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Hayhurst KP, Leitner M, Davies L, et al. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of diversion and aftercare programmes for offenders using class A drugs: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2015 Jan. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 19.6.)

Cover of The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of diversion and aftercare programmes for offenders using class A drugs: a systematic review and economic evaluation

The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of diversion and aftercare programmes for offenders using class A drugs: a systematic review and economic evaluation.

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Chapter 5Economic model: methods and data


An economic model was constructed to synthesise clinical and economic data to estimate the incremental cost per unit of outcome gained by diversion and aftercare interventions. The perspective taken was that of the CJS, NHS and social care providers and offenders. These comprise the key components of a societal perspective. The consequences of offending behaviour for victims are included indirectly by including the costs to victims in the cost estimates of offences.

Current practice varies in the diversion and aftercare packages and sequence of treatment and support interventions used. In the UK, the main approach is the DIP. However, this varies in the intensity and range of approaches used to identify, assess and refer substance using offenders to treatment and aftercare. For the primary analysis, the diversion and aftercare intervention was broadly defined to cover the variety of interventions provided in the UK. Sensitivity analyses were used to explore the impact of varying the intensity and scope of the DIP on the probability of reoffending, costs and outcomes.

The comparator for the primary analysis is no formal identification and assessment process to refer substance-using offenders into treatment and aftercare. The model includes the fact that a proportion of offenders will already be in contact with treatment services at the time of arrest or will engage with treatment and aftercare services. This may be by informal referral or advice from the CJS or by another route. This applies to both the intervention and comparator arms of the model.

The measures of health benefit for the economic analysis were the quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) for the primary analysis and life-years gained for the sensitivity analysis. In addition, proxy measures of outcome were used in the sensitivity analysis to estimate the incremental cost per person reoffending and incremental cost per person using class A drugs.

The time horizon for the primary analysis is the 12 months following the index contact with the CJS. The evidence about the relative long-term benefits (in terms of reoffending, drug use and health status) of diversion and aftercare is limited and uncertain. It is also confounded by the type and effectiveness of treatment and aftercare interventions used. In addition, the use of a time frame longer than 1 year for the analysis, with a high level of uncertainty about these outcomes of treatment, may mask the costs, outcomes and uncertainty resulting from the use of the alternative diversion and aftercare packages. The long-term impact (5 and 10 years) is explored in sensitivity analyses (see Sensitivity analysis and key assumptions) and discounted at 3.5% as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).102

Data sources

The economic model was intended to synthesise clinical and economic data from the systematic reviews carried out as part of the project, together with that obtained from available databases of observed data. It was anticipated that insufficient data would be obtained from the existing published literature to fully populate the economic model with data on the probabilities of events, UK-specific cost data or with final health-related measures of outcome such as QALYs. Relevant data on outcomes, costs and events were therefore extracted from a range of sources (detailed below) to populate the economic model for the primary analyses. Data from the effectiveness review were used to estimate probabilities of reoffending for the sensitivity analyses to explore the impact of different types of diversion programme.

The Drug Data Warehouse (DDW)103 is a case-linked collection of national data sets relating to substance users in England and Wales between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2009. It includes data from prison and probation services, criminal justice referral and/or drug testing on arrest schemes, and drug treatment services (England only), with additional linkage to criminal records data from the PNC. The DTORS26,50,104 was a longitudinal, observational, multisite cohort study, recruiting from 342 agencies within 94 Drug Action Teams in England during 2006/7. A cost-effectiveness analysis was carried out alongside DTORS.42 Additional data sources included UK Home Office reports.105107 These were supplemented with unit costs of CJS estimated by the Home Office specifically for the DTORS analysis.42 Cost data were adjusted to reflect 2012 prices using the annual percentage increase in the Retail Price Index, as recommended by The Green Book. Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government,108 and accessed via the Office for National Statistics (ONS).109

Economic model


The population for the model is opiate- and/or crack-using offenders who come into contact with the CJS. Offenders who are already in contact with treatment and aftercare services are included in this population since a proportion will have a new referral via the diversion service. The model for the primary analysis focuses on people who will receive a community-based sentence. This implies that the type of sentence is known before the decision to refer a person via the DIP. The rationale for this is based on the following factors:

  • The majority of substance users report offences that would typically attract a community rather than custodial sentence, such as shoplifting, buying and selling stolen goods, other stealing.26
  • In the UK, there is no formal link between involvement with DIP and those sentencing options determined by the court, although having sought treatment may impact on the court’s decision.
  • There is a paucity of data with which to estimate the proportions who would receive a community, custodial or no sentence with and without DIP.

