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Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU): SBU Systematic Review Summaries [Internet].

Rehabilitation at Home After Early Supported Discharge (ESD) for Elderly Patients After Stroke

Summary and conclusions
SBU Yellow Report No. 234

February 2015

  • When the interdisciplinary team is both responsible for coordination of the discharge and for the continued rehabilitation in the home environment, fewer people die or are dependent on assistance in their personal activities of daily living (ADL). The cost of health care does not appear to increase in short term follow-ups, which means that the intervention/service is most likely cost effective. Today, most hospitals in Sweden have not implemented this service model.
  • The scientific evidence is insufficient to assess the effects, when the interdisciplinary team is only responsible for the discharge but not the continued rehabilitation in the home environment for elderly patients after stroke.
  • The initial hospital stay is shorter when an interdisciplinary team is involved as compared to conventional care.

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Copyright © 2015 by the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment. All content unless otherwise noted is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Bookshelf ID: NBK316436, PMID: 26803854


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