often used to rule out the presence of a serious illness. However, the GDG stated that nasal symptoms were too common to be of practical use.

The GDG, therefore, did not add nasal symptoms to the ‘green’ column of the traffic light table.

Wheeze (or stridor) (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence shows that children who had wheeze were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who did not have wheeze (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, usually did not have wheeze (high specificity). However, children with a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, also did not usually have wheeze (low sensitivity).

The GDG agreed that wheeze was too common a symptom to be moved into the ‘amber’ or ‘red’ columns. Therefore, no changes relating to wheeze were made to the traffic light table.

Chest findings/abnormal chest sounds (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children who had abnormal chest sounds were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who did not have abnormal chest sounds (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia usually did not have abnormal chest sounds (high specificity). However, it also showed that children with pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia also did not usually have abnormal chest sounds (low sensitivity).

The GDG highlighted that ‘crackles’ was already included in the traffic light table, which was a better defined sign than ‘chest findings’ or ‘abnormal chest sounds’. One of the studies included in the review was for detecting urinary tract infection, and the GDG was unsure how relevant chest findings or abnormal chest sounds would be to this diagnosis.

Given the quality of the evidence and the fact that an item already covering this feature was already included in the traffic light table, the GDG decided not make any changes relating to chest findgins/abnormal chest sounds to the traffic light table.

Cough (identified in 2013 review)

The available evidence showed that children who had a cough were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who did not have a cough (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). There was some evidence that children without a urinary tract infection usually did not have a cough (high specificity), but other evidence showed that children without a urinary tract infection, pneumonia, bacteraemia or meningococcal disease often had a cough (low specificity). In addition, children with a urinary tract infection, pneumonia, bacteraemia or meningococcal disease did not usually have a cough (low sensitivity).

The evidence suggests cough was not a useful predictor of serious illness, although the GDG highlighted that two of the studies were on detecting urinary tract infection and it was not clear how relevant cough was to this diagnosis. There was not enough evidence for the GDG to determine that cough was a useful symptom or sign in the detection of serious illness. Furthermore, the GDG stated ‘cough’ was too common to be of practical use.

Based on the available evidence and the results of its discussion, the GDG decided not make any changes relating to cough to the traffic light table.

Circulation and hydration

In the 2007 guideline the GDG recognised that dehydration was a marker of serious illness but there was a lack of evidence to determine the difference between mild, moderate and severe dehydration. The most specific symptoms and signs of dehydration have been highlighted for healthcare professionals to assess in order to ensure a low false positive rate and are included in the guideline Diarrhoea and vomiting in children under 5 (NICE, 2009). As evidence was found relating to the use of heart rate in the diagnosis of serious illness, the ‘hydration’ category was changed to ‘circulation and hydration’ for greater clarity.

Dry mucous membranes and reduced skin turgor (included in 2007 traffic light table)

The GDG acknowledged that dry mucous membranes and reduced skin turgor were included in the 2007 traffic light table based on a study that reviewed signs and symptoms of dehydration, rather than a study of serious illness associated with fever. However, the GDG members stated that, in their experience, dehydration was a marker for serious illness and therefore should be included in the traffic light table.

No new evidence was found for dry mucous membranes and/or reduced skin turgor in the 2013 review.

The GDG acknowledged that the recommendations regarding signs of dehydration in the 2007 Fever guideline were intended for use primarily in children who had been sent home after seeing a healthcare professional. Since the publication of the 2007 Feverish Illness in Children guideline, a clinical guideline on diarrhoea and vomiting has been published (Diarrhoea and vomiting in children under 5, NICE 2009). The Diarrhoea and vomiting guideline concluded that looking at physical signs of dehydration was an inaccurate way of determining whether a child was moderately or severely ill, as it is difficult to distinguish between different severities of dehydration. However, the two guidelines consider different populations, and if a child exhibits diarrhoea and/or vomiting they are treated in accordance with that guideline rather than the Fever guideline. The GDG also emphasised that the purpose of the traffic light table is to raise awareness rather than to make clear definitive diagnosis.

In the absence of evidence to challenge the 2007 recommendation, the GDG did not change it.

Poor feeding (included in 2007 traffic light table)

The 2013 review did not find clear evidence relating poor feeding to an increased risk of serious illness. Children who showed poor feeding were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who showed normal feeding (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). The evidence was of low to very low quality.

However, the GDG members stated that, in their clinical experience, poor feeding was a key reason that parents or caregivers bring their child to a healthcare professional. In recognition that poor feeding was a worrying feature, but not an immediate alarm feature, its position was in the amber column in the 2007 traffic light table. The GDG acknowledged that it was hard to define poor feeding. Depending on the age of the child, it can be difficult to assess how much the child is feeding, for example if the child is being breastfed. Furthermore, the GDG also acknowledged that the Nademi et al. (2001) study includes children up to age 16 years, who have more control over their own feeding habits, and therefore the data may not be applicable to the population covered by this guideline who are under aged 5 years. In addition, the Newman et al. (2002) study investigates urinary tract infection, which is not relevant to this sign.

The GDG’s decision was that the new data was not strong enough to support changing the 2007 recommendation, and so no changes were made to it.

Capillary refill time of 3 seconds or more (included in 2007 traffic light table)

In the 2007 guideline the GDG noted that capillary refill time is quick to carry out and exhibits moderate reproducibility. A statement about measuring capillary refill time was combined with the statement about the physiological parameters which should be documented as part of the assessment (see the end of Respiratory rate section). The GDG considered that a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or more was an ‘amber’ sign (see the recommendations at the end of Respiratory rate section).

For the 2013 review the evidence showed that children with a capillary refill time of more than 3 seconds were more likely to have a serious illness than children with a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or less (strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, evidence showed that children without a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, usually did not have an increased capillary refill time (high specificity). However, children with a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, did not usually have an increased capillary refill time either (low sensitivity). The evidence was of low to very low quality.

The GDG acknowledged that in the cut-offs reported in the Craig et al. (2010) study the capillary refill time is measured in whole seconds, and so greater than 3 seconds would be 4 seconds or more. However, the other cut-off reported in the study is 2 to 3 seconds. It was not clear whether the data for children with a capillary refill time of 3 seconds were included in the results.

In the 2013 review the GDG acknowledged that there is a difference in central and peripheral capillary refill time. The GDG was aware that peripheral capillary refill time can be affected without indicating a serious illness, and that taking peripheral measurements can be inaccurate and lead to false positives. The GDG emphasised that it is not a sign that should be used in isolation. For further details, please refer to the guideline Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia (NICE, 2010).

The GDG stated that the data identified in the 2013 review was of limited quality and not strong enough to change the 2007 recommendations. Therefore, no changes relating to capillary refill time of 3 seconds or more were made to the 2007 recommendations.

Reduced urine output (included in 2007 traffic light table)

The evidence in the 2013 review showed that children with a reduced urine output were not more likely to have a serious illness than children with a normal urine output (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed children without a serious bacterial infection or a urinary tract infection often did not have reduced urine output (moderate specificity). However, children with a serious bacterial infection or a urinary tract infection also did not usually have reduced urine output (low sensitivity). The evidence was of low to very low quality.

The GDG members stated that in their experience reduced urine output is commonly reported by parents and caregivers as a marker of dehydration and its position in the amber column reflected its relevance.

Based on the quality of the evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided to keep the existing recommendation.

Fever for 5 days or more (included in 2007 traffic light table)

This sign was included in the 2007 guideline as it was indicative of Kawasaki disease; however, the new review found only two studies that reported on Kawasaki disease, neither of which reported on duration of fever. There was evidence that those with a serious bacterial illness had had fever for longer than children without serious illness (significant P values), and children who had had fever for three days or more were significantly more likely to have a urinary tract infection than those who had not (significant relative risk). No evidence was reported that examined fever duration of longer than 5 days.

Based on their clinical experience, the GDG members argued that most non-serious illnesses will resolve themselves after 5 days, and therefore a fever of more than 5 days duration is a good indicator of serious illness. The GDG acknowledged that in the evidence there is a weak correlation between duration of fever and severity of illness. However, it believed this may be in part to relying on parental/caregiver recall of when the fever started. Also, the evidence was limited as many studies excluded children who had had fever for 5 days or longer and none of the studies used 5 days as a cut-off.

The GDG concluded that the evidence in the current review was not strong enough to change the 2007 recommendations and therefore no such changes were made.