However, the Drug Interventions Programme Operational Handbook39 is clear that the decision to use DIP should be made when a person is identified as a substance user at the point of arrest and before the sentence for the offences associated with the index arrest is known. In addition, for a proportion of people committing minor offences, the volume of repeat offending may lead to a custodial sentence. The relative cost-effectiveness of DIP for the broader population of substance user arrestees is explored in the sensitivity analysis. This broader population incorporates the possibility of a prison sentence or no sentence for the offences associated with the index arrest.

Model structure

The cost-effectiveness of diverting drug-misusing offenders into appropriate treatment at arrest, was compared with the usual pathway of such offenders through the CJS was assessed using a decision analytic model. The structure and design of the model was agreed with the wider project group which included experts in offending and drug use research and forensic practitioners.

The model for the primary analysis (community-based sentences) starts with a simple decision tree. This represents the sequence of possible events following an index arrest and decision to manage an offender suspected of substance use by DIP with or without a drug test over a 1-year time horizon. A simplified version of the decision tree is shown diagrammatically in Figures 7 (DIP and treatment pathways) and 8 (subsequent offending pathways) for the 1-year time horizon used in the primary analysis. Appendix 10 presents the full decision tree in tabular format. For the longer time horizons in the sensitivity analyses, subsequent cycles are included using a Markov approach.

FIGURE 7. Decision tree, year 1.


Decision tree, year 1. a, DIP and treatment pathways; and b, subsequent offending pathways.

FIGURE 8. Decision tree, year 1 (continued): subsequent offending pathway.


Decision tree, year 1 (continued): subsequent offending pathway.

The tree begins with a square decision node, where a choice is made between the alternative strategies of DIP with or without a drug test or no DIP with or without a drug test. Circular chance nodes indicate a point where a number of subsequent events are possible; these events are assigned a likelihood that they will occur (probability). The design of the tree sets out possible progression through a number of chance nodes from the starting point of an index arrest to the end point of further offence/no offence (within a 1-year time horizon). This design leads to 112 mutually exclusive sequences of events, or pathways (see Appendix 10). Each pathway probability reflects a joint probability, estimated by multiplying probabilities along the pathway.110 The model does not explicitly include whether or not those entering treatment, or not, achieve abstinence or complete treatment, or not. This is because of a lack of clear indicators of what constitutes a completed treatment episode or what constitutes abstinence or a successful treatment outcome. However, there is evidence that longer times in treatment are associated with reduced substance use, lower levels of offending, lower overall costs and improved health status. Accordingly, the model explicitly includes the impact of treatment entry on new recorded offences. The model also includes time in treatment for the different branches of the pathway for those receiving treatment. The time in treatment is used to estimate the costs of treatment and the health status utilities associated with the different treatment pathways.

For the longer time horizons in the sensitivity analyses, at the start of the second and subsequent cycles, people can be in one of two states: alive or dead. Those alive will fall into one the following categories (Figure 9):

FIGURE 9. Markov states in subsequent cycles for longer time horizons.


Markov states in subsequent cycles for longer time horizons.

  • substance user
  • not dependent on class A drugs.

The series of events that occur within a cycle for people with a recorded offence include a chance that the person will be subject to DIP with or without a drug test, or not, and then incur the costs and QALYs associated with the treatment and reoffence pathways in the initial decision tree (see Figures 7 and 8).

Variable estimation

The following categories of data were required to populate the decision model: likelihood of events, resource use and costs, and outcomes. Overall, there were relatively few sources of data to populate the model. The limitations of these are explored in the sensitivity analyses and the implications discussed in Chapter 6.

