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Sun F, Oyesanmi O, Fontanarosa J, et al. Therapies for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Update of a 2008 Systematic Review [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2014 Dec. (Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 146.)

Cover of Therapies for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer

Therapies for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Update of a 2008 Systematic Review [Internet].

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Appendix ALiterature Search Methods

Electronic Database Searches

ECRI Institute information specialists searched the following databases for relevant information. Search terms and strategies for the bibliographic databases appear below.

Table A-1Electronic database searches

NameDate LimitsPlatform/Provider
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews)
The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (Methodology Reviews)
The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL®)2007 through currentEBSCOhost
EMBASE (Excerpta Medica)2007 through currentOVID
Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA)2007 through currentWiley
MEDLINE2007 through currentOVID
PubMed2007 through currentwww​.pubmed.gov
U.K. National Health Service Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED)2007 through currentWiley

Detailed search strategies are presented below.

Hand Searches of Journal and Nonjournal Literature

Journals and supplements maintained in ECRI Institute's collections were routinely reviewed. Non-journal publications and conference proceedings from professional organizations, private agencies, and government agencies were also screened. Other mechanisms used to retrieve additional relevant information included review of bibliographies/reference lists from peer-reviewed and gray literature. (Gray literature consists of reports, studies, articles, and monographs produced by federal and local government agencies, private organizations, educational facilities, consulting firms, and corporations. These documents do not appear in the peer-reviewed journal literature.) Select manufacturer websites and a number of organization websites were searched for relevant information, including: ECRI Institute members' website, CDC, CMS, National Cancer Institute, National Guideline Clearinghouse and the American Cancer Society.

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, EMTREE and Keywords)

The search strategies employed combinations of free-text keywords as well as controlled vocabulary terms including (but not limited to) the concepts shown in the Topic-specific Search Terms table.

Table A-2Topic-specific search terms

ConceptControlled VocabularyKeywords
Prostate cancerEMBASE (EMTREE)
Prostatic Neoplasms/

MeSH (PubMed)
Prostatic Neoplasms
Treatment optionsEMBASE (EMTREE)
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation/
exp Radiotherapy/
Watchful Waiting/

MeSH (PubMed)
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation
exp Radiotherapy
Watchful Waiting
Active surveillance
Androgen deprivation
High intensity focused ultrasound
Watchful waiting

Search Strategies

The strategy below is presented in OVID syntax; the search was simultaneously conducted across EMBASE AND MEDLINE. A similar strategy was used to search the databases comprising the Cochrane Library.

OVID Conventions

  • $ or * = truncation character (wildcard)
  • ADJn = search terms within a specified number (n) of words from each other in any order
  • exp = “explodes” controlled vocabulary term (e.g., expands search to all more specific related terms in the vocabulary's hierarchy)
  • .de. = limit controlled vocabulary heading
  • .fs. = floating subheading
  • .hw. = limit to heading word
  • .mp. = combined search fields (default if no fields are specified)
  • .pt. = publication type
  • .ti. = limit to title
  • .tw. = limit to title and abstract fields


