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Brogden KA, Guthmiller JM, editors. Polymicrobial Diseases. Washington (DC): ASM Press; 2002.
Atrophic rhinitis is a contagious respiratory disease of pigs that is highly prevalent throughout the world where modern pig husbandry is practiced. The clinical manifestation of this complex disease displays a wide scale of symptoms. These include partial or complete atrophy of one or both turbinate bones in the nose, twisting or shortening of the nose, nasal discharges, sneezing, nasal hemorrhage, and retarded growth rate.
Atrophic rhinitis was first described more than 170 years ago in Germany by Franque (54), who called this pathological condition "Schnüffelkrankheit" (sniffing disease). Since then numerous papers have been published on the etiology, pathogenesis, and control of the disease, yet these topics are still the subject of debate and controversy.
Some of the early attempts to explain etiology invoked heredity and nutritional factors (20, 47, 54, 93, 193). Later these were dropped as primary causes (129, 212), and the infectious nature of the disease came to the fore. Several agents were suspected to be etiological agents in the early studies. These included bacteria (Pseudomonas, Actinomyces, Sphaerophorus, Corynebacterium, or Mycoplasma), a virus (cytomegalovirus), and trichomonads (210, 213). However, only certain defined strains of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella multocida proved to be able to constantly reproduce marked turbinate atrophy, the most characteristic lesion of atrophic rhinitis. This effect of B. bronchiseptica was first suggested by Switzer (210) and Cross and Claflin (39), and that of P. multocida by Gwatkin et al. (71) and Braend and Flatla (15), although it was some years before the link was proved.
After the first isolation of B. bronchiseptica from pigs, Switzer (210) demonstrated its unaided ability to induce significant turbinate atrophy. Later, several researchers reached a similar conclusion (16, 39, 104, 175, 196) resulting in the concept that B. bronchiseptica was the primary cause of atrophic rhinitis. At the same time, uncertainties that were supported by the following observations emerged.
- In commercial pig herds the prevalence of infection with B. bronchiseptica greatly exceeded that of clinical atrophic rhinitis; the organism could be isolated from herds either with or without the clinical disease (61, 218). One explanation for this observation could have been variations in virulence of the various strains of B. bronchiseptica. This was reported for isolates in the United States (176; B. J. Skelly, M. Pruss, R. Pellegrino, D. Andersen, and G. Abruzzo, Proc. 6th Int. Pig Vet. Soc. Congr., p. 210, 1980), Canada (142), and the United Kingdom (30). However, Rutter et al. (184) found that B. bronchiseptica strains isolated in the United Kingdom from herds with or without progressive disease all caused turbinate lesions of similar severity.
- Despite the ability of B. bronchiseptica to produce considerable turbinate atrophy in experimental infections, the lesions did not progress beyond the mild-to-moderate category (161). Even the most virulent of 10 United Kingdom isolates did not cause progressive turbinate atrophy or significant snout deformation in experimental infections (184).
- Lesions induced by B. bronchiseptica infection appeared to regenerate over time (179, 217). This ability seemed to correlate with the age of the pigs at the time of experimental infection. In pigs infected at the age of 4 weeks, regeneration of the turbinates was noted 6 to 8 weeks after infection. When pigs were infected at 3 days of age, this process took 5 months (175).
The role of P. multocida was clarified after it was discovered that only a subset of P. multocida strains produced a heat-labile toxin (PMT) (96; M. F. de Jong, H. L. Oei, and G. J. Tetenburg, Proc. 6th Int. Pig Vet. Soc. Congr., p. 211, 1980), and that only PMT-producing strains were able to cause irreversible turbinate atrophy in pigs (160, 161, 183). The etiological significance of toxin-producing P. multocida was confirmed by inoculation of pigs with cell extracts of toxin-producing P. multocida alone, either intranasally (96) or intraperitoneally (182), either of which reproduced the characteristic lesions of severe turbinate atrophy. The role of PMT was confirmed when purified protein toxin was shown to induce the characteristic lesions after intranasal (44) or intraperitoneal (25) inoculation of gnotobiotic pigs. The ability of recombinant PMT to reproduce the signs of severe atrophic rhinitis was the final proof of the key role of PMT in the induced pathology (116).
These research findings strongly suggested that the severity and persistence of the changes that the two bacteria produced were different. B. bronchiseptica induced mild-to-moderate lesions that could regenerate by the time pigs reached slaughter weight, whereas toxigenic strains of P. multocida produced severe and irreversible turbinate atrophy. On these grounds, it was suggested that nonprogressive and progressive forms of atrophic rhinitis could be distinguished according to the principal etiological agents found (43).
The etiology of the disease is further complicated, however, by the poor capacity of P. multocida to colonize the intact nasal mucosa by itself. Rutter and Rojas (183) noticed only mild turbinate lesions in pigs infected with toxigenic P. multocida alone. This observation was confirmed by others (55, 100, 154). A productive P. multocida infection needs predisposing factors among which B. bronchiseptica preinfection is the most commonly recognized one. This interaction between the two pathogens classifies atrophic rhinitis as a member of the family of polymicrobial infections, and the disease will be reviewed with special attention to this aspect.
The Disease
Clinical Signs
The clinical signs associated with atrophic rhinitis include sneezing; serous to mucopurulent nasal discharges; epistaxis; shortening and twisting of the snout; dark, crescentshaped tear staining below the medial canthus of the eye; and reduced growth rates (181). Clinical signs usually become apparent from about 4 to 12 weeks of age onward (42). In severe outbreaks of the disease, all the signs above are seen in some pigs and some of the changes are present in others. However, most of these changes may be attributable to other factors as well, and the main pathognomonic sign is facial distortion because of disturbances in normal nasal bone development. The most common is brachygnathia superior, in which the upper jaw is shortened in relation to the lower, as a result of growth depression of the ossa nasales and maxillares. The skin and subcutis over the dorsum of the shortened snout are thrown into folds. When the disturbance of bone growth affects one side of the face more than the other, lateral deviation of the snout occurs. This facial deformity results from an underlying turbinate atrophy. With lateral deviation the atrophy is more pronounced on the side of the deviation. The prevalence of facial distortion varies among outbreaks, and visible turbinate atrophy is not accompanied with marked facial distortion in all pigs. Once turbinate atrophy has progressed into snout deformation, it does not resolve and the disease is chronic without causing serious mortality.
Pathological Changes
The dominant pathological lesion of atrophic rhinitis is an atrophy of the nasal turbinate bones as assessed by transverse section of the nasal cavity at the level of the first/second upper premolar teeth where the dorsal and ventral conchae are maximally developed in the normal pig (Fig. 1). The changes in the snout usually appear between 6 and 12 weeks of age of the pigs (181). In mild to moderate cases the ventral scrolls of the turbinates are the most commonly affected area; they vary from slightly shrunken to complete atrophy. In more severe cases, atrophy of the dorsal scrolls of the ventral turbinate and the dorsal and ethmoidal turbinates occurs. In the most severe form, all turbinate structures are completely absent. Lateral deviation of the nasal septum also is often observed. The very evident clinical signs of nasal atrophy have focused attention on this area. However, it is possible that pathology is also induced in other parts of the body, but has not been observed because it has not been looked for. For example, lesions have been found in bladder epithelium during experimental infections (95).