Likelihood of events

Likelihood of treatment

The probability of treatment assigned to each pathway was estimated using primary data sourced from the DDW. The source sample comprised adult offenders (n = 81,082) who used opiates or crack cocaine on a weekly, or more frequent basis, provided they acknowledged such drug use at a prison and/or probation assessment. A subset of these (n = 35,611) were recorded by the PNC as being arrested for a criminal offence (index arrest), of any type, between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2007. Participants who were imprisoned between their index arrest and subsequent arrest were excluded. This was to ensure a sample that were in the community, had the opportunity to enter treatment and were at risk of subsequent offending and arrest. The probability of treatment at a branch node is the equivalent of an absolute risk (n of event/n of relevant sample). The decision tree depicts four separate treatment chance nodes (see Figure 7):

  • treatment or no treatment
  • entry into treatment or already in treatment
  • subsequent treatment entry (considered unrelated to the DIP/no DIP decision) or no subsequent treatment entry
  • treatment ongoing or treatment ceased.

Likelihood of offending behaviour

The probability of further offending behaviour assigned to each pathway was also estimated using the prison/probation sample derived from the DDW (described above). Again, it was calculated as the absolute risk (n of event/n of relevant sample) of further recorded offending behaviour within a 1-year time horizon. The decision tree depicts these events as the following decision nodes (see Figure 7):

  • recorded offence or no recorded offence
  • arrest or no arrest
  • technical offence (breach of conditions) or new offence
  • prison or remain in community (probation or bail)
  • probation or no probation
  • new-recorded offence or no new-recorded offence.

Probability distributions

Treatment probabilities and offending probabilities were assigned beta distributions, with parameter approximation utilising estimates of the mean and standard deviation (SD). A series of logistic regressions were used to predict progress through the model based on available covariates in the probation/prison sample. Where low pathway numbers precluded distribution estimation, similar pathways were pooled to obtain probability distributions.

Resource use and costs

Pathway costs include the following:

  • cost of DIP with or without drug test
  • cost of drug test
  • cost of drug treatment
  • costs associated with arrest
  • costs associated with prison
  • costs associated with remaining in the community after arrest and conviction
  • costs associated with subsequent recorded offence.

The offences associated with the index arrest are assumed to be the same whether a person follows the DIP or no DIP pathway. This implies that there will be no difference in the type and costs of community sentences between DIP and no DIP. Accordingly, the costs of the initial sentences are excluded from the primary analysis. The impact of assuming that DIP also has an impact on the type and cost of community sentence at this stage is explored in sensitivity analysis. All unit costs were adjusted to 2012 values using the annual percentage increase in the Retail Price Index, accessed via the ONS.109 The cost of DIP was derived from unit costs provided by the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (now part of Public Health England). This analysis costed contact per treatment entry via DIP at a range of values from £85 to £213, at 2004/5 prices.

The cost of a drug test was derived from the Home Office report, Evaluation of Drug Testing in the Criminal Justice System.106 Cost per on-charge drug test across nine UK sites ranged from £44 to £168, with a mean unit cost of £79 (2001 prices). Not all people who receive DIP have a drug test; the unit cost of the drug test was weighted by the probability of having the test, based on actual proportions receiving a drug test in the DDW prison/probation sample.

The average (mean) cost per day of drug treatment was derived from the DTORS cost-effectiveness analysis.42 The total cost of treatment from triage to second follow-up was divided by the number of days of treatment received from triage to second follow-up, for the DTORS participants who received treatment. This cost per day was then multiplied by the number of days of treatment recorded for the DDW sample.

The costs associated with offending behaviour included:

  • cost of next arrest
  • cost of prison
  • cost of probation
  • cost of subsequent offending.

Unit costs of offending were derived from a Home Office report,107 supplemented by the costs of offences produced for the DTORS study.42 The unit costs of prison and probation are the average costs per offender, rather than the cost per offender receiving a prison or probation sentence, which is the cost required for the economic model. Published statistics111 reporting the proportion of offenders in prison and serving community-based sentences (community orders and suspended sentences) were applied to estimate the cost per offender sentenced to prison and the cost per offender having probation.

