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Hind D, Mountain G, Gossage-Worrall R, et al. Putting Life in Years (PLINY): a randomised controlled trial and mixed-methods process evaluation of a telephone friendship intervention to improve mental well-being in independently living older people. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2014 Dec. (Public Health Research, No. 2.7.)

Cover of Putting Life in Years (PLINY): a randomised controlled trial and mixed-methods process evaluation of a telephone friendship intervention to improve mental well-being in independently living older people

Putting Life in Years (PLINY): a randomised controlled trial and mixed-methods process evaluation of a telephone friendship intervention to improve mental well-being in independently living older people.

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Appendix 10Qualitative research results


Baseline demographics by participation in qualitative interviews (all participants allocated to the intervention within the pilot study, n = 35)

VariableScoringInterviewed (n = 19)Not interviewed (n = 16)Total (n = 35)
Sex, n (%)Female13 (68)10 (63)23 (66)
Male6 (32)6 (38)12 (34)
Age (years)n (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)83.3 (6.3)79.9 (4.8)81.8 (5.8)
Median (IQR)81 (78–88)78 (76–83)80 (78–85)
Min. to max.75 to 9575 to 9175 to 95
Ethnicity, n (%)English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British19 (100)15 (94)34 (97)
Any other white background0 (0)1 (6)1 (3)
Live with anyone?, n (%)aYes4 (21)6 (38)10 (29)
No15 (79)10 (63)25 (71)
Live with spouse/partner, n (%)Ticked2 (11)6 (38)8 (23)
Live with children, n (%)Ticked0 (0)1 (6)1 (3)
Live with others, n (%)Ticked1 (5)0 (0)1 (3)
Education, n (%)
One to four O levels/GCSEs/CSEsTicked0 (0)2 (13)2 (6)
Five or more O levels/GCSEs/CSEsTicked1 (5)2 (13)3 (9)
DegreeTicked2 (11)3 (19)5 (14)
Higher degreeTicked1 (5)0 (0)1 (3)
ProfessionalTicked5 (26)2 (13)7 (20)
OtherTicked2 (11)0 (0)2 (6)
OccupationLooking after home/family1 (5)0 (0)1 (3)
Retired18 (95)16 (100)34 (97)

CSE, Certificate of Secondary Education; GCSE, General Certificate of Secondary Education; max., maximum; min., minimum; O level, Ordinary level.


One interviewed participant said ‘yes’ to ‘live with anyone?’ but did not select any options; one participant who was not interviewed selected two options for ‘live with anyone?’.


Baseline SF-36 scores by participation in qualitative interviews (all participants allocated to intervention within the pilot study, n = 35)

VariableScoringInterviewed (n = 19)Not interviewed (n = 16)Total (n = 35)
Mental healthn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)79.2 (15.1)76.3 (20.4)77.9 (17.5)
Median (IQR)80 (70–90)80 (67.5–90)80 (70–90)
Min. to max.40 to 10015 to 10015 to 100
Physical functionn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)64.3 (29.8)67.2 (25.2)65.6 (27.4)
Median (IQR)75 (35–90)67.5 (58–88)70 (55–90)
Min. to max.0 to 10010 to 1000 to 100
Role – physicaln (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)68.4 (26.1)74.6 (24.5)71.3 (25.2)
Median (IQR)56.3 (50.0–100)78.1 (59.4–100)75 (50.0–100)
Min. to max.25 to 10025 to 10025 to 100
Bodily painn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)62.2 (32.9)66.9 (24.4)64.4 (29)
Median (IQR)72 (31–100)67 (41–92)72 (41–100)
Min. to max.0 to 10032 to 1000 to 100
General healthn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)71.7 (20.9)66.2 (22.4)69.2 (21.4)
Median (IQR)77 (57–87)72 (54–79)72 (57–82)
Min. to max.30 to 10025 to 9725 to 100
Vitalityn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)65.8 (22.8)58.2 (16.7)62.3 (20.3)
Median (IQR)68.8 (43.8–81.3)59.4 (50.0–71.9)68.8 (50.0–75.0)
Min. to max.6.3 to 10025 to 81.36.3 to 100
Social functionn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)82.2 (26.5)88.3 (17.4)85 (22.6)
Median (IQR)100 (75.0–100)93.8 (87.5–100)100 (75.0–100)
Min. to max.25 to 10037.5 to 10025 to 100
Role – emotionaln (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)83.8 (23.3)94.3 (10.9)88.6 (19.2)
Median (IQR)100 (66.7–100)100 (91.7–100)100 (83.3–100)
Min. to max.25 to 10066.7 to 10025 to 100
Physical componentn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)43.5 (11.4)44.1 (9.6)43.8 (10.5)
Median (IQR)45.4 (33.4–55.0)43.8 (35.7–52.1)44.2 (34.0–53.7)
Min. to max.22.7 to 57.229.6 to 61.222.7 to 61.2
Mental componentn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)53.9 (8.8)54.3 (9.7)54.1 (9.1)
Median (IQR)56.1 (49.2–59.3)56.7 (51.0–60.1)56.2 (50.9–59.3)
Min. to max.25.3 to 63.624.3 to 68.124.3 to 68.1