Histopathological changes include hyperplasia and metaplasia of the nasal epithelium with the development of a stratified cuboidal type of cell, and marked thickening of the arterial walls in the lamina propria, with a dense infiltration of the submucosa with polymorphonuclear and mononuclear inflammatory cells. In severe cases, epithelial cells are disarranged and thrown into papillae or ridges and in some areas squamous cell metaplasia can be seen together with the loss of cilia from epithelial cells. Resorption of the osseous trabeculae of the turbinate bones also occurs, with replacement by a shrunken mass of fibrous tissue. Lesions in parenchymatous organs may also be present in cases of severe infection with toxigenic P. multocida (41, 180).
Parenteral injections with P. multocida toxin induced liver cirrhosis, renal failure, marked decrease of peripheral blood lymphocytes, and growth retardation (28; H. N. Becker, P. Reed, J. C. Woodard, and E. C. White, Proc. 9th Int. Pig Vet. Soc. Congr., p. 249, 1986; P. R. Williams, R. M. Hall, and R. B. Rimler, Proc. 9th Int. Pig Vet. Soc. Congr., p. 234, 1986). In addition, injection of PMT leads to gross proliferative changes that are discussed later.
Economic Importance
Atrophic rhinitis is thought to reduce growth rates, which makes it an economically important disease for pig producers (161). However, its economical importance has been variously estimated depending on whether a correlation was found between the presence of atrophic rhinitis and a reduction in growth rate (6, 102, 207, 208). Nevertheless, it is very likely that in moderate to severe outbreaks atrophic rhinitis can be of considerable economic importance (147, 163). An earlier proposal that severe turbinate atrophy predisposes pigs to pneumonia has not been confirmed (207, 208).
The picture is also not clear experimentally. Combined B. bronchiseptica-toxigenic P. multocida infection has frequently been found to reduce weight gain (51, 161, 162). Pedersen and Barfod (161, 162) reported that B. bronchiseptica infection, alone or in combination with nontoxigenic P. multocida, did not reduce weight gain, and concluded that toxigenic P. multocida was responsible for the impaired growth rate of the pigs. This view was supported by van Diemen et al. (220), who observed that lower weight gain in acetic acid-treated, P. multocida-infected pigs depended on the severity of the nasal lesions. Contrary to these findings, others have found reduced weight gain only in piglets infected with B. bronchiseptica, either alone or in combination with P. multocida, but not in the acetic acid-P. multocida challenge model (T. Magyar, V. L. King, and F. Kovács, submitted for publication).
Reduced growth rates may have several causes. Injection of toxin from P. multocida results in lower weight gains and may reflect a systemic effect of locally produced toxin. Alternatively, pigs with nasal damage may have a reduced food intake that could contribute to lower weight gains. Since PMT is known to affect several signal transduction pathways (see below), it is highly likely that it could have wide-ranging effects.
Outbreaks of atrophic rhinitis can be treated by a combination of approaches. The overall goals of treatment are to reduce the prevalence of the etiological agents in young pigs by vaccination of the sow, medication of feed, and antibiotic treatment of piglets, and to manipulate housing and management circumstances to improve the overall environment for the pigs, which will reduce susceptibility to disease.
Antibiotic treatment can be given promptly to counteract an acute appearance of clinical atrophic rhinitis in a population and/or as a preventive measure when the risk of an outbreak is high. The sulfonamides were the first drugs applied successfully for the treatment of atrophic rhinitis (211), and are still widely used, either alone or in combination with other antibiotics, or potentiated with trimethoprim. In later surveys, most isolates of B. bronchiseptica of porcine origin proved to be sensitive to the tetracyclines (166, 197). These drugs, especially their long-acting formulations, control bordetellosis in young pigs when administered via the parenteral route. The fluoroquinolones have also been recommended for porcine B. bronchiseptica (77). Most strains of P. multocida are sensitive to penicillin, tetracyclines, and chloramphenicol (197). Other antibiotics to which P. multocida may be sensitive, and that are frequently used against pasteurellosis, include penicillin-streptomycin, tylosin, lincomycin-spectinomycin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, spiramycin, quinolone derivatives, cephalosporins, and tiamulin. Their application for atrophic rhinitis, however, must be carefully balanced against the narrower antibiotic sensitivity pattern of B. bronchiseptica.
A general therapeutic strategy is to medicate the feed of the sow during the final month of gestation to reduce the infectious pressure transmitted to her offspring. In addition, suckling piglets can be medicated by carefully selected injections of antibiotics in therapeutic dosages four to eight times during the first 3 to 4 weeks of life. An interesting approach of specific treatment is the use of intranasal spraying of oxytetracycline in piglets (41).
It is generally accepted that atrophic rhinitis is associated with high population density in pig herds, poor hygiene, and poor management. Therefore, attention to these factors could help more specific measures in reducing of the prevalence of clinical disease and the damage caused by it.
Vaccination is widely used to try to reduce the prevalence of atrophic rhinitis in herds affected by the disease. Vaccination policy has evolved to reflect the prevailing opinion on the etiology of the disease. During the long period when B. bronchiseptica was regarded as the primary cause of progressive atrophic rhinitis, monovalent B. bronchiseptica vaccines were widely used. This type of vaccine was popular worldwide especially during the late 1970s and the 1980s. Although a reduction in the prevalence of clinical atrophic rhinitis was reported in several herds where the disease was endemic, considerable variations were reported (60). In the light of current knowledge, an effective B. bronchiseptica vaccine might be expected to reduce the severity of turbinate atrophy by (i) hindering colonization and subsequent turbinate damage caused by this pathogen and (ii) making circumstances less favorable for P. multocida colonization and so indirectly reducing the amount of P. multocida toxin present in the nasal cavity. On the other hand, it gives no protection against the activity of toxigenic P. multocida. Protection would be even less if other factors were responsible for enhancing toxigenic P. multocida. Thus, with the general acceptance of the polymicrobial nature of the disease, a modern vaccine is expected to provide protection against the harmful effect of both microorganisms. Most recently marketed atrophic rhinitis vaccines contain antigens from both B. bronchiseptica and P. multocida. Despite the detailed knowledge about the virulence determinants of B. bronchiseptica, this microbe is usually represented as a whole-cell bacterin. On the other hand, clarification of the crucial role of P. multocida toxin in the pathogenesis of progressive turbinate atrophy has resulted in the addition of purified, inactivated P. multocida toxin to the B. bronchiseptica component, either alone or in combination with whole-cell bacterins of toxigenic P. multocida strains of various serotypes.
Because of the view that P. multocida toxin might be the principal cause of atrophic rhinitis, monovalent PMT vaccines also appeared on the market. However, a monovalent P. multocida toxoid vaccine was less effective than a bivalent B. bronchiseptica-P. multocida vaccine when a severe B. bronchiseptica-P. multocida combined challenge was used (T. Magyar, F. Kovács, and K. K. Vestergaard-Nielsen, Proc. 16th Int. Pig Vet. Soc. Congr., p. 479, 2000). This confirms the importance of B. bronchiseptica in atrophic rhinitis.
Some countries recommend immunization of sows complemented with vaccination of pigs. The immunization is intended to protect the piglets by the passive transfer of maternal antibodies. Sows are immunized twice during the first pregnancy, while a single vaccination is given before every subsequent farrowing. Vaccination of the pigs undoubtedly produces seroconversion, but its value is questionable because the infection exerts its main effects in younger animals. According to some reports, vaccination produced no differences in the prevalence or intensity of B. bronchiseptica infection, in the severity of clinical disease and turbinate atrophy in natural outbreaks (59), or in experimental infections (199). Some vaccine producers recommend the vaccination of piglets at 1 to 3 days of age, but no additional benefit was observed in a field study compared with immunization of sows alone (F. Kovács and T. Magyar, Proc. 14th Int. Pig Vet. Soc. Congr., p. 254, 1996).