These costs were used to estimate the costs for each individual in the DDW prison/probation sample with an arrest. The arrests were costed by type of offence(s) occurring within a 1-year time horizon of the index arrest. A proportion (27%) of individuals arrested in the DDW prison/probation sample were charged with committing more than one offence. For those people in the DDW prison/probation sample with only one offence, the cost of arrest included the CJS cost of proceedings for that offence. In addition, the wider non-CJS costs of offence were added to the costs of proceedings.

The costs associated with a number of crime types were not available (drugs offences – misuse; drugs offences – supply; fraud and forgery; other indictable offences; and other summary offences). Costs assigned to these categories were estimated using the average CJS unit costs associated with minor crime (theft; theft of vehicle; theft from vehicle; attempted vehicle theft; criminal damage).

For the primary analysis, the costs of subsequent offending were estimated from the model to take into account the uncertainty in the data. For the sensitivity analysis the costs associated with subsequent offending were estimated using the mean total offending costs of arrested individuals in the sample:


Costs associated with the model were assigned gamma (mean and SD) or triangular distributions (best estimate and range).

Outcomes, utility values and quality-adjusted life-years

Utilities assigned to each pathway were derived from the DTORS cost-effectiveness analysis.42 DTORS participants completed a self-report measure of health (Short Form questionnaire-12 items).112 This assesses physical function, limitations in role as a result of physical or emotional problems, the effect of pain on normal work and activities, general health, vitality, and the impact of physical or emotional problems on social activities and mental health.42 Utility weights derived from a general population sample were used to aggregate question responses into a composite measure of health-related quality of life.113

The data from DTORS were reanalysed to estimate the mean utilities of the index arrest and utility while in treatment. SDs were calculated to estimate distributions for the model.

The DTORS participants were referred from a variety of CJS and non-CJS, not all of which were formal DIP schemes. However, at baseline the reported health status and utility values did not vary between the different forms of CJS referral and referral from other sources (linear regression, p > 0.20). Accordingly, the full DTORS sample who reported offending in the 4 weeks prior to baseline was used to estimate the starting utilities for the DIP with or without drug test pathways. There were differences in the utility values at follow-up and by whether or not the person started treatment. For those who started treatment, utility increased as time in treatment increased. Accordingly, separate utility values were estimated for those who entered treatment and those who did not, which were applied to the treatment and no treatment events in the model. The utility values were multiplied by time spent in the treatment pathways to estimate QALYs for this section of the model.

The DTORS sample was characterised by differences in the utility values of those who reported offending in the 4 weeks prior to follow-up and those who did not. For pathways resulting in treatment and no recorded offence, the utility value was estimated from the DTORS sample completing a follow-up assessment, receiving treatment and not reporting an offence in the previous 4 weeks. QALYs for this section of the model were estimated as 365 days minus time in treatment.

For pathways resulting in treatment and a recorded offence, the utility value was estimated from the DTORS sample who completing a follow-up assessment, had treatment and reported an offence in the previous 4 weeks. It was not possible to estimate utility values from the DTORS data for arrest and subsequent imprisonment or community sentence. For the primary analysis, it was assumed that arrest and imprisonment would reduce health status and utilities to baseline values, but that arrest and community sentence would not. The DTORS sample who reported offending at follow-up were used to estimate the utility values to apply to the model pathways for community sentences. These utility values were applied to the time remaining following treatment, for those who received treatment and had a recorded offence.

Analysis of economic model

A probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) was conducted for the primary analysis and each of the sensitivity analyses. This approach takes into account the uncertainty inherent in each of the estimates of the probability, cost and outcomes associated with the model events and pathways. Monte Carlo simulation with 10,000 iterations was used to estimate the (expected) costs and outcomes for the PSAs. The Monte Carlo simulation samples from the distribution of possible values for each parameter in the decision model. This means that mean costs and outcomes, and measures of variance (SD and 95% CI) can be estimated to assess the uncertainty inherent in the data used for the model.