Temperature of 38°C or more in children age under 3 months, temperature of 39°C or more in children age 3–6 months (included in 2007 traffic light table)

In the 2007 guideline the GDG concluded that healthcare professionals should be aware that there is an association between height of body temperature and risk of serious bacterial illness. However, this association was not sufficiently robust to recommend immediate action or referral based on body temperature alone. An exception was made for children aged less than 6 months with a body temperature of 39°C or higher because the evidence was strongest for this age group.

In the 2013 review, the GDG acknowledged the ambiguity of the age groups in the 2007 recommendation regarding height of fever, and altered the text of the recommendation to reflect the intended meaning of less than 3 months for one group, and age 3 to 6 months (inclusive) for the other group. No studies were identified for the 3 to 6 month age group specifically, although most studies included this age group in their sample. The studies often did not report how the temperature was measured, and the studies tended to look at one or two cut-offs rather than a range of temperatures, making it hard to compare data from different temperature cut-offs. Despite these limitations in the data, the GDG highlighted that there is a correlation between high temperature and serious bacterial infection in general, but that, on an individual basis, high temperature was not useful for detecting serious illness. The current review suggests that there is a plateau in positive predictive values, negative predictive values and likelihood ratios around 39°C and 40°C, suggesting that a temperature above this does not provide a better indication of serious illness. The GDG therefore decided to move the recommendation regarding height of fever in the 3 to 6 month age group from the red column to the amber column. The GDG acknowledged that any fever in a child under 3 months is a risk factor for serious illness in itself, and so the recommendation for this age group remained in the red column.

The GDG made it clear that use of height of fever alone should not be used to diagnosis a serious illness. In addition, the GDG noted that children aged less than 3 months with fever are generally at a higher risk of serious illness (see Section 8.2). The incidence of serious illness in this group, for instance, was over ten times higher than that in older children. The clinical studies that provide the evidence for this age group used a body temperature of 38°C or higher as the definition of fever.

The GDG was also aware that infants in England and Wales have their first immunisations at age 2 months and that most of these infants experience post-immunisation fever. There was a discussion about what impact a recommendation on height of fever in this age group would have on health services, with a potential for health services to be overwhelmed. However, it was highlighted that parents and carers were routinely advised to expect their child to have a fever within 48 hours of immunisation and that there was no evidence of an increase in consultations due to this.

The GDG therefore decided that children aged less than 3 months with a body temperature of 38°C or higher should be included in the recommendation about risk of serious illness.

Non-blanching rash, bulging fontanelle and neck stiffness (included in 2007 traffic light table)

In the 2007 traffic light table there were several symptoms and signs that were included because they are indicative of meningococcal septicaemia or bacterial meningitis, including non-blanching rash, bulging fontanelle and neck stiffness. The evidence was of low to very low quality.

The 2013 review reported that there was some evidence that children with a non-blanching rash were more likely to have a serious illness than children who did not have a non-blanching rash (convincing positive likelihood ratio); however, there was also evidence that children with a non-blanching rash were not more likely to have a serious illness than children who did not have a non-blanching rash (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, children without a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, usually did not have a non-blanching rash (high specificity). Children with a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, also did not usually have a non-blanching rash (low sensitivity).

The evidence for the 2013 review showed that children with a bulging fontanelle were not more likely to have a serious illness than children without a bulging fontanelle (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). Children without a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, usually did not have bulging fontanelle (high specificity). Children with a serious illness, such as pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, also did not usually have a bulging fontanelle (low sensitivity).

The 2013 review reported that there was some evidence that children with neck stiffness were more likely to have meningococcal disease than children who did not have neck stiffness (convincing positive likelihood ratio). In addition, children without a serious illness, such as meningitis, pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, usually did not have neck stiffness (high specificity). Children with a serious illness, such as meningitis, pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, also did not usually have neck stiffness (low sensitivity).

The 2013 review also found that there was evidence that children with focal seizures were more likely to have bacterial meningitis than children who did not have focal seizures (strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, children without a serious illness, such as meningitis, pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, usually did not have focal seizures (high specificity). However, children with a serious illness, such as meningitis, pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or bacteraemia, also did not usually have focal seizures (low sensitivity).

Since the 2007 Fever guideline, a guideline on bacterial meningitis in children and young people has been published. The guideline Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia (NICE, 2010) includes a comprehensive list of symptoms and signs of bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia. However, it is worth noting that the bacterial meningitis guideline is relevant when bacterial meningitis or meningococcal septicaemia is suspected, whereas the Fever guideline is relevant for children that do not have a known source of fever. The GDG stated that the most relevant symptoms and signs of bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia were included in the 2007 traffic light table, and the 2013 review found no strong evidence to move or remove these from the traffic light table. The GDG was aware that the symptoms of cold hands and feet and limb pain are included in the list of clinical features found in meningococcal disease and meningitis in the 2010 guideline.

Although it was of low quality, the available evidence supported the existing recommendation and matched the opinion of the GDG. Therefore, it was decided that the traffic light table did not need to be changed.

Status epilepticus (included in 2007 traffic light table)

No evidence was identified in the 2013 review for status epilepticus.

Based on their clinical experience, the GDG members stated that status epilepticus should remain in the ‘red’ column, as it is a serious condition and a child with status epilepticus needs urgent referral. Therefore, no changes were made to the recommendation on status epilepticus.

Focal neurological signs and focal seizures (included in 2007 traffic light table)

The GDG highlighted that focal neurological and focal seizures were included in the traffic light table as they may be indicative of Herpes simplex encephalitis.

There was no evidence identified in the 2013 review that reported on neurological signs or focal seizures for identifying serious illness.

Based on their clinical experience, the GDG members did not know of any clinical reason to move these signs from the ‘red’ column of the traffic light table and therefore no changes were made.

Swelling of a limb or joint, and non-weight bearing limb/not using an extremity (included in 2007 traffic light table)

The GDG highlighted that both swelling of a limb or joint and non-weight bearing limb/not using an extremity were included in the 2007 traffic light table as they are indicative of septic arthritis.

No evidence was identified in the 2013 review regarding swelling of a limb or joint and/or non-weight bearing limb for detecting serious illness. The GDG acknowledged that the consequences of missing the diagnosis of septic arthritis in a child are serious. However, it was also aware that this is not a common illness. The GDG also acknowledged that many children with swelling and/or non-weight bearing will recover from these symptoms in a few days, and so they do not require immediate referral.

Based on the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes were needed and these two symptoms should remained in the amber category of the traffic light table.

A new lump greater than 2 cm (included in 2007 traffic light table)

There was no evidence in the 2013 review to support including ‘new lump greater than 2 cm’ in the traffic light table. The study on which the 2007 recommendation was based was excluded as it included non-febrile surgical patients.

The GDG highlighted that ‘new lump greater than 2 cm’ was originally included in the traffic light table based on one study that was excluded from the update as the population included a high proportion of children without fever. A significant number of children in this study were diagnosed with hernias and other surgical conditions. Moreover, in a subset analysis of children with fever from this study, a new lump larger than 2 cm did not feature in a set of risk factors for serious illness. The GDG stated that a new lump larger than 2 cm most likely indicated a hernia or an abscess requiring surgical intervention, and was not associated with fever.

The GDG therefore decided to remove the existing recommendation, and so removed ‘new lump greater than 2 cm’ from the traffic light table.

Bile-stained vomiting (included in 2007 traffic light table)

There was no evidence in the 2013 review to support including ‘bile-stained vomiting’ in the traffic light table. The study on which the 2007 recommendation was based was excluded as it included non- febrile surgical patients.

The GDG was aware that bile-stained vomiting is more likely to indicate a surgical problem, rather than a serious bacterial illness. It was included in 2007 based on one study that was excluded from the updated review, as it included a high proportion of children without fever. A significant number of children in this study were diagnosed with hernias and other surgical conditions. Moreover, in a subset analysis of children with fever from this study, bile-stained vomiting did not feature in a set of risk factors for serious illness.

The GDG therefore decided to remove the existing recommendation, and hence removed ‘bile-stained vomiting’ from the traffic light table.

Diarrhoea (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence relating to diarrhoea was mixed, with some studies showing that children without a serious bacterial infection, a urinary tract infection or a bacterial illness usually did not have diarrhoea (high and moderate specificity) and some showing that children without serious bacterial infection often had diarrhoea (low specificity). However, children with a serious bacterial infection, a urinary tract infection or a bacterial illness did not usually have diarrhoea (low sensitivity). Children with diarrhoea were not more likely to have a serious illness than children without diarrhoea (not strong positive likelihood ratio).