Current vaccines only prevent the clinical manifestation of atrophic rhinitis; they do not exclude the causal agents from the herd. B. bronchiseptica is widely prevalent in the pig population. In addition, it is known to survive in natural waters (168), so its total eradication is not likely to be possible. Toxigenic P. multocida is less widely distributed in the pig population, and it may be possible to eliminate it from infected breeding farms after intensive vaccination for a period of more than 5 years (42). However, currently the only way to keep a herd free from the condition is the adoption of specific pathogen-free (SPF) conditions or a medicated and segregated early-weaning system (4), and the strict maintenance of an effective microbiological barrier based on a careful monitoring of the herds.
Virulence Determinants Expressed by B. bronchiseptica
Bacterial species of the genus Bordetella are respiratory pathogens. B. bronchiseptica is widely distributed in nature. Besides turbinate atrophy and bronchopneumonia in swine, it causes respiratory disorders in a variety of other mammals, including dogs and rabbits (66), and an increasing number of cases in humans have also been reported (234). B. pertussis is the etiologic agent of whooping cough, a respiratory disorder in humans, and is a close relative of B. bronchiseptica. The two bacteria have even been classified as a subspecies based on 23S RNA sequence comparison (150). Bordetellas express a variety of virulence factors (adhesins and toxins) that affect their interaction with the eukaryotic host and potentially with other bacteria. Intensive research has been conducted on the virulence determinants of B. pertussis and less on the other species. However, B. bronchiseptica shares most of its potential virulence factors with B. pertussis with the exception of pertussis toxin that is not expressed by B. bronchiseptica, so that research on B. pertussis has greatly helped us to understand B. bronchiseptica. For that reason some of what is described in this section refers to the properties of B. pertussis, but where possible we will describe the specific B. bronchiseptica virulence determinants.
Firm attachment to the target cell, a feature common to mucosal pathogens (8), is an essential prerequisite of colonization to avoid clearance by the flushing action of the cilia (mucociliary escalator). B. bronchiseptica, unlike P. multocida, seems to show a high affinity for attaching to the ciliated epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract (29, 100, 133, 154, 235). Many B. bronchiseptica products, including fimbriae (pili), filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), and pertactin, have been implicated as mediators of adhesion, although clarification of their exact role in colonization awaits further research.
Yokomizo and Shimizu (235) first demonstrated that virulent porcine strains of B. bronchiseptica attached in vitro to the cilia of isolated nasal epithelial cells from pigs, whereas avirulent variants exhibited only weak adherence. With use of electron microscopy, hair-like fimbriae were shown to mediate the connection between the bacteria and the host tissue. Three different fimbrial subunit proteins were isolated from B. bronchiseptica (118), and postulated to have a role in the determination of host species specificity (21). More recently, B. bronchiseptica has been shown to express at least four fimbrial serotypes: Fim2, Fim3, FimX, and FimA, which are encoded by the fim2, fim3, fimX, and fimA genes, respectively (13, 187). Although these genes are unlinked on the chromosome, their protein products are assembled and secreted by a single apparatus encoded by the fimBCD locus (138). Mattoo et al. (138) constructed a Fim− B. bronchiseptica mutant to assess the role of fimbriae in pathogenesis in vivo, and found that fimbriae increased the ability of B. bronchiseptica to establish tracheal colonization in rats. The number of bacteria recovered from the nasal cavity did not differ significantly between the mutant and the wild-type strain, indicating that site specificity may exist among the various adhesins and that fimbriae might not be involved in nasal colonization.
Filamentous Hemagglutinin
Because of the frequent correlation between hemagglutinating activity and fimbriation of bacterial pathogens, hemagglutination assays have often been applied for the examination of bacterial adherence (158). Semjén and Magyar (194) showed that virulent isolates of B. bronchiseptica agglutinated red blood cells from several species including calf erythrocytes (calf-positive strains). Avirulent subcultures had lost their ability to agglutinate calf red blood cells but retained the rest of the original hemagglutination pattern (calf-negative strains). Calf-positive strains showed a considerable adherence to isolated swine nasal epithelial cells, while the calf-negative strains exhibited poor adherence. Thus, a bovine hemagglutinin of B. bronchiseptica may act as an adhesin. Ishikawa and Isayama (97) suggested that its receptor on mammalian cells was N-acetylneuraminic acid. With use of a sialic acid-specific lectin, a surface protein was purified that inhibited hemagglutinating activity for bovine erythrocytes (185). The purified protein had a molecular mass of approximately 200 kDa and appeared to be identical with B. pertussis FHA. This hemagglutinin inhibited the adherence of B. bronchiseptica to a rat cell line and acted as an adhesin.
FHA is regarded as the dominant attachment factor of B. pertussis, and is a primary component in acellular pertussis vaccines. Its biogenesis involves processing of a large precursor with a molecular mass of 367 kDa, which is modified at its N terminus (99) and cleaved at its C terminus (173) to form the mature 220-kDa FHA protein. FHA is produced and secreted at high levels by B. pertussis and at significantly lower levels by B. bronchiseptica strains (121), although a significant amount of FHA remains associated with the cell surface in B. bronchiseptica (173). FHA possesses at least three distinct attachment activities (128). One stimulates adherence to macrophages and possibly other leukocytes via CR3 integrins, another has a carbohydrate-binding site which mediates attachment to ciliated respiratory epithelial cells, and a third one displays a lectin-like activity for heparin, which can mediate adherence to nonciliated epithelial cells. The heparin-binding site is also required for FHA-mediated hemagglutination (141). Purified extracellular FHA binds both bacterial and host cell surfaces in vitro, suggesting that it may function as a bridge between the bacterium and the host (219). Moreover, it has been suggested that FHA is able to increase the adherence of other pathogens to the host (219). Such "piracy" of adhesins may enable bordetellas to interact with other respiratory pathogens and contribute to superinfection in mucosal diseases.
Comparison of a FHA− knockout mutant with its parent strain in a rat respiratory model demonstrated that FHA is required for tracheal colonization (37). However, an ectopic FHA mutant strain that expressed only FHA, but not the other potential adhesins, failed to colonize, indicating that other factors are also required for tracheal colonization. Furthermore, the FHA− mutant was still able to establish in the nasal cavity, suggesting again that a difference existed between nasal cavity and tracheal colonizations. This raises the possibility that B. bronchiseptica uses different adhesins for colonization at different anatomic sites.
P.68 pertactin is an outer membrane protein in B. bronchiseptica, so named because of its apparent molecular mass (144). The corresponding molecule produced by B. pertussis is P.69 pertactin (17, 27). Although P.69 pertactin has been demonstrated to be an agglutinogen (17), promoting adherence of B. pertussis to certain eukaryotic cells, probably via an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif (119, 120), the role of P.68 pertactin in adhesion of B. bronchiseptica to eukaryotic cells remains to be elucidated. B. bronchiseptica, formerly considered as an exclusively extracellular pathogen, can invade and persist intracellularly in a variety of eukaryotic cells, including phagocytes (7, 19, 52, 186, 190). Forde et al. (53) suggested that pertactin may have a role in promoting stable adhesion of B. bronchiseptica to macrophages.
The role of B. bronchiseptica pertactin in immunoprotection is more defined. Active or passive immunization of mice or piglets with pertactin preparations induces protective immunity against B. bronchiseptica infection (110, 144). A polymorphism in two repeated regions (designated regions 1 and 2) of the immunodominant epitopes of pertactin is believed to aid the bacterium in escaping from the immune responses of the host by displaying novel antigenic epitopes (14, 171).