These simulated data were used for a cost-effectiveness acceptability analysis (CEAA). The CEAA estimated the probability that DIP with or without drug test was cost-effective compared with no DIP with or without drug test. This is an approach recommended by NICE for health technology appraisals.102 The approach revalues effects or outcomes in monetary terms. However, in the UK there is no universally agreed monetary value for the types of outcome measures used in cost-effectiveness analyses. An approach used in health care is to ask the question: what is the maximum amount decision-makers are willing to pay to gain one unit of outcome? An analysis of decisions made by NICE suggests a range of implicit values between £15,000 and £30,000 for the amount a decision-maker is prepared to pay to gain one QALY.114

For this analysis, the outcomes were revalued using a range of maximum willingness-to-pay values from £1 to £30,000 to gain one unit of outcome. These reflect a range of hypothetical willingness-to-pay thresholds (WTPTs) from decision-makers being willing to pay £1 to gain a one unit increase in outcome to them being willing to pay £30,000 to gain a one unit increase in outcome. The unit of outcome for the primary analysis was the QALY, the measure used to define the range of hypothetical values implied by NICE decisions. However, some of the sensitivity analyses used alternative measures of outcome, such as reduction in offending. Decision-makers may not be willing to pay the same to gain these other types of outcome measured as they would to gain one QALY.

The data for the cost-effectiveness acceptability curve (CEAC) are derived by first revaluing each of the 10,000 net outcomes from the simulation by a single WTPT. This is repeated for each WTPT. A net benefit (NB) statistic for each pair of simulated net costs and net outcomes for each WTPT can then be calculated as:


where O = net outcome score and C = net cost.

This calculation was repeated for each WTPT. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves plot the proportion of simulations where the NB of an intervention is greater than zero for each WTPT.115118

Sensitivity analysis and key assumptions

One- and multiple-way sensitivity analyses, varying elements of the model structure, time horizons, measures of health benefit, probabilities, cost and utility estimates were used to identify whether or not changes would affect the conclusions of the primary analysis. The costs, effects, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) and CEACs were re-estimated for each sensitivity analysis. PSA was used to assess parameter uncertainty for each of the sensitivity analyses.

A number of simplifying assumptions were used for the primary analysis and these were explored in the sensitivity analyses.

Key assumptions

  1. The offences associated with the index arrest are assumed to be the same whether a person follows the DIP or no DIP pathway. This suggests that there will be no difference in the type and costs of community sentences between DIP and no DIP. Accordingly, the costs of the initial sentences are excluded from the primary analysis.
  2. The primary analysis focuses on the population of offenders who will receive a community sentence for the offences associated with the index arrest.
  3. The primary analysis includes people who are already attending treatment at the index arrest.
  4. The primary analysis assigns all DIP and treatment costs at the start of the 1-year time horizon. This assumes that there will be no additional DIP or treatment costs following subsequent offences. The approach gives an accurate estimate of the total DIP costs and community-based treatment for the first year (estimated from the DDW). However, it may underestimate the costs of prison-based treatment services for those who reoffend and receive a prison sentence.
  5. For the primary analysis, the probability and costs of recorded offences, arrests, type of offence and whether a person received a prison or community sentence was assumed to be the same for the DIP and no DIP arms of the model. This was based on the assumption that the main effect of a CJS treatment referral was on entry into treatment. A related assumption is that subsequent offending behaviour depended on engagement with treatment and the effectiveness of treatment services. It is also supported by the analysis of DDW data used to estimate parameter values. However, it is important to note that the DDW data may reflect selection biases because of differences in the characteristics of people who received CJS treatment referral via the DIP and those who did not. In addition, it is possible CJS treatment referral also affected the severity of offending behaviour and the CJS and non-CJS costs of offences.
  6. Health status and utility was higher after treatment than before. It was also assumed that any gains in utility were maintained after treatment, for those people who did not reoffend. This implies either that there was no relapse or that relapse did not affect health status and utility.
  7. People who entered treatment and had a recorded offence after the index arrest did so because treatment was less effective or ineffective at dealing with the drug use problem and, therefore, offending behaviour. Accordingly, the health status and utility of people with a recorded offence following the index arrest was assumed to be lower than during treatment, resulting in lower overall QALYs. In addition, it was assumed that health status after treatment remained higher than that at baseline, for people with a recorded offence.
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2015. This work was produced by Hayhurst et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

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