Set #ConceptSearch Statement
1Prostate cancerProstatic Neoplasms/
2Prostate cancer(prostat$.ti,ab. or Prostate/) AND (cancer.ti,ab. or Neoplasms/ or neoplasm$ or carcinoma$)
3Combine setsS1 OR S2
4Treatment optionswatchful waiting.ti,ab. or Watchful Waiting/ or active surveillance.ti,ab. or prostatectom$.ti,ab. or Prostatectomy/ or LRP.ti,ab. or RLRP.ti,ab. or exp Radiotherapy/ or radiotherap$.ti,ab. or EBRT.ti,ab. or IMRT.ti,ab. or proton.ti,ab. or brachytherap$.ti,ab. or Brachytherapy/ or curietherap$.ti,ab. or cryosurger$.ti,ab. or Cryosurgery/ or cryotherap$.ti,ab. or Cyberknife.ti,ab. or Cryotherapy/ or cryoablat$.ti,ab. or Freezing/ or freez$.ti,ab. or androgen deprivation.ti,ab. or High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation/ or high intensity focused ultrasound.ti,ab. or HIFU.ti,ab. or (high and intensity and focused and ultrasound).ti,ab.
5Publication types(Randomized controlled trial/ or random allocation/ or double-blind method/ or single-blind method/ or placebos/ or cross-over studies/ or crossover procedure/ or cross over studies/ or double blind procedure/ or single blind procedure/ or placebo/ or latin square design/ or crossover design/ or double-blind studies/ or single-blind studies/ or triple-blind studies/ or random assignment/ or exp clinical trial/ or exp comparative study/ or cohort analysis or followup studies/ or intermethod comparison/ or parallel design/ or control group/ or prospective study/ or retrospective study/ or case control study/ or major clinical study/ or evaluation studies/ or followup studies/ or case series.ti,ab. or random$.hw. or random$.ti. or placebo$.ti,ab. or ((singl$ or doubl$ or tripl$ or trebl$) and (dummy or blind or sham)).ti,ab. or latin square.ti,ab. or ISRCTN$.ti,ab. or ACTRN$.ti,ab. or (NCT$ not NCT).ti,ab.)
6Combine setsS3 AND S4 AND S5
7Limit6 not ((letter or editorial or news or comment or case reports or note or conference paper).de. or (letter or editorial or news or comment or case reports).pt.)
8Limit7 not (book/ or edited book/ or case report/ or case reports/ or comment/ or conference abstract/ or conference paper/ or conference review/ or editorial/ or letter/ or news/ or note/ or proceeding/ or (book or edited book or case report or case reports or comment or conference or editorial or letter or news or note or proceeding).pt. or (“comment/reply” or editorial or letter or review-book).pt.)
9Limit8 not (case report.de. OR case reports.pt. OR case report.ti. OR (year ADJ old).ti,ab.)
10LimitLimit 9 to English and humans
11LimitLimit 10 to yr=“ 2007 - 2013”
12Remove duplicatesRemove duplicates from 11 13
13Limit12 and compar$.ti,hw.
14Limit12 and (clinically adj local$)
15Limit12 and (stage 1 or stage one)
16Limit12 and (early adj3 stage)
17Limit12 and (nonmetastatic or non-metastatic)
18Limit12 and (gleason 7 or gleason score 7 or gleason 6 or gleason score 6)
19Limit12 and (local$ adj advanced)
20Limit12 and 9T3 orr T4)
21Limit12 and (high adj risk) or high-risk
22Combine13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21

Additional Conventions


  • * = truncation character (wildcard)
  • [tiab] = limit to title or abstract

Cochrane Library

  • * = truncation character (wildcard)


Table A-4PubMed

Set #ConceptSearch Statement
1Prostate cancerprostat*[tiab] AND (neoplasm*[tiab] OR cancer*[tiab] OR carcinoma*[tiab])
2Treatment options“watchful waiting”[tiab] OR “active surveillance”[tiab] OR LRP[tiab] OR RLRP[tiab] OR prostatectom*[tiab] OR radiotherap*[tiab] OR EBRT[tiab] OR IMRT[tiab] OR proton[tiab] OR (intensity[tiab] AND modulated[tiab] AND therap*[tiab]) OR brachytherap*[tiab] OR curietherap*[tiab] OR cryosurger*[tiab] OR cryotherap*[tiab] OR cryoablat*[tiab] OR Cyberknife[tiab] OR freezing[tiab] OR “androgen deprivation”[tiab] OR HIFU[tiab] OR (high[tiab] AND intensity[tiab] AND focused[tiab] AND ultrasound*[tiab])
3Publication types(randomized controlled trial[pt] OR controlled clinical trial[pt] OR clinical trial[pt] OR comparative study[pt] OR evaluation studies [pt] OR meta-analysis[pt] OR multicenter study[pt] OR “clinical trial”[tw] OR “clinical trials”[tw] OR comparative study [tw] OR comparative studies [tw] OR evaluation study[tw] OR evaluation studies [tw] OR ((singl*[tw] OR doubl*[tw] OR trebl*[tw] OR tripl*[tw]) AND (mask*[tw] OR blind*[tw])) OR “latin square” OR placebo* OR random* OR “control group” OR prospective* OR retrospective* OR volunteer* OR sham OR “meta-analysis”[tw] OR cohort OR ISRCTN* OR ACTRN* OR NCT*)
4Combine sets1 AND 2 AND 3
5Limit4 AND (“in process”[sb] OR publisher[sb] OR pubmednotmedline[sb])
6LimitLimit 5 to: Publication date from 2007/01/01 to 2013/12/31

Table A-5Cochrane Library

Set #ConceptSearch Statement
1Prostate cancerprostat* AND (neoplasm* OR cancer* OR carcinoma*)
2Treatment options“watchful waiting” OR “active surveillance” OR LRP OR RLRP OR prostatectom* OR radiotherap* OR EBRT OR IMRT OR proton OR (intensity AND modulated AND therap*) OR brachytherap* OR curietherap* OR cryosurger* OR cryotherap* OR cryoablat* OR Cyberknife OR freezing OR “androgen deprivation” OR HIFU OR (high AND intensity AND focused AND ultrasound*)
3Combine sets1 AND 2
4LimitLimit 3 to: Publication date from 2007 to 2013


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