The results summarized here suggest but do not prove the role of the various putative adhesins of B. bronchiseptica in the adhesion to the swine nasal epithelial cell, because most of the studies have tested nonporcine B. bronchiseptica isolates and have not been performed in pigs or on cells of porcine origin. Evidence that species and tissue specificity are likely to be important for B. bronchiseptica to infect and cause disease in pigs is increasing (30, 58, 152). Thus further studies are needed to confirm the role of various putative Bordetella adhesins in the pathogenesis of atrophic rhinitis.
Bordetellas make several novel toxins. These include the tracheal cytotoxin and three protein toxins: adenylate cyclase toxin, dermonecrotic toxin (DNT), and, in the case of B. pertussis, pertussis toxin (PT).
Adenylate Cyclase
The adenylate cyclase was discovered almost by chance in a B. pertussis vaccine preparation (232). Its appearance in the culture medium of growing bacteria marked it out from other bacterial adenylate cyclases and suggested that it could be a virulence determinant (83). Subsequent work showed that a substantial amount of the adenylate cyclase activity was located extracytoplasmically in the bacteria (85). A further, initially surprising finding was that the Bordetella adenylate cyclase was stimulated by the eukaryotic calcium-binding protein calmodulin (CaM) (233). The enzyme was also found in B. bronchiseptica (48), and later it was shown to be calmodulin dependent (114).
Transposon inactivation of the adenylate cyclase gene showed that it was essential for virulence in the mouse model (228), where it appeared to play a key role in colonization (67, 107). The adenylate cyclase can enter some cell types to raise cyclic AMP levels, which was might lead to "phagocyte impotence" as suggested (31). The invasive adenylate cyclase was shown to be a large molecule (78), although various other values for its molecular mass were published. This confusion was resolved when the cya gene was cloned, sequenced (62), and subsequently analyzed (63). The N terminus of the protein was enzymatically active and bound CaM. (This was the part found in the smaller adenylate cyclases that had been isolated.) The C-terminal part had striking homology to Escherichia coli hemolysin, a member of the RTX family of bacterial protein toxins. RTX toxins are pore-forming toxins that characteristically have flanking genes involved in the modification of the hemolytic protein and its transport from the bacteria. Homologous accessory genes were found in Bordetella (63, 72). The domain of the adenylate cyclase that is homologous to RTX toxins provides the Bordetella hemolytic activity, but its main purpose appears to be to effect entry of the adenylate cyclase into host cells. The gene from B. bronchiseptica shows 98% identity to the B. pertussis gene (9).
The Bordetella adenylate cyclase is very active (233), and this probably explains its activation by CaM, which is a eukaryotic protein not found in bordetellas (233). The presence of such an active adenylate cyclase inside bordetellas might be detrimental to the regulation of gene function, although there appears to be no literature on Bordetella cyclic AMP-regulated genes, or might deplete ATP and be highly energy inefficient. The reliance on CaM ensures that the enzyme is only active where needed, within a eukaryotic cell. This calmodulin sensitivity is similar to the other known toxic adenylate cyclase, that of Bacillus anthracis (124). Cyclic AMP is an important signaling molecule in eukaryotes (146, 214) which is produced in response to extracellular signals arriving at the cell membrane. These stimulate receptors coupled to the heterotrimeric G proteins Gi and Gs, which regulate the activity of membrane-bound adenylate cyclase. Cyclic AMP acts by binding to regulatory subunits of protein kinase A to stimulate release of the active enzyme, which has multiple effects within the cell (Fig. 2).
The Bordetella adenylate cyclase has caused macrophage apoptosis both in vitro (105) and in vivo (68), and also affects monocytes by modulating the tumor necrosis factor α and superoxide response (157). The toxin blocks phagocytosis by neutrophils (225). Very recently, the adenylate cyclase induced apoptosis in dendritic cells (B. P. Mahon, personal communication). In addition it has been shown that the adenylate cyclase affects platelet function by inhibiting their ability to aggregate, and this has had a direct effect on bleeding time in vivo (98). Similar experiments have been conducted with the B. bronchiseptica adenylate cyclase (80). Mutants with a nonpolar deletion in cyaA were as efficient as wild-type bacteria in killing macrophages, and this was attributed to the existence of type III delivered virulence factors. When this system was also mutated, the B. bronchiseptica adenylate cyclase was found to have a significant effect on killing. There was a minimal effect on bacterial colonization, but a significant effect on neutrophil infiltration and pathological damage.
Antibodies to the adenylate cyclase are protective, and it has been suggested that adenylate cyclase could be a valuable vaccine component (69, 84).
Dermonecrotic Toxin
DNT, or heat-labile toxin, was the first virulence factor to be identified in Bordetella (12). Its dermonecrotic nature was determined following subcutaneous injection (127). However, B. pertussis strains with a mutated DNT had 50% lethal doses (LD50s) for mice that were identical to those of wild-type strains (226), suggesting that DNT is not essential for virulence. Similar observations were made with a naturally acquired DNT-negative B. bronchiseptica strain of porcine origin in both intravenously (131) and intracerebrally (123) inoculated mice. Nevertheless, DNT is found in all the Bordetella species where it is highly conserved (222), and it is regulated along with most of the other virulence genes by the bvg system (156, 227). Recently, there has been renewed interest in the toxin, as its mechanism of action has been identified. In addition, it has been clear for some time that DNT from B. bronchiseptica has a role to play in atrophic rhinitis, as discussed later in this section.
DNT is a large intracellularly acting toxin that is taken up by target cells in a pH-dependent process (112). DNT acts on proteins of the Rho family (88, 92). These are small GTP-binding proteins that serve as molecular switches that interact with effector proteins when bound to GTP, but which contain an intrinsic GTPase and are inactive after hydrolysis of the GTP to GDP (174). They regulate many aspects of cellular function, including cytoskeletal organization and signaling pathways linked to gene expression and cell cycle progression. DNT appears to modify all members of the Rho family: Rho that is involved in stress fiber formation, Rac that regulates the appearance of membrane ruffling, and cdc42 that controls filopodia formation. DNT catalyzes either the deamidation (88) or transglutamination (137, 191) of glutamine 63 to inhibit the GTPase activity of the G protein. This results in its permanent activation, leading to the tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of the focal adhesion kinase (112), another key regulator of the cytoskeleton and intracellular signaling pathways. The equivalent modification induced by the E. coli cytotoxic necrotizing factor also leads via Rho to activation of the regulator of prostaglandin synthesis, COX-2 (216), and activation of the JNK via Rac or cdc42 (125), and it is likely that these effects will also occur with DNT. Since the Rho proteins have various effectors it is likely that cellular intoxication by DNT will lead to several sequelae (Fig. 2).
Cells treated with DNT display several morphological effects. Distinct membrane ruffling is observed, and the appearance of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions (92), linked to phosphorylation of the focal adhesion kinase (112). Quiescent resting cells are stimulated to enter the cell cycle and undergo DNA synthesis, but cytokinesis is blocked (89). All such effects can be attributed to activation of Rho proteins, since no evidence of activation of other signaling pathways exists (112).
Purification of DNT has proved to be difficult (238), and the field has been advanced most rapidly by the application of molecular biology. The gene sequence for DNT was first identified in B. pertussis (222), although expression of a recombinant DNT was first produced from B. bronchiseptica (170). The two proteins are practically identical. The start of the DNT sequence does not have a signal sequence, and there are no known accessory proteins that might aid secretion. Although it is possible that a novel mechanism for secretion exists, all available evidence suggests that DNT is only released on bacterial cell lysis (38, 153), and that DNT is released by dying bacterial cells to aid the remaining bacteria in an infection.
