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Hormonal Contraceptive Methods for Women at High Risk of HIV and Living with HIV: 2014 Guidance Statement. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014.

Cover of Hormonal Contraceptive Methods for Women at High Risk of HIV and Living with HIV

Hormonal Contraceptive Methods for Women at High Risk of HIV and Living with HIV: 2014 Guidance Statement.

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Annex 4Acknowledgements

The World Health Organization (WHO) would like to thank the members of the Guideline Development Group and the Evidence Secretariat for their contributions throughout the development of these important recommendations for women living with HIV and women at high risk of acquiring HIV. WHO is very grateful for the suggestions provided by colleagues who peer reviewed the earlier drafts of the statement as members of the external peer review group. The names of the participants in each group are listed below.

Guideline Development Group

Richard Adanu (University of Ghana, Ghana), Eliana Amara (State University of Campinas, Brazil), Jean-Jacques Amy (European Society for Contraception and Reproductive Health, Belgium), Sharon Cameron (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [United Kingdom]), Tsungai Chipato (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe), Roger Chou (Oregon Health Sciences University, United States of America [USA]), Jacqueline Conard (Hôpital Universitaire de Paris – Hôtel Dieu, France), Maria del Carmen Cravioto (National Institute of Nutrition Salvador Zubiran, Mexico), Marc Dhont (Ghent University Hospital, Belgium), Alison Edelman (Oregon Health Sciences University, USA), Faysel El-Kak (American University of Beirut, Lebanon), Mohammed Eslami (Ministry of Health and Education, Islamic Republic of Iran), Karima Gholbzouri (Ministry of Health, Morocco), Gathari Gichuhi (Jhpiego, Kenya), Anna Glasier (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom), Andy Gray (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), Philip Hannaford (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom), Pisake Lumbiganon (Khon Kaen University, Thailand), Olav Meirik (Institute Chileno de Medicina Reproductiva, Chile), Suneeta Mittal (Fortis Memorial Research Institute, India), Herbert Peterson (University of North Carolina, USA), Maria Ascunsion Silvestre (University of the Philippines, the Philippines), Regine Sitruk-Ware (Population Council, USA), Marja-Riitta Taskinen (University of Helsinki, Finland), Tran Son Thach (University of Adelaide, Australia), Carolyn Westhoff (Columbia University, USA), Wu Shangchun (National Research Institute for Family Planning, China).

Evidence Secretariat

United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Tara Cleary-Jatlaoui, Kathryn Curtis, Halley Riley, Naomi Tepper

FHI 360 – Kavita Nanda

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – Chelsea Polis


International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) – Maria Papadopoulou

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) – Hamid Rushwan

United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) – Trent MacKay

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – Sennen Hounton

USAID – James Shelton

External peer review group

  • African Institute for Development Policy, Kenya – Eliya Zulu
  • EngenderHealth, USA – Roy Jacobstein
  • Ministry of Health, Zambia – Caroline Phiri Chibawe
  • UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office, Thailand – Vinit Sharma
  • UNFPA, Lesotho – Nonkosi Tlale

WHO Secretariat

WHO headquarters

  • Department of Reproductive Health and Research – Moazzam Ali, Monica Dragoman, Mary Lyn Gaffield, Sharon Phillips, Theresa Ryle, Petrus Steyn, Marleen Temmerman, Teodora Wi
  • Department of HIV – Rachel Baggaley

WHO regional offices

  • WHO Regional Office for Africa – Léopold Ouedraogo
  • WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean – Ramez Mahaini (unable to attend)
  • WHO Regional Office for Europe – Gunta Lazdane
  • WHO Regional Office for the Americas (Pan American Health Organization) – Suzanne Serruya
  • WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia – Arvind Mathur
  • WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific – Wen Chunmei

Overall coordination

WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research – Monica Dragoman, Mary Lyn Gaffield, Sharon Phillips, Marleen Temmerman. Theresa Ryle provided coordination and logistic support.


The technical statement was written by Kathryn Curtis, Mary Lyn Gaffield, Kavita Nanda, Sharon Phillips and Chelsea Polis. The four systematic reviews providing summarized evidence for the statement were co-authored by Kathryn Curtis, Philip Hannaford, Kavita Nanda (lead author of the systematic review on interactions between hormonal contraception and antiretroviral therapy), Sharon Phillips (lead author of two systematic reviews: hormonal contraception and progression of HIV disease; and hormonal contraception and risk of female-to-male HIV transmission), Chelsea Polis (lead author of the systematic review on hormonal contraception and risk of HIV acquisition), Elizabeth Raymond, Petrus Steyn, Abigail Norris Turner and Daniel Westreich. The GRADE tables and expertise on GRADE methodology were provided by Roger Chou. Editing by Green Ink, UK (greenink.co.uk).


The development of this technical statement was financially supported by the NIH, USAID and the CDC.

Copyright © World Health Organization 2014.

All rights reserved. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications –whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution– should be addressed to WHO Press through the WHO website www.who.int/about/licensing/copyright_form/en/index.html).

Bookshelf ID: NBK299591


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