The GDG stated that the evidence was not consistent enough to add diarrhoea to the traffic light table. The GDG highlighted that dehydration was already included in the traffic light table. The GDG also highlighted that a child presenting with diarrhoea and/or vomiting should be managed as outlined in the guideline Diarrhoea and vomiting in children under 5 (NICE, 2009).

Based on the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to diarrhoea were needed to the traffic light table.

Vomiting (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed children with vomiting were not more likely to have a serious illness than children without vomiting (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, some studies showed that children without a serious bacterial infection, a urinary tract infection or a bacterial illness usually did not have vomiting and some showed that the children without bacterial meningitis or urinary tract infection often had vomiting (moderate to high specificity). However, children with a serious bacterial infection, a urinary tract infection or a bacterial illness did not usually have vomiting (low sensitivity). The evidence was of low to very low quality.

The GDG stated that the evidence was not consistent enough to add vomiting to the traffic light table and highlighted that dehydration was already included in the traffic light table. The GDG also highlighted that a child presenting with diarrhoea and/or vomiting should be managed as outlined in the guideline Diarrhoea and vomiting in children under 5 (NICE, 2009).

Based on the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to vomiting were needed to the traffic light table.

Abdominal pain (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children with abdominal pain were not more likely to have a serious illness than children without abdominal pain (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a serious illness usually did not have abdominal pain (high specificity). However, children with a serious illness also did not usually have abdominal pain (low sensitivity). The evidence was of low to very low quality.

The GDG stated that the evidence was of low and very low quality, and evidence on diagnostic accuracy was limited to that of one study. The other included study did not report diagnostic data or data that would allow diagnostic data to be calculated. It is worth noting that the temperature used as an inclusion criterion for this study was lower than other studies in the review.

The non-diagnostic accuracy evidence stated that abdominal pain is not predictive of urinary tract infection. Therefore, the GDG concluded that abdominal pain should not be added to the traffic light table.

Crying on micturition/dysuria (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children who cried on micturition were not more likely to have a urinary tract infection than children who did not cry on micturition (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a urinary tract infection often did not cry on micturition (moderate specificity); however, children with a urinary tract infection also did not usually cry on micturition (low sensitivity).

The GDG highlighted that the evidence was of low quality and limited to that of one study. Furthermore, the GDG stated that a child presenting with crying during micturition or dysuria would clearly be indicative of a urinary tract infection and should be managed as outlined in the guideline Urinary tract infection in children (NICE, 2007).

Based on the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to crying on micturition/dysuria were needed to the traffic light table and this symptom was not added.

Headache (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children with a headache were more likely to have bacterial meningitis than children without a headache (convincing positive likelihood ratio). Evidence also showed that children without bacterial meningitis usually did not have a headache (high specificity) and that children with bacterial meningitis also did not usually have headache (low sensitivity).

The evidence for headache was of very low quality and limited to that of one study. The study included children from 6 months to 5 years, and it was not clear to the GDG how pre-verbal children would communicate that they had a headache. The GDG concluded that the evidence was not strong enough to add headache to the traffic light table.

Based on the quality of the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to headache were needed to the traffic light table.

Conjunctivitis (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children with conjunctivitis were not more likely to have a urinary tract infection than children without conjunctivitis (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a urinary tract infection usually did not have conjunctivitis (high specificity). However, children with a urinary tract infection also did not usually have conjunctivitis (low sensitivity).

The evidence for conjunctivitis was in relation to detecting urinary tract infection, and the GDG was not convinced of a clinical link between the two conditions. Therefore, the GDG did not add conjunctivitis to the traffic light table.

Poor peripheral circulation (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children with poor peripheral circulation were not more likely to have a serious illness than children with normal peripheral circulation (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a serious bacterial infection often had normal peripheral circulation (moderate specificity); however, children with a serious bacterial infection also usually had normal peripheral circulation (low sensitivity).

The GDG highlighted that capillary refill time, which acts as an indicator of poor peripheral circulation with a recognised definition, is already included in the traffic light table. Furthermore, the evidence was of very low quality and was limited to that of one study. In addition, poor peripheral circulation was not defined in the study, and the evidence shows that it was not a good detector of serious illness.

Based on the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to poor peripheral circulation were needed to the traffic light table.

Bulging abdomen (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children with a bulging abdomen were not more likely to have a serious illness than children without a bulging abdomen (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a serious bacterial infection often did not have a bulging abdomen (moderate specificity); however, children with a serious bacterial infection also usually did not have a bulging abdomen (low sensitivity).

Evidence was of very low quality and was limited to that of one study. The GDG found that the evidence that bulging abdomen was a useful predictor of serious illness was not convincing. Therefore, no changes relating to bulging abdomen were made to the traffic light table.

Paresis or paralysis (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children with paresis or paralysis were not more likely to have bacterial meningitis than children without paresis or paralysis (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without bacterial meningitis usually did not have paresis or paralysis (high specificity). However, children with bacterial meningitis also did not usually have paresis or paralysis (low sensitivity).

The evidence for paresis or paralysis for detecting serious illness was of very low quality and was limited to that of one study. The included children had all had a febrile convulsion prior to inclusion in the studies. The GDG stated that a child with paresis or paralysis is likely to be identified using the traffic light table under ‘appears ill to a healthcare professional’ and ‘focal neurological signs’. The evidence was not convincing to add paresis or paralysis as an additional symptom or sign.

The GDG decided that paresis or paralysis should not be added to the traffic light table.

Abnormal neurological findings (identified in 2013 review)

The GDG stated that ‘abnormal neurological findings’ is already covered in the traffic light table under ‘focal neurological signs’ and ‘appears ill to a healthcare professional’. The new evidence was not strong enough to add abnormal neurological findings to the traffic light table as a separate symptom or sign. All of the included studies used abnormal neurological findings to detect bacterial meningitis, and a child presenting with bacterial meningitis should be managed as outlined in the guideline Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia (NICE, 2010).Therefore, no changes relating to abnormal neurological findings were made to the traffic light table.

Impression of tone (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence for impression of tone was limited to one study, which did not report diagnostic accuracy data or data that would allow diagnostic accuracy data to be calculated. The evidence stated that tone was not significantly associated with bacteraemia.

Therefore, the GDD decided that impression of tone should not be added to the traffic light table.

Tenderness on examination (identified in 2013 review)

The review results showed that children who showed tenderness on examination were not more likely to have a urinary tract infection than children who did not show tenderness on examination (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a urinary tract infection usually did not have tenderness on examination (high specificity). However, children with a urinary tract infection also did not usually have tenderness on examination (low sensitivity).

The GDG stated that tenderness on examination was not described in enough detail in the study to be used, although the GDG acknowledged that it was likely to refer to abdominal tenderness, as the study reports on urinary tract infection. In addition, the evidence was not strong enough for it to be added to the traffic light table.

Therefore, the GDG decided that tenderness on examination should not be added to the traffic light table.

Urinary symptoms (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence showed that children with urinary symptoms were not more likely to have a serious bacterial infection than children without urinary symptoms (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a serious bacterial infection usually did not have urinary symptoms (high specificity). However, children with a serious bacterial infection also did not usually have urinary symptoms (low sensitivity). There was some evidence that children with urinary symptoms were more likely to have a serious bacterial infection than children without urinary symptoms (strong positive likelihood ratio).

‘Urinary symptoms’ was not defined in the studies, although the GDG acknowledged that the term is likely to refer to symptoms and signs of urinary tract infection. This suggests a definite source cause of fever, and was not a helpful symptom or sign to add to the traffic light table. A child presenting with urinary symptoms should be managed as outlined in the guideline Urinary tract infection in children (NICE, 2007).

The GDG stated that two of the symptoms described in the 2007 guideline – offensive urine and haematuria – were rare, and if present would refer to a urinary condition. Therefore, these were removed from the recommendation. This did not result in any changes to the traffic light table.

Abnormal ear, nose and throat signs (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence was mixed for ‘abnormal ear, nose and throat signs’. One study showed that children with abnormal ear, nose and throat signs were not more likely to have a serious illness than children with no signs (not a strong positive likelihood ratio). In addition, the evidence showed that children without a serious bacterial infection often had abnormal ear, nose and throat signs (low specificity), while another study showed that children without a serious bacterial infection usually did not have ear problems (high specificity). Both studies showed that children with a serious bacterial infection did not usually have abnormal ear, nose and throat signs or ear problems (low sensitivity).

The GDG highlighted that the evidence was of low and very low quality, and symptoms were too common to add ‘abnormal ear, nose and throat signs’ to the traffic light table.

The GDG therefore did not add ‘abnormal ear, nose and throat signs’ to the traffic light table.