Intracellularly acting toxins often have two or three separate domains that mediate binding to the target cell, translocation of the enzymatically active part of the toxin across the membrane, and a catalytic domain (145). The only sequence homology to other proteins is in the C-terminal region of DNT to a similar region of cytotoxic necrotizing factor (222). This region is the catalytic site of both toxins, while the N-terminal regions of the proteins encode cell-binding and uptake functions (103, 122).
The role of DNT in bordetellosis remains elusive, in part, because its presence does not affect the LD50 of bordetellas for mice (226). However, the mouse is an unsatisfactory model for whooping cough (106, 159). In addition, DNT is produced by all Bordetella species and its expression is regulated like other virulence determinants (227). It also has a potent and specific activity. It is likely that DNT plays a subtle role, perhaps affecting bacterial clearance or immunity both to Bordetella and other pathogens. The ability of DNT to suppress immune function might be expected for a toxin that interferes with the normal functions of Rho proteins. Such effects would facilitate the secondary infection that is usually found in Bordetella disease. In addition DNT has a direct effect on bone formation as is discussed later. Thus, most observers now believe that DNT has an important but undefined role in pathogenesis.
The importance of DNT in the pathogenesis of turbinate atrophy in pigs is more clearly established. This property of DNT was first suspected when Hanada et al. (76) showed that repeated intranasal inoculation of piglets with cell-free sonicated extracts from virulent B. bronchiseptica that contained high levels of DNT could produce nasal lesions similar to those seen in naturally occurring atrophic rhinitis. This view was supported by the comparison of a naturally acquired DNT− strain of porcine origin to a DNT+ strain also of porcine origin (131, 132). The mutant showed a similar production of adenylate cyclase-hemolysin and at least one adhesin (132). It exerted identical virulence in mice and colonized the nasal cavity of gnotobiotic pigs in a number comparable with the DNT+ strain, but only pigs infected with the latter strain developed turbinate atrophy. The slight possibility that other unknown differences between the strains could have been responsible for turbinate atrophy has been addressed by the use of genetically constructed isogenic DNT− strains. The parent and the mutant strains of B. bronchiseptica each possessed similar virulence for mice (134), but turbinate atrophy was only observed in pigs infected with the DNT+ strain, and not in those infected with the DNT− strain (S. L. Brockmeier, K. B. Register, T. Magyar, A. J. Lax, G. D. Pullinger, and R. A. Kunkle, submitted for publication). These data strongly suggest that DNT is required for the induction of turbinate atrophy in pigs that is linked to B. bronchiseptica infection.
Tracheal Cytotoxin
The production of tracheal cytotoxin is a common characteristic of Bordetella species (32, 64). Tracheal cytotoxin is a disaccharide-tetrapeptide derivative of the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall that both structurally and functionally falls into the muramyl peptide family. Unlike most other gram-negative bacteria, B. pertussis releases a large amount of this glycopeptide into the culture supernatant, usually during log-phase growth (32). Exposure to purified tracheal cytotoxin specifically damages ciliated epithelial cells, causing ciliostasis and extrusion of these cells (33, 64, 65). It has been demonstrated in hamster trachea epithelial cells that the lactyl tetrapeptide portion of the molecule is responsible for its full toxic activity (130). Tracheal cytotoxin also has a toxic effect on other cells, impairing neutrophil function at low concentrations with toxicity found in larger quantities (40). The toxicity conferred by tracheal cytotoxin is caused by the induction of interleukin-1 in host cells (82), which activates host cell nitric oxide synthase leading to high levels of nitric oxide (NO) radicals (81). NO destroys iron-dependent enzymes, eventually inhibiting mitochondrial function and DNA synthesis in nearby host cells (82). The role of B. bronchiseptica tracheal cytotoxin has not been examined in detail. Dugal et al. (45) reported that a heat-stable substance of low molecular weight produced by B. bronchiseptica, possibly the tracheal cytotoxin, could induce ciliostasis of the tracheal epithelium with a concomitant accumulation of mucus.
Virulence Proteins Delivered by a Type III Secretion System
Type III secretion systems have been found in several gram-negative bacterial species, including bordetellas. This enables transfer of a set of bacterial proteins across the bacterial and the eukaryotic cell membranes, and thus facilitates the delivery of virulence factors directly into target cells. These systems consist of a secretion apparatus and an array of proteins released by this apparatus (34, 230). Yuk et al. (236) reported the presence of a cluster of type III secretion genes (bscIJKLNO), and demonstrated that the bvg locus regulated expression of bscN that is presumed to be involved in providing energy for type III secretion. Mutation of bscN led to several phenotypic alterations, including decreased cytotoxicity toward cultured cell lines, implicating Bordetella type III secretion in pathogenicity. bscN-mediated secretion is required for persistent colonization of the trachea in a rat infection model. Further observations suggested that type III-secreted products of B. bronchiseptica interact with components of both innate and adaptive immune systems of the host (237). The mutants elicited higher titers of anti-Bordetella antibodies upon infection compared with wild-type bacteria. Type III secretion mutants also showed increased lethality in immunodeficient mice. Furthermore, B. bronchiseptica induced apoptosis in macrophages in vitro and inflammatory cells in vivo, and type III secretion was required for this process. At the same time, Winstanley et al. (231), examining B. bronchiseptica isolates from dogs and cats, found no correlation between the presence of type III secretion genes and the severity of respiratory disease and concluded that different clinical manifestations may be due to variations in gene expression or host factors, rather than the absence or presence of type III secretion genes.
The Regulation of Bordetella Virulence Determinants
Early experimentation with bordetellas showed that the main virulence characteristics were regulated in two ways: first, by an apparently irreversible phase shift in which virulence was rapidly lost upon repeated subculture (126), and second, by antigenic modulation whereby these characteristics could be reversibly controlled. The switch between the antigenic modes could be triggered by the addition of different salts or by cultivation at lower temperatures (113), or by nicotinic acid (192). B. bronchiseptica has a similar mechanism (155). The two switches are linked, with the loss of virulence on subculture resulting from in vitro selection of an infrequent mutation (114). This mutation occurs in a global regulator locus (bvgAS) that responds to environmental conditions (143, 206). The BvgAS regulatory system has been comprehensively reviewed (11, 36, 189, 198). A region of six cytosine bases at the promoter is clearly vulnerable to replication error, and insertional frameshift mutations have been identified in this locus (206), which would give the opportunity for reversion to the virulent phase. The bvgAS genes constitute a His-Asp phosphorelay relay system that regulates a wide variety of virulence determinants. Transcription of the bvgAS genes is controlled by four promoters, three of which are bvg-regulated. BvgS is a membrane-located histidine kinase. It is not known what signals BvgS responds to in vivo, although temperature is one possibility. BvgA is aspartic acid phosphorylated by BvgS and is a transcriptional activator that binds to the promoter elements of the regulated genes (177). It is interesting that the FHA gene is activated several hours prior to activation of toxin genes due to the differing affinities of phosphorylated BvgA for the respective promoter elements (188), implying that adhesion takes place before aggressins are expressed.
