Table 8Calculating diazepam equivalent doses

5 mg of diazepam is equivalent to:
0.5mgof alprazolamFor example:
If the patient is using
4 mg of lorazepam per day,
this is equivalent to
40mg of diazepam per day.

If the patient is using
60 mg of temazepam per day,
this is equivalent to
30mg of diazepam per day
3mgof bromazepam
10mgof clobazam
1mgof flunitrazepam
0.5mgof lorazepam
0.75mgof lormetazepam
5mgof nitrazepam
15mgof oxazepam
2.5mgof midazolam
10mgof temazepam
0.25mgof triazolam

From: 4, Withdrawal Management

Cover of Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings
Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings.
Copyright © World Health Organization 2009.

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