Rigor and/or chills (identified in 2013 review)

The evidence suggested that children with rigors were not more likely to have a bacterial illness than children who did not have rigors (not strong positive likelihood ratio). The evidence showed that children without bacterial illness often did not have rigors (moderate specificity); however, children with a bacterial illness also usually did not have rigors (low sensitivity). The evidence was of very low quality.

The GDG highlighted that rigors are caused by a high body temperature, and are therefore associated with high temperatures in children. The GDG acknowledged that there was evidence of a link between higher temperatures in children and serious illness, and therefore rigors could be an indicator of serious illness. The GDG was aware that rigors are an uncommon symptom/sign in children under 5 years, but there was insufficient evidence that rigors alone signal the need for urgent attention.

The GDG stated that the quality of the evidence and positive likelihood ratio meant that rigors could not be added to the red column of the traffic light table. However, the GDG did feel it was an important feature and the decision was therefore made to add rigors to the amber category of the traffic light table.

Cold hands and feet (identified in 2013 review)

No evidence regarding cold hands and feet was reported in the 2013 review.

The GDG noted clinical overlap with poor peripheral circulation but that the NICE Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia guideline (NICE, 2010) had identified cold hands and feet as a relevant sign when considering a diagnosis of meningitis.

The GDG was aware that the symptoms of cold hands and feet are included in the list of clinical features found in meningococcal disease and meningitis in the NICE 2010 meningitis guideline. However these symptoms were taken from uncontrolled studies and did not therefore fulfil the inclusion criteria of the updated Feverish illness guideline. Moreover, a study of these symptoms and signs in children with self-limiting viral illness found that cold hands and feet were reported in 20% to 24% of young children. The specificity of this symptom for detecting meningococcal disease would therefore be low. The GDG emphasised that in isolation, for undifferentiated children with fever, other features of the traffic light table were sufficient to identify high risk children and therefore did not add this symptom or sign to the traffic light table.

A child presenting with cold hands and feet should be diagnosed as outlined in the guideline Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia (NICE, 2010).

Based on the available evidence and its discussion, the GDG decided that no changes relating to cold hands and feet were needed to the traffic light table.

Yale Observation Score

The evidence suggests that the Yale Observation Score was good at identifying children who do not have a serious illness. However, it was less good at identifying children who do have a serious illness. This was in line with the evidence found for the 2007 review that the YOS alone was not a good detector of serious illness. As highlighted in the 2007 review, the GDG acknowledged that the usefulness of the YOS was increased when it was used in combination with a history taken by a physician and examination.

Consideration of health benefits and resource uses

The GDG highlighted that the traffic light system would improve the initial management of examinations and reduce variation in practice. This would ensure that resources are focused on those who need further investigations and treatment, and not wasted on investigations or treatments that are not needed. It will also prevent unnecessary stress and anxiety for the child and their caregivers.

The GDG stated that the traffic light system was a quick and non-invasive method of identifying children with fever who may have a serious illness. Therefore, very little additional cost was associated with its use over and above a standard clinical examination, but its value was in the accuracy of the signs and symptoms that it contains.

Quality of evidence

The evidence ranged from high to very low in quality. There were a number of common issues which influenced the quality of the evidence, including lack of blinding of the clinicians and the use of different tests to confirm serious illness. However, the GDG highlighted that while much of the evidence was low quality, it was the best that is available on signs and symptoms.

The number of studies for most of the symptoms or signs was limited and not all of the reported evidence was directly relevant to the review question. This affected how applicable the data was to changing the traffic light table and meant that, for some symptoms and signs, the GDG did not have enough relevant data to make a decision on recommendations. In addition, the included studies varied in their approach, including which illnesses were being detected, the definition and measurement of symptoms and signs, the temperature cut-off for inclusion into the trial, the way in which inclusion temperature was measured (such as tympanic, rectal, axillary), the age of the included children, and the setting of the study (for example GP offices, hospital). These variations in the studies meant that data could not be pooled and made it difficult for the GDG to compare evidence from multiple studies for a symptom or sign. These variations also made it difficult for the GDG to compare the efficacy of different symptoms and signs with each other to inform decisions about whether a symptom or sign should be in the green, amber or red column of the traffic light table.

Some symptoms and signs were not well defined and the GDG did not believe it could add them to the traffic light table. In these cases, the GDG concluded that the details in the traffic light table provided a better definition of the symptoms or signs than the new evidence in the studies.

Some studies only included children who had experienced a febrile convulsion prior to presentation to a healthcare professional. These were included as there was a lack of data for the majority of symptoms and signs; however, the GDG emphasised that these children do not necessarily represent every child presenting to a healthcare professional with fever.

Due to these limitations with the studies, and without a sound clinical reason to alter the traffic light table, the majority of recommendations remained as they were in the 2007 guideline.

Other considerations

There were no other considerations specific to this section.


The GDG acknowledged that special consideration needs to be made when assessing children with learning disabilities. Healthcare professionals should be aware that it may not be possible to apply all parts of the traffic light table to these children, and that care should be taken in interpreting the table when assessing these children.

The GDG also highlighted that care should be taken in interpreting the traffic light table when a complete history is not available, for example when a child presents without parents or caregivers. This may happen if the child is brought to a healthcare professional by a teacher or child minder, for example. It does not prevent the traffic light table from being used, but healthcare professionals should exercise caution in their approach.

The GDG stated that it can be difficult to assess pallor or a pale/mottled/ashen/blue appearance in children who have darker skin. Therefore, the GDG altered the wording of the existing recommendation to clarify that a pale/mottled/ashen/blue appearance can be identified on the lips or tongue of a child, as well as their skin. The wording of the green column heading and criteria was then edited to avoid repetition.

Similarly, capillary refill time may be a less useful test in children with darker skin tones. Peripheral measures may have to be used rather than central measures, for example in the beds of nails. Non-blanching rash may also be harder to detect, and clinicians should be aware of where a rash can be more easily identified, such as palms of hands, conjunctivae and soles of feet. For further details, please refer to the guideline Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia (NICE, 2010).


The recommendations covering colour, activity, respiratory, hydration and other non-specific symptoms and signs are presented at the end of Section 5.5.

Heart rate


A specific review question was outlined for heart rate because no evidence was found for the 2007 guideline and it was known that new evidence had become available.

Heart rate is often assumed to be a useful marker of serious illness. For example, it is widely taught to use heart rate as a marker of circulatory insufficiency in shock.110 However, heart rate is affected by a variety of factors (such as age, activity, anxiety, pain, body temperature) as well as the presence or absence of serious illness. A specific search was thus undertaken to look at heart rate in the context of serious illness.

Review question

The clinical question outlined in the scope was ‘What is the predictive value of heart rate, including:

  • how heart rate changes with temperature
  • whether heart rate outside the normal range is a sign of serious illness.’

This translates into the following review question ‘What is the predictive value of heart rate, including:

  • how heart rate changes with temperature?
  • whether heart rate outside the normal range detects serious illness?
  • whether heart rate and temperature outside normal range detects serious illness?’

Description of excluded studies

Only one study was reviewed for the 2007 guideline and this was included in the updated review. No other studies were excluded.

Description of included studies

Six studies were identified for inclusion in this review (Brent et al., 2011; Davies et al., 2009; Hanna et al., 2004; Thompson et al., 2009; Thompson et al, 2008; Craig et al, 2010).

Three studies were included that evaluated how heart rate changes with temperature (Davies et al., 2009; Hanna et al., 2004; Thompson et al., 2008). The first study was a retrospective observational study (Davies et al., 2009) that included 21,033 children. The second was a prospective study (Hanna et al., 2004) that included 490 children who attended paediatric emergency departments, but who were not consequently admitted to hospital. The third study was a prospective cross-sectional study (Thompson et al., 2008) that included 1589 children who presented to primary care with a suspected acute infection.

Three studies were included that evaluated if heart rate alone could detect serious illness (Brent et al., 2010, Thompson et al., 2009; Craig, 2010). The Brent (2010) study included two datasets. The first was from a cross-sectional prospective study of 1360 children presenting at a paediatric emergency department with suspected serious bacterial infection and the second was from a case–control study including 325 children with confirmed meningitis. The Thompson (2009) study examined 700 children attending a paediatric assessment unit for suspected infection. The Craig (2010) study examined 12,807 children presenting at a children’s emergency department in a hospital in Australia. The study used an elevated heart rate to detect pneumonia, urinary tract infection or bacteraemia.

One study was included that examined heart rate in conjunction with temperature (Brent et al., 2010).

Evidence profile

The evidence is presented in both narrative and GRADE format.