Max., maximum; min., minimum.

The SF-36 dimensions are scored on a scale from 0 (poor) to 100 (good).


Other baseline participant-reported outcome scores by participation in qualitative interviews (all participants allocated to intervention within the pilot study, n = 35)

VariableScoringInterviewed (n = 19)Not interviewed (n = 16)Total (n = 35)
EQ-5Dan (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)0.71 (0.36)0.75 (0.2)0.73 (0.29)
Median (IQR)0.85 (0.62–1)0.8 (0.67–0.83)0.8 (0.62–1)
Min. to max.–0.37 to 10.2 to 1–0.37 to 1
EQ-5D VASbn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)77.3 (17.8)72.4 (19.8)75.1 (18.6)
Median (IQR)80 (67–90)80 (50–90)80 (61–90)
Min. to max.26 to 9640 to 10026 to 100
de Jong Gierveld emotional loneliness scorecn (%)18 (94.7)16 (100)34 (97.1)
Mean (SD)2.3 (2)1.4 (1.4)1.9 (1.8)
Median (IQR)3 (0–4)1 (0–3)1 (0–3)
Min. to max.0 to 60 to 40 to 6
de Jong Gierveld social loneliness scoredn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)1.5 (1.7)1.3 (1.8)1.4 (1.7)
Median (IQR)1 (0–3)0 (0–2.5)1 (0–3)
Min. to max.0 to 50 to 50 to 5
de Jong Gierveld overall loneliness scoreen (%)18 (94.7)16 (100)34 (97.1)
Mean (SD)3.9 (3.3)2.6 (2.8)3.3 (3.1)
Median (IQR)3 (1–6)1 (1–5)2 (1–6)
Min. to max.0 to 110 to 90 to 11
PHQ-9fn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)2.7 (3.6)3.2 (3.8)2.9 (3.6)
Median (IQR)1 (0–4)2.5 (2–4)2 (0–4)
Min. to max.0 to 130 to 160 to 16
ONS well-beinggn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)7.3 (3)8.4 (1.3)7.8 (2.4)
Median (IQR)8 (7–9)8 (8–10)8 (7–9)
Min. to max.0 to 106 to 100 to 10
GSEhn (%)19 (100)16 (100)35 (100)
Mean (SD)33.1 (5)34.3 (4)33.7 (4.5)
Median (IQR)34 (29–38)35.5 (30–37)35 (29–38)
Min. to max.24 to 4027 to 3924 to 40

Max., maximum; min., minimum; VAS, visual analogue scale.


The EQ-5D utility score is measured on a scale from –0.56 to 1.00 (good health).


The EQ-5D VAS is measured on a scale from 0 (worst imaginable health state) to 100 (best imaginable health state).


The de Jong Gierveld emotional loneliness scale is scored from 0 to 6, with higher scores indicating more loneliness.


The de Jong Gierveld social loneliness scale is scored from 0 to 5, with higher scores indicating more loneliness.


The de Jong Gierveld overall loneliness scale is scored from 0 to 11, with higher scores indicating more loneliness.


The PHQ-9 is measured on a scale from 0 to 27, with higher scores indicating more severe depressive symptoms.


The ONS well-being measure is scored on a 0 to 10 scale with a higher score indicating better well-being.


The GSE is scored on a scale from 10 to 40, with higher scores indicating more perceived self-efficacy.

Models are general linear mixed models with befriending group included as a random effect.

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2014. This work was produced by Hind et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

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