The BvgAS system regulates all elements of adhesion (FHA, pertactin, and fimbriae) and the dermonecrotic and adenylate cyclase toxins as well as the type III secretion system (Fig. 3); tracheal cytotoxin is not regulated by Bvg. In addition, several genes are repressed in the Bvg+ mode, the so-called vrg or bvg-repressed genes (109). These include motility (3) and the urease gene in B. bronchiseptica (140). The in vivo role of the vrg genes is unclear, as indeed is the role of bvg modulation. The various possibilities are discussed in some depth by Bock and Gross (11), who point out that B. bronchiseptica and B. pertussis express quite different vrg genes, and also that these genes, and bvgmediated modulation, may either have a role in environmental growth or in some as-yet not-understood aspect of pathogenesis. B. bronchiseptica, among the Bordetella species, is able to survive and even grow, among nutrient-poor circumstances, and at a temperature as low as 10°C (167, 168). Cotter and Miller (35) demonstrated that the Bvg− phase is advantageous for persistence under nutrient-limiting conditions compared with the Bvg+ phase. Furthermore, modulated B. bronchiseptica showed enhanced adhesion to ciliated porcine nasal epithelial cells in vitro (172) and gave increased colonization of the rat nasal cavity (18). B. bronchiseptica may have an environmental phase where the bvg-regulated virulence factors are redundant and not produced. At the same time, the increased adhesive ability coupled to reduced expression of virulence at reduced temperature might be beneficial for establishment in a host species and evasion of host defenses. In particular, this could lead to the establishment of a chronic infection. However, identification and characterization of the presumed adhesin and a better understanding of the potential role of modulated or phase-locked strains in vivo would be required to prove this hypothesis.
Virulence Determinants Expressed by P. multocida
P. multocida was one of the first bacteria to be linked to disease and then tamed by a vaccine, in Louis Pasteur's seminal work in 1881. Since then surprisingly little has been learned about its virulence. P. multocida causes two serious animal diseases in the developing world: fowl cholera and hemorrhagic septicemia in cattle. In the West, it is a major determinant of atrophic rhinitis in pigs and is the most common cause of infection in wounds inflicted by dogs and cats. Resurgent interest in this bacterium has led to new developments which should greatly aid further analysis of virulence, namely the publication of the complete genome sequence of an avian strain of P. multocida (139) and the application of signature-tagged mutagenesis to identify in vivo expressed genes that are likely to be important in pathogenesis (56). Nevertheless, the best understood virulence determinant in P. multocida is still the dermonecrotic toxin. This virulence factor is only found in a limited set of strains, mainly of porcine origin. Since this is of crucial importance in the disease of atrophic rhinitis, we discuss it in some detail.
The Effects of P. multocida Toxin
The discovery of PMT is linked to atrophic rhinitis research. The early suggestion of a role for P. multocida (71) was confused by the difficulty in correlating P. multocida presence with disease in the field, and resolved by the discovery that only some strains produced a toxin. Intraperitoneal injection of crude or partially purified extracts from toxigenic P. multocida, or purified recombinant PMT, also induced hyperplastic changes in the liver and urinary tract (25, 116, 182). This led to work using cultured fibroblast cells that defined its function in cells. The way that PMT acts on cells has been reviewed recently (115).
PMT has a novel mode of action and acts as a very effective mitogen, or growth promoter. PMT stimulates quiescent nongrowing Swiss 3T3 cells to undergo DNA synthesis and subsequent mitosis at low picomolar concentrations (178). It can also induce anchorage-independent growth in Rat-1 cells (86). PMT is extremely potent; it induces DNA synthesis equivalent to stimulation by 10% serum and is active at a far lower concentration than known growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor, or neuropeptides such as bombesin. Like other toxins, PMT affects the regulation of intracellular signaling pathways. However, it targets a different set of signaling pathways from any other toxin.
PMT stimulates signaling cascades linked to phospholipase C (PLC). PMT action activates PLC to generate cellular diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3). The former leads to the membrane recruitment and activation of protein kinase C (PKC), which in turn leads to phosphorylation of the MAR-CKS/80K protein and other targets (203). IP3 binds to receptors on calcium stores to induce the release of calcium (204). The released calcium binds to and activates effector proteins, most notably CaM. There is considerable evidence that PMT activates the PLCβ isoform of PLC via activation of the heterotrimeric G protein Gq, which is usually activated by membrane-spanning receptors. Murphy and Rozengurt (151) first suggested that PMT and bombesin might share a common mechanism. Direct evidence for G-protein activation was provided by using nucleotide analogues (151), and injection of cells with antibodies against Gq or Gq antisense cDNA that specifically blocked a PMT response (229). Similarly, antibodies against PLCβ1 blocked PMT action. Recently, Zywietz et al. (239) have added PMT to cell lines deficient in the α subunits of either Gq or G11 (two closely related members of the Gq family), or both, and shown that Gq but not G11 is involved in PMT-mediated stimulation of inositols. PMT action does not affect cyclic AMP concentration (178) suggesting that neither the Gs nor the Gi protein is targeted. PMT indirectly activates the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases ERK1 and ERK2 (112). Activation is Gq dependent but PKC independent in HEK 293 cells (195).
PMT also stimulates signaling pathways linked to the cytoskeleton (111). The toxin induces actin stress fiber formation and assembly of focal contacts, leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of the focal adhesion kinase p125FAK. These changes are brought about by a signal transduction pathway that involves the Rho family of small GTPases (111), and which still functions in Gq-deficient cells (239). Rho is known to transmit signals through several effector kinases. The Rho kinase (ROK) is involved in p125FAK activation (215). The details of the pathway linking ROK to actin stress fiber formation are known (202). In endothelial cells PMT induces an increase in cellular permeability and cytoskeletal rearrangements via the Rho/ROK pathway (49), which may explain some of the induced pathology. PMT action leads to phosphorylation of p125FAK at the autophosphorylation site, Tyr397, a high-affinity binding site for the Src kinase, resulting in association of p125FAK with Src and its subsequent prolonged activation (215). These two tyrosine kinases each phosphorylate multiple substrates and promote proliferation (10, 223). A summary of the signaling pathways stimulated by PMT is shown in Fig. 2.
PMT is an intracellularly acting toxin (178) that undergoes a significant structural transition at about pH6 (200, 201). Such a transition might be functionally important for membrane translocation, as in other intracellularly acting toxins. PMT is thought to bind to ganglioside receptors on the cell surface, and may enter cells via non-clathrin-coated pits (165), but little is known about its uptake or possible processing. Toxin binding and cell entry are unlikely in themselves to lead to any cellular effects, since a PMT molecule with a cysteine-to-serine substitution at position 1165 near the C terminus showed no loss of structural integrity (224) and could bind to and enter cells (M. R. Baldwin and A. J. Lax, unpublished data), but was totally inactive including toxicity in animals (224). PMT is a large (146-kDa) protein (117, 164), and analysis of its protein sequence has provided valuable clues about function. A hydrophobic region near its N terminus is predicted to be helical (169). These properties are typical of a transmembrane region, and this region shows significant homology to the transmembrane region of the cytotoxic necrotizing factor (122). Recently, introduction of expressed C-terminal fragments into cells has been shown to induce DNA synthesis (22, 169). Addition of a large excess of N-terminal fragments blocked the activity of added wild-type toxin, indicating that the cell-binding domain is in this region (169).