How heart rate changes with temperature

Three studies are reviewed in this section (see Table 5.51 for the GRADE evidence profile).

Table 5.51. GRADE profile of study quality for change in heart rate with change in body temperature.

Table 5.51

GRADE profile of study quality for change in heart rate with change in body temperature.

The first study was a multi-centre, retrospective observational study (Davies et al., 2009) of 21,033 children which aimed to assess the effect of body temperature on heart rate in children attending a paediatric emergency department.

The authors of the paper analysed the data using a quantile regression and a statistical model to develop the following best fit equation:

Expected parameter value (heart rate) = (Temperature [°C] × a) + (Age [months] × b) +
(Age2 [months2] ×c) + constant

In the equation, the temperature multiplier a has a mean increase of 10.52 beats per minute (bpm) through the centile, resulting in a heart rate increase of approximately 10 bpm with each 1°C increment in temperature. The results are shown in Table 5.48.

Table 5.48. Heart rate calculations for the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th centiles.

Table 5.48

Heart rate calculations for the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th centiles.

A number of limitations were identified including variation in how the measurements of pulse and temperature were taken, and the study including children older than 5 years.

The second study was a cross-sectional prospective study (Thompson et al., 2008) of 1589 children attending a paediatric emergency department that aimed to produce centile charts for heart rates in febrile children.

Centile charts of heart rate plotted against temperature in febrile children were produced. The incremental increases of heart rate for each increment of 1°C in temperature are shown in Table 5.49. Heart rate was negatively correlated with age (r = −0.62) and positively correlated with temperature (r = 0.49).

Table 5.49. The incremental increases of heart rate for each increment of 1 °C in temperature.

Table 5.49

The incremental increases of heart rate for each increment of 1 °C in temperature.

This study showed that, in the study population, the heart rate increases by 9.9 to 14.1 bpm with each 1°C increment in temperature. The mean values of heart rate grouped by age at the 50th, 75th, 90th and 97th centiles are displayed in Table 5.49.

A number of limitations were identified, including: the children recruited were not a representative sample from primary care; and the study included children older than 5 years.

The third study was a prospective observational study (Hanna et al., 2004) which evaluated the effect on heart rate of fever in a cohort of 490 children attending a paediatric emergency department.

Centiles charts of pulse rate plotted against temperature in febrile children younger than 1 year were produced. The linear regression analysis of the relation between pulse rate and temperature is shown in Table 5.50.

Table 5.50. Linear regression analysis of the relation between pulse rate and temperature.

Table 5.50

Linear regression analysis of the relation between pulse rate and temperature.

This study found that for every 1°C rise in body temperature, the resting heart rate rose by 9.6 bpm.

A number of limitations were identified: baseline figures were not controlled in analysis; there was limited reporting on exclusion criteria; and inconsistency was observed in the data from children with very low or very high temperature.

The GRADE evidence profiles for this review question are presented in Table 5.51.

Heart rate alone in the clinical assessment of serious illness

Three studies were considered that examined the use of heart rate for detecting serious illness.

The study by Brent (2011) found a positive association between the risk of serious bacterial infection and heart rates (probability [P] = 0.0005) (see Table 5.53 for GRADE profile). A correlation between tachycardia and serious bacterial infection was also found in this dataset (odds ratio [OR] 2.90, confidence interval [CI] 1.60 to 5.29; P = 0.0002). Table 5.52 shows diagnostic usefulness was high for specificity at a cut-off above the 90th centile and moderately useful for sensitivity above a cut-off of 50% but low for everything else and the test was not useful in terms of LR+ or LR−.

Table 5.52. Percentage sensitivity cut-offs defined by temperature heart rate centile, heart rate and tachycardia to distinguish between children with meningococcal septicaemia and those with severe disease.

Table 5.52

Percentage sensitivity cut-offs defined by temperature heart rate centile, heart rate and tachycardia to distinguish between children with meningococcal septicaemia and those with severe disease.

In the second part of the Brent study, the usefulness of heart rate for detecting serious illness was assessed (see Tables 5.52 and 5.55).

A limitation in the first part of the study was the lack of a clear, gold standard for the definition of severe bacterial illness. The main limitation in the second part of the study was that the study included only children with meningococcal disease.

The study by Thompson (2009) examined tachycardia alongside other potential markers of serious illness (see Tables 5.56 and 5.57) for the GRADE profile). The study found a statistical relationship between children presenting with tachycardia and those found to have serious or intermediate infections (P < 0.001). However, the diagnostic value of the tachycardia was limited (sensitivity = 62 [95% CI 57 to 68], specificity = 58 [95% CI 53 to 63], positive LR = 1.5 [95% CI 1.3 to 1.7], negative LR = 0.7 [95% CI 0.6 to 0.8]). The study quality was limited due to the observational design that was used and the inclusion of children older than 5 years.

The study by Craig (2010) examined elevated heart rate alongside other potential markers of serious illness (see Table 5.57 for the GRADE profile). The study found a statistically significant relationship between elevated heart rates and serious bacterial illness in febrile children (OR 2.3 [1.7 to 3.1]). However, the diagnostic usefulness of elevated heart rate alone was limited (sensitivity = 58 [95% CI 55 to 61], specificity = 58 [95% CI 57 to 59], positive LR = 1.4 [95% CI 1.3 to 1.5], negative LR = 0.7 [95% CI 0.7 to 0.8]. The study quality was limited due to the observational design that was used and the inclusion of children older than 5 years.

Evidence profile

The GRADE profiles show results of included studies for the review question:

Table 5.53. GRADE profile for the distribution of age specific heart rate data by centile group for 1360 children presenting at a paediatric emergency department with suspected serious bacterial infection for the detection of serious illness

Table 5.54. GRADE profile for the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative likelihood ratios for significant bacterial infection of cut-offs defined by pulse centiles in 1360 children presenting at a paediatric emergency department with suspected serious bacterial infection for the detection of serious illness

Table 5.55. GRADE profile for the sensitivity of cut-offs defined by heart rate centiles for detecting meningococcal septicaemia of various degrees of severity in 325 children presenting to hospital with meningitis

Table 5.56. GRADE findings for evaluation of elevated heart rate

Table 5.57. GRADE findings for evaluation of elevated heart rate

Heart rate alone and in conjunction with temperature in the clinical assessment of serious illness

Only one study was identified that addressed the review question. This was a cross-sectional prospective study (Brent et al., 2011) that included two datasets which were analysed and reported separately. The first included 1360 children presenting at a paediatric emergency department with suspected serious bacterial infection; the second included 325 children presenting to hospital with meningitis. The study examined whether serious bacterial infection could be identified by heart rate in conjunction with temperature or heart rate alone.

Dataset including 1360 children presenting at a paediatric emergency department with suspected serious bacterial infection

In the first part of the Brent study, age-specific centile charts of heart rate plotted against temperature were produced (see Figure 5.1). The distribution of children with or without serious bacterial infection and the odds ratios (OR) for serious bacterial infection were examined (see Table 5.59) and there was no significant trend across the temperature heart rate charts in the proportion of children with serious bacterial infection (P = 0.288). Table 5.60 shows that diagnostic usefulness was high specificity above 90th centile, but low for sensitivity, PPV and NPV, and the test was not useful in terms of LR+ or LR−.

Figure 5.1. Temperature and pulse of children presenting to the emergency department with and without significant bacterial infection (Brent et al., 2011) (Reproduced under open access publishing agreements).

Figure 5.1

Temperature and pulse of children presenting to the emergency department with and without significant bacterial infection (Brent et al., 2011) (Reproduced under open access publishing agreements). (Brent et al., 2011, Evaluation of temperature–pulse (more...)

Dataset including 325 children presenting to hospital with meningitis

In the second part of the Brent study, age-specific centile charts were plotted of heart rate against temperature involving children presenting at hospital with meningitis (see Figure 5.2). The sensitivity cut-offs defined by temperature heart rate centile, heart rate and tachycardia are shown in Table 5.58 (see also Table 5.61). Higher temperature and heart rate centile categories and higher heart rate centile categories showed a higher proportion of children with severe disease (P = 0.041 and P = 0.004, respectively).

Figure 5.2. Admission temperature and pulse of children with meningococcal septicaemia, superimposed on proposed age-specific temperature–pulse centile charts.

Figure 5.2

Admission temperature and pulse of children with meningococcal septicaemia, superimposed on proposed age-specific temperature–pulse centile charts. GMSP, Glasgow Meningococcal Septicaemia Prognostic score. (Brent et al., 2011) (Reproduced under (more...)

Table 5.58. Percentage sensitivity cut-offs defined by temperature heart rate centile, heart rate and tachycardia to distinguish between children with meningococcal septicaemia and those with severe disease.

Table 5.58

Percentage sensitivity cut-offs defined by temperature heart rate centile, heart rate and tachycardia to distinguish between children with meningococcal septicaemia and those with severe disease.

A limitation in the first part of the study was the lack of a clear gold standard for the definition of severe bacterial illness. The main limitation in the second part of the study was that the study included only children with meningococcal disease.

Evidence profile

The GRADE profiles presented show results of included studies for the review question.

Table 5.59. GRADE profile for the distribution of age-specific heart rate temperature data by centile group for 1,360 children presenting at a paediatric emergency department with suspected serious bacterial infection for the detection of serious illness

Table 5.60. GRADE profile reporting the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative likelihood ratios for significant bacterial infection of cut-offs defined by heart rate and body temperature for 1360 children presenting at a paediatric emergency department with suspected serious bacterial infection

Table 5.61. GRADE profile for the sensitivity of cut-offs defined by heart rate and body temperature centiles and tachycardia for detecting children with meningococcal septicaemia of various degrees of severity in 325 children presenting to hospital with meningitis

Evidence statements
How heart rate changes with temperature

Three studies (one retrospective and two prospective) evaluated how heart rate changes with temperature in children with self-limiting infections. The studies reported that heart rate increased approximately 10 bpm with each 1ºC increment in temperature. The studies were of low quality.

Using changes in heart rate alone to detect serious illness

Three prospective observational studies examined if heart rate could be used to identify children with bacterial infection, and to differentiate between serious and non-serious infection. The studies reported that the risk of serious bacterial infection increased with higher heart rate centile ranges. They also showed a tendency to include a higher proportion of children with severe disease in higher heart rate centile categories. The studies were of low quality.

Using changes in heart rate adjusted for temperature to detect serious illness

One prospective study containing two datasets examined if age-specific centile charts of pulse rate plotted against temperature could be used to identify children with bacterial infection, and to differentiate between serious and non-serious infection. This study reported that there were no significant trends across heart rate/body temperature centiles that enabled identification of children with a severe illness. The study was of low quality.

Health economic evidence statements

No health economic studies were identified and no health economic evaluation was undertaken for this question.

Evidence to recommendations

Relative value placed on the outcomes considered

The GDG stated that the overarching aim of the guideline was the early and accurate detection of serious illness in children with fever. This allows for suitable treatment to begin, which will then reduce mortality and morbidity.

Consideration of clinical benefits and harms

The GDG stated that, to their knowledge, all the relevant studies had been included in the review.

How heart rate changes with temperature

The GDG highlighted that the results of the updated review supported the conclusion of the 2007 guideline, which was that heart rate and temperature are associated with approximately a 10 bpm increase for each 1ºC increase in temperature.

Using changes in heart rate alone to detect serious illness

The GDG reviewed evidence on the association between unadjusted heart rate and serious illness. Based on the papers presented, the GDG concluded that there was sufficient evidence to support the inclusion of tachycardia in the traffic light table.

The GDG emphasised that heart rate would vary by age and this would also have to be taken into account in any assessment, and as a result the GDG wanted to provide reference ranges for elevated heart rate. This led to a discussion on available reference ranges. The figures used for the Brent study were not available, while those used for the Craig study are shown in Table 5.62.

Table 5.62. Reference ranges for elevated heart rate used in the Craig study.

Table 5.62

Reference ranges for elevated heart rate used in the Craig study.

The GDG members stated that in their experience one of two recognised standards were usually used to assess heart rate in children; these being the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) (see Table 5.63). The GDG stated that APLS was the most commonly used scale in the UK, was simple to apply and closely matched the cut-offs used in the Craig study, which had shown an association between tachycardia and serious illness.

Table 5.63. Normal ranges of heart rate according to Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS).

Table 5.63

Normal ranges of heart rate according to Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS).

However, the GDG also highlighted the findings of a systematic review of normal heart rates in children (Fleming et al., 2011). This review contained data on heart rate in children from 59 studies that included 143,346 children (see Table 5.64).

Table 5.64. Normal ranges of heart rate according to the Fleming study.

Table 5.64

Normal ranges of heart rate according to the Fleming study.

Fleming (2011) showed that there are inconsistencies between existing reference ranges and ranges of normal heart rate reported in observational studies (Figures 5.3 and 5.4). The authors demonstrated that this potentially leads to the misclassification of children as having either normal or abnormal heart rates, and that the use of updated centile heart rate charts could improve the specificity by up to 20%. However, the authors concluded that further research was needed before their centile charts could be adopted in practice.

Figure 5.3. Centiles of heart rate for healthy children from birth to 18 yeas of age.

Figure 5.3

Centiles of heart rate for healthy children from birth to 18 yeas of age. Source: Fleming et al, 2011, Normal ranges of heart rate and respiratory rate in children from birth to 18 years of age: a systematic review of observational studies, The Lancet (more...)


Figure 5.4

Comparison of heart rate centiles from Fleming study with heart rate ranges from the advance paediatric life support. Source: Fleming et al, 2011, Normal ranges of heart rate and respiratory rate in children from birth to 18 years of age: a systematic (more...)

Given this conclusion, the GDG decided that the APLS reference ranges were still the most practical and relevant cut-offs, and should continue to be used until the new centile charts had been validated. In addition, the GDG noted the APLS reference ranges and centile charts did overlap in children aged under 5 years.

The GDG also emphasised the difficulty of accurately measuring resting heart rate in children and that results varied depending on equipment used, so measurement error would also be a significant issue. For these reasons the GDG specified that heart rate should be added to the traffic light table in the ‘amber’ category, and should not be used in isolation to identify serious illness.

Using changes in heart rate adjusted for temperature to detect serious illness

The GDG concluded that the evidence on use of a combined temperature and heart rate measure did not support its inclusion in the traffic light table as it was shown to have less diagnostic value than either temperature or heart rate alone.

Consideration of health benefits and resource uses

The GDG emphasised that heart rate should be routinely recorded and health professionals should have been how trained in how to do this, so there were no resource implications associated with the implementation of this recommendation.

Quality of evidence

The available evidence was of low or very low quality due to serious illness not being fully defined, not all children receiving the same test and children older than 5 years being included.

Other considerations

No equalities issue were identified in relation to this question.


The recommendations covering the predictive value of heart rate are presented at the end of section 5.5.

Blood pressure

Evidence summary

Blood pressure was not identified as an independent risk factor for serious illness in any of the prospective cohort studies and scoring systems. Low blood pressure was identified as one of several risk factors for adverse outcome in children with meningococcal disease.119

GDG translation

The GDG agreed with stakeholder comments that blood pressure should be measured in children with fever who are displaying features of possible serious illness. Blood pressure can be a helpful measurement to monitor children with possible sepsis although low blood pressure is a late feature of septic shock. Other markers such as raised heart rate and prolonged capillary refill time are present earlier and require no special equipment to measure. The GDG concluded that blood pressure should be measured when facilities exist to monitor blood pressure and other markers of inadequate organ perfusion (i.e. shock) are detected.


The recommendations covering blood pressure are presented at the end of section 5.5.

Assessment of dehydration

A number of studies have used degree of dehydration as a marker of serious illness. However, the symptoms and signs used in a number of studies have lacked rigour. The GDG looked for evidence for objective symptoms and signs for dehydration.

Narrative evidence

A recent EL 2+ SR117 looking at children 1 month to 5 years was found. Although this SR only searched MEDLINE, it was judged to be adequate for inclusion. The authors reviewed 1603 papers, half of which were excluded because of lack of rigour or lack of clarity in outcomes. Of the remainder, only 26 were found to be rigorous enough to meet their criteria. Moreover, in this SR, dehydration was measured using percentage volume lost. They found three studies that evaluated the accuracy of a history of low urine output. A history of low urine output did not increase the likelihood of 5% dehydration (likelihood ratio [LR] 1.3, 95% CI 0.9 to 1.9). The most sensitive signs not requiring particular specialised tests for dehydration were dry mucous membranes, poor overall appearance, and sunken eyes and absent tears (see Table 5.3 for the sensitivities). Prolonged capillary refill time, cool extremities, reduced skin turgor and abnormal respiratory pattern were the most specific individual signs of dehydration.

Evidence summary

It is difficult to detect dehydration in children with fever. Individual symptoms and parental observations are poor predictors of dehydration. Furthermore, history of low urine output does not increase the risk of dehydration. The results showed that prolonged capillary refill time, reduced skin turgor and abnormal respiratory pattern are the most specific individual signs of dehydration (Table 5.65).