The molecular target for PMT is not currently known, although the heterotrimeric G-protein Gq is one possible target. There is clear evidence that it is activated (151, 229, 239), and the observation that Gq but not the closely related G11 is involved in the PMT response (239) implies that activation involves an event that is specific for Gq. Since Rho protein activation by PMT is independent of PKC or Ca and does not require functional Gq (111, 239), Gq cannot be the sole target for PMT. Rho can be activated by several routes, and more than one may be involved. The heterotrimeric G-protein family G12, which comprises G12 and G13, signals to Rho via activation of a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, GEF115, to promote GTP binding to Rho and its subsequent activation (135). Alternatively, phosphoinositol 3-kinase interacts with G-proteins and can also activate Rho (23). Prolonged activation of such targets could explain all the observed effects (see also Fig. 2). The chemical modification induced by PMT has not been identified.
Regulation of PMT Expression
It was initially thought that a region upstream of the PMT gene was involved in negative regulation of its expression (164), but this turned out not to be the case (94). Further analysis of likely modulators of expression in vitro failed to identify any evidence of regulation (94), although it is entirely possible that regulation might occur in vivo.
Atrophic Rhinitis and Bone Metabolism
Bone is a complex tissue that is subject to constant remodeling throughout life. The two major cell types that comprise bone are osteoblasts, which form bone, and multinucleated osteoclasts, which are responsible for bone resorption. These cells are derived from different lineages: osteoblasts from mesenchymal stem cells, and osteoclasts from the monocyte/macrophage lineage (209). Various markers can be used to identify these cells and assess the stage of differentiation. Bone formation and resorption are known to be tightly coupled, and it appears that most systemic signals that regulate this process (e.g., hormones, growth factors, and cytokines) target osteoblasts, which in turn release signaling molecules that regulate control osteoclast differentiation and activity (209).
Bacterial Toxins and Bone Remodeling
It is clear that DNT from B. bronchiseptica and PMT from P. multocida have effects on bone metabolism. These have been investigated at various levels: (i) in the whole animal, primarily in the pig, but also some work in the mouse model; (ii) in bone explants; and (iii) in isolated cells. What happens in the experimental animal is most relevant to disease in the field, but it is impossible to analyze the molecular and cellular interactions in any detail. On the other hand, although working with isolated cells permits such analysis, it is not always possible to reproduce the in vivo situation. While early work used live bacterial infection, more recent work utilized bacterial extracts or purified toxins. There has been a much more thorough investigation of the effects of PMT than of DNT, partly because PMT is perceived as the main pathogenic factor in atrophic rhinitis and partly because it is more accessible experimentally.
The pig infection experiments with DNT-negative strains of B. bronchiseptica described above showed that DNT could cause bone resorption (132, 134). Injection of rats with a sublethal dose of purified DNT led to necrosis of periosteal cells and osteoblasts in calvaria and a severe reduction in bone matrix synthesis (91). DNT treatment of an osteoblast-like cell line inhibited the increase in the osteoblast marker alkaline phosphatase, suggesting that it blocked differentiation (90). It has not been established which of the Rho family proteins were responsible for these effects. It is also not known whether DNT acts directly on osteoclasts.
P. Multocida PMT and Bone Resorption
In experimental animals injection of PMT at a low concentration, below the lethal level of about 1 μg kg of body weight−1, leads to bone loss (116). It can also lead to proliferation in bladder and ureter epithelium (116, 182), as can experimental infection (95), but it is not known if such effects are found in naturally occurring atrophic rhinitis. Intraperitoneal injection of PMT leads to substantial liver and kidney damage, but it is unclear whether this is related to its mitogenic properties. The C1165S nonmitogenic mutant is completely nontoxic when injected at more than 1,000 times a lethal dose (224), supporting the notion that PMT has only one activity. Studies using in vitro organ culture models found that PMT induced bone resorption (50, 108, 205), but it was not clear whether PMT induced bone loss in pigs via the osteoblast and/or osteoclast.
PMT is a potent mitogen for primary osteoblasts (148; D. Harmey, A. J. Lax, and A. E. Grigoriadis, unpublished observation). PMT treatment leads to reduced alkaline phosphatase activity in osteoblast-like cells (148, 205) and also in primary osteoblasts (148). PMT also inhibits the ability of preosteoblasts to form mineralized nodules (70). It induces cytoskeletal rearrangements in these cells, thus highlighting the potential role of Rho family proteins in osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. We have recently analyzed this process in more detail and shown that PMT inhibits the differentiation of primary mouse osteoblast progenitor cells to fully differentiated bone nodules in vitro with a defined time window where cells are particularly sensitive to PMT (Harmey et al., unpublished). In addition, we have shown that PMT inhibits the expression of the osteoblast-specific marker genes alkaline phosphatase, Cbfa-1, and osteocalcin.
The effect on osteoclasts is less clear. Although it is generally accepted that osteoclast activity changes following PMT treatment, it is not clear whether this a direct effect of PMT on osteoclasts or via signals released by stimulated osteoblasts. There are data to support the latter view (149), though it is possible that both mechanisms are involved. Furthermore some studies have indicated that PMT leads to an increase in osteoclast activity (70, 101, 108, 136), whereas at least one other study suggests that PMT inhibits osteoclast function (1).
Thus, clearly there is much still to be done to unravel the mechanism of PMT-induced bone loss, not only in terms of defining the target cell involved, but also in identifying the molecular mechanisms involved in the osteoblast/osteoclast intercellular signaling.
The Interaction between B. bronchiseptica and P. multocida
There are three crucial stages in the pathogenesis of most infectious diseases: the pathogens must overcome the specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms of the host; they have to establish and multiply in or on the target tissue; and finally they should produce toxic or other harmful factors which are responsible, directly or indirectly, for the clinical signs of disease. As shown in this section, B. bronchiseptica and P. multocida, the two etiological agents of atrophic rhinitis, may share the tasks of fulfilling these stages.
Harris and Switzer (79) first reported that a type-D isolate of P. multocida failed to colonize the nasal cavity of pigs, but established and persisted if the animals had been previously infected with B. bronchiseptica. Since then it has been clearly established that toxigenic P. multocida needs some predisposing factor to colonize the nasal cavity in sufficient numbers to cause irreversible atrophy of the turbinate bones (161, 183). Gnotobiotic pigs infected with toxigenic P. multocida alone were colonized poorly, and only slight turbinate damage was seen at slaughter, whereas in mixed infections with B. bronchiseptica and toxigenic P. multocida colonization by large numbers of P. multocida occurred and severe disease was produced (183). Other predisposing agents have also been discovered. Intranasal pretreatment with dilute acetic acid was found to successfully enhance colonization by toxigenic P. multocida in experimentally infected pigs (160). Histological changes were not detected in the nasal cavity 6 days after acetic acid treatment, and it was reported that acetic acid caused only transient modification of the nasal respiratory epithelium resulting in stagnation of the nasal mucus, which was presumed to make the nasal environment favorable to colonization by P. multocida (57). Aerial pollutants (e.g., dust and gaseous ammonia) can also contribute to the severity of lesions associated with atrophic rhinitis by facilitating colonization of the pig's upper respiratory tract by P. multocida (73–75). On the other hand, others did not find significant differences in the extent or frequency of conchal atrophy between ammonia-exposed pigs and controls, or in the frequency of isolation of toxigenic P. multocida from conchae and tonsils (5). In conclusion, B. bronchiseptica, which is highly prevalent in the pig population, still seems to be the most important predisposing factor, although other factors like chemical irritants and dust may also exacerbate the disease.
The ability of B. bronchiseptica to encourage P. multocida establishment and growth could result from a direct effect on colonization, by promoting direct bacterium-bacterium interaction to aid attachment, or by the induction of host damage that could lead to either enhanced binding or improved nutrient acquisition. Alternatively B. bronchiseptica infection could impair host response mechanisms, leading to better P. multocida colonization. There is currently insufficient information available to establish how many of these putative mechanisms operate, but there is evidence that several are involved.
Although the exact role for the array of putative adhesins expressed by B. bronchiseptica has not yet been clarified, it is clearly established that B. bronchiseptica has an outstanding capacity to attach firmly to nasal epithelial cells (235) and generate profound ultrastructural changes in the nasal mucosa (46). Tracheal rings either infected with B. bronchiseptica or treated with a cell-free B. bronchiseptica supernatant were reported to enhance P. multocida adherence, with the suggestion that tracheal cytotoxin was the important factor (45). Similarly, filtered supernatants of B. bronchiseptica sonicates enhanced P. multocida colonization in vivo (2). A further possible attachment mechanism is the so-called piracy of adhesins where pretreatment of ciliated cells or pathogenic bacteria with FHA can promote adherence to cilia in vitro and in vivo (219). Since P. multocida attaches poorly to nasal epithelial cells, utilization of extracellular FHA produced by B. bronchiseptica could contribute to its establishment in the nasal cavity, although this hypothesis needs further investigation. In summary, these observations suggest that B. bronchiseptica directly enhances P. multocida attachment.
The role of the B. bronchiseptica DNT in P. multocida colonization has been analyzed in some detail. Nasal colonization of pigs by P. multocida was substantially increased (by a factor of >104 CFU) by prior treatment with B. bronchiseptica (183) and resulted in an infection that persisted. A naturally occurring porcine isolate of B. bronchiseptica which did not produce DNT was compared with a wild-type strain for its ability to colonize and also to aid P. multocida colonization (26, 132). Later experiments used isogenic dnt mutant strains of B. bronchiseptica strains (134; Brockmeier et al., submitted). In all infection experiments using DNT-negative strains P. multocida colonized to lower levels (between 10- and 100-fold less) and declined after several days. An avirulent (Bvg−) variant of B. bronchiseptica was poorer at promoting P. multocida colonization than the dnt mutant strains (132). These results strongly suggest that DNT is the key factor that creates conditions in the nasal cavity most favorable for persistent colonization by large numbers of toxigenic P. multocida. Furthermore, these findings indicate that other virulence determinants produced by virulent strains of B. bronchiseptica may assist the growth of P. multocida in the nasal cavity but to a lesser extent than DNT.
It has not been shown whether DNT enhances P. multocida colonization by causing local tissue damage or by affecting immune function, though both mechanisms are likely to play a role. Lesions in the nasal cavity induced by monoinfection of pigs with DNT producing B. bronchiseptica, namely, severe hyperplasia and dysplasia of the epithelium, squamous cell metaplasia, loss of cilia from epithelial cells, marked fibrosis of the lamina propria, and a mild to moderate resorption of bone, are not seen in infections with the DNT-negative strain (132). It is unknown which, if any, of these histopathological changes might promote colonization by toxigenic P. multocida. In addition the specific cellular effect of DNT on Rho function has been shown to paralyze immune cells (87, 159; Mahon, personal communication) and this is likely to be important in the disease. The Bordetella factors responsible for the enhancement of P. multocida growth in the absence of DNT have not been investigated. However one distinct possibility is that released adenylate cyclase could enhance P. multocida colonization given its well characterized effect on immune function. Tracheal cytotoxin and type III secretion products might also assist in the establishment of P. multocida through impairing ciliary activity and the immune reaction of the host, respectively.
The enhancement of colonization occurs in both directions, since it is also clear that P. multocida colonization can boost colonization by B. bronchiseptica (180). It is known that PMT treatment can decrease the antibody response to bystander antigens (221). Indeed it appears that the combined action of B. bronchiseptica DNT and PMT creates conditions favorable to the growth of both bacteria, which are not reproduced by the action of either toxin alone. Three key observations support this hypothesis. First, in P. multocida infected pigs the wild-type strain of B. bronchiseptica colonized in greater numbers than the DNT-negative strain, although they colonized in similar numbers when given as single infections (132). Furthermore, there was no difference in colonization by the DNT-negative strain of B. bronchiseptica in single infections or in combined infections with toxigenic P. multocida. This suggests that the enhanced colonization of B. bronchiseptica in pigs infected with P. multocida depended on the presence of the B. bronchiseptica DNT. Second, infection with toxigenic but not with nontoxigenic P. multocida enhanced the growth of B. bronchiseptica (180). Conversely, colonization by a nontoxigenic strain of P. multocida was increased only marginally in B. bronchiseptica infected pigs, whereas the growth of a toxigenic strain of P. multocida was greatly enhanced (183). This suggests that it is PMT which increased the growth of B. bronchiseptica and that the enhanced growth of P. multocida in B. bronchiseptica-infected pigs depends on the presence of PMT. Finally, in pigs pretreated intranasally with dilute acetic acid, toxigenic P. multocida colonized briefly in numbers as great as those seen in combined infections with B. bronchiseptica before declining abruptly, although the importance of PMT in promoting P. multocida colonization was emphasized by the observation that colonization was less if PMT was blocked by antibody (24). The damage in the turbinates of such pigs was as great as in combined infections, yet clearly the induced pathology did not permit continued colonization by P. multocida in large numbers. In summary, damage from PMT does not by itself support the growth of large numbers of P. multocida but does enhance colonization by B. bronchiseptica so long as DNT is also present. Conversely, colonization by P. multocida is increased in B. bronchiseptica infected pigs as long as the strain of P. multocida is toxigenic.
Finally, do the two bacteria synergize to produce turbinate damage and the other pathology that is seen in this disease? The degree of turbinate bone loss in mixed infection experiments seemed to correlate with the numbers of P. multocida present and by inference with the likely quantity of PMT released (26), and it is known that PMT alone can reproduce the severe loss of turbinate bone that characterizes the disease (44, 96, 116, 182). It remains unclear whether Bordetella DNT synergizes with PMT to lead to greater bone destruction, or other pathological changes. While DNT directly targets and activates proteins of the Rho family by chemical modification, PMT is likely to activate Rho more indirectly, and thus perhaps more transiently. In addition PMT affects other cell-signaling pathways. The analysis of potential synergistic reactions could best be tackled in vitro using purified toxins, and this has yet to be performed.
The question remains: what is atrophic rhinitis? The generally accepted most important signs of the disease are severe and persistent turbinate atrophy, snout deformation, and, perhaps more controversially, reduced growth rate. At the present stage of our knowledge, PMT seems to play a dominant role in developing these characteristic lesions, and so toxigenic P. multocida is considered to be the primary etiological agent of atrophic rhinitis. On the other hand, a substantial body of evidence shows that P. multocida is unable to fulfill its role without predisposing circumstances, a set of imprecisely determined changes to the nasal mucosa that creates a niche suitable for the establishment of this pathogen. From this point of view, atrophic rhinitis could be defined as a multifactorial disease because several factors seem able to assist colonization of the host by sufficient numbers of P. multocida. It could even be classed as an opportunistic pathogen. However, the specific synergistic interactions between B. bronchiseptica and P. multocida support the notion that it is a genuine polymicrobial disease, which in addition may serve as a useful model system for more complex mixed infections. Nevertheless, even for this relatively simple polymicrobial disease, further research is clearly necessary to achieve a deeper understanding of the molecular interactions involved, which, in turn, may lead to novel therapeutic approaches.
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We dedicate this chapter to the late Richard B. Rimler, who made many contributions to the study of atrophic rhinitis.
- Atrophic Rhinitis - Polymicrobial DiseasesAtrophic Rhinitis - Polymicrobial Diseases
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