Table 5.65. Summary characteristics for clinical findings to detect 5% dehydration.

Table 5.65

Summary characteristics for clinical findings to detect 5% dehydration.

GDG translation

The GDG recognised that dehydration is a marker of serious illness but there was a lack of evidence to determine the difference between mild, moderate and severe dehydration. The most specific symptoms and signs of dehydration have been highlighted for healthcare professionals to assess to ensure a low false positive rate. The most sensitive symptoms and signs have been highlighted for parents to assess to ensure a low false negative rate (see Chapter 10).


The recommendations covering assessment of dehydration are presented at the end of section 5.5.

5.5. Symptoms and signs of specific serious illnesses


The next priority in the assessment of a child with a feverish illness is to determine the underlying source of their illness.

The guideline is not meant to be a textbook on how to examine a child for all possible infections. However, the scope does include ‘identification of signs and symptoms that would help to establish the possible diagnoses and focus for infection’. The GDG focused on those serious illnesses that may have immediate consequences to the child’s life expectancy or long-term quality of life.

The GDG looked at those symptoms and signs that are predictive of specific serious illnesses, which are:

  • bacterial meningitis
  • septicaemia
  • bacteraemia
  • pneumonia
  • urinary tract infection
  • encephalitis (herpes simplex)
  • septic arthritis/osteomyelitis
  • Kawasaki disease.

The databases were searched and the highest evidence levels, i.e. prospective cohort studies, were used when evidence was available. Retrospective studies were included when there is a lack of better quality studies. The data were appraised, summarised and translated by the GDG members.

Review question

In children with fever, what symptoms and signs or combinations of symptoms and signs are predictive of the specific conditions defined as serious illnesses?

Table 5.66. Summary table for symptoms and signs suggestive of specific diseases.

Table 5.66

Summary table for symptoms and signs suggestive of specific diseases.

Meningococcal disease

Narrative evidence and summary

Three EL 2+ prospective population-based studies94,118,132 to determine the clinical predictors of meningococcal disease in children with a haemorrhagic (non-blanching) rash with or without fever were found. The children’s ages ranged from > 1 month94,118,132 to < 16 years132 and the population varied from Denmark,132 and the UK118 to the USA.94 The features that helped predict the presence of meningococcal disease were:

  • distribution of rash below the superior vena cava distribution (OR 5.1132)
  • presence of purpura – lesions > 2 mm (OR 7.0132; 37.2118)
  • neck stiffness (OR 6.9132)
  • capillary refill time > 2 seconds (OR 29.4118)
  • ill appearance (OR 16.7118)
  • CRP > 6 mg/litre.118,132

One recent UK-based EL 3 retrospective study133 was also found that aimed to determine the frequency and time of onset of clinical features of meningococcal disease, to enable clinicians to make an early diagnosis before the individual was admitted to hospital. The researchers found that most children had only non-specific symptoms in the first 4–6 hours, but were close to death by 24 hours. The classic features of haemorrhagic rash, meningism and impaired consciousness developed later (median onset 13–22 hours). In contrast, 72% of children had earlier symptoms (leg pains, cold hands and feet, abnormal skin colour) that first developed at a median time of 8 hours.

GDG translation

The GDG considered a non-blanching rash (petechiae or purpura), neck stiffness and ill appearance on clinical examination as being ‘red’ features.

The feature of rash below the nipple line was not included in the traffic light table. This is because the sign is more useful in ruling out meningococcal disease if the rash is only found in the superior vena cava distribution rather than ruling the diagnosis in.

The GDG decided that they could not make a recommendation based on the possible early features of meningococcal disease133 because of the retrospective nature of the study, the lack of controls and the possibility of recollection bias. The GDG did appreciate the potential benefit of diagnosing meningococcal disease at an early stage and called for further, prospective, research on this subject.

The updated review for capillary refill time was undertaken as part of the main symptoms and signs review and can be found in section 5.4.


The recommendations covering meningococcal disease are presented at the end of section 5.5.

Non-meningococcal septicaemia

No prospective population studies were found which determined the clinical features of non-meningococcal sepsis. Papers on occult pneumococcal bacteraemia were excluded as they only included laboratory screening test data. After searching for retrospective studies in the recent 10 years, there was no study judged to be of good enough quality to base recommendations upon and therefore none have been made.

Bacterial meningitis

Two EL 2+ prospective population studies134,135 and one EL 2-narrative review136 on determining the symptoms and signs of bacterial meningitis were found. Neck stiffness and a decreased conscious level are the best predictors of bacterial meningitis. However, neck stiffness is absent in 25% of infants under 12 months.134 (EL 2+) Infants under 6 months of age have a bulging fontanelle in 55% of bacterial meningitis cases.134(EL 2+)

A third EL 2+ prospective population study to determine the causes of status epilepticus in children was submitted by the GDG.137 In this UK study, 17% of children with a first-ever febrile convulsive status epilepticus had bacterial meningitis.

GDG translation

The GDG considered neck stiffness, a bulging fontanelle and a decreased conscious level as being ‘red’ features. Although the management of febrile convulsions is outside the scope of the guideline the GDG felt it important to highlight the risk of bacterial meningitis in children with a prolonged febrile seizure. The GDG also felt it was important to highlight to healthcare professionals that classical features of bacterial meningitis are often absent in infants.


The recommendations covering bacterial meningitis are presented at the end of section 5.5.

Herpes simplex encephalitis

Narrative evidence and summary

Only one EL 3 retrospective case series138 conducted in Scotland was found which looked at the signs of herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) in children. Focal neurological signs (89%) and seizures (61%), especially focal seizures, were the most frequent signs of HSE, but also neck stiffness (65%) and a decreased conscious level (52%).

GDG translation

Although the evidence was weak, the GDG felt that it was important to highlight these signs because early treatment of HSE improves outcomes.

The GDG considered neck stiffness, focal neurological signs, partial (focal) seizures and a decreased conscious level as being ‘red’ features.


The recommendations covering Herpes simplex encephalitis are presented at the end of section 5.5.


Narrative evidence and summary

Six EL 2+ prospective studies139144 that looked at clinical features of pneumonia were found. The study sites varied widely, from the USA,139,140 the Philippines,141 India142 and Jordan143 to Lesotho.144 The age included also varied from 2 years140 to < 6 years.143

Respiratory rate is a useful marker of pneumonia. Using age-related respiratory rates for tachypnoea (> 59 breaths/minute in the age group 0–5 months, > 52 breaths/minute in the age group 6–12 months and > 42 breaths/minute in the age group > 12 months) there is a relative risk (RR) of 7.73140 of having radiological signs of pneumonia. Other overall findings are:

  • presence of cough has a sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 70% in children admitted for pneumonia143
  • crepitations has a RR of 16.2142
  • cyanosis has a RR of 4.38142
  • oxygen saturations = 95% have an RR of 3.5139
  • chest indrawing has an RR of 8.38142
  • nasal flaring if age <12 months has an adjusted OR of 2.2)139

There are difficulties with all the studies in that the gold standard for diagnosing bacterial pneumonia is not specific as viral pneumonia cannot be confidently excluded on chest X-ray.

GDG translation

None of the signs for pneumonia are diagnostic in isolation. Not all of the signs found in the evidence were appropriate to the UK population. The GDG considered a respiratory rate of > 60 breaths/minute, moderate/severe chest indrawing, ‘ashen’ or ‘blue’ skin colour and grunting as being ‘red’ features. The GDG considered tachypnoea, nasal flaring and oxygen saturations ≤ 95% in air as being ‘amber’ features.


The recommendations covering pneumonia are presented at the end of section 5.5.

Urinary tract infection

Refer to the NICE Urinary Tract Infection in Children (UTIC) guideline for the summary of evidence and translation.

The recommendations below have been adapted from the NICE UTIC guideline as the scope of the two guidelines overlapped. The recommendation for children over 3 months has been altered as the population for whom this guideline applies all have a feverish illness.


The recommendations covering urinary tract infection are presented at the end of section 5.5.

Septic arthritis/osteomyelitis

Narrative evidence and summary

One EL 2+ prospective validation US study145 of a clinical decision rule for a septic hip that recruited 51 children (age not specified) with septic arthritis was found. The study used two clinical features (fever and ability to bear weight on affected limb) and two laboratory features (erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and white blood cell count (WBC)). These performed well when all the features were available to assess. It was felt that the evidence for using the signs without blood tests was inadequate to base recommendations upon, and thus retrospective studies were searched for. Three EL 3 retrospective studies for osteomyelitis/septic arthritis146148 conducted in Taiwan,146 Malaysia147 and Nigeria148 were found. The extra signs detected by retrospective studies were swelling of an affected limb and the limb not being used.

GDG translation

Recommendations have only been made for the clinical features, as definitive diagnosis of septic arthritis and/or osteomyelitis is beyond the scope of the guideline. The GDG considered non-weight bearing, swelling of a limb or joint and not using an extremity as being ‘amber’ features.


The recommendations covering septic arthritis/osteomyelitis are presented at the end of section 5.5.

Kawasaki disease

Narrative evidence and summary

No prospective studies looking at clinical features that are predictive of Kawasaki disease were found and thus retrospective studies from the past 10 years were searched for.

The two EL 3 retrospective studies149,150 identified used the American Heart Association (AHA) criteria to determine the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease. These studies went on to look at the frequency of these features in children diagnosed with Kawasaki disease. The findings of these studies did not change the AHA criteria.

The AHA criteria suggested that the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease can be made in children with a history of fever for at least 5 days, plus at least four of the following five signs:

  • changes in the extremities, such as erythema of the palms and soles and oedema of the hands and feet
  • polymorphous exanthema
  • bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection without exudates
  • erythema of the lips, tongue and oral cavity
  • cervical lymphadenopathy of 1.5 cm in diameter or greater, which is usually unilateral.

Incomplete (atypical) Kawasaki disease is diagnosed with fewer than the suggested criteria above and is seen in younger patients who are more likely to have coronary artery aneurysms if left untreated.

GDG translation

The GDG felt it was important to highlight the need to rule out Kawasaki disease in children who have had fever for 5 days or more. Therefore a fever for 5 days or more is an ‘amber’ sign. The GDG highlighted the fact that Kawasaki disease, especially in the under 1 year age group, can be present without all of the features listed in recommendation 32.


Assessment of risk of serious illness
8Assess children with feverish illness for the presence or absence of symptoms and signs that can be used to predict the risk of serious illness using the traffic light system (see table 5.2). [2013]
9When assessing children with learning disabilities, take the individual child’s learning disability into account when interpreting the traffic light table. [new 2013]
10Recognise that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in a high-risk group for serious illness:
  • pale/mottled/ashen/blue skin, lips or tongue
  • no response to social cues*
  • appearing ill to a healthcare professional
  • does not wake or if roused does not stay awake
  • weak, high-pitched or continuous cry
  • grunting
  • respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute
  • moderate or severe chest indrawing
  • reduced skin turgor
  • bulging fontanelle. [new 2013]
11Recognise that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness:
  • pallor of skin, lips or tongue reported by parent or carer
  • not responding normally to social cues**
  • no smile
  • wakes only with prolonged stimulation
  • decreased activity
  • nasal flaring
  • dry mucous membranes
  • poor feeding in infants
  • reduced urine output
  • rigors. [new 2013]
12Recognise that children who have all of the following features, and none of the high- or intermediate-risk features, are in a low-risk group for serious illness:
  • normal colour of skin, lips and tongue
  • responds normally to social cues*
  • content/smiles
  • stays awake or awakens quickly
  • strong normal cry or not crying
  • normal skin and eyes
  • moist mucous membranes. [new 2013]
13Measure and record temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and capillary refill time as part of the routine assessment of a child with fever. [2007]
14Recognise that a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or longer is an intermediate- risk group marker for serious illness (‘amber’ sign). [2013]
15Measure the blood pressure of children with fever if the heart rate or capillary refill time is abnormal and the facilities to measure blood pressure are available. [2007]
16In children older than 6 months do not use height of body temperature alone to identify those with serious illness. [2013]
17Recognise that children younger than 3 months with a temperature of 38°C or higher are in a high-risk group for serious illness. [2013]
18Recognise that children aged 3–6 months with a temperature of 39°C or higher are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness. [new 2013]
19Do not use duration of fever to predict the likelihood of serious illness. However, children with a fever lasting more than 5 days should be assessed for Kawasaki disease (see recommendation 31). [new 2013]
20Recognise that children with tachycardia are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness. Use the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)* criteria below to define tachycardia: [new 2013]
AgeHeart rate (bpm)
<12 months>160
12–4 months>150
2–5 years>140
21Assess children with fever for signs of dehydration. Look for:
  • prolonged capillary refill time
  • abnormal skin turgor
  • abnormal respiratory pattern
  • weak pulse
  • cool extremities. [2007]
Symptoms and signs of serious illness
22Look for a source of fever and check for the presence of symptoms and signs that are associated with specific diseases (see table 5.66). [2007]
23Consider meningococcal disease in any child with fever and a non-blanching rash, particularly if any of the following features are present:
  • an ill-looking child
  • lesions larger than 2 mm in diameter (purpura)
  • a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or longer
  • neck stiffness. [2007]
24Consider bacterial meningitis in a child with fever and any of the following features:
  • neck stiffness
  • bulging fontanelle
  • decreased level of consciousness
  • convulsive status epilepticus. [2007, amended 2013]
25Be aware that classic signs of meningitis (neck stiffness, bulging fontanelle, high-pitched cry) are often absent in infants with bacterial meningitis.† [2007]
26Consider herpes simplex encephalitis in children with fever and any of the following features:
  • focal neurological signs
  • focal seizures
  • decreased level of consciousness. [2007]
27Consider pneumonia in children with fever and any of the following signs:
  • tachypnoea (respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute, age 0–5 months; greater than 50 breaths per minute, age 6–12 months; greater than 40 breaths per minute, age older than 12 months)
  • crackles in the chest
  • nasal flaring
  • chest indrawing
  • cyanosis
  • oxygen saturation of 95% or less when breathing air. [2007]
28Consider urinary tract infection in any child younger than 3 months with fever.* [2007]
29Consider urinary tract infection in a child aged 3 months or older with fever and 1 or more of the following:
  • vomiting
  • poor feeding
  • lethargy
  • irritability
  • abdominal pain or tenderness
  • urinary frequency or dysuria. [new 2013]
30Consider septic arthritis/osteomyelitis in children with fever and any of the following signs:
  • swelling of a limb or joint
  • not using an extremity
  • non-weight bearing. [2007]
31Consider Kawasaki disease in children with fever that has lasted longer than 5 days and who have 4 of the following 5 features:
  • bilateral conjunctival injection
  • change in mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract (for example, injected pharynx, dry cracked lips or strawberry tongue)
  • change in the extremities (for example, oedema, erythema or desquamation)
  • polymorphous rash
  • cervical lymphadenopathy.
Be aware that, in rare cases, incomplete/atypical Kawasaki disease may be diagnosed with fewer features. [2007]

A child’s response to social interaction with a parent or health care professional, such as response to their name, smiling and/or giggling.


A child’s response to social interaction with a parent or health care professional, such as response to their name, smiling and/or giggling


Advanced Life Support Group. Advanced Paediatric Life Support: The Practical Approach. 4th ed. Wiley-Blackwell; 2004

See Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia, NICE clinical guideline 102 (2010)


See Urinary tract infection in children, NICE clinical guideline 54 (2007)

Research recommendations

NumberResearch recommendation
Symptoms and signs of serious illness
RR 2The GDG recommends a UK-based epidemiological study on the symptoms and signs of serious illness. [new 2013].
Why this is important
The current recommendations on symptoms and signs in the NICE guideline are based on a series of heterogeneous studies (using different methods, populations, outcomes and of varying quality) and a degree of subjectivity was needed to bring these together in the guideline. Therefore, the GDG recommends that a large prospective UK-wide study (n = 20,000 plus) should be undertaken comparing all of these symptoms and signs covered in the guideline. This would allow for a standardised comparison of each symptom and sign, and for validation of the existing ‘traffic light’ table.
The study should use a standardised data collection protocol. Where possible the study should link with routinely collected data sets, such as Hospital Episode Statistics. The study should include a variety of settings and locations – that is, wherever children present, including primary care. The primary outcome of the study should be the final diagnosis and results of treatment.

5.6. Imported infections

The management of children with imported infections is beyond the scope of this guideline. However, the GDG recognised that significant numbers of children do enter or return to the UK from overseas each year. Some of these children will have been in countries where tropical and sub-tropical infectious diseases such as malaria and typhoid fever are endemic. Accordingly, the GDG decided to make the recommendation below.


Imported infections
32When assessing a child with feverish illness, enquire about recent travel abroad and consider the possibility of imported infections according to the region visited. [2007]
Copyright © 2013 National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK327854


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